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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  April 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the afternoon edition.
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right now, a live look at the oakland coliseum where the a's could decide to stay for little bit longer. good afternoon. i'm ryan yamamoto. today, the a's are meeting with city officials to try to reach a deal to keep playing in oakland. here is the problem right now. as of right now, their leaves ends after the season. the city is reportedly offering an extension to the a's for five years with a price tag of $97 million. the a's are hoping a new stadium will be ready for the 2028 season in las vegas but they need a place to play until then. the team would reportedly have to have an opt out option after three years if the new stadium deal is done in time. a's hands we spoke to have mixed emotions about the team. >> i believe that the city should not back down. if the a's don't want to work with them, they need to leave. >> we can just a here with no franchise, no baseball . it
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would be devastating to our community. >> the a's have been looking at sacramento and salt lake city as possible interim all parks. as for the a's potential move to las vegas, these are the renderings of the new $1.5 billion ballpark. the a's are already pushing forward with a mood like hiring the same company the raiders used to oversee ticket sales. the new stadium will be at the site of the tropicana casino resort. the hotel shut down its doors for good today after welcoming guests for more than 67 years. that hotel will be demolished in october. for continuing coverage on the a's and their potential move to las vegas, stay with us on air, our website at, streaming on the free cbs news app. in santa clara county, thousands of county nurses walked up the job today for a planned three day strike. this is video from st. louis regional hospital in gilroy. the county says many elective surgeries and appointments have already been rescheduled and all emergency and critical services are still open at the system's three hospitals and
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more than a dozen primary care clinics. it brought nearly 1000 nurses into keep essential services running during that strike. >> unfortunately, we have now had to take money and put it towards this essential coverage and that is money that we don't have as a system. >> the county is facing a $250 million deficit. the last contract expired in late october. the nurses union says the county has not negotiated in good faith on issues like staffing and employee safety. in the sierra nevada, governor newsom joined the final snow survey of the season. it is a key indicator for future water supply. this morning, they recorded 64 inches of snow depth. that is about 113% of average for this location. april survey is critical for water managers as it is considered the peak snowpack for the season. let's get a check of our weather right now. here is a live look outside toward downtown san jose. another beautiful day on tap but changes are on the way. let's
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check in with meteorologist jessica burch. >> some clouds hanging off the coast with sunshine into our inland areas. that is the forecast with 70s and store. daytime highs in our inland areas too. once we head into wednesday, we start to see some clouds just ahead of a cold front that will move in , heading into thursday. this cold front is interesting. it will bring in temperatures down into the upper 40s and lower 50s for our daytime highs by thursday. it brings in a series of showers and such cool temperatures and higher elevated areas like mt. hamilton. we might see a little splash of snow and it will be snowing into the sierra too him this same storm system. the good news is, once that system moves its way through, we are only seeing rain and then it starts to clear up. friday, it is clear. daytime highs will look a lot different into thursday. like i mentioned, upper 40s and lower 50s. compare that to what we have today. today is gorgeous. we are seeing 70s once again near concord and antioch , low 70s
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in redwood city. we dropped 10 degrees over the mountains over to half moon bay and then write down into the santa clara valley we go. 76 for our daytime highs near san jose. is similar trendier los gatos into the afternoon. now to the latest after the middle east. an american is among 78 workers killed in the israeli strike in gaza. they had been delivering food with the world's central kitchen, a charity started vice liberty chef. israel says it is investing and natalie brand is following the latest developments. >> that humanitarian workers were killed hours after bringing a new shipment of food into northern gaza. one of their vehicles appearing to take a direct hit. the world's central kitchen has now suspended its aid work in the world -- war-torn region. >> israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu , called it a tragic case of israeli forces' unintentionally hitting innocent people, saying this happens during war.
