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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 7, 2023 1:37am-2:12am PST

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we will enter pharmacies and protest loudly against abortion pills.
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the governor says he is done with doing business th lgres bathe this is the late on cbs news bay area. hello, good evening. california is officially done with walgreens, more specifically, done doing business with them. governor newsom said the state will not do anymore business with walgreens because the company is refusing to sell a specific abortion pill in 20 states. in february, attorneys general in all of those states warned walgreens against mails the prescription. the state will not work with any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women's lives at risk. now, it is a pill used to end pregnancy along with another medication. with a prescription they can be used to end a pregnancy up to 11 weeks. not to be confused with birth control or the plan b. bill. in november an anti-abortion
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group filed a lawsuit in texas to invoke fda approval saying they approved it 23 years ago without adequate evidence of safety but they say the drug is safe and effective. a trump-a.ed judge could make a ruling on that case any day now. our reporter spoke to people on both sides of the issue with very different perspectives. >> reporter: tonight, walgreens will not comment on the governor's tweet. walgreens said it will provide it where it legally can, advocates are reacting the news that the company will not distribute the medication by mail in several states. they want to push them to go furtherer in their direction. >> reporter: the governor is taking the right stance on this issue. she wishes more leaders would be this aggressive when it comes to access to any form of an abortion. >> by taking away access to medication abortion or abortion you push it out later and you make it more dangerous. >> reporter: her business provides birth control and
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emergency contraceptive by mail but not the abortion pill. she believes women need to have easy access to it including at pharmacies. >> this medication is absolutely safe. it has been approved by the fda for 20 plus years. and to take it away it is absolutely a political maneuver. >> but, christian turner says the danger comes with less restrictions on the bill. they do not want to see it in pharmacies. she wants walgreens to go furtherer and not care teat all. >> i don't think medication like that should be given out over-the- counter or even in a place like cvs or walgreens. >> she will often take to the streets to share her views. recently she and others took the protest inside the stores like walgreens in california. >> we will enter pharmacies protesting loudly, boldly against the use of abortion pills that kill children. >> last week, walgreens
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confirmed they will not dispense the pill and told 20 attorney's general it did not going to allow it. >> i will not let her apply to any state that does not trust her with bodily autonomy. >> i think we will look at state by state battles every state is different. >> the governor's office is reviewing all relationships with walgreens, we asked for more questions on what the relationships are. we are waiting to hear back. >> if california is not doing business with walgreens, we reached out to the governor's office for an explanation and we are waiting for a response, still, at this hour. tonight, one california diocese is facing so many lawsuits it could go bankruptcy. people filed 200 lawsuits against the diocese. most of them going back decades. thereat is happening as state
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lawmakers tried to end the statue of limitations on sexual abuse cases. right now, only people under the age of 40 can sue their attackers. we talked to a survivor in his 70s who wants to be able to sue even now. no we are not showing his face and only using his first name because he requested to remain anonymous. >> it has been over 60 years since mike says he was abused by a priest as a child. even all of these decades later, it is still hard for him to talk about what happened. >> i just remember feeling, i wanted to get the hell out of there. and i felt like a sissy for not wanting to be there. >> reporter: mike was just 10 years old when he says a priest at his catholic school in san francisco sexually abused him and several other students while on a class trip. >> i will never forget the word horseplay, either. by the time he got down to me i
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don't remember -- i don't remember. you know. >> reporter: mike says after the assault he spiraled. >> i joined the bad boys who, instead of going to church on sunday would meet around the corner in the alley and smoke cigarettes. >> reporter: for years he said he struggled with anger issues. it was not until just a few months ago at the age of 75 he decided to join a support group. >> finally i said i am getting old. i have parkinson's disease, i had a stroke five years ago. i am not going to live forever. i am going to do something about this or not. >> reporter: it was in that support group that mike says he learned some people were thinking about suing the catholic church. mike says he thought about suing, too. but then found out he couldn't because of his age. >> as it currently stands someone has until their 40th birthday to bring a lawsuit arising from childhood sexual abuse. >> reporter: an attorney
