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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition Sunday 6am  CBS  March 24, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. a rare and deadly incident in the sierra foothills . a
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mountain lion attacks two young men, killing one of them. it is something that is not happened in california in 20 years. assault on an elderly worker at an east bay laundromat is caught on camera. why she is worried the suspects could come after her again. plus. a celebration honors the surviving women who rolled up their sleeves and served as homefront workers during world war ii. good morning. it is sunday, march 24th. i am kelsi thorud. we start with reports of a mountain lion attack that killed a young man yesterday in the sierra foothills this is the first fatal incident of its kind in california since 2004. authorities say it happened just after 1:00 p.m. saturday in a remote area near georgetown in el dorado county. north of highway 50 and east of interstate 80. the el dorado sheriff's office receivea call from an 18-year-old man who said he and his 21-year-old brother were attacked by the big cat , while they were
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antler shed hunting. their identities have not been disclosed. when deputy's arrived on scene, they found the 18-year-old with severe injuries to his face and took him to a local hospital. they found a mountain lion crouched next to the 21-year-old and had to fire shots to scare the animal off. the old the victim died at the scene. residents and workers say mountain lion sightings are pretty common in this area , but this is the first time they have heard about it turning deadly. >> this is one , a very rare thing to happen. at least in el dorado county. from myself and the sheriff's office , from the sheriff himself, all the way down, we are sending our condolences to the family of this tragic event. >> it is not unusual to see mountain lions in the bay area either . the california department of fish and wildlife suggests if you ever find yourself in a situation like this, give the animal an escape route . do not run and stay
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calm and make loud noises and try to look bigger. the last fatal encounter was down in orange county in 2004. we are not entirely done with the system. there is a chance for an isolated stray shower throughout the course of this morning. maybe a few more into the afternoon. you will get more blue sky today for sunday then you had on saturday. not nearly as rainy. if you happen to get an isolated cell over your part of the bay, it could be a good brief little downpour that comes through. totals for two -- today, quarter of an inch of rain in some locations. a pretty good-looking sunday . you can keep your outdoor plans because will be easier to operate without getting radar. i will be back with the complete forecast. we look ahead with two more systems coming our way this week. in oakland , and elderly on laundromat worker is afraid to go back to work after two customers attacked her. it was
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all caught on camera. making matters worse, she said officers let the possible suspects go. da lin with the video and her story. >> reporter: surveillance footage shows two women rising, threatening and attacking a long time laundromat worker for eight minutes. ruthie said it was the longest eight minutes of her life. >> i was very afraid. and i am still afraid. >> reporter: it happened last saturday just after 7:00 p.m. at woody's laundromat near lake merritt. ruthie told the two women they closed at 8:00 p.m. and lost washes at 6:30. she pointed to the sign on the wall. surveillance footage shows they left with the clothes . they returned about 40 minutes later. ruthie says they started harassing her saying their clothes were missing. ruthie said she kept telling them she does not have the clothes. here is video of
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the women earlier taking their clothes and leaving the laundromat. surveillance footage shows the woman in the black hat grabbing ruthie by her neck area, dragging her around, shoving her to the ground a couple times. and punching her three to four times. >> they punched me again and hard enough that my nose was bleeding. i saw stars. and lights. they hit me so hard. >> reporter: here is another punch that landed right on her face. ruthie said her mouth still hurts a week later. >> i was very afraid that they were going to kill me. or hit my head on the driver. >> reporter: the footage shows women threatening to hurt the few customers that threaten to intervene. with you call 911 and a police say they cited the woman in the black hat and police released both women. >> it is a misdemeanor and they cannot do anything about it. >> reporter: how do you feel? >> very angry. very angry at the system. >> that type of assault, is
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not considered a misdemeanor? >> reporter: one of the laundromat owners believe it is also elder abuse. ruthie is 65 years old and weighs 88 pounds. >> everybody knows ruthie and they love her. nobody ever had any problem with her and she is super nice. >> reporter: ruthie has worked at woody's for 27 years but has not come back to work since the attack. >> i am afraid it will come back. and do me in. >> reporter: similar to a speeding ticket, oakland police said the woman was cited was given a court date to appear in front of the judge . ruthie worst the suspect will get away with simply paying a fine. turning to berkeley, where firefighters and police are investigating a fire at a hotel as arson. this was the scene of the aftermath inside the aden hotel on saturday. located in sacramento and university. fire crews say the lobby has
