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tv   CBS Evening News With Norah O Donnell  CBS  March 16, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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bright. ♪ ♪ >> norah: tonight, dramatic new video shows the moment that russian fighter jet harassed an american surveillance drone. here are tonight's top headlines. ♪ ♪ watch in this newly declassified video as a russian jet dumped fuel on a u.s. reaper drone and clips its propeller. our exclusive interview with a member of the joint chiefs. >> what happened with that drone over the black sea was unsafe and it was unprofessional, and it was in violation of international law. ♪ ♪ >> norah: breaking news, another bank facing failure is bailed out. the same day the treasury secretary faces tough questions about svb. >> contagion in situations like this. ♪ ♪
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>> a troubling new cdc report reveals the maternal mortality rate rose by 39%. >> birthing is such a critical piece of our society. that's our next generation. ♪ ♪ >> norah: tiktok's ultimatum from the biden administration. >> the biden administration is also demanding that tiktok's chinese parent company divest itself from the social media platform, or it might see a nationwide ban. ♪ ♪ [buzzer] >> norah: and check those brackets. it's time for march madness. >> furman has not been to the ncaa tournament in 43 years! and they have pulled the first-round upset. ♪ ♪ >> norah: good evening, and thank you for joining us on this thursday night. well, tonight, tens of millions of americans are under weather alerts, with severe storms
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sweeping across the southern plains, bringing heavy rain and possible tornadoes. plus, america's military services are falling short of their recruitment goals. how the u.s. army hopes to change that. but first, the dramatic new video showing the physical confrontation between a u.s. surveillance drone and two russian fighter jets over the black sea. this video, released by the pentagon, shows the warplanes making several aggressive maneuvers near the drone and dumping fuel on it. this is the moment one jet got too close and collided with the propeller pier for the pentagon released pictures of the damage moments before the drone crashed into the black sea. cbs's ed o'keefe has all of the new details and will start us off tonight from the white house. good evening, ed. >> reporter: good evening, norah. one white house official today said the russians have been "flat-out lying" when they say two russian jets never touched the drone. now they release the images to prove it. the footage shows russian jets making two passes from behind
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the drone, dousing it in a cloudy stream of fuel before one clips its propeller. separate still images show what the drones propeller looked like before and after. the damage forcing american operators to let it glide down into the black sea. the visual evidence appears to refute russia's claims that neither of its jets hit the drone. >> we felt that it was important to provide this imagery. >> reporter: one u.s. official tells "cbs news" it was clear the russian pilot meant to drench the drone in gasoline but cut it too close. norah spoke with the navy's top officer for "a few minutes" this sunday. >> norah: how often do these kind of dangerous maneuvers happen with the russian military? >> we are operating in constructively to the russians very often, and the vast majority of those interactions are safe and they are professional, but what happened with the bad drone over the black sea was unsafe, and it was unprofessional, and it ws in violation of international law. >> reporter: cbs news has learned the russian pilots were not going rogue, but following orders from military leaders to harass the drone.
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florida republican senator marco rubio today suggested giving the unmanned drones wingmen. >> i think our response should be to fly more of these in that area and to potentially have them escorted by u.s. fighter jets, who are manned and have the capability to respond. >> reporter: but white house officials that that would bring great risk to american pilots and the potential to escalate the crisis. some of the drone wreckage found along the surface of the black sea was recovered today by russian ships, but they have since left the area because it is within mitchell range of ukrainian forces. and now, cbs news has learned the u.s. is reassessing its drone operations over the black sea and whether the intelligence collection is worth the risk of escalation. norah? >> norah: ed o'keefe, thank you. wall street rallied today after a banking regulators announced that nearly a dozen of the nation's largest banks agreed to inject $30 billion into first republic, it is an effort to restore confidence in the banking sector. today, treasury secretary janet yellen faced a tough question from the senate about
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the ongoing turmoil. cbs's scott macfarlane is on capitol hill. >> reporter: california-based first republic bank becomes the third u.s. bank this week rescued from collapse. the infusion of $30 billion to save the troubled lender came from 11 of the nation's largest financial institutions. first republic have lost a quarter of its value by noon today and rattled markets. [bell rings] it would later rebound, with wall street traders said this was only a short-term fix. >> is that a long-term solution? i don't think so. are there other companies that have exposure to the bigger systemic problem? very possibly. >> reporter: nervous first republic customers have seen their banks value plummet since silicon valley bank collapsed last week. >> i was definitely concerned with the financial situation, you know, after two banks went under. >> reporter: treasury secretary janet yellen, who negotiated today's rescue with, among others, jpmorgan's jamie dimon, went to capitol hill today to quiet the concerns.
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>> i can reassure the members of the committee that our banking system is sound and that americans can feel confident that their deposits will be there when they need them. >> reporter: democrats ed farmer president trump and republicans were responsible for the latest crisis, for lifting post-recession bank regulations in 2018, although some democrats also supported it. >> pretty obvious we need some stronger rules here. >> reporter: iowa republican chuck grassley, who voted to loosen those regulations five years ago, said biden efficiently regulators should have detected and stop these banks are taking dangerous risks. >> this administration has a great deal of responsibility for the bank failures that we had. >> reporter: republicans also pressed the treasury secretary about whether other banks across america can expect similar rescues. she responded, only if there is fear of significant economic and financial consequences. norah? >> norah: interesting to hear all about, scott macfarlane.
