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tv   CBS News Sunday Morning  CBS  May 30, 2021 7:00am-8:31am PDT

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so much gogoes... into who i i am. hiv memedicine is one parart of it. ask your d doctor about dovavato—i didid. captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, committed to improving health for everyone, everywhere. ♪ [trumpet] ♪ >> pauley: good morning. i'm jane pauley. and this is "sunday morning." it is memorial day weekend, when we honor all of those who have died in the service of our country. it is also the unofficial start of summer, the season for traveling to interesting places at home and abroad.
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and for anyone hoping to visit a geographical oddity, the exact center of north america, be advised the location is not so much a bull's eye as it is a moving target. as our lee cowan will explain. >> reporter: the center of thehe continent of north america is somewhere in north dakota, but there is disagreement as to exactly where. what do you think this controversy says about north dakota? >> it says we're a loser state. i mean, how can -- it's in the same zone as the world's largest bowl of twine. >> reporter: is the center of our continent even knowable? and does it matter? ahead on "sunday morning." >> pauley: we're in conversation this morning with a great comic impressionist, rich little. he is a man of so many voices, it is hard to keep
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up, though tracy smith will try. >> i never wear a mask. the only thing i wear is a girdle. >> reporter: for the past 16 years, rich little has been what you might call the impersonator in chief. >> well... >> reporter: so how long do you think you'll be doing this? >> well, you know, as george burns said, you've got to have a reason to get out of bed. or get into bed. [laughter] >> reporter: the inimitable rich little on sunday morning. >> okay. okay. gotcha. >> reporter: the doles, bob and elizabeth, are a celebrated political couple who take the long view. this morning they're sharing that view and more with rita braver. >> reporter: at almost 98, he is one of america's senior statesmen, and from his world war ii injuries to his recent diagnosis of cancer, bob dole has
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always faced adversity with courage. what has kept you going? >> well, we're all going to have bumps in the road. i figured these are my bumps. >> reporter: ahead on sunday morning, the grit and gratitude of bob dole. >> pauley: david martin takes us to meet america's last surviving world war ii medal of honor recipient. we'll journey to the past, present, and future with martha teichner, mo rocca, and faith salie, and more. it is sunday morning, may 30th, 2021. and we'll be back after this.
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>> pauley: for some of us, visiting geographic oddities is a bucket-list must. but we found one point of interest right smack in the bull's eye of a debate that may never be resolved. lee cowan takes us there. or tries to. >> reporter: the prairie grass of north dakota can look like it is waving hello, but even the geese just fly right over. north dakota is not only one e of the least visited states, it is also one of
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the last on a tourist's bucket list, and yet poor, left-out north dakota may actually be the center of our world. >> it's been here, though, since the '30s, right? >> yes, it t has, 1931.1. >> reporteter: this s stone monument in rugby, north dakota, population about 2700, marks the area that some say is the geographical center of our north american continent. >> it is really fun to say, you know, i'm from north dakota, and people say, oh, fine. bu if you say, i live at the geographical center of north america, that is pretty cool. that says something. >> reporter: cathy jelsing used to be the director at the geographical center, and part of her job was to point americans to what is now the parking lot of a mexican restaurant. where they couldba could bask in
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the sisignificancece middlofof the world. >> repeporter: i d don't know w what thehe center r is supposed t to feel like? >> it's in your mind. you feel centered in the center. >> reporter: how was it determined that this was the continental bull's eye? it happened around 1930, an employee with the geologically survey took a map and you sort of balance it on the top of a pen, sort of like this. not the most sophisticated method, perhaps, but few argued with it for decades. rugby embraced thee designatation. it gave t this tiny dot on the prairie a true sense of place. >> here in north dakota, we dece don't have that much. we don't have carnegie hall or the statue of liberty. this mattered to rugby. it is their grand canyon. it is their keytone monies. this is it.
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this is why you live here. you don't live here for the boutique theater. >> reporter: clay jenkinson, a humanity scholar and north dakota native blissfully never questioned rugby's title until... >> whoa! >> reporter: ...he learned of hansen's bar and its owner, who claimed the center of the continent was actually about 100 miles to the south, in the town the robinson. population: about 38. >> i was offended. i thought, who is this jerk? why mess with this little town's one pathetic claim to cosmic fame? >> reporter: did you ever think this was going to cause such a stir? >> yeah, i think we did. [laughter] >> reporter: bill bender meant no harm. it was a simple trivia question that he and a few of his buddies called into
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question. >> lots of trial and error, but -- >> reporter: one night, armed with a globe, some string and more than a few beers -- >> we had multiple pieces of string. >> reporter: -- they made the case that the continent's center was perhaps not so coincidentally right beneath the bar itself. >> to me, what we did late at night, in a booth at a bar, it seems far more scientific than, you know, a child cutting out a cutout and balancing it. >> reporter: he checked to see if rugby had trademarked their precious phrase, "geographical center," and it turned out they had, or sort of thought they had. >> they had let it lapse. that night i typed it in and registered everything and paid the $300 and, boom -- >> reporter: you owned
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it? >> yeah. at that point it was registered to hansen's bar. >> it wasn't very nice what they did. if we lost the geographical center, we would just be another town in the middle of nowhere. >> reporter: word of the mid-point meltdown soon got around. a professor in the geographical department in the university decided he would give it a crack. he took latitudes and longitudes all around america and plugged those into a special algorithm he designed to find the center. >> you have to take into account that the earth's surface is curved, and you want to find that balance point in a proper way. >> reporter: the program ran through all of the numbers and kicked out a spot. it was, again, in north dakota, but this time, believe it or not, the center was near a town actually named center.