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smoke and water damage. one hotel guest said he saw someone walk in, spill gasoline on the floor, light a fire, and run off . the guest also says he was the one who put the flames out with a fire extinguisher. >> the first thing both of us thought it was water. why is he pouring water on the floor? we did not think much of it but as soon as he pulled the lighter out we realize this was a different thing. >> firefighters say there was no damage to the upper floors . the hotel is closed until the sprinkler system is restored. investigators say there is a person of interest and thankfully, no one was hurt . this weekend is the 14th anniversary of when former president obama signed the affordable care act . also known as obamacare. to mark the occasion, former speaker, nancy pelosi, gathered healthcare leaders in san francisco to celebrate what she called, "a glorious step forward for the health and financial security of america's families. >> today we are celebrating 14 years of not only passing it,
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not only saving it, but under president biden, improving it. with a different impact with the subsidies on other things. >> pelosi said republicans keep trying to roll back the policy and suggest this coming november's election will have a bearing on the future of the aca. richmond is home to the rosie the riveter world world to homefront national historical park. that is where we sent john ramos to check out a special ceremony honoring a group of them. >> reporter: it to world war for this country to learn to stop underestimating have its population, but when they were finished they not only won a war, they changed the nation. one by one they into the auditorium. eight in all. the women who are living connection to a time when the entire nation was at war, fighting for his very survival.
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>> thousands upon thousands of men and women must work to get them ready. >> reporter: the so-called rosie roll call at richmond's rosie the riveter visitor center, feature women in their 90s and beyond who answered uncle sam's call to homefront workers. it has been more than 80 years since she was a young woman, sewing shirts for the navy and greeting troop trains. but it feels like only yesterday. >> i can picture myself all over again meeting trains and sewing. >> reporter: it stays with you for the rest of your life? >> yes. i still think about it. >> reporter: it is something none of them will ever forget. when america was forced to give up the limitations it had put on its women. and in the process, the women themselves found a strength and confidence they did not even know they had. >> yeah. it strengthen my backbone. became stronger. mentally , stronger woman.
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knowing that we can do these things. >> reporter: elizabeth learn to be a machinist and a streetcar operator. >> if i want to i can do anything i want to do. just put your mind on what you're doing. >> reporter: from the war ended there was not an attempt to send women back to their traditional roles, but that ship has sailed . there was no going back for them. >> everybody was asked to come in and help with the war effort. and when they did, they do not want to go home. they do not want to go back to being housewives. they did not want to be back to cleaning or being nannies. i think that was the start of what changed our history , in terms of the workplace. >> reporter: it is a history that echoes today, not just for women but for people of color, as well. she is a former rosie who these days, inspires young black students with her tales
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from the richmond shipyard. >> i tell them all the time, one of these days you will reed about it , when you are at harvard and it makes them feel good. >> reporter: in this time of great division it is hard to imagine the country working together for a common goal. but she said it is as much-needed now as it was back then. >> we had to fight for our country. and we had to work together and keep this country. and now it is more than ever. we have to keep this democracy going. and all that brings back that we have to remember how that was then. i remember how it was . it was scary times. we have to know it has to be all right. >> reporter: at the time none of these women imagine what they were capable of doing. but once they did it, it opened doors for the generations to come. yesterday's rosie's royal:richmond was also meant to be a local observation of
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the national rosie the riveter day, which happened last thursday. coming up, why people in fairfield including the mayor say the group behind a new proposed city are using deceptive tactics to gain support . and what the group is saying in response. some of the world's most recognizable landmarks go dark for an entire hour on saturday night. what the coordinated campaign was about? taking a live look outside right now. we will be right back.
