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tv   The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  CBS  April 14, 2021 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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news continues streaming on cbsn bay area. have a great night , captioning sponsored by cbs >> artist and entrepreneur unveiling his own high-tech face mask. it has three fans, along with a high-efficiency filter, plus bluetooth so you can connect it to your phone. the mask also has noise-cancelling audio, a mic, and l.e.d. lights. xupermask-- that's what i'm going to call it-- launches for $300. >> oh, hello. i'm bjorn umlaut mendelshone. when i heard that the man who wrote "my humps" wanted to enter the medical equipment industry, i said boom-bomb-pow. mr. i.m's pitch was simple-- how do we make something that is very expensive but that would also be almost immediately obsolete?
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introducing xupermask. and that's xuper with an "x" because it's xtra xpensive. the xupermask uses state-of-the-art bandanna technology, combined with elements that don't have any health benefits whatsoever-- l.e.d. lights, bluetooth connectivity, so now you can sync your chin and utilities allowing you to adjust your thermostat with your face. the xupermask also comes equipped with noise-cancelling headphones, which dampens all outside sound, like people shouting, "hey, why are you still wearing that stupid $300 mask when you can get a free vaccine!" the xupermask by xafe and xtylish. let's get it started. and coming soon, surround-sound pandemic gloves. >> announcer: it's "a late show with stephen colbert." tonight: war and peace out. plus stephen welcomes
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willie geist and maria bakalova featuring jon batiste and stay human. and now, live on tape from the ed sullivan theater office building in new york city, it's stephen colbert! >> stephen: hey, everybody, welcome! welcome to "a late show." i'm your host, stephen colbert. i gotta tell you, the feelings are strong. the feelings are strong tonight. i don't know how you are feeling. but i guess the word is historic. this is an historic day. because this afternoon, president biden announced he will withdraw all u.s. forces from afghanistan by september 11, 2021, ending america's longest war-- even longer than the never-ending cupcake wars. a quagmire of ganache. the war in afghanistan has been going on for almost 20 years. to put that another way, this war is too old to date matt gaetz. 20 years is a long time. those are 17th-century european numbers.
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thaniscontessad of war you fight rteyour propoto uni the kingdoms and eloped with the duke of saxony. to further put the war into perspective, the war started in october 2001. this is what billie eilish looked like then. it's been going on so long that the first "iron man" movie opens with tony stark in afghanistan. this conflict is older than the marvel cinematic universe. it is an "infinity war," with no endgame. "ant-man and the wasp." i was a correspondent on "the daily show" when the war started. jimmy, can we show the people what i looked like back then? haven't aged a day. right, chris? >> right is there note a day. >> not a day. >> stephen: that's how you be an executive producer. this war has taught us all kinds of things, like where's tora bora? or kandahar? what's helmand province? is that where they grow opium or
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mayonnaise? we got to learn about ashraf ghani, the mother of all bombs, and hamid karzai's hat. we learned the rules to buzkashi. that's a real sport that can best be described as "polo with a goat carcass." also, best only described. the cost? a tragic loss of human life and a duffel bag of your cash they called "ghost money," because spending $2 trillion with no clear definition of victory is pretty spooky. biden has wanted the war to end for a while. when he was v.p., joe was the most senior dissenting voice against a surge in afghanistan back in 2008 and 2009. this war has been going on so long, biden has been trying to get the troops out since he was just "regular" old. now he's "mountain dew baja blast extreme" old. through the whole thing, our troops have always fulfilled their mission, even when washington couldn't clearly define what that mission was.
