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tv   KPIX 5 News at 5pm  CBS  April 19, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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by the end of the week almost 40,000 and the big sites, the large-scale site here at levi's stadium are doing a lot of the heavy lifting pick a health officials they they are just grateful finally to have the supply to meet the demand. >> we were like were not going to be fully vaccinated until, like, september or anything, right? >> reporter: a 40 years old, he feared by the time he wacc weight would be long and the supply short. he was pleasantly surprised to be wrong and eager to reconnect with family once he is fully vaccinated. the mckesson as we made our appointment i called her up. is not seen her in over a year. i called her up and i said mom, get a plane ticket for june, you're coming out here. >> reporter: last week they received 300,000 doses of the vaccine, straight from the federal government. he was the larger shipment to date, and basically erased the supply issues that had long slowed the rollout of the vaccine.'s
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>> we were frustrated for several weeks to be sitting and waiting and not having the vaccine to get the job done and now i think everyone feels very, very gratified in the work that they are doing every day. >> reporter: it couldn't come at a better time. the county's vaccination efforts were lagging behind much of the bay area. 50% of santa clara residents have been seat at least one shot but only 32% are fully vaccinated. a number that we need to double almost triple to return or, rather, return immunity. many found that having an appointment was not nearly as hard as he expected. >> because we were on the cusp of the 50 and above age range i was expecting, wait a few weeks or a month and then go after it. but it happened right away. so hopefully. >> does the county know how many doses they are getting this week from the feds and are they expecting these huge shipments like this every week? >> the county does not have an exact number yet, but they have
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300,000 doses last week. they were expecting a shipment of similar size this week. just to give you little bit of context, when you get that much vaccine in a single week this is what it enables you to do. as of thursday of last week they gave out almost 40,000 shots in a single day. you can just imagine that at that pace, how quickly they can get everybody the shots that they need. the other big story this evening, jurors weighing the fate of former minneapolis police officer charged in the death of george floyd. let's take a live look in minneapolis. that large group marching to the downtown area, demanding justice for floyd's family. michael george on today's closing arguments and unease over what happens next. >> reporter: the fate of derek chauvin is now in the hands of a jury. the entire nation will be watching the outcome and many say the criminal justice system self is on trial here. >> the truth of the matter is, that the reason george floyd is
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dead is because chauvin heart was too small. >> reporter: they implored the jury to find derek chauvin guilty. >> use your common sense. believe your eyes. what you saw, you saw. >> reporter: the state set the former minneapolis police officer chose pride over policing when he pinned george floyd down last may. >> the kind of ego-based pride, the defendant was not going to be told what to do. i submit to you that the state doubt. the defense argues that he died of underlying heart diseases and drug use, and said his actions in context were reasonable. >> it ignores the previous 16 minutes and 59 seconds. a reasonable police officer would in fact take into consideration the previous 16 and 59 seconds.
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>> reporter: 3000 national guard troops are stationed throughout the city, and already, tensions are inflamed after the death of 20-year-old dante right at the hands of police in a nearby suburb just last week. >> i hear those concerns who fear for their businesses and their homes. we need to provide the security and we are prepared to do so but also we want to hear, i hear those decrying their inability to protest and what they believe is heavy. >> reporter: the floyd family joined activists in a prayer vigil. >> so many people stepped up in this city, standing up for george, for what is right. >> reporter: he faces charges of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second degree manslaughter. he took off his master during closing argument for only the second time during l. if convicted of the most serious charge, he faces up to 40 years behind bars. the jury is sequestered right now and they have to reach a
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unanimous verdict on each of the charges. in minneapolis, michael george, kpix5. looking back outside downtown minneapolis, you see that large group of people because they are protesting, marching for justice in the george floyd case. cries for police reform are reaching the state legislature. coming up, a look at the closely watched proposals on the table here in california. and ken bastida. one of the biggest school districts in the east bay, on the road to recovery now. oakland unified just reached a tentative deal for full in- person instruction for the fall. this comes as thousands of oakland students return to the classroom today. we stopped by montero middle school to see the first day back. >> i will not have kids with me, it's been a year and a half. >> in oakland, 3rd to 6th graders are allowed back on campus and it is a big day for these first time middle schoolers at montero middle
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school. >> i'm like, they will be changing classes, they will have a gym locker, they will have a locker. oh, my god, are they going to be able to keep up? >> reporter: it is those challenges that she anticipated, so the lesson plan begins with a reintroduction to in person learning itself. >> a lot of tours of the school, a lot of getting to know you, a lot of restorative justice circles. it will be a feeling of this is what it's like to be back at school and hopefully in a week or two we can get into the business of doing schooling as usual. >> reporter: there joiningpre- k through second grade who went back march 30th and teachers will get a $2000 stipend for going back as well. and students will have a whole series of changes in safety protocols to deal with. it won't be back to school as we knew it, but it still is back to school. >> i'm looking forward and they are so looking forward to this. it has been crazy.