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who specializes in child sex abuse civil cases. under current california law only survivors under the age of 40 can sue their attackers or the the organizations their attackers work for. paul says that is a problem because more than half of survivors that come forward are older than that. >> it is being reported that the average age for someone to come forward and report that they were abused as a child is age 52. remember, that is the average age. there are many people that may come forward in their late 50s, 60s, 70s. >> reporter: it is for that reason, state senator nancy skinner and state assemblymanner introduced a bill justice for survivors act. >> what we are seeing is t does not matter what age you are when you decide to confront your abuse as a child. you have the right to get to have that, to have your day in court around that. >> the bill would eliminate the
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statute of limitations on child sex abuse cases. allowing survivors of all ages to sue. including mike. >> statue of limitation should be just waived. i don't think statue of limitations would be appropriate in this case. because, it is such deep, human damage. people have been really hurt. >> mike told me even if the bill does pass he is not sure if he would actually sue but he says he wants to have that power to decide for himself. >> i think that all of the people that were abused by those folks should have a right to sue them. yes. >> while he waits for that right, mike told me that he plans to continue to go to his support group. he says he is happy to finally be on a journey towards healing. it is just the beginning. a big headline over the last few days, certainly over the weekend. the snow, up in the mountains
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in the past 24 hours. uc berkeley recorded almost 18 inches of snow. that is 24 hours. >> on top of the feet and feet and feet and feet. they pick period up more than 10 feet of new snow in just the last seven- days. and with that much snow it can quickly cause a whole lot of problems. >> reporter: living through this weekend's snowstorm in the sierra has not been easy. susan tweeted in her 20 years she never seen snow this high in tahoe well over her 10 foot high bridge. the sierra was buried this weekend and the result, scenes like this. snow berms. higher than houses. >> reporter: desperate times call for desperate measures. this family in southlake tahoe had to move the snow blower to the roof to help them clear the snow fast enough.
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in truckee they have been stuck with walls of snow as high as seven feet. >> a lot of just being stuck at home. being stuck here. you can not leave. >> reporter: caltrans crews say they have been working around-the-clock to clear i-80 of snow and ice. it was not just the people struggles with all of this snow. the animals had a hard time, too. this pelican had to be rescued by tahoe wildlife care. >> he was blown off course. >> that is a big pelican. >> i know, right. >> that is good. >> yes. so, i actually wondered what happens when all of the snow melts? >> if it happens gradually that is great. it soaks into the ground water. the problem s they are still getting more snow. the winter snow warning until 10:00 a.m. on wednesday and atmospheric river bringing rain and moving the snow line up. from 2,000 feet from 5,000 feet you are going to get rain on top of snow and that just doubles the flooding potential that already exists
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with an atmospheric river. we will talk about more about that in just a few minutes. >> all right, lamenting about a busy weekend for paul, paul, thank you very much. still ahead tonight, after a deadly classroom fight, students are so concerned about their safety on campus they walked out of class, again. we asked the school district what they are doing to keep students safe and if officers could be back on campus. releasing personal and private information about city employees, not even the mayor was spared. releasing music from a ground breaking film
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students went back to montgomery high for the first time since the deadly stabbing of a 16-year-old. they staged a walk out saying the school is not keeping them safe. they removed school resource officers back in the summer of 2020. this evening they told us that is an issue they want to talk about with the community. >> we are making sure that there are many more adults on campus being present and engaging with students to feel a sense of safety and calm.
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so that they can reengage with each other and reconnect. >> the school district has insisted multiple times that their priority is to make students feel safe. >> we do want our students to come back to campus and feel safe. that is what we are most focused on. our top priority is of the safety of our students and staff. they are the voices that need to be heard. >> the district will have a community listening session at the center in santa rosa tomorrow. the school board is scheduled to meet on wednesday at 6:00 p.m. hackers reportedly released the personal information of thousands of oakland city officials including the mayor in this ongoing ransomware attack. the chronicle reports leaked data in 12 years from employee rosters from former mayor shaft.
