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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  April 21, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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people are dying on the streets. almost daily in downtown san francisco, there was a more than 40% jump in overdose deaths from january through march of this year alone. the governor's plan is a joint operation between the city, the state and the national guard, he is focused on dismantling fentanyl trafficking and disrupting the supply chain by holding the operators of large-scale drug operations accountable. the governor said the goal is not to criminalize people struggling with substance use, san francisco's police chief said this is not a takeover. >> i'm not talking about a military state, the national guard goes to many places and helps out. we will use them in a way that is effective and consistent with the values of the city. it'll help us do what we need to do, we make arrests day in and day out. we need to get it under control. that's
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exactly what we plan to do. >> we also want to be able to cut off the source of how these drugs, how this fentanyl that is killing people in alarming numbers is even getting to our neighborhoods and communities in the first place. so, this is definitely something that is going to help make a difference. >> an example of how bad the problem is, they did search warrants in oakland and confiscated 10 pounds of fentanyl, that has the potential to kill over 2 million people. calling on the national guard and the chp comes days after governor newsom made a visit to the tenderloin community , and they captured this video of the governor going to a meeting with the attorney general. he asked the governor what he was doing about the fentanyl crisis and the governor responded, that is what he was here to find out. you are not going to be seeing armed national guard soldiers controlling the streets in the tenderloin but we could be seeing more of a chp presence in the area, and exactly what this looks like and the timeline is still being worked out.
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within the last two hours, the u.s. supreme court decided to allow a commonly used abortion pill to remain on the market while the case against it makes its way to the lower courts. the supreme court blocked the ruling from the federal judge in texas, which said the fda approval of mifepristone was flawed and it should be banned. the legal battle has alarmed the community on the bigger question of whether the courts should have the power to overrule the fda on which drugs are safe and effective. to the fallout of the a's announcement that they are certainly on the road to las vegas. and it could also be a huge blow to business in that area. kenny? >> reporter: that's right, for so many of these small businesses, they have been waiting for this decision. they expected more additional foot traffic, that a new project like howard terminal would have brought two areas
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including jack london square. now they have some difficult decisions to make, whether to stay put or relocate as well. born and raised in oakland, george rodriguez has been cutting hair since he was a teenager. >> i started really young, it was a hobby, then it became a career. >> he finally opened his business last year on second street after nearly 2 decades of working with his clientele. >> there is a lot to do here, but people are leaving. >> reporter: it would have made a significant impact for his employees. >> we would have brought more foot traffic and made it more successful here. >> reporter: nearby, she expanded her small business with its second location and production facility in jack london square in 2018. he could grow even more with the a's as new neighbors.
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>> just wait until the a's get here, it's going to be great, there's going to be a lot of new customers and we were kind of waiting for that. >> reporter: this project would have created some 2000 construction jobs, many would employ local workers and businesses. the attorney and former director of the employment development department said, for those businesses in the area, especially for any businesses that came to that area specifically with the expectation that they would grow, it is a big, big deal. >> reporter: for young entrepreneurs, they can also sharpen their skills despite a setback , but it's difficult to see another opportunity pass so quickly. >> why is it called rooted in oakland? right? why? now they are leaving. >> that slogan that so many
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people have gotten used to in oakland, rooted in oakland since 1968. so, it is a loss economically for so many small businesses in this area and emotionally as well, a lot of them rooting for this franchise for decades and now they have to think about it and how it'll impact them economically, as it'll impact this decision by the a's , it'll ultimately impact their bottom line as well. thank you. the long planned google mega campus may never become a reality, in 2021, the city approved the development, featuring new housing and public parks. the estimated impact, $19 billion. work was supposed to begin by the end of this year but according to cnbc, google has put the entire project on hold and gutted its development team for the campus. google's parent company, alphabet is making major cuts to the workforce. google hasn't
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responded yet , but san jose's mayor tells us there's nothing to report and the project is proceeding. turning to the weather, a look outside and a beautiful start to the weekend, first alert meteorologist darren peck is here. >> we are going to start out by taking a look in the tri-valley , dublin is going to be the example for how quickly this warm-up started. it is 80 degrees right now over here. and it's that way for most of the inland valleys, that example applies to places like livermore and concorde. here's the comparison. 80 inland, we come back into the city and we didn't do as much of a warm-up, only 61 degrees here. technically, below average right now in san francisco. if we look at everybody, there are a couple of other 80s , concord 81, santa rosa 82. if you are inland today, you noticed a big jump, like 10
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degrees. for the most part, we are keeping it. it'll be a little bit cooler for sunday and monday. concorde is the example , on sunday and monday, the numbers are going to come down a little and then they are going to go right back up again and wait until you see wednesday and thursday , i will show you that in the seven day forecast, it'll be a little bit of a roller coaster. in general, warm is the new theme. back to you. police in san jose took a juvenile into custody after bringing a loaded gun to a middle school, they responded to hoover middle school after getting a tip over the phone. the officer took the juvenile into custody, no threats were made and there's no ongoing danger for the school community. a close call for a pleasanton man who was nearly run over by a truax truck, sitting inside his own home. luckily, he escaped with only minor scrapes and bruises, and we are told the tow truck driver accidentally slammed his foot on the gas yesterday , sending him flying through the wall.