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center, north dakota. you can't make this up. >> when i plunged it on that map, you can imagine my surprise because i couldn't really believe that that had happened. >> reporter: what are the odds, right? >> right. i guess we probably couldn't have found a more ideal site for it. >> being up on the hill, especially. the viewew. yoyou can see e forever.r. >> reporteter: dave berger and rick schmidt, both born and raised in center, decided to celebrate its newfound fame like every other town had. >> i called the coal mine and said, i want a pretty rock. there is no such thing as a pretty rock in north dakota. and then the coal mine lady called me two weeks later and said, i found your rock. >> reporter: 30,000 pounds of permanence. >> we're pretty confident that this is going to be -- in the archives, this will be the permanent site.
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>> otherwise omeone is going to have to move a really heavy rock. >> reporter: as for hansen's bar? well, bill bender backed down and gave the geographical trademark back to rugby, although he is still not moving that dekalb decal off the floor. >> it was definitely a surrender. >> reporter: through it all, rugby never missed a beat. sales of shot glasses kept going as if nothing ever happened. >> it caused a lot of stress for people, but it turned out to be a great thing. you're here (laughing). >> reporter: what do you think this controversy says about north dakota? does it say anything? >> it says we're a loser state. i mean, how can -- it's in the same zone as the world's largest bowl of twine. this is about something of no consequence, really, that sort of has a level
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of absurdity right at the center of it. and if it helps north dakota even in a puney little way, i'm for it. >> reporter: his advice: chase after the centers while you can. contininents do w wander, after alall. >> welell, that is awesome. >> reporter: so why not wawander here e yourself a and enjoy y what one e of the least vivisited statates h has to offerer. ♪♪
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>> pauley: are we there yet? g.p.s. may be the answer for most travelers, but for martha teichner, there is nothing to compare with losing yourself in an old-style map. [laughter] >> reporter: summer vacation time is the way to have a wonderful time if you don't get tangled up in a web of wrong directions. ♪ >> reporter: once upon a time, before maps told us how to get from point "a" to point "b," they told us a story. >> what we have here is the christian known world. so at the top we have the two saintly figures, and this area represented by the garden of eden. >> reporter: ian fowler oversees the collection of nearly 800,000 historic maps at the new york public library. >> the pope, represented
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here,,. >> reporter: there he is. this isn't north and south? >> no. >> reporter: lo and behold, as time passes, actual geography begins to show up. north and south america look kind of peculiar. >> they do. we're still getting information from explorers as they come back. >> reprter: a lot of it wrong. >> we have california depicted as an island. >> reporter: oh, look at that. and look at poor, squuished michiganan on this o one from 1775. ♪♪ >> reporteter: fast forward toto thee 20thh century, when michigan got its revenge. the cars it produced revolutionized maps. >> you really didn't get roadmaps until the advent of the car. if people had traveled to chicago, they would pick up one of these guide books. >> reporter: john
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mcavoy is the vice president of rand mcnally. >> the very first automobile map they published was of new york city and the vicinity. and they were also the first ones to start the numbering roads. the system was later adopted at the model to use across the united states. >> reporter: rand mcnally published its first road atlas in 1924. by 1999, 75 years later, it had reportedldly sold 1500 mimillion of them. that was just about the time the g.p.s., the navigagational verersion of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs -- >> turn right. >> reporter: in the era of g.p.s., who needs maps? >> i think we need maps. >> reporter: science journalist maureen o'connor has written about how we navigate. >> we don't need maps for
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everything anymore, but i think if we give them up completely, we'll lose a way of experiencing the world that can give us great pleasure, great satisfaction, can perhaps exercise our hippo campus. >> reporter: the hippo campus, that use it or lose it part of the brain that shapes our imagination, our memory. not to scare you, but -- >> when we don't use it, it is shown to result in a decrease in hippocampo volume and has some implications for mental health, neuro disease, and age--related me memory impairment. >> my dad handed me his map, and the way it smelled and the way the pages felt -- you know. >> reporter: christopher smith is a second generation trucker and map fan. >> now that i got one, it
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feels exactly the same. it is really special to me. >> reporter: he is trying to pass that love on to his own kids. >> that's where we come from. >> reporter: but nostalgia isn't why he takes the atlas rand mcnally puts out just for truckers when he goes on the road. it's safety. >> i use it to double check my route on my g.p.s. the g.p.s. is still a machine. it is still fal able fallible. >> reporter: show and tell, catastrophes captioned by those famous last words: "i was just following the g.p.s.." so paper maps not obsolete. rand mcnally maps and atlases are best-sellers, still with more than atlases are best-sellers, still with more than 400,000 sold so far this yearar.
