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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  April 21, 2023 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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lanes to the middle really make it safer for the cyclist? >> i would love for this to work and to be an improved experience for everyone. but i'm definitely going to be cautious. >> this is cbs news bay area with juliet goodrich. >> san jose's mayor is trying to downplay its new concerns about the future of google's giant downtown campus . anne makovec is in the studio with us. i know this stems from a report that said google halted construction. that would be major , if true. >> reporter: it certainly would, and it looks like things are on hold when it comes to the campus, we first reported back in february that google was reassessing the timing of this project and a new report has gone even further and said the tech giant has backed off construction and told contractors they have no plans to restart anytime soon. they
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also report google has gutted the development team for the campus. the project would be transformative for san jose. in 2021, the city approved the development for new housing and public parks. the estimated economic impact, $19 billion. construction was supposed to begin before the end of this year and we have already seen work happening around the site. google is busy buying up the properties, including the sunlight bakery building which they demolished last year. san jose's mayor said the plan will go forward eventually. >> google has a 30 year development on its 80 acres , and they have a lot of flexibility built into that plan, they cleared all the design guidelines, when they are ready to go, they will build quickly. >> google also signed a benefits agreement as a part of the deal with the city. it
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includes funds to battle homelessness and displacement. we reached out for comment but we have not heard back. it did give a statement to cnbc saying we are working to ensure our real estate investments match the needs of our hybrid workforce, business and communities. we are assessing how to best move forward, we are still committed to san jose for the long-term and believe in the departments importance of the development. common problems that we are seeing throughout the tech industry right now. >> we are going to be talking about that right now, but my goodness, that is a lot of mixed messaging so we really need to pay attention to what happens next. a lot of people are very interested. thank you. it seems like we are hearing about more tech layoffs daily, lyft is reportedly
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planning to cut jobs, 30% of the staff. they already cut 13% back in november and they have been struggling to compete, and it isn't just tech, clorox is cutting 200 employees, about 4% of its staff. there has been an overall slowdown in job growth in california and it is pretty major, the state only added 8700 jobs last month, a tiny gain compared to the average last year. some of that has to do with the tech layoffs which is also affecting the bay area's economy. the region reversed its streak of job gains last month, the east bay in san francisco were hit really hard, the south bay was one bright spot, with a gain of more than 2000 jobs. governor newsom calling on the national guard to try to help solve san francisco's fentanyl crisis, she is also committing assistance from the chp. drug users will not be punished . it's all about
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disrupting the large-scale trafficking operations, bringing deadly opioids here in the first place. >> we want to be able to cut off the source of how this fentanyl is even getting to our neighborhoods and our communities in the first place. this is definitely going to make a difference. >> people are dying on city streets almost every day and it seems to be getting worse. overdose deaths jumped 40% in the past few months. to a developing story, the supreme court ruled a common abortion pill will stay available. that in response to the justice department's request to block lower court rulings that would severely limit access to mifepristone. the case will be heard in the fifth circuit court of appeals
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in may. a really tough situation for a san francisco renter , after she watched her apartment this week, the fire at the complex wednesday pushed 20 people out of their homes. leslie got a look inside and found out it's not just the fire damage that has people shaken up. >> reporter: eight months ago, she found this apartment complex, but in just a few minutes , she lost her home in a fire. >> i feel like it happened so fast. >> reporter: she was working from home when the fire alarm started to ring. >> i heard all of my neighbors screaming and immediately when i left i saw smoke coming from the unit next to me. >> reporter: emotionally, she explains the black smoke filled the complex. the fire started in the unit right next to her. residents say they had a
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history of problems. >> there was a general consensus in the building at the time. they also had other incidents with other tenants in the building. >> reporter: after the fire was put out, later that day she was able to grab a few things, but when she came back the next morning, she discovered somebody broke into her home. >> monitor, laptops, 3-d printer, sports gear , all of my backpacking gear , webcams , just basically anything that was valuable was gone. >> in addition, she says her peace of mind has been stolen , too. and her neighbor debbie who has lived in the complex for 18 years says they are all on edge. >> i haven't slept in two days because it's hard, every noise we hear, we are afraid of
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vandals because they have already come through eluded everybody's apartments. >> the community is currently raising funds for residents. they are displaced, and they hope that the city can help do the right thing. neighbors say the funds will go toward helping displaced residents and rebuilding what was lost. a close call for a pleasanton man who was nearly run over by a tow truck while he was just sitting outside of his house. luckily, he got away with only minor scrapes and bruises, the house did not fare nearly as well. workers across the street were trying to load a tractor onto the flatbed, it turned out to be too heady and pushed the truck upward causing the driver to lose control. the home has been red tagged by the city, the owner has to stay in the hotel for the time being. first alert weather, hopefully you had the chance to
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get outside today, the bay area has been enjoying this nice warm-up. we know some spots are going be hitting the 80s but it was a beautiful day in the city. sunbathers were out enjoying this friday afternoon . >> it is going to find an open patch of grass this weekend. >> i know you are talking about how warm it's going to be for everybody inland. >> we already had the daytime highs today, and take a look over san francisco. 82 in concord, 81 in livermore, 82 in santa rosa, look at san francisco at 72, made it into the low 70s today, and that has been a while. right now, as we look over san jose , we call down to 72. but over the next four days, there is a pattern,
