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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  March 23, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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and likely had a bout of hepatitis b shortly before he died. for more, download the cbs news app on your cell phone or connected tv. i'm shanelle kaul, cbs news, new york. it's thursday, march 23rd, 2023. this is the "cbs morning news." body found. the manhunt could be over for a suspected school shooter in denver after a discovery in the woods just outside the city. you just don't think southern california having the storm like this. >> wild weather. the los angeles area gets hit by a tornado. it is the strongest one in 40 years. how long it was on the ground. higher interest rates. the cost to borrow is up, and efforts to bring inflation down. the fed's magic number that could take years to reach.
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well, good morning, and good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. we are beginning with the latest on a high school shooting in denver that left two administrators wounded. authorities say a 17-year-old student, austin lyle, shot the victims at east high school. they underwent a daily search for weapons due to past behavioral issues. a body was found hours later near an abandoned car that belonged to lyle in a remote area about 15 miles from denver. the coroner's office confirmed his identify but not his cause of death. one of the wounded administrators has been released from the hospital. the other is in serious condition. last month a student at the same school was shot and killed while sitting in a car outside the building. parents and students say that not enough is being done to protect people at the school. >> why does it take for this to keep happening over and over and over again for us to finally do something? >> there's always a bomb threat, there's always somebody
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threatening to shoot up the school, there's always something where we're on lockdown. >> after the shooting, school officials said that they would once again put armed officers at the city's public high schools. the school district stopped using police officers at school buildings in 2020. a rare tornado touched down near los angeles ripping the roofs off several buildings. video shows the tornado sending debris flying into the air yesterday in an industrial area of montebello. at least 17 structures were damaged. people had to run for cover. one person was hurt and taken to a hospital. >> i saw what looked like a water spout kind of tornado/twister that was about 30-feet wide that just came through and was just bouncing like a top in between picking up debris. the whole sky looked like a dump. >> the national weather service says the tornado was on the ground for up to three minutes with winds topping 100 miles per hour.
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it was the strongest to hit the los angeles area since 1983. there's a new legal problem for former president donald trump as he awaits -- he waits to hear whether a new york grand jury will indict him. a federal appeals court ruled that his lawyer, evan cochran, must give notes to prosecutors looking into trump's possible mishandling of classified material at mar-a-lago. the justice department is trying to figure out why classified documents stayed at trump's florida home months after a subpoena was issued to return all sensitive files. jarred hill is in new york with more on this. good morning. >> reporter: hey. we could see trump's lawyer actually in court as soon as tomorrow in that classified documents case based out of washington, d.c. meanwhile here in new york, it's another day of waiting to see how a grand jury is going to move in the investigation into hush-money payments centered around former president trump. in a surprise move, manhattan district attorney alvin bragg
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did not convene the grand jury wednesday, though it could possibly still meet today. it's investigating an alleged hush-money payment to stormy daniels in 2016. -trumpixer michael cohen said former president trump authorized the payment. a crucial question -- whether trump falsified records to hide it. trump has denied all of it. >> we are at the final moments of the grand jury making a decision. we don't know yet if the prosecutor has formally presented the charges. once they formally present the charges, the grand jury votes on it. >> reporter: a small group of anti-trump demonstrators showed up yesterday outside the courthouse where law enforcement remains on high alert for possible violent protests. sources close to trump say he's been huddling at mar-a-lago, and that he's even considered holding a news conference at the courthouse if he's indicted. house republicans have bashed the manhattan investigation as political. they're now expanding their own probe into it. republican senators are also weighing in. >> i do think that there are
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questions that are being asked by a lot of our members and for that matter people across the country about the prioritization of this d.a. of this issue. >> reporter: manhattan d.a. alvin bragg and his office said they will not be intimidated. in another trump-related probe a federal appeals court ruled one of trump's lawyers, evan corcoran, must testify and share evidence about the handling of classified materials at mar-a-lago. cbs news has learned that trump's lawyer, corcoran, could end up sharing some documents as well as audio files that might shed a bit of light on what former president trump was saying in the days before and after the fbi searched mar-a-lago for those classified documents. anne-marie, back to you. >> jarred hill in new york. thanks a lot. the ceo of tiktok is set to testify today before a house committee amid growing calls to ban the app in the u.s. there are fears that china could obtain customer data from tiktok's beijing-based parent
