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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  April 14, 2021 3:42am-4:00am PDT

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>> in this worst moment i try to give the best of myself to the other people. >> reporter: marcos desantos works for the non-profit hands of maria that delivers about 3,000 lunches here every day. >> it's the responsibility of the government that don't take care of the people. >> reporter: so the government yo feel has not taken care of the people here? >> no. >> reporter: president jair bolsonaro has been criticized for blatantly ignoring science and refusing calls for lockdowns. here in sao paolo some restrictions were actually lifted on monday, allowing sports games to resume without crowds and food pickup at bars and restaurants. consider this. last week one out of every four covid-related deaths worldwide happened here in brazil. cemetery workers now turn soil around the clock. the burials are happening one right after the other. in the short time we've been here we've watched seven
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families say good-bye to their loved ones. and this is their only chance to say good-bye because funerals are not allowed due to the pandemic. lurival panosi heads brazil's association of funeral directors. he tells me covid has overwhelmed the health care system. so even people who could get treatment for heart disease may not get it and unfortunately end up becoming another death? it is pain compounded by fear that things won't soon get better. brazil is also facing troubles on the vaccine front. this no the health ministry here cut its expectations for vaccine deliveries in half amid problems at both of the nation's production labs. >> our thanks to manny bojorquez in brazil. on capitol hill a bipartisan effort is under way to help military service members who say toxic burn pits made them sick. more than 3 million u.s. veterans may have come into contact with the dangerous fumes while serving at overseas bases
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where waste ignited by jet fuel burned in giant pits. kris van cleave has this important story. >> reporter: think of these burn pits as basically giant dumpster fires spewing toxic fumes. they've been linked to some cancers and other ailments like lung issues. but right now the v.a. requires a veteran to prove a link between an illness and burn pit exposure. that can mean paying out of pocket for blood tests and doctors. and advocates say even then the vast majority of claims are denied. this new legislation would change that. >> when you sign up and join the military you are told you will be taken care of. you are told if you go over -- sorry. i just need a minute. >> reporter: jen howard is only speaking out because of her husband jason wanted their story told. has your husband been taken care of? >> by organizations that help vets, yes. by the v.a. system? no. >> reporter: a marine veteran, jason did two tours in iraq. while there his wife says he
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worried about exposure to toxic fumes from pits where trash was burned. >> they burned pretty much everything. they couldn't necessarily read what all of the chemicals were because it was in i guess arabic. they just said it was smoke, fire, burning waste, burning human waste, burning chemical waste. >> reporter: within months doctors found the source. glioblastoma, the same terminal brain cancer that killed president biden's son, beau, who spent a year serving in iraq. then candidate biden brought up the issue of burn pits at a 2019 town hall. >> because of his exposure to burn pits -- and mind you, i can't prove it yet. he came back with stage 4 glioblastoma. >> reporter: at least 230 burn pits were used at bases in iraq and afghanistan. one of the largest, balad air base where a ten-acre trash heap was burning 24 hours a day seven days a week. in 2015 an inspector general report called it indefensible that u.s. military personnel who are already at risk fighting
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overseas were put at further risk from the use of open-air burn pits. >> i kept saying my husband is going to die before you even give him a yes or a no. >> reporter: to get help from the v.a. jason howard and other suffering veterans have to first provide a direct service connection between their ailments and burn pit exposure. jason's paperwork is still being reviewed. >> it should not be left to veterans to dig in their own pockets, to do their own research, to hire their own lawyers to prove they were exposed. >> reporter: new legislation from new york senator kirsten gillibrand would make the process easier, requiring a veteran to prove only they were deployed in an area where burn pits were used in order to qualify for help from the va. >> if you get any of these diseases, any of these cancer that's are known to be linked with the kind of toxins that are emitted, that you are presumptively covered and you will receive the health care benefits that you've earned. >> reporter: her bill has bipartisan support. republican senator marco rubio is a co-sponsor. >> no more bureaucratic studies. no more bureaucratic red tape.
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>> reporter: and it has some star power attached too. >> the worst case scenario is that we grant health care to a veteran suffering a terrible disease. >> reporter: jon stewart joined the cause two years ago, seeing parallels in his battle to create permanent benefits for 9/11 first responders. >> this is the true cost of war. don't make the veterans pay for your budgeting error. if you didn't put this into the total price, that's on you. not on the families. not on the veterans. that's on the government. >> reporter: what is your message to lawmakers? because they've listened to you in the past. >> congress is a wonderful place to wave a flag. well, you can't just say we support the troops and then abandon them when the troops need support. >> reporter: the howards hope with this legislation the next family in their situation won't spend their last days together battling the veterans
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administration. >> come on. >> reporter: president biden has said he wants to see this addressed. senator gillibrand hopes to get a vote on it this year. the v.a. declined comment on pending legislation but pointed to ongoing burn pit research. the agency also has a burn pit registry. more than 200,000 veterans and service members have already signed up. but that does not guarantee them coverage. >> kris van cleave on do you struggle with occasional nerve aches, weakness or discomfort in your hands or feet? introducing nervive nerve relief from the world's number 1 selling nerve care company. as we age, natural changes to our nerves occur which can lead to occasional discomfort. nervive contains b complex vitamins that nourish nerves, build nerve insulation and enhance nerve communication. and, alpha-lipoic acid, which relieves occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. live your life with less nerve discomfort with nervive nerve relief.
