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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  April 5, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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hi there, thank you for joining us. we made id to friday. it's friday, april 5th. >> let's get it started. >> people are upset and they're disappointed. they're -- angry for one. i can't ever get away from this. this is permanent. this is never coming off. >> heartbreak for diehard a's' fans as their departure from oakland becomes a reality. how fans plan to deal with the void left behind by their favorite team. it's at some point, i get loss for words for it because i feel sorry for the way this is going to impact some of my co-workers you know. we saw how do we get through summer. >> it's not just the a's' fans that have a bone to pick
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with owner john fisher. workers speaking out in fear of what comes next. but it's not all sad and gloom this morning. while the a's leave, we still have the giants to root for. >> i think we have a good luck charm which is my son. >> go giants. >> their home open is today and we get you ready for the big game against the padres. we're live at oracle park all morning long. king street going to be filled with orange and black coming up later on today. aim gianna franco with all the fans getting ready to cheer on the giants. >> live all morning long and i'm nicole zaloumis and it doesn't feel like the start of the baseball season and the home opener because we had snow on mount mount diablo yesterday. >> isn't it crazy. >> stuck for awhile too reed. i have a view from my condo and i told the boys come over here real quick. watch jessica, that's snow. >> yeah, even up on mount tam in marin it just looked like armageddon hovering above the very top of the mountain. good
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evening everybody. aim reed cowan. a live look outside on this beautiful friday morning. it is a first alert weather day. even though we are twinkling light the jewelry box that we are in san francisco. and by the way we see you over the waters there in the east bay good morning to you as well. jessica, it felt a lot like winter that storm brought some pretty cold temperatures for april and even rain and hail and then the big word. "snow." i know, a little bit of everything. we checked off everything on bingo. the bay area peaks take a look at this. here's a look at the flurries that we saw coming down on top of mount diablo yesterday. and take a look at the conditions all the way down into the santa cruz mountains. the chp actually shared these photos you will see in just a second of snow-covered highway 35 and you will be able to see it in just a second behind me. there we go. these are the tire tracks through that slushy snow. the chp reminds drivers to take it slow especially during this kind of weather. but chp keep in mind we don't really get this weather that often. so as we take a quick look at what's happening for us today it's still a cool and cloudy day and we are still
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feeling the impact of that area of low pressure that moved in and it was a cold front yesterday. and as we wake up and head out the door today, take a look at this. we're still seeing some active weather all above us throughout our atmosphere in northern california. a lot of snow falling this morning up in the sierra as we wake up -- they wake up head out the door but back here in the bay, notice how some lingering showers are are still kind of flirting with us this morning. taking a look at the large picture real fast and areas of low pressure that work in a counterclockwise direction. the rotation still over us giving us different directions of the winds moving its way throughout the bay. dry conditions from san francisco north this morning into marin. drier if the north bay but yesterday a little bit of snow accumulate into peaks of the hills near napa and sonoma too. now stretching all the way down into areas like mount hamilton for example. there was plenty of snow yesterday. about an inch of snow on average that accumulated and now lingering showers taper off in areas like gilroy and the southern portions of the santa clara
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valley. now one of the impacts we all feel today leftover from the storm that came in yesterday is the cold weather. actually this morning one of the pas came in and was like it was chilly yesterday in richmond and yes it was. along the peninsula, this is a normal day but for the friends in the inland areas you also dropped down to the 50s and today a repeat of that. about 11 degrees below average in areas like concord. grab the jacket. definitely want it. gianna? thank you. let's talk about the freeways right now. and you still might have those lingering showers a little bit of the wet weather today. so be careful as you head out and about right now the bay bridge looking pretty good. and it is friday light for now. we'll let you know if that changes. live look here at the suspect system bridge both directions moving at the limit with no delays and smooth sailing over the golden gate bridge. not a lot of car out there just yet heading over into san francisco. if you are coming out of marin county, southbound 101 all the construction near alexander, through sausalito, heading over on to bridge all cleared and traffic moving along pretty well through there. we are
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seeing a few brake lights into the altamont pass this morning. that's to be expected for supercommuters but highway 80 and highway 4 and 101 all problem free. nicole. a's are playing the final season in oakland before skipping town. the team announced yesterday that it will make a temporary move to sacramento starting next year. the team's lease expires at the coliseum after this season. but management didn't accept the city's offer to extend it. the plan is to end up in sin city but the gnaw gnu vegas stadium won't be ready until at least 2028. so they'll be moving 85 miles away to sutter health park in sacramento. it's the minor league stadium and home of the river cats. the giants' triple-a affiliate. and it's smaller than what the team is a used to. it fits over 14,000 and compared to the coliseum's 63,000. but fewer than 11,000 fans showed up last season. the sacramento kings
