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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  March 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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serve as an example for other victims. there is a crop of showers sitting out there right now off of the coast about to move onshore. the heavier ones focused more later tonight. i will show when to expect it later in the bay. another system getting here by the end of the week, the forecast coming up. >> it is my honor to introduce to you our new police chief. >> oakland's new police chief formally introduced. the problems he promises to fix on the first 100 days of the job. inside diddy's ransacked home. the raid part of a sex trafficking investigation. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. tonight, the story of a rain survivor who was determined to get justice. she says that the criminal justice system let her down. her story
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begins five years ago when a former horse trainer slipped a date rape drug. he drove her to a parking lot where he raped her. he is a former police officer, and she found herself on the other side of a brutal attack. >> it is freezing. i was half clothed. i was bruised, i was like seriously assaulted. >> reporter: she is a former east bay law enforcement deputy. relied on her police training to preserve evidence. >> i had dna, i had video, i had good solid case. >> reporter: she says it was an uphill battle from there >> the detective that was assigned to my case never reached out to me. never had
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phone calls returned. my case falling apart before my eyes. i knew it was an uphill battle. my voice was never heard. >> reporter: she hired an attorney to get help. >> help me. help me be heard. >> i remember thinking that, victims of sexual assault and rape are many times not heard. and, and not vindicated in the way that they should be. and not, and the criminal justice system can let them down. >> reporter: the horse trainer was eventually arrested at the racetrack. he pled no contest to a charge of assault with a deadly weapon and sentenced to one year in jail. but, charges of sexual battery, sexual penetration and assault with intent to commit a sex crime were dropped in a plea deal. the ex-horse trainer is out free now and living out of state. >> i wish all four charges would have been able to stick. >> reporter: that is why this
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jane doe about to let her story end there. this year, five years after, got her day in court in a civil trial where a judge heard her story and delivered the words. >> the defendant intentionally raped plaintiff. it is just like hearing, then, use that word. >> reporter: it was finally validation. >> in our civil case it was the first time that a judge said to my client i heard you, you were raped, this man raped you. that is a sense of justice that did not come out of the criminal process. >> reporter: the judge ordered him to pay $9 million total. >> what kept you going and going and going and now speaking? >> i don't tonight to happen to somebody else. >> only 1 out of 3 survivor of sexual violence ever come forward and often wait years to
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do that. >> reporter: victims bear the burden for years. >> no amount of money can make up for what is lost with sexual violence. we know that 89% of people who experience rape have severe systems of posttraumatic stress disorder. it is very difficult to get criminal charges against a rapist. rape is the only crime that we put the victim on trial. >> he took a lot from me and put my life in a different trajectory and for the first time in a long time i feel good. >> it is a testament to a, how brutal this attack was, and to the courage of my client. if we collect the money or not to me is aside the point. >> felt like just everything got lifted off of your shoulders. that right there, that is a victory. >> you were heard. >> yeah. in a big way.
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>> reporter: out of every 1,000 sex assaults in the country, only 25 perpetrators will face a prison time. that is partly because victims do not report the crime. so, the woman that i talked to hopes her fight for justice will encourage other victims, survivors, that is, of sexual assault to come forward. let's switch gears to weather, had a nice break. here is a look at the radar. there you go. now, let's go to darren peck and he will tell us what it all means. >> reporter: we will use the view of the radar behind you right there. from the camera on top of the salesforce tower, and all of the showers showing up on the video wall behind you are going to show up here. starting at 4:00. watch what happens, 2:00, 3:00, not a lot. by 4:00 there is a herd, a crop of showers coming marching across the bay. i will go back
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to first alert doppler. see how they appear. look at that. not just the city, the bay is experiencing this. there is a catch. i don't see a lot of places that really recorded much measurable rain out of any of this. even though it is enough, things gotten damp, it will not be for another hour or two before the heavier rain shows up, we will go to future cast now, a better job of showing you the visualization of where the rains actually going to be able to reach the ground. so, we call there the base layer view on the radar display. now, watch what happens. you see these organized line that come across through the evening. that is not until 9:00 tonight. yes, raining for a few hours now. but, over the next three to four hours, you are going to see the intensity pick up just a little bit. 9:00 through about midnight. that line will march its way down through the peninsula, get through the valley and then just about 1:00, 2:00 a.m. the initial line will clear the south bay.