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but as the war dragged on the news stations stopped talking about it, despite the fact that 2400 service members gave their lives, the ongoing war in afghanistan received not even a mention at the presidential debates. but how can you expect the ground war in asia compete with windmill cancers. toddler who will not go big-boy potty, lindsey graham. >> afghanistan is going to deteriorate pretty rapidly. al qaeda and isis are going to come back. he's paving the way for another 95. >> stephen: maybe lindsey is right. maybe we have to stay there or there will be chaos. look at these scenes from afghanistan right after biden made the announcements. nope, those are lindsey's
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friends. and biden had an answer for the "let's stay there" crowd: >> so when will it be the right moment to leave? one more year? two more years? ten more years? i am now the fourth united states president to preside over american troop presence in afghanistan-- two republicans, two democrats. i will not pass this responsibility on to a fifth. >> stephen: looks like you're off the hook, president "the rock" johnson. this war has stayed with the through four white house occupants with nothing changing. when i bought my first house, i was getting a tour from the guy who had owned it since the early 60s, and down in the basement, there was this door leaning against the wall of the utility room. i said, "oh, what does this go to?" and the old man looked at it and replied, "i don't know. it was there when we moved in." the war in afghanistan is that door, leaning against a wall, if
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that door cost us $2 trillion well, joe biden has decided it's time to shut that door to nowhere. now, i'm sure there's a lot more to say about this, but i'm not going to spend any more time on it. like joe biden, this monologue is going to get out of afghanistan, because we got our own home-grown terrorists we're trying to deal with. a new report says the capitol police were told to hold back on their riot response on jan 6, despite being tipped that "congress itself is the target." this report is from the inspector general, michael a. bolton. bolton is scheduled to appear before congress on thursday, but we have a preview of his testimony: ♪ when a mob storms the congress. ♪ they spread poop on pelosi's shellllf." the department of homeland security warned the capitol police that it had found a map of the capitol complex's tunnel system posted on the ex-president's message boards.
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yeah, criminals always go over detailed schematics for the things they're not planning to attack. it's like that scene in "star wars": >> the target area is only two meters wide. it's a small thermal exhaust port right below the main port. but forget all that. let's go near the deathstar and do a peaceful protest. >> stephen: despite knowing that the threat was real and urgent, officers were instructed by their leaders not to use their most aggressive tactics to hold off the mob. of course, it was just an attack on the capitol, not a routine traffic stop. the report also says that some of the shields that officers were equipped with during the riot "shattered upon impact" because they had been improperly stored in a trailer that was not climate controlled. so in washington, d.c., in january, they have a shield that works as long as it doesn't get too cold? we haven't seen this level of negligence by officials since florida announced their snowman lifeguard initiative.
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some officers couldn't even get the benefit of exploding shields because when the riot started, the civil disturbance unit attempted to access the bus to distribute the shields but were unable because the door was locked. "uhh, uhhh, should i lock the capitol or the bus? the senators might be in trouble, but at least these shields made of peanut brittle are safe." house speaker nancy pelosi spoke out about the riot-- specifically, the idea that she was a target of violence, saying, "well, i'm pretty tough. i'm a street fighter," that's true. nancy is always my go-to character in "street fighter." ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the motion is defeated! >> stephen: the news keeps getting more disturbing/ more entertaining about florida congressman matt gaetz,
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seen here saying, "i can take one of you girls backstage to meet selena gomez." i'll catch you up on the latest in tonight's installment of "gaetz-gaete"! >> hop in baby. we're going to class. >> stephen: this morning, we learned that gaetz attended champagne-fueled sex parties with other g.o.p. officials. i've never been so torn in my life. i want there to be a sex tape, but i don't want to dig out my own eyes with a grapefruit spoon. these weren't your workaday champagne intercourse shindigs. they were house parties in a gated community in suburban orlando. is matt gaetz a congressman or a high school senior? "you gotta come to my house after prom! mark's brother got us the good stuff. we're talkin raspberry mike's hard, a premium box of chardonnay with a bird on it, and a beer that can only be described as milwaukee's 'best.'" according to two women who attended the parties, upon arriving, they were asked to put away their cellphones, because the men did not want the