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>> i was convinced it was going to hit me, it was coming at me at a high speed. >> the home has been red tagged by the city, the owner is staying in a hotel for the time being. lyft is expected to cut 1200 or more jobs, that is according to the wall street journal. this follows the layoffs of over 700 workers back in november. the move is going to make a better company for the drivers. california is striving to reach its goal of getting more electric vehicles on the road. the former governor stated his goal of 2025. the warriors look to even up their series with the kings this weekend. the warriors
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showed why they were champions last night , they can handle the pressure. >> the warriors delivered. they help the kings under 100 points, that is the highest in the league. i don't think folks realize how hard that is. all without two of their best defenders and gary payton the second and draymond green. >> they say draymond green has a history, so do we. >> it was an nba finals like steph curry performance. they got it going. he scored 36 points, most in the series so far and now king could stop him. they made it a 2-1 series. >> i understand the consequences of the loss tonight , and boed to feel that, so it was a very focused effort. bluntly, if we
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lost this game, it was pretty much over, so you have to understand the moment. i know it's just one game but it was a big game for sure. >> can they exhale and relax? no. they've got to keep winning, they have to win sunday and that is going to be hard, then they have to play game five, just holding in this series is not enough, the warriors have to win on the road to pull this off. >> hopefully they will get the momentum and that will be enough. >> we will see what happens sunday. because of last night, the warriors are slight favorite to win the series, if they win in vegas. >> check out what happened when longtime former met, david wright came into san francisco to order a drink and
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found her wearing his jersey. this is at a local sports bar , you can see it takes a second before she recognizes him she covers her face with her hands, they shared a hug and some conversation . >> the retired third baseman's former team opened up a four game series with the giants last night, meaning this bartender might have been the only happy baseball fan in the bay this week. great moment. still ahead, the text messaging scandal involving antioch pd, no prompting calls for the justice department to step in and we will speak with one bay area congressman behind the push. a san francisco nonprofit is trying to replace hundreds of trees that were toppled during the storms. what the group says about why they
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aren't sure they will get the help they need from the city. and we are celebrating this ♪♪ alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders. that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power.
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"the doctor will see you now." ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with but do they really? do they see all that you are? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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earth day festivities will take place tomorrow , the festival runs from 11:00 through 6:00 p.m. on ninth avenue, it includes a street fair and entertainment, geared toward inspiring people to make more creative earth friendly choices in their daily lives. >> we will have speakers and music and a lot of vegan food , you can take a walk in the park and stop by, it's going to be right by the arboretum, which is beautiful this time of year. >> of that free event will also feature art making and a lot of fun things for kids. the storms left trees
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littered across san francisco and it's going to take a huge effort to take care of all of them. this is a big job. >> reporter: it is one that a lot of people may not think about, when you're walking through the downtown area, we are out in the mission district, and they are called the friends of the urban forest, they say this is a perfect example of what the city is dealing with. you can see this street here, there's a few trees lining the street but not a ton and they say this has been one of those streets that was affected from this winter storm. now the friends of the urban forest are trying to replace those trees and add even more, but that can cost a lot of money and that is why they are trying to get help from the city. i went out earlier with the executive director of the friends of the urban forest to see what goes into planting all of these trees. >> this is a strawberry tree
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and it gets these really cool flowers that turn into little fruit that you can eat and it actually tastes like strawberries but they are not strawberries. four brian knows a lot about trees, he's the executive director of friends of the urban forest, that is a nonprofit that plans and cares for thousands of trees across san francisco every year. >> this is a purple beef flowering plum, it gets beautiful white blossoms. >> reporter: these trees survived what was a record stormy winter , unfortunately, brian said hundreds of other trees in the city did not. >> we are waiting for some of the final numbers from public works, but it is due to the fact of the circumstances that i talked about, extreme drought followed by heavy rain and high wind. >> reporter: that is a problem because while san francisco may seem like a very green city, it falls behind most other major
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cities when it comes to its amount of trees. >> only 14% of our streets and sidewalks are covered by trees, that is less than new york city, less than los angeles , and less than any major city across the country. >> reporter: and that was before the winter storms, they are going to need all the help they can get just to replace the trees that were lost. it's not just helping planting but also help with funding. he says just one tree can cost them thousands of dollars to plant and care for. >> we rely on the generosity of donors to support our work , as well as volunteers. but we also rely on public support because we believe that street trees are a public good that everybody can enjoy. we are calling on the mayor and board of supervisors, everybody that was involved in the city government to make a commitment to help us and others replace what we lost. >> reporter: we reached out to
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the mayor's office to see if they plan on including funding for friends of the urban forest in this year's budget. they sent us this statement saying, unfortunately we are facing uncertain financial times. that means we will need to make hard decisions, but we are actively working with city departments on budget proposals as we manage the city's nearly $780 million budget deficit. and any decision made will be a part of the final budget presentation in early june. brian told me he understands the city's budget deficit but believes planting new trees , especially after the winter we had should remain a priority. >> we climate change, bringing more extreme weather to the city, it is a necessary investment in green intructure that is going to help protect us . >> reporter: whether or not they get that funding, brian says friends of the urban
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forest will continue to replace as many trees as they can afford. >> that seems like a lot of money just to plant trees. did they explain why? >> reporter: yeah , i think that is something that is very surprising, you think of a tree as a one-time purchase but the friends of the urban forest say a lot more goes into it. this is an example of one of the trees they have planted so not only is it the cost of the tree which can cost hundreds, up to thousands of dollars, but the friends of the urban forest actually maintain these trees for 3 years after they are planted. that is to try to help them grow , there's a lot of different things that can go into this, with cars hitting the trees, that kind of thing. if you are watching this and thinking i want to help, there are ways that you can. the friends of the urban forest takes private donations. they also accept volunteers. if you want to come out and plant a tree, you can do that.
