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tv   The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  CBS  November 15, 2023 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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deep fried oil, tilt the glasses down and i am in for something good. >> the plelt is good stuff. >> yeah. >> did he dig in his pocket? >> in 2016 he was a private citizen. he had to. >> i guess he was vice president when he went there. any way. >> i think the home grilled cheeses are the best. >> they are. >> they are. >> if somebody else makes it. >> that is great. i will not say no. >> no cleanup. >> i saw >> a fight nearly breaking out in a senate hearing yesterday when oklahoma senator markwayne mullin confronted teamsters president sean o'brien over his social media post. and then in the house, lawmakers getting into a heated exchange after tennessee congressman tim burchett claimed the former house speaker, kevin mccarthy, hit him in the kidneys. >> are you a conservative lawmaker who has been attacked by another conservative lawmaker? >> it was a clean shot to the kidneys. >> then come on into master
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ron's congressional karate kung fu, where i'll teach you all the moves you'll need to legislate effectively, like sponsoring a bill, reaching across the aisle, and of course a kick to the genitals. graduates of this school include kevin "cheap shot" mccarthy, markwayne "stand your butt up" mullin, and majorie "taylor" greene. so come into master ron's congressional karate kung fu today and remember my guarantee. you'll get your bill passed or i'll send you a free karate chimp to break the stalemate. call now! >> announcer: it's "the late show with stephen colbert!" tonight... house of pain! first, stephen welcomes paul giamatti and tom blyth! featuring louis cato and "the late show" band. and now, live on tape
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from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, it's stephen colbert! [cheers and applause] >> stephen: hello. lightning reflexes. fantastic. i liked it. thank you, everybody. please have a seat. very kind. hi, folks. welcome, welcome one and all in here, out there, mr. and mrs. america, all the ships at sea to what we call "the late show." i'm your host, stephen colbert. president joseph robinette biden is in san francisco today meeting with chinese president xi jinping in the first conversation between the two leaders in a year. a year? they'll have so much to talk about. trade tensions, global flashpoints, who got hot
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over the summer. spoiler alert: neither of them! now, before the meeting, both sides tried to play it cool and set expectations low. in fact, both countries said that whatever happened, both biden and xi would not put out a joint statement after the meeting. so it's just going to be a case of "he said, xi said." [rimshot] [cheers and applause] the best. you can't teach that. china has a good reason to want to talk to america and it's cash. for the past few years, china's economy has been struggling, with anemic consumer spending and high youth unemployment. it's gotten so bad that second-graders can't get a job at the iphone factory. what? and i'm being told in response to that joke, apple has canceled jon stewart again.
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now, now, there you go. there you go. biden's gonna be thrilled to be out of d.c., because washington is increasingly a toxic dump. but yesterday there was a glimmer of governance, when the house of representatives approved a stopgap measure to avert a shutdown. it's a big relief, but before i forget, let me just record a promo for two months from now. tonight on "the late show," the government is headed for a shutdown. also, ravenous packs of wild dogs that now roam our streets. is your front door strong enough to save your family? the bill is the first major piece of legislation passed by new speaker of the house and sitcom dad saying "oh, smokey," mike johnson. johnson's bill had one major innovation. unlike the stopgap passed by kevin mccarthy, johnson's so-called two-step stopgap would fund certain parts of the government into mid-january and others into
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early february. that is genius! 'cause instead of just kicking the can down the road, mike johnson cut the can in half so now they have to kick two smaller cans down two longer roads! johnson needs a two-thirds majority because, to stop the bill from being killed in the house rules committee, he used a procedure known as suspending the rules, you can just do that? "the gentleman from kentucky is out of order because the floor of the house is now lava. two for flinching. no drops, no bombs, no backsies, no fudges. olly olly taxes free!" it's a victory. oxen free? olly olly oxen? it's a victory
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for the new speaker, but johnson's republican colleagues are pissed because the bill contains no spending cuts and was only achieved by partnering with democrats. and as we know, every time johnson reaches across the aisle, his son gets an alert on his phone. [laughter] accountability. accountability partner. now, you'll recall that when kevin mccarthy partnered with democrats to avert a shutdown, he lost the speaker job. but it appears speaker johnson is safe for now. i'll let virginia congressman bob good explain it real bad. >> we believe he is a conservative. we believe he is a trustworthy, honest guy, and he -- we did put him in the game in the fourth quarter when we're down 35-0, so we can't hold him to the same standards as the guy who got us to that 35-0 deficit. however, we don't expect him to come in and punt on the third down, and that's what we think he's doing here. >> stephen: clearly, clearly even talking about football causes brain damage.
