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tv   KPIX 5 News at 5pm  CBS  April 24, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. > firsin heg our way since late march gets here tomorrow. we outline the details on that, coming right up. i'm john ramos in marin county, it is not easy to get vaccination because a lot of the barriers have come down. we will have that story coming up. joe biden becomes the first president to recognize the armenian genocide more than a century ago. the praise and the backlak foj saturday afternoon. >> we begin this evening with a live look outside over cast skies setting the stage for the first rainfall in weeks.
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darren peck is in the weather center with a first look at the week what we can forecast. >> how little rain we've had that we will start of our newscast tonight with this. you can see high def doppler has a little bit of rain up the coast because this is just the leading edge pick we have to take a look at the bigger picture. that is the main and of rain and that gets here for the bulk of tomorrow. really the first half of the day on sunday. this will be widespread rain for the entire bay area. when you look at the totals this is not a drenching but we are going to pick up perhaps close to about a quarter of an inch of rain and some of the heavier spots and closer to about a 10th of an inch of rain down in the southbay. take this into consideration for any plans you have for sunday. bay area wide to be on the roads because this will be enough rain to slow things down with the bulk of this coming between about sunrise and noon. it is not mean we won't see rain outside of that window but that is really the best bet.
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sunrise to about noon and in the southbay may be a few ntilu e what is tle later than will do for snow in the sierra apcertainly unexpectedfor the a bit. >> for continuing coverage on the dry conditions check out suddenly, there are no lines at least not at this site in marin county today. people who wanted to get the vaccine probably got it and now comes the challenge of e g out how verybody else. ag difficult wafor some people to get vaccinations but now a lot of places like marin county most of the barriers have come down. gone other long lines and the frustrating search for an appointment. at the marin county fairgrounds site in san rafael, they now
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have more vaccine than they do takers. appointments are still a good idea but even those who walk up without one can get vaccinated. >> anyone who maybe was frustrated by the online appointment hustle or did not want to have to wait in really long lines and let you know what, i would just wait until that is not a thing anymore, now is the time. >> reporter: it is point over 80% of marin residents have received one shot and more than half are fully vaccinated. that now includes, who will be happy to finally be out in the world again. >> now i have a feeling that we are getting back. you know, we are fighting and we are here, and things are happening. >> reporter: but now the challenge becomes getting the vaccine into people who either can't access the system or are hesitant to do it. >> i know that there are people who are reluctant, who believe that there is some reason not to do it. i think it's kind of silly.
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>> reporter: the are some people who just don't want the shot, but others can't easily get to the mass vaccination sites. for them the county is now doing outreach, setting up pop up clinics in their neighborhoods. >> it is providing bringing vaccine closer to those communities that may be come you know, accessing it is a barrier. >> reporter: the goal is to reach herd immunity where 80% of the population is fully immune from the disease pick at that point there won't be enough susceptible people for the virus to continue spreading. >> that's how we are going to be able to, as a community, find an end to covid-19's reach. >> reporter: in san rafael, john ramose, kpix5. in marin it could still take a few months for people to get both shots and then wait the required time for full immunity to kick in. after more than a week in limbo, johnson & johnson's va . the single shot vaccine.
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late yesterday the cdc and the fda announced they are lifting the pause in using the vaccine saying he was found to be safe and effective. millions of doses were placed on hold after a handful of women, most under the age of 50, developed a rare and dangerous type of blood clot. the cdc has so far identified 15 cases. three were fatal. >> i think that this pause conveyed that we are taking every one of these needle and the haystacks we find seriously and that we are really examining, scrutinizing the data that we are seeing. >> reporter: nationwide roughly one in four americans are fully vaccinated with more than 40% having received at least one dose of the vaccine. so what can you safely do want to fully vaccinated? check the list on our resource guide. san jose police investigating a shooting that left one presents life-
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threatening injuries pick what happened but 11:30 this morning when police responded to reports of a shooting at an apartment building on east franklin street. one person was seriously hurt. no word yet on any possible suspects or automotive. and one person died, another was hurt when their minivan ran through a guardrail. the van rolled down an embankment. one passenger was not wearing a seatbelt and was soon out of the van, and died at the hospital. the driver survived and was taken to the hospital. it is the third rollover crash in that area in just the past two weeks. crews responded to dell avenue just after 11:00 this morning were a fire forced authorities to close down the road from sunny oaks to hacienda avenues. a storage building and outbuilding were both up in flames. crews helped one person to safety, and got the fire under control about an hour. no one was injured and the cause is still under investigation. >> command was under arrest
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tonight, and undergoing a mental health evaluation, after allegedly firing 100 rifle rounds from inside his home. police say the suspect who was at his home on arroyo quarter he started shooting. few bullets even hit nearby homes but nobody was hurt. a live look now at the why it has of president biden today became the first u.s. president to recognize the massacre of armenians by the ottoman empire as genocide. previous presidents had marked april 24th which is armenian remembrance day but they had never before used the term genocide. historians estimate wanted to have million armenians died in the mass killings between 1915 and 1923. in a statement today president biden said, "over the decades armenian immigrants have enriched the united states but they have never forgotten the tragic history. we honor their story, we affirm the history." for hundreds of armenians in beverly hills following the
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president's announcement. they waived both armenian and american lags as they marked the somber anniversary. and meanwhile, armenian leaders marked the remembrance by layinghs at a memorial today, and in a tweet earlier, the country's prime ministers said the u.s. has once again demonstrated its unwavering commitment to protecting human rights. while turkey does not deny that many died in that era, the country has outright rejected the term genocide. the turkish foreign minister sent out a statement saying the country "entirely rejects the u.s. declaration which he said was based solely on populace him." still ahead on kpix5 and seeming streaming on cbsn bay area, the emotional and symbolic gathering to honor victims lost to violence. we are about 24 hours away from hollywood's biggest
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emergency planning for kids. so that's why it's important to make a plan with your parents. here are a few tips to stay safe. know how to get in touch with your family. write down phone numbers for your parents, siblings and neighbors. pick a place to meet your family if you are not together and can't go home.
