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tv   CBS This Morning Saturday  CBS  April 10, 2021 4:00am-6:01am PDT

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narrator: today, on "pet vet dream team," a suspicious lump above kahoo's eye has dr. lewis concerned. dr. lewis: there is a real possibility that it could be a malignant cancer. narrator: then... dr. alex: look at that. narrator: ...dr. alex has to find out what's wrong with new mom, princess. dr. alexex: it just wasn't on our radar. we're gonna need to do something pretty quickly. narrator: no matter their sisize, shape, o or species, sometimes animals need a helping human hand.
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it's safe and why it's more dangerous to get covid-19. with more than a fifth of adults fully vaccinated, why cases are still rising. an under water mystery. what's making sea lions horribly sick including many with cancer? scientist say it's because of what's in these barrels buried deep in the ocean water. first, we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> a decorated naval officer, a dedicated philanthropist, and a constant in the life of queen elizabeth ii. >> reporter: the outpouring of grief of the loss of prince philip, longtime patriarch. >> prince philip's always been there. >> he made us laugh. he was brilliant. he was a great man. >> reporter: the chief medical examiner taking the stand in the murder trial of derek chauvin. >> did law enforcement subdual restraint and neck impression more than floyd could take by
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virtue of heart conditions. more than one in three americans have at least one covid shot and more than one in five are fully vaccinated. >> reporter: the house ethics committee opening an investigation. >> know this, they aren't really coming for me. they're coming for you. i'm just in the way. >> reporter: a volcano erupts on st. vincent. the ash column rose 20,000 feet into the sky. all that will -- >> in disneyland, the park is getting ready for a super opening. the new "avengers" campus set to dy because there summer. >> reporter: an unusual sighting? n san francisco. >> they've got four on that -- >> i'm saying a for effort. >> i agree. and all that matters -- >> reporter: round two of the masters. see who everyone is talking about after shattering his putter in frustration. >> bam, look at that. slams the putter into the ground. >> my guy, you're within three of the lead of the masters. you might need the putter. we're going to have to use the 3
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wood. on "cbs this morning saturday." >> joe musgrave comes home to the padre and does something they've been waiting five decades for. >> long ball to shorestop -- first -- the san diego padres get their first no hitter in the history of the franchise! it belongs to san diego's own joe musgrove! sending the faithful into a frenzy. this morning's "eye opener" is presented by progressive -- making it easy to bundle bundle insurance. >> i think i can still hear major garrett screaming -- boy, our one -- our one padre fan that i know of. >> first in the franchise? >> first ever. i can't believe that was the first no-hitter in padres history. from a hometown boy, incredible story. congrats, major garrett. congrats all padres. welcome to the weekend,d, i jeff glolor with danana jacobsod michellele miller.. thisis morning w we're goingng e yoyou into the deepep. in fact, w we'll takee you alonn
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the d deepest shipwreckk dive i humann hihistory. you'll get the detailsls on wha it discovevered a and why the lr of the expedition became very emotional. then on social media, we post and post and post, but what happens to it a all when w we c postst anymymore? we'll t take a fascinating lookt preserving your digital after life for future generations. then we will journey to the red planet as nasa prepares to do something that was first done on earth over a century ago -- flying a powered aircraft above the planet's surface. we'll preview the mission that hopes to make the wright brothers proud. then we will go to philadelphia for one of the best thai restaurants in the country. but you will not be served the popular pad thai in this place. we'll explain why and see the colorful and incredible dishes served up by james beard nominee nok suntaranon. that and so much more is ahead. first, remembering britain's prince philip. a gun salute which is expected to last for 40 minutes just got under way across the united
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kingdom. n trib in tribute to the prince who died at age 99. prince philip is known for his devotion to queen elizabeth, wife of 37 years, and guiding the changes through a moder world. flags have been lowered to half staff in the uk. funeral plans are expected to be announced today. charlie d'agata is out windsor castle with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. people have been told to stay away from windsor castle, but they've been gather flooding small numbers in -- gathering in small numbers in honor of his death and in remembrance of his life. [ bell ] the tenor bell tolled 99 times at westminster abbey. from pick deli circus to half-staffed flags at sydney harbor, across the country and around the world they paid tribute to a prince who was much more than just the queen's
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right-hand man. >> we give thanks as a nation and a kingdom for the extraordinary life and work of prince philip, duke of edinborough. >> we send our condolences to her majesty, queen elizabeth ii, on the loss of prince philip. he was a heck of a guy. >> reporter: reflecing on her father's life, prince charles called his career as consort an extraordinary achievement. >> his energy was astonishing in support suppor supporting her, doing it such a long time. >> reporter: the patron or president of 800 organizations, the duke kept up his royal duties until the age of 95 when he decided to step back. >> i reckon i've done my bits. i want to enjoy myself for a bit now. with less responsibility, less
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frantic rushing about, less preparation, less trying to think of something to say. but on top of that, memory's going. i can't remember names. yes, i'm winding down. >> reporter: but his spirit never wound down. the queen called philip her stay and her strength, her rock. if it's lonely at the top, today will be lowlier still. in keeping with philip's wishes, there will be no lying in state, no state funeral due to covid restrictions, as service that 800 would have attended will instead only have 30. he famously never wanted to make a fuss, and there will be precious little of that in the days ahead. prince harry and meghan paid tribute to prince philip on their website saying thank you for your service, you'll be greatly missed. it's widely expected that prince harry will attend the funeral. ads for meghan, she's heavily
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pregnant, so that is unclear. there has been no comment from the couple. jeff? >> charlie, thank you so much. family members of george floyd are expected to testify early next week for the prosecution as the derek chauvin murder trial enters its third week in minneapolis. that's the word of an attorney for the floyd family. it follows friday's testimony from the hennepin county chief medical examiner who performed the autopsy to determine the cause of floyd's death. jamie yuccas reports. >> reporter: the medical examiner who performed the autopsy on george floyd took the stand. dr. andrew baker told jurors that while heart disease and drugs played a role, it was the interaction with police that caused floyd's death. >> the law enforcement restraint and neck compression was more than he could take. >> reporter: on the death certificate, dr. baker listed the drugs found in floyd's system and heart ailments as contributing conditions, not causes. >> mr. floyd's use of fentanyl
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did not cause the subdual or neck restraint. his heart disease did not cause the subdual or the neck restraint. >> reporter: during cross-examination, the defense continued to focus on floyd's drug use. >> you're aware also of the methamphetamine found in mr. floyd's system? >> yes. i'm not an expert in the specific toxicologist. methamphetamine is not good for a damaged heart. >> this was not a sudden death. >> reporter: forensic pathologist expert lindsey thomas is a former medical examiner who trained baker. she testified floyd died from as fixia or low oxygen, terms not mentioned in baker's autopsy report. >> the activities of the law enforcement officers resulted in mr. floyd's death. >> reporter: meanwhile, minneapolis residents are following the trial closely. >> yeah, you can just -- >> reporter: pastor edrin williams has been listening to the concerns of his predominantly black neighborhood. >> absolutely afraid that if a
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-- a guilty verdict or some sort of technicality is used to keep the officer from facing responsibility for this that we'll see worse than what we saw last summer. >> reporter: the trial is moving quicker than originally thought, so the prosecution is now expected to rest its case early next week. all eyes will then turn to the defense and whether or not chauvin will testify. for "cbs this morning saturday," jamie yuccas, minneapolis. for more now on this week's testimony and what's ahead in the chauvin trial, we're joined by cbs news legal analyst rikki klieman. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's start here -- week one wrapped with expert testimony from the prosecution. many of whom, those witnesses on the stand were law enforcement, focusing on use of force. how effective was they? >> if you look at week one, we had all of the emotional anguished testimony of the
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bystanders. week two was expert witness week. and it followed the the two potential defenses in this case. the defense led in its opening statement by saying that the cause of death was not from derek chauvin's knee upon the neck of george floyd, but was due to heart disease complicated by drug use. the other defense had to do with the fact of excessive force with the defense saying, no, no, no, what he did was not excessive, i was within the training, and that is why those two defenses are so important. so what does the prosecution do? it leads with the training issue. and they had witness after witness who was there to give powerful and yet detached testimony not as emotional but certainly full of fervor about what derek chauvin did as being outside the training, clearly unnecessary, and ultimately
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excessive force. >> how damning is police testimony in a indicates like this? some -- case like this? >> some have said there were too many use of force experts called. do you agree? >> look, in are only too many experts called on a subject if the trial runs long. so these jurors were promised a trial that they would be seated as jurors for three to four weeks. if the case ends within three or four weeks, which is what i fully expect, nothing is going to be held against the prosecution for having multiple witnesses. each witness offered a little bit more. when you have the chief of police, that exceptional testimony that we ordinarily don't see, from someone who talks about values, talks about ethics, that has to be mighty powerful, indeed. this is the chief for these jurors. he is certainly an admirable figure. >> the other part of the case that you mentioned was that medical testimony which we also
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saw. how damning was that testimony, as well, and how does the defense go about countering it? >> to say the prosecution had a good week is my understatement of the morning. they had an exceptionally good week. and why, because they had witnesses who were highly qualified and were very clear about their opinions. when you have a pulmonologist like dr. tobin come in and literally have a dialogue almost with this jury in the sense that he had them do demonstrations when he asked them to touch their necks and to feel certain parts of their body, most of the jurors did it. he had diagrams. he had animation. we was a mesmerizing witness. to come to the horrendous conclusion that it was oxygen deprivation by the weight of derek chauvin on the back and on the neck of george floyd, and that no one could have survived
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the kind of weight. and then when you have two wonderful witnesses as pathologists who are virtually unimpeachable in dr. thomas and the medical examiner, dr. baker, who are clear that george floyd would not have died if he did not have this intervention from law enforcement. they had a great week. the defense has its work cut out for it for next week. >> we appreciate the insight. thank you. this morning there are flew concerns about the johnson & johnson vaccine after georgia temporarily shut down a site when people there suffered adverse reactions to their covid-19 shot. side effects and adverse reactions to the vaccine were reported this week in north carolina and colorado. more than one in three americans or just over 114 million people have received at least one covid shot. more than 68 million people or about 200% of adults in the u.s., are fully vaccinated.
