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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition Saturday 7am  CBS  April 29, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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the warriors squander a golden opportunity in game six. they can't close out the kings.
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now a deciding game 7 in sacramento. a private security guard is arrested after a deadly shooting. what we are learning about the confrontation at a walgreens that left a woman dead. the chp and national guard are about to tackle the fentanyl crisis in san francisco. details on how it would work and reaction from the neighborhood at the center of that effort. good morning. saturday, april 29th. thank you for joining us. i'm devin fehely. a quick check of the weather with first alert meteorologist paul heggen. dense fog out there. once that dizzy patz temperatures will warm up inland for one more day. cool and breezy sunday with a stronger on shore wind. the system will be close enough to bring rain chances into the forecast for the first week of may. a weird weather pattern. temperatures in the 40s and 50s. 50s. we warm up inland. by noon temperatures in
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the 70s. in most inland part of the bay area. around the bay it will be cooler. well, the warriors are heading back to sacramento for game 7 tomorrow. the kings were in complete control last night at chase center. steph curry dropped 29 points but darren fox was his equal. the kings had 17 three-pointers, the most by either team in the series. monk had add a big game. vern glenn will have highlights in a few minutes in sports. an alleged retail theft ended in deadly gunfire. a private security guard is facing a murder charge for allegedly shooting a woman at a san francisco walgreens. it happened 6:30 at the walgreens on market street near the west field shopping center. kenny choi is piecing together details about the guard and victim and the moments leading up to the shooting. >> we have learned the identity
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of the security guard involved in the shooting last night as well as a person who was killed. san francisco police confirming that a theft occurred and that the person, the security guard, is under arrest on suspicion of murder. he works near the walgreens on market street cleaning sidewalks. he sees everything from petty crime to violent confrontations in the area. >> people walk in, steal, they be belligerent, disrespectful and a lot of times, security guards, i mean, they are overwhelmed. >> reporter: last night an alleged shoplifting incident turned into a chaotic scene. an armed security guard opened fire killing chynna brown. she died on the way to the hospital. the security guard is identified as michael earl wayne anthony from oakland. >> i was on my way out. she was out before me. as soon as we were walking out, boom, boom. she dropped to the floor. i'm looking at her and that was
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that. . >> reporter: anthony worked for kingdom group protective services private security. he has a permit to act as an armed guard. >> what could have been stolen that warranted taking -- warranted taking a life. >> reporter: michael hoff is a criminal defense attorney with a law enforcement background. >> here is someone usually in uniform, maybe even armed that will deter crime. in the event that a kim occurs, unless there is significant great bodily injury or death that is in jeopardy, lethal force will be considered excessive. >> reporter: the latest report shows gun violence and gun related deaths are tracking slightly lower compared to the same time period in 2022 and lower than 2021. regular customers say the shoplifting happens. >> unfortunate situation. i feel like, you know, it needs to be addressed in the proper fashion by the proper authorities that, you know,
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deal with that type of situation. >> reporter: a walgreens spokesperson sent us a statement that reads in part, the safety of the patients, customers and team members is the top priority. violence of any kind will not be tolerated in our stores. they are cooperating with local authorities. we reached out to the private security guard company that employs the person who has been arrested on suspicion of murder. they say they cannot comment on this matter at this time. a lot of stores are adding security guards but there are rules about registering with the state. a security expert tells us that deadly force is the absolute last resort. >> stores want the property protected but you can't tell security people protect my property by shooting the people trying to steal. is the person threatening your life or the life of somebody else. that is the bottom line. it's not a property crime. you don't shoot people for property crimes. >> armed security guards are