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thank you so much. tonight, the threat of severe weather is moving into the southern u.s., with funder stores because strong winds, and torno was etndexasntil8:.m time. the severe weather threat will continue tomorrow all along the gulf coast. there are new details tonight in the case of seven virginia sheriff's deputies and three hospital workers charged with murdering a man who, according to his family, was in mental distress. here at cbs's jeff pegues. >> reporter: according to prosecutors, 28-year-old irvo otieno should not have died at central state hospital while he was in the custody of enrico county sheriff's deputies. otieno was in custody after experiencing mental health distress and was later transferred to the hospital. dinwiddie commonwealth attorney ann baskerville says otieno was pulled down to the ground with
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several people on top of him, with no one assisting, no one blocking the others from having their hands on the victim, who then died of a 68 and by smothering. it is uncleared what triggered the altercation. but 12 minutes at issue were captured on hospital surveillance video and shown to the victim's family. but the tape has not been made far, seven deputies involved in the incident have been arrested, along with three hospital workers could. all have been charged with second-degree murder. today, the family called for justice. >> what i saw today was heartbreaking. america. my son was tortured. to put it right. i saw the torture. >> reporter: the ten people arrested have not yet entered please, but two of the deputies have been released on bond. the other suspects, norah, remain behind bars.
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>> norah: jeff pegues, thank you. tonight, the showdown between the united states government and tiktok is coming to a head. su an ultimatum to the partays with its chinese-owned parent company, or face a nationwide ban over national security concerns. with more, here cbs's anna werner. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: new calls for a crackdown on tiktok. national security kongo spokesman john kirby on the takeout with major garrett. >> we have national security concerns over tiktok and away the people that run that app conduct themselves and the capabilities inside that app. >> reporter: the company confirms the biden administration is threatening to ban the app in the u.s. unless its chinese owners sell their stakes in the company. one top concern identified by u.s. officials and members of congress, the potential for china's government to use americans data to further a political agenda. cybersecurity expert zak doffman. >> so what tiktok could do is
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start to understand behaviors, attitudes, likelihood to vote in a particular direction. based on what it sees in a region, and then it could be used to push a particular viewpoint. >> reporter: a tiktok spokesperson said the company is disappointed with the ministrations threat and said tiktok has been working on solutions, including moving u.s. user data to cloud servers in the u.s. in a new interview, tiktok ceo told "the wall street journal," it won't matter what the chinese law or any law says, because we are taking u.s. user data and we are putting it out of their reach. another consideration for the administration, document says, an all-out ban might be a tough sell. >> it is just not clear cut. i don't think people are buying into the threat. >> reporter: members of congress will be able to ask tiktok ceo questions themselves next week when he testifies in front of a house committee. norah? >> norah: that will be a blockbuster hearing. anna werner, thank you so much.
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tonight, and allowing the report from the cdc shows the number of american women who died while giving birth or shortly afterwards spiked dramatically during the covid pandemic, with women of color being the most impacted. there were more than 1200 maternal deaths in 2021. that is up 60% since 2019, at the u.s. maternal mortality rate come along the highest of any wealthy country, is now at its highest point since 1965. what's happening? here cbs's caitlin huey-burns. >> praise the lord. >> reporter: 23-year-old celena martin was thrilled when she found out she was pregnant, but she was also concerned about getting the kind of care she needed. >> one of my biggest anxieties was if i have to go to the hospital, like, i may not make it. >> reporter: the stakes for pregnant women like martin are high. mortality rates among black women are nearly three times higher compared to white women, a sharp increase from previous years. >> there is certain levels of
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fear. >> reporter: ky lindberg is an advocate for maternal and infant health. what do those numbers say to you? >> i think that it has contributed to a lot of things. medical coverage. even access to care, like prenatal care. here in georgia, as an example, there's counties that don't even have a labor and delivery unit, and ob. i mean, that's unconscionable. >> reporter: one thing that could help is having a doula, someone who guides women through the complexities of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. martin, a doula herself, has one for her own delivery next month. >> i think the biggest thing that a doula can do for you is empower you. it's like calling your best friend. that's what we need. we need to know that we are being uplifted and taken seriously. speed to the states with the highest maternal mortality rates tend to be in the south, like here in georgia, and the author of that cdc report told us
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that she expects these numbers to return to pre-pandemic levels, but health advocates we talked to say that number is still too high. norah? >> norah: it is too high. caitlin huey-burns, thank you. well, now a major development in the war in ukraine. poland says it will supply ukraine with about a dozen fighter jets. becoming the first nato country to do so. poland's president says four of its soviet and made mig-29's will be sent in the coming days. the rest at a later date. white house national security spokesperson john kirby tells seat vs news poland's move does not come as a surprise, nor will it change the u.s. decision to not send american f-16s to ukraine. with the army falling short of its recruitment goals last year, the pentagon knew something needed to change. in tonight's "eye on america," cbs's david martin shows us how the army is looking to the future by going back to a classic. >> reporter: the army is rolling out its big guns. >> you are going to have the
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possibilities to be all that you can be. >> reporter: the nation's top soldier, sergeant major michael grinston, has come to dunbar high and washington, d.c., come armed with a new recruiting slogan. >> be all you can be. >> to be all you can be. up >> reporter: sound familiar? ♪ be all that you can be ♪ >> reporter: back in the '80s aunt '90s, that jingle was everywhere. but this is no reply. >> we are reinventing "be all you can be" for generation z. >> reporter: major genera fhief o is -- strategically marched in march madness. with hollywood glamour. speak when you look to your future. >> reporter: jonathan majors, star of "creed 3," walking to army history. >> reporter: why is going to appeal to a young audience? beagle we need someone popular with gen z. >> reporter: what reasons did young people give you for not wanting to join the army? >> risk of dying or injury.
