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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  April 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. >> the residents of antioch deserve to live in peace. we don't need punks showing up at our doorstep destroying the piece. >> there is a plan to crack down on the side shows that disturb the peace. we breakdown what he says is the best
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approach to fix it. the silicon valley battle on the ballot for a seat in congress becoming a real bay area nailbiter. we will drill down on the race for district 16. let's start with breaking news. a tough day for oakland a's fans. the need team announced they reached a deal with the sacramento kings to play at sutter health park , that for the 2025-2027 season . the kings of the majority owner of the sacramento river cats. the parks home team. the announcement comes after negotiations with the city of oakland failed . city leaders reportedly offered the team and near $100 million , five-year extension to their current contract. but we know the a's said they were too far apart with the city to make a deal
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happen. in a statment, the a's owner wrote, we explored several locations for a temporary home including the oakland coliseum. he said we understand the disappointment this news brings to our fans, as the season marks her final season it looks like it will not happen. it is devastating. >> we know we saw a lot of fans in the parking lot of one of the last games and saying they would not go in and some fans chose to go in. knowing now that the team will not play the next season in sacramento, do you think fans will be in the parking lot more and not support in the seats?
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>> probably. i was out in the parking lot and i did not go in. the a's ownership , have not invested in keeping the team in oakland. the idea of putting the ballpark on the waterfronts of a great, but too many variables to try to get the project done. the only thing i would say is that it is fortunate they cannot get a deal , to stay three more years in oakland because the vegas thing, is supposed to happen . they have not won of the tropicana yet. sacramento is positioning itself. you have political leadership in business leadership together and everyone seems to be on board to get the a's to play. and if the project fails in vegas, sacramento is in a better position than oakland to bring the team back. i am frustrated with -- that we
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cannot get the stadium momentum in oakland. >> we appreciate you dipping in and put the seatbelt on and be so careful when you merge back into traffic. thank you so much for talking to us and to our viewers. the tropicana closed over the weekend and people in las vegas got their last chance to see the property and everybody was on site said , it is being torn down soon . in october. a live look across the bay and you can see the other big story. the rain is here and jessica you are saying we have some snow in parts. look at that. the rainy weather is putting a damper on oakland's first fridays come back. organizers are postponing his return because of the weather. it has been on a three-month hiatus and we have to wait longer. they say they are working to make it happen next friday but if not, they will pick back up in may. let's go to big sur. authorities are closing highway 1 and you can see why. a lot of damage. on the other side of the white line. part of the highway slipped away and fell into the ocean. the chp had been leading one-way convoys to get people in and out of the area but those convoys have been suspended for today and tomorrow as the rain is
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expected to move in. that means residents and businesses are cut off. the local chamber of commerce said the shutdowns have eliminated about 80% of big sur's workforce leading to losses of more than $1 million a day. that is a situation. we are seeing the rain come down. in the cities of oakland and san francisco. and now we are talking snow. >> it is crazy. we have snow in a higher elevated areas like mt. diablo and mt. tam and into the santa cruz mountains and all the way throughout the rest of the bay area in the lower elevated areas, we see plenty of rain at sea level. and higher. into the east they we go, valejo in oakland into concord, moderate rain falling. you see the split with a light rain on the back end closer to tiburon , stretching into san francisco. but this has been the picture for us all morning long. with active weather widespread throughout the bay area and snow falling heavy up into the higher elevations near mt. hamiliton and we will continue to keep you updated. they are expected to see an inch of
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snow accumulate from the storm. the first major band of rain will continue to slip to the east throughout the next couple hours and we are left with unsettled weather. around 2:00 or 3:00 we see more cloudy skies with some splashes of showers here and there. there will be times when we see heavier pockets of rain come in, into the overnight hours tonight. early morning hours tomorrow we see a similar trend. this will dry up in time for the weekend and i will time that out for you, coming up in your first alert forecast. this morning, firefighters made it successful rescue from a burning home in san francisco sunset district. crews rest of the seen him 44th avenue about 7:00 this morning. they found a woman hanging out of the front window with smoke billowing out. then they got up on this latter to get her in the dog out of the building. we can tell you one firefighter slipped on that latter during the rescue . nobody was seriously hurt. the home has
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aged damage but fortunately, the fire was contained to just that one singer structure. time for a look at the other top stories this morning. students and teachers are hoping for a calmer day of petaluma middle school. yesterday police arrested two students who reportedly lit a firework inside a bathroom at kenilworth junior high just before noon. the sound of that explosion caused panic on campus. led to an evacuation, while police searched the school. we talked to a parent who arrived to pick up her daughter in the middle of the whole thing. >> she definitely said she saw kids running and there were some kids that did try to leave campus. out of fear, not out of kids that had done anything wrong. because that can definitely be something that will trigger nervousness. >> police say the firework was heavy-duty and compared it to a commercial grade explosive device like a m 1000. the students were arrested for multiple felonies including possession of an explosive device. and vandalism.