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night's activities documented. to which the women replied, "it's sex with matt gaetz. neither do we." one attendee said that gaetz acted like a frat-type of party boy. what frat would that be? im'-a tappa minah? beta getta lawya? gonna go-ta jail-a? she also reported that gaetz was taking pills she believed were recreational drugs. and partygoers say they shared drugs like cocaine and ecstasy. and some had sex, adding that gaetz liked to discuss politics. wow, how did the girls like that? "wow, congressman. that's long a story. mark meadows did what? and then what did jim jordan say? o, god, what was the safe word? pumpkin patch! pumpkin patch!" another attendee at these parties was the guy gaetz described as his "wing man," former florida tax collector and man who thinks he knows the strippers' real names, joel greenberg. greenberg is currently in federal custody on 33 counts of financial and sexual crimes,
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including sex trafficking. now, you might think this is bad for gaetz, but it's even worse, because we just learned greenberg has been cooperating with the feds against gaetz since last year. and keep in mind last year was five years ago whole time, the feds should expect a venmo payment any day now because gaetz is ( bleep )ed. and we know greenberg threw his because last winter, federal agents seized gaetz's iphone. on the bright side, that just gives gaetz another thing in common with his dates. "hey madison, i just lost my phone privileges, too!" but despite how grim things are getting for gaetz, his colleagues in the g.o.p. aren't worried. said one anonymous republican, it's just hearsay. if you had multiple 17-year-olds coming out and saying, 'he paid me to travel with him,' i think that it would be different." wait, it has to be "multiple" 17-year-olds? what's the logic there? "you can't trust just "one"
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teenage girl. her brain's all mixed up from sieg matt gaetz naked. we've got a great show for you tonight-- allegedly. he allegedly has a penis. my guests are willie geist and actress maria bakalova. but when we come back, i inject you with some news about the vaccine. stick around. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. ♪
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you're into your shows, right? the office. now you can be really into your shows with xfinity. find your favorites with just your voice. there is no fire. it was only a simulation! what?! dwight. manuel wins another one! get live sports on the go. he's stealing my scene. and if you have xfinity internet, flex is included. so your entertainment starts at free. so go on, get really into your shows. you need lotion. xfinity. it's a way better way to watch. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody, welcome back. let's say hello to mr. jon batiste. did you like my scatting there, jon? did you like my scatting? ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jon: i love it. >> stephen: i just-- i just
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grufd to some batiste. you know who else does? al roker. have you seen the foot annual of al roker dancing? >> jon: he was going off. i loved it. >> stephen: he does have the moves. >> jon: yeah, yeah. al can move and he can sing. he's a talented guy, man! >> stephen: i did not know that. he should sing the weather report some time. >> jon: yeah, that would be entertaining. >> stephen: do you have anything else al might want to hear? do you have anything that might get his feet moving? >> jon: oh, snap, let's see. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> stephen: that's for you, al? thank you, jon. jon batiste, everybody. >> jon: yeah, al. >> stephen: folks, lately, we've been seeing some light at the end of the tunnel on this pandemic. but while we're in the tunnel,
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we still have to keep our foot on the gas, because thanks to all these new variants, we are still experiencing "70,000 new coronavirus cases per day, a level in line with the summer 2020 surge." i can't go back to summer 2020! murder hornets! wiping down my groceries! i refuse to live in a pre-"bridgerton" america! we should put his butt up there. nice butt. there you go! now, some of the worst infection rates are in michigan, where governor gretchen whitmer released the state's emergency reserve of sports metaphors: >> we can't let up now, not when we're so close. however you want to think about it: bases loaded, bottom of the ninth, second overtime, shot clock running out, fourth down on the two-yard line with five seconds left in the fourth quarter. we cannot afford to strike out, miss the shot, or fumble the ball now. >> ste we need to hail mary the puck to the back nine, or else the shortstop might drive through the paint to jai alai, the bocce ball through the wicket, and we won't get covid under
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controooooooooooool! catch the snitch! yahtzee! that's why it's so critical that people get vaccinated. and, thankfully, they are. and i'll tell you all about it in tonight's episode of "the vax-scene." ( to the tune of "the nutcracker" ) ♪ we are the vaccine. get your shot right now in your arm. ♪ it won't hurt. then go hug your mom. ♪ get your shot. hug your mom. ♪ get your shot. hug your mom! >> stephen: one of the most hopeful things i've heard during this pandemic is that this saturday, the united states administered 4.6 million vaccine doses, a new single-day record. but there's a little hitch with the johnson & johnson vaccine. the c.d.c. has paused administering it because of a very low risk of blood clots. but the pause probably won't
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last long. as dr. fauci said, "it's going to be more like days to weeks, rather than weeks to months." excuse me, dr. fauci. we're in a pandemic. we don't measure time in days and months anymore. do you mean the time between showers or time between seasons of "the crown?" be precise. this is science! one of the unfortunate fact is that all of the known cases of blood clotting have affected a single group: women ages 18-48-- a.k.a., women matt gaetz isn't into. the idea that these blood clots might be affecting only women is troubling. here to talk more about it is my writer and board-certified woman, eliana kwartler. eliana, thanks for being here. >> thank you, steve. >> stephen: what do you make of this blood clot news? >> well, as a woman aged 18-48, i'm upset! >> stephen: because the j&j vaccine could be dangerous for you. >> no! because i didn't know something i put in my body could be this safe. the risk of clotting is only one