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own the stadium and the kings' owner is a longtime friend of a's' owner john fisher. the team told us the financial terms of the agreement are private. >> i want to extend my thanks to vivek. not only a good friend. but a great business person. great associate. working with you guys has been a dream for our guys as well. >> we bring in reed cowan now. we have to ask ourselves what's going to happen to the people who depend on the a's playing in oakland and really for their livelihoods? we're talking beverage workers and other people who work at the coliseum. reed. >> they've kept it afloat for decades and they're our neighbors right and the union representing them says john fisher's abandonment of the team is a shameful move. andrea nakano talked to a longtime employee. watch. >> reporter: on game day, it's not just the fans that fill the coliseum. workers from all the ushers to concession stand
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servers are there to make the game day experience enjoyable. >> they come and see the games. but our service makes a lot of people come back. we are -- you guys can't come out here and do the jobs that we do. >> reporter: tony evans has been in the hospitality industry for 40 years. the last ten with the a's. >> all good things come to an end. but it didn't have to end so tragically. >> reporter: tony just knew the they was coming. >> i never had -- confidence in them staying because he really wanted to leave. he had been trying to leave for the last ten years. >> reporter: but he didn't think it would come so soon. he thought he would have more time to prepare for what's next. tony feels betrayed and abandoned with the a's moving to sacramento. >> what more can we say? it's like -- john fisher like -- okay. some of you guys have been loyal to the a's. for years and years. i just got in and i bought it and i don't care about you guys. basically that's what he's telling us. >> reporter: tomy says in of
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the workers are just like him. seniors trying to find a way to supplement their social security and those that are dependent on health care. >> at some point, i get loss for words for it because i feel sorry for the way this is going to impact some of my co-workers you know. how do we get through the summer. >> reporter: it's already been a struggle without any fans in the stands. fewer employees have been needed on game day. and fewer shifts means they don't earn enough points to qualify for health care. tony realizes it may be tough for a while, but the one thing he won't let fisher take away is hope for the future. >> opener is going to bounce back. i'm positive we're going to bounce back. so i'm not going to sit by. i just say we will see you later. >> so even though many saw this coming, there's sort of that finality in the area to the team's move out of oakland hitting a lot of fans hard. listen. >> people are -- upset. they're disappointed. they're -- angry
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for one, i can't ever get away from this. this is permanent. this is never coming off. >> the a's have been here since '68. and all my whole lifetime. and it is very, very sad. i -- you know, i don't dry man, but i was really -- torn up this morning. >> so as the a's button up deals in sacramento and las vegas there's still a deal that needs to be done in the bay. the a's bought half of the coliseum complex from alameda county in 2019. so the big question this morning is what are they going to do with their half? so here's what we know at this hour, the oakland roots and soul soccer teams will play in the coliseum next season but no sign of other major league players wanting to play there. the place is old but city officials are committed to revitalizing the stadium. stay with us for continuing coverage of the a's' move to sacramento and then to las vegas when we are not on air always streaming at and on our cbs news bay area app. well, while the a's are on the way out, we still have the giants to hold on to and the giants will play the home opener in san francisco today.
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>> yes, can you tell we're excited? first pitch 1 quarterback 35 this afternoon. against the padres. >> lauren toms joins us live in oracle park. it's a big day for the fans and players and businesses with the crack of the bat. good morning. >> reporter: yeah. hay gueyes. good morning. it's a chilly start to opening day out here but excitement is heating up here at oracle park and i may be one of the most excited fans out here today but local businesses are thrilled that baseball is back as well. my colleague max darrow spoke with one local business who says that good baseball is nothing but good for business. >> reporter: new banners are on the walls at oracle park. ready to welcome giants' fans for the 2024 home opener. and just about a block and a half away from the willie nays gate, he is eager to welcome giants' fans back to his restaurant, yummy plate. >> i can't wait. you cannot wait. >> reporter: like most
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restaurants and shops near the ball mark. >> this is the pa spa that that we cure. >> reporter: he is busier when it's baseball season. >> it's a big difference. it adds up about 35%, 40% when they're playing. >> reporter: and his numbers look even better when the giants are winning and fans fill the stadium. but that has been a bit of a challenge for the team in recent years. for the 2023 season, giants attendance was little under 31,000 fans a game. excluding 2020 and 2021 that's the second lowest the giants' average attendance has been since the giants moved from candlestick in 2000 to what's now oracle park but with a fresh squad including new players like lee and chapman andsomer and more, he think this is year could be a good one for his favorite club and therefore his restaurant. >> and we can't wait the see what they're going to do. i'm sure they're going to make a difference. >> reporter: longtime giants' fan brenda shares his optimism.