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ininfec infection rates are on the rise. michael george is here with more. michael, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. if you look at the numbers of fully vaccinated, the u.s. isn't even one-third of the way to herd immunity, but some estimates putting the percentage who need to be vaccinated at higher than 85%. so the country is at an important juncture -- cases are on the rise, but so are the number of people being vaccinated. children are now in the spotlight in the coronavirus battle. pfizer wants to extend its vaccination to those as young as 12 years old and has asked the fda for authorization to do that. the request comes as children are believed to be central to the latest increase in cases. >> in is concern about transmission in youth sports, both club sports as well as sports affiliated in schools. >> reporter: in michigan, leading the number of cases per day this week, the governor called for a two-week pause on children's sports along with
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indoor dining. >> lives depend on it. michigan is unquestionably a national hot spot right now. >> reporter: in new york -- >> two, one -- >> reporter: coney island ceremoniously roped. >> you can't feel new york city, you can't understand new york city unless you come to coney island. >> reporter: and amid high-profile vaccinations, this one with new jersey's governoro phil murphphy --- [ applauause ] -- thehere are reports of miniscscule percentatages of ae reactions. each of the three major vaccine producers have reported a remarkably low, .1% of recipients had side effects. as schools aim to reopen, the cdc emphasized yesterday that its safety guidelines need to be followed. >> we have not yet seen evidence of significant transmission of covid-19 within schools when schools have fully implemented cdc's mitigation guidance. >> reporter: where we are in this fight varies depending on
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what part of the country you're in. with michigan withdrawing from opening to the mayor of seattle declaring friday we're finally getting to the other end of the crisis. michelle? >> thank you. damage assessment teams are expected in mississippi after a suspected tornado barrelled through the area last night. tornado warnings sounded as the rotating clouds lit up the sky about 25 miles east of jackson and outside of shreveport, louisiana, one person was killed when high winds toppled a tree on to a home. meteorologist jeff berardelli is tracking the nation's weather. tell us what's going on. >> reporter: good morning. good morning, everyone. it was a rough night across the southeast last night. 350 storm reports since yesterday. some tennis ball and baseball-sized hail. your windshield does not stand a chance against hail that big. today the threat is going to be straight-line wind damage, gusts 60, 70 miles per hour along the gulf coast from north east toward panama city, pensacola,
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and eventually toward tallahassee and the tampa bay area, as well. you can see the line kind of making its way toward the south. now the bigger threat to the north is going to be rain and lots of it in the ohio valley and the great lakes. look at that rain in detroit. in ohio and all the way west into chicago and iowa. now it's a completely separate story and it's becoming routine in the west. about half of the west covered under extreme or exceptional drought. soil moisture content is the lowest it has been in 120 years. due mostly to human-caused climate change. as we head through the next several days because we're not seeing that routine, dependable rain anymore, as you can see, not much at all in the deep southwest. that means we have to prepare for a very tough fire season ahead. >> feels like it just ended, too. thank you very much. president biden wants to greatly expand his domestic plans, and they come with a big price tag. he's seeking a $1.5 trillion package for his administration's 2022 budget while giving the military only a small increase,
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something republicans have already challenged. christina ruffini is at the white house with more. christina, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dana. you know, presidential budgets are rarely adopted by congress. think of them more as guidelines, a roadmap of where they would like the spending to go. what was unfailed this week was not a -- unveiled this week was not a full budget but a preview of the blockbuster budget to come this year. the trailer is already causing some controversy. >> i sent to congress my funding priorities for the appropriations process. >> reporter: president biden's priority list is growing, and it isn't chief. in addition to the nearly $2 trillion stimulus bill passed in march and a $2 trillion infrastructure plan, the white house yesterday unveiled pieces of its $1.5 trillion spending plan. a preview of his fiscal 2022 budget. the proposal includes an increase of $118 billion for nonmilitary discretionary spending, money to fight things like climate change, global health crisis including
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pandemics, education, and foreign aid to combat corruption and reduce poverty in the central american countries fueling the migration crises at the southern border. >> i look forward to advancing these and other priorities. i think we're going to be able, i'm hoping we'll have bipartisan support across the board. >> reporter: as for military spending, it suggests a modest bump of 1.7%, far less than the previous increases under the trump administration. >> we believe it provides a robust funding level for the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security. >> reporter: in a joint statement with other republicans, minority leader mitch mcconnell said without more money for the military america will lose its edge over strategic competitor china. talk is cheap, it reads, but defending our country is not. also pricey -- fixing the country's crumbling infrastructure. >> i have yet to talk to anybody who -- including in conversations with republicans -- who is against the idea of a big investment in
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infrastructure. >> reporter: republicans say that bill is too expensive and object to the president's proposal to raise corporate tax rates to defray the cost. >> most of the dialogue we're having is around how we're going to pay for it. >> reporter: and as if republicans in the white house didn't have enough to argue about, this week the president launched a commission to study potential supreme court reforms. that includes term limits and what's referred to as core packing or adding an additional ju justice. there is no set number of jurors in the constitution, but it's stayed at nine since after the civil war. jeff? >> thank you. tributes are pouring in for the man once known as the most popular rapper on the planet. grammy nominated hip-hop pioneer dmx, real name earl simmons, died after suffering a heart attack earlier this month. ♪ stop drop shut 'em down oh no ♪ >> that is a portion of the "rough riders" anthem. his distinctively gruff voice
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and thoughtful messages and rhymes launched five number-one albums in the late 1990s and early 2000s. dmx was also an actor but found himself stifled by legal battles and drug addiction. funeral plans have not yet been announced. dmx was 50 years old. it's about 22 minutes after the hour. here's a look at the weather for your weekend. ♪ perfect the sound of silence. some cheered when former president trump was banned from major social media platforms. others called it censorship and an assault on free speech. we'll look at the questions raised of who should police the internet. plus, some nasa vehicles have traveled for millions of
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miles. on sunday this one will fly just a few feet, but that will be enough to thrill scientists and make space exploration history. and later, the waters off california may look pristine, but there's a hidden danger down below. we'll see how scientists finally figured out what's been sickening local sea life. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday."
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nobody lives forever, but what about our presence on the internet? still ahead this morning, we'll look at what happens to social media accounts after a person dies and how some say we should all let our wishes be known. plus, it's a unique distinction among the world's shipwrecks. this required the deepest dive of any site in history. we will hear about what sent the ship to the ocean floor and about the daring effort to go there to find it. we'll be right back. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday."
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"cbs this morning saturday" will return in a few minutes. for now, i'm ian lee with a look beyond this morning's headlines. over the last year, there has been a disturbing spike in violent crimes against asian americans. nancy chen tells us about two organizations that teamed up to take action. before i would wear a mask to not get sick. now what was sickening was i was starting to think that i need to wear a mask so maybe they won't see i'm asian. >> reporter: rena moved to maryland from the philadelphia phillies 15 years ago. after the attack on an asian american woman in new york city, she now worries about how to protect herself and others. nationally nearly 3,800 hate incidents toward asian americans
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have been recorded since the start of the pandemic. >> welcome, everyone -- >> reporter: organizations and asian advancing justice partnered last april to teach people how to react through bystander training courses. >> it's bringing awareness to people of that you are somebody who can change a situation. >> reporter: since the spa shootings in atlanta where six asians were killed, the number of people trained in bystander intervention has doubled to 32,000. aajc president john yank -- >> there may be something you could do in the moment, as well. evaluate your options, but please don't do nothing. >> reporter: the online trainings emphasize what they call the five ds of bystander intervention -- distract, delegate, document, delay, and direct. nora signed up from new mexico. >> it's important for anyone to get involved in this, not just asian americans. if we allow this to happen, it's going to happen to other people. >> reporter: the trainings have become so popular, many are now
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at capacity for the next few weeks as they add more classes. nancy chen, cbs news, new york.
