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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  April 21, 2023 5:00am-5:59am PDT

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the guests can stay in the warrior themed bedroom and during the holidays you can find the life-size cutout of steph curry along with the shower with walk-in decorations. >> i always loved it and the team we have now i think is a
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once-in-a-lifetime very special opportunity and i don't take it granted for a are tcngrino may neveppen again. >> reporter: season ticket holder sher fr morgill to em plong wihe thous closest duends most on t edge of their seat thursday night and the warriors definitely needed a win to stay in the series. >> of course we would win. after what happened it just motivated the warriors to get out there and win. it was simply amazing . >> it was never a doubt on what was happening tonight. it is steph curry and thompson and these are generational talents that we see that we will never see the likes of these guys again in the nba . >> last season we were the underdogs and won the championship so this is nothing new to us we are used to being the underdogs.
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warriors. >> reporter: warriors are down two games to one in the series but the fans say with the group on the floor repeating for the champions is not out of the reach. back to the we believe era, i believe and no one can tell me any different. >> i love the confidence. coming up later gianna franco and i will break down the game even more at the one take away. come and join us. >> i always love it when you and g break it all down. it's a clear start to the day as we look forward to this wonderful weekend. meteorologist jessica bringing it to us . >> we are running but it's beautiful weather so no excuses
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on our side or everyone else planning for the half marathon too. let's take a step back. this morning we are waking up to upper 40s to low 50s in off to a mild start already this morning with your skies and it will be a great one into the weekend. the high pressure making its way into san francisco and throughout the bay area. high pressure bringing in warmer and drier conditions which is the big reason why that daytime highs in concorde upper 70s. plen of sunshin. upper 70s around 2:00 to 5:00. it's great weather to get some fresh air out with your loved one. maybe go to the local park. it is a brunch the weekend in full force. into san francisco a little bit cooler. it is mild into the weekend along the coast and throughout the peninsula. up in east bay, wine country or santa clara valley, wait until next week. we will experience upper 80s
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in the forecast in certain spots. i will break it down to let you know why it's happening but already giving the forecast in a nutshell. the high pressure system so strong warming up temperatures into the next workweek. >> so excited the ear the weekend will be beautiful . taking a look at the roadways getting ready toward the altamont pass or dublin interchange, moving along nicely overall. it is clear westbound 580 toward 680 with if you break lights out of tracy. 37 miles an hour so still moving without a lot of slowdowns through that area. travel time okay on this friday. 35 minutes to 680 is the only slow spot. westbound 80 is clear along with highway 4, 101. the bay bridge is off to a great start on this friday. >> that is what we call friday
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light. the supreme court has until midnight tonight to release a decision about the abortion pill mifepristone after pushing back its own wednesday deadline. the emergency request comes after the texas appeals court imposed certain restrictions on the pill limiting its availability. the white house is arguing that one judge cannot dictate reproductive policy for the entire country. the biden administration and that laboratory asking the nine justices to keep it available while the lower court case unfolds. >> new mexico prosecutors confirmed their dropping criminal charges brought against alec baldwin after the daily 2021 onset shooting. they said new facts were recently revealed that demanded further investigation but did not rule out charging baldwin in the future. the nature of the new evidence was not provided and the weapon supervisor is still facing involuntary manslaughter charge. severe weather to the south
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with the least eight tornadoes going through central oklahoma . overnight a tornado touched down in texas. officials have confirmed three people died in the storms and numbers could rise with cleanup efforts that continue. this morning around 50,000 people were without power in texas. there were at least 11,000 people in the dark in oklahoma. those are your top stories of the morning. the sports should be more about sports and not all about the money. >> that spans feeling all sorts of emotions after the
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we have a celebration in order. we needed this win-win endgame 3 against the kings mac . i think a lot were confident the warriors would get the win but crossing our fingers the hallway. >> peop comup to m saying the heday is fine, total
