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tv   KPIX 5 News at 430am  CBS  April 27, 2021 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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. right now on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area we are looking live from the sales force tower camera as we look out east on this tuesday morning. good morning everybody. it is tuesday, april 27th. >> good morning to you. first up a check of the forecast as we start tuesday together. mary standing by with that. >> good morning. nice to have you back in the studio together. we are looking at a pretty day across the bay area. we will see the sun and temperatures will be warmer compared to yesterday. today the start of a warming trend for us. as we look along the coast still cool. in the mid50's around the bay. low to mid6o's and inland we are talking in the low to mid-70s. some of the warmest spots the low 80's.
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. how are the roadways >> good morning. you know not bad. we are seeing just a little bit of slowing into the pass. other than that it's a quiet ride for your tuesday morning commute. no troubles as you approach 680 to dublin interchange and all of the bay area bridges are problem free. the travel times, 205 westbound, 580 from 205 to 680 only 30 minutes. east shore only a 13 minute commute. if you are taking highway 4 problem free. no delays between antioch toward 80. that's a 25 minute commute and that commute out of san jose into the city, that is an easy ride. a lot of green on the sensors. you can see traffic is moving nicely this tuesday morning. back to you. the live news desk and there are a lot of questions right now over what led up to this. two people died in the crash. it happened around 10:00 p.m.
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we spoke to a witness at the scene who believes this started as a police chase but the police are referrin noyet,office foatigat e witness said one of the vehicles flew over his car. >> i guess probably going pretty fast. get off the pavement. it's like a movie. it's like flipping over and slamming through the wall. >> a tweet san jose police confirmed that units responded to the double fatal collision after a request for assistance from the santa clara sheriff's office. we will let you know more when we get answers from authorities. >> thank you. right now santa clara county health officials want to get the word out that the vaccinations are available without appointment. of the vaccine. it's a welcome change after all the stories about shortages and canceled appointments. now there is no need to
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struggle online to secure a slot. instead you can just walk in. the county vaccine officer said that fewer appointments are being made with at least 65% of people having received at least one dose. the issue now is a scarcity of arms. >> we are starting to see a drop off in demand. in the past we -- you know we had a high demand and the supply was low. now we have enough supply. we are seeing a drop off on demand. >> some sites like east ridge and levi stadium will require appointments but same day appointments are available. at most other spots the appointment free model will last through sunday and could extend. today vaccinated americans could have new guidance on mask wearing. it could be another benefit of getting the vaccine as health officials continue to urge everybody to get their shots. >> the cdc is expected to come out with new guidelines for mask wearing today. >> the risk of infection
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outside is really minimal. if you are vaccinated and you are outside its even less. what we will do is very soon clarifying the situation about masks and vaccinated verses unvaccinated. >> more than 28% of the country is vaccinated against coronavirus. >> you don't have to get out of your car. it's now so easy to get the vaccines. >> about 5 million people never went back for their second dose. >> a lot of people have stronger reactions in the second dose than the first dose. that's because your body is building immunity to the virus and that's why the second dose is important to get. >> the white house will share its stock pile of the vaccine with the rest of the world once it passes the fda safety. >> given the already authorized vaccines and that's
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available in large quantities we don't need to use another vaccine over the next few months. >> the united states and other nations pledged oxygen and otthr d's cuent coro hot spot. >> the situation in india is beyond heartbreaking. >> india reported more than 2800 deaths on monday and many intensive care units are operating at full capacity. laura podesta. cbs news. the president is set to update the state of the pandemic here in the united states later today. back here in the bay area masks were mandatory inside the sap center last night. fans in san jose got a chance to watch live hockey for the first time in 14 months. >> i'm ready to be here for it. you hear everybody yelling. >> to get inside the arena fans had to be two weeks past their final vaccine or test negative. the campaign to remove the governor from office
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has enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. backers have more than 1.6 million signatures. this is just the second time in california that a recall attempt against a governor has reached this stage. the campaign sites several reasons for the attempt including the governor's coronavirus response and economic down turn. the rnc committee member from california claims the recall is a bipartisan effort. >> the governor is out there with his ads trying to claim this is a republican conspiracy of some sorts. i can tell you that in the dozen lawsuits i filed against the governor last year, regarding his coronavirus lockdowns many of the plaintiffs were democrats. >> successful recalls are rare. the only time it happened in california was against gray davis in 2003. a separate vote at the same time would pick a replacement. oats effort to recall an el
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ected office, organizers have 120 days to collect significant tours from 20% of registered voters in order to prompt a recall in the sonoma county town of windsor. there is no word from the mayor. at least six women have accused him of sexual assault. he has denied the allegations. for the latest on the windsor recall effort you can download the app by scanning the qr code on the screen and we will have that for you again in just a few minutes. we are expecting to hear from the family of a man who died in eda police custody about the body camera video they were shown yesterday. the department has said that the 26-year-old mario gonzalez suffered a medical emergency during a scuffle with officers trying to arrest him. they didn't say more and his family said he was perfectly healthy. over the weekend student protestors marcadquarters demanding to see the footage. that's where gonzalez's family
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said they will speak today at noon. the three officers involved are on paid leave and haven't been named. and developing this morning protesters in north carolina are demanding the footage of the family of andrew brown jr. the family viewed it yesterday. deputies serving a felony drug warrant, shot and killed brown last week as he tried to drive away. >> my dad got executed just by trying to save his own life. >> andrew had his hands on his steering wheel. he was not reaching for anything. he was not throwing anything. he had his hands on the steering wheel. >> the family said she were only shown 20 seconds of edited video. happening today another big bay area water district is poised to vote on whether it's customers should conserve. east bay mud is deciding
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whether to officially declare a stage one drought. if the board does that 1.4 million will be asked to voluntarily cut their use by 10% starting saturday and continuing through the rest of the year. also on saturday, marin water will start enforcing mandatory restrictions on outdoor watering. today sonoma is expected to proclaim a drought emergency. time now is 4:40. >> coming up, a welcome sign of the recovery at disneyland as the park lays out its plan to safely reopen. the details after the break. let's look outside before we head to break this is from our treasure island camera. it's 4:40.