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kelly has two choices... a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked, hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham. nobody wants a kelly baked meal, not even kelly. every bite is a celebration
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with the honey baked ham company. welcome back. the time is 6:13. new developments in the ongoing controversy surrounding the new city group of california billionaires, want to build near travis air force base. the land they want to build is mostly farmland . to be able to build on it, voters would need to allow builders to bypass protections that prevent agricultural land from being turned into urban space. which means, collecting thousands of signatures to get it on the ballot, but now as ashley sharp shows us, they are being accused of tricking people into giving them their signatures. >> i said this is not right. he goes, i love you anyway. >> reporter: a bizarre back and forth as claudia left the
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target last week. she said she was almost tricked into signing something she does not support. >> do you want to sign these petitions ? i said, what are they? for better roads. i said, better roads. yeah. >> reporter: she said she asked to see herself and could tell it was actually part of california forever's signature gathering campaign. needed to get on the november ballot. you said is this california forever and he said no? >> basically. yes, he did not say this is not california forever. >> reporter: she is not the only one. >> it is alarming. >> reporter: the mayor of fairfield tells me she has fielded a dozen calls in three days. by those who say they were deceived. >> they did not mean for that to be what they were signing. >> reporter: it is why solano county's registrar of voters sent out this alert, saying it anyone feels full by california forever, they can have their signature removed.
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>> they are being disingenuous or flat out lying in. >> reporter: they have been outspoken in the mistrust of the project. california forever in a series of committee meetings has tried to change that. >> you will not answer the question. because telling the truth is not in your nature. >> reporter: billionaires bought up thousands of acres of land near travis air force base in secret, over six years. and revealing they want to build a new city. now, they need more than 13,000 signatures to bypass local rezoning red tape , and get the issue right to voters in november. >> they need to ensure that their people working for them are doing things legally. >> california forever responded to the accusations on their website , saying a small group of opponents are trying to create confusion around the issue and prevent solano county voters from deciding the issue for themselves.
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just a quick look back at what the storm looks like on saturday. just a beautiful example of what it looks like when you get isolated, on-again off-again showers, that moved through the bay. a nice rainbow. that is from on top the salesforce tower. that passes and the sunshine and the next band of rain moves through and you get an opening. for my comes through and warms up the ground and you get a few more showers. this is what it went like on a saturday. it will not be that impressive for sunday. there will be some isolated showers throughout the course of this morning. and once we get into sunday afternoon it will be more isolated , scattered hit or miss showers. you will get far more blue sky on sunday for today than you had yesterday. that beautiful time-lapse we were looking at, as active and busy and at times ominous looking , it will not be quite that intense today. you can see there will be showers, regardless. an
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isolated hit or miss shower and if you get a heavier sell on top of your part of the bay, you get a show. it will be short-lived. we will get a quarter of an inch of rain tops. it will still snow in the sierra. we are looking at the potential for as much as an additional foot of snow through the overnight hours and through early this morning. the winter storm warning stays in effect until we get to 8:00 a.m. and then it expires. not that much longer to go. it is still a messy drive in the sierra for anybody who has to travel in the mountains. let's look ahead. keep your eye out in the pacific and you will see a couple of systems. there is the first one. that one has its eyes set on wednesday. then there is another one that comes in , perhaps targeting friday. we will do it again. the wednesday system does not really look super impressive at this point. but it is rain and in the seven day you will see it. the friday system looks like it could be more impactful. look at the organization. a beautifully, tightly wound up area of low pressure. pulling in some tropical moisture and it will
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have some cold air to work with . it has all the ingredients at this point to be a pretty impactful storm . but we are still several days out and a little too far out to get super specific with it . but it will be around, the timing is, it could be around friday into sunday. let's watch as a different way. here is the comparison. the wednesday rain we have a higher degree of confidence on. this is wednesday. maybe a quarter of an inch of rain or closer to half inch and a half bay. now we add in friday and potentially leading into next weekend system and the totals go up a bit. that is still in question but since we see this the forecast models, it is worth to talk about now to give you an early heads-up. we will get about seven to 10 inches of snow from the for system in the sierra and watch what we get friday through sunday. the remains to be seen some questions needing to be answered in terms of how active the second half of this week will be. wednesday system we
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have a high degree of confidence on and we will have more on the friday-saturday system as we get closer to it. well-known landmarks around the world powered down for a full 60 minutes as part of an environmental campaign called earth hour. they included the coliseum in rome. you can see the power turned off at the ancient ampitheater. earth hour was started by a conservation group , world wide fund for nature. it encourages iconic landmarks around the world to go dark for an hour , to promote a zero carbon lifestyle and sustainability. here is the eiffel tower in paris. section by section the monument turned off its power from 8:30 to 9:30 last night local time. once the 60 minutes were up, it shined bright again. other sites taking part included sydney's upper house , the parthenon in athens, and the barcelona. and the empire state building in new york
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city. coming up . a statue of one of the most beloved players in giants history is back on display after a multi-year absence. where it is now situated outside of oracle park. are you feeling a bit crazy? good. the madness is still upon us, as the ncaa tournament rolls on. one cinderella fought for their life on saturday. a familiar foe in the bay area . and much more, straight ahead.