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apapplies themem. save m me some cheheddar! capital onone shoppingng. it's kininda genenius. what's in n your wallelet? ♪it's, oh, so quiet♪ ♪shhhh shhhh♪ ♪and so peaceful until...♪ ♪you blow a fuse. wow bam♪ ♪of falling in love♪ tropopicana juicice drinks b g dedelicious trtropical flalavo. refrfresh all yoyour summmmer fun. letting g every sunnnny momet shine a lilittle brighghter. trtropicana sisip your sununs. and, we're back! it''s time t to see which chewew providess the longesest-lasting g flea anand tick prorotection. bravavecto's thehe big winne. 12 weeks o of powerfulul protecection, neararly 3 timeses longer than anyny other chehew. brav braveo,o!o! bravo! ♪
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pepto bibismol coatsts and soos yourur stomach f for fast reref than anyny other chehew. anand get the e same fastt reliefef in a delightftful chw wiwith pepto b bismol chewe. >> pauley: many of us are making summer travel plans. but if you're not quite ready to take the plunge, how about a trip around the world without setting a foot out the door? mo rocca is our guide. >> reporter: adrian charley loves to travel. >> i've been to kenya, and to morocco and camped out in the desert. i've been to cuba, the
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united arab emirates, and madagascar, i can't believe i forgot that. >> reporter: are you sure you're full name isn't adrian rand mcnally. for her 50th birthday she was pulling out all of the stops. >> i planned first, class-class tickets to paris. i was going to stay at one of the hotels at champs-elysees. >> reporter: but then covid happened. but where there is a will and wi-fi, there is a way. >> we get our first glimpse of the eiffel tower. >> the oculas entered my life. >> reporter: she is talking about this, a virtual reality head set, v.r. for short, adrian has spent the last year globe trotting. >> this is one of the spaces i absolutely wanted to visit, the chateau de monte christo. >> reporter: and she is not alone. while the head-seset-makers
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don't release members, some say their membership has tripled in the last year. there are an exploding and a half of apps and experiences to choose from. i'm going under. immersive is how this technology is often described, and i can attest. is that a giant seal? as i went kayaking in antarctica, courtesy of a national geographic act -- >> wow! we have a number of experiences we've put together. one is our ocavango experience. >> reporter: whitney johnson is vice president of visuals and immersive experiences for national geographic. >> we stopped to have lunch at an elephant crossing, not knowing that a migration was about to arrive. >> reporter: for nat
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geo, often authenticity is key as experienced in this trip through the affrican delta. >> i'm nott too inclined to come face to face with a wild animal in africa, but with this experience you could do that. >> reporter: now, if you really want to get into v.r., you can try this. >> we have a bar set up here so people can grab a drink. there is a hot tub over there that people can hang out in. >> reporter: jeremy nickel believes very much in the connective power of v.r. i met up with him, sort of, on this brooklyn roof top, sort of. >> for the price of $100, you can get yourself some goggles, get in here, start creating events and making v.r. something you want it to be. >> reporter: we are meeting in v.r. as avatars. i'm the won wearing the cap. >> you can bring people together from around the world to have a social
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covid-safe experience here in v.r. >> reporter: in reality, jeremy is in bolder, colorado, and i'm in manhattan, but here we are having an experience together, and not on zoom. this dis, does, in fact, feel more personal than a zoom session. i just wish you had actual arms connected to your body. >> we'll get here. >> reporter: he studied buddhism in india, and built this virtual reality temple in the himalayas for his congregation to meditate. i probably should have visited here first to center myself. boy, as impressive as v.r. technology is, i found myself feeling a little seasick the first couple times i tried it. here is another caveat? >> i saw a lot of parents buying them for his kids, and it is not necessarily a kid thing at all.
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i think it is not quite entirely clear what the optical and even psychological effects are of using this stuff could be. i don't lelet my kids use it very much at all. >> reporter: but for big kids, like adrian charley, it is a virtual wonderland. you're going to be in tanzania or uruguay? >> exactly. i haven't had my immersive trip for the day. >> reporter: you don't need a passport? >> n no papassport t required. on the newew sleep numumber 0 special l edition smsmart be, plus f free premiuium deliveryn you add a a base. endsds mony ♪ irresistibly delicious. ♪ ♪ pour sosome almond d breeze♪ ♪ for thehe maestros s of ththe creamiesest-ever, ♪ ♪ must-hahave smoothihies. ♪ ♪ it't's irresiststibly delicious.s. ♪ ♪ more alalmond breezeze, plplease! ♪
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>> pauley: the doles, former senators, bob and elizabeth, share a very long personal and political history, and they're not done yet by any means, as rita braver discovered in a recent visit. >> reporter: as displayed when paying homage to president george h.w. bush, former senator robert dole of kansas has always been known for his fortitude. so it comes as no surprise that he is taking his diagnosis of stage four lung cancer in stride. how are you doing? >> oh, i'm doing very well. but i have to keep in mind that i'm also going to be 98 in july, so i'm getting to be a senior citizen. [laughter] >> reporter: a citizen with a lifetime of public service behind him. senator dole and his wife, elizabeth, herself a former senator and cabinet
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member, recently talked with us about his storied career. >> he has these values that i think were forged in that little town in russell, kansas, by a wonderful, caring, loving family. >> reporter: dole was a high school athlete who wanted to be a doctor, but world war ii intervened. he was a young army captain advancing against german fortification in italy. >> the germans got him. with machine gunfire, they crushed his right shoulder. his spinal cord was injured, and he lay on the battlefield for 10 hours. >> reporter: bob dole lost the use of this right arm and would spend three years recuperating, but what he focuses on is the support from his home town, symbolized by this cigar box. >> my friends at dawsen drugstore in russell, kansas, when they heard that i was wounded, they passed the box around and
