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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  November 10, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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now and in the future. many of those challenges simply come down to money. when it comes to keeping bart on track financially, who should foot the bill? kelsi thorud explains the answer is likely not to make anyone happy. >> reporter: deborah is one of nine people on the board of directors. she represents district 1 which includes the four bart stations from lafayette to concord in central contra costa county. before getting elected, she worked for decades as an accountant and financial officer. >> i decided this would be a place where i could bring my financial background to possibly help the public and do some good. >> reporter: when deborah got into office, she quickly realized the finances were in trouble. >> if you look at the numbers for the operating costs and
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spending since the pandemic, it has consistently for the most part risen every year. >> from 2018 through 2022, the operating expenses increased from $992 million to just over $1 billion. at the same time, operating revenues plummeted from $546 million to just $166 million. to cover the gap, bart received emergency funding from the federal government. if the funding runs out in 2025, and with ridership below half what it was before the pandemic, bart needs to come up with a new source of funding fast or risk significant cuts to services. one of the people working to secure that funding is the state senator, scott weiner. >> we need to stock emergency funds so make sure these systems don't fall apart. >> reporter: there's a few
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different ways they can secure funding, the state can raise taxes on things like gas and sales, they can also just increase the investment in transportation from the state's general fund. the senator told me that the option he thinks is best. >> that would be the cleanest way of doing it, and it makes sense for the state to step in and do it. >> reporter: it is unclear how realistic that is. bart says it'll need around $300 million per year starting in 2025 just to stay afloat, and it comes at a time when the state is dealing with its own budget deficit. that's why the senator is also the author of the bill that looks to increase bridge tolls to fund bart. >> and we also have ideas about how to make sure that commuters who are commuting every day on the bridges are not harmed. >> reporter: bart itself is also working to get a voter initiative on the 2026 ballot
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that would raise taxes to fund the system. the hope is that one or a combination of these different ideas will work to get bart back above water. however, public polling from an organization called joint venture silicon valley suggests securing any of those options may not be easy. russell hancock is the president and ceo. >> specifically, we asked our struggling rail systems, and we learned some interesting things. >> reporter: according to the poll, 57% of respondents said commuter rail needs to keep going even if it costs taxpayers more money. when asked where the money should come from, the same percentage of people, 57% disliked all of the available options, including raising fares, bridge tolls and taxes. angel has been writing bart every day for the past 25 years, he told me he is a part of the other 43%, those willing to pay more if it needs
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services. >> how can i get to work? >> reporter: but deborah told me the issue will be getting those who don't ride every day on board, she understands any of them are frustrated with the handling of finances. that's why she's not only looking into ways to secure more funding for bart but she's also looking into ways to cut costs, on everything from future projects to labor. >> this board has refused to ask for concessions out of the labor contracts, on things not necessarily on just pay increases, we could be talking about overtime roles which are very generous to bart employees. >> reporter: union leaders say renegotiating the labor contract wouldn't solve the
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problem. they believe it would only make it harder for them to retain employees. >> this has to be a state-level solution for all transit agencies. and it's not going to be by cutting raises or laying people off. >> reporter: deborah told me she knows bart just can't cut costs to get out of the deficit, her hope is to find a balance of both cutting costs and securing additional funding. >> perhaps if 80 million of cuts can be found in an annual budget, now we are only looking for 120 million per year of revenue and that might be more palatable to taxpayers, or to even state and local governments. >> reporter: deborah told me she believes the more people see bart trying to rein in its spending, the more willing they are to support the future funding of the system and help bart avoid its looming fiscal
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cliff. if you missed any of our coverage this week, we'll have more of those stories and much more on the morning news starting tomorrow at 6:00 am. we heard from several people as a part of this series but we want to highlight one transit agency that is seeing success even after the pandemic. the sonoma aerial rail trail , they started in 2017 and six years later they are continuing to expand with new stations planned and ridership is above levels they saw in 2019, before covid. through august of 2019 through august of this year, ridership is up 10%. >> this is finally a good alternative. >> it is very reliable and very smooth, i usually fall asleep.