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obviously the record at home but a lot of nerves on end. they were easing a little bit during the game. >> absolutely right out of the gate. they are playing the championship warriors. >> we know how people will they were deplete this level and what we saw yesterday. what we have been talking about the last couple of days, gianna picking up compared to game two . >> they did not have the issue from sacramento with the 11 turnovers compared to sacramento 15 turnovers. they needed to control the ball more which made the biggest difference for them last night. >> that is good news. we talked about other players stepping up and the team got contributions from the other players. they got a lot of playing time. the warriors doubled the kings second chance points by 24. we
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cannot talk enough about kevon looney. >> there was applause all around for him and just incredible last night. i think it is so cool he is still such a big player. he knows how to step up and bring it every time he steps on the court. 20 rebounds. >> it is well deserved . >> i believe that 12 of those were on the offensive glass. i think that is the huge difference maker for game 3, especially without draymond green on the court. closer to the game they said he would be out . okay, it's fine. don't worry. >> the whole draymond green thing, getting suspended, a bummer it happened but a bit of a distraction. i don't think they really wanted that to play into what was happening. >> we are happy to see other
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players step up and cannot say enough about kevon looney . we talked about the mindset during the game. >> i feel the same way in the zone or the rebound. i know where the ball is going and every time i touched it it seems to go my way. >> it went his way the whole night. i was reading something that stephen curry talked about in the the last couple of games in san francisco it seemed like they were in the big hurry. we need to see this in that next couple of games and obviously they need to do this on the road. it's a blessing and curse. they can play like this at home but on the road makes me nervous. let's find out what people are saying on twitter because dub nation is celebrating the fact that.this one. >> dell curry dropping 36, question marks and i think that is a lot of direction. >> one said it would be nice if the warriors got the only
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playoff win without draymond green. i don't like that one. let's go to another tweet. >> warriors fan, things absolutely should be favored to win the series. better personal top to bottom. better and more consistent execution on both ends. >> the shades of a young warriors team. it does remind me a little bit of the warriors seven or eight years ago but i don't know that they are better yet. they will have to grow into that role a little bit. they are not quite there. >> game 4 is that chase center sunday at 12:30 p.m. and they have the home field advantage so that will be good. >> we have to wait until sunday, okay. stick around with damon bruce in the studio talking about the dubs for the game time segment and of course we have to look ahead to
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game 4 on sunday which is way too long to wait. all right. let's check on the forecast. jessica, the sun was shining and i spent the day in the city and it was gorgeous. >> a stunning weekend that will get better into next week. around 2:00 in the morning close to hollister 10 miles north of that we expect an earthquake. not a report of people feeling it but keep in mind it happened earlier this morning. if you felt it in that area, that is what it was. in the bay area close to hollister and/or to the santa clara valley low 50s. upper 40s to the north close to napa valley and petaluma at 43 right now. down to the south at san jose warming up nicely into the afternoon. expect upper 70s once again and just like yesterday and the day before, plenty of sunshine to go round. it's a great when for brands in the santa clara valley and throughout the bay area. this is the weekend to get fresh
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air. maybe take the dogs out to the dog park . i been having so much fun having viewers standing in the dog photos and this one is by daniel with his dog bruno in the sunshine earlier this week. this has been a great forecast to take the dogs out on a wall. green for our friends in richmond to get the dog out for a walk. throughout the bay area a great weekend too. made you want to celebrate your dog. the dog festival is this week and saturday throughout the afternoon. warming up to the mid 60s so you don't even need to bring your jacket for the pups . you may want one for yourself with the light jacket but sunny in a beautiful weekend. high pressure is building in warming is up and drying us up . we will express more sunshine into next week as we see temperatures warming into the upper 80s in certain spots. after we get to the east, by next wednesday experiencing upper 80s. conquered , tri-valley area and
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even over into walnut creek with upper 80s continue into next thursday. upper 60s along the coast. temperatures braiding again in the bay area which means that spring and summer is around the corner. we will talk about that in a spring and summer are good weather so far which is the good news. looking at the roadways right now let's start off with a live look at the a bridge. i am distracted from that odd reflection of lights. it looks like it is hovering over the span. it is quiet, friday light, no delays into the city. everything looks good this morning which is what we like to see on your friday. golden gate bridge looks great in both directions. north and southbound moving along nicely. it will be a nice weekend. i anticipate areas with a lot of outdoor activities, extra busy this weekend with people enjoying the nice weather weekend. maybe along the coast are out for your hike, plan ahead for traffic in and
