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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  March 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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get back on his feet. >> when i got out of prison in 2010 and i applied to jobs everywhere no one would hire me. >> how he is now using his passion for coffee to give others like him a shot at a new start. a local tech entrepreneur johns robert f. kennedy jr for his bid to the white house. this is cbs news bay area. with you'lliet good rich. juliette goodrich. dramatic video shows how quickly the francis scott key bridge collapsed t. happened early in the morning after a cargo ship lost power and rammed into the bridge's column. in a matter of seconds the span crumbles into the water. video of the aftermath shows a section of the bridge on top of the vessels bow. six
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construction workers filling potholes on the bridge are now presumed dead. the search for their bodies will resume tomorrow. two other people who fell in the water were rescued. pete buttigieg said it is too early to tell when it will be cleared. the images may be unnerving for many of us who cross a bridge here in the bay area to get to work every day. among them is bernie. i talked to him today along the embarcadero. >> when i thought about the bay bridge, could it happen to us as well? the civilians commuting in and out every day. it is a huge concern. naturally we all, people who commute back and forth that is a huge concern for us. >> we talked with caltrans about the chances of something like this happening here. sthai said it is unlikely because of fenders on the bridges, they are barriers on the bridge's foundation designed to crumble and absorb the energy of a hit so the barge would not touch the bridge.
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>> that is another advantage to california. because of the earthquakes we had to design the bridges to absorb energy. even if you get the bridge actually be touched, all of our bridges have got the ability to move a little bit. >> the bay bridge has had its own crashes with cargo ships in the past. in 2013, an empty oil tanker caused minor damage when it struck the base of the tower on a bridge. the overseas raymar was heading out to sea after unloading crude oil. in 2007 another container ship spilled fuel oil. crews spent months cleaning up the damage from that. the ship's pilot and two ships companies responsible for the spill paid $44. million in a settlement. amanda harry has more on how
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officials prepare for the worst. >> reporter: captivating footage of what is left behind of the francis scott key bridge. a baltimore land mark crumbled into pieces after a cargo ship crushed the bridge. >> i am not an engineer but that just looked like this is the worst case scenario. >> reporter: john goodwin, he says he has lived and worked in the bay area for decades. the tragedy today had him flashing back to 2007 when the cosco busan hit the bridge while the containership was damaged the bay bridge maintained its structural integrity. two decades later they continue to work on improving the bay bridge and the rest of the bay bridges. >> the bay area is seeking a grant from transportation to upgrade the fender system on the bay area bridges. what is officially known as the ship
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collision protection system. >> reporter: that would be $167 million upgrade to the bridges. goodwin says it would hopefully protect local bridges from collapsing like the bridge in baltimore. but ultimately, there is only so much they can prepare for. >> we can do planning for a lot of different scenarios but reality has a way of coming out one step ahead of preparation. >> reporter: similar cargo ships like the one in baltimore, pass under the bay bridge every day. an incident like this morning would be an all hands on deck situation. the state's office of emergency services would activate units from california highway patrol, cal trans and many others including the water emergency transportation authority. >> we prepare for incidents, we have exercises on a regular basis. not just us as an agency but all of our captains and
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deck hands undergo training. >> reporter: the ferry system would shutdown to utilize those boats in any way that would help. >> part of our mission in san francisco bay fer seprovide emergency water transit if any of the bridges or other trans-bay, transportation systems are disabled. >> reporter: both organizations are constantly working to create better safety plans and keep their crews ready for anything that could happen. but goodwin says he understands that the community may be concerned after what happened in baltimore. >> even things that happen very, very rarely do sometimes happen. >> stay with us for updates on the baltimore bridge collapse. we will continue to update this story on air and on the family of two brothers killed in a house party in oakland is calling for justice after a controversial charging decision by alameda county da pamela price. 15-year-old and
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17-year-old were shot to death in october of 2022. the alleged gunman was 17 years old at time. he is now over 18. the da recently decided to keep the case in juvenile court. a move that the family says is irresponsible and painful. >> the defendant has not been sentenced yet. so, seven years is the max that he can get. he could get 1 or he could get none. there is nothing that anybody can do to bring back angel and jc, they can help us heal, help us feel as though there has been justice and closure for our boys. >> family members of crime victims gathered saying they understand the garcia family pain. they stand with the da. sending teens to adult prisons only starts a cycle of trauma and violence. among the speakers today.
