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tv   CBS Evening News With Norah O Donnell  CBS  March 23, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, is tiktok's time up? the ceo in the hot seat on capitol hill as lawmakers describe the popular social media app as a risk to national security and america's children. here are tonight's top headlines. ♪ ♪ rare common ground from republicans and democrats on display as tiktok ceo tries to distance the platform from china and its chinese owner. >> has bytedance spied on american citizens? >> i don't think that's buying is the right way to describe it. ♪ ♪ >> norah: dangerous eye drops. the recall tonight after a low risk medicine lead to infection, blindness, and for some, death. >> one of the doctors here, he said you are probably going to
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lose your eye. sorry. ♪ ♪ >> demonstrations are taking place across france today, against the government's planned pension reforms. protesters threw objects at police, they responded by launching to regress into the crowd. >> norah: drama in the skies, how i passenger says the day after the captain passes out mid-flight. >> the captain became incapacitated while in the route. he is in the back of the aircraft. >> norah: and our visit to the cherry blossoms. what do these trees symbolize? >> friendship between japan and the united states, but also the fleeting beauty that is so magnificent and specially on such a grand scale. ♪ ♪ >> norah: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this thursday night. tonight, nearly 50 million americans are in the path of dangerous weather as that storm system that spawned a
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bomb cyclone in california moves east. plus come in tonight's "eye on america," we visit a small west virginia town that is still recovering from a once-in-a-lifetime flood. but first, the ceo of tiktok facing tough questions from lawmakers today, during and often-tense hearing about the safety and security of the popular social media app. members of both parties grilled show chu about the company's ties to china and harmful content pushed on children. the future of tiktok here in the united states, along with its 150 million u.s. users remains up in the air, with the biden administration threatening to ban the app. a new cbs news paul mack shows 1% of americans support that ban. cbs news' nikole killion was at the hearing and she is going to start us off tonight from capitol hill. good evening, nicole. >> reporter: good evening, norah. this was a grueling hearing that ousted more than five hours as tiktok ceo defended his platform in his first appearance on capitol hill. >> we do not trust tiktok will
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ev beginning, shou zi chew, the ceo of the most-downloaded app in the past two years, face intense scrutiny. >> my time is up, and if this committee gets its way, tiktok's time is up. >> reporter: the tiktok executive tried to reassure lawmakers with a commitment to safety. >> there are more than 150 million americans who love our platform, and we know we have a responsibility to protect them. >> reporter: and he insisted the video sharing platform is not an arm of the chinese government, despite being owned by parent company bytedance, based in beijing. >> has bytedance spied on american citizens? >> i don't think that "buy-in" is the right way to describe it. >> reporter: chew is working to build a firewall to protect user data in the u.s. >> i have neither seen no evidence the chinese government has access to data. >> i find that preposterous.
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>> reporter: younger users buying out know my drugs on the app to dangers in some tiktok challenges and videos promotingg disorders and suicidal beha behaviors. >> our kids are at risk on your platform. >> reporter: the nasca family attended the hearing. their 16-year-old son died after viewing disturbing video on the platform. >> i would like to see mainly stopping of promoting these types of videos that my son was getting. >> reporter: president biden has banned the app on government devices, along with at least two dozen states. >> does this put tiktok closer to a complete ban? >> absolutely. i think it was pretty clear that the congress is unified, in terms of opposing tiktok. >> reporter: congress is considering at least three bills that would further restrict tiktok or implement a nationwide ban. tonight, the company accused the house panel of political grandstanding and warned a ban could violate the
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first amendment and hurt the livelihoods of millions of its users. norah? >> norah: yeah, it is so interesting, as you try today became the first state in the country to restrict how and when kids can use social media. these stories we are going to continue to follow. nikole killion, thank you so much. now, to a scary moment aboard a southwest airline flight from las vegas to columbus, ohio, on wednesday, when the captain of the plane passed out. cbs's adriana diaz reports tonight on how an off-duty pilot rushed to the cockpit. >> it's actually the captain that is not doing well, so we need to get him on the ground immediately. >> reporter: southwest flight 6013 bound for columbus, ohio, had to land back in las vegas wednesday after it's 47-year-old captain lost consciousness in the air. his copilot took over. >> he started to feel some stomach pain, and then probably about, maybe five or so minutes later, fainted. >> reporter: on the radio controls was a passenger, who
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also happened to be a pilot. in a statement, southwest said, a credentialed pilot from another airline entered the flight deck and assisted with radio communication. while i was southwest pilot flew the aircraft. adrienne custer was on board. >> reporter: what went through your mind when you realized? >> [laughs] it was pretty scary, for sure. i think myself along with all of the other passengers were very amazed by all the workers. >> reporter: captain laura einsetler has been flying for more than 30 years. she said the passengers help on the radio allowed the copilot to focus on flying. >> this is an exact case of light is so critical to have two highly experienced, well-trained pilots, a captain at a copilot. >> reporter: passengers told us they knew there had been a medical emergency while they were in the air, but they had no idea it was the captain until after they landed. norah, southwest is not releasing any information about the partner mike pilot's condition, citing his privacy.