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>> pretty hopeful and i am -- you know, has been tough couple of years. >> reporter: she is bringing something special to the table this season too. >> i think we have a good luck charm which is my son. the sunday he's going to be attending his first baseball game. >> reporter: the new player she's most excited to see in a giants june form? >> have to go with lee for sure. >> reporter: taken him several years to bounce back from the effect of the pandemic but he says things are finally feeling pretty good. >> right now we almost there. not where it was before covid. >> reporter: so maybe the giants just needed a few years to turn things around too. reza certainly will be watching. >> go giants. >> reporter: keeping a good on his team in the hopes they knock some good business his way. >> reporter: now good baseball, good business, what we can hope for this year is a good season. now guys, this morning, even at the very early hour i'm not the only one here. there are crews prepping the stadium and prepping the seats and ground crews prepping the field behind
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me. all with the hopes that this year we have a great season ahead. >> lauren, thank you so much and nothing says baseball season like a parka and gloves. [ laughter ] >> hey, what's on the field behind you? >> a tarp. >> it's the tarp. just protecting the grass. all right. >> it's filled with water there as you can see. thank you for that report. the tarp crew is one of my favorite crews. >> really? >> oh my gosh, they go out there and when they remove the tarp and then you are like don't fall underneath and that has happened. >> it has. makes it for very interesting video. one of the closest races is ole finally come to a close. the latest results in the race for district 16 in the south bay. across the country millions preparing to watch the eclipse and the bay area we're no exception. still ahead, find
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time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. this morning, victims of last year's deadly mass shooting in half-moon bay announcing they're nile ago lawsuit against one of the mushroom farms where the tragedy happened. in january 2023, hundredly you allegely killed seven workers. the final count for the congressional seat societies evan low and joe smitten in a tie for second place. and former san jose mayor sam
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liccardo coming in first place. here's what's next. the two second place candidates can either request a recount or move forward and take part in a three way race in november. gianna? all right, let's take a live look of rain to start your day. but hey, jess, how long is it going to stick around? because i want -- i know you were talking about 70s and 80s potentially later in the week. >> i know. i know. mid next week is going to be gorgeous. trust me. we have to just get through today but hey we can start celebrating now. a lot more clear compared to yesterday and cloudy skies over into san jose as we wake up right now and throughout the bay area, we're all seeing cloudy conditions but the thing is, with the forecast as that system that brought in all that rain yesterday, it's still kind of hanging around california. that area of low pressure the center of it is still directly over northern california so we're seeing that rotation in full force with snow up in the sierra. and those showers actually sweeping
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to the south and our location because the center is just over california. so as we zoom in closer -- actually better yet a little bit further south first so you can see the full area of low pressure right there bringing in a series of showers off here but some of those could impact us this morning and we're going to watch the radar closely. luckily it's dry out there on the roads anywhere from marin all the way down into san francisco and all the way down into the santa clara valley mostly dry there there. gilroy, some light passing showers currently. this afternoon we'll continue to watch the pop-up showers impact some of the communities not all of us but not the worst idea to keep the umbrella at least nearby. unless you are okay with a quick passing shower and in that case forget about it. don't bring the umbrella see what happens. here's the afternoon hours in the east bay. a close eye on you guys this afternoon. because that's where most of the instability is going to happen. what i mean by that the most likely we're going to see the showers stick just in areas like concord and antioch and all the way over into livermore with light dusting at the peak of mount hamilton too with the snow.
