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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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price hike for your order? what business owners are having to do to cope. a different battle of the bay. why sfo is up in arms over oakland airport's proposed name change. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. good evening, the asian justice movement will give the police a month to release the video of the moment 63-year-old woman was attacked and killed. it happened last year in the bay district. the police said it was an accident but the community did not buy t. now that the case is open many are still skeptical and they want to see the evidence for themselves.. >> reporter: no secret that attacks against asians increased especially among the elderly. there is one case that has people asking how seriously
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the justice system is taking it. >> i was born and raised here. >> reporter: he feels guilty that he has not done enough. >> that is aunt luly. >> here they are referred to aunt or uncle. >> that is why we don't call people by their first name it is a built in respect. that is why protecting our seniors is important. >> reporter: that is why images of asian seniors being attacked have so enraged the aapi community. last summer, 63-year-old woman died after being knocked to the ground at a bus stop in the bay view district. a month later, sfpd announced after reviewing surveillance video the incident was ruled to be an accident. and the case was closed. but, earlier this month, the same
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person who shoved mrs. woo was arrested for allegedly attacking a 71-year-old asian woman on gilman street five blocks away. >> now, hudson, other asian leaders are demanding the woo case be reopened and pursued as a hate crime. >> how many more do you have to attack for it to be a hate crime? do they have to have a tattoo that says i hate asians for it to be a hate crime? the more you don't address it the less confidence the community has. >> we want to understand what was the extent of the investigation and was justice served? we feel as a community it was not. >> we want you to know why you did the bear minimum to investigator this crime. >> reporter: at an event with the police chief bill scott and mayor london breed in
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attendance they demanded the city officials release the video. >> will it be you chief scott? or district attorney jenkins or you mayor london-breed? honestly i really don't give a -- [beep] -- who it is, as long as one of you become the leader that you claim to be. >> the asian community is usually supportive of law enforcement. so, they are shocked to feel that the police are not taking the threat seriously. >> that is why we want to see the tape. if you are going to say it was an accident, again, the public has the right and need to know what you consider as an accident. >> reporter: hudson says he is tired of hearing that the attacks are not racially most vatted. motivated. if you see people getting hurt maybe you should do something about it. >> they are reopening the case due to new evidence. they
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announced the video would be are released to the public but only after the investigation is complete. in a case that was officially closed nine months ago. >> when he reopened the case the police chief tweeted the sfpd does not accept violence and we take these cases very seriously. the death of woo is a tragedy. the sfpd will release the video in this case as mayor breed requested after the investigation is complete.. he did not say if they were investigating it as a hate crime. san francisco officials say hate crimes against the asian community increased by more than 500%. all right, take a look at this video a producer took. thieves hitting a walgreens. it happened yesterday. the footage shows them grabbing makeup and other items from the store at 9th and market street putting them in their bags. and this is
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what the store looked like once they left. so, the video was taken by one of our producers who was shopping at the store at the time. it happened around 4:00 in the afternoon. sfpd did not get there until after 8:00. four hours later. the police told us the store was closed and they could not take a report. we asked the supervisor his response on the incident. >> san francisco right now is in a historically unprecedented police staffing crisis. if we had fully staffed police department, we could have a robbery unit that was doing more enforcement around places where retail theft plays out. holding more people accountable and doing more to go after the fencing operations and, you know, the kinds of operations that make this lucrative. our jose martinez talked to people in the area about the rise in retail theft. he will have more on that tonight at 8:00. it seems like everyone from politics to business owners and people living in the city has
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an idea on how to bring downtown san francisco back to life. some are calling for market street to reopen to cars. kenny choi has more on this latest push. >> reporter: when mohammed walks down-market street it is still hard for him to see the transformation of a once bustling area of san francisco. >> it is empty. it is like -- if you compared to before, there is nobody in town. >> reporter: a decade long effort banned cars from traveling on the corridor two months before the onset of the pandemic. buses, bicycles, taxis, and commercial trucks now have the green light. >> before it was live and you see a lot of traffic, you see activity in the city. you feel like you were in new york. >> the grill opened its market street location in 2014 and has