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jumping ahead, as for next school year, the tentative agreement would have all students returning to classrooms on august 9th. it now needs to be ratified by the union and the school board. back to you. thousands of students in the southbay also return to the classroom today. evergreen school district welcomed about half of their students back for in person learning. in this is what it looked like at in san jose. students will be on campus four days per week, the rest of the district including third through sixth graders will return next monday. meanwhile, high ol stts grades 10 thugh to beeley ued y.n ancischool rough from kindergarten through fifth grade. a fresh in fremont parents are protesting right now. they want the district to reopen schools by next week. or they will sue. maria medina is live with more on their message.
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>> reporter: it is not returning to the classroom anytime soon, these parents are holding up signs, blow horns. they are chanting, open up schools and these are some of the parents out here today. they've got a deadline for the district. they will file a lawsuit. some more here today hired a law firm in southern california that help to other parents put pressure on schools there to reopen. here in fremont the teachers union made demands to reopen schools but those talks fell apart recently. some felt the union demanded too much and that would affect his students in the middle of the district ultimately deciding they would stay at home and not adopt a hybrid schedule like many other nearby districts. here's a parents told us just a few minutes ago. >> i support it, actually. have not signed up for it yet but i think whatever means necessary here. i'm not sure if they can do it
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between themselves. >> i'm not involved but i'm saying advocacy, that is why i'm here, i'm advocating for my own children to return, for all of my students that deserve the opportunity to return to the classroom, to learn in person, to socialize and engage with others. >> reporter: some demands included a stipend for teachers for working more hours during a hybrid schedule and right now there are no plans for a hybrid or in person schedule for this summer or fall. the disparity. thank you. a live look toward marin county which could announce tomorrow it is moving into the less restrictive yellow tier. the first bay area county to reach yellow since the winter search. now in that yellow tier the bars would be allowed to open indoors at 25%. breweries, movie theaters, places of worship, they could operate at 50% while indoor dining would stay at 50% capacity pick another changes would take effect on wednesday.
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it all comes as california is covid-19 positivity rate has dropped to 1.4%. the lowest levels in the pandemic began. all americans ages 16 and older are eligible for the coronavirus tax lien. most states include in california actually eat that target early. today the cdc confirmed that fewer than thousand people have gotten covid after being fully vaccinated. so far no patients have died or become severely ill. the cdc directors says that is a sign the vaccines are working as intended. which he also cautioned that with the amount of fire is still circulating in the country, people still need to take precautions like wearing a mask. >> this is an interplay between how many people are vaccinated and how much disease is out there and while we're making it urinary strides, we still have an exordinaou of s what we need to consider here. >> this weekend, he hinted that the recommendations on facemask
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may change as more americans get vaccinated. meantime the decision on the single-dose johnson & johnson vaccine could come this week. it was paused following at least six rare case is of blood clots. the cdc advisory committee will meet friday to discuss the j&j vaccine. dr. fauci suggested it could return with some sort of warning or restriction. the sun breaking through after a gray morning, cooler start our week. after all of the dry weather, maybe we are looking ahead to some rain. >> we are finally looking ahead to chance of rain in the forecast. it has been exactly a month since the last rain event in the bay area. it won't happen the next couple of days but down the line the 6 to 10 day outlook for the climate prediction center that takes us in the first half of next week shows a significant chance of above average precipitation around the bay area and basically any precipitation in late april puts us above average so there is a rain chance down the line.
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we get into which days will bring us that best chance and maybe how much will be looking at coming up in the full forecast. still ahead, from a 49ers title to an incredible comeback. veteran quarterback alex smith makes a major announcement about his football future. history made on mars. how a four pound helicopter pulled off a groundbreaking feet on the red planet. trash piling up
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it was when she started forgetting things. i didn't know how much mom was struggling. i love caring for him. but i can't do it alone anymore. home care with an entire support team. with thekey, mom won't have to move. they'd play her favorite music, cook her favorite foods... his days will be filled with joyful moments. she'd have her dignity and i wouldn't have to do this by myself.