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>> norah: adriana diaz, thank you. california is assessing the damage after two reared tornadoes touched down, and f1 tornado with 100 and mile-per-hour winds tore through the l.a. suburb of montebello, damaging more than a dozen buildings. it was the strongest tornado to hit the area in 40 years. a second funnel cloud damaged a mobile home park near santa barbara. large parts of the south are bracing for some possible severe weather tonight, and friday as a line of storms moving to the area. for details, let's bring in meteorologist mike bettes from our partners at the weather channel. good evening, mike. >> norah, good evening. we are looking at a multi-day thread with a multitude of issues come across oklahoma and texas tonight, and overnight, a, areas across the lower mississippi river valley with an increased chance now for tornadoes. as we show you the timing, heavy duty storm tonight in oklahoma come across texas, some of those storms in dallas and fort worth for the morning drive, all of that energy rolling east bound for friday, including this
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target zone highlighted in purple for tornadoes. greenville, mississippi, monroe, jackson, heavy storms across middle tennessee, and a threat that extends into saturday across the southeast. south carolina, georgia, and florida, and if that weren't enough, norah, now watching for heavy rain in the midwest through saturday, 3-5 inches on the way of flash flood risks go up. >> norah: mike bettes, thank you. tensions are running high is former president donald trump faces multiple criminal investigations. trump lashed out at the manhattan district attorney's office over his potential indictment while d.a. alvin bragg pushed back on republican critics. cbs's robert costa is outside the courthouse in new york city. >> reporter: manhattan district attorney alvin bragg was seen arriving for work this morning. the decision on whether to indict the former president now likely delayed until at least next week, when the grand jury reconvenes. that hasn'ttopped the attacks on bragg. trump used racially charged language and if social media post, calling bragg an
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animal. while three republican committee chairman requested testimony from two former prosecutors and's office, demanding communications and documents. bragg's office blasted the republicans, saying they are meddling in, only after trump urge them to act. former federal prosecutor scott fredrickson. >> it is an ongoing investigation. committees do not have a right to get involved in grand jury investigations, so it is going nowhere. >> reporter: meanwhile, in washington, lawyers for trump and mike pence appeared in court for a showdown with special counsel jack smith over whether the former vice president will be forced to testify in the federal january 6th probe. >> if and when he testifies, he is going to be asked questions about what the former president trump told him about his attempts to block the election, whether he knew the election was lost. >> reporter: but pence is resisting and suggested the
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fight could go to the supreme court. >> we are going to make sure we make our case to the appropriate courts. and may be to the highest court in the land. >> reporter: sources close to pence tell cbs news that he is willing to testify before the grand jury in a limited way, but first wants the courts to decide just how far he can go, constitutionally, in terms of talking about trump and january 6th. norah? >> norah: robert costa, thank you very much. tonight, the dean of a denver, colorado, high school remains in serious condition at another school official is out of the hospital. after they were shot by a student wednesday. investigators say the student who was on probation for having a ghost gun was going through a security check when he shot the school officials. the gunman's body was found last night in a wooded area about an hour from the school. tonight, we have an update, a stcter the drops are made in india and
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sold on websites like amazon. the cdc now says three people have died, eight have lost vision, and four had to have and i surgically removed. we have more now from cbs's manuel bojorquez. >> reporter: adam disarro is a fire captain in naples, florida. for years, he used artificial tears or dryness in his left eye without a problem, until last fall. >> the redness came on, the irritation came on, a lot of itching, and it was abnormal. >> reporter: what happened to your eye? >> a just progressively got worse, to the point where i couldn't even see. within a few hours. >> reporter: unable to treated with antibiotics, doctors feared he would lose his eye. >> that was and still is hard, because i'm still not not at work, going on five months. [sob] >> reporter: the cdc is investigating a nationwide outbreak of antibiotic resistant bacteria pseudomonas aeruginosa, which has infected 68 people in
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16 states. its warning against using ezricare or delsam pharma artificial tears, which have been recalled. >> it is a very aggressive bacteria, and even with the standard of care, we were not helping the patients. >> reporter: dr. mckenzie moya treated disarro with an experiment a light treatment like this that finally killed the infection. >> if you are using an artificial tear and you notice something is not right, just, you know, go see your eye care provider. >> reporter: the cdc says symptoms can include discharge, pain, redness, light sensitivity, and blurry vision. to use eye drops safely, in general, people should wash their hands and keep the tip of the bottle sterile. cbs news reached out to ezricare and amazon, where disarro purchased the eye drops, but they had no comment. disarro is suing for negligence, and hopes, in the meantime, surgery will restore his sight. manuel bojorquez, cbs news, naples, florida.