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>> the combination of summer programs as well as fall commuters help with the recovery. a suburb in sacramento is hoping for an economic revival with tech startups stepping into the hole that was left years ago. they are planning on building electric vehicle batteries at the site that a rocket manufacturer was abandoned in 2016. that sparked hopes to bring in over 1000 long-term jobs and build 1 million and half square feet of office space, local businesses are excited that an influx of young professionals could give them a boost. >> i'm looking forward to it, post-pandemic, things had to build, so people are coming back. >> the ceo is based out of livermore and told the sacramento business journal that this would be the first u.s. factory to make ev battery components. next, a car and a bus slammed into a southern california restaurant, why the outcome could have been much worse. >> i'm about to see the whole
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bus and a car inside a building of this restaurant right here. and the bay area pilot accused of trying to crash a plane on its way to when we challenged ourselves to create the world's most emotional
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the off-duty pilot accused of trying to crash a plane on its way to san francisco, while high on magic mushrooms, is talking for the first time about what he experienced during his decision. telling the new york times, once the plane reached cruising altitude, he was convinced he was only imagining he was on the plane and he had to do something drastic to make the hallucination stop. that's when
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he reached up and pulled the fire suppression handles, luckily the pilots yanked his hand away in time to avoid an engine shut off. they made an emergency landing in portland and he was arrested and charged with 83 counts of attempted murder, he says he had no intention of hurting anyone and he believed it was all in his head that he was horrified by his actions. a violent crash in southern california, a bus slams into a local restaurant in long beach, injuring more than a dozen people. we spoke to a neighbor who caught the entire incident on his home security system. >> it is a heart stopping moment caught on video. as a car appears to blow through a stop sign at the exact moment a long beach city bus is going through the intersection. video was captured on this home security camera. >> i came out to see the whole
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bus and the car inside the building of this restaurant. >> reporter: it happened around 3:15, the city bus heading east when it landed in the intersection at the same time as the speeding car heading south on california. we slowed it down so you can see the vehicle was pushed into a downstairs business, a restaurant that thankfully was not open. >> it was shocking and a disappointment at the same time. >> reporter: the crash is a criminal investigation, 11 passengers on the bus were injured, as well as the driver. the passenger of the sedan had to be taken out with jaws of life from firefighters. nine people were taken to the hospital and upstairs from the restaurant is an apartment where two people were inside. >> i'm told they were totally safe, and they released the people. >> miraculously, everyone survived. >> that is great news.
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>> the owner of the restaurant says she found out about the crash from customers who send her messages on instagram. she said she was lucky she decided not to come in and do administrative work yesterday. ahead in sports, the michigan scandal finally has a punishment, and the former niners coach, jim harbaugh likely isn't thrilled. plus, the niners back in action sunday, and one area of improvement has to be ball security, how brock purdy is shouldering the blame. on this friday night, our investigation into college sports betting and a staggering $12 billion spent on profits last year.
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another beautiful sunset over the bay , and a beautiful weekend on tap. changes are on the way. >> finally, a significant rain chance for the whole area, that hopefully puts the nail in the coffin for fire season. we will keep an eye on this fire this weekend because temperatures are going to be a little bit above average. the storm track
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is going to stay to the north through the weekend, that is temporary, that will shape up and send the system towards us by the middle of next week. a lot of uncertainty surrounding that at this point, but just enjoy a nice weekend, temperatures today topped out a little bit above average. 70s and plenty of 60s, just a few locations reaching into the low 70s. advertise between the mac average high is between 60 and 65 degrees. similar conditions tomorrow after a cool start. then we warm up, let's take a look at the highs for saturday, looking nice with very similar temperatures in store on sunday. should make it into the low to mid 70s in the santa clara valley. upper 60s for fremont, just above 70 degrees in redwood city and a little bit further into the 70s in the east bay. in the 60s in san francisco and oakland. north of the golden gate, temperatures also reaching the low 70s, very similar to other parts of the bay area and again, sunday is going to be almost a copy, may be a degree warmer, then
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changes on monday. a better chance of rain showers eventually heading our way, we are going to show you the long-range forecast models, to show you where they agree and disagree. they keep going back and forth, one will depict a wet scenario, the other one will show dry and they switch places. they are starting to converge at least a little bit on some scenarios that we can have a tiny bit of confidence in. the showers are starting to approach on tuesday, then things back off a little bit as we head into wednesday. some showers possible, especially along the coast but a more likely surge of moisture wednesday night, sticking around through thursday. these are two forecast models, but really this is ensemble data, we take these two and run it dozens of times to get a range of possibilities and you look at the average, that gives you the reasonable case scenario of how much rain we are talking about next week. we are talking about amounts that would be beneficial but not problematic,
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one inch , up to one inch and a half of rainfall expected. this would be over the course of several days, not likely to fall fast enough to cause significant issues. it does look like this will register as an atmospheric river but toward the bottom end, one is just borderline at mary -- atmospheric river. we will keep an eye on things, there still plenty of time for them to potentially change so we will look out for that. just enjoy a nice weekend, temperatures in the mid-70s saturday and sunday and as the rain chance ramps up, the temperatures will go down. next week will be in the 60s for the coolest days. a similar trend around the bay, not quite as warm this weekend but upper 60s to around 70 degrees, then backing down to the lower half of the 60s by the middle of next week. along the coast, mid-60s, not bad for