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jack, toss me the frisbee. i can do you one better... with cheddar. everything's better with cheddar. like my new cheddar biscuit breakfast sandwiches with cheddar baked right in. only at jack in the box.
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make breakfast better with cheddar. my new cheddar biscuit breakfast sandwiches. with cheese baked right into the biscuit, hickory-smoked bacon or grilled sausage, and a freshly-cracked egg. try'em today. only at jack in the box. . a new report finds 2020 was the deadliest year for police chases in california in 15 years. according to a southern california news group analysis, data from chp shows 41 people have died in police pursuits yean 470 people have died including 281 drivers who were fleeing police and 10 law enforcement officers. >> high speed chases have become a side show. >> we just want to chase them until the wheels fall
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off. we are constantly checking if the need to catch this violator out weighs the risk to the public. it's something we are always thinking about. >> meantime a bill to allow california cities to instill speed cameras just cleared a major hurdle. it passed the state transportation committee last night. they will catch speeders and send them a ticket in the mail. tesla shares lag and a online food publication is saying good-bye to beef. that's today's money watch report. >> stocks were mixed on monday. the dow slid 61 points, the nasdaq rallied 121 hitting a new record high. the s&p500 also hit a record gaining 7. shares of tesla were down
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despite a better than expected earnings. they saw it's 7th straight profitable quarter. they sold about 185,000 vehicles in the first three months of 2021. more than double the same period last year. the white house has announced plans to share its supply of the oxford vaccine with other countries. as many as 60 million dose also be available once the vaccine is granted emergency use authorization by the fda which won't be for another several weeks. online food publication epicurius is cutting out beef noting the amount of green house emissions livestock. they said they are not anti cow but proplanet. the company said that beef recipes already on the website will remain. and that's your cbs money watch report. for more head to cbs money at the cbs broadcast center.
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i'm diane king hall. did you get a chance to see the pink super bowl last night this was the view. the pink super moon looks more orange than pink. it happens when a full moon appears brighter and bigger because of how close it is to earth. if you missed, a brighter one is expected last month with a eclipse. >> looks pretty cool. >> it does. hopefully even flight now tsid at it. we are looking at many locations, mainly clear skies but we are catching fog in spots this morning. it's a chilly start to the day. grab that jacket if you are planning to head out the door. here is a live look with the sales force tower camera as we look east and there we go with our temperatures down to the 30's and 40's once again
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this morning. concord at 46, oakland 48, livermore 42, 46 san jose and santa rosa down to 39. we are looking at high pressure building in for us. today the start of a warming trend for us as this ridge continues to strengthen. that means we are going to watch our temperatures soar as we head to the next few days. above normal daytime highs for wednesday and for thursday. taking you hour by hour on future cast and you can see all of that sunshine as we go through our day today. all thing thanks to that ridge of high pressure that blocking dome there. our sunrise at 6:18and the sunset at 7:56. checking daytime highs for the south bay, looking at 71 in santa clara, also for san jose. 72 for new morgan hill for the south bay. as we look to the east bay, concord coming in at 75,
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also for pleasant hill, antioch, brentwood, we are talking 80 degrees. fairfield 81 this afternoon. the tri valley in the low 70's as we head through your tuesday afternoon around the bay. 61 in san francisco, 59daley city. mid-60s's in alameda and for oakland and for the north bay we are talking in to the 70's to about 80 degrees this afternoon. daytime highs, right around 78 for windsor. as we take you hour by hour into tomorrow, you can see the temperatures rising even more. around the bay we are talking mid to upper 60's and inland in to the upper 70's to the mid to low 80's. there we go with the extended forecast. warming it up as we look to wednesday and for thursday. the warmest days out of our extended forecast still mild to warm friday and the eke let's check in with gianna.