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required to undergo extensive training and evaluation and must participate in quarterly firearm training. we heard about retail crime in san francisco. here is perspective. police data shows that property crime including break-ins and thefts shot up in 2021 and 2022 but it's down 10% this year. retail crime is one challenge but san francisco is struggling to crack down on the open air drug markets. on friday we learned about a plan to bring in the national guard and chp to help. shawn chitnis asked people that live and work in the tenderloin how do they feel about extra help from law enforcement. >> reporter: city and state leaders shared what we will see and what we won't see with the partnership. we will see chp and sfpd officers working together and patrolling the streets. what we won't see is the national guard and military boots on the ground. their role
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will be behind the scenes. he just started working at a grocery store a few months ago but he lived here most of his life. >> i was excited hoping it would happen and be visible to everyone else. >> reporter: he knew about the mayor's plan to make changes starting monday in this part of the city. >> make it easier for families and everyone else to go with their day. >> reporter: city leaders including the mayor, district attorney and chp and california national guard spoke about the new partnership. the police chief echoing his concern about what they need to see happen. >> there are people visiting our city from lands far away that for a short second, before the officers cleared it, could not walk down the sidewalks. >> reporter: the california highway patrol will have around 80 uniformed officers assigned to san francisco by this summer. some will work hand in hand with sfpd officers
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patrolling areas like the tenderloin together. the national guard won't have anyone on the street but will have 14 criminal analysts to help map out drug dealers in the city as well as learn the habits of cartels so law enforcement can break them up. >> what is missing has been accountability and that is what this is about. >> reporter: the mayor pushed back on concerns that this is part of the same approach and the ongoing war on drugs. >> as far as i'm concerned, my plan is part of what has been missing because this city has been extremely generous with regards to social services. >> reporter: she says stopping drug dealers has to be as much of a priority as helping those battling an addiction. >> if my sister were to go outside, i would feel better for her go outside. >> reporter: he feels safe where he works and lives and wants more officers on the street and hopes this plan can change the way people think about this part of the city. >> i hope for change and for the tenderloin to be like every other neighborhood.
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>> what is that? >> a safe neighborhood. >> reporter: at this early stage, both city and state leaders say it's unclear how they will measure success with the partnership but the mayor said if they can reduce overdose deaths that is one way to show success. it's unclear how long the partnership with last. there is no timeline that they have announced as of tonight. >> that is shawn chitnis reporting. state lawmakers advanced a handful of bills aimed at cracking down on fentanyl. one would create a statewide task force and another increase penalties on dealers and a third prohibit them from carrying guns. it would require the threat assessment center to focus on fentanyl trafficking. one bill that failed would have required judges to warn convicted fentanyl dealers that they could face homicide charges if they deal again and someone dies. there were concerns it would unfairly punish people that were not aware that their drugs contained fentanyl. first republic bank in san
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francisco was on the verge of collapse and there is a possibility it could be seized by the feds this weekend. the stock plunged yesterday sinking to 3.51. that is a 95% drop from earlier this year. it's market capitalization is over a billion dollars. a major blow after it was reported a worse than expected drop in customer deposits. the troubles first began with the failure of silicon valley bank then continued with customers taking their money out of other medium and smaller banks. that panic forced banks to quickly liquidate assets. the concern is that first republic could become a bell weather for hundreds of other banks. max darrow is talking to a branch in burlingame about their bank.