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several years left on the lease. the restaurant is ringing up only 30% of the revenue it used to generate. he believes reopening market to all vehicles is a step to bring in more people. >> the more visibility for your business. but, when people drive around they will see you more. >> for lease signs and empty store fronts abound. banners solicit ideas to reshape the city. san francisco municipal transportation agency director has concerns about a push to reopen market to cars. >> current configuration of market street is extremely beneficial for safety and for people walking and biking. >> sfmta data shows since closing the market in january of 2020, severe injuries dropped by 40% while travel times on public transportation along the route were reduced by 14%. >> economic recovery requires bringing people to the downtown. that is what is
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really needed. and the challenge to putting cars back on market street is that it displaces some of the people who are already there. >> like fernando who cycles to work. he believes investments be sides reopening the thoroughfare could attract more people to the area. >> we have seen when we allow people to, you know, make it walkable, those areas do very well. >> they added more than 100 loading zones on cross streets to get people close to market street. despite the ongoing struggle to fill seats and tables, he remains hopeful for a revitalization. >> we don't know when, you know, but, i am sure, 100% it is coming back. >> reporter: it is unclear how long this grill can keep its doors open. >> san francisco office vacancy rate climbed to 36% hitting another record high this month. that is according to real estate brokerage. compare that
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to the 4% low in the first quarter of 2020. all right, trouble for united airlines flight that was turned around due to problems in the bathroom. it was coming to sfo from germany on friday and had to turn around. united said passengers were able to get on another plane and get to san francisco. by the end of the month oakland airport could be called the san francisco bay oakland international airport. they say travelers don't know where oakland is so when they come to the bay, many pick sfo by default. airport officials say they have been working on the name change since 2007. sfo is not excited about the name competition. >> we certainly understand their desire to attract more airlines and more passengers, but, we think there is a right way of doing it and we don't think this renaming is the right way to do it. >> sfo is concerned that people might not know which airport they are going to. airport code oak would remain as would most of the branding. the port of
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oakland will hold two votes that would confirm the name change. coming up, north of big sur why the limited traffic controls may have to shutdown. and, it is the highest minimum wage in the country. is it enough for the expensive bay area? uc berkeley experts weigh in on the new law going into effect today. and the good news in the first alert forecast you are about to get another day just as nice as this one. day time highs tomorrow are going to be in the 70s, nothing but blue sky. after that, we are going back to winter. by the time we get to thursday it is widespread rain and temperatures about 20 degrees cooler. we will track this approaching system, coming up after the break
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. a chunk of highway 1 by
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big sur fell down. for now, drivers are directed around the edge. this is near the rocky creek bridge. traffic is moving at two times of the day at 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. caltrans says convoys could be canceled. there is a chance of rain in the next couple of days, we will keep you updated on any changes, of course. we have dramatic footage of a cliff rescue. it happened last night by the sheriff's department after sending a helicopter to airlift someone who fallen 50-60 feel down in marin. >> don't let go, man, don't let go, okay. don't let go. don't let go. slide your left hand in here, brother. there you go. >> the man only had scrapes and declined medical attention. all right, from that let's go to darren peck to talk about our weather. sunny day, sunny tomorrow. you get to talk about
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the changes. no fooling, no april fools'. no joke. it will be a dramatic version of weather whiplash. enjoy tomorrow, it is a live look out our window. blue sky, temperatures in the 70s. tomorrow, no difference. let me show you why it will feel so different by the time we get to thursday. we are looking at air temperatures in the mid-level of the atmosphere. you see where we are. looking out at the pacific. watch the cold air, spilling out of the gulf of alaska and pileup by thursday. here is a close-up view of what it means. we are above average today and tomorrow, shaded in the orange. this is what it looks like. look at the dramatic change. just, on the color schemes by the time we get into thursday. let's do better than that and put numbers on the map. tomorrow's day time highs, pretty much, lower 70s. what i am going to do, we will say good-bye to that. you know what that feels like. here is how different it will feel by the time we get to thursday. some places, 20 degrees cooler. look
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back behind me at concord. we can just get specific. what does it mean for the actual numbers, what does it mean? everyone doing middle 50s. by thursday, let's gets back to the forecast imagery, because, when we take a look at how the system is going to time-out, we got to go back to the same source where the cold air is coming from. that is where the rain is coming from. that system does not bring the rain in here until we get to thursday. as we put it in the forecast model, watch the rain, right about the middle of the day on thursday. we kind of get on the widespread band of steady showers. so, like midday on thursday is when the best rain shows up. there is rain for both thursday and friday. friday's rain will be more scattered on-again, off-again, hitting the showers with, yes, you probably guessed it by now every time i say it this way, a chance of thunderstorms. it has been a unique winter in that way. so many of the system comes in here with the second phase and the isolated thunderstorms. we saw a fair share of those over the course