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middle november. around 60 degrees wednesday, thursday, and friday. even as we start to dry out, the cooler weather might stick around for a couple more days. pre-thanksgiving weekend, how is that already? >> sarah, what is coming up next? we are talking about our series, bart on the brink . and the mayor said her city is suffering as the homeless are pushed off of trains at the end of the line, why she says it is bart's problem to solve and how the agency is responding. plus, while you may be figuring out how to get around next week during apec, hundreds of people have volunteered to show off the bay area in the best possible way, we hear from the people playing a crucial part in making sure the conference goes off without a hitch. it's official, the 49ers wide receiver, deebo samuel will return this sunday against
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jacksonville. the offensive tackle, trent williams is questionable to play according to kyle shanahan with an ankle injury. a key for san francisco in their three-game losing streak will be limiting turnovers after having only one giveaway in the first five games, brock purdy has turned it over six times in the last three . and two weeks ago after the loss to cincinnati, he owned up to the mistakes in front of the team. >> i just wanted the team to know, and to hear from my own mouth, face to face, i've got to do better. i own up to the mistakes i've made and at certain points of the game i have to be smarter with the ball. the quarterback is one of the most trusted guys in the organization. so, just owning up to that and understanding that, so i was telling the guys that, it just came from my heart and that was it. >> maybe not owning up to it,
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michigan has banned the head coach, jim harbaugh, for the next three bay -- games while he is being investigated. he can still coach the team during the week but he cannot be at the game. the school is seeking a court order to allow harbaugh to be on the sidelines for tomorrow's game at penn state. to the nba, after playing eight straight games in eight different cities, the warriors return home against cleveland for the start of a six-game homestand, the team is 6 and 3 and they are very happy with the start to the year. >> we've just got to get through that stretch and we did more than that, going 6 and 3, we are in a good position. the team is doing a great job but i'm looking forward to getting some practice time, we have hardly practiced at all the last couple of weeks.
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>> the former giants catcher was introduced as the new manager of the cleveland guardians today, the team said he would find out last friday whether or not he got the job. the two time all-star had to find a way to stay busy before getting the news. >> we loaded up the tractor and headed out to the horse barn and said we are going to call you at 9:30. so i pulled over in the feedlot and jumped on zoom real quick and they said congratulations, we are going to offer you the next cleveland guardians job, and i accepted and proceeded to move a big pile of horsemen newer around the pasture, i will never forget that moment. what a beautiful thing to do right after you find out you are going to be the manager. >> it is never as glamorous as it seems, and right before the show, the giants were busy with former players, they have joined the staff, williams will be the hitting coach, that is
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great for the giants fans, they missed him in the bay. but, horsemen newer? somebody has to do it. >> don't they call it gold in the midwest or something? >> don't ask us. still ahead, grammy nominations were announced today and the women are taking center stage. one of the stories of album of the year is that every one of these is a woman except for
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the nominations are out for the 66th annual grammy awards and the women are dominating all of the big categories. we take a look at who made the list. >> her blockbuster sos, only her second album is also up for best progressive r&b album. >> it has been this sort of genre and culture crossing album, it is a rare, creative and commercial triumph.
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>> phoebe bridgers came in second , six are for her supergroup, boy genius. taylor swift with six nominations is poised to make history at the grammys if her midnight album wins album of the year. >> she will become the first artist ever to win in this category four times. >> she didn't release her most lively album this past year, with the tour and everything else, that has really given it a lot of wind. >> she is tied with barbra streisand, for the most nominations by a woman in that category. and john baptiste is the only known artist in the record and album of the year categories. gracie abrams, jelly roll, coco jones,
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victoria monet are all up for best new artist. the 66 grammy award show airs on cbs and streams on paramount plus sunday fairbury fourth from los angeles. barbee dominated the movies this last summer, now several songs are taking center stage at the grammys with 11 nominations. there is also three new categories, best pop dance recording, best african performance and best alternative jazz album. >> that is it for the news at 5:00, cbs news bay area with sara donchey starts right now. the bay area mayor reached out to us with the problem of her own, she said her city is suffering as b.a.r.t. riders are getting pushed out at the end of the line. >> we have become the mecca of the unhoused. if you are letting them on, you need to take them back to where they call home. >> her plea for help and why
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bart said there's more to the story. we are just hours away from the official kickoff to apec, the stage is set for the historic summit , and that will make getting around san francisco very difficult, the latest information to help you plan your commute. what does it take to pull off an event like this, we hear from one of the hundreds of volunteers who put in long days to help show off the bay area in the best possible light. >> we love the city, it has a few problems but we want to rise to the occasion. do you ride bart? half a million of people per day used to but the pandemic and crime scared most away. now, bart is on the brink, all this week we expose what's wrong and what it will take for bart to survive. >> hello, i'm sara donchey. we have been getting so


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