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let's look live at our state capitol where there is a push for a new bill that could give cities and counties more control over those autonomous vehicles, including the ability to ticket them. the south bay state senator cortese introduce the new legislation. the number of communities appear to be knit backing it up like the city of oakland, san francisco, san mateo county. it comes in the wake of several safety incidents involving crews robotaxis in san francisco. it pushes underway in antioch to crackdown on illegal sideshows. the effort comes after police broke up this large sideshow last weekend and entry more than 200 participants. they say the best approach is to stop sideshows before they start. and that includes the recent placement of physical barriers at intersections where sideshows frequently happen. the mayor is talking up a proposed ordinance that would allow police to go after those who organize. >> the residents of antioch deserve to live in peace and we do not need prongs like this showing up at her doorstep disturbing the peace. the sideshows are dangerous. we have had sideshows that have
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killed people in the city of antioch. >> the ordinance on prosecutions of organizers will be brought up at a council meeting next month. offenders would face up to six months in jail or a $1000 fine. let's talk about the district 16 race in silicon valley. we know that former san jose mayor sam liccardo is a felony to replace return congresswoman anna eshoo. the question of who sam liccardo will face off with is the real headline maker this morning. here is the headline. it is a type. look at the numbers on your screen. evan low and joe simitian are deadlocked at exactly 30,249 votes each. each of them trailing ricardo by five percentage points. to beat sam liccardo, they need the other person's vote. san mateo and santa clara counties will issue their official results for that election by 5:00 p.m. today but we know a lot of you are wondering what
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happens next . apparently it is up to the candidates to decide whether they can request a recount. otherwise, it will be a three-way race in november. listen. >> state law basically says that when there is a tie for the two positions that we are talking about right now, the two will go to the november election so there will be a three-way race for the congressional seat. >> a candidate requesting a recount must cover the cost for it and there is no assurance a recount will go in that person's favor. looking live over san francisco, the crowded race for mayor and the city has another high-profile politician throwing his hat in the ring. after months of speculation supervisor aaron peskin said he is jumping in the race. he is expected to make his formal announcement at a rally in chinatown this weekend. outside of him there are three other candidates trying to unseat mayor london breed. supervisor ahsha safai, former san francisco mayor mark farrell and daniel lurie. turning right on a red
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light is no longer a go in san francisco. were drivers in the bay need to play -- pay closer attention. ♪ ♪. the bay area bounce back with the beat . coming up the san francisco music on market street, expected to
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welcome back. it is 9:13 on a thursday. we have an update on what is happening around the bay. if you find yourself driving in san francisco you have to pay closer attention to where and how your turning. 200 no turn on red sides are being put up to save lives. this follows a program in place in the tenderloin. walk sf said 17 pedestrians died in san francisco last year. apparently downtown is where most of the injuries and accidents happen. sustainable traffic advocate ,
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says the tenderloin project is proof of these signs make streets safer. >> at the 50 intersections that they implemented no turn on red in 2021, 92% of drivers complied with the no turn on red sides. this works incredibly well. >> last year san francisco city supervisors voted unanimously to support a citywide ban on turning right on red. resolution has not yet been implementing. here is a live look at san jose were nurses working for santa clara county are entering the third and final day of protests. they are out on the sidewalks picketing. they went on strike demanding better pay, staffing and security. their contract expired in october. the county says it does offer competitive salaries. the county hired nearly 1000 nurses to keep essential services running. while they strike. now taking a live look outside on this thursday morning. it is a first alert weather day. downright soupy.