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of the weekend in the south bay. not everybody gets them. but, if you get them, it is a headline grabber. there is a severe thunderstorm warning for part of the valley on saturday. so, the possibility will be with us again on friday for that. if you look at the system as a whole for both days, thursday, friday, pick up anywhere from 8/10th of an inch of rain to 3/10th of an inch of rain. that is not a deluge, we are not concerned about flooding, it will be like the system that just came through. if you get one of the brief downpours and heavy rain you could have localized street issues but not worried about streams or creeks or anything like that. another foot of snow perhaps to the higher elevations of the sierra. we are not done with winter. at least not until, you know, well, i will not put an expiration date on it. thursday, friday, winter is coming back to the sierra. snow level down to 4,000 feet. that is pretty respectable for a system to be able to do getting snow that low. let's look at the seven-day forecast. we know that thursday and friday are
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going to have the more eye catching issues with rain. there is another system back here, though, look at sunday. so, sunday's system it does not look like much. on a technic cality there is a chance of rain on sunday. more on that, i know it is a weekend. it has a bit of importance to it. the bigger deal is right here. one other way to look at it, be sides the rain, if you look at the microclimates, take a look at the numbers, 75 tomorrow, 53 on thursday. all right. back to you. >> all right, still ahead, get out your lucky charms, cross your fingers, the powerball jackpot has grown to $1 billion. and next, south bay business owner on what the new $20 minimum wage
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. starting today most california fast food workers will get $20 an hour as the standard for workers at fast food chains with more than 60 locations nationwide. the new wage is almost three times the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. there you go. we talked to workers, business owners, experts about the change here in california.. >> reporter: it was another
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busy day for the workers. >> reporter: the orders come in and the food goes out. >> thank you. >> for a long time employee, nothing about the work changed today but he will see a bump in his next paycheck. he was already earning over the old minimum wage of $16 but now he will go up to $20. he said it will be good for some but not the bosses. he was talking about the family that built up the franchises in san jose and gilroy over the past 33 years >> it will cost us $4,000 to $5,000 more for store. if you time it by 12 looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> reporter: it feels like his industry has been singled out. >> that is the part that hurts us. not the raises but it was targeted at the restaurant industry in general. >> reporter: he says the stores are raising prices on some
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items boy 10-20 cents but they offer specials and coupons. scaling back hours and picking up the slack that jeremy and his father put in. >> i worked 14 straight days and i have not had a day off. so, this will be, three weeks without a day off based on what i had to do schedule wise. >> we found wage increases we did not find employment declines. >> reporter: the uc berkeley professor studies wage increases in california for more than two decades. as a whole the fast food industry is healthy and not in danger because of this increase >> this cost shock is effecting all of the employers in the industry the same. so, therefore, your price increase will be matched by price increases. you will not lose market share. but a 10 cent increase in a burger consumers will a it is $5.10 but not $5 but not change the
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behavior. >> some are braces for higher prices. >> i think it is good but it is kind of like, bittersweet because then everything else goes up. >> reporter: he says the wage increase probably will not amount much extra for him but he worries his hours will be cut and he says he wants what is best for him and his employer. >> starting this year the minimum wage for all california workers is now $16 an hour. federal minimum wage remained at $7.25 since 2009. coming up, the powerball will not stop growing. the new megajackpot that is up for grabs tonight.
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. you, we, all of us have just under half an hour to get our powerball tickets. tonight's jackpot is now at $1 billion. the drawing is at 7:59 tonight. it is the fifth largest in powerball history. if you win and take the lump sum you will get $471 million. tonight's jackpot comes after someone in new jersey won a jackpot a few days ago. here is the bad days, you have a 1 in 292 million chance in winning, can't win if you don't play. thanks for watching. the news continues at 8:00 on pix plus. good luck. we will see you back here at 11:00. >> i won't, sara will.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [cheers and applause] steve: how y'all? thank y'all. i appreciate that. thank you very much. thank y'all. i appreciate it. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody! i'm your man-- steve harvey! [cheers and applause] got a good one for you today, folks. returning for their 3rd day with a total of $20,000,


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