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tv   CBS Evening News With Norah O Donnell  CBS  April 27, 2023 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT

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30 minutes with cbs news at 7:00. see you then. ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, the breaking ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, the breaking news. former vice president mike pence appears before a federal grand jury investigating the january 6th assault on the capitol. what his testimony could mean for former president trump. here are tonight's headlines. ♪ ♪ mike pence under oath for seven hours. what we are learning. ♪ ♪ the 21-year-old air national guardsman accused of leaking america's secrets in court. the cache of weapons and tactical gear found in his bedroom. why he was previously flagged by law enforcement. ♪ ♪ residents across the midwest evacuate as the mississippi river swells to dangerous levels. ♪ ♪
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>> former columnist e. jean carroll returned to the stand today in a manhattan courtroom. >> now carroll faced cross-examination after telling her side of the story to the jury wednesday. >> one round. >> norah: crime in america, the atf shows us how cheap parts are making guns deadlier and the streets more dangerous. how often are you seeing these now? >> about 50% more than we saw last year. >> norah: 50% more? >> absolutely. ♪ ♪ >> norah: a new diabetes drug used to lose weight. but what about the side effects? >> people are raving about these. their friends are taking them. they are hearing about celebrities that are taking them. ♪ ♪ [chanting "jerry"] >> legendary talk show host jerry springer has died. >> take care of yourself, and each other. ♪ ♪ >> norah: and james corden's final commute. the host of "the late, late show" and his last "carpool karaoke."
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ good evening, and thank you for joining us on this thursday night. we begin with some breaking news here in washington. cbs news has confirmed that former vice president mike pence appeared before a grand jury investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election. pence testified for more than seven hours about the events leading up to the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol. special counsel jack smith wanted to know about pence's conversations with former president donald trump and trump's alleged role and plans to block congressional certification of president-elect joe biden's election victory. a federal appeals court on wednesday rejected trump's last-minute bid to try and block pence's testimony. cbs's robert costa is going to start us off tonight from outside the federal courthouse here in d.c. good evening, robert. and seven hours, that is a lot of testimony.
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>> reporter: indeed. good evening, norah. former vice president mike pence at the center of the storm before and during the capitol attack. today, sources told cbs news he came prepared to tell the truth within certain legal bounds about what really happened behind the scenes in that relentless effort to get him to stop the biden presidency. special counsel jack smith got his star witness today, former vice president mike pence, whose appearance before the grand jury was one former president donald trump repeatedly tried to block. pence's suv left the d.c. court house this evening, after his lengthy session with investigators. [chanting "usa"] trump, citing executive privilege, wanted to stop pence from sharing details about the days leading up to the january 6th attack and trump's pressure campaign to overturn the 2020 election. >> will you, for example, be able to testify, in your view, about the private conversations you have had with president trump? >> people can be confident we will obey the law, we will comply with the law. >> reporter: trump leaned into pence privately and publicly on
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january 6th. >> and i hope mike is going to do the right thing. i hope so. >> reporter: pence's refusal to block the certification of the election infuriated trump. now, with pence moving closer to entering the race for the white house, his testimony today could affect the legal and political fate of his potential rival. >> there may be no better witness about what the president knew and was going to do and try to do then the vice president himself. >> reporter: sources tell cbs news that pence prepared for this for weeks, talking with his lawyers about the chronology of key players, what they did, the memos they sent him, all to make sure he was ready for the questions from the special counsel. norah? >> norah: robert costa with that breaking news at the courthouse. thank you. let's turn now to the national security case involving leaked classified documents. a massachusetts air national guardsman accused of posting military secrets online. well, he appeared in court this
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afternoon. cbs's catherine herridge reports that federal prosecutors want 21-year-old jack teixeira to remain behind bars pending trial. >> reporter: wearing an orange jumpsuit, 21-year-old jack teixeira sat impassively and his family left the detention hearing without comment. after his dramatic arrest this month, prosecutors allege investigators found a gun locker in his bedroom at his mom's massachusetts home. and weapons including rifles, ak-style weapons, and a bazooka. the court documents accuse the air national guardsman, who held a top-secret clearance, of searching online about mass killings at a buffalo supermarket, a uvalde, texas, elementary school, among others. and posted disturbing comments saying he wanted to "kill a ton of people." five years ago, it is also alleged teixeira was suspended from high school for talking about molotov cocktails, guns, and making racial threats.