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not a lot to that. probably a quarter of an inch total. >> yes, a few more showers possible tomorrow. particularly through the first half of the day. the left over stragglers, watch what happens, they fizzle out. this is just the first system. i will be back in a couple of minutes. another one coming on friday. it is better put together. it will have more rain with it. i will show you that. >> it got its act together >> yes. >> all right, darren, thank you. a new era, the new chief of police introduced himself to the community. floyd mitchell. he has three decades of experience in law enforcement. he coming from texas where he was also chief for four years. our katie neilson has a look at his top priorities for a city struggling with crime. >> reporter: incoming chief says he will be focused on better communication not just within the community but also within the department. community leaders hope he will
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bring about some necessary change. >> bob harris has been an oakland resident since 1960. he is san executive member of the oakland chapter of the naacp. organization watching closely the selection process of the new chief. >> the mayor has finally appointed someone. we have been waiting for this for well over a year. >> oaklanders, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it is my honor to introduce to you our new top police officer chief floyd mitchell. [ applause ] >> reporter: the incoming chief got a standing ovation in the packed chambers from the mayor introduced him. the department has been without a permanent chief since mayor thao fired the former chief in february of last year. during the press conference the mayor said she is confident incoming chief mitchell will provide results. >> he is a smart crime-fighter who delivers results. and it is what i demand. as your mayor i
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demand results. >> reporter: before coming to oakland mitchell was the police chief in lubbick, texas. he has 30 years of law enforcement in kansas city where he and his five brothers and sisters were raised by a single mother. >> my upbringing taught me the importance of the community, commitment and working together for the greater good. these are some of the same traits that i bring with me in my role as the chief and community leader. >> mitchell says his priority in the first 100 days on the job will be to get to know those in the department and the community. but, he says, the way the police department will be turned around will be through collaboration and communication >> my approach is high visibility and proactive that is procedurally just, data-driven and in evidence-based tragedies that address our most difficult issues. >> reporter: he says the local naacp is looking forward to working with the new chief but
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simply hiring someone is not enough >> it is the first step in that process. but the next step has to be accountability from the city council, from the mayor, and everybody else. >> reporter: as of right now the new chief does not have an exact start date but he is expected to be sworn in sometime around the end of april or beginning of may >> thank you. we have seen the videos, we heard the frustrations, one of oakland's biggest crime problems are the store break ins, many oakland business owners were in the audience today to hear the new chief address his community. including eric, his mexican restaurant in the fruitvale district was hit three times in the past year alone. >> as business owners we are interested to find out what is the, how he is going to start working with us, in the community. >> eric did not hear any
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solutions from chief mitchell today but he and other business owners would like to sit down with him to find out how he plans to protect businesses. a community in the santa cruz mountains cut off because of a landslide. why a fix may not happen any time soon. one bay area city is among the worst when it comes to recycling. now residents will be getting a lesson on where to put their trash
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. a landslide in the santa cruz mountains left residents struggling to get to and from their homes, a portion of mountain charlie road has given way and the ground is literally still moving. the time line for repairs is still unknown. so, take a look at this, residents are still climbing in and out of this sunken road on a daily basis to get to work or school. county officials estimate the landslide is impacting at least 80 homes, the community
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development and infrastructure department says they became aware of this land movement on february 26th. within a few days the road was unstable and usable for vehicles. >> what is concerning is the fire safety because this road provided two ways to get out. now, we only have one. >> so, as of now the land is still moving so the county says they have until it stops, they have to wait to determine what repairs feed to be made. but, with more rain on the way, the road may not settle for awhile. in and out. just like that. let's go to darren peck to find out about the weather conditions, it will be awhile >> it will be awhile. not until next week when we finally turn it off. we take a look now, watching the showers, a crop of them sitting out here just kind of getting pushed across the entire bay. like equal opportunity. it is just not amounting to a lot. i have been looking at rain gages, up and
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down the bay. this is not amounting to much. a lot of this is read by the radar at the mid-levels, not necessarily reaching the ground. some has. it is slick out there. this has impacted the evening commute. if you go back out for the bigger picture we were talking about this system and i showed you how it will behave in the first visit. we will talk about it in smrm number two. when you see how this one comes together it will feed right into this one right here. this is the area of low pressure pulling the rain in. watch how that reaches back here and pulls that in. this is actually the bigger deal. watch that get slung our way. then work its way down the coast. here is what we mean when we call it a cut off low. look at the time stamp. that is friday around 10:00 in the morning. i will hit play. 24 hours will go by.