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[applause] brain damage. the shutdown battle is the latest example of republican infighting. and yesterday, it became out-fighting. there were some donnybrooks in the halls of power or, as the media described it... >> apparently washington's fight club officially got underway yesterday. >> senate fight club. >> "fight club." >> "fight club." >> stephen: well, you know the first rule of fight club: let's talk about fight club! for the record, i believe it is wrong for adults, especially representatives working on behalf of the american people, to resolve their differences with violence. but as long as they're doing it, it's time for... >> the thunda in the rotunda! capital punishment in the capitol! congress has filed a motion for pain! >> stephen: first up was the undercard:
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house republican tim burchett versus former speaker kevin mccarthy. see, burchett is one of the eight republicans who voted to oust mccarthy, and while he was doing an npr interview yesterday, he took a hit from the former speaker. let's listen to the audio. >> why'd you elbow me in the back, kevin? hey, kevin! you got any guts? jerk. [laughter] >> stephen: no, kevin mccarthy has guts. what he doesn't have is balls. they're close. they're close. but there's a difference. when mccarthy was asked about his flying elbows, he denied everything. >> why would i punch somebody? why would i kidney punch somebody? if you did. if i'd kidney punched him, he'd be on the ground.
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>> stephen: if i hit him, he'd be on the ground. "then i'd kick him, and i'd take his bike, and his pokemon cards, and his girlfriend would be my girlfriend, and people would like me." after mccarthy's denial, burchett doubled down. >> you're quite confident this was deliberate? >> oh, yeah. come on. i'll take a polygraph test. >> stephen: okay. okay. that's not how polygraphs work. "i'm telling you. julia roberts wants to have sex with me. no, i've never met her. but i'll take a polygraph test!" i mean it. but yesterday's title match was the near-brawl between oklahoma senator markwayne mullin and the head of the teamsters, sean o'brien. right over there. mullin is a former mma fighter, and as we reported last night, exclusively on "the late show," he interrupted a senate hearing to challenge the boss of the teamsters to a fight until he was stopped by a surprise cameo. take a look. >> sir, this is a time.
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this is a place. we can finish it here. >> okay, that's fine. perfect. >> you want to do it now? >> i'd love to do it right now. >> stand your butt up. >> stand get your butt up. >> hold on, stop, oh, no. sit down, sit down. you're a united states senator. >> stephen: "you sit down. you sit down. you two! you, you, you, you. all of you. sit, sit, sit, sit. i'm breaking up this fight like it was a big bank! now let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that i'm the only senator who can be recognized simply by his socialist finger-points! look, i'm a cat. i'm a dog. i'm a fox. je suis.
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now, picking a fight on the floor of the senate is bonkers. but last night, mullin went on a media blitz to argue "no, it's not." >> are there any actual senate rules that if two consenting adults want to duke it out -- could you guys go bare knuckle if you wanted to? >> well, we looked into the rules and you know, you used to be able to cane. you got to remember of president andrew jackson challenged nine guys to a duel and won nine times. so at the end of the day, there is precedence for it if that's what someone wants to do. >> stephen: sure, if somebody's done something before, it's perfectly fine to do it again. that's why, when i was a kid, my dad used to take me hunting for archduke franz ferdinand! [laughter] now, in a different interview, mullin explained that not only is he ready to fight, he'll do whatever it takes to win.