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in a million? do you know what the risk of clotting is for my birth control? one in 1,000, steve. other side effects include headaches, cramping, and still maybe getting pregnant anyway. ooh, j&j. see me shake? that's a side effect of the birth control. >> stephen: so are you saying women shouldn't be worried about the vaccine? >> i'm saying we don't have room for more worries. part of my shower routine is a self breast exam. if i fall asleep with a tampon in, i could lose my leg. i mean, where was all this urgency from the c.d.c. when i was being told to vajazzle, steve? >> stephen: i hesitate to ask. what is vajazzling? >> i don't feel comfortable explaining it to you. you should google it on a non-work device. >> stephen: got it. okay. but i assume that there's some additional worry about something
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injected into your body. >> you mean botulism, steve? every three months? into my face? >> stephen: wait, eliana, you do botox? how old are you? >> 18-48. >> stephen: okay. >> the point is the benefits of getting a covid vaccine far outweigh the risk. we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. but if people get scared into not getting the vaccine, we could backslide. it's terrifying. look how concerned i am. >> stephen: eliana, you don't look concerned at all. >> thank you, botox! >> stephen: eliana kwartler, everybody! we'll be right back with willie geist. i think he's had a little. i think he's had a little. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ the things, you say ♪ ♪ your purple prose just gives you away ♪ ♪ the things, you say you're unbelievable. oh! ♪
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applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. dig in for just $8.99. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ lots of vitamins a and c irresist-a-bowls are back. and only 45 calories a serving. good morning, indeed. v8. the original plant-powered drink. veg up. so, uh, yeah, just a silly mistake. i guess i look pretty... ridiculous. [ chuckles ] no one looks ridiculous, bob. progressive is always here for you with round-the-clock service. just so you know, next time, you can submit a claim with our mobile app. good. thanks again for -- for rushing over. are you kidding? this is what 24/7 protection looks like. okay. -you smell like fish. -sorry. i was talking to jamie. my psoriatic arthritis pain? -you smell like fish. -sorry. i had enough! it's not getting in my way. joint pain, swelling, tenderness...much better.
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my psoriasis, clearer... cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis look and feel better with cosentyx. cosentyx works fast for results that can last. it treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, like joint pain and tenderness, back pain, and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine, or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i just look and feel better. i got real relief with cosentyx. watch me! feel real relief. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. this california family is on the job helping our state's recovery. you see by keeping their vacation in california
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they're supporting our local businesses and communities. so you could say every juice box enjoyed on our beaches is also bringing nourishment to our state's economy. that's the taste of recovery. calling all californians. keep your vacation here and help our state get back to work. and please travel responsibly.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, everybody, welcome back to "a late show." he is the host of "sunday today with willie geist" and a co-host of "morning joe." please welcome back to "a late show, willie geist! hey, willie, good to see you again. >> great to see you. i'm sure you'll drop in the rousing ovation in post. >> stephen: 100%. we'll have confetti coming down. it's going to be great. it's nice to see you. we've talked before on the show. you've been on the show before but i usually associate you with charitable events. the people at home may not know this, but willie geist is very giving of his time for well-meaning charitys. i see you backstage all the time. you're the next guy going on to give a speech forsing money you're a very nicrson. i ink that's why we see each other, whether a veteran's group, if we have a little bit
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of a platform, it's the nice thing to do. >> stephen: i'm there for the open bar. >> i suspected. >> stephen: congratulations on five years of "sunday today." i assume it has flown, especially the last year. >> yeah, it's been-- it's been wild. it really has. it's this mix of we're doing the news for the first half hour. so we're consumed with coronavirus and the trump years and all those things. and then we turn to sort of become a magazine show in the second half. it's actually a nice balance that has kept me sane the last several years. >> stephen: you do something that's great but looks exhausting to me as someone who gets to speak to interesting people all the time. you do it on location. that's a lot more effort. >> it is. but i think it's better -- >> stephen: you just said you're better than i am! >> no, no, no. >> stephen: this is what i do! this is what i do! it's better! but go ahead. >> i came here to announce that it's better, stephen. >> stephen: good. >> it's just much better.