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kept it on the counter and asked people to give money. >> reporter: when you decided to marry him, did he ever say to you, look, you know, you're getting somebody has got some limitations? >> he never said that to me. but, let me share with you what happened when we were visiting my parents in north carolina. bob left his bedroom, and he had a towel over his shoulder that had been crushed. he walked up to my mother, and he said, mrs. hanford, i think you should see my problem. mother looked at bob, and she said, bob, that is not a problem; it is a badge of honor. what that says about the character of both of those dear people that i love so much. >> reporter: you just fell for him? >> oh, yes. [laughter] >> reporter: bob and elizabeth dole married in 1975. he has one daughter, robin, from his first marriage. he decided on a life of public service while still recovering from his
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wounds. >> i figured out that lying in bed the rest of my life was not an option. >> reporter: he was elected to the house of representatives in 1960. and the u.s. senate in '68. but americans really got to know him in 1976. >> i'm extremely proud to introduce to you senator bob dole of the great state of kansas as my running mate for victory in 1976. bob. [laught [applause and cheering] >> reporter: the gerald ford/bob dole ticket would lose to jimmy carter and walter mondale. dole ran unsuccessfully for the presidential election in 1980 and again in '88. but he did win a key race in the senate in '84, becoming party leader. >> the final vote, 28-25, outgoing majority leader howard baker officially
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introducing the winner. >> graduations, bob. >> reporter: dole was a mainstream republican advocating for lower taxes and smaller government. but he worked with democrats on issues like saving social security and supporting civil and disability rights. in fact, both doles always prided themselves on working across the aisle, something that is rare these days. do you feel like you are in step with today's republican party? >> where the party is concern, it is the divisiveness that concerns me. we've got to get past that. >> reporter: senator, some people were surprised that you supported president trump's re-election given how different your tone and your approach to life is. >> well, if he could have used my tone, he might have been re-elected. he had some good policies. >> reporter: but dole quckly accepted the fact that joe biden won the election.
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>> the election was over, as much as many of us republicans wish it had gone the other way. but it didn't. >> reporter: in fact, bob dole has personal experience losing a presidential election. he was bested by bill clinton in 1996, but quickly rallied. >> bob dole is a fighter. you can't hold him down. he is going to bounce back. >> bob dole! bob! >> the third day after he lost the election, he goes on the dave letterman show. >> bob, what have you been doing lately? >> apparently not enough, in any event. [laughter] >> reporter: today dole has a friendly relationship with his former senate colleague, now president joe biden, who paid a call after hearing news of dole's cancer. >> you don't have to agree with all of his policies,
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but you can't really find someone who is decent and fine, and that's joe -- that's mr. president. [applause] >> reporter: and it was dole's old rival, president bill clinton, who in 1997, made this announcement. >> i am pleased to be able to recognize bob dole's record of achievement with the highest honor our nation can bestow on a citizen. >> reporter: and clinton also asked dole to lead the efforts to build the national world war ii memorial. dole helped raise some $ 170 million in private funds, and frequently visits the memorial to greet fellow veterans, just one of many good works he carried out after leaving the senate. >> my pledge one time was to make a difference in the life of at least one person every day. now, i've probably failed
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part of that, but i still work at it. >> reporter: and senator bob dole plans to keep working at it. >> and i don't intend to go quietly. [laughter] >> but that's up to the higher level. i want to try to make 100. >> that's right. we're planning the 100th birthday party. >> that's right. and i'm going to try to get there, if i can.
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>> pauley: shop until you drop is the order of the day at the down-home sales event serena altschul has been checking out. >> reporter: it is 7:30 a.m. on a bright, spring saturday in ozawki, kansas: population, 600. it is the day of the town-wide garage sale. how much are the bar stools? and friends, chris grandmontagne -- >> 50 bucks. >> reporter: -- and elizabeth daniel are on the hunt. because when it comes to garage sales -- >> i want those chairs. >> reporter: -- the
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early-bird gets the worm. >> it is the hunt fort treasure. you might find the next big andy warhol covered over with another painting or something. >> reporter: do you still have that feeling? >> yes, every day. >> reporter: grandmontagne and daniel might be having fun, but this is strictly business. they're stocking their vintage home furnishing stores. during the pandemic, sales have been brisk. an example of what economists call a booming circular economy. >> thank you very much. >> our business has tripled since everybody had to start staying home. >> reporter: wow. home is actually where artist elizabeth daniel's business began, specifically the driveway of her house in the one stoplite town of kansas. >> the problem people have with going to thrift stores to shop for their
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decor is they can't see it in their home because they think of it as old stuff. i wanted it to look like a room, rather than just one individual piece. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: every week daniel re-imagines the yard sale, drawing from her garage boutique to create a glamorous tablet of finds, which she sells through her facebook group, elizabeth daniel decor. is it sometimes hard to part with pieces? >> oh, yes. >> reporter: even though her glamorous store in downtown topeka is full of pieces that nod to local history -- >> i can enjoy it for a little while and then let it go. >> reporter: most of grandmontagne's finds are photographed and then sold around the world. >> one of the things that
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made the vintage market spike is that it is available. new furniture has to be produced. vintage furniture is already there. it can just be loaded up and shipped out. >> reporter: during the pandemic, buying a new piece of furniture has sometimes meant wait times of months. >> our sales have been up anywhere from 85% to 125%. >> reporter: eight years ago anna brockway co founded ch cherish, a web marketplace for all things vintage. >> instead of throwing things away, let's find them a new home and repurpose them. >> reporter: over in ozawki, elizabeth daniel is surveying her haul. >> and the looks like it is oil paint because of how thick it is. >> reporter: though in this circular economy, you could say daniel is just getting started. so how do you know when you're done? because i get the sense
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you could go all day and all night? >> i'm never done. i'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and be ready to go again.