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the fate of former president donald trump's once-powerful online voice is about to be decided. twitter permanently banned him from their platform after the january 6th capitol riots. facebook could welcome him back as soon as next week or extend the ban they imposed. even that may not be the final word. this week, supreme court justice clarence thomas raised the possibility that government might have a troll play in regulating such bans as he questioned a controversial 25-year-old law that gives tech companies broad powers and protections. it's part of a wide-ranging societal question of how we should police the internet. brook silva-braga has more. men are trash. can i say this on facebook or
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no? >> right now probably not. >> reporter: for nearly two years, researcher kate klonick gained exclusive access to the creation of facebook's oversight board. the new independent group soon to rule on donald trump's account. >> it was kind of pitched as the supreme court of facebook. they don't really like it when you call it that. >> reporter: yes, most facebook rules are still written by the company and enforced by algorithms and subcontractors, but for the hardest cases, these 19 human rights experts will judge what content users can post. why would facebook want someone else deciding what can be on their platform? >> because they're incredibly hard decisions that no one wants to be making. >> reporter: because the modern public square is facebook, twitter, youtube, history's most successful coders now control the types of questions once reserved for philosophers or judges. can a possibly dangerous covid treatment be freely debated is
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casting doubt on an election acceptable speech or step toward insurrection? how terribly can someone be treated on line before it's considered abuse? >> the social media platforms have a dominance in our lives. >> we've got to break these guys apart. >> reporter: no one in washington seems very happy with their answers. >> we agree many people don't trust us. we try not be to be arbiters of what is true ourselves. >> reporter: maybe the bigger problem for facebook's mark zuckerberg and twitter's jack dorsey and google's sundar pachai is republicans and democrats have opposite complaints. >> twitter is editing and censoring and silencing -- >> reporter: saying big tech snuffs out unpopular views. democrats say they give oxygen to the false and inflammatory. >> that attack and the movement that motivated it started and was nourish your platforms. >> reporter: the platform to spread a message used to be a public space like new york's union square. even there rallies the city
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didn't like conveniently shrank when the park was packed with trees and benches. and on one of those benches we welcomed competing views on redesigning the internet. >> i tweet quite often. i'm conservative, and i'm controversial. >> reporter: mike davis founded the internet accountability project. you believe these should be free speech platforms with less regulation than there is today. >> yes. >> reporter: he wanted to talk about there "new york post" story alleging corruption by hunter biden that was blocked by twitter and demoted by facebook and how the right-wing-friendly social network parlor was forced off the internet entirely by apple, google, and amazon. even if we concede, there could be a political double standard, isn't it these private companies' right to take whatever view they want? >> sure. i mean, they can, they just shouldn't get section 230 immunity from the federal government. >> reporter: section 230 is the law that gave internet companies broad power to choose what to take down while shielding them
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from liability for what they keep up. >> they should change the section 230 -- >> reporter: it's what lawyer carrie goldberg wanted to talk about, too. but unlike davis, her concern is the lack of legal consequences for what platforms leave up. >> i'm not talking about being called the "b" word on twitter. i'm talking about extreme stalking or revenge porn, those victims need to be able to get justice. with seconds 230, our courts' doors are closed to those people. >> reporter: the law blamed for so much but also credited with creating the modern internet was really just a response to a strange court case. in 1995, an investment company based in that building in lake success, new york, sued the early online platform prodigy for defamation for something a user had posted to their platform. and a judge ruled prodigy was liable for the user's comment because, and this was the key point, they had a policy of
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screening their users' comments. it seemed they wouldn't have been liable if they didn't moderate content at all. >> that is backwards. we want to encourage people to help us control what comes in and what our children see. >> reporter: fearing the unmoderated internet would expose children to pornography, congress passed 230 to say internet companies could screen out objectionable content and still not be liable for their users' posts. >> it's a story about power. these companies slowly accreting all of this power in part because of the space that section 230 bought them. washington wants in on some of that power. >> mr. dorsey, who the hell elected you -- >> reporter: many in congress want to rewrite section 230. >> removing seconds 230 will remove speech from the internet -- >> reporter: even though big companies might be best positioned to survive without it. >> they're both massive monopolies -- >> reporter: some just want to break up big tech on antitrust
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grounds. none of that is likely soon. but the uproar does help explain the oversight board. facebook handing their impossible questions to the likes of a former prime minister and nobel prize winner. it's buck passing, or is it something more? >> yeah. there is certainly an element of buck passing. does that mean it's necessarily bad for users in general? not necessarily. >> reporter: the board is bracing to go viral itself when it rules this month on donald trump's facebook account. klonick says the group prizes free speech even if its members may dislike donald trump personally. if they stand on the principles that you believe they have, it sounds like you're suggesting they'll bring the account back. >> yes. >> reporter: their decision is due by april 21st. for "cbs this morning saturday," brook silva-braga, new york. there's a level of subjectivity to all of this, right? i think ultimately it comes down to companies being responsible. >> there's so much power with those platforms. that's what's incredible.
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>> the town cryer no more. takes it to a whole new level. >> the global crier. >> really interesting. thank you. a lot more news straight ahead. first, here's a look at the weather for your weekend. ♪ around 120 years ago the wright brothers did it here on earth. tomorrow, nasa will attempt a powered flight on planet mars. we will preview that history-making mission next. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." at p panera, dinnerer is hot..... and reready to sererve.
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order our r warm and toastyty sandwichehes for dinnerer tonight withth delivery y or pick-u. only at t panera. colgate opoptic white e renel remomoves ten yeyears of yelw stains. ththat's like all the way back o 2011. ¡que e tapón! it's s gonna takeke me 10 yeaeo learn spananish. ¿cócómo me v? remove tenen years of f yw stains with c colgate optptic e renewawal. ready to shine from the i inside out? try nature's b bounty hairir, skin and nails gummies. the numbmber one brarand to supportrt beautifulul hai, glglowing skinin, and d healthy nanails. anand try advavanced, nonow with twowo times morore . ♪ fofor deb, liviving with constipapation with h belly pn was the same old story for years. trtrying this.s. dodoing that.. spending c countless d days riright here.. still cacame the belelly pai, discomfofort, and blbloating. awfuful feelingsgs she keptpt sugar-coaoating. finalllly, with ththe help of her dococtor, it cacame to . ththat her symymptoms wewere all sigigns of ibs-s.
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nasa is set to make history on mars tomorrow, two months after arriving aboard the "perseverance" rover quinningen. a helicopter will flow above the red planet for 30 seconds to take pictures and record data. that's about four times longer than the wright brother' first flight on earth. researchers spent years developing the autonomous solar-powered twin-rotator machine and its potential seems boundless. >> we can use that helicopter or that aerial vehicle to fly over to locations that we can't reach with a robotic rover or robotic
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craft or with humans even. there might be places we can't reach or can't get to. >> scientists say if ingenuity is a success, it will be a game changer in space exploration, paving the way for future missions on mars and other planets. i remember that whole theory of the helicopter on mars in that movie "the martian" or in one of those movies val kilmer -- >> matt damon was the martian -- "the planet." >> "red planet." >> all i know is it looks simple, and it's clearly not. >> or "mission to mars," one of those two. >> little help from the control room. speaking of unsolved mysteries, it was an unsolved mystery for years. what has been sickening california marine life and what appears to be pristine waters. up next, the shocking findings of a long-term investigation. and if you're heading out the door, don't forget to record
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"cbs this morning saturday." coming up in our next hour, online after life. we leave wills to deal with our earthly possessions, but what about our digital ones? we'll hear about the steps you may want to take to manage those assets after logging out for good. plus, historic dive. we'll head to the ocean surface to explore the deepest sea wreck ever reached and recall the american heroes who went down with the ship. plus, music from morgan wade in our "saturday session." you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." ♪ life.... doesn'n't stop foror diabete. be readydy for everyry momen, with glulucerna. it's's the numbeber one doctr recocommended brbrand that is scicientificalllly designeo hehelp manage e your bloodod . live e every momenent. glucer. when i g get a migraraine, i i hide in ththe dark. but t then i fouound nurtec c. don't t take if alallergic to nurtetec. the momost commonn side e effect was s nausea.
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ask k your dococtor ababout nurtecec today. ♪ ♪ smoothth driving p pays off. sasaving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate. click or call for a quote today. yoyour missionon: stand up t to moderatete to sesevere rheumumatoid arththr. anand take. itit. on... with rininvoq. rinvoq a a once-dailily pill can dramatatically improve sysymptoms.... rinvoq helelps tame papain, ststiffness, s swelling. and for sosome, rinvoqoq can eveven signifificantly reduce ra a fatigue. that's r rinvoq relilief. with r ra, your ovoveractive immune s system atattacks yourur joints. ririnvoq regululates it to help ststop the attttack. rinvoq can lower y your abiliy to fight i infections,s, includuding tubercrculosis. seriouous infectioions and blood clclots, sometetimes fa, haveve occurred d as have cecn cancers,s, includingng lympho, and tearars in the s stomach or intestitines, and changeges in lab r resul.