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it's going to dry up more in the overnight hours tonight and we can see as passing shower tomorrow along the coastline. but it is going to look a lot better for us this weekend in the forecast leaving us with 50s though for the daytime highs both saturday and sunday. so keep that in mind if you are wanting to watch the padres lose to the giants this weekend. a lot of changes right around the corner. not until next week. the cold front moved in. we all noticed it yesterday and behind that system is just cold dense air and that's what's the forecast for us today. i mean low 50s into areas like livermore and upper 50s all the way over into the santa clara valley. it's going to take a bit for us to warm up but luckily we do. and heading into mid next week, high pressure moves its way back in. leaving us with drier conditions and sunnier skies and we're actually seeing 80s right around the corner for the friends in the inland areas forecast. cooler along the coastline and we're expecting 70s as early as monday and we'll hit the upper 70s heading into wednesday. flirting with the 80s but we don't actually hit it. we'll
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see a similar trend with partly cloudy skies until late next week. gianna? hey, let's talk your traffic as you head out the door on this friday and happy friday everyone. it is looking pretty good for the most part as you work your way towards bay bridge. live look here. hey, no delays right now. nice ride as you head over into the city. no metering lights just yet and again we're in the spring break traffic pattern. so that will certainly help. now as the day progresses, later on, maybe little closer to first pitch which is right around 1:00, at oracle park it's going to get busier at the bay bridge for giants' fans heading into san francisco to celebrate our home opener against the padres. so go giants and fingers crossed it's good game. it's going to be busy as you work around king street 280 extension heading on to king street. working your way into san francisco typically gets a little backed up on game days and then of course you are going to see that area in and around there surface streets near china basin pretty stacked up for folks heading over towards the game. so since it is opening day or home opener rather it's going to start a little bit
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earlier than anticipated and maybe consider using public transit. b.a.r.t. will get you there, you can take the embarcadero exit or montgomery and walk over to the ballpark. you can also use caltrain which takes you right to king street and just an easy couple of blocks walk over towards the ballpark. of course muni as well. lots of options and maybe save yourself some extra time if not maybe book that parking in advance on your favorite app. close to the ballpark so you can get there pretty quickly to enjoy all the fun of giants' home opener. all right. live look here at san mateo bridge. not a bad drive at all as folks work westbound over to 101. well, this latest spring storm will keep highway 1 closed near big sur and residents cut off until the weekend. caltrans closed the roadway that was damaged in last weekend's rains a section slipped away and fell into the sea. since then, the chp had set up convoys to lead drivers in and out of big sur. that's now on hold until tomorrow. so residents were warned they would be isolated for several days. that's tough. reed? all right, thank you g.
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time right now 5:21. countdown to lights out. we've got ways you can enjoy the big show in the sky for the approaching eclipse. and here's a live look outside on this friday morning before we head to break. we agood morning to all of you waking up just starting your day in san jose. we'll be right back. >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal.
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>> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ she got that dress with the extra money she saved
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using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app. morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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welcome back and we are now just three days away from the solar eclipse and where millions of people will be looking up as the moon casts a shadow across the middle of the country. so here in california, we'll be treated to a partial eclipse. and around the bay, there's plenty of viewing parties for the cosmic event. oakland's chabot space and science center holding a special party for the eclipse. they're inviting everyone to come and watch and take part in some special science demonstrations. sky gazers will also get eclipse safe glasses and have a chance to look at the interstellar spectacle through a telescope. >> reminds us that we are part of a much larger universe. that there are things that are going on out there without any human involvement at all. and that certainly is, you know, kind of fun to just stop and think about, you know, things off the earth. >> well, from the university here in the bay, the eclipse will start around 10:15 a.m.? last for two hours and
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remember, monday will be our last chance to experience a solar eclipse in our own backyard until 2045. so join us monday for eclipse watch our special coverage of the solar eclipse it all starts at 10:00 a.m. streaming on cbs news bay area and find us on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. reed? >> all right. thank you so much. 5:25 in the morning. as the a's reveal an oakland exit people in the next city of play have a message for the people of oakland. lauren? >> reporter: and it's opening day here at oracle park and all eyes are on a couple of new players. we'll bring you one player's story of how he's making an impact both on and off the field coming up. and a live look outside. this is the view of the city skyline as we take a look from the treasure island camera. li
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tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. and right now on cbs news bay area it is 5:29 and we are taking a live look here over towards the east bay. you can see oakland there just twinkling as we get up and ready for our friday. hey the weekend is here. but it's starting off a little murky, jess with the first alert weather day. >> i know, that system that came in yesterday that cold front is still leaving behind some impacts this morning. and we're seeing some lingering