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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
6:23 am
(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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have you checked the calendar? it is march and there is still madness and our collective brackets are still trash. horrible selections aside, a lot of great action on saturday. we start with the darling of the tournament and no, they are not from the east bay. we have oakland out of michigan. author upset of kentucky looking to take down nc state. michael o'connell played three years at stanford. gave nc state a five-point lead. we have under four minutes late. he hits it to make it a one point game. he finishes with six, threes. this went to 18 but in the end too much wolf pack. it is a party in raleigh. nc state women's. the 11th seated wolf pack headed to the sweet 16. the best mascot in college
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athletics. oregon and great and going at it. less than 15 seconds to play. he got it. tied at 62. oregon gives one last look in regulation to win the game. cannot get it to go. we are headed to overtime. the ducks are down three. 22 to play. it looks sloppy but he hits the three. clayton builds a six-point lead. alexander with the rock. zigzagging around. misses but jason greene has a put back in that is also wrote. 86-73. the blue jays added back to the sweet 16. gonzaga facing kansas. jayhawks led by one of the half but all gonzaga in the final 20 minutes. watson throws it down and makes it 52-49, bulldogs. don't leave him open. they left him open. 32-
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for gonzaga run. then outscored kansas in the second half and they crews they reach the sweet 16 for the ninth year in a row. oakland native, going for the huge chamin that will not go. he is facing dayton but in the second half the wildcats are up. why not try again? he throws down the rivers. 13 points for the former san leandro high star. with a 12 point lead, he has a three. arizona moves on. they beat dayton. to soccer , bay fc taking on the washington spirit. we pick things up in the 11th minute of play. we will get to it . here we go. dorian bailey , the school board looks bleak. so she lights it up. breakaway goal puts bay fc up 1-0 early.
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but in the final minute of stoppage time, a heartbreaker . walkoff game-winner. washington women's 2-1. bay fc's home opener against houston is next saturday. mls the quakes hosting the seattle sounders. they are tied at two in the final minutes. jeremy puts the team on its back. go-ahead goal in the 82nd minute. quakes win 3-2. inch bring training, it was on the mound for the giants in scottsdale. top of the third with the bases loaded. he crutches 12 center and clears the basis. harrison would allow four runs in 3 1/3 innings. that is san francisco's last game of the spring in arizona. that will do it for sports. have a great day. after four years in storage, the statue of willie
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mccovey is outside the ballpark. it has been moved slightly over to the new china basin park. giant ceo said it was tough to have it in storage for so long but he is happy it is back where it belongs overlooking the cove. coming up , emergency workers continued to search through rubble in moscow, after a mass shooting and fire at a concert hall. president putin wakes -- what makes to be an up substantiated accusation. ahead, the u.n. secretary-general ventures close to the conflict zone in gaza as he calls once again for an immediate cease-fire between hamas and israel. here is a live look outside. we will be right back in a moment.
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind.
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for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. welcome back. it is this:30. thank you for joining us. i am kelsi thorud. emergency workers in russia are coming the scene of a terror attack at a concert hall in moscow. more than 130 people are confirmed dead after gunman opened fire at a sold-out music event on friday night. family and friends of those still missing are
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waiting to hear news i -- if they are still alive. the islamic state group also known as isis has claimed responsibility for the attack. president putin is trying to link the attack to ukraine. it comes barely a week after putin win a fifth term as president. cbs news correspondent wendy gillette has more from new york. >> reporter: tears, flowers and candles honor the victims of the concert hall terror attack in moscow. a makeshift memorial outside the city hall gets larger. elsewhere in the city long lines formed at blood donation centers. is blood donor said she was shocked by the attack. and felt fear and horror. the red cross was overwhelmed by all those who showed up and urged donors to return this week. smoke grows from the concert hall which the attackers set on fire. as crews inside started the long process of clearing debris.