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the fear of ptsd, and the third one is leaving family and friends. >> but you are actually three times more likely to die in a work-related accident then you are in the army. >> reporter: but gen z seemed buried in their phones, and antonio graham doesn't want to leave home. >> the only reason i wouldn't join the army is i don't feel like taking a big detachment away from my mother. i really love my mother. >> reporter: antilae roberts liked what she heard. >> reporter: did it make you want to join the army? >> yes. >> reporter: what did you think of that slogan, "be all you can be?" >> "be all you can be." i really agree with it. i agree with that slogan. i do. >> reporter: roberts was 1 of 20 recruiting leads the army says they got out of this "be all you can be" session. 20 leads usually produces two recruits. the army need 65,000.
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for "eye on america," dunbar high school, washington, d.c. >> norah: in tonight, we have more of our exclusive conversation with the top female leaders in the u.s. military on "person to person"." it debuts tonight at 9:30 p.m. eastern on cbs new streaming at the cbs news app. no engine, no problem, for the six people aboard this airplane. safety feature that saved their lives, next. jill said yes. she learned she had ibs-c and could treat it with linzess. that's why some things helped, but her constipation with belly pain would often return. maybe there was another way? or something left to learn? when her doctor connected the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating to ibs-c, it made sense to jill. so did learning that she could treat it with a once-daily pill. and that's why she said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms-belly pain, discomfort and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. doot taknzess if y have wel ockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain.
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(vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin'! and try beggin' pizza flavor. (hamlet) pizza! when you really need to sleep. you reach for the really good stuff. zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. its non-habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. for copd, ask your doctor about breztri. breztri gives you better breathing, symptom improvement, and helps prevent flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vison changes, or eye pain occur. if you have copd ask your doctor about breztri. >> norah: the national transportation safety board said today it is investing gating air
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traffic controllers at florida sarasota-bradenton the control tower cleared one plane to land and another to take off on the very same runway. investigators say the american airlines robe plans came within about a half mile of each other, or 14 seconds, from possibly coll colliding. dramatic video from brazil shows a plane with six people on board making an emergency landing with a parish suit. the video shows the plane with its single engine broken down, floating safely to the ground last weekend in eastern brazil. nobody onboard was hurt, including a newborn baby. the plane comes with a safety parachute. tonight, a nationwide recall on a prescription migraine medication. what you need to know next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: if you can't watch the "cbs evening news," you can listen. subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. now adt professionally installs google nest products. nowyou' set.essionally
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>> norah: former university of georgia defensive lineman jalen carter pleaded no contest today to charges stemming from a crash in january that killed a teammate intime staffer. carter, projected to be a top pick in next month's nfl draft, was sentenced to a year of probation and 80 hours of community service. carter was accused of racing against another suv that crashed just hours after the bulldogs celebrated their second straight national championship. alert.o this important consumer- pfizer is recalling its prescription migraine drug, nurtec odt, after millions of its tablets hit store shelves without child-resistant packaging. officials say customers don't have to throw away the medication, but they should contact pfizer for a free child-resistant pouch. pfizer is now developing new packaging for the drug. march madness tipped off today with the first chapter of two potential cinderella stories already in the books. that's next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this portion of the "cbs evening news" sponsored
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(that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function), and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. a once-daily pill that goes beyond lowering a1c? we're on it. we're on it. we're on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. >> norah: finally tonight, march madness is here, and just a few games into round one, it is living up to its name. >> he threw it away! jp pegues, good!
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>> norah: number 4 seed university of virginia was defeated by 13-seat-ied furman university from south carolina come in the tenant for the first time in 43 years, and 15 seed princeton stunned to see to arizona for their first tournament win in 25 years. the madness continues here on cbs with oral roberts taking on duke right after the "cbs evening news." it's a good night of television. that is tonight's "cbs evening news." i'm norah o'donnell. good night. ♪ ♪ .
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[captioning funded by cbs sports division] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> here comes the madness. >> here comes the madness. >> it's happening, it's happening. it has happened -- it has hatched. oral rocket is your undefeated. >> is going to the ncaa tournament. >> i love march. >> we are ready for this. >> this is madness. >> that's it. you can feel the madness. ♪


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