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showers just offshore to potentially impact the coastline right around the corner. as we zoom out a little bit you can see the rotation in the area of low pressure. this system right here is the one that brought in all the showers yesterday on and off throughout the bay area and at times we saw hail and at times we saw a little bit of thunderstorm activity. but as we wake up this morning and head out the door, here's the good news, it's mostly dry for us throughout the bay area. just a light splash of showers up near fairfield and as we head south also seeing just some light showers into the santa clara valley. then all the way down into areas like gilroy with some snow up near mount hamilton still. this system is a cold front and it moves its way in from the gulf of alaska leaving basined some chilly temperatures for us yesterday. it was definitely noticeable in our inland areas compared to what? just three days ago with we were talking about 70s. now as we take a look at the daytime highs today still kind of reflects that. i'm sorry, cold fronts move in and usually leave behind cold weather for a little bit. 0s once again near san jose and concord and that puts us anywhere to around ten degrees below average in the communities. san francisco, similar trend. but we usually sit in the upper 50s and lower
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60s anyway and i'm actually going to drop this real fast and show you what's happening in the next seven days because there's some promising weather around the corner. we see a little bit more sunshine into our saturday forecast. 60s still holding on tight until sunday. then in our inland areas we start to warm up as high pressure moves in. monday and tuesday. giving us 70s in the forecast and then we're talking about 80s by late next week. and i'll tell you the reason why that's happening coming up in just a bit. but for now g, how are the roads looking out is there? they're looking pretty good over all jessica because they're dry. a little bit of a break here over the bay bridge. it's actually moving along pretty well no metering lights and also friday and we're still in the spring break traffic pattern. less cars and less volume on the roadways anyway. that will help later on though as that giants' game kicks off today at home at oracle park. things get busier at the bay bridge for anyone coming out to the game. now i'm going to zoom in over towards the altamont pass for supercommuters. good morning to you. if you are making that trek out of tracy. getting ready to start your day and travel into the altamont pass, well, that's already starting to get busy. and we're starting to see some red popping up on the sensors when
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i see red, that means speeds under about 35 miles per hour. so a little slow through there. not the case though as you take maybe you are taking 580 to 238 castro valley to 880 to the san mateo bridge. the rest of that all looks really good this morning. nicole? it's time now for a look at this morning's top stories. new video out of pacifica sheds a new light on a police shooting last week that left one woman dead. a warning, this video may be disturbing. police shot and killed her after they say she shot her adult son. the new officer body cam footage shows the woman attempting to drive away after allegedly shooting her son multiple times inside of an apartment. police say when they approached her car, she pointed gun at the officers from the driver's seat and that's when police fired. the woman died at the scene and the officers involved are now on paid administrative leave standard protocol while an investigation takes place. the son is expected to be okay. update on the war in gaza.
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president joe biden is urging israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to take new steps to protect the lives of palestinian civilians and aid workers. if not, biden warns the u.s. may shift its support for the war in response the israeli government says it will open more aid corridors in the war-torn region. former president donald trump is facing another legal setback. a federal judge decided not to throw out his mar-a-lago classified documents case. trump is charged with illegally withholding and concealing those classified documents after leaving the white house. the trial date has yet to be set. all right, let's come home and looking live at the coliseum. symbol of loss this morning. a's' fans, we know you are angry and heartbroken at the news of the a's' exit to sacramento. before landing in las vegas for good. now while that vegas ballpark gets built the a's will play at sacramento sutter health park. the stadium is the home of thegiants affiliate the river ats and it's smaller than what the a's are used to. we're talking about 14,000 seats
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compared to the coliseum's mammoth 63,000. this is the stadium this a's will play in after sacramento. the team hopes their new home in sin city will be finished and ready to play by 2028. now before they exit for the desert let's talk about what the a's mean to the bay area. a proud history. four world series championships. and a fan base that is second to none. this is what john fisher likely doesn't and will not get. the a's love runs deep for generations in families and because of the team's decision to move, this, this feeling you are about to listen to, is the result. >> the a's have been here since '68. and all my whole lifetime. and it is very, very sad. you know, i don't cry man, but i was really torn up this morning. >> so with all the hurt, and with all the disappointment will you drive to sacramento? sound off on x and use the
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#kpix to check in with you throughout the morning. so far 75% of you say no. not going to drive up to sacramento to support the a's. just too far. there's something interesting developing in sacramento too. lukewarm reaction you know, just like we've seen in las vegas. many say the a's should stay in oakland. >> you go to a's' games and you hear the chants let's go oakland. that can never be reciprocated. the culture is not transferable because west sacramento, we have our own respective culture and we should respect that. we are not oakland. oakland's culture belongs in oakland. >> i think it's exciting for the region. personal i think it shows to outside capital that our region is ready for another professional sports team. >> all right. so you mix those reactions in a bag and you come out with eh right? a boom for business if anybody shows up to watch a game. like our viewers said 79.5% of you say you won't but largely in the people are talking segment at