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russian president vladimir putin address the nation, calling the attack a bloody, barbaric terror act . and also said the attackers tried to escape to ukraine and there were preparations to let them cross the border. kyiv stream wrongly denied any involvement of said it was an attempt to increase support for russia's war against ukraine. putin promised punishment for the attackers and called for a day of mourning today. >> the u.s. national security council says there is no evidence to suggest ukraine had any role in the attack. it also said the u.s. and one russia of an immediate islamic state attack. we are not entirely done with the system. there is a chance for an isolated stray shower throughout the course of this morning. and maybe a few more into the afternoon but you will get more blue sky today for sunday then you had on saturday. not nearly as rainy
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but still rainy and if you happen to get an isolated sell over your part of the bay , it could be a brief downpour that comes through. totals for today probably a quarter of an inch of rain tops for some of the radio locations. a pretty good-looking sunday and you can keep your outdoor plans because it will be easier to operate without getting rained on. i will have a look at the complete forecast in a bit. two more systems coming our way this week. the leader of the united nations is getting more vocal in a call for humanitarian aid and peace in gaza. secretary-general antonio gutierrez used his visit at the rafah crossing connecting egypt and gaza to make a renewed called for a cease-fire. he spoke not far from where israel plans to launch a ground assault, against hamas. he also met with palestinian women and children at a hospital in egypt . one boy lost his left hand and one of his legs. to terrace called listening to these testimonies heartbreaking.
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this comes as aid trucks tried to distribute food and other supplies into gaza had been facing a partial blockade, jointly enforced by egypt and israel. >> nothing justifies the reason attacks by hamas on october the seventh. and nothing justifies the collective punishment the palestinian people . now more than ever, it is time for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire. it is time to silence the guns. palestinians in gaza, children, women, men, are in a nonstop nightmare. >> gutierrez said the u.n. will continue to work with egypt to streamline the flow of aid into gaza. israel's prime minister said the military will evacuate palestinian civilians from
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combat areas before any assault. it is no secret that the royal family tries to keep much of the private lives away from the limelight. but now and outpouring of support for kate middleton has shown up on the steps of london's buckingham palace. tourists and locals alike gathered outside to express their sympathy for the princess of wales after she announced that she has cancer and revealed in a video message she was undergoing chemotherapy. >> as a fellow mom, i think everyone should just give her a little space. obviously, the kids will have a really tough time with this. any child would. i feel bad for them. the kids. >> my favorite royal. i was sad to hear that, actually. whatever treatment she needs i hope it works for her and she recovers. >> middleton said doctors have discovered the presence of the disease following major abdominal surgery in january. social media newspapers had been speculating on our
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health, as she took a leave of absence from royal engagements. while she was recovering. the family has asked for time, space and privacy during treatment . pope francis presided today over palm sunday mass in st. peter's square at the vatican. it marks the start of the holy week for christians . the most sacred week of the church is calendar. leading up to the celebration of easter. >> [ speaking in a global language ] >> the pope spoke on today's mass and he did not take part on the sunday palm procession. he has said mobility problems for some time and has been using a wheelchair for almost 2 years, which the pope says it's very practical. later this week pope francis will visit a women's prison where he will take part in a foot watching ritual for her early thursday. heal will also lead services to market good friday holiday, two days before
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easter. in this country, vice president kamala harris toured the sight were a mass shooting occurred at a high school in parkland, florida, in 2018. she announced a new program to strengthen red flag laws. six years ago a former student fired about 140 shots from his ar-15, killing 14 students and three staff members. at marjorie stoneman douglas high school. 17 others were injured. yesterday, harris saw the walls containing bulletholes and floor still covered in dried blood and broken glass. she said the halls and classrooms remained frozen in time from that incident. after the walk-through, harris delivered remarks highlighting gun safety and the biden administration's goal to reduce gun violence. >> we must be willing to have the courage to say that on every level, whether you talk about changing laws , or changing practices and protocols, that we must do
