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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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. now at 11:00. travel for the double double in oakland. in-n-out shuts down its only outlet in town. >> there are a lot of people that gathered here today. >> it is really sad. >> young retailers are still willing to give oakland a try. >> then, the family of two brothers killed in the east bay
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outraged. demanding accountability after a lenient sentence for the murder suspect. but first tonight, we are following breaking news out af san francisco where the police are on the scene of a deadly shooting in bayview. they found two people dead inside of a home. there is no word on who the people are or what led up to the shooting. this is a developing story, stay with us on kpix for the latest. other top story tonight, takes us to oakland where in-n-out shuts its doors. it was popular, it was successful, but corporate decided there was too much crime to ensure the safety of employees and customers. >> reporter: bittersweet moment for employees at this in-n-out in oakland as they close their
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doors citing crime in the area. this sunday marks the end of an era for in-n-out burger in oakland. >> sad that a big corporation like this has to shutdown. >> reporter: she is just one of many employees saying good-bye to this in-n-out location she has worked since 2012. this is the chain's first ever closure. >> it is bitter, it is a real bitter moment. a lot of employees that gathered here today. being that oakland is high place of crime it has increased extremely over the years. >> reporter: other businesses in the area including a subway and a denny's shuttered their doors over similar safety concerns. if you are wondering about the future of the employees, they were all given the chance to be transferred to other locations, she declined since she has been working at home for another company but says she is concerned about the future of the city because. >> this is the main spot after
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games and everything, but that again goes back to oakland losing everybody else. raiders, the a's, like, it is just, it is sad to see a lot of things shutdown in the town. >> reporter: that is why customers lined up throughout the day to get a last bite here and to show support for those employees, take a look at the drive-thru, ordering the double double or the 4x4 like maria who has been living in oakland for 10 years and usually comes here with her kids. she says she is sad about it because it is perfect spot, it is sad to see that they are closing it because of people committing crimes here the company announced the closure in january saying that despite taking reported steps to create safe conditions, customers and associates are victims of car thefts and robberies. the mayor
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responded saying she would prioritize security in this area and you can see a police car station in the parking lot today. but, security guard who declined to be on camera told us he had witnessed at least one car break in a day and they agree. >> it is the whole theft thing happened so quickly. it is mainly among this side of the parking lot. then they target mainly people who come and travel with rental cars. >> reporter: for now, they will have to go to another locations in alameda or in san francisco to get some in-n-out treats. >> reporter: she hopes things get better in the city now that there is fine lie's new police chief in town. as one closes another opens, another independent store is optimistic about oakland. >> reporter: there is plenty of reasons to believe oakland is a tough time to do business in. a couple young entrepreneurs say the secret of success may lie
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in understanding the city itself. ♪. >> reporter: watch as people pass by the newest store on lakeshore avenue. they do a double take and then turn back. what exactly is that? it looks like a store but it could be an art gallery. it is a vintage clothing store created by 20-year-old and 24-year-old. >> bringing a different type of retail. a new experience with brick and mortar and physical retail that is the goal. >> reporter: used clothing is a popular trend among millennials, the trick is finding the right pieces. it is okay to be warn and frayed as long as it is something that expresses creativity and more importantly is one of a kind >> it really is a piece of art. and, really like shows kind of your fashion tastes and being different there. that is what is important and what is cool for consumers. you will not see
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this at any other store for the most part. and it is just this one size and you hope it is your size. >> it is definitely an eye catcher. >> these are 501s i believe from 1968. these pants are actually from the summer of love? >> most likely. [ laughter ] someone was having fun with these, that is for sure. >> reporter: as much as they are peddling clothing they are trying to market their city as well. both grew up in oakland and are aware of the crime that driven so many businesses away. directly across the street is a business that was infamously robbed three times in six months. but the guys are opening up their new store here as a way to stand up for their hole town. >> oakland has one of the biggest hearts out there. i feel like that. >> that defines news and it shows all of the bad publicity and slander that people like to say about oakland, oakland is still here. >> reporter: people run with what they see on instagram and
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on the news, oakland is only crime. you come on a sunday to the lake and you will see families picnicking, people walking to the farmer's market. a city that locals and real oaklanders understand. that is the message we want to bring to the bigger market and the rest of the bay area and nation in general. >> for young people that love the town that is a pitch that is as appealing as the graphic t's and patched levi's. >> there is a lot we go through as oak land residents, a lot of things broadcast across the country and on the internet. but, you know, we are still here. we still are living and breathing our inspirations and the things that really allow us to be a unique community. >> reporter: there are a lot of pressures on businesses these days and to many operating in oakland is now seen as a liability. but, as familiar names decide to cut and run, it only leaves opportunities for those who believe in the city to stick around and maybe even