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from e-mail to social media many of us live a large part of our lives online. and most people have no plan for what to do with their digital legacy when they die. michelle miller has the story. >> here we are. ♪ when i see your face ♪ >> reporter: from the thrilling to the mediocre, we snap, share, and store the memories of our lives by the thousands. ♪ just the way you are ♪ how many pictures or videos would you say are on your phone right now? >> oh, gosh. when i was looking the other day for something, yeah, i have at least 13,000 photos on my phone and probably a few hundred videos. >> reporter: and jennifer sarto who lost most of her childhood photos in a house fire is on a mission to archive them. for her daughter's generation and beyond. >> the reality is that many of
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the digital possessions, if you will, or digital artifacts of our life, they're not physical objects anymore. they're in the cloud. they're stored in our devices. they're contained within other companies' storage. >> reporter: tech journalist daniel sieberg co-authored "digital legacy," a new book that details preserving and protecting your online afterlife. beyond just those images. what digital data do you think is important to preserve? >> really everything. >> reporter: and she's turning to good trust, an online company that stores and manages her cloud data. including her social media, financial documents, and will. call it digital estate planning. >> it just feels really good, and i want to be able to share that and keep it alive. even long after i'm gone. >> reporter: because she's a veteran jennifer won't pay for good trust's $70 a year service for a decade.
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>> so we want to be a force of good to giving to people who served us. >> reporter: recar steiber is good trust's ceo and also co-authored "digital legacy." >> my father passed away beginning of last year and then i had some good friends dying in covid. so i kind of unfortunately got into this whole thing to sort of figure out what happened to people's digital accounts when you pass away. >> reporter: deciding what's worth passing on and unlocking all of that data stored in the cloud is a challenge. consider this. there are 500,000 tweets every minute. 500 million active daily users on instagram. and 1.8 billion people active on facebook every day. and that's just the people living. >> i went online and i tagged someone who's now dead. and their account was still alive. >> what we estimate is on average about 30,000 people are dying on facebook on a daily
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basis. and some people might want to keep their profiles active in some way. >> reporter: social media sites have varying rules for preserving or deleting accounts. facebook allows users to appoint a legacy contact to maintain the account of someone who's died. and while it isn't explicitly stated on their website, twitter does allow those with log-in and password information to continue posting on behalf of a deceased user in perpetuity. >> in some cases you may be required to have a court order. in other cases you may need power of attorney. >> reporter: all the more reason, says daniel sieberg, to have a plan for what makes up your physical and digital world. >> we're now absolutely intertwined between the analog physical world and the digital virtual world. there's no going back. >> reporter: we're all in. >> we're all in. whether we are absolutely comfortable with it or ready for it or not, we are now moving
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into this braver new world together. and it is time for us to think about what anybody's digital le cy means.
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how do you repay someone who's given you a new leash on life? how about returning the favor? steve hartman found this story of best friends on the road. >> reporter: the ramapo bergen animal refuge in new jersey is a shelter of last resort. megan brinster runs the place. >> our purpose is really to take the ones that don't have anywhere else to go. and that was sadie. >> reporter: sadie was a big german shepherd, nearly 100 pounds. and she wasn't great with men. which is why three other shelters turned her away and why brian meyers -- >> good girl.
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>> reporter: -- adopted her. >> i thought let me give this dog a chance because she's beautiful and i think i can work through her issues. >> reporter: so at the time you thought you were rescuing her. >> yes. absolutely. >> reporter: little did he know, he was saving his savior. >> i was very lucky to have her on the night that i had the stroke. as soon as i stood up here, i fell straight down. >> reporter: brian lives alone. >> and my cell phone was over there. >> reporter: so sadie was his only hope. >> and that's when i grabbed her collar and she pulled me out of this little space here. >> reporter: pulled him all the way across the room to his phone. >> as far as i know, she's never been trained as a service dog or anything. >> reporter: how do you explain this? >> i can't. >> you're so peat. >> reporter: megan thinks she can. she says rescue dogs are often incredibly loyal. >> when you have a dog who has lost something, all the dogs that come here have lost a family, a person, or they never quite had that.
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so when they make that connection you really become their world. >> good girl. >> reporter: brian says sadie does constantly track him. and obviously she was at her post that night he needed her most. >> okay. >> reporter: brian was rushed here to englewood health in englewood, new jersey. he spent a couple weeks in treatment and rehab. and just before his release he got a visitor. a very grateful visitor. >> she just immediately jumped on me and was kissing my face. knocked my glasses and my mask off. i just thought, i love this dog. >> reporter: and you don't need to be dr. doolittle to hear sadie reply, "i love you too." steve hartman on the road. >> good girl. >> reporter: in teaneck, new jersey. >> this is her favorite spot. >> and that's the "cbs overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back later for "cbs this morning." and follow us online anytime at reporting for the nation's
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capital i'm ed o'keefe. it's wednesday, april 14th, 2021. this is the "cbs morning news." pressing pause. a major setback for the johnson & johnson vaccine as the u.s. recommends pausing the use of the single-shot dose. another night of unrest. more protests in the minneapolis area following a police shooting of duante wright. what we could learn about the officer who fired the fatal shot. i felt that derek chauvin was justified -- >> a witness in derek chauvin's murder trial defends his restraint of george floyd. what the cross-examination what the cross-examination revealed. captioning funded by cbs good morning.


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