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around areas. san mateo bridge clear between a 80 and 101 in both directions. dublin interchange crowded and we always see brake lights and that morning area at 680. busy out of tracy into the altamont pass. baseball is my sport and this is my team. >> that spans watching the team that things get even worse as we get reaction from the a's faithful on the
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open will stop negotiated with the team over the new ballpark at the waterfront adding that the team has not negotiate in good faith . this at the theme ownership agreed to purchase 49 acre site on the las vegas strip to build the $1 million stadium. >> we were the closest we've ever been to sealing the deal and i get a very disappointing phone call. i want to be very clear. this announcement happened mid-negotiations . it shows that they have no interest in reaching a deal
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with oakland at all. oakland is not interested in being used as leverage in the age negotiations with las vegas. >> the mayor was not happy. i was there during the press conference. the ace is the latest professional team to lead the east bay in the recent years. the raiders ditched oakland for vegas in 2020. the warriors moved to san francisco in 2019. we spent time at the coliseum talking with fans about the potential loss. >> baseball is my sport. the a's are my team. >> reporter: joe has been a season ticket holder for more than 20 years. he has collected plenty of souvenirs and many more memories tearing on the a's . he was optimistic there would be a way to keep them in oakland. >> it gave me a lot of hope that they would be staying. be devastating and somewhat
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the east bay in general, but definitely for oakland it will be a huge impact. >> reporter: the game has given into the needs of the business more than anything else. >> sports should be more about the sport and not all about the money. >> reporter: brandon jones showing off. it collected over the years and said his heart dropped when he found out that the a's were leaving. it was like losing a family member for him. >> all i can say is it is sad, upsetting. it is abomination to the baseball gods. to the veteran sportswriter dave newhouse that road a book , wrote the book about the city of oakland saying they have gone through more are breaks in any city in the country. they are losing one sport after the other. >> oakland in terms of his passion 40s teams but that passion comes from the fans and not from ownership. >> reporter: for joe that has plenty of gear that could go up in bag you now that the team
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is leaving, it is not much of a consolation for losing the a's. but actually the value of all of it is for the team to stay. >> fans and insiders in in the announcement as they get ready for another bay area team to move in. the las vegas ballpark location about one mile lord north of where the raiders play now but like one says, it's business. >> sure it is a huge tourist draw . millions of people come. the a's believe that will get thousands and thousands, and thousands of visitors to come to the city just to see the a's plate. >> the a's president came out to try to explain his decision saying that after decades of back and forth with the team they have reached the end . >> we know it is a difficult day for fans and a sad day. but by the same token it's been a 25 year saga . we are at the point now where the current
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facility is 10 years past that useful life. we need to find an alternative that works and we have path in las vegas to put the franchise on solid footing. >> reporter: to give you history, days play the first game at the coliseum way back in 1968 after moving from kansas city. winning the championship in oakland four years later in 1972. they went on to win three titles in a row. in 1989 the a squaring off against the san francisco giants. the bay bridge series famously interrupted by an earthquake. so what is next at the coliseum site? the mayor says it's up in the air at this point and the city owns half the site but in february they announced an exclusive negotiating agreement to sell the city states to group trying to bring the retail development in the nba team to the complex but the a's still own the 50% share of the complex. when we come back a live
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report on the new lawsuit just filed over a controversy with the police department . good news for people living in the north bay
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from the cbs news bay area,
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welcome to the morning edition . we say keep the positive vibes and coffee is going and the doves played with confidence by beating the kings by 17 points. steph curry let everyone know dubs are. he had 6 for 12 with only one turnover. draymond green out and other players had to step up and they did . they got contributions from the bench that put up 25 points. kevon looney is the story of the morning that was the difference maker in the game with 20 rebounds. green had great things to say about looney and so did curry. he's locked into the looney play and talk about what worked for the team. >> understood the value that even if we are not scoring, get control of the ball. don't give them transition opportunities ,