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>> i'm not afraid of biting. i will bite. >> biting? well, i mean -- >> i'll bite 100%. in a fight, i'm gonna bite. i'll do anything. i mean, i'm not above it. and i don't care where i bite, by the way. >> stephen: wow. it takes courage to go on television and say that, for a righteous cause, you're willing to munch on junk. good for you, markwayne mullin. arrr! arrr! you go ahead. for the republic, you snap into a slim jim. this is real. this is our country. at the end of the day, mullin explained that this is exactly what he was sent to washington to do. >> i mean, what did people want me to do? if i didn't do that, the people of oklahoma would have been pretty upset with me. that's how i was raised and i'm supposed to represent oklahoma values. >> stephen: yes, who can forget the oklahoma state motto. "no mercy! bite his sack!"
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oohh! klahoma... it's not surprising that violence is a selling point for the republican party. and g.o.p. hopefuls for 2024 in fact are already adopting the strategy. just look at this new republican primary ad. >> it's a tough time in america and we need common sense solutions to real problems. problems like punk ass commerce people whose kidneys need a visit from my elbow. i am patricia corker, known to my enemies as stabbing pat. i spent ten years as a public school teacher and 20 in super max for a crime i pled guilty to because i'm proud of what i did to that man's neck and i'll do it again for you and congress. so vote patricia for better jobs. patricia for a brighter future.
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patricia for cutting a bitch. i will burn down their homes and laugh in their ashes like an avenging angel of pain. i'm patricia corker and i don't even feel this. >> stephen: we've got a great show for you tonight! my guests are paul giamatti and tom blyth. but when we come back, all the latest girl trends explained by a 59-year-due. stick around. >> announcer: "the late show with stephen colbert" sponsored by "banksgiving." in theaters november 17.
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♪honey baked ham and potatoes au gratin♪ ♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪
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♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company ♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody! louis cato and "the late show" band right over there. louis, i love that song. i hadn't heard that before. what's that called? >> louis: "the late show" original. "good god almighty." we only have some fantastic guests. the screen actors guild strike is finally over as of last week. which means we are packed with movie stars. tonight we have one of the greatest, paul giamatti from the
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film "the holdovers" is here. and sexy young man tom blyth from "the hunger games: the ballad of songbirds & snakes" is here right after that. very talented. also very talented. not just sexy. also very talented. paul giamatti. not just talented. also very sexy. talent being a great aphro aphrodisiac. louis, you know we've got a lot of young people working here all over the place. h.r. says i'm not allowed to ask their age. but you can tell the young ones. they're the ones with energy and just enough skin to cover their body. and i always try to keep up with the youths. not literally. they walk fast and my cartilage has been replaced by graham crackers. but i do like to follow the youth trends and tell you all about them in my segment... "stephen colbert presents: that's yeet. dabbing on fleek, fam!" >> stephen: apparently.
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is that anything? the coolest thing right now is a collection of things, because according to experts, girl trends are everywhere. everything girl is a girl thing now. for example, at work, gen z is embracing something called snail girl, which refers to women who prioritize self care and happiness above overworking. and not, as i originally thought, women who moisturize in white wine and garlic butter. one trendster explained, "a snail girl takes her time. she's running her own race. and maybe that race isn't going anywhere but home and back to bed." uh-huh! so if that sounds like you, you may just be... clinically depressed. another girl trend that might appeal to snail girls is something called "lazy girl jobs." this trend allows gen z's to "wear baggy jeans while doing less." as one lazy girl put it to
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"the new york post," "i get paid a bomb salary to talk to no one." adding, "except you. where'dyou say you work? the new york post? oh, god, i'm so fired." now, it doesn't end there. there's also something called scent girlies, clean girls, and my favorite hot girls with ibs, which refers to hot girls who, quote, "constantly fart, burp, bloat, and suffer from constipation and diarrhea." they're gonna want to hang out as close as possible to the scent girlies. if everything seems like a girl thing, that's because it is. as "the new york times" put it, as a girl, there is almost no behavior or activity you can't claim as your own. well, as not-a-girl, the behavior i claim is "confused." so here to help me understand all these girl trends is my writer, girl, and certified young person, eliana kwartler.