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the released files listed thousands of personal information. we were talking about the snow in northern california, similar situation in southern california. the san bernardino mountains are having major, major problems there. people are in survival mode. they have gotten more snow than they can handle. >> a historic event. these people are walking on a snow-covered roof out here just trying to stomp out and remove that snow. you can see it easily connects to the top of the house. this community cut off by the snow have been waiting in long lines for free food and supplies. just unbelievable. >> it is really a dire situation, there is where near i used to go to summer camp as a kid. i never seen snowfall like that there. more video of just sort of desperation there. these are people able to get out of their homes. i heard people who are still trapped and can not do that yet. >> there is some melting that gets underway as the next storm system approaches. it will be a warmer system. it brings in the potential of flooding whatever that snow then melts
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and there is just no easy way out of any of this. it has been quite a winter and we are not done yet. there are showers out there right now. showers in the forecast. tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow night, into wednesday. now, it will not rain everywhere all of the time. the best chance of rain is right now and tomorrow night. then, looking at the next atmospheric river event. arriving by late thursday afternoon and continue thursday night into friday. heavy rain, localized flooding, looking likely at this point with more wind damage, one of the threats associated with it. we will talk about all of it. focus on the rain that is about all of it right now and coming down as a good clip. heavy downpours, the top of the hour, pushed farther to the east in the oakland hills and parts of the try valley. more rain falling around hayward, fremont. that activity extends back towards san mateo and there are showers in the valley as well and more snow, mixed precipitation in the higher elevations, zoom out, putting it in motion, moving west to east.
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this is the back edge of this particular batch of showers. heading through the rest of tonight. that activity should be quieting down. seeing a break in the action for much of the day on tuesday. good odds on getting to and from work without running into the showers, tomorrow, another wave of moisture will move through tomorrow night. showers lingers out there. then we are waiting on the rain to a roof. it will be looming to the west by late thursday morning. thickening clouds heading through the day with a good chance of the heavier rain arriving already by thursday afternoon. that is associated with the atmospheric river that the latest data indicates it will rank towards the middle of our one to five scale. ar-3, maybe a strong ar-2. puts us in moderate territory. what it means specifically is it is a mix of beneficial impact of more rain across the bay area. but, maybe, a little too much in a short amount of time considering how much we have seen so far this winter and watching
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out for wind damage and power outages. focusing on the rain on a widespread basis. talking about two to three inches according to the weather station for the entire bay area. looking at 1 1/2 inches of rainfall. higher elevations, north bay, santa krouz mountains, four to five to six to seven inches of total rain in the next seven- days. right now, san francisco, a little break for the shower activity. temperatures in the middle to lower 40s across the board. dropping down to a mix of 30s and 40s by tomorrow morning. even getting through most of the day tomorrow without too much shower activity through the daylight hours on tuesday it will still be cold. temperatures topping out in the low to middle 50s. a good 10 it 12 degrees. similar conditions on wednesday. then, as the atmospheric river moves in, it will drag more air towards us. we get that benefit even if it comes with the hazards of too much rain and strong winds doing more tree damage and resulting
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in more power outages, lingering saturday and sunday. anything past friday the detailed are fuzzy. showers over the weekend. not the heavy rain thursday night into friday. but then, yet, another system could bring more widespread rain monday into tuesday next week. it is the last day of the seven- day forecast. we got a lot of time before we get to that. we will keep an a on all of it as we are focused on our two alert days with the potential of just more problems weatherwise. >> this is why i said he is going to have a busy week. he has to for the sake of the rest of us. we appreciate you. >> we will keep an eye on everything. >> thank you very much, paul. people get upset when they are caught in the rain with the sun roof is open. he is driving top down in the snow on purpose, vern? straight ahead in sports, the first of the nfl free agent domino's has fallen. in basketball, it is all about the conference tournaments. six