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remind your parents to pack an emergency supply kit. making a plan might feel like homework, but it will help you and your family stay safe during an emergency.
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a huge funeral procession for the late rapper dmx took over brooklyn today. a monster truck carrying his casket drove through new york city while the street was jampacked with motorcycles and exotic cars blasting dmx music. his memorial close family and friends. the chart topping rapper died earlier this month after suffering a heart attack. homicides are skyrocketing
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in oakland, leaving dozens of families to deal with their grief and today some of those family members had a chance to honor their loved ones. they gathered this afternoon at the children's memorial statue. they signed balloons with the names of their loved ones lost to violence. they were allotted skyward. and the county district attorney nancy o'malley says it sends a powerful message. that is also an important message to keep their memory alive, to keep their names alive, so that we as a community never stop trying to stop the violence, especially against children. people don't often think about the voices or the names of children who have been killed. and they forget about it and so these memorials remind us that we have, we have an obligation to protect children. >> reporter: the oakland police chief also attended the event, marking national victims rights month. today as national prescription take-out day.
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there taking part in taking back unwanted, unused, or expired medications. it is happening at a time when a country is seeing a spike in deadly overdoses during the pandemic. of the dea is accepting tablets, capsules and patches but no liquids. the safe disposal is free and anonymous, no questions asked. participants don't even have to get out of their car. you can fill them away in the trash, that's bad for the environment and these are just things that have accumulated over the years that, they were prescribed, i'm not taking them, so it is good to get them out and get them safely disposed of. >> there were similar events in at least six cities. if you missed the event, many police departments will still accept your pharmaceuticals at the front desk. just call ahead to make sure. the oscars are tomorrow and all eyes on the red carpet before the show. reporter tawnya bach is introduces us to one organization showcase the
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fashion aspect. >> reporter: this is academy awards will have a different look because of the pandemic. but for one organization, the commitment to red carpet fashion and protecting the environment means the same. >> we try to do is make sustainability really fun. >> reporter: she is the ceo of red carpet green dress. a female lead organization started by his use the amos cameron, committed to driving change in the fashion industry by going green. according to the alliance for sustainable fashion, the fashion industry is the second biggest tumor of water and is responsible for 8 to 10% of global carbon emissions, more than all international flights in maritime shipping combined. when i think sustainability, especially when it comes to fashion, i don't necessarily formal. >> we showcase to perform the sustainability on the red carpet, from vegan, plant-based fashion across to vintage up cycled fashion. >> reporter: for more than 10 years the organization has
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challenged designers to create oscar worthy dresses with the environment in mind. the ethically custom-made gowns and tuxedos have been seen on --. this year they are teaming up with material innovators. this is an organization that has developed fibers that are biodegradable, vegan, that feel like silk, that are combustible, that have reduced greenhouse gases. >> reporter: their message will be clear. >> we are here to try to educate people and of anything, empower them. >> reporter: there hoping to turn the moment into a sustainable fashion movement. >> that would be a good idea for the first half of tomorrow.