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eliana, thank you so much. first of all, hi, eliana. >> eliana: hey, steve-girl. >> stephen: eliana, help me out here. i like to keep up with the trends, you know me. but these girl trends don't seem like trends. they feel like one person describing stuff they do and then just saying it's a trend. >> eliana: okay, skeptical girl. >> stephen: don't... don't do that. >> eliana: these trends are totally real, steve. for example, right now i'm all in on a hot new carefree persona -- and this is real -- called "rat girl." >> stephen: okay, what's a rat girl? >> eliana: i'm so glad you asked, because i'm a tellgirl. like one self-described rat girl put it, "i chugged a friend's liquor as well as five beers. i vomited a little bit, my friend had to drag me into his bed. i am a rat." >> stephen: please tell me there's such a thing as a rehab girl. because what you're describing is not a trend. it's just one person having a bad night. >> eliana: well, you know what
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they say, steven, "one person's bad night is another person's trend!" >> stephen: no one says that! >> eliana: i just did, steve, and i'm a trend girl! >> stephen: wait, i thought you were a rat girl? >> eliana: no! keep up, steve! no one's a rat girl anymore. the hot thing now are chair girls. >> stephen: what's a chair girl? >> eliana: chair girls are so it. they love sitting in big blue chairs with like a wooden desk with an old man sitting behind it. >> stephen: i'm sorry. with a what behind it? >> eliana: i'm so sorry. a "rapidly aging" man. chair girls are fun. they love bright sweaters and making audiences cheer for them! [cheering] >> stephen: don't encourage her! no! don't! stop it.
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don't encourage her! >> eliana: yes! encourage me! i'm a needy-girl! >> stephen: i'm well aware. this is all meaningless! it's just individual things that individual people are doing! oh, look, i'm a mug girl! i'm a pen girl with a mug girl! this is just people giving their behavior a cute name so that they're either not responsible for anything they do or they just desperately need to glom on to any identifying label to give them a sense of self in the faceless mob that is our life online. [cheers and applause] >> eliana: you seem upset. um, any chance you are a hot girl with ibs? [laughter] >> stephen: we have to go to commercial. my writer, eliana kwartler, everybody. eliana. we'll be right back with paul giamatti.
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♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody! welcome back. to "the late show" already in progress. folks, my first guest this
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evening is an emmy and golden globe-winning actor you know from "sideways," "john adams," "cinderella man," and "billions." he now stars in the film "the holdovers." >> there was an incident when i was at harvard with my roommate. >> and? >> he accused me of copying from his senior thesis, plagiarizing. >> well, did you? >> no. he stole from me. the blue-blooded prick's family had allies. he accused me in order to sanitize his treachery and they threw me out. >> you got kicked out of harvard for cheating? >> no, i got kicked out of harvard for hitting him. i hit him with a car. >> stephen: please welcome paul giamatti.
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> paul: strong crowd. >> stephen: there you go. >> paul: that's a strong crowd. thank you. lovely to be back. >> stephen: always nice to talk to you. i want to get into "the holdovers" which i think it's a beautiful movie. everybody should see it. >> paul: yes indeed. >> stephen: i want to talk about the thing they may not know about. i hope they all know. you have a podcast with professor stephen called chin wag which i have done and enjoyed immensely. >> paul: you were an incredible guest. >> stephen: is there a guest, a white whale? >> paul: big game that i really want to get, besides you. >> paul: amy sedaris, paulo road. i do have one in mind.