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given his alleged history, how did teixeira pass the background security clearance? >> the air force and the department of defense are also taking a look at security protocols and practices here. i think the short answer to your question is we don't know. >> reporter: teixeira's apparently threatening high school behavior was flagged to local police, and initially blocked him from purchasing weapons, but that changed after teixeira cited his position of trust in the u.s. government. after allegedly posting classified material on a social media platform, prosecutors accuse teixeira of smashing computers and a gaming console, and telling others to delete all messages. the government says teixeira began accessing highly-classified materials in february last year, and not all of it has publicly surfaced and has the capacity to cause additional, exceptionally grave damage to the national security. the air force temporarily
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suspended two commanders of teixeira's unit and stripped them of their access to classified systems. further disciplinary action has not been ruled out. and today, prosecutors suggested more charges are possible for teixeira, who already faces 25 years, if convicted, norah. >> norah: a lot of new information, catherine, thank you. communities along the upper mississippi river are bracing as floodwaters continue to rise due to heavy rains and spring snow melt. five states, including iowa, minnesota, and wisconsin, are seeing some of the worst river flooding in two decades. meteorologist nick stewart from our cbs affiliate kgan is following the rising waters from guttenberg, iowa. >> reporter: this is the commute for some people living along the mississippi river where floodwaters now cover the roads. >> you know, this is a little bit extreme. so, i don't have any heat, i don't have any water. it's like camping. in an expensive house. [laughs] >> reporter: on the islands dotting the river, many homes are now accessible only by boat. you can't tell, but this is riverview road. it has become part of the mississippi river. it will be cresting soon. the highest crest in more than
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two decades. the mississippi river is approaching or is at major flood stage all along iowa's eastern border. melting snow is feeding the major river with flood warnings from the border of canada to louisiana. >> we have about 20 inches of water in the basement. this is part of the life you know. you are on the water, you have to take the good and bad. >> reporter: down the river from here in dubuque, the mighty mississippi is expected to crest this weekend at 23 feet. flood stage is at 16 feet. a major flood risk stretches through the next week. >> there's 17 floodgates. and for the third time since we built the system in 1973 that we will have it completely closed. >> reporter: and many protected levees in eastern iowa were built after the devastating flood of 1965. it is not expected to get anywhere near that this time. and with drier weather in the forecast, these river levels will slowly start to recede next week. norah? >> norah: nick stewart, thank you. the former magazine columnist accusing former president donald trump of rape and
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defamation faced intense cross-examining today. e. jean carroll testified she was emboldened to come forward with her accusation after the harvey weinstein scandal and the rise of the me too movement. cbs's elaine quijano is at the courthouse in lower manhattan. >> reporter: donald trump's attorney joe tacopina wasted no time trying to raise doubts about e. jean carroll's allegations that in the mid-1990s, former president trump assaulted her in a new york department store dressing room. tacopina asked carroll about "supposedly" being raped by trump. "not supposedly," carroll replied, "i was raped." "that's your version," tacopina responded. "those are facts." carroll alleges the attack was violent and left her traumatized. she did not report it to the police. in a heated exchange, tacopina noted carroll never screamed at
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trump in the assault or screamed for help. "i'm not a screamer," carroll testified. adding later in a raised voice, "i'm telling you, he raped me, whether i screamed or not." tacopina suggested carroll made the allegation publicly just to sell her autobiography, which was released in 2019. carroll denied that and said she came forward after women began sharing their stories during the me too movement. trump has repeatedly denied the allegations. in a statement, the communications director for trump's reelection campaign called the civil trial a fake case and a witch hunt. >> this case is 100% revolving around the credibility of e. jean carroll. these nine jurors must believe her in order to find for her and award damages. >> reporter: e. jean carroll will resume her testimony on monday. now, that is the same day donald trump is expected to leave for a four-day visit to his golf clubs in scotland and ireland. norah? >> norah: elaine quijano at the courthouse, thank you. we want to turn now to a