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there is rain coming back and it has been a while. let's make sure nobody gets caught offguard. you might not get caught offguard if you just took a look outside. that is the view from the top of the sales force tower, looking over alcatraz, of jordan richards and bay, tin, anyoe. head toward green mountain or the marin headlands which would be over my right shoulder. so the clouds are low here, doesn't quite look that way everywhere. here is the view from the tri- valley and this is always a great comparison from one extreme to the other. we have clouds here as well. those higher clouds are the leading edge of the rain coming our way. right now everybody is pretty much at 60 degrees. there is our storm pick we see the clouds, driving our way. the water vapor really pulls out the dramatic clue. i mean, you couldn't miss that, so let's put that into the future cast. you can see the rain right in the center of that. as you play this forward is to give you the wide view right
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there. that gets us ahead to tomorrow morning at nine a.m. and you can see a well organized band of rain. that is the cold front. pretty much getting the whole bay area. let's get into the specifics. this is the 8:00 our tomorrow morning, and that is when that leading edge of rain has first started to impact the north bay, really think of this as sunrise, shortly after sunrise we will start to see the most noticeable rain start in the north bay, drag its way across the heart of the bay by the time we get to late morning, get down to the southbay by the time we've gotten into the early afternoon and then the stragglers will clear out by the time we get into late afternoon and the evening tomorrow. most of the rain coming for the first half of the day tomorrow. we get maybe a quarter of an inch of rain up here for the north bay in general, everybody pretty much in the same area but if we look at the southbay the numbers are far less. intentionally less than a 10th of an inch of rain down here, that is pretty difficult for the storms which peter out as the coast range, the east bay hills will kind of absorb a lot of the rain before they can get
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down to those spots. down in silicon valley, that would santa clara valley, all that is pretty typical. snow in the sierra perhaps as much as a foot falling on donner pass. most of this happened on sunday. and yes, the foot of snow on donner pass, highway 50, that is all included in this winter storm warning. that starts tonight, 11:00, does not expire until monday morning at 11:00. this is the one thing that could have the biggest impact on people's travel. that is enough snow to cause major headaches. aving the bay or more likely trying to get back home on a sunday over the sierra. a foot of unexpected snow will ruin some plans. people will get caught offguard by that. morning lows bring us back down to right around 50, daytime highs will be noticed the cooler, look inland. many places don't get out of the upper 50s with the system. it does have a cold front which means it will be breezy and
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cooler but the only day with rain. the rest of the forecast has a substantial warm-up by next week we will be back in the mid- 80s. sports update and i'm talking football, not the nfl variety. i'm talking actual football. you know what is soccer. tennessee earthquakes opened the door for the
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major league soccer up top. the weekend for the home crowd. san jose earthquakes gave it stands a show. the joint jump inc. and paypal park first time in a year, fans were in attendance against epstein, dallas, invest. it is christian espinosa and he will not miss these on a breakaway. a second half goal, it was two nail. check the moves by the kid.
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just 17 years old. the first goal for the year, san jose tweeted it stands to a 3-1 victory. the first win of the season. to take,, they will get home game on sunday with the sacramento kings. speaking of home official tally, 1935 members of dub nation insight chase center last night for the warriors went over denver. first home game of fans and 409 days. steph curry scored 32. together with a career-high tying of 19 assists from draymond green. also act ns back in the en wato get them a win, the first time back in what was it, 409 days or something like that? it's a long time. it sounded like way more than 1900 people, so that was definitely appreciated and much
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needed. the second half when you go on a run a kind of closer game, it was close to, not 19,000 but it was, it was meaningful. >> it was nice to see him last night. he suffered a concussion a week ago after this stumble in boston. no regard for his body, he needed 35 stitches, two so. i'll make that play 10 times out of 10. and the heat of the moment i want to win that game.'s though even though we lost, man, i will still make that play. i love this game. it is the best job in the world, i wouldn't trade it for anything pick of i had to end it all today, i would be happy with where i'm at and what i've accomplished in my life. i would be happy with the name i've made for myself thus far in the nba and just amongst my peers, so that is where i'm at i'm just happy to be here. >> after last night's game, he visited with klay thompson by
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the bench. the body language looked as if though thompson really misses not playing. who could blame him? he has not played in the game ú torn acl and torn achilles. when asked, curry declined to share with the two talked about. >> he had left display of fell through. this in new orleans, the best ball parents. met in anxiety, a few feet from the gator. here is cameron chapman 18. thankfully for cameron, he was able to play safe and stay safe with the shot. he is tied for second and his partner, tony. moved back to the 17th, can he putt? how about a fresca? he and charles swarts will lead the field that reood hi school giants volleyball, that season is now open for business, one of a handful of sports up and
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running. that is one game down, does for left for these outgoing seniors. >> volleyball has always been a happy place for me. and so having that element gone for my life was really hard. now can he get back just feels 10 times better because i realize how much i cared about the sport. >> we are all playing for each other, we are all in this together and we only have five shots to win five games. tampa bay bucs tight and drop gronkowski, number 48 in arizona returns to campus to make the guinness world book of records by catching a ball drop 600 feet from a helicopter, and he did it. 600 feet. that is two football fields. good one for gronk, making the guinness book of world records. >> there's no way i could do that. >> neither
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has estimate it was lightly
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bottled between 1763 and 1803. it will be auctioned off at the end of june for a 22 $40,000. we wi captioning sponsored by cbs captioning sponsored by cbs >> diaz: tonight, america's covid arsenal fully armed again. the one-shot johnson & johnson vaccine back in use after an 11- day pause. >> the american public should feel reassured. >> diaz: but now, there's a warning. also tonight, severe weather threat. tornadoes tear up parts of texas, while hail and rain swamp plus, seven north carolina sheriff's deputies are put on leave with questions mounting about another deadly shooting of a black man. >> shots fired. need e.m.s. >> there must be accountability. >> diaz: the dragon docks... >> welcome to i.s.s. we are so excited to have you aboard. >> diaz: a spacex crew arrives at the international space station, launched using recycled


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