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tv   CBS Evening News With Norah O Donnell  CBS  April 10, 2023 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT

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after trudging through the snow. it wasn't a patient or showing up for the shift. just wanted some of the plants that will show up. we'll see >> norah: tonight a mass shooting at a bank leaves four people dead and others injured. what we are learning about the gunman as it is revealed one of the officers shot only graduated from the police academy just last month. here are tonight's headlines. ♪ ♪ >> officer down right in front of the bank. >> norah: the new details on what happened and the alleged warning from the shooter and tonight remembering the victims. >> i have a very close friend that did not make it today. ♪ ♪ >> justin jones elected as the interim successor. >> norah: reinstated, one of the tennessee three returns to a seat in the state house just days being expelled. ♪ ♪ abortion pill showdown, the justice department appeals a
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texas judge's decision as americans protest nationwide. >> we are prepared to have a long legal fight here. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: pentagon officials are investigating the reported leak of documents that they say appear to contain sensitive and highly classified material. one classified document from the war in ukraine was used to show the daily positioning of forces. ♪ ♪ >> norah: china has ended three days of military drills near taiwan after practicing a blockade of the island. ♪ ♪ our tax series. the scams you need to be on the lookout for. >> people are losing tens of thousands of dollars from the scam. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> norah: and a tradition unlike any other, jon rahm gets his first green jacket. >> if there's anything better than accomplishing something like this is making history. ♪ ♪ >> norah: good evening to our viewers in the west and
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thank you for joining us as we start a new week together. we want to begin tonight with yet another deadly mass shooting in america. tonight the city of louisville, kentucky, is reeling after four people were killed and nine others wounded when a 25-year-old gunman live streaming the attack opened fire with a rifle inside a bank where he worked. police showed up in just 3 minutes, he was killed in the shoot-out that has a rookie officer clinging for life. that officer shot in the head has been on the force for just ten days. the four people killed today at the old national bank were between 40-64 years old. one of those killed was a close friend of governor andy beshear who fought back tears and called all the victims irreplaceable. amazing individuals. president biden called the shooting senseless and once again urged congress to take action on gun reform. we are not even 100 days into the year and there have already been 146 mass shootings in this
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country. cbs's roxana saberi is going to lead off the coverage in louisville with a new reporting. good evening, roxana. >> reporter: good evening, norah, flags at all state buildings in kentucky are flying at half-staff to honor the victims in today's mass shooting. police are trying to figure out why the gunman who started working as an intern in 2018 at the bank behind me and who had a business degree turned violent killing some of his colleagues. >> 333, old national bank, advising eight or nine people have been shot. >> reporter: calls to 911 came in at just past 8:30 this morning. within 3 minutes, police officers arrived at old national bank in downtown louisville. [gunshots] >> reporter: police say the suspect used an ar15 style rifle. and police immediately began to exchange gunfire. >> a description of a white
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male, dark colored pants. >> shots are firing. >> reporter: troy haste saw the gunman before running for cover. >> whoever was next to me, got shot and blood on me from it. >> reporter: metro police have identified the lone gunman as 25-year-old connor sturgeon, an employee at the bank. >> ultimately the suspect did die at the scene, we are trying to confirm if that suspect died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound or was killed by officers at this time. >> reporter: when it was over four people were shot and killed, nine taken to a nearby hospital including rookie officer nickolas wilt on the job just ten days, but was shot in the head. tonight s.w.a.t. teams and investigators are at the suspect's home searching for a motive. >> he texted a friend, called a friend last night said that he was going to kill everyone in the bank. and feeling suicidal. >> reporter: andy beshear was visibly shaken. >> we lost four children of god
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today. one of whom was one of my closest friends. >> reporter: caleb goodlett's paniced wife a employee called him from a locked vault. >> everything got quiet, that's when ambulances started arriving. >> reporter: officer wilt is in critical but stable condition, louisville police chief credits officers bravery and quick action for saving lives and preventing even more serious injuries. norah. >> norah: roxana saberi, thank you. breaking news from nashville wherea black democratic lawmaker was just unanimously reinstated just days after republicans threw him and another democrat out of the tennessee legislature. cbs's mark strassmann reports the representatives were removed after they led a protest over a gun reform. >> no justin, no peace. no justin, no peace. >> reporter: suddenly the so-called tennessee three are everywhere. in the streets of nashville today, on television, and probably in-state republican
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nightmares. former democratic state representative justin pearson and justin jones. >> there is no democracy in tennessee. tennessee is the most undemocratic state in the nation. >> reporter: last week mostly white republicans in the house's flexed their super majority and expelled two young black lawmakers for mocking house decorum with a bullhorn and bravado. >> i'm worried about process and procedures that are laid out that you should follow and not having a protest as it was described over here. on the house floor. >> reporter: jones' district included part of nashville and in a special session today the city's metro council meant to appoint an interim state where as expected, they named jones in effect to replace himself. until tennessee's governor sets the date for a special election. if republicans here hoped ousting the two democrats would silence them, make them smaller, their tactic backfired. g.o.p. leadership here got smaller. and jones and pearson and now a national voice.