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when you're born and raised in san francisco, you grow up wanting to make a difference. that's why, at recology, we're proud to be 100% employee owned with local workers as diverse as san francisco. we built the city's recycling system from the ground up, helping to make san francisco the greenest big city in america but we couldn't do it without you. thank you, san francisco. gracias, san francisco. -thank you. -[ speaks native language ] let's keep making a differene together.
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>> pauley: this morning we honor not just those who died in service to our country, we honor at well a combat survivor. david martin tells us about the heros of iwo jima and the last man standing. >> reporter: herschel "woody" williams is literally one-of-a-kind. at the age of 97, he is the last living recipient of the medal of honor from world war ii. but it is the way he lived all of those years since that really sets him apart. >> i felt that i owed back more than i could ever possibly give.
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>> reporter: he grew up on a farm in west virginia during the great depression. >> there were 11 born to my family. only five of us survived to adulthood. >> announcer: the attack on pearl harbor united americans. >> reporter: after pearl harbor, he tried to enlist in the marines but was rejected as too short. when the marines started taking horrendous casualties fighting the japanese, the height limit was eased and he ended up a marine. what was your first taste of combat like? >> exceedingly scary. >> reporter: in february of 1945, a massive invasion fleet gathered off the japanese-held island of iwo jima. >> we didn't know they had 22,000 japanese on the island. we didn't know they had miles ofof tunnel l dug out in a volcano. >> r reporter: a as depicted inin the movieie " "letters from iwo jima,"," the japannese
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heheld their fire until after the mamarines hadad landnded, and t then tururned the e beach intoto a slaughterhouse. >> the beach was just full of everything you can think of, trucks and tanks getting blown up. >> reporter: more than 6,000 marines would die. >> they would just stack them up, like cord wood. >> reporter: finally marines made it to the ton of mt. seracci for the famous flag raising. did you know the flag had gone up? >> no, i did not. >> reporter: the flag was up, but the battle for iwo jima was far from over. >> we would run from shell crater to shell crater, if we could find one. finally we got this long line of pill boxes, reinforced concrete pill boxes. >> reporter: japanese machine guns inside the pill boxes cut down the
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advancing marines until williams' commander turned to him. >> he said, do you think you could do something with the flame thrower. >> reporter: what were you supposed to do? >> put flame in the pill box so you would annihilate everybody within that pill box. >> reporter: he was covering fire from four riflemen, he climbed towards the first pill box. >> i look up on top of this pill box, and i see a little bit of blue smoke rolling out of the top of it. so i crawled up, got up on top of the pill box. and here is a pipe that is just about the same size of my flame-thrower nozzle. so i just stuck it down and let it go. that was my first pill box. >> reporter: williams is credited with taking out seven pill boxes in the course of four hours.
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that was february 1945. >> peace may be restored. >> reporter: when japan surrendered in september of that year, williams was on guam killing time when he suddenly received a summons. >> you're going to go see the general. and i said, what for? >> reporter: it can't be good news. >> that's what i thought. i'm scared to death, but i'm following orders, you know? so i walked into a tent, and walked up to his desk, and he said, you're being ordered back to washington. i had never heard of a medal of honor. i didn't know such a thingng existed.d. >> r reporter: t the boy from quiet dell west virginia found himself at the white house being presented the medal of honor by president truman. >> i never even dreamed of seeing a president of the united states. and i was standing there shaking hands with him. you talk about a scared
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moment. i was a wreck, i really was. >> reporter: t he goot ovever the nerves, but never the responsibility that comes with the medal. especially when he learneded that corporal warren bornholzlz and fischer had be killeled. >> oncee i lelearned thahat, myy whwhole concepept of f the medal changed. i said, this medal does not belong to me. it belongs to them. so i wear it in their honor, not mine. they sacrificed their lives to make that possible. >> reporter: williams learned what that sacrifice meant to their families at an early age. remember the scene from "saving private ryan," where the car drives up to tell a mother her son has been killed in combat?
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well, woody williams delivered those western union telegrams before he joined the marines. >> when i handed her the envelope, she just collapsed. as an 18-year-old boy, i didn't know what to do. i didn't do anything. i left. i didn't know what to do. >> reporter: you're doing a pretty good job of making up for it. >> well, it left a lasting impression on my mind. it made me realize what it cost just to have our freedom and to be who we are. >> reporter: he worked for the department of veterans' affairs for 33 years. afterwards, he set up the woody williams foundation to support gold-star families and designed this monument in their honor. >> we're in all 50 states. >> reporter: does that require a lot of travel on your part? >> we try to attend every dedication and every groundbreaking. >> reporter: before covid hit, this 90 something would be on the road more than 200 days a
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year. why do you drive yourself like that? at your age, everybody would understand if you begged off. >> this is my way of making sure that our gold-star family members are not forgotten. >> reporter: this past april, charles coolidge, the only other living medal of honor recipient passed away. now you're the last man standing. >> yes. >> reporter: does that add to the feeling of responsibility? >> yes, it does. it does. >> reporter: do you ever wonder why you've been given so long to live? >> maybe i'm making somebody else's life a little better, a little more meaningful. >> reporter: woody williams has led the most meaningful life possible, although he puts it differently. >> i'm just absolutely the most fortunate person you could lay your eyes on. >> reporter: and one more thing we learned about the last man
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standing: he is also the coolest 97-year-old in the united states of america.