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>> they sent me to a maximum security prison with no rehabilitative opportunities, treatments, programs to address the specific needs of young people. i was exposed to adult initiated violence. one of the guards even told me, hey, youngster, do yourself a favor and hang yourself. you are never getting out of here. >> he did get out. earned 6 degrees and now he runs an oakland nonprofit that focuses on youth prevention and restorative justice. many ex-prisoners are not as lucky about getting back on their feet. 60% of those that serve time can not find a job a year after leaving prison. but an oakland business owner is trying to change all of that. we go inside of a coffee shop that gives ex-cons a shot at a
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new life. at big house beans coffee shop in the heart of oakland. the owner is brewing more than just a cup of joe. for the last decade john has been on a caffeinated crusade to blend passion with purpose. >> when i got out of flifn 2010 and i applied to jobs everywhere nobody would hire me. >> with the help of family and friends he opened up his own coffee shop with a stated mission to give a second shot to ex-cons and recovering addicts. >> how are you today? >> but soon he realized that was a tall order. >> large or small? >> many of his employees would relapse leaving john with no one to tend to the customers >> we had a high turnover. we could not keep hiring and training t is costly to do that. that is when an idea began. he partnered up with
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city team. a nonprofit faith-based organization that helps people get back on their feet >> they have meals, they have a bed, they are staying busy over there. >> more importantly, they have wraparound services that keep them grounded. francisco garcia is a recovering addict. he says the biggest challenge has been staying sober.. >> there is a big temptation to go back out and drink and then you are thinking, oh, it is easy to take one drink. no, one drink leads to another. how are you doing? >> reporter: what kept him on the right track is the responsibility that comes with the job. >> i finished step 12. >> reporter: coupled with one-on-one mentoring. >> men and women have case managers. >> reporter: he is the city team director. it is the wraparound services that make it sustainable. >> there is a lot of accountability here that helps people feel like they are not alone. >> that is about how much you
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want to fill up a 12 ounce. >> reporter: this new approach meant they have been able to confidently hire more people like francisco and growing his business. >> what is your annual gross revenue now? >> it is about $2 million. >> $2 million? >> that is is amazing. >> yeah. it pays the bills. [ laughter ] >> now, he is making good on his promise. to serve fresh coffee along with a fresh start. >> wow, what a role model, first of all to his employees and it is key when you said the wraparound services t is not just, go get a job, that will be the answer. it is not you have to have the support issue the cushion outside. >> that is what he basically discovered. his original plan was to have 100% of people who are formerly incarcerated, homeless or people struggling with addiction, anyone with barriers to finding employment. and what he found it was just not sustainable. people kept . >> so now he has about 20% of
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his staff that is, you know, formally incarcerated. he hopes to get the number up now that he figured out the recipe. >> the coffee? >> i had to taste it. yes. but what i love more he tries to buy it from villages where the supplier also invests back into those communities. a little bit of social justice with your coffee. >> a great story. all right, thank you. up next, she is connected to the tech world and grew up in the pay area. what we are learning about rfk juniors new runningmate and their chances in november. san francisco's 4/20 celebration abruptly called off. the reason for today's announcement. today for the water year, the bay area is near average for rainfall or running a
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slight surplus. we will add more to the numbers in the next four or five days, we have the
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. we now know who will be joining independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, jr. >> i am proud to introduce to you the next vice president of the united states, my fellow lawyer, a brilliant scientist, a fierce warrior mom, nicole shanahan. >> this city will always have a special place in my heart. you know, i grew up just a few miles from this very spot. >> she is a lawyer and tech entrepreneur based in san francisco. she grew up across the bay in oakland. she graduated from santa clara university law school. she married and then divorced google co-founder. she contributed $4 million to the
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kennedy super pack and was involved in coordinating a campaign ad that aired during the super bowl. we spoke with political analyst on what their campaign means for the presidential elections. >> so, every vote will matter this particular november. and that is where rfk junior is play a role. playing in where democrats slightly picked off. >> he is the nephew of the 35th president, john f. kennedy, he began as a primary challenge to biden but last fall said he would run as an independent instead. all right, change in the weather, again. sun today, rain possibly tomorrow. let's have paul heggen, the expert fill us in. take it away. >> right now, high clouds. high cloud cover at sunset means a pretty sunset. we are seeing that as we are looking to the west. those high clouds reflecting the last rays of