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i am not much of a betting woman but it is almost time. >> paul is concerned about his team. i am concerned about my team. i have an update on your
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school. >> oh. >> at the end of the show. >> okay. >> what are we talking about? college basketball. mary's. king about tournaments, frt and center. ma at is the meal these multiple conference tournaments have been tastiy hors d'oeuvre. now, striking from everywhere. here is alex, three of his 23, they led by 26. but, byu rallied within 3. one of the few times they broke the press and made the cougars pay. a great pass here from logan johnson. advance to tuesday's west coast conference final. 76-69. my bodyguard was at the other semifinal. usv could of used him. putting the team on his back. 26 points, he was so close within 7. could not get the key bucket or
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stop. bolton did not miss for three. they put it out of reach late. won it 84-73. for the first time this season, this is the rubber match, conzaga and saint mary's will meet. winner gets the automatic bid to the ncaa dance. three periods of sharks hockey. not enough at winnipeg. 10 seconds left. hurdle, scored the game-tying role and sent this one to overtime. a pass to the captain. the sharks voice called it game on a stick. he called it. he stunned the jets final of 3- 2. nfl note, the quarterback, derek carr signed with the saints, reportedly $100 million guaranteed. he will reunite with his very first nfl head coach, dennis allen. the raiders released carr after
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nine seasons as their starting quarterback. here is 49er's note, purdy, he is scheduled to have surgery to repair his injured right elbow. that will be sadly, , bato san francisco gators last week. my virginia cavaliers next game will be this thursday against an unannounced opponent. >> we seen you do the cheer. you are excellent at it. thank you, vern. thank you very much. one of the coolest concert doubleheaders in awhile
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[music] local music group won a grammy for their album "the movement" one of the winners was a producer who lives here in the bay area. >> we were a family before
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working together, our children are friends that go to school together. they called me and asked me to be part of the movement record i was thrilled. and, honestly my first thought was when they asked me was, oh my goodness we are about to win it. >>and they did. he released a document called black daddy, the movie, chronicling what it is like to be a black father in america. now, releasing the soundtrack with 12 new songs features bay area artists. [music] >> from the movie "dirty dancing." [singing] >> dave drummer will host a fro album release party tomorrow night in downtown oakland. phouz muse [music] only allowed to play that on the 11:00 news. snoop dogg, show august 26th. presale tickets go on sale this
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thursday. [music] >> or, maybe you are in the mood for more of a throw back. lionel richie will be here. tickets go on sale for tomorrow. a city known for freezing winter. why is he determined to drive around in his jeep with the top off and the doors off when it is below freezing man: i'm not slowing down anytime soon. that's why i take osteo bi-flex every day. it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, and continues to improve over time. kinda like us. osteo bi-flex. because i'm made to move.
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all right, look at the bay bridge. the lights turned off. >> it looks sad. >> still bits and piece left on there. poking through. it looks different. i have not seen it like this in a few years. >> so, yeah. >> so, you often see people driving jeeps with the top down and the doors off like here, sometimes. >> sure, sure. >> in southern california. it is a thing, right? >> sure. >> how about in north dakota. not a friendly place to do that. >> no. no. >> this guy? he does it. he cruises around in his jeep, top down, doors off year around. >> shirt off or on? optional? >> i don't know. [ laughter ] >> people look at me weird because i will drive with my foot hanging out. >> i was coming into work this typically says negative 19, negative 20. if you have ride snowmobiles why can't you, i have a windshield.
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>> prolific. >> wear gloves, man. >> negative 19 is that right? >> yeahit tsthatcold and that is without the windchill. >> what if he did not have a windshield? >> he made that point. his coworker dared him to do this one winter and he has done it three years in a row. it is a way of life. i have a feeling he is too lazy to put them back on. we checked the temperature in fargo, it is 2 degrees. >> maybe the parts of frozen. >> oh, the parts of frozen. thank you for watching. the ♪♪ >> we understand. >> we understand the feelings of embarrassment of failing teeth and tooth loss. >> we understand the pain of not being able to chew or feeling confident smiling.


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