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>> pauley: on this memorial day eve, steve hartman is looking ahead to what he championed last year. >> 10-year-old caitlyn sanders is hard at work. practicing the 24 notes that will give this memorial day its resonance. >> because if it sounds terrible, it's not going to connect as well. >> i heard you, and it was a lot better than terrible. >> thanks. >> caitlyn and her sister, lauren, are returning participants in with we hope is becoming an american tradition. we started taps across america last year as a way
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to safely commemorate memorial day during the pandemic. and the response we got still gives me chills, almost as much as the song itself. ♪ >> at precisely 3:00, musicians from all 50 states played taps in what turned out to be one of the largest musical tributes of all time. roughly 20,000 soloists also playing in harmony. >> i was quite emotional when i saw the videos. >> reporter: >> reporter: jari villanueva, how do you explain it? >> i think this comes from an underlying feeling of americans wanting to be part of something bigger than they are. >> yeah, i just decided, that's what i need to do. >> reporter: bob druce of mobile, alabama, had never played an instrument before. but after seeing what happened last year, he felt compelled to take part this year.
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he has been practicing every day, much to his family's chagrin. >> what did you think of that? >> yuck! >> my granddaughter (laughing). so i have a house full of critics, but i'm still motivated because it means a lot to me. ♪ >> in a country too often divided, this is the call we all can answer. so if you play, whatever you play, please join us monday for taps across america. ♪ anand taking i ibrance. ibibrance withth an aromatae inhihibitor is for p postmenopauausal won or for m men with hrhr+, her2- metatastatic breastst cancer asas the firstst hormonall babased therapapy.
8:00 am
ibrance e plus letrorozole signgnificantly y delayed disesease progreression veversus letrorozole. ibibrance may y cause loww whwhite blood d cell counts ththat may leaead to seririous infectctions. ibrance e may cause e severe ininflammationon of the lulu. both of f these cacan lead to o death. tell your r doctor if f you he new or wororsening chehest pa, cough, or r trouble brbreathi. before takaking ibrancnce, tell youour doctor if you havave fever, chills, oror other sisigns of infnfection, liver or k kidney proboblem, are or plalan to becocome pregnanant, or a are breastftfeeding. fofor more infnformation about sidede effects talk to yoyour doctor.r. ♪♪ be in yourur moment. asask your dococtor about ibibrance. starart your dayay with secr. s secret stopops sweat 3x3x mon ordinarary antipersrspirants. the new prprovitamin b5 formulas gentle o on skin. withth secret, o outlast anyn! no sweat.. sesecret (woman) is there a natural litter that actually works?!
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(vo) at tidy cats, litterventions come naturally! naturally strong unscented with activated charcoal. or, scented clean lemongrass, with plant extracts. 100% natural, 100% powerful. there's a tidy cats for that! >> pauley: rich little has turned his gift for comic impersonation into one very big and seemingly unstoppable career. he is in conversation with tracy smith. >> reporter: is it true that when you became a u.s. citizen, the judge asked you to do it in a john wayne voice. >> yeah. he said, i'm going to
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swear you in at john wayne. so i got up there and i said, well, mister, i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states, and don't crowd me. >> reporter: in case you were wondering, rich little is alive and well, and on any given night, so are a lot of his old friends. >> well, this is george bush, sr. okay, okay, gotcha. good. >> reporter: right now he is in vegas, filling the reduced-capacity shows at the tropicana. but at 82, rich little has been in show biz longer than some of his audience members have been alive. ♪ scary tales can come through, it can happen to you ♪ ♪ if you're andrew cuomo ♪ [laughter] >> there is a play i did early in my career, "bus stop." >> reporter: the walls
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of his home are hung with phphotos of people he has met along the way. is it sometimes hard to believe that you knew all of these people? >> yeah, it is. it is. it's -- i mean, here is a shot of john wayne, jimmy stewart, me, and glenn ford. you know? you can't get any bigger than that. >> reporter: the canadian-born entertainer got his start imitating his teachers at s schooool, andd he would sneaeak into the movivies with a a t tape reporter s so he coulld h hear a cecelebrity voicece over and over. that once got him kicked out of a theater showing jimmy stewart's 1954 film "the far country." and i told jimmy about this when i first met him. and he said, you, you, you did that? and he said, richard, you should have got ahold of me. i could have sent you the movie. and my fellow americans, my name is hubert h.
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humphrey. my name is ed sulaymaniyah. sullivan. >> reporter: but by the 1970s, he had become pretty much a fixture on tv, especially game shows. >> di does it take physical dexterity to do what you're doing? >> reporter: he says he can actually do about 100 voices really well. can you do voices for everybody on this wall? >> well, first of all, there is katherine hepburn. you know, you old poop. and then there is clark gable. atlanta is not burning, that's the braves. they're playing a night game. and sean connery. and bob hope right here. and bing crosby, oh, ho.