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>> reporter: first republic bank customers prepared for the worse as it teeters on collapse. this is not a trip to the bank he was eager to take but one that he and his family deemed necessary. >> we will withdraw money and move it to wells fargo. >> reporter: he is preparing for the possibility that the bank will go under and into fdic receivership. >> the stock price has gone through the basement. >> reporter: during last month's banking crisis which saw the collapse of silicon and signature bank, first republic pulled 100 billion in deposits out of the bank. according to company figures, first republic had 233 billion in assets under management march 31st. >> word is they may close down next week. >> the basic problems the banks are facing are generally the same for all banks. >> reporter: dr. julian vogel is assistant professor of finance. >> a receivership is the fdic coming in and handling the failed bank, selling the assets
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of the bank to them meet the obligations of the bank such as the people that have $250,000 or less in deposit. >> reporter: vogel said when the fed raised interest rates, the value of some of first republic assets went down. the bank was faced with less money on the balance sheet. that led to people panicking because of what happened at svb and the mass withdrawal of funds. >> these banks that are affected had an issue with management. they didn't diversify enough and invested in large amount of their assets in risk free treasury securities and that is never ideal. >> reporter: big picture, he says it's not easy to see how everything will unfold. >> it's hard to say. i don't think at this moment we will repeat 2008. >> reporter: he is concerned
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that more banks will see a similar fate. >> it's sad but it is what it is. >> reporter: first republish is ranked among the top 25 banks in america by asset size. on friday the federal reserve released an anticipated report in which it accepted some of the blame for the collapse of silicon valley bank. the report said it failed because of bad bank management by the leadership team but because of weakened regulations and relaxed government supervision and calls out workplace practices at the federal reserve itself. supervisors were unwilling to crack down on bank empty r of even when they saw growing problems. most of the yosemite valley is closed. why the risk of flooding could stretch well into the spring. more evacuation orders are in effect in san clemente after a landslide leads to the red tagging of buildings including a cultural landmark.
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yosemite valley is closed due to flooding concerns. the closure is expected to last through wednesday of next week. the basic problem is all of the snow from the winter, up to 15 feet in some areas. now the warm weather is causing the snow to melt swelling rivers with run off. the earn section will be shut down until may 3rd. they expect the rivers and creeks to rise possibly lapping over roads and trails. the melting snow pack could cause more flooding for the next couple of months. they are not
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ruling out the possibility of more closures in the future. kern officials are warning residents to stay out of the kern river near bakersfield. the area is more dangerous than usual. last year there were several drownings. some of the people were from other counties but visiting the kern river. now law enforcement and conservation groups are urging visitors to be careful. patchy fog out there, locally dense fog in fact. that will dissipate inland but stubborn over san francisco and along the coast. that leads to a temperature contrast. one more warm day in store for us inland. substantially cooler by the water. wide range in temperatures. cooler and breezy for everybody tomorrow and next week continues to trend in a wet direction. kind of weird for early may. that is what we are in for. let's take a look at what we expect through the rest of this morning. there is the fog indicated by futurecast. it backs up toward the coast. it will be stubborn
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on the coast and futurecast indicates it hanging out over san francisco peninsula. that will be sticking around into early afternoon. then peaks of sunshine this afternoon. that fog will have an impact on temperatures. low 60s in the city. across the bay, 70 inoakland. way above normal farther inland. maybe not as warm as the past couple of days but 10 above average. on the coast upper 50s. mid-to-upper 70s down the peninsula and south end of the bay with low to mid-80s in the santa clara valley. temperatures around the bay even though it's cool in san francisco, it's fairly close to normal for this time of year. temperatures in the north bay not as warm as other inland parts of the bay area. the wind will be out of the south pushing the marine air up through the valleys and keeping your temperatures only a few degrees above average until you go farther north, northern
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sonoma and mendocino are likely to reach to the 80s for highs. stronger winds in store tomorrow. that will bring the cooler air farther inland. 25 to 30 miles per hour gusts on the coast as the sun comes up. breezier conditions midday and into the afternoon. 25 to 30 miles per hour gusts inland. 30 to 40 miles per hour gusts on the coast. the winds back down a bit after the sun goes down, it's the beginning of the cooling trend that will bring a chance of showers to the bay area. it won't happen yet tomorrow. it won't happen tomorrow night into the beginning of monday. any chance of showers will be hanging out offshore. some could make a run to the bay area by monday afternoon into monday evening. the best chance of rain next week so far will be in the monday afternoon and evening timeframe. we will see that sticking around through much of next week. here is the seven-day forecast. along with the rainy pattern, it will be cool. temperatures topping out in the upper 50s to 60 in san francisco throughout the first week of may. north bay, you
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will be one of the cooler spots today, on the cool side with everybody else heading through next week. most of next week, it will be a hit-or-miss shower pattern. no one particular day looks like a wash out. the best chance of widespread showers and rumbles of thunder will be on tuesday and otherwise it will be a real mix of a little bit of sunshine, clouds and a few showers here and there. the city of san clemente expanded evacuation orders for homes and businesses near an eroding cliff. the landslide damaged the cultural center and cass a romantica. the slide took out much of the oceanfront patio and more than two dozen units at a condo complex have been evacuated. it is affected train service with debra falling on the tracks and that is preventing metro link, amtrak and freight trains from passing through between orange and san diego counties. coming up, kevin durant
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signs an agreement with nike that will bring him earnings long after he stops playing basketball. straight ahead in sports, we saw it last night at the end of the game. if you were there, you heard it. chants of light the beam.