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better. >> during her remarks, harris announced a new $750 million grant program that will provide technical assistance and training for florida and other states with red flag laws. she also called on both congress and states to adopt red flag laws , that do not have them. u.s. coast guard is on the lookout for a six-year-old girl who fell into a pennsylvania creek. philadelphia police said the first received a call just after 8:00 p.m. last night of a child, now identified . playing near chester creek who had gone missing. heavy rains had accumulated in the creek several hours earlier. initial reports indicate the two girls were there when it happened, one of them slipped on mud and fell into the water. a rescue operation is currently underway with drones, boats and a chopper. coming up. san francisco launches a new effort to make sustainable commuting more
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accessible for low income residents. the program and to make e-bikes more affordable. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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a powerful early spring storm showered parts of new england and other northeastern states with heavy rain and snow. flood warnings and wind advisories are in effect for parts of new york and new jersey and in some places high water levels may bring traffic to a halt. at the same time, parts of maine, new hampshire and even vermont are going to receive more than a foot of snow. as of this morning, hundreds of thousands of electricity customers are out of power from maine to new york. according to power outage .us. just a quick look back at what the storm looks like on saturday. is a beautiful example of what it looks like when you get isolated, on-again off-again showers, that moved through the bay. a nice rain borough. that is from on top of the salesforce tower. that
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passes and then the next band of rain moves through and you get an opening as semites comes through and warms up the ground and you get more showers. this is what it was like on a saturday. it will not be that impressive today on sunday. there is a chance for a few isolated showers throughout the course of this morning. what to get into sunday afternoon it will be isolated, hit and miss showers. you'll get far more blue sky on sunday for today then you had yesterday. that beautiful time-lapse we looking at is kind of active and busy and at times ominous looking at us , it will not be as intense they. an isolated hit or miss shower and if you get a heavier sell on top of your part of the bay you get a show but it will be short-lived, everything is out quickly. we will get a quarter of an inch of rain tops from this one. it will still snow in the sierra and we are look at the potential for as much as an additional foot of snow overnight and through early this morning. the winter storm
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warning stays in effect until we get to 8:00 a.m. and then it expires . not that much longer to go but it is a messy drive in the sierra for anyone who has to travel in the mountains. keep your eye out in the pacific and you will see a couple of systems. there is the first one. that one has its eye set on wednesday. there is another comes in perhaps targeting friday. we will do it again. the wednesday system does not really look super impressive at this point. but it is still rain in the seven day. and the friday system looks like it could be more impactful. look at the organization. a really beautifully tightly wound up area of low pressure. pulling in some tropical moisture and it will have some cold air to work with. it has all the ingredients at this point. to be a pretty impactful storm. but we are several days out. a little too far out on this to get super specific with it. but it will be around , the timing
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is it could be around from friday into sunday. let's watch this a different way. the comparison. the wednesday rain we have a higher degree of confidence on. maybe a quarter of an inch of rain. maybe closer to a half inch in the north bay. we add in friday and potentially leading into next weekend system and the totals go up. that is in question but since we are seeing this in the forecast models it is worth it to talk about it now. we will get about seven to 10 inches of snow from the first system on wednesday in the sierra. watch what happens when we add in friday through sunday. there remains to be seen some questions need to be answered in terms of just how active the second half of this week will be. but wednesday system we have a high degree of confidence on and we will have more on a friday-saturday system as we get closer. the san francisco public utilities commission is trying to make sustainable commuting accessible for low income residents. the agency is
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offering a $1000 coupon toward the purchase of an electric bike. we have details. >> i don't ride inside. >> reporter: a new push to electrified transportation , in a clean renewable way. and make it more accessible. >> when i got divorced, she got the car. >> reporter: 79-year-old san franciscan, rides his e-bike everyday. he made the switch to years ago. >> it is certainly economical and worth the learning curve. >> reporter: he said it was an opportunity to see if he could live without a car. and the san francisco public utilities commission is making it more affordable with their electrified my ride program. it offers a $1000 rebate to eligible customers towards the purchase of an e-bike. it is based on customers enrollment in the low income discount programs through clean power sf and another . in addition