4:45 am
yourur doctor shshould momonitor yourur bloodwork. tell your r doctor abobout anany infectioions... and d if you arere or may bebe pregnant w while takining rin. take on rara. talk t to your rheheumatologt abouout rinvoq r relief. rinvoqoq. mamake it yourur mission.. if you c can't afforord yourur medicine,e, abbvieie may be abable to he. latetely, it's b been hard o thinink about ththe future. if you c can't afforord yourur medicine,e, but t thinking a about the future i is human nanature. at e edward jonenes, our 19,0 financial l advisors l listn and work w with you toto cree personalalized invesestment strategigies to helplp you u get back t to... draftiting dreams.s. and d building y your futur. edwardrd jones. itit's time fofor investing toto feel indidividual. for r skin thatt never r holds you u back dodon't settlele for silvevr #1 foror diabetic c dry ski*# #1 f for psoriasasis symptotom relief#* and #1 for eczczema symptotom rel*#
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gold bonond champipion your skskin
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these pacific ocean waters may look pristine from above, but lurking beneath is an environmental tragedy that's been unfolding for generations. a toxic dump site that settled on the ocean floor decades ago continues to wreak havoc on marine life to this day. meteorologist and climate specialist jeff berardelli is back with more. that toxic chemical is making its way higher and higher up the food chain. now it's in marine mammals up and down the california coast. we traveled there to see how these creatures are paying the price for environmental missteps from a half a century ago. loud and exceptionally social, sea lions are known for making a scene. but this california sea lion is sick. known affectionately as moon cake, she's being screened at the marine mammal center which is right near the golden gate bridge.
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she's one of hundreds of sea lions rescued each year. another indication veterinarians say of how much the ocean is plagued. >> about 25% of the adult and subadults do have cancer. and that is an extremely alarming number. >> reporter: as lead veterinarian, dr. cara field examines rescued sea lions for cancer. >> given the severely high rate and how abnormal it is, it's really important that we understand what is driving this disease in these animals. >> we may have an answer. a recently published study points to high levelels of ddt the mammals' blubber. before it was banned in 1972, ddddt was used worldwide as a pesticide. the nation's largest manufacturer was right on the california coast. montrose chemical opened up its los angeles plant in 1947. by 1970, it was clear somomethi wass very wronong.
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>> a report showed a high presence of ddt in the fish. residents were shocked. >> reporter: this polluted pacific water was coming from millions of pounds of ddt discharged by montrose. david valentine, a university of california marine biologist, spent ten years looking into the company's past practices. >> they dumped them into the storm drains. they dumped them into the sanitary sewer. >> reporter: in response, a 34 square-mile area just offshore was designated as a superfund cleanup site. montrose was sued, and almost half of the $140 million settlement was used by noaa to try to restore at least some of the contaminated habitat. >> one of the goals of the restoration funds and work is to enhance fisheries. >> reporter: so the government tasked jonathan williams, a marine biologist from oxidental college, to design a seven-acre artificial reef just off the beach. so by providing healthier habitat right here, that means
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that it's less likely ddt is entering the food chain? >> that's correct. if you have healthier habitat, you're going to have healthier fish. >> reporter: for several decades, scientists and regulators were focused on the hazardous toxic superfund site just about two miles off shore. while all the while an even more shocking discovery was waiting to be unearthed about ten miles off shore in between here and catalina island. >> large barrels of ddt waste were being taken out a brj and jettisoned and dropped to the sea floor. >> reporter: chasing rumors this. second massive montrose dump site 3,000 feet below, valentine sent a submersible robot into the abyss. >> lo and behold there are likely thousands if not hundreds of thousands of barrels of ddt on the ocean bottom. >> getting the first pictures back was the moment we went, oh, wow. we're the first people to lay eyes on this in 60, 70 years. >> reporter: but even with this underwater video, there was no
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response, let alone any course of action. >> i have been beating the droum this for ten years. i've talked to numerous people within agencies, within government trying to generate some interest. >> reporter: but last year after valentine published his findings, interest finally followed. ten years after your initial research, an article comes out in the fall and all of a sudden there's a reaction to it, there's a big research project going on right now just off shore. >> that's exactly right. i hope it is just the first of many things that gets done. >> reporter: last month, 35,000 acres of ocean floor was surveyed by scripps institution of oceanography. the final count of barrels is still being tallied, but researchers describe their findings as overwhelming. but this new information is too little, too late for many of california's sea lion population. veterinarians had to euthanize 29 mammals last year alone all because of cancer. in the coming months the plan is
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for state and federal agencies to convene to figure out how to respond to these shocking findings. now scripps says the report's going to be done by the end of the month, and by then we will know how many barrels there are. there could be as many as a half a million barrels. so then the question becomes what if anything can be done to clean up this mess. and i think the moral of the story, guys, is what we do now affects generations ahead. our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren -- same problem with climate change. >> can you like literally physically go down, lift it up, take it out? >> it seems risky. i mean, if you pick them up -- they're 3,000 feet down, there's a different pressure down there. this is not going to be easy if they can even do anything at all. >> in ten years beating the drum to try to get people -- >> amazing. who's accountable? montrose, right? >> good question. it started out as a pleasant walk along the beach and turned into a harrowing ordeal. ahead, the story of a lucky dog and her lucky owner. you're watching "cbs this
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morning saturday." saturdays s happen. painin happens.. aleveve it. aleveve is proveven strongerd longer on n pain than n tyle. when paiain happens,s, aleve. all day y strong. whwhen tradersrs tell us h hoo make thinknkorswim eveven bett, we listeten. like jack.k. he wanteted a streamamlined vern hehe could accccess anywywhe, nono download d necessary..
4:54 am
anand kim. she wantnted to exexecute a pre-seset trade ststrategy in secondsds. so w we gave 'em thinkokorswim web.b. becacause platfoforms thisis innovativive, aren't't just madede for trtraders—ththey're madede by. thininkorswim trtrading. from td amameritrade.. managiging type 2 2 diabete? thininkorswim trtrading. yoyou're on itit. staying g fit and snsnacking li? yup,p, on it thehere too. you may y think you'u're dog all l you can toto manage tytype 2 diabebetes and heart didisease... .....but couldld your medicatition do morere to lowerer your hearart ris? jardiance e can reducece te risk of cacardiovasculular dh for r adults whoho also hae knowown heart didisease. so, it couould help sasave youre frfrom a heartrt attack oror . and it lowowers a1c. jardiance e can cause e seriouse efeffects inclcluding dehyhyd, ...genenital yeastst or urinary trtract infectction, and d sudden kididney proble. ketoacacidosis is s a serios sidede effect ththat may be e. a a rare but l life-threatatg bacteriaial infectioion inin the skin n of ththe perineumum could occc. stop t taking jardrdiance ad callll your doctctor right ay
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if you havave symptomsms of this bacteterial infecectio, ketoacacidosis, or an n allergic r reaction. ...a.and don't t take it if you'r're on dialylysis or h have severere kidney prpro. taking jarardiance witith a susulfonylureaea or insulin mamay cause lolow blood sus. lolower a1c anand lower rik of a a fatal heaeart attac? on it wiwith jardianance. ask yourur doctor ababout jardi. i'm 53, bubut in my mimind i'i'm stilill 35. thatat's whwhy i take o oste bx to keep p me movingg the e way i was s made to, it n nourishes a and strengtgs my j joints for r the long t . osteteo bi-flex,x, plus vitatad for immunene support.. all righght that's a a fifth-fr proboblem... osteteo bi-flex,x, plus vitatad ok. not in m my house! h ha ha h! haha ha ha! nono no no! nonot today! h ha ha ha! ha ha a ha! jimmy hohow happy arare folkso save h hundreds ofof dollars swswitching toto geico? happier ththan dikembebe mutuo blockingng a shot.
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get hahappy. getet geico. fifteen miminutes coululd savu fifteeeen percent t or mor. in east boston this week, firefighters used a series of wood en brinks and a ladder to rescue a woman stuck up to her knees in mud at the beach. the woman was looking for sea glass when she stepped in what she thought was gravel. turned out to be mud, and the more she tried to free herself, the deeper she went. like quicksand. a neighbor -- scary. a neighbor who saw what was happened called 911. the woman was pulled to safety after 20 minutes. her dog was not stuck in the mutt, just a little bit frightened. you can imagine -- >> and needs a bath. >> exactly. >> wow. >> everybody's okay. >> spooky. okay. as of friday, there's a crowd at the top of the leader board at the masters with 11 players within three strokes of the lead. an update from augusta national is ahead. for some of you, your local news is next.
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the rest, stick around. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." for those of you without local news, "cbs this morning saturday" will return in a few minutes. a host of celebrities is celebrating tom moore, the 100-year-old british veteran who inspired from his home garden. here's more on the 100 charity challenge. captain tom moore stepped up during the darkness of the pandemic walking laps around his back yard to raise more than $53 million for the uk's national health service and inspiring millions around the world. >> together we can continue -- >> reporter: now captain tom's family wants the 100-year-old's
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legacy to march on. >> invent your challenge around the number 100. and you imagine if he was still here, he would just be thinking this was the best thing ever. >> reporter: they teamed up with everyday folks -- >> 53 -- >> reporter: and some famous faces including actress judi dench and soccer star david beckham. >> last year, captain tom inspired us all -- >> and filled with the world with hope. >> reporter: the challenge will play out over what would have been his 101st birthday. >> whatever you can do, do it 100 times to help raise money for charity. >> reporter: you can do anything for the challenge like bake 100 cakes, do 100 pushups, or simply walk 100 steps. one, two, three -- captain tom's grandson recommends to just keep it fun. >> this is your opportunity to do something absolutely joyous when we're just coming out of this pandemic. >> reporter: and remember, it's not just about getting to 100 but ensuring, as captain tom
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used to say, tomorrow will be a good day. ian lee, cbs news, london.