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>> when they dispelled us, they had no idea that this was going to happen. >> reporter: justin pearson facing his own vote on wednesday, the shelby county commission also has to appoint an interim representative, and the camp told me today it's going to be a tough fight. norah. >> norah: mark strassmann, thank you very much. want to turn to the fast moving to the elements in the battle over a key abortion drug. today the justice department appealed a federal judge's ruling that would block access to that drug asking for an emergency stay. and hundreds of top executives at pharmaceutical firms are also blasting the judges decision. cbs's weijia jiang is at the white house on what this all means for women throughout the country. >> reporter: tonight the white house is promising it will fight to keep the abortion pill mifepristone available to women. jen klein is the biden administration's point person on abortion-related issues. >> it is safe.
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it is effective. and there is no reason to be removing it from market at this point. >> reporter: the conservative texas judge behind the ruling to ban the drug argues the fda improperly approved it 23 years ago ignoring legitimate safety concerns. but at the time, the fda actually spent triple the average amount of time studying the drug. mifepristone is 1 of 2 approved pills that are used together to carry out more than half of legal abortions in the country. >> abortion our demand. >> reporter: over the weekend protesters blasted the court's decision. >> this will create chaos and destruction of women's lives. >> reporter: while supporters praised it. >> the order is all about righting a wrong now. >> reporter: just after the texas ruling, a washington state judge did the opposite, blocking any changes to mifepristone's
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availability in 17 states and the district of columbia, where democrats sued. today in massachusetts, the governor announced her state has stocked mifepristone buying 15,000 doses, senator elizabeth warren. >> this extremist texas judge reminds us that roe will be on the ballot in 2024. >> reporter: some republicans are already leaning into that fight. >> maybe there comes a point where house republicans on the appropriation side have to defund fda programs that don't make sense. >> reporter: but today 400 pharmaceutical leaders issued a scorching condemnation of the texas ruling saying if courts can overturn approved drugs without regard to science, then every medicine is at risk of facing the same legal challenges as mifepristone. norah. >> norah: it's quite a ruling in a saying, yes, thank you. tonight the mother of a 6-year-old boy who shot and wounded his teacher in a
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in is cing criminal charges. a grand jury indicted her on charges including recklessly leaving a loaded firearm and endangering a child. the teacher still recovering from the january shooting filed a $40 million lawsuit last week claiming school administrators ignored warnings that the boy had a gun at school and posed an imminent threat. the pentagon sai today the online leaks of highly classified documents present a very serious risk to national security. those documents exposed u.s. intelligence on asia and the middle east, but the biggest concern involves the war in ukraine. cbs's catherine herridge on what is being done to limit the damage. >> reporter: tonight pentagon officials are scrambling to identify the source of leaked documents apparently meant for senior decision-makers like the joint chiefs, pages seem drawn from secret military briefing books including cia updates. not even the white house can say if the crisis is contained. >> we don't know. we truly don't know.