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tomorrow is going to be almost identical to today but sunday and monday the temperatures are going to come down a little bit. you will have to settle for 70 degrees. but, look what happens after that. there is another warm-up coming and it is going to peek on wednesday when we look at the seven day forecast, i'm going to show you how that pans out for everybody. saturday will look and feel very similar to today. if you are on the peninsula and east bayshore, you may have to give back two or three degrees from what you were today. sunday, it'll cool down. and we will look at the cooldown coming up in more detail. back to you. still ahead, one of san francisco's busiest streets getting a makeover, it is supposed to make it easier for cars and bikes to share the road but cyclists wonder if it'll really help. >> if you've got cyclists coming at each other, and we
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hundreds of protesters gathered outside san francisco city hall on this earth day eve calling on politicians to take significant action to fight climate change. the demonstration was organized by the group youth versus apocalypse. they are calling for more than just love for our planet. >> it is our future and we recognize the climate crisis is not only a scientific issue but it stems from social systems like capitalism and supremacy. >> their plans include divesting pensions from fossil fuels and imposing new regulations on pg&e. and trading your car for a bike is one way to celebrate earth day, of course cyclists need to feel safe on the roads and san francisco is about to try out a major change. it is going to move the bike light rain to the center of the street for several blocks. it is a little controversial. kelsi thorud is joining us to show us how that change would work. >> reporter: those new bike
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lanes are going to start right here at the intersection of 50th street in valencia, they are going to go eight miles south all the way to 23rd street. this has caused a lot of controversy. the city says they believe moving the bike lanes to the center of the road will help with cars pulling over to load and unload without having the bikes going around but of course cyclists are worried it could cause different problems having them in the center lanes earlier this week. i talked with a cyclist about the issues, that she believes could come from this. katie has been biking around san francisco ever since she moved here 10 years ago. >> i ride my bike to get around to the store, to work, anywhere i'm going, almost every day. >> she tells me she loves how convenient biking is and not to mention, it's also just fun. >> on my way home from work, it's the best part of my day. >> reporter: but, san francisco
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is a busy town, they all have to share the road with the cyclists and that can cause issues. >> nearly daily i avoid something. i've been hit by a car once, luckily only once. >> reporter: for years, the mta is trying to come up with creative solutions to try to keep everyone safe. in april, they approved a new pilot project that would move the bike lanes on valencia street between 15th and 23rd from the side of the road to the center. >> if we just look across the street here, instead of the bike lane that i'm standing in, which again is often full of double parked cars , the bike lane will be where that bus is right now. >> reporter: tom maguire is the director of the streets division. he says the project would not only help cyclists but also pedestrians. because after the center bike lanes go in, the cars will no longer be able to turn left. >> we will get the cyclists
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away from the parked cars and we are banning left turns. >> reporter: but not everyone is convinced . katie told me she and a lot of her friends have concerns. >> like when a car needs to turn left or a cyclist needs to turn right, what would that look like and is everyone ready for that at every single intersection? the other thing i worry about is you've got cyclists coming at each other without much margin for error , and we are not encased in steel boxes, we are just on our bikes. >> reporter: the new lanes are slated to open in may. tom says he just hopes everyone will give the project a chance. >> we are committed to coming back to the public with a lot of transparency and a lot of data about what is working and what is not working. we wouldn't propose this if we didn't think it would be a major safety improvement. >> reporter: katie told me she
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understands they are trying and despite her concerns going into it, she will still try it out. >> i would love to be wrong, i would love for this to work and to be an improved experience for everyone. but i'm definitely going to be cautious. >> the reason that katie says she is going to remain cautious is because she's worried that even though they will bear left turns, she's worried that cars won't abide by the rules. tom says that during this pilot program, it's only going to last at least a year and during that time, both cyclists and drivers and pedestrians can comment about how they feel about these new bike lanes at the end of that one year , that is when the city is going to decide whether or not to make it permanent. thank you so much. there is costcounty , lafayette is
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planning a protected route for cyclists and pedestrians down the center of pleasantville road. the city is still working on fundraising. over in berkeley, one man has made it his mission to wash every inch of his city. >> there's actually quite a few people who are into this, san francisco is really popular. i know some people who are trying it in oakland. >> he has walked 200 miles, his task is 99% complete. we will explain why his finish line keeps getting moved back. an epic for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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it's the last weekend to hit the slopes, and they will be removing a lot of the snow. >> it seems like just yesterday, they were welcoming folks for opening day, as the first came down in november, cruz never expected the month of dramatic weather conditions in california that would follow. >> we stalked quite a bit of snow up here, and the massive amounts of snowfall meant around-the-clock work , but for
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business, a welcome sight. with an influx of visitors, plus staying open two weeks longer than usual, they are bouncing back from pandemic losses. for the crew, the work doesn't stop on april 23, they will have to turn over the terrain to prepare for summer, that means clearing 25 feet of snow to make way for the next round of outdoor activities. >> we have summer camps that we operate here with mountain biking on the trails behind me, so we have to start digging out some of those trails. >> for now, they are welcoming folks for their last runs of the ski season. and counting down the minutes until the next opening day. >> sierra, tahoe and sugar bowl will be ending the regular season on sunday, northstar will stay open one we can longer. as we reported, alpine meadows be en for skiing and snowboarding on the fourth of july. that is crazy.