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the 7pm news, weeknights on kpix 5. ♪ nice skyline of new york. welcome to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm michelle miller, dana jacobson, jeff glor joining me. coming up, our emailils, phpho and post regulars part of our busy online lives. what happens when our real lives come to an end? we'll talk to the authors of a timely new book on how to let our wishes be known. and later, lives lost in a war now being remembered after a remarkable discovery. we'll take you miles below the surface of the pacific ocean to the deepest shipwreck ever reached by explorers. >> wow. plus, it's a small restaurant that packs a
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flavorful punch. nok suntaranon wanted to bring the true flavors of thailand to her philadelphia restaurant, and those spicy dishes woke up critics who named it one of the best new restaurants in the country. we'll meet her on "the dish," all haahead. first, the world reacting to the death of britain's prince philip. queen elizabeth's husband. nearly 74 years diedidfrom at the age of 99 -- died friday at the age. 99. overnight we heard from his children including prince charles, the future king of england. a low-key farewell is expected due in part to the pandemic. charlie d'agata is outside windsor castle with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. tributes both great and small continue in honor of prince philip both here at windsor castle and around the globe. some of the grander gestures are clearly reserved for royalty like this. by land and by sea, a 41-gun salute in tribute to prince
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philip's passing. in recognition of his military past and his service to queen and country. flags flying at half mast here in the uk and in commonwealth countries around the world. they've been laying flowers here at buckingham palace, windsor castle, and throughout the country. having been married to the queen while she was actually still a princess, prince philip was the longest serving consort in british history. as for the funeral, we expect to hear more details about that. originally it was supposed to be around 800 people who were attending. now we know because of covid restrictions, it's only going to be 30. will prince harry be at the funeral? widely expected that he will attend. as for meghan, she's heavily pregnant, it's unclear whether she is going to come to the funeral. and none of it has think about confirmed by -- none of it has been confirmed by the couple. >> thank you so much. president biden released his
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$1.5 trillion budget proposal. it includes an 8% increase on agency operating budgets, and in the oval office friday the president says he hopes it will with bipartisan support. senate republicans criticized the less than 2% increase in defense spending. the proposal does not include the president's $2 trillion infrastructure package. here to discuss what that -- where that plan stands and the road ahead is cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger. jill, good to see you. first of all, give us the basics of this proposed infrastructure plan. >> reporter: it basically is in four buckets. the first is what i would call classic infrastructure. and that's roads, rails, transit systems, about $620 billion. another $650 billion for maybe what i might call the -- the home economy. bro broadband, better pipes and safe drinking water. that's really important to the biden administration. the third aspect, let's call it the workplace economy, research and development, there's money for manufacturing, small
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businesses, about $580 billion for that. and then $400 billion in a bucket of spending for those health care workers who helped the elderly and the disabled. >> jill, that bucket, the caregiving bucket, seems a little different than what we're used to. what's the rationale for that? >> reporter: well, the hagzirate is something called human infrastructure. i had to look this up myself. basically it refers to spending by the government for education, for the general health and welfare of the population. the first time it was actually used was after world war ii when we had the g.i. bill where a bunch of veterans were very happy to be able to get low-cost mortgages, free education, and va hospitals. so it's the infrastructure, but the human infrastructure. >> and as we know, the g.i. bill helped to fuel the middle class. big question here for a lot of
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folks both democrat and republicans -- how do we fund it? and what is the president's plan? >> reporter: the basic premise of funding is that corporate america has really done incredibly well over the last 30, 40, 50 years, and especially over the last ten years, and that it is corporate america that will foot the bill for this. the first way to do that is through the actual corporate tax code, and remember that before we had the 2017 tax changes, we had corporations paying a top rate of 35%. that went down to 21%. the biden plan will actually increase corporate taxes to 28%. so sort of splitting the difference. and then there's a number of ways that the administration would cut down on loopholes. there would be an effort to have a global minimum tax rate. that is to prevent a race to the bottom where countries lower their tax rates to bring companies to them, and a minimum tax for u.s. companies as well as u.s. companies paying a certain percentage of their big
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money profits and have that taxed at a 15% rate. so all corporate america not individuals. >> all right. jill schlesinger, thanks for that insight. appreciate it. >> sure. when i first heard human infrastructure, i was thinking it was like people locking hands and legs and forming like a -- i think cement -- >> i'm glad we could clear that up for you. >> cement and concrete seem more effective, satellite. >> leave it to jeff. you know, i mean -- >> all right. got me for a second, yeah. >> head on over to congress and lay it out for them -- >> you put -- you -- >> sorry about that. just had to say it. it is about 8:06, and here's a look at the weather for your weekend. ♪
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creating a will is an ancient concept in case you were wondering, jeff. it may need an update for our digital agage. up n next, what b becomes of ou online l lives when our real lis come to an end and how you let yourur wishes b be known. yoyou're watchining "cbs th mornining saturday."." >> arms locked, everybody intertwine. (mom vo) we fit a lot of life into our subaru forester. (dad) it's good to be back. (mom) it sure is. (mom vo) over the years, we trusted it to carry and protect the things that were most important to us. (mom) good boy. (mom vo) we always knew we had a lot of life ahead of us. (mom) remember this? (mom vo) that's why we chose a car that we knew would be there for us through it all. (male vo) welcome to the subaru forester. the longest-lasting, most trusted forester ever. if you purchased or were enrolled in a
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blue cross or blue shield health insurance or administrative services plan between 2008 and 2020, a $2.67 billion settlement may affect your rights. to find out if you qualify for cash benefits in the blue cross blue shield settlement. go to or call (888) 681-1142. that's or call (888) 681-1142. it's my 5:52 wokoke-up-like-e-s mimigraine mededicine. it's ubrelelvy. for anytytime, ananywhere migigraine striri, without t worrying if it's s too late,, or where i i am. one dosese can quickckly stop my migraraine in itsts tracks wiwithin two h hours. unlikeke older mededicines, ubrerelvy is a p pill that directlyly blocks cgcgrp prote, believeded to be a cause e of migrainine. do not takake with strtrong cyp3a4 inhnhibitors. most comommon side e effects were nauausea and titirednes. ask abouout ubrelvy.y. the e anytime, a anywhere migrainene medicine.e. (host) you want healthy ingredients.
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your cat is all about the the flavor. tastefuls has it all. (molly) i really want him to eat well but he's just really picky. okay, he seems interested. i think he likes it. i have a new cat tastefuls. one taste is all it takes. i'm erin.. -and i i'm margo.. wewe've alwaysys done things o our own wayay. chararted our owown paths. i wasn't g going to just bacack down frfrom moderatate to severe rhrheumatoid a arthritis.. psoriaiatic arthriritis wast goining to changnge who i a. when i i learned that m my joint papain could memean permanenent joit damagege, i asked d about enb. enenbrel helpsps relieve joint t pain, and d helps stop p permanent j joint dam. plusus enbrel hehelps skin gt cleaearer in psosoriatic artrt. ask yourur doctor ababout enbrel, soso you can g get bk to y your true s self. -p-play ball!! enbrelel may lowerer your abiy to fight i infections.s. serious,s, sometimeses fatal es including g infectionsns, tuberculososis, lymphoma, , other cancncers, nervouous system a and blooood disorderers and allergrgic reactioions haveve occurred.d. tellll your doctctor if you've b been someplplace where fungngal infefections arere common. or if f you're prorone to infectionsns, have cututs or s, haveve had hepatatitis b, hae beenen treated f for heart f f, or if yoyou have perersistet fever,r, bruising,g,
5:10 am
bleedingng or paleneness. don'n't start enenbrel if yoye an infecection like e the f. visit t to see w yourur joint dama age cocould progreress. enbrel. eligigible patieients may pas lilittle as $5$5 per month. ready to shine from the i inside out? try nature's b bounty hairir, skin and nails gummies. the numbmber one brarand to supportrt beautifulul hai, glglowing skinin, and d healthy nanails. anand try advavanced, nonow with twowo times morore . majeststic mountaiains... anand try advavanced, scenicic coastal h highways.. fertile e farmlands.s... there'e's lots t to love about calilifornia. so put o off those c chores and ususe less enenergy frfrom 4 to 9 9 pm when l less clean n energy is availabable. becacause that''s power r down .