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overactive bladder, or oab, can change your world. like going hiking, just to hike to the bathroom. reaching for the bar, just to reach for pads. waiting for the sunset, just to wait for the stall. discover gemtesa. a once-a-day pill proven to reduce all 3 key symptoms of oab: leakage episodes, urgency and frequency in adults. do not take if you have a known allergic reaction to gemtesa or its ingredients. tell your doctor right away if you're unable to empty your bladder or if you have a weak urine stream. tell your doctor if you're taking medicines that contain digoxin or if you have liver or kidney problems. side effects may include headache, common cold symptoms, diarrhea,
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nausea, urinary tract and upper respiratory tract infection. ask your doctor about gemtesa. more time here, less time there. more time here, nba play-offs. warriors, a close out game last night for the right to host the lakers next round but the kings didn't get the memo. steve kirk said closeout games are the hardest
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to win. monk series high 17 threes. most expected a warriors run. here is curry. every time the warriors took a step forward, the kings answered again and again. fox, terrific game, 26 points and 11 assists. monk was the head of the snake with his bench play. easy layup for monk. with four minutes to play, the warriors stars had enough and sat the rest of the way on the floor where the warriors lost eight times all year. kings won it 118-99. winner take all game seven tomorrow at 12:30 at golden one center. if the warriors show championship dna, sunday is the time. >> they were the aggressor for sure, more juice, more energy. we have to make sure that we are the team that has that on sunday. >> it's up to us to go to sacramento and do everything we did tonight but opposite. i know we will respond. i know
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this team and i know the guys, they play at the highest level and i know what we are capable of. we will respond like the champs we are come sunday. jack nicholson without the sunglasses courtside for the grizzlies against lakers, game six. anthony davis threw it down. it was that kind of night. 125-88 the final. memphis is out after a 16 point four rebound block night for davis. l.a. gets rest before they play at the warriors or at the kings on tuesday. the 87th pick, the san francisco 49ers select ji'ayir brown. >> ji'ayir brown, safety from penn state announced by former niner tackle joe staler. brown had 10 interceptions in the last two seasons at penn state. the 49ers had two more picks to
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cook with. the 99th they took a kicker from michigan. he is the newbie for free agent robbie gold and with pick number 101, san francisco added an alabama tight end, cameron latu. don't you love this kind of year even for one weekend, nfl, nba, major league baseball and the hockey play-offs all overlap. see you later. kevin durant inked a lifetime deal with nike. he joined impressive company, jordan and lebron the only other players with lifetime contracts. he worked with nike since his rookie season in 2007. he has 15 additions of his signature shoes. he will continue to earn with nike after he retires from basketball. a swarm of bees startled several golfers at the mexico open. he dropped to the ground as the bees approached.