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good morning. we are getting our first reports of a crash as you head toward the dublin. chp headed out to the scene. this is westbound 580 just as you connect over toward 680. seeing some slight delays because of that. not a lot of details yet. we will bring that more to you as it comes into the traffic center. if you are headed out of tracy trying to get onto 580 that's already busy. look at the map here. you have a lot of red and yellow on the sensors and you will see a busy ride onto 580. it extended almost to north flynn with speeds dipping down to 30 miles an hour in some spots. the travel times, getting a little worse. 31 minutes 205 toward 680. that's still in e ty quiet. no delays on the east shore freeway. highway 4 and 101. you can see all the major freeways are looking good. live look at the bay bridge. no metering lights and its been a nice ride out of oakland, emoryville, into san francisco, no delays right now.
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an easy ten minute commute to er central freeway. the san mateo bridge off to a great start. you can n both directions. tail lights going westbound toward 101. that's a look at your morning ride. we are going to disneyland in june. we are so excited about it. >> rubbing it in. >> i'm not rubbing it in. >> felt kind of rubbing it in. just a little bit. >> we need to find you a ticket. i still feel bad. it's a soft reopening today at disney. >> the sleeping beauty castle is lit up and ready to welcome back visitors. the park flipped the switch on facebook live last night ahead of today's soft reopening. cast members and families will return today while the public will return on friday. >> to get park reservations for the first day took a while. you got a really high demand. >> when we open everything i
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will eat [inaudible]. >> i know that's right. only california residents allowed like gianna and michelle who have purchased tickets and made reservations like michelle and gianna. >> we're getting you a ticket. >> all right. coming up this morning, the 49ers are a little coy about their current quarterback and their future one. we have that reaction and the giants continue to roll with the dominating performance at the plates and on the mounds. we are up next. and let's take a look outside from our mark hopkins camera as we look out east. a beautiful shot of all
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. good tuesday morning. it's 4:52. get ready for a warm up. we are looking at plenty of sun. san jose, santa clara and for morgan hill and the south bay. the east bay mid-70s for concord, pleasant hill, check out antioch and brentwood, 80 degrees. this is just a start of our warm up for the week. around the bay 61 in san francisco, daley city topping out at 59, mid6o's alameda, oakland and for the north bay. 70's to even about 80 degrees in napa. good morning. 49er head coach kyle shanahan was asked if jimmy will still be a 49ers when the nfl draft comes to an end this weekend. >> i can't guarantee that anyone in the world will be alive sunday so i can't guarantee who will be on the roster. >> while we don't know his
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immediate future what we do know is on thursday the 49ers will draft his replacement with the third pick. likely it'll be either alabama's mack jones, justin field or trey lance but shanahan isn't tipping his hand. >> i do go to restaurants. i do go to my kid's soccer game. every person, whether it's a referee, umpire, another parent, everybody has a strong opinion. most people let me know. >> you think how about baseball. a giant's out fielder will be out the week with a strained oblique. last night the giants didn't need his bat or glove. check it out. strange things happen on the full moon like the giants breaking. bottom of the 2nd. san francisco up 6-0. bases
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juiced. maurico. that clears the bases. 9-0 giants. now 10-0. 6th inning, posey, two run blast over the center field wall. his 5th home run of the year. buster, four hits last night. anthony got a ton of run support. didn't need it. threw a complete game out shut out, three hits and nine strike outs. giants won 12-0 and are a 15-8. bob melvin ejected from the game in tampa for arguing a replay review. oakland 1-0. murphy, towering shot to left. a two run home run. a's take the lead. same score, bottom line. trying to close it out. rays get two on but flies out to end it. oakland ends 2-1. they are now 13-1 in the last 14 games. sharks with fans at the tank for the first time
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in over a year. they gave the 500 in attendance something to cheer about. gregor forces 17 seconds into the game. san jose up 4-0. third period it's now 4-3. sharks denied twice but -- scores his first career nhl goal making a 2-0 game and san jose wins 6-4 and they snap an eight game losing streak. there were 526 fans at the tank last night. that is the sell out. that's all the fans that were allowed in. fans are back at the tank. see you tonight. the time is now 4:56. bay area mass transit has taken a huge hit during the pandemic. >> next, what it could take to get back to prepandemic levels.
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and another pandemic milestone in the south bay. santa clara has so many vaccine doses that they are doing walk in appointments. we have a live report. and here is a live look outside as we head to break.
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today. mary, just how warm will it get >> depends on where you are. we are looking at those daytime highs on the rise for today. that will be the case actually over next w days. geready r e teatures, warming up for us. here is a live look with our roof camera of the moon. actually of the pink full moon there. pretty sight as we start off the day. we are in the 30's and 40's this morning. a cold start to the day. grab that jacket if you are heading out the door first thing this morning. we are looking at temperatures cool. at least along the coast in the mid50's. around the bay in the low to mid-60s's but check out inland. we are talking 70's to low 80's this afternoon. this is just the start of a big warm up for us as we head through the middle part of the week. on furcast just to show you all of that sun. let's check in with gianna for a look at traffic. we have one trouble spot.


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