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>> we have done it before. i was at sugar bowl july 4, 2011, you know you get these winters every so often, so july 4 is a fun novelty but it's not like they have never done that. >> how did you do? >> as bad as usual. let's talk about this warm-up, we have already hit 80 in several places. dublin, we have a camera over the green hills of dublin, you are not at 80 now, but we had daytime highs around 4:00, so we had some time for the numbers to come down. so right now, dublin is only 75, but still very nice. take a look at concorde now, we are still 79. so, you can see the green hills, wherever you go. what happens over the next few days? we will use concord
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as the example, pretty much going to do the same thing tomorrow. it's going to be another day just like today, but sunday and monday, you will cool down , all the way back down to average , but you are coming right back. tuesday backup 281, wednesday, you're going to be higher. and that is bay area wide. if you look at the top of the salesforce tower, i wanted you to see, the marine layer is just loitering, it is not coming through the golden gate , but sunday morning, that is coming back. that is why sunday is going to be one of the cooler days in the forecast, it is not going to be dramatically cool but you will see it is
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different. if we look at saturday, you can see where we are going to be. these numbers are almost identical to today, still a lot of low 80s but in a very subtle way, there is going to be a difference tomorrow. the east bay shoreline, you are going to give back four or five degrees. the colors will really change on sunday. but, still above average. here's how we are doing that, we are going to turn on the onshore flow. if we bring in the marine layer, sunday morning, it is going to be feeling back into the bay. that will get pulled back in. for sunday morning, this is why , you can see that definite pattern, when we look at the seven day forecast, sunday and monday, san francisco the temperatures kind of budge but for oakland, they go down to the 60s, then you warm-up for next week. san jose, 78 tomorrow, down to 71, this is similar to the trend we
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saw in concord. you will be a little bit warmer . and to finish off, the microclimate, the east bay valley , we looked at concord at the top, then it gets warmer from there into next week. tomorrow is going to be just as nice as today. but, sunday and monday are going to be a little bit cooler. >> that is okay, at this point, i will take it. thank you for telling us. a bay - life is uncertain. it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. calhope can help. access calhope's free and secure mental health resources today. call our warm line at 833-317-4673 or live chat at
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it is going to be a great weekend to get outside, but some people heading to great america won't just need the sunscreen, they are going to need a chaperone. a new policy is going into effect starting tomorrow for kids 15 or younger. they will need to have somebody 21 or older to go into the park with them or stay after 4:00 p.m. the company decided to do that after 2 years of increasingly unruly behavior. over to six flags, we are getting a sneak peek at one of the new cheetah cubs, kalahari is the baby of the group. so cute. that is the only boy they have. the park also recently welcomed five female cubs. people will be able to watch the cheetahs play, she does are described
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as vulnerable on a threat of species. we are back in 30 minutes with cbs ws bay ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, breaking news. the supreme court weighs in on whether a common abortion pill should remain widely available. the court's first action on abortion rights since overturning roe vs. wade means for american women. here are tonight's headlines. the new legal showdown over abortion. speak of the pill will be available for nationwide while these appeals will play out. >> norah: the charges against alec baldwin are dropped after that movie set shooting their government why he may not be in the clear. severe weather hit parts of texas overnight as people in oklahoma pick up the pieces


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