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thankfully nobody got stung. there were no reports of any other problems for golfers from those bees. coming up, the state department says it's making an urgent attempt to evacuate american citizens from sudan as fighting between two warring generals continues to rage. pope francis meets with refugees. all right. have you ever been at home and you see a loose cabinet knob that you just kind of want to fix? or how about you want to hang up a new picture, but you don't want to go and lug out that big old tool box? well, i don't want to either. i'm gonna introduce you to a little device that has 36 tools, multi tools in this handy dandy little thing. it's called the kelvin 36 urban ultra multi -tool, and it can tackle all those everyday tasks with
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convenience and ease. it's like an entire toolbox in the palm of your hand. let me tell you, there's a snap action. screwdriver is a hammer. there's a measuring tape, liquid level, an led flashlight, and, oh, yeah, a bottle opener. because you never know when you need one of those, right? i just love the size of it. i can keep it in the top drawer of my kitchen. it's easily accessible to anybody. i can keep it in my home, my car, my rv, my trailer. a boat. it goes just about anywhere. you need to do a little fixing up. and i also think it's the perfect, perfect gift. you know, filling a toolbox can be really expensive and somehow you still never have exactly what you want. you forget about things and you never have the right tool. but right here with the kelvin 36, it's right at your fingertips. right now we're offering 30% off the kelvin 36 urban ultra multi -tool. heater over to cbsdeals .com for this exclusive offer.
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welcome back. the time is 7:31. thank you for joining us. i'm devin fehely. let's check in with the first alert meteorologist paul heggen.
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temperatures will warm up for one more day. on sunday breezy as an as much approaching storm system kicks in on shore wind and a chance of rain into the first week of may. a weird weather pattern. temperatures in the 40s and 50s. we warm up inland. by noon temperatures in the 70s in most inland parts of the bay area. highs inland a mix of 70s and 80s. around the bay it will be cooler. the u.s. state department is trying to help american citizens get out of sudan as the fighting intensifies between two rival generals. hundreds of americans have left the country. the white house is urging americans to leave now. bradley blackburn has the latest. >> reporter: two weeks of fighting in sudan turned the capitol into a war zone. warring generals agreed on a cease-fire but it hasn't stopped the violence. smoke was seen rising after eyewitnesses
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reported a heavy bombardment. countries around the world are rushing their citizens out. 16,000 u.s. nationals live in sudan. they are working urgently to help those who want to leave. >> fewer than 5,000 u.s. citizens requested additional information from us. of those, only a fraction have actively sought our assistance to depart sudan. >> reporter: the navy seal team six airlifted 90 people out of the u.s. embassy last weekend. international planes are packed with evacuees in france and jordan. the uk is ending the evacuation flights saturday after airlifting more than 1500 people. turkey says one of the evacuation planes was hit by gunfire with no injuries. >> we cannot guarantee traveler safety nor guarantee how long the departure options will be available. >> for those remaining in the capitol, food and gas are running out. hospitals don't have enough doctors or medicine. u.n. refugee agency says tens of thousands fled sudan. many more are struggling to get out.
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there is concern that the violence is likely to get worse in the coming weeks and the fighting started two weeks ago. in that time several hundred civilians were killed including a few americans. russian officials say a suspected drone strike caused a massive fire at an oil storage facility in crimea. nobody was hurt but it will take time to extinguish the fire. a dark column of smoke rose from damaged fuel tanks. russia says the fire is burning across roughly 10,000 square feet but no civilian structures are threatened. no one claimed responsibility for the attack with the ukrainian military declining to comment. pope francis met with refugees in hungry today and thanked those providing charity to those in need. most fled from ukraine to escape the war. this is the second day of a three-day visit by the pope. he plans to end the trip with a mass in budapest tomorrow.
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the u.s. army grounded all nonessential aircraft in training exercises after 12 soldiers died in the last month in helicopter crashes in alaska and kentucky. the order does not apply to pilots flying critical missions. all other crews are grounded until they complete safety protocols. that is expected by the penned of may. investigators are examining evidence of the deadly accidents. tonight on 48 hours, a man gets his life back after 30 years in prison for a crime that he didn't commit. in 1994, lamar johnson was arrested in missouri and sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his friend marcus boyd. the conviction was based on the word of one man. a judge overturned the conviction. new evidence proved johnson's innocence. tonight the witness is interviewed whose testimony led to the wrong conviction.