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start something new. >> and now to sunnyvale where the police shot and killed a man armed with a knife at a mobile home. he charged within of them after being told to put his weapon down and another man shot him. the man was rushed to the hospital where he later died. two brothers were killed at a burgt day party two years ago, the suspect in that killing was 17. two years later the alameda county da decided to keep the suspect in the justice court system even though he is now 18. that means a maximum 7 year sentence and the family says that is not enough for two murders. da lin has the story of the grieving family and the advocates for the suspect. >> reporter: a year and a half after the shooting, emotions are still raw for the victim's family. melanie misses her
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cousins, angel and jason every day. >> sometimes i feel like i am going crazy because i feel like i see them in like the crowd. >> reporter: she was extremely close to the two boys, she says the killings tore apart the family and they will never be the same. >> christmases and every other holiday does not feel complete. like we try. but their absence is felt. greatly. >> reporter: she says they are serving a life sentence of grief. >> the defendant has not been sentenced yet. so, seven years is the max that he he can get. he could get 1 or he could get none. >> reporter: 10 days ago district attorney price decided to keep the suspect in the juvenile court system, the family pleaded with price to charge the suspect as an adult. the suspect was 17 years old at the time. he is accused of
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killing 15-year-old angel and 17-year-old jc at a birthday party in oakland in october of 2022. the brothers were students at berkeley high. >> you can not hold someone to the same standards when they are a teenager as you would an adult. >> reporter: the executive director of dream beyond bars. he is personally met the suspect. he and his staff are working to turn the young man's life around >> prisons are not the answer. the safetiest communities don't have the most police and prisons they have the most resources. >> reporter: supporters will hold a press conference on tuesday. they want to show the public they support price's decision in this case and other cases involving minors. >> a different da would at least hear us out. >> reporter: as for melanie, she is urging the public to contact and pressure price to reverse her decision. >> there is nothing that
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anybody can do to bring back angel and jc. they can help us heal, help us feel there is justice and closure for our boys. >> we asked the da's office to comment on this but they said they can not discuss cases involving minors. other news, another car crashed into a san francisco bus stop this weekend. this crash left a pedestrian in the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. these are pictures of the scene taken shortly after the crash. you can see damage to the passenger side fender the driver was cited at the scene, the police have not said exactly what the charges or or what led up to the crash. coming up next, protesters hit the streets of san francisco, the u.s. supreme court gets ready to rule on another case on abortion. and then after weeks of bad press and close calls, united airlines under tighter scrutiny from the faa. we will take a lock at what that means for passengers and take a look at
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your first alert forecast. more rain on the way. that after the brea
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at the embarcadero, people rallied against israel's planned invasion of rafah where more than a million palestinian civilians sheltered. after 30,000 palestinians have been killed by israel's military. benjamin netanyahu said israel will go ahead with its plans of invasion despite biden's insistence that civilians be protected. just a few blocks away. activists held a rally in front of the federal building to voice their support for medical abortion. it could make it harder for patients to get abortion pharmaceuticals. >> what we are concerned about, given the supreme court past record anything is possible. so, we are wanting to send a message to the supreme court, but also to everybody else. >> medication accounts for more than half of all abortions performed. now, one of the most difficult transitions in my
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entire career, it is time to talk about the weather where we had rain over the past few days and tonight it has mostly dried up. hi-def doppler is picking up not a drop. never the less, concord, 52, oakland right now, 54, san francisco, 52 and a chilly 59. in santa rosa, such as it was, the last few days showed descent amount of rain in santa rosa, more than a inch. in san francisco half an inch. concord, in the south buy, one of the characterrics of the storm is when you see livermore seeing nevada you know there is something weird going on. half an inch. done for now. it looks like we have cleared it out. it will warm up, not much over the next couple of days. you can imagine as well the reservoir has not filled up too dramatically. it is still not looking bad. on
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top of this, eventually the snow melt will end up in the reservoirs, the numbers will get goosed when things warm up later this spring. the temperatures are falling in some places compared to last night at this time. some spots, overcast skies, warmer, it is withstandy out there. will remain so throughout the morning hours, showers end. high moves in. sending rain up through the pacific northwest. we get increasing sunshine and a little warmer tomorrow. just coming up by a degree or two and that will be about that. to look ahead, the next chance of rain coming in on wednesday when we get a chance of showers through much of the bay area. not so much on thursday. by the time we get to the weekend, chances are increasing as we get closer to friday and saturday. models amped it up for monday and tuesday. if you like rain, with we have good
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nows, more coming in midweek. >> we have good news, more coming in midweek. day time highs, lower 60. campbell, morgan hills, 63. over in the east bay, it will be more sunshine tomorrow, a little bit of fog in the morning along the coast. 64 at walnut creek. a pleasant day for late march. mill valley, 68 degrees, and 63 in sonoma. as we head up to clear lake the numbers will be in the lower 60s with more sunshine. extended forecast, next few days, looking okay, wednesday, rain moves in, from the north bay down to the south. wednesday looks wet. thursday, unsettled then the weekend looks like it will be raining again, favoring, again, the north bay. thunderstorms in the south bay for the weekend on sunday. friday unsettled.