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from email to social media, more and more of modern life is now lived on line. but what happens when our lives come to an end? more importantly, what should happen to the mass of material we've created, and which sites like gmail or facebook are storing for us? authors daniel sieberg and rikard steiber have tried to answer that question in their new book "digital legacy: take control of your life, your online after life," i should say. while more than half of the world's population is on social media, that's 3.8 billion people, almost 85% have made no plans for their accounts following their deaths. and only 5% have created what accounts -- what amounts to a digital will that would express their wishes. i spoke with the authors on how
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to responsibly handle our digital assets. >> here we are. ♪ >> one, two -- >> from the thrilling to the mediocre, we snap, share, and store the memories of our lives by the thousands. ♪ how many pictures or videos would you say are on your phone right now? >> oh, gosh. when i was looking the other day for something, yeah, i have have at least 13,000 photos on my phone and probably a few hundred videos. >> reporter: and jennifer sardam who lost most of her photos in hay house fire is on a mission to archive them. for her daughter's generation and beyond. >> the reality is that many of the digital possessions, if you will, or digital artifacts of our life, they're not physical objects anymore. they're in the cloud, they're stored in our devices, they're
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contained within other companies' storage. >> reporter: tech journalist daniel sieberg co-authored a book that details preserving and protecting your online afterlife beyond just those images. seems like such a laborious housecleaning task. how do you figure all of that out? >> you know, one of the challenges with anybody's digital legacy is that the ways in which you might wish to manage it are not universal. >> what digital data do you think is important to preserve? >> really everything. >> and she's turning to good trust, an online company that stores and manages her cloud data, including her social media, financial documents, and will. call it digital estate planning. >> it just feels really good, and i want to be able to share that and keep it alive even long after i'm gone. >> because she's a veteran, jennifer won't pay for good trust's $70-a-year service for a
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decade. >> we want to be a force of good to people know who served us. >> reporter: rikard steiber is the ceo and also co-authored "digital legacy." >> my father passed away beginning of last year. and then i had some good friends dying in covid. so i kind of unfortunately got into this whole thing to sort of figure out what happened to people's digital accounts when yoyou pass away. >> deciding what's worth passing on and unlocking all of that data stored in the cloud is a challenge. >> i discovered that it's much more difficult and, you know, potentially insane than you would imagine. >> consider this -- there are 500,000 tweets every minute. 500 million active daily users on instagram, and 1.8 billion people active on facebook every day. and that's just the people living. i went on line, and i tagged someone who's new dead.
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and their account was still alive. >> what we estimate is that on average, about 30,000 people are dying on facebook on a daily basis. and some people might want to keep their profiles active in some way. >> reporter: social media sites have varying rules for preserving or deleting accounts. facebook allows users to appoint a legacy contact to maintain the account of someone who's died. and while it isn't explicitly stated on their website, twitter does allow those with login and password information to continue posting on behalf of a deceased user in perpetuity. >> in some cases you may be required to have a court order. in other cases, you may need power of attorney. >> all the more reason, says daniel sieberg to have a plan for what makes up your physical and digital world. >> we're now absolutely intertwined between the analog physical world and the digital
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virtual world. there's no going back. >> we're all in. >> we're all in whether we are absolutely comfortable with it or ready for it or not. we are now moving into this braver new world together, and it is time foror u us t to thint what anybody's digital legacy means. >> and had either of you even thought about it? >> nope. >> not really. >> yeah. >> yes. super interesting subject. >> yes. it is. daniel sieberg brought it to me. here's a look at the future for you -- goodtrust and other companies like them can animate, that's right, i said it, january mate still photos. check this out. the technology behind these pictures allows them to come alive. and i hope you guys don't mind, i took some liberty here. >> my god -- that's like still photo. >> you saw him moving? >> yeah. like an animatron at disney. cool. >> the first round, i wasn't moving very much. but the two of you guys were like all in. it was really -- >> looking around, exploring.
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cool. very interesting. fascinating piece. >> thank you. it's a thai restaurant tucked inside an italian market in the middle of philadelphia. that's not the only surprising feature of this powerhouse of flavor. a james beard award nominee and one of the food and wine esquire's best new restaurants. we will take you there on "the dish" next. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." reready to shihine from the i inside out?t? try y nature's b bounty hair, skinin and nailsls gummies.. the numbmber one brarand to supportrt beautifulul hai,
5:18 am
glglowing skinin, and d healthy nanails. anand try advavanced, nonow with twowo times morore . hahave you evever seenen this befofore? anand try advavanced, she's soso beautifulul. janie,e, check thihis out. >comome here. >>let meme see. (chuckckles) shshe looks.....kind of lilik. yeah. ththat's bebecause it''sr grandma a when she w was your . oh w wow. that''s... ththat's amamazing. ohoh and she w was on t the debate e team. yeyeah, that''s probabably wy yoyou're thehe debate quque. >i>i'll take t that. >look at ththat smile.. i hahave the samame dimpleles as her.. (laughter)r) yeah. >samame placemenents and evever. >>unbelievevable. jeff's's been to t the bottm of thehe ocean. the e tops of momountains. and whererever this s guy ruruns off to.o. a lilife well lilived should continueue at home.. with home e instead cacare, oldeder adults c can stay ho, safefe, and happppy. home instetead. to us, it't's personalal. ♪ ♪ are e you readyy toto join the e duers? those e who du morore with less s asthma.
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thanks t to dupixentnt. the add-onon treatmentnt for r specific t types of modererate-to-sevevere asth. dupipixent isn't't for sudden breathing g problems.. it canan improve l lung functn for betterer breathingng in as s little as s 2 weeks and d help prevevent severee asthmama attacks.. it's's not a steteroid but can n help reducuce or eliliminate oraral steroid. dupipixent can c cause serios allergic r reactions inincluding ananaphylaxis.. geget help rigight away if y you have rarash, shortnesess of breatath, chest painin, titingling or r numbness in y your limbs.s. tellll your doctctor if you ue a parasisitic infectction and don'n't change o or stop your a asthma treaeatments, includuding steroioids, withot talklking to youour doctor.. du more wiwith less asasthma. talk to yoyour asthma a speciat ababout dupixexent. if your r financial l situatn hahas changed,d, we mayay be able t to help.
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♪ this morning on "the dish," the thai restaurant that topped "ex-require's" list of the best restaurant of 2020. it was opened by a former flight attendant who was retired for nine years before she returned to her longtime dream. nok suntaranon wants to change the widespread perception of thai food as quick and easy takeout by opening a thai restaurant focused on fine dining. we were more than ready for the experience. this looks incredible. >> yeah. the look is everything. >> and i mean -- >> that's the first impression when you see it, it's -- build your appetite. >> where do we start? >> we start from the appetizer.
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>> nok suntaranon kicked things off with what might be the most colorful dish we've ever seen including tapioca dumplings with a mash room, sweet rad issue, and peanut filling. and dumplings with chicken and radishes inside. >> my name means bird. this is my dumpling. >> it takes hours to make these completely by hand, but it's well worth it. mm. so fresh. >> my food is built around memory of my childhood. so my grandmother, she loved to cook the appetizers for me when i came back from school. >> her grandmother never shared any of those old recipes, she relys on the memories of tastes and smells she had growing up in thailand. >> this dish is come from the old capital of thailand close to
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bangkok. >> that includes this spicy and sour lemongrass soup with barramundi, mushrooms, and these jumbo river prawns. okay, i break the head off? >> you break the head off. then you will find the part in the head is tamales. like the brain or the fatty part. you can scrape it back into the bowl. yes. >> oh, yeah. >> that's the best part. i love it. >> look at that. i love this, like squeezing out the best condiment ever. >> exactly and so creamy. it add a very good flavor and consistency into the broth. >> some people think you eat thai food with chop sticks. you don't. >> no, we don't. >> her take on traditional thai dishes are a unique blend of buddhist culture, indian-style curry curry, and crucially south american chiles brought by portuguese missionaries. their intensity is matched only by nok suntaranon's personality. heat is something that thai
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dishes are famous for. and you're famous for not backing off on that heat. you don't make less spicy dishes. >> no. i never back off from anything. not just only food. >> i like that. i like that. for more than 20 years, she worked as a flight attendant for kuwait airways, then thai airways. >> have you had the fresh river prawn before? >> no. >> she was retired for nine years before opening her restaurant in philadelphia in 2019. a nearby thai market followed last year. >> one threatening that i think sometimes intimidates people about thai food, especially authentic thai food like this, it's not simple. it's complicated. >> you know, that's how you could look at it, but the other way that you could look at it is like this is the way of life. this is the culture. >> that's one of the things i love about your cooking. some people try to americanize their food and you don't. you embrace where you came from. >> because i think, you know, when i moved to america, i -- i learned how to ease cheeseburger
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or -- eat cheeseburger or mac and cheese. i never asked to put chile on my burger or mac and cheese. maybe it's time for people to learn how to eat the right curries without asking for me to tone is down or add, you know, carrot or celery or whatever in my curries because that's not the right thing to do. >> reporter: after the river prawn soup, we moved to a duck salad with kafir leecr leaves a chiles. and crab-fried rice with scallion and egg. what is in this? this is so good. >> the egg and pico mustard green. that's simple. that's my mother's cooking. she will cook all vegetables with eggs. >> they go with everything. >> goes with everything. >> next a colossal crab curry served in a house-made velvety curry powder sauce, maybe our favorite. >> i'm glad i'm making somebody very happy this morning. >> you are. velvety's a good word for it. it's a great texture to this.
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>> yes. what makes it different is we use chinese celeries that you just have to bite into it. and the flavor of chinese celery cut with the curry powders. >> the first bite i had, it didn't have the chinese celery. the second one it did. and it makes all the difference. >> yes. >> that was followed by steamed branzine oh with a lime and chile broth, crabmeat curry served with rice noodles, cucumber, cabbage, and long beans. there aren't many places in america you can get this. >> no. we're not going to be there. only here. >> i love it. >> all right. next. you ready? >> i'm ready. >> you're going to be a little bit more adventurous? >> yeah, sure. >> okay. >> stinky beans with toasted ground chicken curry and shrimp paste. stinky bean. >> yes. >> that's what my wife calls me. >> there call for addition because i miss home so much, i have not been home in a year. so i created more dishes that could bring me closer to home.