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need better sleep? try nature's bounty sleep 3 a unique tri layer supplement, that calms you helps you fall a sleep faster and stay a sleep longer. great sleep comes naturally with sleep 3 only from nature's bounty even with a helmet on, you know he has not played for the 49ers since 2012. but he is forever linked to the organization. he retired today after 16 years in the nfl. >> dennis o'donnell joins us now with a look back at his career and how it connects to the current team.
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>> the 49ers are expected to take a quarterback with a third overall pick in next week's draft. so how is this for everything now coming full circle? the last time the 49ers elected a quarterback in the first round? it was alex smith. >> with the first lecture in the 2005 nfl draft, the san francisco 49ers select alex smith. quarterback, utah. >> they chose smith over eryn rogers. >> how does it feel to go to work for an organization with names like montana, young, garcia. is there a certain amount of pressure? >> i think it is exciting. i think it will motivate me to continue the legacy of those quarterbacks. >> it was a rocky beginning in san francisco. he dealt with a shoulder injury, lost his starting job and clashed with the head coach. >> i don't believe his shoulder is any in but sore. >> i have more to prove than
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ever. >> reporter: we learned that what we know now, never count him out. his career took off under jim harbaugh and he let the 49ers to an nfc title game. he would lose his starting job again the following season to colin kaepernick, and was traded to the chiefs in 2013. >> i made it very clear that i wanted to play, i did not want to sit there and is not ready to be a backup. >> reporter: he played five seasons with kansas city and was selected to three bowls but again found himself out of a job. this time the chiefs young first round pick, patrick mahomes. >> the way he went about his business of being a pros pro, a great quarterback and also a great human being, he taught me a ton. >> so it was off to washington where everything changed on november 18th, 2018. >> that is skin for my thyroid there. >> reporter: he suffered a broken leg that required 17th surgeries and nearly cost him his life.
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he came all the way back and proved he could still get the job done. >> i'm so appreciative of so much and so thankful to be here. >> he helped leave washington to the playoffs and walks away on his own terms. >> i want to take a little time to enjoy a few of those walks with my wife and my kids have no idea what is coming for them in the backyard. >> as you might expect, there was an outpouring of support. the 49ers ceo said alex will always be part of the 49ers family. >> he's got a heart of a champion. we enjoyed watching him play. in san francisco, fences are now surrounding a section of golden gate park known as he beheld. for the second year in a row the city is banning people from gathering in the area for for 20. that is the unofficial celebration of all things marijuana. chopper five flew over the park just hours ago.
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today the city installed these tall fences to keep people out. san francisco rec park says despite the city making good progress in the fight against covid, it still cannot allow large crowd of events just yet. in indoor grill may be responsible for this large house fire in oakland. video from citizen app showing a big cloud of smoke that could be seen from all over. fire crews say to them about 30 minutes to get this out. nobody was hurt. it is unclear just how much damage was done. cal fire crews busy this evening in mendocino county pick of the so-called turnout fire burning between ukiah and boonville now covers 185 acres. last check it was 20% contained. the video from overnight and these pictures are shown fire crews working in the steep rugged terrain access to that fire pretty difficult, also. let's get to paul because glad we got a little rain in the forecast because it is dry.