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company and use it to collect data from americans. a representative is expected to tell lawmakers that his company is not connected to the chinese government and is not a security risk. the biden administration wants the chinese owners to sell their stake in tiktok. and for the ninth time in the past year, interest rates are going up. the federal reserve hiked up rates once again to bring down inflation, but there are signs that the central bank could be rethinking future hikes. skyler henry explains. >> reporter: the federal reserve raised interest rates by a quarter percentage point wednesday, the ninth hike in a year as the central bank fights inflation. >> it's proceeding more slowly than we would have liked. it's certainly proceeding. >> reporter: riding prices for staples like bread and milk are costing american households an average of $372 more a month. meanwhile, the rate hikes have made borrowing more expensive such as for mortgages and credit
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cards. fed chairman jerome powell says it could be several years before the central bank hits its target. >> the process of getting inflation back down to 2% has a long way to go and ike bum reporter: after the recent stumble in the banking system, the fed now expects to raise rates just once more this year. a necessary slowdown, according to business analyst jill schlesinger. >> we are really in the middle of this period of time where we don't know how banking conditions are going to work out, and we don't know the impact on the overall economy yet. >> reporter: regulators have repeatedly expressed confidence in the banking system following the collapse of silicon valley bank and signature bank. treasury secretary janet yellen told congress that banks are taking action to survive in the event of a bank fall. >> banks across the country are shoring up their liquidity. they are very worried about contagion. >> reporter: the white house tells cbs news that president biden remains confident in powell's ability to oversee the federal reserve.
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skyler henry, cbs news, washington. overseas at least one person was killed and more than two dozen hurt when a russian missile hit an apartment building in ukraine. a security camera captured the moment the missile hit the nine-story building yesterday in the southeastern city of zaporizhzhia. ukrainian military officials say two missiles hit the building. russia also launched several exploding drones. at least eight people were killed around a student dormitory near kyiv. coming up, historic test flight. a 3d-printed rocket makes its maiden launch, but it falls short. and investigating beethoven's death. what dna tests of his hair found. this is the "cbs morning news." " ♪ ♪ s of his hair to all the chevy silverado owners out there. found. this is the "cbs morning news." the adventurers and the doers. to everyone that works hard and plays hard.
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whether it's your first silverado or your tenth. thank you for making chevy silverado the #1 best-selling retail full-size pickup. this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. ask your doctor about fasenra. you've evolved. you've changed. so have we. that's why new dove body wash now has 24-hour renewing micro moisture for continuous care. new dove body wash. change is beautiful.
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my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. (vo) at the tidy cats innovation lab. we live to solve litter issues. odor control? under control! absorption? absolutely! clumping? conquered! performance is part of every tidy cats litter. no wonder, we're america's #1 litter! your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit you're looking at space history. the first launch of a 3d-printed rocket. the 110-foot rocket was launched last night from cape canaveral, florida, but failed to reach
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orbit due to engine failure. there was nothing on board the test flight. the company, relativity space, says that it can build a 3d-printed rocket in about 60 days. researchers have uncovered clues about beethoven's death, and there are new details about an arson investigation in seattle. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." the "seattle times" reports a suspect is under arrest in connection with a massive marina fire that damaged 30 boats. officials say the boats were stacked in a dry storage facility when the fire started yesterday. it spread to an adjacent warehouse. police say a 32-year-old man was found hiding inside a boat docked near the fire. he was in stable condition after being taken to a hospital for undisclosed treatment. "the washington post" says the ceo of norfolk southern was questioned by a second senate panel after last month's toxic train derailment in ohio. senators grilled alan shaw about the company's safety record.
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he said that he some parts of a proposed bipartisan rail safety bill. residents of east palestine, ohio, where the train derailed testified that they don't feel safe. >> i could see a huge fireball from my driveway. my 7-year-old has asked me if he is going to die from living in his own home. >> we're in the planning stages of developing a long-term medical compensation fund, a property value assurance program, and a longer term water testing program. >> some residents say they still feel sick as the cleanup of contaminated soil and water continues. and the "associated press" says scientists analyzed dna from beethoven's hair nearly 200 years after his death. they're looking for clues about the celebrated composer's many health problems and his hearing loss. they found information about the liver disease that is widely believed to ncgenerisk f
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liver diseasus liver-damaging hepatitis b infection in the last months of his life. still to come, an auction of biblical proportions. a rare ancient bible will soon be up for sale. we'll tell you how much it could fetch. we'll tell you how much it could fetch. r melanated we are appreciated ultra hydrated glazed and glowing confidence overflowing new vaseline lotions 90% more moisture for my one-of-a-kind skin and there's no other skin i want to be in. i'm lindsey vonn, and ever since i retired from skiing, i've had troublea-kind skin falling asleep and staying asleep— you know, insomnia. before i found quviviq, an fda-approved insomnia medication for adults, you would not believe the things i used to think about when i couldn't sleep. hey, linds. i need you to sign this business contract. all 114 pages. lindsey! lindsey! hey, lindsey! it's workout time. hey, big man, we're in the middle of something here. yeah, it's called physical fitness.