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>> stephen: let's talk about some of the good people you talk to. you go ahead and i'll get the photos ready. >> by "better" i think the guests can be more comfortable in the world than the artifacts of the tv interview. >> stephen: that's you fly fishing with dave letterman in 2019. what did you guys catch? >> what's funny is dave scouted that stream up in westchester for a full week before our interview because he was so intent on catching fish. we go through all the trouble. we get in. and we have a crew of six guys stomping through the water scaring the fish. i think he was furious we didn't catch the fish. >> stephen: it was the crew's fault. you hear that, crew, over at "sunday today" willie threw you under the bus. >> it's important to blame the crew. >> stephen: my maj strg knows that. it's always your fault. al pacino. >> that is al pacino.
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last year we were driving around beverly hills in a drop-top '74 cadillac eldorado which is a surreal moment. when you grow up watching "scarface" and "the godfather," people like pacino live on a different planet. >> stephen: any times you have been totally out of your element? >> yeah, i mean, so there are good things about going out in the world, and sometimes things that make you slightly uncomfortable. like not just this interview, for example. but tracy morgan, we were at his house. ey invited us over. very generous mean has a big beautiful place, all kind of stuff going on. we sat down to do the interview inside tracy's house. the office where we were seated it is an exact replica of don corleone's office from "the god father." >> stephen: look at that. >> there is, stephen, an emmy, an oscar, and a heisman trophy
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in tracy morgan's case. and i said, "tracy, what is going on over there?" and he said to me, "willie, this is america. money talks." which i think means he bought someone's heisman's trophy from them. i'm not clear on that. he holds the heisman's trophy. after we talked, we walked around outside. he wanted to show me his automobile collection. and he said, willie, did you know lamborghini makes an s.u.v.?" a family friendly s.u.v., taking kid to soccer and stuff like that. we come around the corner, lambeau is not there. he asks the staff, is it at a car wash, getting detailed? nobody can find it. he said, "willie, call the cops. somebody stole my lambeau. i'm doing an interview, and his lambeau has been stolen. we call the police, i'm the guy, having just met him, waving the cops down in the street. "sir, is this your home in? i looked up at the palace, and i
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said, "oh, this? no, no, i'm just here interviewing tracy," which was more confusing. and they traced it down. and it turned out his lambeau had indeed been stolen. so it was an eventful day with tracy. >> stephen: you pitch a lot of stories in tennessee. i don't know why. i don't know where this question is going. why do you pitch a lot of stories? you went to vander bill, right. >> i did. it's a great town, music, food, all the things happening in nashville. i think i have been through anyone who ever picked up a guitar and played country music. i was like we have to get down there. and it's got to be a three-day shoot, the full story. and i'm down to busker's on lower broadways and guys doing hank williams and alan jackson covers. i'm like this guy is going to be big. i should go down a week and investigate. >> stephen: do you play the guitar? do you play an instrument? >> no, my son does. my daughter plays the guitar, my
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son plays the drum s. >> stephen: you have been performing from home-- yo prm i perrm. wh do yo d what do you call it-- broadcasting. you have been broadcasting from home for the entire covid experience, right? >> most of it. nbc came out and put a studio, literally, in our garage. so we're out in the garage doing interviews. and my son's drums also are in the garage. so we're literally booking studio timeagainst each other. and he's gotten to the point where he wants to know how big a star it is. because i tape the sunday interviews in there, too. and he says, "i've got drums with mr. pierce today at four." and i said, "buddy, i have dwayne johnson at 4:30." and he said, "you win that one, dad am. >> stephen: you mean future president johnson. >> that's right. we talked about that when i interviewed him. i know you have been talking about it on your show. >> stephen: i have my opinion. what do you think? i definitely think he could win. >> i definitely think he could
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win. when i asked him about it, in fairness to him, he sort of understands the absurdity of the idea, and his position is if a bunch of people are telling me it's possible i will consider it. i'll look at polls, but i'm not going to do it as some vanity project. i think he's smart enough to understand maybe it's not the best thing for the country to continue on the role of celebrity presidents. >> stephen: now, are you also-- you are a cohost of coffee joe morning with mika and the brew crew. ( laughter ). >> that's a radio show before the tv show. >> stephen: there's video? because i only listen it to when i'm on the treadmill. i didn't know there was an actual video component to that. they were way ahead of you, both joe and mika were way ahead of you broadcasting from home. did they know something you didn't? >> pioneers. joe will tell you he's a pioneer. he's been broadcasting from the garage literally for whers, which i think the w.h.o. should look into what he knew and when he knew it.