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>> obviously this is very detrimental. >> reporter: republican congressman mike turner chairman of the house intelligence agency was briefed earlier today. >> we don't know what else might be coming or what else they have access to. that's why it is so important to find the source and close down the source. >> reporter: for the first time since the documents were identified on a popular gaming platform, the pentagon is acknowledging the stakes. >> in some cases containing sensitive and highly classified material. >> reporter: with the spring approaching, documents revealing the ukraine need for new emissions, so acute its air defense could crumble. and indications of former intel official says the u.s. and others may be keeping tabs on president zelenskyy's conversations. >> who or what to benefits from the leaked documents? >> i think the russians do for sure. >> reporter: hr mcmaster, former security adviser told cbs news the apparent doctored
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records looks like information warfare. >> we have elements of truth that are combined with false information for propaganda purposes. >> reporter: another document suggests russian intelligence is compromised, apparently revealing plans to strike ukrainian forces at a specific location and time. >> they have shown the extent at which the united states and ukraine are aware of what russia is doing. >> reporter: the pentagon is investigating who had access to the classified materials, and they have launched a criminal probe, telling cbs news that it could amount to espionage. norah. >> norah: catherine herridge, thank you very much. china's military said today is ready to fight after completing three days of large-scale war games that simulated the blockade of taiwan. the island is self governed, but china claims it has its own, cbs's elizabeth palmer reports that the drills where a message to the u.s. >> reporter: chinese video shows the extent of the exercise both human and hardware, including for the first time an aircraft carrier as well as
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nuclear capable bombers. the live fire drills releasing a blockade on taiwan, and as the chinese animation shows, strikes against pacific targets on the island. in beijing, the foreign minister's spokesperson said the exercises were serious warning to taiwan's separatist and what he calls external forces. that is the u.s. and its allies. specifically their retaliation for that meeting in l.a. between president tsai ingwen who insists taiwan will remain independent, and speaker kevin mccarthy who signaled the u.s. would help protect it from china. >> we will honor the obligations and reiterate our commitment to our shared values behind which all americans are united. >> reporter: to the taiwanese taking a break on taipei's cycle trials, the exercises were unpleasant, but familiar, taiwan's coast guard released a
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video of warning chinese warships from a safe distance to back off, but they are seriously outmanned and outgunned, so there was a sigh of relief when the chinese declared the exercises over this afternoon and headed home. to everyone's relief, this round was just practice, but there is still a potential for war for taiwan, even though the moment all side say they want to avoid it. elizabeth palmer, cbs news, taipei. >> norah: president biden made some news at the white house easter egg roll when asked if he is running for reelection next year, the president said "i plan on running." but he's not prepared to announce it just yet. turn now to our special tax time series as the april 18th deadline approaches to file your 2022 tax returns. in recent years more than 75,000 americans have lost $28 million in irs imposter scams so in tonight's money watch, cbs's
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nancy chen has tips to protect your money and your personal information. >> reporter: peak tax season comes with a warning. what makes tax season so ripe with an opportunity for scammers? >> they know we are stressed. >> reporter: amy nofiziger arp's fraud expert says this year people should be looking out for irs imposter scams, would be victims receive a phone call, text message, or email claiming to be from the irs saying back taxes are owed or there is a problem with the return. >> we hear a lot of people requested for a prepaid gift or even cryptocurrency. >> reporter: she says to pay close attention when hiring a tax preparer. how did you feel that this was a scam? >> nauseous, sick. >> reporter: tiffany says a company she trusted took a third of her refund. >> somebody on facebook said they had scammed them for $2,000, and that's when i started to worry.
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>> reporter: unscrupulous tax return services could lead you to liability with errors and in some cases deposit your refund in their account. some tips expert say to keep in mind, the irs will most likely contact you first by mail. also check your credentials of anyone you give your personal information to. and pay digitally. >> criminals will steal money from everyone, it does not matter if you are 15 or 95, they will steal your money, whether it's $5 or $500,000, they don't care. >> reporter: staying on guard to keep your money protected. nancy chen, cbs news new york. >> norah: an important note, we will continue the series tomorrow focusing on how you can maximize your refund. tonight, an update on a surfer who is in serious condition after a terrifying shark attack in hawaii. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ tonight, an update on a surfer
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who is in serious condition after a terrifying shark attack in hawaii. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ business course. i've been studying a lot. i've been producing and directing for over 50 years. it's a very detailed thing and the pressure's all on me. i noticed i really wasn't quite as sharp as i was. my boss told me about prevagen and i started taking it. i feel sharper. my memory's a lot better. it just works. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. - you like that bone? i got a great price on it. - did you see my tail when that chewy box showed up? - oh, i saw it. - my tail goes bonkers for treats at great prices. sorry about the vase. - [announcer] save more on what they love with everyday great prices at chewy. for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. meet gold bond healing. a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes, heals,
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and smooths dry skin. with 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins, you can pay more but you can't get more. gold bond. champion your skin. not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows it gets in between teeth to destroy 5x more plaque above the gumline than floss. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. listerine. feel the whoa! (vo) red lobster presents fun dining: taste buds need not be faithful to one shrimp dish. listerine. thrill them with shrimp three ways. try the new cajun shrimp trio, richly seasoned with cajun flavor. it's a bold new way for shrimp three ways. welcome to fun dining. staaaaacccceeeyyy! i'm the sizzle in this promposal. and tonight, sparks are gonna fly.