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the big game i want to bag is cher. >> stephen: wow. come on. >> paul: talking in the same room, talking about sasquatch. still what's the problem. you are paul giamatti. just make a call. >> paul: two times in the past couple years i've gotten messages from my agent saying cher wants to talk to you for some reason. >> stephen: just cher wants to talk? it almost sounds like you're in trouble. we should talk. >> paul: totally. and then i go okay and i never hear anything in that it goes away and i never hear anything. i'm like what the [bleep] is going on with cher? >> stephen: she needs to talk to you. it sounds like she needs a liver. >> paul: she needs a kidney. >> stephen: i think when i interviewed her last she said she watches the show. you want to put the invitation
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right down the pipe. >> paul: where my looking? >> stephen: right there with the light. >> paul: cher, it's paul giamatti. if you're watching, baby, i'm here. [laughter] oh, okay, that's it. no, i don't want to go too far. >> stephen: save it for the podcast. when i have about "chinwag" is that your embracing of the mysterious. it's all about answers and being open to the inexplicable. >> paul: the mysterious. >> stephen: have you had the inexplicable, the numinous beyond your comprehension? >> paul: yes, i've had. it had a lot of expenses like i did the show. one of the reasons i do it as a set i'm tired of not talking about sasquatch. not talking about ghosts. >> stephen: you know what, it's about damn time. where do you find the courage paul giamatti? >> paul: it's time for me to speak out about ghosts. i've had a lot of ghostly things
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happen to me. >> stephen: like operations? >> paul: strange things. never had an operation but i've heard weird things. >> stephen: is this related to that? i was given to this and said at some point you might come in handy. explain what i'm holding. a play or something very upsetting. >> paul: i told your producer the story. i was in the play "hamlet." i was in "hamlet." shakespeare, "macbeth" is a famously haunted plane. "hamlet" is too because there's a ghost. the father of hamlet's ghost appears on in our production i'm playing hamlet, the ghost appears. he hands me a dagger and i'm going to use this dagger in the rest of the play different people and kill polonius, the old man. nonproduction commits a modern-day production so it's a big ass knife, like a bowie knife, like a bayonet. i've got it in a scabbard. i come out and i do "to be or
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not to be." i've got the knife on me and i do kind of stuff with the knife. i keep talking to ophelia who comes out. i'm doing the scene. i'm sort of berating her. her. all of a sudden i noticed my knife is gone. it's disappeared. and i'm looking around the stage. i'm doing the lines i'm looking around the stage.& where the [bleep] did my knife go? i can tell she's going where did the knife go? you would've heard it fall out or seen it. i have no idea. i had it when i went out. they sent stagehands out and search the stage and they look in the audience and they can't find the knife. they give me a bad rubber knife to use. this is going to look stupid. comes up to another intermission. we never found the knife. we come back in and there's a piece of scenery that flies in from way up in the top of the theater, lansdowne. i am supposed to come walking
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into threaten claudius who murdered my father. threaten with the knife always praying. i'm about to walk out behind the scenery. the stage manager says look out there in the middle archway. i look out and my knife is lying in the middle archway on a piece of scenery there was 100 feet up in the air. >> stephen: was claudius played by david blaine? >> paul: [laughs] >> stephen: because that's amazing. >> paul: it was crazy. i swear to god. i swear to god this happen. the other weird thing is a buddy of mine that was there came backstage and said this was great. you are terrific. thank you, i said. he said what happened to your knife and that one scene? you had it in the beginning of the scene and then it disappeared. to this day, i have no idea what the hell happened. makes no sense. ghostly.
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tune into "chinwag." cher, you can do more of this. >> stephen: we have to take a quick break but don't go nowhere because that's paul giamatti and he'll be here whene get back. i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness.
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>> stephen: it would be odd if you weren't here. hey, everybody. we are back here with the star of "the holdovers," paul giamatti.
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i'm so happy to talk about "the holdovers" which i saw last night for the first time. it's, it's funny. it's heartbreaking. it feels like time travel. i was alive in the early '70s when this takes place. it's so wonderful. you are transported there. in the scene of the liquor store, all the bottles have the old tax label. used to be on all the liquor bottles. >> paul: turns out it still 1970 in massachusetts. >> stephen: tell the nice people of the story is about. >> paul: it's about three people get stuck at a school over christmas vacation. teacher, whose student whose family doesn't particularly want him to come home and the woman who was the head of the cafeteria. the teacher has to look over the kid and she's there because she has nowhere else to go, and they all form a kind of lovely little family. they have discovered they are very different people and they discover they have a great amount of empathy for each other and it's a beautiful movie. >> stephen: beautifully made movie.