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7:00 on pix+ 44 cable 12. even people are not pleased with john fisher this morning. or yesterday morning. or the day before. [ laughter ] >> or a while. >> in general. moving forward every single day after this. i will say about that ballpark. it's beautiful. so for the 20% that are forever fans and they're going to make their way up there, at least they get a good game experience. i mean we know the oak cleveland coliseum has been a dump for a long time. this is not new. not like the last few years it starts to break down. over a decade we've needed a new ballpark. >> they've tried to put lipstick on it with the tree house and the food trucks which made it a almost l bit bitter. but it's the fans that really make what a's' games are fun. and why you go because it's a great vibe and there's nothing like an a's' fan sometimes at the games. even when there's not lot of them out there. you feel that energy. that's what i'm going to miss. so will they drive to sacramento? i wouldn't. i'd be angry too. >> to your point about john fisher, he's a businessman. right? and a lot of people may drill down in the coming weeks
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and months how oakland lost two teams and what has happened in our leadership in oakland. is there an absence of leadership that is business minded to keep grow and secure business in oakland? i think you are going to see that conversation as well. maybe even at 7:00 when we dive deeper into fan reaction and talk about politics and business and all things john fisher. stay with us for continuing coverage on air and on the website at and on our cbs news bay area app. well, may be the last season for the a's in oakland but hey, we still have the giants to root for. later today fans will be pouring into oracle park for the giants' home opener against the san diego padres. and it's a big day for fans and players. >> yeah, so let's go back to lauren toms live at oracle park. excitement is building and on this opening day, all eyes are on the outfield, lauren. >> reporter: yeah, that's right nicole. and just to add to this excitement is the energy surrounding brand new center fielder jung hoo lee, he was the star of south korea's baseball league and he's
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renewing interest both on the home field and for one local korean baseball league. >> people like to play baseball. that's best way to spend your weekend. >> reporter: for ryan dew, baseball isn't only a passion. but it's a cultural connection to his home in korea where baseball has exploded in popularity. >> baseball is -- it's one of the -- one of key sports that represent the united states. and along with our life between the united states and korea i think that we basically naturally adopted that culture. and korea, you know, adopted to the sport as well. >> reporter: today, he leads the bay area's only korean baseball league. >> and every saturday, we sweat together and we laugh together and we run together on the baseball field. and my weekend job became, you know, nurturing and growing this baseball organization. at the same time,
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i never forgot how to, you know, enjoy the baseball itself as a sport. >> reporter: and one giants' rookie is adding to the league's popularity. korean outfielder jung hoo lee. >> you are sitting at the dugout, you know, people -- go out there and play. we talk about him right? and that just -- that just unites us. >> reporter: the giants signed the korean star in december as one of the hottest new players in the mlb to the tune of $113 million over six seasons. he rose to fame as the center fielder for south korea's heroes. earning the title of mvp in 2022. and fans including dew are feeling the excitement. >> we, as korea, we always like to stick together. right? and but when he landed in san francisco bay area, that was like -- wow. did it really happen? >> reporter: he credits lee to an until in enrollment this season as the league adds a tenth team to their roster. >> i think it means a lot to everyone. and i've been
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playing here for 12 years. and i tell my wife that i'm not going to stop playing. >> reporter: taking his passion for the sport. >> we take baseball serious. [ laughter ] >> reporter: and the popularity of a new giant to bring a community connected through baseball. now dew tells me that this sunday, he and the rest of the members of his league are actually going to get the chance to see jung hoo lee play live in-person for a fundraiser for their league. they secured about 300 tickets in the outfield in the center field section right where lee plays. he's -- he tells me they're going to be bringing signs and energy and they're just thrilled to see the new favorite player live in-person this upcoming sunday. >> i need what you have this morning at 5:40 in the morning. lauren toms you are a ray of sunshine and you are juiced by baseball. thank you so much. good morning to you. >> got giants' fever and ready for it. >> longtime giants' fan too by the way. lauren -- i mean, diehard. >> okay so that jacket is not just a prop. this is from her
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extensive collection. >> born and raised yeah. >> i bet wearing the socks too. >> all right. honor of giants' opening day, we dug into our archives to give everyone a taste of opening day 1969. >> it could be a skeptic about the game of baseball but say what you will. there's something special about opening day. here at candlestick in a few minutes now the san francisco giants play the home opener against the san diego padres. something very different about opening day of the 35,000 or so fans who are just now beginning to fill candlestick park. i'd say maybe 15,000, 20,000 won't be back again until oh, say around world series time. it's the one day of the year where the names of willie mays and clarence gueston become synonymous. also something special about opening day. peanuts and popcorn and cracker jacks give way to plaid tablecloths and caviar and a battle of cabernet sauvignon. this is a society event. if and you want to see baseball fans
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somebody once said come on the second day of the season. not opening day. this afternoon it will be juan mar shell for the san francisco giants and he'll be opposed by a fellow by the name of kirby but it all doesn't make too much difference. it's still opening day and that's pretty much the story from candlestick park: ron, i have to go. my caviar is getting lumpy. >> it doesn't look real. >> no. >> i know all the people in the stands. right? like -- america's pastime. >> wow. we want do give a shout-out to the tv archive at sf state. we couldn't make moments like that happen without them. the group maintains our extensive archive and can you speak in that old timey voice. >> you bet i can. my caviar is getting lumpy. it's 5:42 in the morning. app system putting the brakes on hundreds of jobs. who's getting laid off and why. straight ahead. and it's april, but the ski season in the sierra is not done yet. up next, we'll tell you what you can expect if you plan to hit the slopes.