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i'm w.c. fields, oh, yes, yes. my fellow americans... >> reporter: of course, he has also done just about every president, from richard ni nixon to gerald ford, jimmy carter to george bush and george bush. this summer who will be in an underbroadway off broadway p. >> reporter: do you have a favorite person. >> i would say will. i was up in the quarters in the white house for lunch. >> reporter: when the reagans left hollyw washington and flew home to california, rich little was there to meet him. >> every time i do you,
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sir, i get this terrible urge to run off with nancy. >> reporter: truth is, his impersonations havvenen't alalways beenen for lauaugh. a lolot of what t movieie-goers heard wass actualllly rich littlele. >> i mean, i'm sure he is total the up to date on my somewhat checkered career. >> reporter: but maybe his best known impersonation nation was johnny carson. little was a regular on the show for years, and even guest-hosted a number of times, until the show abrupting stopped calling. what happened with the "tonight show?" >> i was never quite sure. either i said something that rubbed somebody the wrong way, or johnny got tired of my imitating him. i tried to find out, but i never found out. >> reporter: they did
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meet again after carson required in a chance encounter at a malibu restaurant. >> when he came over to the table, he said, richard, are you still impersonating me? and i said, of course. and he said, really? and i said, of course, john, people love it. it is one of my best impressions. and he said, i'm not on the air, maybe they've forgotten me. and i said, no, no, they haven't forgotten you at all. i'll be doing you for years. which is true because i'm still doing him. the world's greatest crossword puzzle addict died yesterday, and tomorrow they're going to bury him eight feet down and three feet across. >> reporter: these days rich little is still keeping johnny's memory, and those of dozens of others, alive. >> this is carol channing. ♪ hello, dolly ♪ >> reporter: and after
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60 years, the voices come naturally to him. the hard part, he said, is trying to keep his own voice from fading away. >> when you get to be as old as i am, it is tougher to get on tv. i'm thrilled to be on this show today because this is probably the first time i've been on network television in 30 years. >> reporter: in 30 years? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: do you miss it? >> yeah, i do. i think what happens is when you get older, people don't really want to book you on a show. maybe they think you're not funny anymore. i don't know. so this is a big thrill for me. i hope it goes over well (laughing). >> reporter: i have no doubt it will. >> eb, eb, eb, that's all, folks. [laughteter] making nowow, ththe time to o move forwawa. ♪
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at u u.s. bank,, our r goal is gegetting you o whwhere you rereally want t t. ♪ because siside by sidede, thers no telelling how f far you'll . ♪ u.s. b bank. we'l'll get therere together. ♪ surpririse! a toy y gorilla! and nonow you can n bring their kindnder joy toyoys to lifife with ththe applaydudu app and didiscover a u universe filled w with mini g games so they cacan imagine,e, play, , and explorore. bring theieir kinder j joy tos to life e in applaydydu. downloload the freree app tod.
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tropopicana juicice drinks b g dedelicious trtropical flalavo. bring theieir kinder j joy tos to life e in applaydydu. refrfresh all yoyour summmmer fun. letting g every sunnnny momet shine a lilittle brighghter. trtropicana sisip your sununs. >> pauley>> reporter: be honest,
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who hasn't wanted to hit fast forward or rewind on life? for as long as there has been a concept of time, that urge to break the bonds of time is, well, timeless. >> the idea of time travel is actually as old as civilization itself. we see the very first stories in the mahat parada in 400 b.c., so they are nearly 2500 years old. >> reporter: lisa yaszek is a professor at georgia tech. she says those first stories were full of magic, not science, but... >> as we moved into an industrial culture, and suddenly we had trains that had to move on schedule from station to station and ships that had to cross great bodies of water and make it into
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docks at certain times, we had to make sure that humans in different parts of the world were telling time in the same ways. i think that was really exciting. we felt like we suddenly did have a little control over time. >> reporter: and so that brings us to h.g. wells, right? >> absolutely. his famous 1895 novel, "thehe time machine." why not t get in a vehhicle anand travel t through a few centururies. >> reporteter: hollywoodod has turneded that first time mash into a deloreaean, a police carar, and eveven a a hot tub. >> it mumust b be ssome kind off hohot tub b time machchine. >> reporter: but when it comes to time travel movies, is there any scientific fact behind all of this science fiction?