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>> not that he decided to put the wrong person in prison. he went through a traumatic experience and he said he was pressured by the police to point to lamar johnson. >> find out more in lamar johnson, standing in truth. it airs at 10:00 on kpix 5 and streaming on paramount plus. california lawmakers have passed new rules to tackle pollution from diesel powered trucks. they voted to ban the sale of all new diesel trucks in 13 years. they acted to increase the use of zero emission technology at ports and railways. some in the trucking industry are worried that it could cost the price of truck goods to go up. governor say it it will be cleaner air for all of california. from wall street to the halls of congress a push toward
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a greener economy. around the world a trillion dollars was invested in renewable energy last year. however, cbs's reporter ben tracy shows us how going green comes at a cost. >> reporter: the glades on massive wind turbines can be as long as a football field and strong as a linebacker. >> they are designed not to break. so, when your job is to break them, it's tough. >> reporter: julie brought us here to louisiana, missouri. >> what is this stuff? >> this is our storage of windmill blades before we process them. >> reporter: her company cuts used blades down to size and shreds them. >> this is the final product. >> reporter: cement makers use it as fuel instead of burning coal cutting carbon emissions by 30%. >> if you weren't recycling this, what would happen. >> what happens, unfortunately, a lot of those end up in landfills.
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>> reporter: most used windmill blades are buried in the ground because it's cheaper. a black eye for green energy. by 2050 the world's wind industry is expected to produce more than 47 million tons of blade waste each year. finding ways to recycle blades >> this panel is not necessarily suitable for reuse. >> reporter: as well as used solar panels is energizing the industry. this solar panel recycling plant in yuma, arizona, can process 7500 panels a day. solar is the fatsest growing source of energy in the u.s. panels can last for 25 to 30 years, but more than 90% of used solar panels end up in landfills. >> why were most solar panels not recycled? >> there was no planning to handle the waste. it was going into dumpsters. >> reporter: now with a tsunami of renewable waste coming,
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recyclers are ramping up to ride the wave. the company's new ceo informed employees in an all hands meeting on friday. the order comes amid financial struggles for the ride hailing company. lyft said thursday it is laying off more than a thousand people, more than a quarter of the corporate workforce. they are moving to a flexible model with more in office work and more details will come out soon. an antitrust lawsuit against google is moving forward. more than a dozen states joined in the lawsuit. they accuse google of may nope policing online advertising technology. the doj says google controls the digital tools that nearly every website publisher and advertiser uses to buy and sell ads. a federal judge rejected their motion to dismiss the case. a surprising discovery about california's sea lions.