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thank you so much. let's check in with darren peck, those trees provide a lot of shade, especially on these sunny days. >> and a lot of pollen, too. >> such a downer . >> can you make sure you are not planting any ash trees because there are many of us that would appreciate that. i want to show you the comparison, we will start out by looking at oakland, that is a look from the salesforce tower. oakland did not get as dramatic of a warm-up as other places on the other side of the hill. 67 degrees in oakland is not that far off of the average. if we look across the bay, there are 80s showing up. santa rosa, 82. concord, 81. let's come back to san jose and show you the next few days. as we look over downtown, 76 is pretty nice. we will go a
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little bit cooler over the next few days, specifically sunday and monday, tomorrow is the exact replay. but you do cool down a little bit to start off the week, then there is more of a warm-up coming. when we get to the seven day forecast, wednesday is warmer than tuesday. in terms of your weekend, we have to give a little bit of the friday warm-up back. there's a lot of orange. if we look at saturday, that transitions a little bit. you can see why when you bring in the mainstream, it's going to be a little bit more of an onshore push tomorrow. if you are near the water, your average or maybe coming down a degree or two for saturday. the majority of us don't notice any difference on saturday. on sunday you will because that onshore push is going to allow the marine layer to fill back in. that is sunday morning. we will wake up on sunday and have the low clouds around, and that will bring the numbers down . sunday into monday are
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the two down days where we have to give some of this back. if you look at saturday, the temperatures are pretty much in line with today. sunday, a little bit greener and the numbers are little bit lower. around 70 for most locations. let's look at saturday in detail. a lot of upper 70s, for the santa clara valley, low 70s on the east bay shoreline, san mateo is 71. numbers for the east bay around 80, concorde 80. there's really no change over here. tomorrow looks and feels like identical to today. over here, it does come down a couple of degrees, not much, but you are staying average. if you're in the warmest northbay valleys, you're not changing much. you will see for the northbay, you are cooling down a bit as well on sunday and monday. there is san francisco. you can see the change for oakland. there is a
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little bit of a drop sunday. northbay valley, you are going to be back into the low 80s by the middle of next week. and san jose, same story. and the inland valley for the east bay show that same trend. the beach doesn't really change that much at all, it's that time of year, it'll be right around 60. back to you. still ahead, new rules at great america, why some people will have to be accompanied by a chaperone. students in one bay area school
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this weekend's warm weather means a lot of opportunity for outdoor fun. some people heading to great america won't just need sunscreen, they will need a chaperone. the policy will go into effect starting tomorrow for kids 15 years or younger, they will need to have someone 21 years or older to enter the park or to stay
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after 4:00. the company said they decided on the new policy after 2 years of increasing unruly behavior at the park. now over to six flags, we are getting a sneak peek at one of the new cheetah cubs. kalahari is the baby of the group, the park also welcomed five female cubs. visitors to the exhibit will be able to watch that she does play and interact with caregivers, they are described as vulnerable on a list of threatened species. and the abandoned hurdles on the central coast are getting a new start, after a villainous history as an invasive species, pet owners frequently break the law by releasing them into ponds and streams but they are aggressive invaders and wreak havoc on native ecosystems. the rescue has taken in 86 of them, and the rescue will give the turtles a special care they require and use them for
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educational exhibits. still ahead, two bay area lawmakers are calling for the u.s. attorney general to investigate the antioch police department. we will speak with the congressman about what he wants to see ancisco availing a plan today to help residents of the sunset district feel safer in their community.
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right now on cbs news bay area, a passionate push to add a religious holiday to the calendar in one bay area school district. why students in the school board are divided. oakland is getting a jump on earth day with a celebration of a major milestone. and a frightening ride for a 93-year-old california man after a woman stole an adult today caravan with him inside, how the pursuit finally came to an end. good evening, i'm elizabeth cook. we begin with the scandal that rocked the antioch police department, the city in the department facing a lawsuit. those messages were revealed as a part of an ongoing investigation on the contra costa dea and fbi into possible civil rights violations, now congressmen are urging the u.s. attorney ra


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