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what did they get right? >> not a whole lot. >> reporter: author and fiphysicist brian greene. i want to understand time travel. >> if you model space time as a four space differential manifold, you can have two trajectories that begin in one moment in time. >> reporter: okay, i'm going to go back a few seconds and re-ask that question. i want to understand time travel. please dumb it down. >> time travel to the future is real. if you want to see what the earth would be like a million years from now, albert einstein tells you how to go about doing it. get in a rocketship, travel out for six months near the speed of light. turn around and come back. if you're fast enough, you will come back one year older according to your own clock, but earth will have aged a thousand or a million or billion or trillion years, all depending on how quickly you went. when you step out of the
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ship, it will be the future. you will have leap-frogged, traveled into the future. >> reporter: according to einstein, it is not just speed that affects time. it is gravity, too. just ask scott and mark kelly, t twin broththers born six minunutes aparrt back in 1964. in 2016, scott, an astronaut, returned to earth after 340 days in the international space station. when he touched down, he added a few milliseconds that to original six-minute age gap. he had traveled in time. >> these are two individuals that experienced different gravitational fields. one was up, one was down. different strengths of gravity. time lapses at different rates. we do this all of the time. every time we go up in an elevator, we're traveling through time at a different rate. >> reporter: but what everyone wants to know: do you think we will be able to time travel in the
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future? >> i do. it's hard to say when or exactly how, but since it is part of physics as we understand it, at some point we will be able to make use of these ideasas and travavel to thhe fututure.. > how is it going? >> reporter: greene thinks traveling to the past, like bill and ted, is much less likely. >> bogus. >> reporter: which is just fine for a majority of americans. in our cbs news poll, to the future is where they would want to travel, anyway. our fascination with time travel might help us appreciate something else entirely, says science fiction studies professor lisa yaszek. >> it is so easy for us to live in our heads and to always been thinking about the past, trapped in memories, or thinking forward to what we'll accomplish, what we'll do in our retirement, that we lose the experience of the here and now and the richness of living in the
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moment. ♪ and it guiuides you. toto shine youour brightese. ♪ asas you chargrge ahead. illuluminating t the way foror. a light t maker. recocognizing ththat the e impact youou make comes fromom the enenergy you c create. inintroducingg the all-l-electric l lyriq. lighting t the way. ♪
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>> pauley: the infamous massacre that took place in tulsa, oklahoma, one century ago holds important lessons for us today, as we hear from "new york times" columnist charlicharles blow. >> reporter: 100 years ago today in tulsa, oklahoma, a black teenaged shoe shiner stepped on to an elevator being operated by a 19-year-old white girl. wild accusations would lead to one of the most notorious massacres in american history. rowland was arrested the
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next morning, and the tulsa tribune printed an article claiming that the young man had attempted to assault the girl. a white mob ascended at the courthouse. black men showed up to prevent him from being lynched. it would lead to what would become known as the tulsa massacre as white people began to shoot black people on site. as many as 300 people were killed, and 8,000 were left homeless as the once thriving, self-sufficient black community of greenwood, also known as black wall street, was reduced to ashes. rather than remember and atone for this atrocity, tulsa began efforts to erase the incident from history. but it could not be erased from the memory of those who lived it. in 2018, i had the great
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honor of interviewing olivia j.hooker, one of the last known survivors of the tulsa massacre. she was 103 years old when i met her. she would die just two months later. she was a little girl at the time of the massacre, just 6 years old, and she remembers things as a child would. the terror of hiding with siblings beneath an oak dining table. it was the memory of those men destroying or defiling or stealing all of the beautiful things, the things that represented the reality of black refinement or held the possibility of black joy. they took a hatchet to my sister's piano. they poured oil all over my grandmother's bed. they took all of the silverware that mama had just got for christmas. if anything looked precious, they took it. her reflection illustrated clearly to me that this
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massacre wasn't only about an incident on an elevator or terror and mass murder, it was also about covetedness and spite, about the erasing of black which by its very existence posed a fundamental threat to white supremacy. black wall street represented black prosperity, even in an age of oppression, so white supremacy had to destroy it. rise and shihine to a tasty new era. the jimmy dean delighghts sandwicich withth a plant-b-based patt. made w with wholesesome brown , beans anand quinoa.. it's t the tastiesest sasandwich to o root for.. we'r're delighteted and hope youou'll try itit. and, we're back! it''s time t to see which chewew providess
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wiwithout freqequent heartrtn wawaking her u up. nonow, that drdream... . her rereality. nexiumum 24hr stopops acid before it t starts, for r all-day, all-nighght protectition. can you u imagine 2424 hours without heheartburn?
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>> pauley: our broadcast writer, tom harris, is retiring this weekend after 43 years at cbs and more than 1,000 sunday mornings in which he found just the right words to match the memorable pictures in our stories. and because he spent those years toiling over a keyboard, there aren't a lot of photos we have to show you tom at work. but perhaps that is fitting for a man who has dedicated his career to the written word. elevating the art of language in a medium not only known for its aru arudison. and as much as we'll miss his work on the air, we'll miss his dry humor around
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the office every bit as much. we wish tom and his wife joan and daughter lindsay nothing but the best as they author together this next chapter in their lives. thanks, tom, for all the years and all those words. >> indeed, a toast to you, tom, for being the best there is. here, here. >> here, here, tom! >> thank you, tom! >> here, here!
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it's the m memorial daday salele on the nenew sleep number 3 360 smart b bed. it's t the most c comfortablele, dualally-adjustatable, foot-warmiming, tempmperature-babalancing... provenen quality n night slsleep we've e ever made.. and nonow, save $1$1,000 on the newew sleep numumber 0 special l edition smsmart be, plus f free premiuium deliveryn you add a a base. endsds mony
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>> pauley: we leave you this memorial day sunday morning amidst the splendors of yosemite national park. [sounds of birds captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, committed to improving health for everyone, everywhere. captioned by media access group at wgbh >> pauley: i'm jane pauley. we wish you all a happy and safe memorial day weekend. please join us when our trumpet sounds again next "sunday morning." [
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i'm not sure if there's anything i can say to my family members to convince them to take the covid-19 vaccine. i'm not evenen sure if i'm m convinced.d. hihi darius, i i think thaht peopople respondnd more toto what we d do than whahat w. so aftfter lookingng at all thta and ththe science e about thee vaccccines, i gogot the vaccc.
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and i madede sure my m mom andd got the e vaccine. because ththese vaccinines are . ♪ ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs >> dickerson: i'm john dickerson in washington. and this week on "face the nation," turning the page to another chapter in the covid saga as spring turns into summer. as we mark the unofficial start of summer, there are more signs of life nearing normal. america's mood is improving, too, as the traditions of memorial day weekend are back. the head of the c.d.c., best known these days for her pitches to americans to vaccinate took to the mounds in honor of massachusetts' covid restrictions being lifted. another familiar face beamed as he opened the stock market last


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