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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  April 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. new concerns along this crumbled stretch of this coastal highway. the new warning and travel restriction as we get ready for even more
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rain. racing to rescue people trapped in the rubble. the latest efforts as taiwan deals with its strongest earthquake in two decades. two tales in san francisco. one, a tourism rebound and the other, empty offices and storefronts. we asked what is really going on. thank you for joining us today. i'm elizabeth cook . we start with a new evacuation warning in place for people south of the road slip out in big sur. the worry, more damage because more rain is coming. anne makovec has that and other news headlines.
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>> they are telling people to get out now if they can. they only have about one hour to evacuate before the road closes at 4:00 p.m. the county says convoys to get people in and out of big sur going to be put on hold because of the incoming storm. residents and essential workers have relied on that convoy since a storm last weekend knocked a piece of highway 1 near the rocky creek slip out into the sea. they are warning people that do not evacuate that berkeley turned over this park last year and closed it off as a construction site. today, they heard oral arguments in a case brought by two groups opposed to the building. the a's leadership visiting sacramento today in their quest to find a temporary home after this season. no deal was reached yesterday between the a's and the city of oakland to extend their current lease and the coliseum.
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first alert weather now, cloudier and cooler outside today. you can feel it. meteorologist jessica burch is tracking this. >> as of yesterday's record, all of the sierra is sitting above average for our snowpack this season which is pretty impressive. last season was even more impressive with 17 atmospheric rivers throughout the state of california. this week, we have more snow in the sierra but it is not an an atmospheric river. it is low pressure dipping down, impacting us tomorrow. that
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system will bring in lots of rain for us tomorrow morning but starting off today with a cool, cloudy feel. that will be the case all throughout the afternoon as winds sweep in from the north. we are gearing up for that rain to impact us tomorrow morning with some moderate pockets of rain at times. this area of low pressure moving in from the gulf of alaska. we can see snow in high elevated levels too stretching over to mt. hamilton just by lunchtime. we will continue to watch the first band of rain sweep into the sierra throughout the afternoon hours. this center of low pressure is just offshore and it swirls its way into central california heading into the evening hours on thursday, early morning hours on friday, leaving behind unsettled weather. you will mostly see
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cloudy skies and a splash of showers at times as we start to clear up heading into our weekend forecast. remember when i just said this system is moving in from the north? it is cold, cold dense air and it will change the forecast. let's take a look at today. we are expecting upper 50s and lower 60s in san francisco across that cloudy bay bridge into oakland . upper 50s all along the peninsula with 60s anywhere from livermore all the way down into the santa clara valley. watch what happens into the next seven days. of course we cool down with that surge of cold air moving in from offshore. our forecast leaves us with upper 40s and 50s throughout the bay area. into the rest of the weekend, we start to warm up and dry up. high pressure builds in and we are left with sunshine and 70s next week. it is about 6:00 a.m. in taiwan right now is crews survey the damage from that powerful earthquake that killed
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at least nine people and injured more than 1000. they are still rushing to try to save people from collapsed structures, highways and tunnels. this video shows the moment a building fell. dozens of people are still trapped in all that rubble. this video shows the aftermath just hours after that quake hit. you can see huge buildings left leaning near the city of hualien. the quake hit as commuters were making their way to work and school. the impact of this was so strong that it even caused landslides and was felt in neighboring china. authorities issued tsunami warning's in taiwan and japan. both have since been lifted. we were at sfo this morning as passengers arrived on a delayed flight from taipei. passengers we spoke to describe the moment the airport started shaking. some said everyone to cover when it happened. >> you could see quite a bit. >> it shook about 15 seconds
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but somehow it seemed a lot longer. the meeting room and hallway were empty. just ran into the street. >> if you have a planned trip to taiwan, make sure to check with the airport you are departing from. as we look toward spring and summer here in san francisco, there is good and bad news to report. we are seeing more tourists, which is helping the local economy but you can't ignore the empty offices and storefronts and the businesses dealing with crime. our jose martinez spoke to businesses that depend on tourism to see what is going on. >> san francisco's tourism industry is experiencing a renaissance. among those benefiting, this restaurant nestled along the embarcadero. >> we have this amazing corridor, very wide. we have people coming from all over the
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world. we have many hotels nearby. people like to walk around. >> he is the manager of this spanish restaurant located on pier five for over 10 years. he says the influx of tourists has played a pivotal role in their success in recovery from pandemic. >> our business, our industry, when we don't have the foot traffic or reservations, it is boring. we need a lively environment. we are really excited and very hopeful that it will ramp up. >> according to the san francisco tribal association, it is a reality. they say the city has attracted a record-breaking 23.1 million visitors in 2023. from 2022 to 2023, there was an 82% increase in hotel bookings. that is things to big events at the moscone center and the aipac conference, visitors spending $8.8 billion. in a statement, scott beck, san francisco travel president and ceo said san francisco's tourism recovery efforts continue to make steady progress, attracting more conventions and events to the city is a key
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focus to san francisco travel , even a citywide impact on san francisco's economy. the key driver behind the surgeon tourism is the city's strong convention calendar. >> put traffic on the corridor, especially in spring and summer, we can see it is happening. it is coming back. >> in 2023, the moscone center hosted 34 events and tracked in delegates from around the world. this increased convention activity and that translated into significant gains for san francisco's industry. these two friends reunited at the conference here. one is from l.a. and the other one from vancouver, canada. >> honestly, my entire experience from start to finish has been pretty fantastic. >> i have been here about six hours now but i can't complain. a beautiful day out and great food and drink. i will come back. >> more local people are going back to work in the financial district, meaning more local customers too. >> there are more offices coming back. you can see more of the office crowd. not only in this area at all over the financial district.