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how did he know to go into the bunker three years before we did. >> stephen: speaking of diseases-- have you heard his band? >> the independent council of funk? come on. they've been on your show, my man. >> stephen: we're editing out you saying that. that is a source of shame. have you been to the monkey house. is that your favorite joe song welcome to the monkey house. >> i have been to many shows-- have you seen the band? have you seen the group of musicians he put together? they're actually quite good. and i think you should give it another listen. >> stephen: i don't think so. let's talk about something serious here for a second. marijuana has been legalized in new york, okay. >> yup. >> stephen: who would you rather get high with-- mika or joe? >> oh, i love how you said, "let's get serious for a second here." i was anticipating something different. but i'm going to go joe on this one, and here's why. joe can do deep dives on all the things you talk about when
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you're high. i'm told. which is music -- >> stephen: you went to vanderbilt, buddy! nice try! >> music, sports, history, philosophy. he's incredibly well read. we can sit around and rip bongs all night. >> stephen: he's really well read in that he knows how to read or he read books. >> no, that's all the man does. trust me, he can pull out the guitar, too, late night. >> stephen: please, have you seen the scene in "animal house" where belushi goes... yeah, yeah. >> you're not a violent man. i'm going to go joe. but i think mika would be good. she's got a lot of animals, they'd come out and it would get a little weird. >> stephen: she rides. >> she has cats, she has chickens. >> stephen: speak of cats, i want to talk about cats for a second here-- >> speaking of cats. >> stephen: were you turker carlson's producer? >> i was. >> stephen: for the show "tucker" on msnbc. >> i was. when i was hired as a freelancer
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at msnbc-- i had been working on a sports show on fox sportsnet that was canceled, got a job as a freelancer on msnbc, and they just hired tucker, and by the way, that was the first time i ever was on tv was tucker said-- i was producing the show. tucker said, "what if the last three minute, the end piece of the show, willie and i just come out and shoot the breeze about whatever is going on? that was the first time i was ever on television and that was tucker carlson's idea. >> stephen: was it your idea to have the cat circus on the show? phent played thethe cat cir cat circus the other day. i can't wipe away the cat circus from my mind. >> they moved to us live p.m. on cable news, and we had a cat circus. it was bizarre. this is a strange thing to remember. but i remember how the people running the cat circus smelled. >> stephen: willie, they're
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telling me to wrap here. what am i going to do? you're a professional. you know i have to go. >> just throw me off the show. sometimes it has to be done. >> stephen: get out, geist! "sunday today" airs sunday mornings on nbc. the man is willie geist. a lovely man. his son plays the drums. we'll be right back with oscar- nominated star of the latest borat movie, maria bakalova. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> stephen: hey, welcome back, everybody. my next guest is an oscar-nominated actress you know from her role as tutar in "borat subsequent moviefilm." ♪ ♪ ♪ >> stephen: please welcome to "a late show," maria bakalova! maria, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you for having me here,
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and thank you for this wonderful, heartwarming scene that almost made me cry. thank you. >> stephen: now, where are we talking to you in the world right now? are you in the states or are you overseas? >> i'm about to leave soon. >> stephen: you have to come to the united states because, congratulations on your oscar nomination. that is wonderful. >> thank you gli can't imagine-- this is your first film, yes? >> it is my first international film, yup. >> stephen: okay, so, when we had sachao back in october, wen the film came out, he said if maria doesn't win an oscar for this performance, then i don't know what the academy is for. i want to get to the performance. i want to get to your experience creating the movie. but, first, what was it like working with sacha? had you-- were you familiar with his work before this? >> i have been familiar with sacha's work more as a dramatic actor because i watched from les
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miserably." it was the year i auditioned for "borat and the spy" which was brilliant and sacha was brilliant in it. and how great he is as a dramatic actor as well. but i for some reason missed borat and the whole production there. i was pretty sure he is one of the best dramatic actors. and then i found out that he's a genius in the comedy world in the satire world, actually. so it was quite crazy. and it's been actually super inspirational. because he's one of the smartest people that i've ever met. and he's been the greatest mentor that every actor can dream for. because he's like your guardian angel on set, in front of the camera and behind the camera. so it's been amazing. i want to be like him. he's like a hero in a borat costume. >> stephen: wow. you know what, he has to be your guardian angel because he actually puts you in some in dangerous situations which we'll