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things do begin to get wet for the bay area. back to the hi-def doppler where things look clear. at least things dried up for tonight. what do we do next, matt? [ laughter ] >> okay. we are mixing rodeos and skiing, a unique sport mixing horses and skis and speaking of sports. . 16 men's teams, 16 women's teams remain in march madness. where do the stanford ladies stand? speaking of where they stand, the warriors needed to make a little noise tonight. and coach will tell you. >> i think it will help. like, society. >> it is game day. it will be good for you. at 11:30. (upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. 44 cable 12. (bell chiming)
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you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea
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they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box!
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. you probably sit up at night wondering what you get when you cross a rodeo with skiing. it turns out it is something called "skijoring." it is the widest winter sport you may never of heard of. it
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is an adrenaline soaked plefned blended of horses and riders and skiers, a scorer holds on for dear life. it is in the rockies right in the middle of leadville, colorado. a former skier runs it. >> why have not more people heard of it? >> it may just be starting to grow its roots in pop culture america. you know. here it has been going on for 75 years >> for 10 of them. savannah has been the champ. winning her first competition at 13 in a field of mostly men >> what is the a snraks. >> always wanted to be a jockey. i am too big to be a jockey. so, this was like the closest thing i could get. just not a lot of other sports where you can just go full speed. >> some cities are heating up
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the challenge even more. in montana, skiers race through fire as the snow flies. this is not for the faint of heart. >> the second that rope gets pulled tight it is all you from there. >> reporter: taking the rope as a skier after his father retired >> have you ever been hurt doing it? >> oh, yeah. >> not enough to convince you to stop? >> not enough. it, it is too much fun. >> it started in nordic with reindeer as a way to get around. they found themselves behind motorcycles, cars. >> the horse fell victim to the mechanical revolution. >> even an aircraft or two before the sport found its way to mountain towns here. she bravely allowed me on her horse money who would go on, hours later to win leadville, once again. >> does it still bring the rush? >> it does. it never gets old. you feel like a bit of a
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celebrity. hard not to when you got 4,000 people watching, cheering for you. >> a mix of ski bump swagger and cowboy culture. the result? one epic ride. >> what is going through the mind of those horses? if horses and skis are not your thing, maybe llamas are. we have that story. >> welcome to paradise. california that is. we came for the cuties but a story with a happy ending. one that begins with loss. >> i am sure my truck has been stolen and the need is her cat. >> her cat named dunndee. a cat she became devoted to after she rescued him six years ago. the story came together, right, guys? tomorrow, on cbs
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mornings. coming up next, united's ceo telling the employees to prepare for the faa to take a closer look at
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. . welcome back. the faa is looking at united airlines. >> reporter: the enhanced scrutiny comes after a number of troubling incidents
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involving united planes in the past month. including a piece that fell off of this jet. an engine fire that left a trail of flames on another. and this wheel that plunged to the ground after take off >> what makes this one unusual it is happening with one of the largest, oldest, and most respected airlines in the country. >> reporter: in a letter stoant employees obtained by cbs news the airline acknowledged the up coming action. we will be begin to see more of an faa press nens the operations as they begin to review some of our work processes, manuals and facilities. earlier this month to a letter to their customers, the ceo wrote the company is taking closer look at safety measures, they launched a centralized training for new hire technicians >> should passengers be concerned? >> i don't think that the
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traveling public needs to be concerned. the regulatory authority will make sure they are providing a safe service that the traveling public is entitled to. >> i hope so >> all of theseince the incidents report that there has not been a crash since 2009 when a plane crashed into a
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. welcome back. the children's discovery museum in san jose today, kids got a chance to learn about persian culture. as they celebrated their new year. a chance to create projects, enjoy music and hear stories from persia. it is the museum's second time celebrating. don't forget, looks good tomorrow, tuesday, rain on wednesday and settle friday there. par for the course in the bay area. have a good week ahead. game day is next, news and weather updates always on
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you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade.
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-it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box! game day for march 24. so much to get to tonight. we only have a half hour to do it. that said headed to the round of sweet 16 in the ncaa tournament. how many from the bay area? one. the stanford woman for the 29th time. mr. and mrs. brock purdy, courtside, iowa state alums, and the cyclones rose up to stanford, taking big shots. to put the cardinal up two late. teed in


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