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and make them score on the half-court. that is the kind of playoff fastball in general but definitely against a team like sacramento that thrives in transasia. >> you heard it here. warriors shooting 40% overall and 32% from the three point line. ding shooting 23% from the three point line. the warriors needed four wins and they got one but this game four is sunday at 12:30 p.m. justin , are we going? >> i don't know but we need the win. it is 12:30 so we can do it . we are good. a live look outside on this friday morning and we are all open for nice weather into the week in. our meteorologist jessica burch is bring us some of that nice weather. >> this weekend and next week. by the way, where is my invite ? my favorite memory moving to
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the bay was and get with both of you. it was beautiful and warm and coincidently warm this weekend into next week . throughout the bay area warming up a little bit with 48 degrees right now in livermore but warmer in concord at 51. official sunrise around the corner at 6:26 this morning. this afternoon we have something interesting going on. if you are curious as to why we express this beautiful weather and not the atmospheric river, high pressure building in. high pressure leaves us high and dry.. the easy way to remember is that it makes temperatures a lot drier and dries us up a lot. what we see right now is the same trend. san francisco today at 67 around 2:00 with no rain chances insight. san francisco at 77 around 2:00 to 5:00. very mild and great weather to take out the puppies not only today but i'm sure the
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dogs will understand if you can do it tomorrow. you can even go into next workweek with the beautiful weather lasting into next week, all throughout the week. this afternoon in richmond mid to upper 70s . here is a beautiful photo of bruno in richmond taken by daniel. feel free to send us a photo of your dog . we will have more on this beautiful weather with upper 80s in the forecast just around the corner for now, how are the roads ? >> i heard that justin during your weather report would get us tickets to the playoff games so get ready. i thought that is what he said. we will worry about that on sunday. current traffic conditions right now working your way out and about, all the green looks fabulous on the freeways right now. it is safe to say it is friday light with a 80 in both directions with no delays. moving along easily at the nimitz freeway, 101, san mateo
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and the peninsula looks great. the altamont pass is where we are tracking brake lights but that's typical this time of the morning. coming up on cbs mornings at 7:00, elise preston follows the police scandal in antioch were five people are suing the city claiming a pattern of abuse. what are the five people claiming that the police did? >> reporter: good morning to you. according to the lawsuit the 45 officers were part of the group text messages, 45 officers of the 99 part of the antioch police department. the lawsuit outlines the culture where the saucers sent text messages which referred to black people as guerrillas, as monkees. not all 45 officers listed on the group text
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messages actually sent the messages. the lawsuit said they also did not stop the messages that were going. in the group text there were also sergeants and lieutenants that never reported any police misconduct. not only does the lawsuit outline racist text messages referring to black people as guerrillas and monkees, the text messages also celebrated , bragged about officers that work beating people on patrol. there were also that claimed to have fabricated evidence. one of the messages that really stuck out to me was the one that said i will bury that letter in in my fields. there were also text messages that celebrated and joked about the murder of george floyd . >> these are very disrespectful text messages. do you know if the racist text threat was being used there? >> reporter: the text thread dates back to 2019 but attorney john verse filing the
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federal lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiff said they showed the culture was so pervasive within the antioch police department. that it showed the culture allowed these kinds of things to happen for years. we also sat down with the mayor that also said that the culture here allowed those officers that are part of this group text to feel entitled and emboldened to be able to send those text messages. >> we have heard from some angry residents and the culture in antioch. >> reporter: they said they do not feel safe. or feel protected by the police. some said that they feel safer around gangsters than they do the police here in antioch. we spoke with the mother of one of the five plaintiffs and those text messages outlined the officers likening the ahead of
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her son to a bowling ball. some text messages said they wanted to kick or would kick her son's head like it was a field-goal . the mother was emotional, as you can imagine. she actually ended up leaving antioch to move to another community because she just did not feel safe. she did not feel protected by these officers. >> elise preston, thank you so much for that reporting this morning. get her full report coming up at 7:00 on cbs mornings later this morning. a look at your evening top stories, a man arrested in connection with the racially charged attack on the muni bus. they said he was charged with battery and violating people's civil rights. it happened back in february and a woman that recorded the video you see on your screen said the man also shouted anti-asian slurs. the district attorney said that