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possible breakthrough in the fight against obesity. drugmaker eli lilly today said one of its medications used to treat type 2 diabetes has shown promising results when it comes to weight loss, and it is asking the fda for a fast-track approval. cbs's nikki battiste reports in tonight's "health watch," it could become the most effective treatment for those looking to lose weight. >> people taking mounjaro lost up to 25 pounds. >> reporter: it is the newest drug causing a frenzy, and the drugmaker says it is the most effective for weight loss yet. >> i asked my doctor specifically for mounjaro. >> reporter: in august, rachel graham's doctor told her she was about 65 pounds overweight and prediabetic. she was prescribed mounjaro. >> the weight loss was slow and steady. 2 or 3 pounds a week consistently until i had lost 65 pounds. >> reporter: in a late-stage trial, eli lilly says overweight
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patients with diabetes lost up to 16% of their body weight. in an earlier trial, overweight patients without diabetes lost up to 22.5% of their body weight. >> mounjaro affect two hormone receptors that affect appetite and satiety. it turns out the combination works a little bit better. >> reporter: those using two other popular drugs for weight loss, ozempic and wegovy, lost up to 15% of their body weight. social media has increased the demand, and the number of prescriptions is soaring. >> people are coming in asking for the medication by name. >> reporter: common side effect include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. some have reported hair loss, and the medication needs to be taken long term. >> if the medicine is stopped, there is a very good chance that weight will be regained. >> reporter: mounjaro costs about $1,000 a month, and it is not covered by most insurance. nikki battiste, cbs news, new york. >> norah: tonight, we continue our look at crime i america, with a focus on illegal guns. there is new data from the cdc that reveals eight in ten
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murders in the u.s. involve a firearm. and as we are about to show you, small changes to these weapons are making guns more deadly, and the streets more dangerous. to see for ourselves, we went to the atf lab right here in the nation's capital. what kind of gun are we firing? >> it's a glock 17. >> norah: this type of gun on its own is legal. but a simple device can make it more dangerous and illegal. explain what a glock switch is. >> so, these are actually referred to as machine gun conversion devices. you can see some of these are mass-produced, metallic made, and then some of these are additive materials, 3d printed, and this is what you will hear referred to as a switch. >> norah: the conversion devices are small and inexpensive. they cost as little as $20, but can change a handgun to fire 15 rounds in under two seconds. [gunfire] >> these are both 3d printed. >> norah: these atf techs show us how on a modified gun, one
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trigger pull is altered from this... [single gunshot] to this. [multiple gunshots] you are really kind of spraying bullets. >> absolutely. especially out of a handgun, in order to maintain the weapon that small with that amount of fire. >> we are talking about... >> norah: commander lashay makal ran the mpd gun recovery unit and now oversees the seventh district. in your job, commander, how often are you seeing these now? >> we are seeing them with a degree of regularity. about 50% more than we saw last year. >> norah: that is because it makes this gun much more dangerous? >> absolutely. it increases the likelihood that we are going to encounter multiple victims when these are used. also, singular-victim incidents, it increases the likelihood that those incidents will be fatal. >> norah: the atf has seen a nearly 600% increase nationwide of modified weapons, and just last month, the mpd covered a 3d printer making illegal weapon parts. >> i think we understand atpoliu
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know, this is a nationwide issue. we understand we can't arrest our way out of this. we need assistance. >> norah: d.c. police chief robert contee, set to join the fbi, says the justice ecosystem needs an overhaul to keep illegal guns from causing more harm. [gunfire] there have been more mass shootings in america in 2023 than there have been days. how much do you worry about a mass shooting in d.c.? >> that's something that's on my mind every day, while we are sitting there. you take one person, with one firearm, that's capable of shooting, you know, 100 rounds of ammunition, at very rapidly in a short period of time, that can happen anywhere, at any time, and we see these converter switches that are able to convert semiautomatic firearms into fully-automatic firearms. those are things that keep me up at night. >> norah: and we will have much more of our reporting tomorrow on "cbs mornings." wnba star brittney griner holds an emotional news conference months after returning from detention in
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russia. that's next. ention in russia. that's next. that's next. w, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements at 4 weeks. skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor for crohn's that can deliver both clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. the majority of people on skyrizi achieved long lasting remission at 1 year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪