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alexander payne is the director. reuniting with him after "sideways." were you vanna his before you did -- were you a fan of his? >> paul: from the beginning. beginning. immersing "election" in the theater. i'm returning to my girlfriend at the time away before "sideways" i said if i could ever work with a guy like that and will be like this. i've done two movies with the guy. talk about mysterious. talking about strange, mysterious manifesting something. it's crazy. cher should show up at some point. >> stephen: your character is a bit of a curmudgeon. he is bitter. he has chronically sweaty palms, he has a medical condition where is the day goes on he increasingly smells like fish. alexander payne says the rule was created specifically for yo. >> paul: ! do consider this a compliment. >> paul: i was deeply touched, let me tell you. how can i not.
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the part is fantastic. it's a fantastic part. smelling like fish was just the cherry on top. it really was. >> stephen: you're from an academic family. >> paul: i am. everybody is a professor. >> stephen: were you able to draw on it? the tweed on the pipe. >> paul: pipe smoke makes me think of a friend of my father's who was a eccentric guy, so weird. all of them so odd and ecce eccentric. >> stephen: your character& gets to say fabulous insults. he calls the children snarling visigoths and hormonal vula vularians. do you have a favorite insult? >> paul: at the end of the movie. i shouldn't give this way but i'm going to. i called the headmaster penis cancer. it's great. >> stephen: the teacher is a teacher of antiquities, ancient
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history. are you big into that yourself? is that something that you might discuss on "chinwag"? >> paul: we did. i think it's one of the reasons. i know alexander so well, i think he put that in the character. i would smell like fish and to make up for that he give the guy an interest in roman history. >> stephen: paul giamatti, thank you so much for being h here. "the holdovers" is in theaters now. paul giamatti, everybody. we'll be right back with the star of "the hunger games: the ballad of songbirds and snakes," tom blyth. rufus hates being stuck inside. [dog whines] luckily, amy saved big at amazon. turns out, with the right gear, rufus rips.
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♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody! welcome back to "the late show." folks, my next guest is an actor who stars in the new "hunger games" prequel, "the ballad of songbirds and snakes." >> won't survive a minute inside that arena. we have to make every second before that count. get her to sing again. >> i wouldn't sing a note for you. >> she's district. she knows we hate her and she wants us dead. >> imagine it was your name they pulled and you had been ripped from your home. i would just want to know someone still cared about me. don't discount her just because
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she's district. you might have more in common >> stephen: please welcome to "the late show," tom blyth. hello, tom. [cheers and applause] nice to have you on. >> tom: thank you for having me. >> stephen: you are a brit. he spent most of your time here or in the u.k.? >> tom: i live here. i live in brooklyn. [cheering] >> stephen: you do have a thick brooklyn accent. seven years in the making. i'm getting there. >> stephen: the character is a younger version of donald sutherland's character, president snow, from the other stories for you don't seem like that much of a villain. what gives? >> tom: it's set 64 years before so i have a little bit of leeway to make him a little bit
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nicer. thankfully because he's pretty mean and the other films. >> stephen: were you a fan of the books? >> tom: i grew up watching these things. my mom and my sister and i used to go to opening weekend to see the movies. so yeah, getting to play him following his footsteps is a real honor. >> stephen: people become obsessive about these stories. people are excited for another chapter of this to be coming out. was there something when you were younger, other than this. did you have a fan base that you are part of? >> tom: i was kind of a little bit of a fan boy growing up and i use to love dressing up as my favorite characters. harry potter. you name it. i would make my own characters up, a mishmash of different characters with cowboy outfits, wizard outfits. >> stephen: harry skywalker. >> tom: how did you know? did you do that too? >> stephen: did you do collectibles? >> tom: i had dozens and dozens of "star wars" figurines lining the shelf. >> stephen: do you still have