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kyle? and while romeo over here is trying to look cool, things are about to heat up. uh-oh. darn it, kyle! and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, you could end up paying for this yourself. sorry mr. sanchez! get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. that's a hard no. >> norah: on the hawaiian island of oahu, swimmers were warned to stay out of the waters today after a man was attacked by a shark. the 58-year-old surfer was bitten on sunday. but what officials believe was an eight-foot tiger shark this happened at a busy tourist spot near honolulu. other surfers help to stop the bleeding before he was rushed to the hospital in serious condition. there is a new warning from the fbi, how charging your phone at an airport or a hotel could put you at risk. that's just ahead. ♪ ♪
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>> norah: a new warning from the fbi, don't use those free charging stations in airports, hotels, or shopping centers, criminals have found ways to use public usb ports to infect devices with malware and monitoring software. the agency is advising the public to bring their own cables and charging bricks. it's interesting, right? and there's a number one golfer after a wet and wild weekend at the masters. that story is next. weekend at , that story is next. or a day off. get out in front of it with cibinqo. for those who didn't respond to past treatments... once-daily cibinqo proactively treats eczema whether you're flaring or not. cibinqo can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. that pvent blood clots.'ve had hepatitis b or c, serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, lung, skin and other cancers,
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>> norah: we just had to end tonight at augusta's national where jon rahm won's first green jacket on a thrilling marathon sunday at the masters. here is cbs's jim axelrod. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: there was so much poetry in jon rahm's victory. 40 years after his hero the late spanish great seve ballesteros won his second green jacket, rahm won his first on what would have been seve's 66th birthday. is this reality meeting your dreams or exceeding your dreams? >> exceeding. the ovation, the feel on that ovation and then being with my family to everything that comes with a ceremony of the green jacket and everything afterward. >> reporter: rahm came to the u.s. a decade ago, improving his
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golf game at arizona state and his english through popular culture. >> just wish there was a way that i did not have to take sides, what should i do? >> i had a couple of seasons of "how i met your mother" downloaded it and kept watching them over and over with english subtitles and spanish subtitles. >> reporter: other captivating headlines, 52 phil mickelson who plays on the saudi back live golf tour became the oldest runner-up ever. as for tiger woods, his battered 47-year-old body could not survive the third round. if he is still living by his own standard which is you win or you fail, then i think tiger is going to exit stage right pretty quick. tiger and phil still grab attention, but this masters put a 28-year-old in the spotlight, and his star turn ended a week of wet and windy weather bathed in sunshine. jim axelrod, cbs news, agusta. >> norah: thrilling to watch. congratulations to jon rahm, and augusta national did an incredible judge. that's tonight's
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"cbs evening news." i am another senseless shooting on the bay area freeway that claims the life of a 5-year-old girl on her way to a birthday dinner. >> we are exhausting every lead. plus one flush of a toilet may provide some critical information, the experiment in marin county about some dangerous drugs. >> including opioids, methamphetamine, fentanyl, cocaine as well as nicotine. we go behind the scenes as some special fans of b.a.r.t. take part in a project to make their voices heard by all of us riders. >> hey, everybody, my name is bella. we're celebrating autism awareness month. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. it is heartbreaking and it shouldn't happen. another
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deadly shooting on a bay area freeway that has shaken the community to the core. the victim, a 5-year-old little girl just shy of her birthday, she was on her way to a birthday dinner saturday when someone on interstate 880 in fremont opened fire. our devin fehely has more on the search for her killer. >> reporter: i want everyone to reflect on the almost indescribable awfulness of what happened to this family just out driving saturday night on their way to a dinner celebration when someone from somewhere shot into their car and killed their child. the chp says they want answers every bit as much as the public. she was forever smiling in the photos shared by her family, how she should be remembered and lived her short life and not the seeming random violence of her death. >> any death is a tragedy


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