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>> what is a stinky bean? >> a kind of fruit that we use widely in southern cooking. it's available in rainy season. it has a unique flavor. it's really good for your body. >> we finished with coconut rice, chicken curry, and cabbage. there is one prominent thai dish you will not find on this table and that you will not find her serving in her restaurant. you don't have pad thai on your menu. >> we do on takeout, not in the dining room. >> if people ask for it, you say what? >> i smile. i smile a lot. because i want my restaurant to be thai fine dining. >> where do you hope you can take thai food moving forward? >> what i would like to take thai food forward is the perception that thai food or ethnic food should be inexpensive. we should move past that. >> you've convinced me. >> i did?
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>> yes. >> maybe hard to convince you, not me. >> i love it. and just for you guys -- >> yay! >> it's incredible dumplings, bird dumplings. they are just -- takes her three hours to make this. >> just gorgeous. for those of you without local news, "cbs this morning saturday" will return in a few minutes. for now, i'm ian lee with a look beyond this morning's headlines. egypt inaugurated a new museum with a grand ceremony as they transported nearly two dozen mummies including ancient royalty to their new home. it's a celebration fit for a king. or rather, a pharaoh. egypt rolled out the red carpet for 22 mummies. they paraded through the streets of cairo with the kind of pageantry not seen in thousands of years. >> great pomp and circumstance. the mummies are getting their
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due. these are the kings of egypt. these are the pharaohs. and so it is a way of showing respect. >> reporter: officials moved the mummies from the iconic ejipgsz museum to a new -- egyptian museum to a new home. one better suited to their preservation. modern-day chariots carried past kings and queens, the former rulers arrived with a royal salute while the current ruler greeted his predecessors. these ancient monarchs connect the country to its past but also help with the present. >> people should understand that these pharaohs are incredibly important historically, and also important now because this is part of egypt's economy. >> the blessing of the pharaoh looking after the people of egypt even in the after life. "cbs this morning saturday" will be right back.
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♪ the second battle for the philippines in world war ii was going to be fought under entirely different circumstances than the first time. again america and japan had locked horns over the islands, but this time the united states and its armada would be the great aggressor -- >> reporter: >> considered a turning point in world war ii, the battle over four days in october of 1944. it allowed the allies to retake control of the philippines from japan. more than 200,000 naval personnel took part in the battle. historians believe it to be the largest naval confrontation in world history.
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the u.s. navy lost seven ships including the "uss johnston" which had been unseen by human eyes for nearly 80 years until this week. david martin has the story. >> reporter: at 20,000 feet, visibility is very limited even with a spotlight. that number leaves no doubt -- this is the wreck of the destroyer "uss johnston," 75 years after it went down in the last great naval battle of world war ii. >> the "johnston" is one of most fafamous wreckcks in navalal hi. >> repeporter: operating a submerersible witith an unlimim diving depth, victor vescovo found the "johns ton" fewer miles beneath the sea. the deepest wreck ever discovered. much dealeper than the "titanic" >> we kept going deeper and deeper into the black. we could slowly see it. ththe guns of the ship were s s pointed i in the proper directi wherever they were firing when they went down.
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the ship still looked like it was fighting, like it just still hadn't given up. >> reporter: the entire crew either went down with the ship or scrambled off just before it sank. 186 sailors died. all of those in the battle that were lost, the remains were never located. >> reporter: warren sterling's uncle elton was the "johnston's" executive officer. have you ever found out exactly how he pe issued? >> they -- perished? >> they were in the water for 52 hours before being picked up. seems like he swam off and drowned o or a shark got him. >> repororter: the wreckagage w remain untouched, but its discovery has brought to the surface the astonishing story of the "uss johnston." >> it's one of the most valiant actions in the entire history of the united states navy. >> reporter: retired admiral samuel cox, director of the naval history command, has known the story of the "johnston" since he was a little boy. >> i was into naval history before i could read, looking at pictures in my dad's books. so i knew the story of earnest
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evans, the commander of the "johnston." he was a child hero of mine. >> reporter: everybody should know of his actions in the battle. >> e evans was t the first n na amererican to bebe awarded a a of h honor in t the uninited st navy. >> repororter: genereral dougla macarthuhur it justt waded asho inin the phihilippines as t the closeded in onn jajapan. the "johnston" was part of a naval force protecting macar macarthur's supply ships. >> on the morning of 25 october, 1944, that force was surprised by a vastly superior japanese force that was able to get through a a straiaight undetect strait undetected during the night and show up unexpected. >> reporter: this is an artist'sdent pikz of the "johns -- depiction of the "johnston" as they led the charge against the japanese armada. >> it wasas fourr batattle ship eighght cruisersrs, andnd 11 deststroyers. and w without waitingng foror hehe turned a and tooook his sh chcharged t that entire japanes
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force and was able to put a tomor torpedo in the lead cruiser. >> reporter: sounds like a icide charge. >> if he didn't do something, the japanese were going to overrun and sink the entire force. they're into general macarthur's supply ships and troop transports. >> reporter: what's at stake is macarthur's return to the philippines? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: evans and the ship were in the japanese bull's-eye. >> the first hits basically killed multiple people on the bridge. so he's trying to fight this battle while standing in dead bodies and body parts. he's had two of his fingers torn off, and yet he still has to maintain the presence of mind to continue to fight that ship. >> reporter: but the japanese guguns were t too b big and too. >> "johnsnston" is deaead in t wawater and crippled,, and thes japanese destroyers are firing round after round after round
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into ship. finally "johnston" sinks and one of the japanese commanding officers was observed to actually salute the u.s. ship as it went down. >> reporter: what happened to evans? >> evans was last seen going into the water as the ship sank and then never seen again. >> reporter: how does the battle end? >> the japanese commander turns away, he's on a do-or-die mission, yet he turned back. >> it was one of the most brave last stands of a naval vessel in history. a true david and goliath battle. >> the largest naval battle ever fought on this planet. >> reporter: the "johnston" is a burial ground as sacred as arlington national cemetery. before victor vescovo left, he paid final tribute to commander earnest evans and the men who followed him into battle. >> to the "johnston." >> reporter: for "cbs this morning saturday," david martin, the pentagon. >> story we were saying i didn't
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know until now. >> and at 21,000 feet, four miles down, that's almost twice as deep as the "titanic." >> sounds like a battle that truly changed the war. worth remembering. right now let's look at the weather for your weekend. ♪ last year a rite of spring took place in the fall. the masters golf tournament was postponed due to the pandemic. now it's under way at the right time in augusta, georgia, once again. we'll take you there for a third-round update. and next week on "cbs this morning saturday" -- you caught me last time. you know, not this time. i was dozing. keith and kenny lucas best known
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f their standup comedy. now for writing "judas and the black messiah." we'll talk about that and how comedy has kept them grounded. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." and jeff is now paying attention. stick with us. will stand for y♪ ♪ would you stand for me? ♪ ♪ everybody deserves ♪ ♪ to be free ♪ ♪ and i will lend ♪ ♪ a hand to you ♪ ♪ would you lend a hand to me? ♪ ♪ everybody deserves ♪ ♪ to be free ♪ what hapappens to your bodody languagege when your ununderarms are carered for?
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♪ ♪ it shows! our new dove advanced care formula is effective... and kind to skin, leaving underarms cared for and you... more confident and carefree. after my dvt blood clot... i was uncertain... was another around thehe corne? or c could thingngs takeke a differerent turn? i wanteded to help protect mymyself. my doctor r recommendeded eliq. eliqiquis is proroven to tret and hehelp preventnt another r dvt or pe e blood c. alalmost 98 pepercent of p pas on eliququis didn't experienence anothere. ...and eliliquis has s significy lessss major bleleeding than the s standard trtreatme. eliqiquis is fdada-approved and hahas both. dodon't stopop eliquis u uns your dococtor tells s you t. eliqiquis can cacause seriouod in rare e cases fatatal bleed. don't take eliliquis if you havave an artifificil heart valvlve or abnormal b bleeding. ifif you had a a spinal ininjn whilile on eliququis call your dococtor right t away if y you have titingling, numbneness, or mususcle weakn. whwhile takingng eliquis,, you mamay bruise m more easily. and it mayay take longnger tn usual l for bleediding to st. seekek immediatete medical ce for suddenen signs of f bleed, like unususual bruisining.
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eliquis mamay increasese yourur bleeding g risk if y you take cecertain medidi. tell youour doctor a about all plannened medicall or d dental prococedures. what's s around thehe corner could bebe worth waiaiting f. ask your d doctor abouout eliq. what if i told you... the best place to begin is within. with collagen, that supports our body from the inside, out. because when we feel supported from within... our confidence comes from way deeper. it's within us. ." ♪ later this morning, it is round three of the masters tournament in augusta, georgia. the most prestigious event in golf.