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the man, benjamin, involved in a separate incident on the muni bus. >> when you're in a closed quarters with someone throwing eggs that you it is very unnerving and unacceptable. >> benjamin is facing up to seven years in prison if convicted on all charges. remember the party mom, shannon o'connor, due back in court today. that is the mom accused of throwing underage parties with alcohol and nonconsensual sex for her teenage son and his friends. o'connor is facing 39 criminal counts of felony child abuse, sexual assault, dividing alcohol and other crimes. before the judge considers the plea deal the court authority said they will hear from some of the victims of o'connor. joining 17 other states in calling for the utter recall of kia and hyundai because they're so easy to steal . california attorney general said the two companies have foregone safety
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standards and antitheft features, wrecking federal protocol. the recall he's pushing for would apply to the key as old as 2011 and as recent as 2021, and hyundai models between 2015 and 2022. those are look at your top stories on this friday morning. to the bay area be the life of a dog was saved in an apartment fire thing to the quick action of the off-duty firefighter last night. a fire broke out just after 6:00 in the evening at the four plex near pioneer high school. when the firefighters all the smoke and flames from across the street he jumped into action. >> he saw a need to come here and provide assistance and he did that and for that reason that dog right now is being transported to the animal care shelter alive. >> before the crews arrived the off-duty firefighter grabbed the garden hose to put out the flames. the g owwas at hothe time buhurtthe d crosis h
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the four adults and two kids to buy new place to call home. good news for the peopn emergency water bypass line is in place with the mainline badly damaged in the hillside collapse along 680 last month in the city is still asking residents and businesses to reduce the usage but only by 20% instead of the 40%. your time now is 5:40. you may have already noticed it scrolling through your twitter the start of the big change under the elon musk tenure. where waking up to beautiful sunrise this morning. all
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look at you taking the win with quality top tier gas for less. me? yup. hi. hi? treating your car as good as you treat your dry-clean onlies. i see you winning. yeah thank you for noticing. i notice wins. like how i noticed you spilled a little coffee on your shirt but kind of made a cool new pattern. oh great! hey you win some and you win some am i right? you can let go now. oh sorry! ohhh your coffee. ahh it's fine you're a safe driver. take the win with quality, top tier gas for less at arco.
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struck time for your moneywatch report. home prices falling across the nonstate assessment largely due to the higher mortgage rates. sales of existing homes dropping 2.4% from february to h. selfless month down 22% from
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one year earlier. the slow down is pushing to real estate prices. they have dropped on an annual basis for two months on a rope. if you have gotten on twitter recently you probably noticed those verified checkmarks are gone. accounts that used to received icon through the twitter now the fall. occasion process but now users must pay at least eight dollars a month for authentication. i will not be paying that. some public figures have lost the blue checkmarks including pope francis, beyonc÷ and kim kardashian. the california hillsides blooming with wildfires after the epic rainy season. you can see this from the video playing from the other side. it brought colorful fields but showing up even on satellite images taken from space. we found a couple of super bloom tours in the bay area going on a road trip searching for the california best-kept secrets. >> reporter: for danny and moe the death valley super bloom
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was a long time ago. >> actually it was 18 years ago and 23 pounds lighter, and a little bit more hair. >> reporter: this year question mark >> she was bugging me when we will go see the flowers and i kept telling her when it rains again. >> reporter: so he packed up and headed south. >> salinas first and then king city. back to 58. it was straight out through 58. look at that. oh my gosh. >> reporter: there is plenty to see along the way. >> isn't this awesome ? i cannot wait to get there and see everything. >> reporter: including this stop. 20 miles down highway 58 when mill creek at the windsor mill creek. poyou allh
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way down from berkeley? >> i did and i wanted to see this all my life and thank goodness they have passed a walk on the cards you feel like you are floating on a carpet of flowers. is beautiful. i love it, really expect look at these. >> look at those. that is real hillside pansies. >> we need to get a picture of that. >> okay, ready. there we go. >> that is amazing . >> is amazing what a little bit of water can do for you. >> reporter: the road was relatively clear. >> we are looking for the purple . >> reporter: it seemed like a good time to stick my head through our camera van to get this video. >> the state trooper saw you.