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and here's a live look outside before we head to break on this friday morning. this is the view from our mark hopkins cam. saying good morning to you sutro. and we hope all of you in san francisco have a
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a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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it's time now for the money watch report. the march jobs report just came in and
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it's much, much better than expected. the labor department reports u.s. employers added 303,000 workers to the payrolls and cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger joining us live in our next hour to talk about what the numbers mean. apple is laying off more than 600 employees in santa clara county according to the new state filing. the cuts at eight locations will go intofect may 27th. it comes just weeks after apple ended their project to build a self-driving electric car. the "san francisco chronicle" says the job titles include shop managers and hardware engineers. and wal-mart may owe you money as part of a $45 million settlement. a class action lawsuit accused the retailer of over charging for packed meat and seafood and bagged citrus and vegetables. customers who bought the so-called weighted groceries have until june 5th to file claim online. reed?
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now a live look outside on this friday morning. it is a first alert weather day. and what a couple of days it's been. snow still falling in the sierra. that means ski season continues into the spring months. >> super excited for it. it's nice of the winter come back for few more days. and you know, it's -- looking forward to getting warm again for some spring conditions. but we'll take what we can get. >> we're looking forward to hitting some of the favorite runs from the past. and some of our favorite vistas and enjoying the day. >> my goodness. we have a lot of great language on this broadcast today. caviar lumpy and beautiful vistas. most big resorts plan to stay open through the month and a couple of those include palisades tahoe. they hope to stay open through the month of may cha-ching for the people up there. >> yeah i mean it's always fun to go there up and have a good time especially later in the an. people are excited about that. jess. absolutely, let's take look at the radar this morning. because it's active up in the sierra right now. they just checked their snow pack and we
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are above average for this season. which is great news and i'm going to show you reservoirs coming up in just a bit. there's great news all throughout the state of california waking up and heading out the door this morning when it comes to all the snow and tall rain that we received. now as we take a look at the sierra, just a little bit larger on a scale the system of -- area of low pressure that brought in all that rain, this rain system, is still bringing in more showers for us as we wake up this morning along our coastline. and snow up in the sierra too. but for the most part, we're staying a lot drier compared to where we were at yesterday. some showers near fairfield into the sacramento valley. down into the santa clara valley some passing showers are currently impacting areas like gilroy with the hills just lighting up with some light snow close to mount hamilton. now this is the forecast for us heading into the afternoon hours. notice how hit and miss showers are still likely in the forecast especially off in the east bay. close to around lunchtime. these are going to be light showers that sweep throughout the bay area though and we're only going to see about 0.1 at max in areas like livermore and less impressive numbers up closer to napa and
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sonoma. now that system will continue to move its way out and we're left with dry conditions all throughout this weekend. it's going to be beautiful and it's going to be dry. we're going to see a huge warm-up into the forecast next week but the reservoir storage right now i want to mention this too. all above average which is amazing. anywhere from the south into shasta we're sitting above average and it's only going to get better once the snow pack melts and we're left with moreof that rainfall -- more of that snow pack melt lasting into our early seasons of summer and now as we take a look at what's happening for us back here in the bay today. the cold front that moved through yesterday left basined some chilly temperatures especially in the inland areas and a repeat of that today. it's dry and partly cloudy down into the santa clara valley this morning. you can see that live look behind me but today we're only topping off in the 50s. not that much different compared to right now in the 40s and 50s for our current temperatures. heading into early next week, high pressure moves in. and that's the good news for us. that's going to warm us up in the 70s by monday and tuesday. 80s by wednesday and thursday. with partly cloudy skies and lasting into
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late next week. gianna. >> the difference in temperatures just a few days. all right, well, today and grab that jacket and a little chilly out there and you might have the wet weather still. but the freeways actually look pretty good and it is friday light and live look ear at the bay bridge toll plaza. no metering lights just yet. in fact, they're not turned on now and traffic looks really good as you work your way over into san francisco right now. so enjoy the nice conditions while you can. it's moving along really well overall. we are tracking some brake lights westbound 80 as you work your way towards the macarthur maze. there's a broken down vehicle slowing things down but once they clear that out of lanes hopefully things will get a lot better and it's right around emeryville heading over towards that 80 connector getting over to the bay bridge. also tracking a slow ride for soup commuters. good morning to you if you are coming out of tracy getting on to 580. that is starting to bog down just a little bit. now headed into san francisco, looks like it's a little slow northbound as you head 280 extension into san francisco. it's really going to slow down later on as the giants' home opener today we've been talking about and getting excited about that. takingen the padres and first