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>> san francisco tries to rebuild tourism, it is still dealing with other economic challenges like the offense vacancy rate of 35%. that is according to real estate firm cbre . still ahead, pairing home seekers with homeowners. the bay area program helping people find the right match in a competitive housing market. scammers taking advantage of pet owners at their most vulnerable moments. how to avoid becoming a victim.
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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teachers working with the san francisco unified can now apply to live at this brand-new housing development in the works. the village will prioritize sf usc staff . it is the city's first 100% affordable housing for teachers. lottery applications are open to the san francisco housing portal. the development is set to open this fall. in this competitive housing and rental market, one bay area nonprofit is helping to pay home seekers with homeowners. it is a win-win for both sides. the matches may not be what you would expect. >> from the country of turkey to the united states of america, it has been quite the journey for this adventurous
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nomad at heart and wanted to explore a new city to call home. the new san francisco resident toward the usa bit before landing in the bay area. >> i was living in florida. i decided to move to san francisco. >> the move was a risky one. without a big budget, securing safe housing became a stressful challenge. according to zillow, the median rent in san francisco is over $3000. that is over $1000 more than the national median. >> it is kind of complicated if you don't find an apartment or room in san francisco. it is a big city with lots of immigrants. >> then, there was glenn. >> the two appear to be unlikely roommates, one in his 90s, the other in his 30s but the arrangements make sense things to home match, a nonprofit that helped glenn and elian find each other through a
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customized approach. luke barnes more says the housing program is beneficial for both parties. >> home providers are older adults living at home alone and struggling financially or with social support to be able to remain in the home. by renting out that additional room, increasing the income, have somebody around , maybe that just means you have somebody to say hello to in the morning. >> elian needed a safe place to call home and glenn needed extra cash to pay his monthly rent. that is why the arrival was a relief. >> i moved to san francisco in 1971, right into this apartment. this is my first and only apartment in san francisco. >> glenn says there was no reason to ever move from his apartment since he lucked out with a rent-controlled space and elian, culturally has deep respect for his elders does not mind at all. with housing
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prices being so high, acquiring a private room was the best choice for him. >> i am here. i am so grateful. >> elian is not the only roommate at glenn's place. sydney the parrot, who has his own whistling soundtrack to the household, welcomed him to the neighborhood. >> that is his kiss. any type of attention he will take. >> as they share stories with one another, elian says he is grateful. >> so far, so good. >> a good match for a comfortable home. >> home match has also partnered with the mayor's office to expand its services across san francisco. name a business, any business and chances are a scam artists have figured out some way to target consumers of it. now, some are even using our pets as bait. we spoke with one
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dog foster who is sounding the alarm about scammers after she became their target. >> i got every type of dog toy any dog could enjoy. i've got clothes. i've got treats. >> rachel has been fostering dogs for years but her worst nightmare became a reality when her latest foster pup sid slipped out of his harness want
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to come back. i was very close to believing some of the scam texts. >> and text messages shared with cbs news, one scammer claimed to be associated with animal care control and said they had found sid but the group's executive director says similar spoofs have happened before. >> in every case that we have heard of, the scammers have sent will call you and say, hey, the microchip comes back to you, we have your dog says
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reunited and ready for his next chapter with his forever family. never share personal or financial information. reunification groups don't ask for payments until after the dog has been safely reconnected with its owner. experts also recommend microchip in your dog to make sure it is detectable by local shelters and some even
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recommend training your dog off leash and getting a tracking device like an air tag. big-na music artists trying to put tech companies in check. they say artificial intelligence is harming their industry. - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... - lift the clouds off of... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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some big names in music are calling out tech companies when
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it comes to ai or artificial intelligence and the rights of performers, including 200+ names like stevie wonder, billie eilish and nicki minaj send an open letter. one of the big issues they are bringing up is ai's ability to learn from consent while pointing out several concerns. letter also knowledges that ai has some interesting creative possibility. >> ♪ >> one of the less controversial uses of ai in recent months is this beatles song title now and then. the track and music video were created with a little help from ai and in this case, the surviving members of the band welcomed the help. streaming music is about to
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get more expensive. spotify is increasing its monthly subscription cost by $1 for individual users and $2 for family plans. this, according to a new bloomberg report. it also says new pricing tiers will offer things like better audio quality and even audiobooks. the price increase is expected later on this year. as we look toward our next round of rain, we are looking at the likelihood of a spring super bloom. when nature lovers can expect on california's hillside. you can watch us anytime, anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. catch all of our live newscasts and weather updates throughout the day. you can find us on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist.
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- [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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is it too late to find yourself in the path of totality? with clouds eclipsing cities, there will be an influx. that story is coming up on the cbs evening news. coming up tonight at 5:00, we meet two bay area moms who helped create a fun way for
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young people to show how they care about the planet. they are this week's jefferson award winners. after years of drought last year, we finally saw wildflowers super bloom's up and down our space. now, nature temperature, fairly steady rainfall, really set us up to have a pretty good super bloom. >> state parks officials remind visitors to stay on designated trails when checking out the super bloom's and not to pick the flowers even though it is very tempting because they are so beautiful. the cbs evening news is next on kpix and local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. i >> norah: tonight, the new allegations surrounding the israeli strike that killed aid workers. >> we were targeted, deliberately. did not stop until everyone was dead in this convoy. >> norah: strong words from philanthropist and chef jose andres, accusing israel of purposely killing seven world central kitchen team members. beco this looks like it is not a


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