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get to in just a moment. you need a guardian angel when you're shooting with sacha baron cohen. i think he need a guardian angel, too. >> he needs it. that's why i'm saying he is a super hero in a bor attend the oscars? are you going to come? >> i'm going to come, and i'm super excited because i've been watching the oscars ever since i was 15, 16, on a small tv-- actually, not so fall, from the big ones in bulgaria, around 3:30, 4:30 a.m. and now it's beyond my imagination that i'm going to be in person with all these inspirational people, creators. it's just insane. >> stephen: so you watched it in the middle of the night before there because of the time difference? is that what the idea is? >> yes. >> stephen: who is your date? do you have a date? >> i think i'm gog have a date, but my biggest point is i'm going to try to enjoy all of the other nominees there.
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my date probably is going to be somebody from my agent who have been my u.s. family, and i'm excited to be with some of them. >> stephen: the most infamous scene in the movie-- or maybe not the most infamous, but one of the most famous scenes in the movie is with you alone with rudy giuliani. and i got-- we've got you and your character tutar there-- i'll hold this photo up right there. that's you. i interviewed him, and this is in your room, next door to the room where you interviewed him, and he claims to be tucking in his pants. did you think that moment would get as much attention as it did? ( sighs ) i knew it was going to be something that people will pay attention for sure. because ever since i joined the project, i made a commitment that i'm going to meet some politician, somebody that is going to be wor fous, and i was going to be able to do it.
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and the producer asked me, and sacha himself. and i was like yes, sure, let's do it. not thinking about the reaction of the world. when i had the scene, i knew that something is going in one correction, what is going to be. and when i saw it with my eyes on screen, i was oh, god. >> stephen: was that a scary-- was that a scary scene to do? because you guys were alone? >> for sure, it's been the scariest. i don't know, maybe the white house was scary in the same... but it was scary because i was alone. thankfully, sacha was there in the same room hiding in the closet. but with two -- battery on his phone, and i was like is he going to make it on time? >> stephen: we have to take a quick break, but when we come back, i'll ask maria about sneaking into the white house. she did it. ♪ ♪ ♪
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house. no need for security checks or covid test. >> you take care of yourself. thank you. ( applause ) >> i'm a little bit nervous. >> thank you very much,a3 appreciate it. good to see you. >> why all the fake journalists for the left and none on the right? >> stephen: how-- how did you pull that off? how did you get into the white house? >> oh, god, i was freaking out. i was shaking. i was scared. i had a number of a lawyer written on my leg. >> stephen: why written on your leg? >> because i was without my phone, without anything. and if i make it from here, i'm going to be so grateful to the universe and sosacha and the whole team. because you you go into the white house without security team because they have special sources, or what is the word. and you're literally going there alone. and it was extremely scary. but i made it with my passport
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and my name. and i got there. and it was interesting. it was beautiful. not everyone was wearing masks, and it was a week before all of this horrible event that was with a lot of covid cases. >> stephen: i'm glad you were safe. thank you so much for being here. congratulations again. good luck, and have fun at the oscars. thanks, maria. >> thank you. >> stephen: "borat subsequent moviefilm" is available now on amazon prime! maria bakalova, everybody! we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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late show." you're anything to want to stick around for james cordon because his guest is mr. jon batiste. good night. ♪ ♪ ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh captioning sponsored by cbs ♪ the late late show, oh, oh ♪ the "late, late show." ♪ the "late, late show." ♪ whooo. ♪ the "late, late show." ♪ is it's "late, late show."
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♪ it's "late, l


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