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mark strassmann is at the augusta national golf club with a preview of today's play. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dana. for players and spectators here, this year's masters looks and feels different, and there's flow question about it -- for starters, there's no tiger woods. heats recovering from the car accident he had in california. and here at the mid point of the tournament, more than a dozen golfers within striking distance of taking the lead before today's golf is over. let's start with ad seven under par, justin rose at the top of the leader board by one stroke. a pack of players, ten in all, trail him by three strokes or fewer and have him in their sights. the 40-year-old english golfer has finished twice before as the runner-up but has never won at augusta. one golfer he won't have to worry about anymore, dustin johnson. last year's champion. he set a course record of 268 back in november but bogied the last two holes yesterday and missed this year's cut. here's why this year's masters looks and feels so different --
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no tiger woods, of course, and because of covid, smaller galleries. augusta national, limited the number of spectators and told them to mask up and separate from each other. still, it's an improvement over the delayed masters of last november when the only people watching the players compete in person were the caddies and officials. now so far, this golf club and all of its powerful members have refused to be drawn into a controversy here in georgia which is the state's new voting rights law. critics say that that law discriminates against minority and lower income voters and in protest major league baseball took the summer's all-star game out of atlanta and gave to denver. tomorrow for the final round, protesters intend to gather outside the club on the very day that the club wants all the focus to be on the players and the final day's chase for the green jacket. dana? >> mark, thank you very much. it is always a spectacle no matter the number of spectators. >> coverage of the third round of the masters begins at 3:00
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p.m. eastern here on -- ♪ there's the music. you can also stream it line on paramount plus or the mountain as we call it. one critics compared her southern sound to honey melting into moonshine. and "rolling stone" says her music has shades of don henley and tom petty. next, singer morgan wade deals with the struggles of everyday life and love in her debut album. we'll hear that new music next. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." alright, guys, no insurance talk on beach day. -i-i'm down. -yeses, please.. [ chuckles ] don't get me wrorong, i love my rv, but insuring it is such a hassle. same with my boat. the insurance bills are through the roof. -[-[ sighs ] -be coolol. i wish i i could groroup my insuranance stuff.. -[ c coughs ] bubundle. -the h house, the e car, the . like a a cluster.. anan insurancece cluster.. -woooosah. -[ chuckles ] -i doubt that exists. -it's a bundle! it's's a bundle,e, anand it saveses you money! hi. . i'm flo frfrom progrese, and i i couldn't h help but overerhear... super r fun beach h day, every. ready to shine from the i inside out?
5:43 am
try nature's b bounty hairir, skin and nails gummies. the numbmber one brarand to supportrt beautifulul hai, glglowing skinin, and d healthy nanails. anand try advavanced, nonow with twowo times morore . frank isis a fan of f fast. he's a f fast talkerer. a fast w walker. thanksks, gary. and fofor unexpectcted heheartburn..... frank k is a fan o of pepcid. it w works in miminutes. nexiumum 24 hour and prprilosec otctc can takeke one to fofr days to fully work. pepcid. strong relief fofor fans of f fast. feel t the clarityty of nonon-drowsy chilildren's s claritinfr allergy y relief.rk. and rerelief fromm sympmptoms causesed by over t two hundreded outdoor and indodoor allergegens. bebecause to a a kid, a grgry hihill is irreresistabale.. childrenen's clararitin. feelel the claririty and live clalaritin cleaear. cocolgate optitic white rerel removeves ten yearars of yelw ststains. that's s like back k to 201. what abobout natal? or, chchloe? cacamilla? isabella?? emem? madison!n! remove t ten years o of yw stainsns with c colgate optptic e renewal
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5:45 am
♪ this morning in our "saturday session," singer/songwriter morgan wade. grgrowing up i in virginiaia sh starteted her firsrst band in n collllege, puttiting it togeget through h an ad inn craraigslis. shshe caught t the attentionon recocord producecers leadingng first albumum and shoongs on spy and apple garnering over a million streams. now performing from nashville from her debut album "reckless," here is morgan wade with "wilder days."
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snowden hand i-- ♪ hand in my hair and you said i looked pretty you're so devious rode in ♪ ♪ from the windy city i ain't gotta clear view ♪ ♪ tell me what you want me to do and tell me every single secret in your mind ♪ ♪ come on baby we got nothing but time ♪ ♪ you say i'm too young for you you're scared i'm too right for you ♪ ♪ you said you hate the smell of cigarette smoke you only use to smoke when you drank ♪ ♪ when you lived in chicago unsure where the wind bloats ♪ ♪ i wish i'd known you in your wilder days and now here we go ♪ ♪ you got me falling in love
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again you gotta street ♪ ♪ i wanna keep it i wish i'd known you in your wilder days ♪ ♪ the way you move your hands across my body i'm kissing you in a hotel bobby ♪ ♪ baby i don't want to lose this feeling you're giving me something to believe in ♪ ♪ and who were you before i knew your name were you drink at midnight waiting for the train ♪ ♪ you could have been anyone back then just another kid reaching for the wind ♪ ♪ you said you hate the smell of cigarette smoke you only used to smoke when you
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drank ♪ ♪ when you lived in chicago unsure where the wind blows ♪ ♪ i wish i'd known you in your wilder day and now here we go ♪ ♪ you got me falling in love again you gotta secret ♪ ♪ i wanna keep it i wish i'd known you in your wilder days ♪ ♪ ♪ what were you like when you were a little wilder why don't you show me ♪ ♪ why don't you show me what you were like when you got a little higher ♪ ♪ just for tonight just for tonight ♪ ♪ you say you hate the smell of cigarette smoke
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you only used to smoke when you drank ♪ ♪ when you lived in chicago unsure where the wind blows ♪ ♪ i wish i'd known you in your wilder day ♪ ♪ and now here we go you got me falling in love again ♪ ♪ you gotta secret i wanna keep it ♪ ♪ i wish i'd known you in your wilder days ♪ ♪ i wish i'd known you in your wilder days ♪ ♪ i wish i'd known you in your wilder days ♪
5:50 am
>> don't go away. we'll be back with more music from morgan wade. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." ♪ the thining about frfreedom i. freedom hahas no limitits. there'e's no such h thing asas too many y adventurese. oror too manyy unforgrgettable momoments. ththere will n never be too manyny stories t to write. or too manany memorieses to ma. but t when it cocomes to a v ve thatat will be t there for i i. there'e's only onene. jeepep. ♪ y you've got t the looks ♪ ♪ let's makake lots of f mone♪ ♪ youou've got ththe brawn ♪ ♪ i've e got the brbrains...♪ with allststate, drivevers o switched s saved over r $70 click or c call to swiwitch does your r vitamin cc lalast twenty-fourur hours?
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5:53 am
♪ have a great weekend, everybody. >> we leave you now with more music from morgan wade. >> this is "don't cry." ♪ i'll always be my own worst critic the world exists and i'm just in
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it ♪ ♪ find something good and mess it up lie and say it just wasn't enough ♪ ♪ i'll always be my own worst critic and i hate to suffocate between something i love something i hate ♪ ♪ if i don't know who i am how can i ever give a damn ♪ ♪ don't cry don't cry don't cry at some point your hero must die ♪ ♪ to escape the hands of time it's okay to not be all right ♪ ♪ and let it got let it go let it go ♪ ♪ face the truth and bare your sole lose yourself and break your heart ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful threatening to fall apart ♪ ♪ always running out of time another world's wrapped up in
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mine ♪ ♪ on a trip so devout until i get bored and i check out ♪ ♪ always running out of time ♪ ♪ i won't try to justify the things i've done the lies i've lied ♪ ♪ i can leave the past in the past i smell it on my breath i can't go back ♪ don't cry don't cry don't cry at some point your hero must die ♪ ♪ to escape the hands of time it's okay to not be all right ♪ ♪ and let it go let it got g let it go ♪ ♪ face the truth and bare your soul ♪ ♪ lose yourself and break your heart it's a beautiful thing to fall apart ♪ ♪ i am not who i seem my alter ego takes the lead ♪
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♪ sit back and let her drive but only one makes it out alive ♪ ♪ i got to take control lose myself to gain my soul ♪ ♪ don't cry don't cry don't cry at some point your hero must die ♪ ♪ to escape the hands of time it's okay to not be all right ♪ ♪ and let it go let it go let it go face the truth and bare your soul ♪ ♪ lose yourself and break your heart it's a beautiful thing to fall apart ♪ ♪ don't cry don't cry don't cry yeah let it go let it go let it go ooh ♪ ♪ don't cry don't cry don't cry yeah ♪
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for those of you still with us we have more music from morgan wade. >> this is "last cigarette." ♪ ooh ooh ♪ ♪ tell me the truth is it over for you ♪ ♪ it isn't for me but i'll say what you want me to say ♪ ♪ addiction is strong i know it's wrong ♪ ♪ but i need that high i ain't gonna lie ♪ ♪ so give me tonight so i can be all right ♪ ♪ i can hold your body and you
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can hold me ♪ ♪ i want you one last time another hit to ease my mind ♪ ♪ i don't want you to be over yet won't you be my last cigarette ♪ ♪ ooh i thought it took three times ♪ ♪ to burn in into my mind but i had you would you please ♪ ♪ and you threw a punch but i'm not too mad ♪ ♪ all the fun that we had but it's hard to let go ♪ ♪ it's so hard tots no i can't go all day ♪ ♪ my hand they shake. i've go off the deep side ♪ ♪ habit going to make me die i want you one last time ♪ ♪ another hit to ease my mind ♪ ♪ i don't want you to be over yet won't you be my last
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cigarettes ♪
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