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>> abnormally dry already at this point in the season so just a little bit of rain, it's not going to raise the rainfall deficit but it certainly would help. what they need is the wind to die down. you guys at the upper right- hand corner of the screen, temperatures are around 80 degrees but in the higher terrain with that fire is located, temperatures have been in the upper 60s and low 70s. the humidity is low, 25 to 30% and the wind is still gusty. they will remain gusty as we head into this evening and overnight though they should relax somewhat. fire crews will take anyone, any lighter winds that decides to show itself. it is still pretty far down the line come in the forecast that will get to the rest of the work week dry, outside chance of a sprinkle may be moving in ahead of schedule, already on saturday. it is likely in the and into sunday night will bring us that next good chance of rain. and well over a month, it has been a dry stretch of whether for the first two thirds of
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april but maybe we can cracked that as we head into the second half of the weekend. looking north, a little bit of see hayes out there. temperatures all over the place. upper 60s in san jose and livermore and concord, got up close to 80 degrees today. they did hit 80 degrees with temperatures were all over the place but in general cooler than yesterday. quite a bit cooler than yesterday things to that strong onshore breeze. even close to 15 degrees off of sunday's pace but of course sunday was exceptionally warm for this time of year. strong onshore wind is going to be with us as we head into the rest of tonight. does relax slightly but it is going to be a noticeable breeze to start the day on tuesday. it does die down somewhat as we had toward noon but then picks back up during the afternoon and the stronger shbreeze will push the cooler air even farther inland so well temperatures around the bay and along the coast will be very similar to what we had today, farther inland they will take another step back closer to
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normal for this time of year but because the wind will been elevated to the night, the fog is not going to be as thick. they will be cloud cover still as we head into the early hours of tuesday morning but it will be a little above ground level, sitting right on the ground in most spots and it should dissipate pretty quickly. by late morning, unobstructed his abilities in most locations, plenty of sunshine as we head to into the afternoon to try to warm up temperatures because of the wins. they are not drop quite as much as they did for most of last week. mid to upper 40s and low 50s by tomorrow morning, it will start air mass. a little cooler inland, but not bad at all. oakland and fremont reaching up to the mid-60s, for the north bay, mid-70s, santa rosa, santa clara valley little bit cooler. highs th safrancisco and along the coast,ther y of high temperatures in the 50s and you can get used to that pick a couple of degrees warmer of deg
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well but all these temperatures are pretty close to average and we cool off for the first half of the weekend and the first time in a while we do have a couple of rain icons in the forecast sunday, maybe even lingering into early monday morning. we talk about potential amounts even though it is very early to get that details. we are getting excited about the rain chance already. coming up, it is being called the 21st century wright brothers moment. what it took to pull off a historic flight on mars. inside the chaos on crew ships in the early days of the pandemic, a chaotic plan that puts passeng where can a healthier heart lead you? it may lead to a world of possibilities. entresto is now approved for more patients with chronic heart failure. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema,
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low blood pressure kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about prescription entresto.
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it is being compared to the wright brothers first flight in north carolina. they pulled off the first controlled flight on another planet. chris martinez on the helicopter flight on mars.
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>> reporter: it lasted just 39 seconds, but that is all it took to make history as the first helicopter to fly on another planet. a four pound ingenuity spun up its rotors and rose into the thin air above mars. the images reach the earth, the nasa team knew it had accomplished a breakthrough. >> to see it finally happened on mars, find it exactly the way he imagined it, it is just a really incredible feeling. the flight was incredible, he delivered the $85 million helicopter to mars earlier this year. >> reporter: the ingenuity's onboard camera system snapped its own photo as it hovered 10 feet above mars, showing a clear image of its shadow on the plan dusty surface. the elated project manager ripped up her contingency plan which he prepared in case the mission failed.
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the ingenuity took six years to build, just 19 inches tall and had to be light enough to lift off in the thin atmosphere but sturdy enough to stand the extreme weather. >> it is a whole new kind of exploration, and will build on the success to see how we can deploy this capability on future mars missions. >> reporter: engineers compared to the wright brothers first flight more than 100 years ago at kitty hawk and even attached a bit of fabric to the helicopter from the 1903 wright flight fire. chris martinez, cbs2 news, los angeles. >> there planning up to five more flights. they want to chest the capabilities. neighbors have been fed up with the illegal dumping problem for years, but has the city been tough enough? just ahead, the new idea that aims to really hurt violators in the pocketbook. a woman killed while
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skydiving. new information on what went wrong at a northern california facility with a long history of accidents. the bombshell
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and i could just be her daughter again. you are watching kpix5 news at 5:30. right now on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, more local news at 5:30. a bombshell new report on the glaring failures that helped
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covid spread on crew ships. get another death at a notorious northern california skydiving center. new information on what went wrong. first, fighting back. the bay area city considering harsher fines for people who jump trash. good evening, i was with cook. >> and alan martin. san jose has a trash problem. ramirez has the new plan to crack down on the illegal dumping. >> the city of san jose has tried for years to solve the problem of illegal dumping including fencing off some of the historical hotspots but nothing has really worked. now they are taking a new approach to hit even first-time offenders hard in the pocketbook. a walk down an otherwise pleasant street in san jose might take you past one of these, an impromptu junkyard spilling onto the sidewalk with a couple of broken down appliances, a soil sofa set, and mattresses. >> we have an uned


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