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i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhhhh... here, i'll take that. [woo hoo!] ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ some celebrities are in trouble for promoting cryptocurrency, and the chevrolet camaro could be driving off into the sunset. shanelle kaul has those stories and more in today's cbs "money watch" report. >> reporter: stocks tumbled on wednesday after the central bank rolled out its latest interest rate hike. the dow lost 530 points. the nasdaq was down by 190, and
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the s&p 500 lost 65 points. the white house is disbanding its covid-19 team this summer. that's according to "the washington post." the team of medical staffers was created in february, 2020, and later expanded under president biden. some staffers are already leaving as the public health emergency ends in may. the cdc links roughly 2,000 deaths per week to covid, but that's the lowest death toll since the pandemic started. several celebrities including lindsay lohan have settled with the sec after promoting cryptocurrency on social media without disclosing they were paid for those endorsements. lohan, acon, neo, and little yadi, internet personality jake paul and adult performer michelle mason agreed to pay more than $400,000 combined. and general motors will stop producing the chevrolet camaro next year as the automaker shifts to an all-electric lineup
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by 2035. to mark the moment, gm will release the collector's edition package on several 2024 camaro models. vice president scott bell didn't say what will replace the muscle car but noted this is not the end of camaro's story. that's your cbs "money watch" report for this thursday morning. i'm shanelle kaul, cbs news, new york. britain's prince william is in poland this morning as part of an unannounced visit to the country. yesterday william thanked british and polish troops near the ukrainian border where military and humanitarian william also visited the refugees from ukraine and played ping pong with them. today william will lay a wreath at the polish capital's tomb of the unknown soldier and meet poland's president. one of the oldest biblical manuscripts known to exist is up for sale. the kodex sassoon is a hebrew bible written nearly 1,100 years e o.
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manuscript is expected to bring in between $30 million to $50 million at auction. >> it's written on parchment. it is luxurious, lavish manuscript on 792 pages of text written by one scribe over the course of a year or perhaps two years. it is a monumental book of importance. >> the manuscript will hit the auction black in sotheby's in may. up next, love during the layover. a couple ties the knot in the middle of a busy airport. knot middle of a busy airport. ready to feel what it's like? when you can du more with less asthma. it's possible with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks...
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soften, trim, and style- for your best beard. gillette. the best a man can get.
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here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ love was in the air at houston's hobby airport. laro mark and u.s. navy lieutenant command silas hensley said "i do" on monday at southwest airlines' interfaith chapel. the couple said after more than four years of long distance dating, the location made perfect sense for their wedding. >> whether it's a layover, a meeting at the airport, or whether it's a missed flight at an airport, it's been a huge part of our lives. >> it's nice that all the planning has come to fruition and what a wonderful group of people to celebrate it with. >> one of the best parts about
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the airport wedding is the happy couple was able to leave their ceremony and go straight to their gate to take off for their honeymoon in mexico. and it just might be a record-setting goal. [ speaking non-english ] [ cheers ] [ speaking non-english ] goal! >> the goal keeper and soccer team scored that goal from about 110 yards last week. it caught the opposing team's goalkeeper offguard. it may have beat the current guinness world record for the longest goal scored in a competitive soccer match by about five yards. coming up on "cbs mornings," emmy-winning actor kiefer sutherland joins us in the times square studio to discuss his paramount plus series "rabbit hole." i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news."
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hole." i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." want more from your vitamins? get more with nature's bounty. from the first-ever triple action sleep supplement... to daily digestive support... to more wellness solutions every day. get more with nature's bounty. you've evolved. you've changed. so have we. that's why new dove body wash now has 24-hour renewing micro moisture for continuous care. new dove body wash. change is beautiful.
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hi, i'm katie, i've lost 110 pounds on golo in just over a year. as a mom, it has been life-changing. my daughter had lost 20 pounds, my son had lost probably about 40. we're just a lot more healthier as a family in general.
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