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little change, that was a whole day. has not really moved much. that is what cut off lows can do. what we care about, it is not just that they stall and slow it is that there is nothing steering them. so, this still has time to change in the forecast models. if it is not attached, it can nudge farther west than actually where this is depicted now or it can move faster. there is still time for this to change. having said that for the last two days now there is good consistency in this system behaving like this. let's take the best look at it that we have now. watch the rain come onshore on friday. that is right in the middle of the day on friday. so, friday morning at this point, your friday morning commute, probably will not have a lot of rain on it. but, the friday evening commute will. it comes right through the afternoon and evening. that is some of the better more widespread rain from the entire two days that this system is around. if it goes just like this, saturday becomes more interesting. while
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it will not be widespread steady rain on saturday we will be closer to the system here, this is where we will experience the on-again, off-again showers with the thunderstorms. that is a process, it is a small possibility of this system. you can see it right there. this does not come to an end until we get into late sunday into monday. look at the rainfall totals, if we get a quarter of an inch out of the one coming through tonight this one delivers more through there. not that you get an inch but that the potential is there for anywhere from 3/4s of an inch to an inch in the system. two ways to visualize friday storm, this is the wind field. this is important. there is the center of the system on friday when it is sitting off of the coast. it pretty much develops right off of the coast. that can be a problem for wind. when these things rapidly intensify off of the coast we feel the wind more. friday afternoon it would be the time frame to be aware of that. we could see 40 mile-an-hour gusts along the
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coast. one other thing, there is that shading on here. we don't use the maps that often but we used it often this winter. storm prediction in oklahoma put them together every day to spotlight parts of the country with a possibility of thunderstorms, we are rarely in it. i said this eight times in the last couple of minutes because we are in it for friday and sunday. 20% chance of isolated thunderstorms on saturday. we will be near the low. the meantime, on the other side of it. in the sierra. but, good it is a relative term. it is a friday and a saturday. it will have a big impact on travel. if you know somebody with travel in the sierra from friday into saturday, giving them a head's up now, that is enough snow up there for two feet. it will not be closed for too long but could be temporary
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closures, here is the payoff. sunny, near 70 by the time we get back to next week. >> cha-ching, we will take that payoff, thank you. residents in san jose will get a lesson on how to properly recycle trash. san jose will send out staff members next month to give residents feedback on how they are properly recycling or not. hoping to reach 30 to 40,000 homes by june. according to a survey, most of the bins were contaminated with nonrecyclables. more
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. a lawyer for sean "p" diddy combs is criticizing the raids at his homes. it is coming after we are getting a look inside his l.a. home after the search. carter evans has details about what the feds uncovered so far. >> reporter: guns, cell phones, other electrics are among the items taken from the homes of sean diddy combs. the search warrant was at his properties in los angeles and miami. tmz says this video shows the aftermath of the raid inside of his l.a. mansion, drawers emptied, documents scattered, satisfies opened and searched.
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hours after the raid started combs was seen walking around the miami airport, according to tmz that also obtained this video. later at the same airport, the authorities arrested combs' social, brandon paul and charged him with drug possession. in a civil suit by rodney jones paul is accused of being a drug and gun mule that aided combs in sex trafficking. they said it is nothing but a witch-hunt. could this federal investigation have come out of these private lawsuits? >> absolutely. if it involves sex trafficking or drugs or weapon or other illegal behavior. >> reporter: a former federal prosecutor. >> they decided this is worth a lot of resources across the country. once they have done these searches they have evidence to follow up on. if they got it, they will move on
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it [music] >> reporter: even though combsis not publicly named he says he is ready to fight to clear his name. up next, women's basketball, it will be taking over chase center soon. they have not pl
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or 44 cable 12, see you right back here. what is another word for kick f,
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [cheers and applause] steve: how y'all? how's everybody? hey, darling. how y'all? i appreciate that. thank y'alow


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