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them? >> tom: i have been told they are worth something. i think they are in my moms basement somewhere. >> stephen: tell her not to throw them away. i saw "star wars" three weeks before it opened because we were in a test city and nobody knew what it was and i have these really on collectibles. i had a luke skywalker shampoo and conditioner set with a little bar, and orange bar of soap that had luke skywalker in his ex wing helmet carved into it and a comb but had a x-wing on the handle in the pacu could put on your belt. so you could wear it. i don't know why you would wear soap on your belts. >> tom: this was pre-pandemic. they knew it was coming. >> stephen: my mother, god bless her. my mother looked out one day and said he's never going to use the comb and so she kept the two bottles and threw everything else away. not collectible. >> tm: you don't have them anymore. >> stephen: very lovely woman, i told this story once in an article in somebody sent me a replacement version which i keep
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in my desk in my office at all times and i will never ever get wet. you were born and bred brit. you have the debilitating accent. but you have an american accent on this and you played billy the kid on mgm+. kind of a southwestern accent. do you find, pardon me if you get this too much but i'm kind of obsessed with how lovely i think a british accent is. and then to me of course there's no standard american accent. i don't sound like anything. do i have an accent? >> tom: to me, you do. >> stephen: could you sound like me? >> tom: only if you paid me. no, don't. >> stephen: did you know how to ride before you played billy the kid? >> tom: no. i had to go riding lessons in england when i was a kid and i
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fell off and i never got back on the horse and they say that you're supposed to get back on the horse. that's where the phrase comes from. >> stephen: that is the thing they say. >> tom: i made the mistake at the ripe age of six not getting back on the horse. >> stephen: someone has to put you back it's not your fault. a child isn't going to normally just get back on the beast that just threw him that weighs 1500 pounds. it's not your fault. it's not your fault, tom. >> tom: i have internalizes guilt for years. >> stephen: so you had to learn. i think i have a photo of you as you have to ride with one hand and shoot. >> tom: i am shooting, lasso wing cows and stuff while i'm writing. >> stephen: you lasso cows while your writing? >> tom: season one. i'm not great at it. i'm okay. it was in the middle of the pandemic. a newly graduated actor.
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there was a kind lady down the road who rescued horses and mustangs. she rehabilitates them. she works with soldiers and next soldiers. doing rehab stuff. she said i'll teach you. great, amazing. i went down to a farm. little did i know the rehab she does is yoga and reiki and energy work. >> stephen: she does yoga with the horse? >> tom: take off your shoes and lay on the back of a horse and lay there. >> stephen: you are doing yoga on the horse? >> tom: the horse is a yoga mat. >> stephen: i was picturing a horse doing downward dog. >> tom: that's where were going to go next. >> stephen: you eventually learn to ride. >> tom: i did. it didn't help because once i learned how to do this i graduated to writing. once i got up to canada and started filming the movie horse
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which was super well-trained. >> stephen: we had paul giamatti out here. have you met paul? >> tom: just now. i was freaking out. he's amazing. >> stephen: the photo of him playing hamlet. one of the most challenging things and actor can do is play a great shakespearean tragedy. is there someone you'd like to play? >> tom: i love the old roman plays. i would love to julius caesar trained brutus. in drama school they had me play a character in 12th night, the clownish largely endowed character. a big man. >> stephen: fat. not largely endowed >> tom: largely endowed is a very different thing. >> stephen: slightly different. that is p.r. that is p.r. >> tom: when i played him he was largely endowed. >> stephen: i get it. "the hunger games: the ballad of songbirds & snakes" is in theaters this friday. it's tom blyth, everybody. we'll be right back.
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>> stephen: that's it for "the late show!" tune in tomorrow when my guests will be jonathan karl and maria bamford. good night! ♪ ♪ - coming to you om hollywood almost live,


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