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jessica burch as your forecast. >> it is gusty and it is wet and we see snow and are higher elevated areas. this is like the best version of a first alert weather day we could possibly have this year. let's break apart the forecast and talk about why this is happening. this system is a cold front moving in from the north. daytime highs today will reflect that and we are topping off in the 50s for a daytime highs. to add to that we notice widespread showers all throughout the bay area at this point. this band of rain moved this way and slowly throughout the peninsula and it is impacting the east bay with moderate rain. try to that for
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the higher elevated areas we see some snow. let's take a quick look at what is going on for friends in the east bay. a lot more active weather compared to the coastline. early this morning we saw the exact same and all the y with gusty conditions anywhere up to 20 or 30 miles per hour. into this year, not sierra. to mt. tam and into mt. hamiliton we have been seeing snow all morning long at the pizza we will continue to see that as we head into the afternoon our today. the first bit of rain moved through and it is tracking to the sierra giving them plenty of snow as we head into the afternoon our today
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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♪you're the one that i want!♪ nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. time for your money watch report. wall street had a mixed closing midweek , early this money stock futures rose slightly but there are fears on the trading floor that inflation will not drop as soon as everyone hoped . let's see where the markets are. in
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positive territory and we like to say that. keep in mind, the new york stock exchange is hours ahead of us so at noon and 3:00 we will dip in and have a full wrap-up about how the markets closed. to small businesses pushing for action. this is how this works. the trump era tax change drop rates for american companies. but the code is set to expire at the end of next year. but only for small businesses. the 2017 provision cut taxes for larger companies from 35 to 21%. smaller companies also at the time saw a reduction from 39% to 28%. the national coalition small business for america's future urging lawmakers to not let the long lapse for small businesses. they also say the tax cut needs a revamp or they are doomed. ♪ some talented bay area kids and their leaders ready to rock. coming up, how children
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in san jose a learning to put on a show and do it fast. what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan, like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare a good choice for people on medicare? it's smart for you to have now... i'm 65. and later on, for the future you... i'm 70-ish. it's really smart. hey, looking good. you made a great choice for us. with this type of plan, see any doctor or visit any hospital that accepts medicare patients.
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this week's bay area backstage takes us to san jose where kids are rocking out and ready to light up the montgomery theater at cmt school of rock musical. >> that is rock 'n roll. >> reporter: they sing, they act. they also need to know how to rock. san jose's children musical theater will be taking on school of rock for the first time. and four members of the cast are in the band. cj, donny, hope and falcon. will be playing six to seven songs live leading the show. some learning to play their instruments just months ago. >> i learned this for the show. >> reporter: balancing a busy rehearsal schedule in the middle of being just kids.
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>> soccer, this, band. crazy. >> reporter: artistic director of cmt and school of rock, says see these kids handle all of this responsibility in a marquee show is impressive. >> we tried to teach extra skills whether it is tap dancing, maybe it is singing more classically trained or learning how to sing pop. in this case we are so proud that our young musicians have brought their instruments into a studio and some having played very little , if at all. and they have been able to create true a magic. ♪ >> reporter: the adults that star in the show, they think so also. >> the kids are fantastic. it is so much fun. >> reporter: that is cj any stars as do we . his role was made famous by jack black in the movie. but on broadway, he was made famous by alex bregman. a bay area native
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and cmt alum. was also nominated for a tony for his role as do we. >> alex started here when he was 10 years old and through that time he grew into a remarkable performer. obviously. he reminds me so much of the kids i get to work with in this production. the fact that they really believe in going the extra mile. just as he has always done. >> reporter: from band practice to full cast rehearsals, these kids are ready to rock. and celebrate the power of music. so fun. that is it for the news at 9:00. next "the drew barrymore show". for more local headlines, including weather, join us on our streaming service cbs news bay area. triggering for someo
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ne? ross: because it is.? like, when you're looking at the side by side, that is just triggering. [applause] [music playing] announcer: please welcome drew barrymore and ross mathews. that's so cool. oh my god. we're so excited, yay! ok, everybody, fun fact.


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