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welcome to fun dining. >> norah: wnba super star brittney griner held an emotional news conference in phoenix today, speaking to reporters for the first time since her release from a russian penal colony in december. the 32-year-old all-star held back tears, talking about her resilience. she is returning to the game, but vows to never again play overseas unless she is representing the u.s. at the
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olympics. >> i'll say this, you know, the whole reason a lot of us go over, you know, is the pay gap. you know, a amepeops ve her ordeal will cover the wnba and bring exposure to the league. well, talk show titan jerry springer has died. we'll look back on his colorful career next. has died. we'll look back on his colorful career next. colorful career next. ss get a payroll tax refund, even if you got ppp and it only takes eight minutes to qualify. i went on their website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do. has helped businesses get over a billion dollars and we can help your business too. qualify your business for a big refund in eight minutes. go to to get started. powered by innovation refunds. ♪ with wet amd, sometimes i worry my world
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let it pull you past the doubt. past the pain, and past your limits. no matter what, we go on. biofreeze >> norah: former cincinnati mayor and tabloid talk show host jerry springer died today after a brief illness. [chanting "jerry"] "the jerry springer show" was a guilty pleasure for millions of viewers from 1991 to 2018. his program featured outrageous topics and fiery confrontations, which often resulted in bleeped-out arguments and chair throwing. jerry springer was 79 years old. a late-night host is ready to say goodbye with one last musical road trip. that's next. say g
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cbs. corden invented many signature sketches, but one in particular got the most mileage. here is cbs's ben tracy. ♪ feel like i've been locked out of heaven ♪ >> reporter: james corden turned his love of music and need to get to work. ♪ baby you can drive my car ♪ into an iconic late-night sketch. ♪ that's what makes you beautiful ♪ "carpool karaoke" first hit the road in 2015. >> i was like, this is bullet proof. this will work as a segment, i know it will. >> reporter: but then his first passenger showed up. >> mariah carey came out and said, listen, i'm not going to sing today. >> i'm not singing today, i was up all night. >> you can see me in the car, like, come on. >> reporter: was there a moment when you realized, "this is working?" >> michelle obama. you know, her team calling the office direct to say the
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first lady would really like to do a "carpool karaoke." ♪ if you like it then you should've put a ring on it ♪ and you are like, okay, i guess this is working. ♪ hello from the outside ♪ >> reporter: his 2016 sing-along with adele has been viewed more than 260 million times. tonight, she is in the driver's seat. ♪ how can one become so bounded ♪ ♪ by choices that somebody else made ♪ with james corden finally riding shotgun, it is one more for the road. >> i love you so much. >> i love you, too. >> reporter: ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. >> norah: singing always makes us happy. all right, a programming note, we are just two weeks away from mother's day, and the "cbs evening news" wants to honor a special mom in your life. so, send us an email or text me at 202-217-1107, with why you think your loved one should be featured, and we can't wait to
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read your nominations. that is tonight's "cbs evening news." good >> feels more like summer than spring across the bay area. how long will this woman continue? it could not come at a better time for alan rock park as a welcome back visitors for the first time since the winter storms. also, the state continues its push to reduce our carbon footprint from natural gas in our homes to the kind of trucks delivering our goods. but which have the best chance of actually making an impact? then, when hundreds of thousands of acres of california rice field could one day be growing salmon too. one of them and accused of attacking a former fire commissioner with a metal pipe was released from jail. the latest wrinkle in the ever
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evolving story. will get to that in a minute. first, let's begin with the summer -like conditions hitting the bay area right now. let's take a look outside. there you go. we are at this peak of the warm-up. some areas getting close to record high temperatures. let's not waste any time. let's get straight to the man with all the answers, with a look at how the bay area is heating up, and which parts, the most. to make it is way above average on ebay as well. the exception to that, or that has some influence right along the coast. the fog is surging and as i speak. the second look at the live view from that same perspective. there is the fog rolling in. it is a compact marine layer because of the weight of the editor on top of us. it is the weight of the atmosphere and type of us that resulted in is very warm and hot temperatures. i got all the way to 93 in fairfield today. 90 degrees in


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