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>> reporter: the sacrifices we make to tell the story. recommendations? >> you caep going all the way and you get to the county line and you will notice deals are littered with flowers, very pretty. >> reporter: with at $200 bit of advice we turn east and finally. >> we are here and look how beautiful this is. >> reporter: we see the animals with the owls in the budding spring blooms. >> it's beautiful. >> reporter: thousands hike to the lake overlook. word the blue on the timber range is reflected on the largest remaining alcohol alkali
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wetland where people take countless pictures of themselves and the owers. >> reporter: as for danny and moe, some parting gifts. >> are brought you some. i thought you might like it. a little bit of tumbleweed. the 450 mile round trip, and it was blooming great. >> gorgeous super blooms but also blooming with super allergies for me . it's rough. >> where still in the medium to high category for the tree pollen throughout the weekend and next week. so despite the fact that the weather is beautiful be prepared if you are sensitive allergies like we are. that reminds me, if i keep
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coughing throughout the forecast but i will try not to. for san jose upper 70s with plenty of sunshine to go round not only for san jose but throughout the bay area. the reason why we are warming up and drying up into the weekend and next week is the high pressure. ink about it this way. high and dry warms our temperatures higher than we are used to which keeps us dry. when you see the huge h that is exactly what we are expecting. the wind is sweeping in from the north heading into the morning and afternoon. we will top out around 20 mile an hour wind along the coast and even inland near concord. it won't be too bad but it will be whipping up your allergies a bit. we have medium to high category not only today but throughout the weekend . even as we kick off the next workweek it is true pollen and grass the big issue right now in the bay area. other local areas throughout the bay, santa rosa warming up to upper
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70s which is great weather to get out to get the fresh air. maybe take the puppies to the dog park . no matter where you go it will be beautiful. the microclimate is doing something different. the coast in san francisco only topping out with upper 60s and breezy conditions in the evening tonight. i mentioned taking the pups to the dog park but maybe you want to go to the dog past for the dog festival. inland areas in this afternoon and you're probably thinking why do that with the beautiful weather here too. let's start off in the inland east bay where we experience 80s this afternoon. cooling down heading into sunday and monday. look at next week, upper 80s, close to 90s anywhere from concord, tri-valley area and walnut creek . this is as early as next thursday, but the models are showing right now. the rest of us warm up next week but not nearly as much as
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that. san francisco mid 70s. we will cool down a little bit by thursday. a similar set up throughout most of the bait. 80s expected at the inland east bay and north bay as early as next wednesday. beautiful weekend but even more gorgeous next week . a little busy at the altamont pass but other than that very quiet so far this morning. we don't have a lot of traffic accidents happening right now. it is safe to say it is friday like. if you're up getting ready to hit the roadways, all clear on 80 and 101 with no delays. all bridges are quite. easy ride on san mateo bridge, dumbarton bridge and golden gate bridge. the senses update automatically and into the altamont pass about 24 miles an hour. it will start at 580/205 connector . we typically see this right at mountain house. 41 minutes from tool five to 680. if you
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everything looks good. the bay bridge all clear into san francisco. i like gaming but i like to build my own and include it
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fe it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried, or frustrated. it's normal. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today.
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we take you inside the san francisco nonprofit for gaming. >> reporter: nearly 200 hours a day find zaire battle-wright with characters and selling admissions to the life of gaming. >> i like video gaming but i like building my own and creating my own games but trying to be a gamer however. took a group that is trying to turn the skills into the greer is the bayview united gaming club giving black and brown boys a safe space to come to with the mission to diversify the world of video gaming. >> something also learned was more like creating bonds with the people that you know and getting connections so you can get into other spaces. >> reporter: here they not only played video games but received mentoring, college preparation overall support in
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life . >> the gaming stuff you are just good at and some of you all are just naturally gifted. is the of the stuff we need to be supporting. >> i believe in the next generation of s.t.e.m. students to gaming. you have to be able to do all four, signs, technology, engineering and math and gaming. why not do it in front of a medium exciting for the rest of the world. >> reporter: according to the international game developers association, only 4% of game creators identifies black. they are hoping to improve that. >> i'm just saying they don't have my hairstyle, i don't think so. i would like to put in more black or african-american hairstyles. >> reporter: while only in the first year the free gaming club hopes to expand a great more opportunity throughout the bait for the kids like zaire.
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>> bayview united gaming club will host the first gaming ch ened all kids in the area looking to network or even win some prizes. your time now is 5:57. saving the series with the warriors versus the kings without draymond green. we have all of the highlights coming up. you know that oakland is left devastated with the gaze plans to move to las vegas. we have reaction from the heartbroken fans. here is a live look outside before we head to the break on this friday. the weekend has arrived and it will
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from cbs news bay area , this is the morning edition. there was a lot of that last night at chase center where the dub nation had the backs against the wall but they are cruising into victory against the kings and how the warriors are feeling this morning. >> all i can say it is sad and upsetting an abomination to the baseball gods. >> it still hurts is we get reaction to the a's moving to las vegas and hear the heartbreak from faithful fans as reality begins to that in. >>


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