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tuesday's daylight. we will see an increase as we head to the rest of tonight, most of tomorrow, light, off and on showers, it will not be a wash out for most of the day. heavier rain is going to be moving in around this time tomorrow. it is not going to be enough to cause flooding issues, it will be followed by a stronger storm system on friday with heavier rain than that. and, gusty winds to go along with it as well. we have a lot to talk about. future cast, increase in cloud cover, the first showers moving into the north bay, the sun is coming up, lighter shade of green indicating very, very light shower activity. the first wave, likely, evaporating. keep the umbrella and the rain jacket handy. we will see the showers numerous, late afternoon, early evening, first for the north bay, dropping down towards the golden gate for the tail end of rush hour and the heaviest rain will move across the bay area quickly around and after sunset. the heaviest rain will not be all that heavy. it will be on the move. so, the flooding potential with this system will be next to zero, gusty winds with those
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downpours in the evening in the 20-30 mile-an-hour range. not strong. back to the off and on shower pattern throughout most of the day on thursday. like most of the daylight hours tomorrow, not a wash out, unsettled day overall, adding up the rain with the first system, the strongest in the forecast, friday, friday night, talking 1/10th of an inch of rain in the far inland spots, farther east. half an inch of rain in santa rosa and the santa cruz mountains, modest models, this forecast model, two thirds of an inch for napa. it might be a little bit of an over estimate. but it a range of possibilities. here is what we are talking about total over the next five days. rain shadow spots picking upwind, in general, looking at an inch, to an inch and a half of rain. lingering on saturday, easter
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weekend. that much rain in a small amount of time will be maximized friday afternoon, friday evening when the heavier rain is coming down. the timing of that is something we will continue to narrow down as we get closer to that time frame. but, the storm predictor, or prediction center is saying it is in the lowest category of any flooding, marginal. it means we don't expect widespread flooding but you can never rule out the possibility with this kind of system in any flood prone locations. but, we expect stronger winds with the next system. this is the hour by hour wind energy, looking from 5:00 on friday all of the way through 11:00 on saturday morning. every six hours is what we are looking at. and, all of the orange-shaded tiles, tilting towards red in a couple spots, indicate 20, 30. not strong enough but i a wind advisory will be issued. it will be a time frame. trying to move you around the road a
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little bit the snowstorm, the rainmakers on the bay area will be snow makers. easy for me to say. talking about a winter weather advisory. lake level, the first system, this goes through midday on thursday with a winter storm warning in the higher elevations, that is where a foot or two of snow is likely. 6-8 inches of snowfall with the first system. more that will fall on top of that. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast returning to the bay area. the easiest to pin down, the temperatures, closer to average, we will be below average. upper 50s, lower 60s running below normal. the wettest time frame will be tomorrow evening, friday, friday night, saturday, longer stretch of wet weather. lingering showers for easter sunday. i don't think it will be a wash out for the holiday on suspend. it will be unsettled. be flexible with outdoor plans and then we dry out. starting to warm up a little bit, monday, tuesday, starting off with april with highs in upper 60s and 70s
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sprinkled in there as well >> did he is a warm up? >> oh, wow, paul, thank you. a big response in san jose after a building goes up in flames, the rescue that firefighters made when they kept the fire from spreading
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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. firefighters rescued someone from a house fire. 40
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crews were on the scene. it happened before noon. at one moment the home collapsed while firefighters put out the fire. crews say flames from this home were starting to spread to another home where someone was inside. that person was saved. two homes were destroyed. no one else was hurt. in san francisco, organizers of 4/20 hippy event canceled it. they are blaming city cuts securing sponsorships, the event traditionally brought thousands of people to celebrate cannabis culture. how would you like to spend eternity with marilyn monroe? hugh hefner? now you have a chance, we will explain
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a chance to line your two hollywood icons for eternity is now up for an option. bids for a burial crypt will start at $50,000. the auction begins this thursday. now, previous spots closer to the pair sold for millions. hefner bought his spot next to monroe in 1992. >> a lot of the items here people could not use this is one item that maybe a little more expensive but, of course, you get to be buried alongside some of the most famous people in the world. >> other items up for auction, an evening gown monroe wore during the seven year itch. and a ticket stub when monroe sang kennedy "happy birthday." thank you for watching, we will see you right back here at
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11:00. have a great evening.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [cheers and applause] steve: how y'all? thank y'all, now. appreciate that. how y'all? thank you, everybody. well, welcome to "family feud,"


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