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to the utility address , in it equity priority community. he said an e-bike makes individual eco-friendly transportation available to many more people. >> it is a beautiful idea because anybody who can ride a bike , no matter how old , no matter how young, this is the way to go. you don't have to work unless you want to. and you work as much as you want to. >> reporter: the puc has partnered with six local bike stores for the repo program. including the by connection. the manager, said they had a rush in business because of the program and he said making personal transportation more affordable is changing lives. >> that could be the way they get to work and how they get to the doctor's office or take their kids to school. >> reporter: said the store is
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doing what they can to bring in bikes that will be in most people's price range. >> as low as 1099 right now. >> reporter: he said the puc approach the store about partnering and he did not hesitate. >> this program has been one of the few examples i can think of where a business winds, consumers when, the government facilitated it all in the environment wins. >> reporter: the puc launch the program on february 5th and runs through april 20th. but they may extend or relaunch it. they have had hundreds of people interested in it. he said he hopes more people take advantage . >> enjoy. it is a beautiful spring day. there is nothing like enjoying transportation. >> if you are looking to buy an e-bike, there are new rules to follow in san francisco to reduce the risk of fire. such as limiting the number of vehicles charging to four at a time, keep charging vehicles at least three feet away from each other, and don't use any damaged or reassembled batteries.
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coming up. bay area dog lovers join the celebration of national puppy day. how one east bay shelter is marking the occasion this weekend.
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saturday was national puppy day. and to celebrate our
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furry friends, one east bay adoption center is looking for people that can provide a forever home. this little guy was one of the many pups looking for a new family at berkeley humane. the adoption center saw lots of visitors looking for canine companions. and the centers manager said they got more than just puppies. >> we have adult dogs, small dogs, big dogs. cats, kittens. all the furry things you would want in your home. >> if you are looking for a pet, you can visit any of the shelters throughout the bay area. meanwhile, the rain on saturday did not dampen the annual celebration in fremont. event brings people together as they spread colorful powder to mark the arrival of spring time. the celebration is also known as the festival of colors. have you ever wanted to know what it feels like to be steph curry for a day? well, these lucky kids got a chance
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at play where the pros play yesterday afternoon. it is where fans ages seven to 15 get to dribble, pass and shoot on warriors ground. >> my daughter was very shy. she would be hiding somewhere far away and to see her out there just doing , in between the leagues , dribbling. watching her just going forward and throwing the ball up with no fear. and making new friends. it is awesome. kelly has two choices... a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked, hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham. nobody wants a kelly baked meal, not even kelly. every bite is a celebration
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with the honey baked ham company. you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box!
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it is 6:55. we will look at this morning's top stories. a mountain lion attack and killed a person for the first time in 20 years in california. authorities say it happened after 1:00 p.m. saturday in a remote area near el dorado county's georgetown. an 18-year-old had called the sheriff's office saying he and his brother were attacked by the mountain lion . when police got there they scared off the animal, but they found a 21-year-old victim dead at the scene. in oakland, surveillance footage shows two suspects harassing, threatening, and beating an elderly laundromat owner for eight minutes. but the owner says she fears they will come back because police only cited a suspect with a misdemeanor.
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emergency workers in russia are sifting through debris as they try to find anyone trapped under the rubble of a terror attack. the islamic state group has claimed responsibility for the attack that killed more than 130 people. at a concert hall on friday night. un secretary general antonio gutierrez visited the rafah crossing in egypt and reiterated calls for a cease-fire and expressed frustration about humanitarian aid being blocked from entering gaza. seven-day forecast shows you the left oice ver shbreak o and tuesday and no rain and another system comes in on wednesday. that one should be confined to wednesday but there is another system that comes in fast on its heels and that is why you see that chance of rain and extending for much of the later part of this coming week. friday appears to be one of the more notable days in terms of widespread rain and you can see saturday with isolated showers and thunderstorms possible by the time we get to that point.
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it will be a busy week. we will have much greater clarity on the timing and details of those two systems, as we get closer. thank you for joining us. "cbs sunday morning" with jane pauley is next. here on kpix local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. enjoy the rest of your sunday.
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