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they are getting bigger. scientists are trying to figure out why. a peninsula woman founded an arts program being used in hundreds
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a new study says california sea lions are getting bigger. the trend is surprising scientists. in particular, male sea lions are gaining body size. the population has tripled since 1972 when hunting became a federal crime. normally a population increase results in a decrease in body size because of more competition for food. that has not been the case for this species. sea lion population is thriving in the bay, their close proximity to humans can pose problems. >> reporter: it's believed that the sea lions on pier 39 came decades ago after a massive earthquake hit the city in 1939. >> one of the main fish they
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eat, that whole population made its way into the bay and close to the marina around pier 39. with that, the sea lions followed suit. >> reporter: doug works for aquarium of the bay located on the pier. thousands come out everyday to get a glimpse of the sea lions lounging on the docks. most take pictures. earlier this month, one man was caught on video jumping into the water and chasing the animals off the docks. that accident caused swift backlash and is under investigation. it highlighted the issue of marine mammal harassment. >> we need to recognize at the end of the day when we see a wild sea lion, it's a wild animal. we need to give it the respect and courtesy and space that it deserves. >> reporter: to get the point across, doug says the aquarium offers a variety of educational programs and exhibits including the well known sea lion statues. >> the sea lion status on
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display are spread out throughout the entire city and come with a qr code that shows you a little bit about their history of being on the pier and then what they do for the ecosystem in california as well. >> reporter: doug says he hopes by educating people about the importance of sea lions, they will do more to respect the animal's habitat. patchy fog out there. locally dense fog in fact. that will dissipate quickly inland. it will be stubborn over san francisco and on the coast. that leads to a big temperature contrast. one more warm day in store inland today. it will be cooler by the water. wide range in temperatures. a june-like temperature map. cooler and breezy for everybody tomorrow and next week continues to trend in a wet direction. kind of weird for early may but that is what we are in for. a look at what we expect heading through the rest of this morning. there is the fog indicated by futurecast. but it backs up quickly to the coast. it will be stubborn on the coast. futurecast indicates it
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is hanging out over san francisco peninsula. that is sticking around into early afternoon. then peeks of sunshine. 70 in oakland. a few above average. warmer inland, still 10 above average. on the coast, upper 50s there. mid- to upper-70s down the peninsula and south end of the bay with low to mid-80s inland. in the santa clara valley. temperatures around the bay even though it's cool in san francisco but fairly close to normal for this time of year. temperatures in the north bay won't be warm as other parts of the area because the wind is out of the south pushing the marine air more efficiently up through the valleys and keeping your temperatures a few degrees above average until you go farther north where they may reach up to the 80s for highs. stronger winds tomorrow. that will help to bring the cooler air farther inland. 25 to 30
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miles per hour gusts along the coast as the sun comes up. breezier conditions midday and afternoon. 25 to 30 miles per hour gusts inland. 30 to 40 miles per hour gusts on the coast. the winds will back down a bit after the sun goes down, it's the beginning of the cooling trend that will bring a chance of showers to the bay area. it's not going to happen yet tomorrow, won't happen tomorrow into the beginning of monday. any chance of showers will be hanging offshore. some of that could make a run to the bay area by monday afternoon into monday evening. the best chance of rain next week will be in the monday afternoon and evening timeframe. we will see that sticking around through much of next week. here is the seven-day forecast. along with the rainy pattern, it will be cool out there. temperatures only topping out in the upper 507s to around 60 in san francisco throughout the first week of may, low to mid-60s for oakland and the east bay. north
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bay one of the cooler spots. you will be on the cool side with everybody else through next week. most of next week, a hit-or-miss shower pattern. no one particular day looks like a wash out. the best chance of more widespread showers and a few rumbles of thunder on tuesday. otherwise it will be a real mix of sunshine, clouds and a few showers here and there. a peninsula woman whose art program is being used in 26 states is reaching students worldwide. sharon chin introduces us to this week's jefferson award winner. >> reporter: judith founded an arts program 41 years ago. it started with a simple request to meet a need in the classroom. >> can you feel the wind in your hand as you put the paint down? >> reporter: judy brings art to
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third graders paint their own version of story night. four decades ago she had a brush with a harsh reality. >> in well to do menlo park there were no more art teachers. . >> reporter: judy agreed to teach an art lesson at the request of her kindergarten teacher. >> to not have, that music, any of those things that touch the individual, that worried me. >> are you thinking of making exciting lines? >> reporter: teachers kept inviting her in so she kept teaching. she started art in action in 1982. the redwood city nonprofit creates art curriculum. this is in the background. >> reporter: today art in action serves 75,000 students in more than 250 schools. parent volunteer danielle renke leads the lesson and hands on projects. >> i deal with a lot of different personalities. some get more frustrated but we can bring them back to the art and regroup. i think it's a good
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tool. >> reporter: the campus offered art in action classes for 10 years. the program is funded for 1100 students district wide. assistant superintendent dr. botta says the art lessons are a game changer. half the district students are low income. >> art is a language that every community, cultural backgrounds can speak. it can level the playing fields. >> reporter: when judy retired as the executive director, she created a scholarship program in 2016. it funded art in action in 40 schools in 19 states that cannot otherwise afford the $27 per student per year for curriculum and supplies. >> you put the horizon down low. that will give you a lot of space to make an exciting sky. >> reporter: for judy, the joy
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is watching students find their creative voice. >> i like van gogh and express myself with art. makes me feel good and happy. >> art is from the heart. it is what ties a child to their education in general. >> that's cool. >> reporter: for creating art in action to bring art in to the classroom. this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to judy.