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>> norah: turning overseas, violent clashes erupted in france today, as an estimated 1 million people took to the streets, protesting the government's move to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. in paris, a few dozen people were arrested after attacking police and businesses. city hall in bordeaux was set on fire. labor strikes are impacting schools, transportation, garbage removal, gasoline supplies, and shutting down tourist sites, including the eiffel tower. unions are calling for more protests next week, when britain's king charles visits france. in tonight's "eye on america," a small town in the mountains of west virginia is still rebuilding. nearly seven years after a deadly flood destroyed almost everything in its path. cbs's scott macfarlane visits the town and the historic resort that is helping the community recover. >> reporter:trte28 u. predent
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and british rolty, was writing an unrivaled history, until the day it was nearly wiped off the map. >> it is so hard to explain. like, i can still see it to this day, it seems like it just happened yesterday. >> reporter: mckenzie moya was pregnant and returning home from work when her home washed away. >> it came up off the foundation and floated about a football field away, into my neighbor's house behind me. >> reporter: in summer 2016, a thousand y flood ravaged the city. how many people were lost? >> there were 13 who perished. >> reporter: business owner tom crabtree tree says they ripped apart downtown and ripped apart land slots. people in some of these trees? >> people sought refuge in trees. they climbed into their attics. they cut holes in the roof. to get out on the roofs. >> reporter: the cch suffered millions of dollars in damage, has tried to rebuild ever since. as the iconic resort shelter to those left homeless and then raced to be open. >> it was very important that i
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got back open after they helped serve the community. >> reporter: it turns out this resort hidden in the mountains has a long history of being a refuge. and a theoretical safe place. hidden belowground here from 1962 to 1992 was a top-secret cold war bunker for congress. behind doors reinforced to block nuclear fallout, this auditorium was the backup u.s. house chamber. and 535 bunk beds for all members of congress. >> it was just hunker in the bunker, they were going to continue to function as the legislative branch. >> reporter: during world war ii, the army turned the resort into a hospital, treating nearly 24,000. and now, as the seventh anniversary of the flood nears, the resort is luring customers back to town to help businesses with the rebuilding and to keep its workers and families, including mckenzie and her daughter, from having to move away. from a city with a rich and unexpected history. for "eye on america," scott macfarlane,
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white sulphur springs, west virginia. >> norah: a colorado dentist is charged with murdering his wife. the shocking new details next. ♪ ♪ now adt professionally installs google nest products. cool. you're all set. so your home is safe and smart. we're going to miss you. arm the system, we should go. [sfx: system arming] ahhh... bye. have a good night. when the most trusted name in home security
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you're not alone, and you don't have to live like this. i don't! i found real relief with axonics therapy, a proven non-drug solution, and i got my life back. go to to get started. ask a bladder specialist if axonics therapy is right for you and to discuss potential risks. results and experiences may vary. your life is waiting! >> norah: a colorado dentist accused of poisoning his wife's protein shakes was charged today with her murder. investigators say james craig killed his 43-year-old wife, angela, by leasing her drinks with arsenic and potassium cyanide. according to court documents, the father of six had allegedly been having an affair with an
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orthodontist from texas. the victim's family says this was the second time he tried to drown his wife. tonight, a groundbreaking criminal case is moving forward in michigan. estates court of appeals ruled today that the parents of ethan crumbley, who killed four students in a school shooting, can face trial themselves for involuntary manslaughter. the court said the murders wouldn't have happened had jennifer and james crumbley not purchased their sons gone. tonight, hundreds of thousands of cars are being recalled because they could catch fire. what you need to know next. ed at pneumococcal pneumonia? i help others. but i need to help protect myself. honestly? i couldn't afford to get sick. i want to be there for this one. i can't if i'm sick. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease. you may be at risk if you're 19 to 64 with certain chronic conditions. or if you're 65 or older. don't pause a moment longer. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia today.
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blossoms. >> how is it going? this is lovely. >> have you been here before? >> we have never been to the cherry blossoms. it's gorgeous, it's breathtaking. >> norah: 3,700 japanese cherry trees dot the national mall, originally get from japan, offered in 1912, as a symbol of friendship. how many of them are original? >> there might be around ten trees in our park here that are some of the original trees. >> norah: keith arborist matthew morrison's full-time job is keeping the majestic trees alive. how many arborists and caretakers are there for the trees? >> well, and one time, there was maybe 15, and now we are down to three. >> norah: you have three arborists taking care of more than 3,000 trees? >> yes, well, 3,000 cherry trees. we have 20,000 trees in the park. >> norah: with more than 1.5 million people coming to see the blossoms, these caretakers have had to work harder in the face of climate change. what are some of the issues that
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you and your team have faced in recent years? >> the extreme hot in the summer, the extreme cold, the extremely short winter, they are hard for us to combat. >> norah: still, the trees are thriving, and there's nothing like seeing them in person. what's your favorite part of the cherry blossoms? >> they are pink. >> norah: they are pink? [laughs] i like the pink, too. well, that is tonight's "cbs evening news" beer i'm norah o'donnell. hope you enjoy to those cherry blossoms. good night. ♪ ♪
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