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pitch is right around 1:005. there's going to be a lot of people out there probably a couple of hours before the game actually starts. so give yours some extra time and king street will be busy and surface streets in and around china basin consider using public transit. b.a.r.t. will get you there and you can take montgomery or embarcadero, that will get you over towards the ballpark and just walk over. also caltrain lets you right off king street there. a couple of blocks as you walk to the ballpark and of course muni is an option. book the parking in advance to save you some time. but overall, it's a pretty quiet commute and i don't want to jinx it but it's certainly a nice time on the roadways. nicole? time now 5:51. the madness returns tonight with the final four taking the court. up next, the road to the women's national championship game. and here's a live look outside before we head to break. let's head to the roof and take a view of the bay bridge there off in the distance. it's looking pretty good right now. but later on, going to be filled a lot of
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giants' fans coming into san francisco. here's another view of the city skyline from our treasure island cam. and as we say good morning to you on a friday. we'll be right back. ♪♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic
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march madness is nearing the end and we are down to the final four teams in both the men's and women's tournaments. let's start with the women's side. playing out in cleveland tonight. caitlin clark will be back on the court alongside her iowa hawkeyes. clark has caught the attention of fans nationwide this season. with her prolific scoring. she's the all-time ncaa scoring leader for women's or men's basketball. and here's the games in the women's tournament this afternoon. first we have south carolina facing nc state at 4:00. followed by iowa and uconn at 6:30. the winners will play for the national championship on sunday. and the men play tomorrow out in arizona. now it was a rough trip to the grand canyon state for the uconn men's team. the defending national champs experienced some delays and mechanical issues with two of the planes. they ultimately took a red eye flight to arizona pulling in early yesterday morning. they do have a day to rest before taking on alabama tomorrow. and they're going to be playing at
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5:50. and nc state and purdue facing off earlier in the day at 3:00. the national championship game is set for monday. so let's put our brackets into perspective here at kpix. and you can see some of our crews' scores on the screen here. darrell johnson with 95.7 the game is leading. no surprise there. how about this g? up near the stop. sneaky gianna currently tied for third place and you can see me a few notches below. just hanging out middle of the pack. i didn't want to intimidate anyone with my sports knowledge. i wanted to like throw something in there. reed, what a fall from grace. >> number one to almost last place. >> you were leading for so long. everyone here was like reed is like -- you know. >> it was an act of charity because i felt bad for julia who's at the bottom. >> you want today join her. >> show needed company. >> oh come on juliette. >> hang out at the bottom. >> i'm in the top five.
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>> what do you win? >> bragging rights. >> not a thing. >> nothing. but i mean, i've never won tournament. i kind of -- >> but you don't have -- you can't win. right? >> no, but i mean, again, brag rights. nicole. >> i want to know what voodoo liz cook is up to. this girl is not sports gal right? didn't she marry a sports guy though. >> maybe that has a little bit of influence. she does ton of research. >> she really does. >> you did a ton of research. >> i went -- like that. >> lucky. all right, 5:57. government just released march jobs report and we're going to be chatting with cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger about what these numbers mean to you and your wallet. coming up at 7:00 a.m. on pix+ 44 cable 12, more on how a's' fans are reacting to the team leaving oakland after the current season. we take a look at the comments that are appearing on social media. yes, live look outside before we
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5:59 am
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6:00 am
and gas station sushi. not banking. that's why pnc bank strives to be boring with your money. the pragmatic, calculated kind of boring. moving to boca? boooring. that was a dolphin, right? it's simple really, for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has had one goal: to be brilliantly boring with your money so you can be happily fulfilled with your life... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. thank you, boring. thank you for joining us this morning. it's friday, april 5th. >> so let's get it started. >> people are upset, they're disappointed. they're -- angry for one. i can't ever get away from this. this is permanent.


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