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the city of oakland lost the warriors to san francisco a small group protested outside of the ballpark last night. the message was simple. we don't want our team to move to las vegas. more on the push by life long fans to try to keep the a's in town.
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>> reporter: fans have been on an emotional roller coaster since the team announced it purchased land in las vegas. what is clear, it's not a done deal in sin city. this may be the 7th inning of a long fight to keep the a's rooted in oakland. >> let's go oakland. >> reporter: a small but loud rally as passionate fans are rally to save their team. >> nothing is set in stone. it's important for fans to realize and understand that it's not that we run out of time. the time is now to organize, to protest. >> reporter: in fact, las vegas mayor raising questions about a de wh john fisher and the oakls saying what you want to see is a private ownership come in and be invested in the community and not just look at each of us who calls this home for more taxes. no thank you. oakland councilmember says if the deal doesn't work out with vegas, the deal is on the table to
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stay in oakland. >> people in las vegas don't want to be swindled or hoodwinked, i should say, into a bad deal. then the a's might come back to oakland and take what we have to offer. >> reporter: the chances of that happening? >> more than a 0% chance that they could still stay in oakland but it's looking slimmer and slimmer as every week goes by. >> reporter: councilmember cobb agrees with the fans that new ownership could give oakland a better chance. >> reporter: do you think fisher selling the team is the only way to salvage the team in oakland. >> it wasn't. it is now. >> reporter: while the team looks to find their forever home, fans say they will always support their team even though they continually experience heartbreak as the favorite players come and go. >> as we pick a boyfriend every year and at the end of the year he gets given off to another team. that is hard. now i have
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boyfriends on every single team. we have given them away. >> reporter: the a's have the worst record in baseball but they plan to follow the example of players on the field. >> keep fighting. >> keep fighting. >> now, we should note the las vegas plan is not set in stone. they must secure $500 million in public funding from nevada lawmakers and the team's owner has to commit a billion lars to a new ballpark. meghan markle signed with a talent agency, william morris. they hope to help her build out her business ventures including television and film productions. the agency will represent harry and meghan's company arch well. they have a multiyear production deal with netflix. we are awake away from
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coronation of king charles. the ceremonies include an elaborate anointing screen featuring a tree representing the british commonwealth. it was built using sustainable materials. it's derived from a stained glass window at st. james chapel. it was made for late queen elizabeth golden jubilee in 2002 marking 50 years on the throne. >> it was there to provide privacy to the most sacred parts of the ceremony. previously it was a canopy over the top that didn't provide privacy, more figurative. now the three sided screen provides absolute privacy during the protest. >> next saturday thousands
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one more check of the seven-day forecast. cool temperatures around the bay and coast today. temperatures are going to be cooler on sunday. it will be breezy on sunday across the entire bay area. then we bring rain chances into the forecast for the first week of may. monday through friday a decent chance of showers. the best chance of rain is tuesday we could hear a few rumbles of thunder. san jose from 82 today to 62 by tuesday. a similar drop for east bay. on the coast, you are stuck in the mid- to upper-60s for the foreseeable future. >> thanks, paul. >> thank you for watching kpix
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news this morning. the news continues all day on cbs news bay area. we will be back here tomorrow morning at 6:00. enjoy your saturday.
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narrator: today on "lucky dog", a timid poodle mix is rescued


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