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>> one of the victims has been identified as australian. australia's prime minister is demanding accountability. >> this is a human tragedy that should never have occurred, that is completely unacceptable. >> chef josé andres posted on social media that he is heartbroken, saying the israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing and stop using food as a weapon. world central kitchen said it had coordinated its movements with the israeli military. his charity had built a makeshift pier, shipping hundreds of tons of food into the gaza strip as the u.n. warns of famine in the region. >> they have been doing extraordinary brave work. >> secretary of state antony blinken addressed the strike while traveling in france. >> they show the best of what humanity has to offer. they have to be protected. >> prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu says he is in contact with the governments of the killed workers and will do everything he can to ensure this does not happen again. the seven killed are from australia, poland, united kingdom, a dual citizen of the u.s. in canada and a palestinian. still had at noon and is streaming on cbs news bay area, a new plan to revive downtown san francisco. why some say reopening market street could be the answer. autism in young girls is often undiagnosed. i'm michael george with why it is happening and what doctors say parents should k
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a live look ident in san francisco where leaders and business owners are trying to figure out how to revive the area.; to reopen market street to cars. kenny choi has more on this latest push. >> when mohammed walks down market street, it is hard for him to see the transformation of a once bustling area of san francisco. >> it is empty, just like it has been. if you come from before, nobody in town. >> decade-long planning effort banned privately owned cars from traveling on the corridor two months before the onset of the pandemic. buses, bicycles, taxis and commercial trucks now have the green light. >> before, it was alive and we
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see a lot of traffic. we see activities. you feel yourself like you are in new york. >> oasis grill opened its market street location in 2014 and has several years left on its least -- lease. the restaurant is bringing up 30% of the revenue used to generate. reopening market to all vehicles is an initial step to bring in more people. >> more visibility for your business. when people are driving around , they will see more. >> for lease signs and empty storefronts abound. some banners even solicit ideas to reshape the city. san francisco municipal transportation agency executive director jeffrey tomlin has concerns about a push to reopen market to cars. >> the current configuration of market street is extremely beneficial for safety and for people walking and biking. >> data shows since closing market in january 2020, severe injuries dropped by 40% while travel times on transportation
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along the route were reduced by 14%. >> economic recovery requires bringing people to the downtown. that is what is needed. the challenge with putting cars back on market street is it displaces some of the people who are already there. >> like fernando, who now cycles to work along the stretch. he also believes investments besides reopening the thoroughfare can be made to attract people to the area. >> we have seen that when we allow citizens to walk, those areas do very well. >> sf mta has added more than 100 loading zones on cross streets to facilitate getting people close to market street. despite the ongoing struggle to fill seats and tables, they remain hopeful for a revitalization. >> we don't know when but i am sure, 100%, it is coming back. >> it is unclear how long oasis grill can keep its doors open.
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>> san francisco's office vacancy rate climbed to 36%, hitting another record high this month. that is according to real estate brokerage cd re:. compare that to the 4% low the first quarter 2020. tesla posted its first annual drop in sales since the first year of the pandemic. the worldwide delivery vehicles was down 8.5% in the first quarter compared to the same quarter a year ago. delivery of volume was far below expectations. tesla partially attributed the decline to the factory shutdowns due to problems getting parts from china and europe. let's get a live look at wall street right now. a big drop. it is down about 400 points. a lot of those first quarter earnings are being announced today. let's give you a live look outside looking out at alcatraz. a little hazy out on the water but for the most part, a beautiful day on tap. let's check in with meteorologist jessica burch.
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>> it will be another sunny day for us today with 70s for our daytime highs heading into this afternoon. it reminds me of yesterday or the day before for easter sunday where we are heading the upper 70s near livermore, stretching down into the santa clara valley. a lot cooler along the coast. half moon bay in the low 60s. that is the case for our friends in san francisco. the pollen count is still high so keep that in mind. it is a gorgeous day and you will want to get out there. you will also want to take it slow and take good care of your lungs . we are mostly seeing sunshine in the forecast today with coastal clouds lingering around into the early morning hours. it actually fills the bay and then we are left with cloudy skies all throughout our wednesday set up as we gear up for a cold front swirling in from the northwest. this will bring in a series of showers for us in the bay area with heavy pockets at times and a lot cooler weather to the point where we could see some snow accumulating at the peaks close to mt. hamilton and up into the
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sierra too . that will be our thursday forecast. once i cold front moves through, we are left with drier conditions heading into friday and a light splash of showers heading into saturday with that area of low pressure moving in from the north. it is bringing in cooler weather. let me drop this and show you what the next seven days are looking like. we go from the 70s to the low 50s, upper 40s just by thursday. areas like napa and sonoma are expected to hit 49 degrees for our daytime highs heading into thursday. low 50s throughout the rest of our inland areas. after that cold front moves through, we start to have a child. sunnier skies by saturday. right back to the 70s heading into next monday. that is our inland areas. let's take a quick look at the bay. all of us will be hand in hand with the low 50s just into thursday. online today, half moon bay and san jose are seeing a big contrast but we will all see similar weather.
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coming up, for the second time ever, a person tests positive for the highly contagious bird flu. what we are learning about the rare case and the risk to humans. you can watch us anytime, anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. catch news and weather updates throughout the day. you can find us on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. i'm going to be honest with you. this is the first time i have been excited to unboxed a scale. this is a smart scale that is going to measure so much more than your weight. this will help us sain stain -- sustain and maintain a healthy lifestyle things to everything else that it measures. after i had my son, i realize that the number on the scale was only one small spark -- part of measuring good health. you download the app and this will measure your body weight, of course, but also your skeletal muscle rate, things like your basal metabolic rate, your muscle mass, your body fat, bone mass. you name it. the thing that i really love is the body water
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and body age. interesting. easy to use like any scale. you step on it but step on it with bare feet and it sends a signal through your body. the signal can more easily move muscle than fat. everything is on my phone. i can take this to the doctor and show him the trends so i have everything with me at all times. this is such a great deal. we are offering 38% off - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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- [narrator] behold the new churro twists at round table pizza, our most decadent dessert, baked in a flurry of cinnamon sugar and paired with a sumptuous caramel dip. an odyssey of flavor just- - enough fine words. this feast cannot wait! - right. available for a limited time only at round table pizza.
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on the healthwatch, for the second time ever in the u.s., a human has contracted bird flu. texas health officials say the person had direct exposure to cows that presumably had the virus. a recent outbreak among dairy cows has spread to four states with a fit state reporting a possible case. >> this person has a very mild case, conjunctivitis. it is
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important to emphasize that it is not in the lungs, which is pneumonia. that would make it easier to transmit. >> while the risk to the general public is low, people and risk need to be concerned. infected cows are being isolated, their milk disposed of and officials say there is no risk to the meat supply because they wait for the animal to recover. today is world autism day and we are trying to raise awareness that autism in girls is often overlooked. michael george spoke with a family about the struggle to get a diagnosis. >> 16-year-old kozy says when she was in sixth grade, she struggled in school and battled anxiety. neither she, nor her mother lisa knew why. >> it can be really hard to go through the struggles that make you different from other people without a reason. >> kozy was eventually diagnosed with autism. >> it really happened after three years or so of trying to
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figure out why some things in school were hard for her, why she was struggling. >> cynthia martin is a senior director of the autism center of the child mind institute. she says autism is often overlooked in young girls and even misdiagnosed. >> we see higher rates of diagnoses of anxiety or depression and the autism really gets missed. >> dr. martin says the reasons why can vary . sometimes girls may not fit the criteria of autism and girls tend to be better able to mask symptoms by mimicking friends' behaviors but getting an accurate diagnosis can be life-changing. >> knowing that it is coming from a neurodevelopmental disorder can really help them to better understand themselves and better navigate the world and advocate for what they need. >> while autism is more common in boys, it is important for parents and clinicians to pay attention to the signs and girls. if the diagnosis is missed, a young person could miss out on the support they need or develop other behavioral problems. kozy says her diagnosis along with
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therapy and medication have helped and she is encouraging other girls who were struggling to speak up. >> sometimes you can know yourself better than anyone else and you can be going through something and nobody else will know and if you don't talk about it and try to find the answers, then you won't. >> finding answers can make a world of difference. >> if a child is struggling to understand social rules or having trouble navigating conflicts with friends, an autism evaluation may be warranted. >> some of the planets tiniest critters are on the menu. the new restaurant that is creating quite the buzz and simon will be there, first in line.
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- it's so fun to watch jessica in this space. - this is a look at those clouds right now in real-time, but let's head underneath this cloud layer and take a look at our rainfall... - [narrator] the virtual view studio, part of "morning edition." weekday mornings starting at 5 on kpix.
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part of "morning edition." i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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finally, if it is not
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creepy and crawly, you won't find it on the menu. welcome to the first bug based small plate restaurant in london. courses of crickets showcase international cuisines. >> we want mexican dishes. we've got tacos. we've got barada. we got >> the bugs are packed full of protein and there is a perk for the claimant too. >> the insects are one of the most sustainable proteins on earth. we use 16 times less carbon compared to the beef. >> when compared to beef, experts say crickets have tripled the protein and 21 times more calcium. they are crunchy. they taste like flav . that is it
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so is pain, bitterness and resentment keeping you from your destiny? tim timberlake shares how to break free from past offenses through the power of forgiveness.
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[ dramatic music ] >> steffy: look, we love each other. and our family is safe and secure, so we don't have to think or talk about anything else, right now. >> finn: you're not worried about thomas and douglas being so far away? >> steffy: no. no, douglas is curious and he's intelligent. he's gonna be really happy. he and thomas are gonna have so much fun in paris. >> finn: okay, but they've been happy here. >> steffy: look, is it gonna be an adjustment? yeah, it-- it will. it's gonna take some tim


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