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tv   KPIX 5 News at Noon  CBS  April 1, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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live from the cbs bay area 2 studios, this is kpix 5 news. now on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, spring heat around the region, where we could break record high temperatures. good evening, everyone. i am michelle griego. we begin with meteorologist mary lee talking about the heat up. >> where warming up for sure as we head through the afternoon. lose guys on the san francisco camera with the hotel camera
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this afternoon. we are looking at temperatures coming close to if not tying or breaking record highs for the days. near record highs in san francisco, oakland, santa rosa, likely raking record highs in san jose, livermore, and concord. because of this strong dominant ridge of high pressure bringing the record warmth our way once again. we are looking at temperatures in the low to mid 70s along the coast. slightly cooler along the coast starting to get the marine influence offshore and along the coast but warming up to the upper 70s, low to mid 80s around the bay. mainly in the mid-80s inland this afternoon, some more spots inland will top out upper 80s. we talk about the changes with more of the stronger onshore flow and cooler temperatures coming our way. details on that coming up. back to you. i'm anne makovec at the live news desk monitoring news coming out of santa clara county where they are sounding the alarm about virus mutations, all four variants of
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concern as the cdc calls them around the world have been found here. they are seeing an uptick in the uk variant which spreads more easily as well as a handful of cases of the south african, brazilian, and japanese mutations. santa clara county health officials saying we are in a race between the variants and the vaccine. >> keep wearing your mask, delay your travel. don't indoor dying, don't go to indoor bars, don't post an indoor gathering at your home. even if it is allowed under the state rules, don't do it, it is not safe, not yet. >> as far as vaccine supply, santa clara county will get almost 72,000 doses next week, most of it the johnson & johnson vaccine. it is not enough, the county is administering only one-third of its capacity because of supply issues. as far as case rates, they are flat, santa clara county is
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where it was in october. health officials are afraid there could be another surge. thank you. we first brought you the update out of santa clara county on cbsn bay area, check it out 24/7 by going to or the kpix 5 news app. big day on the road to recovery, all california residents ages 50 and over are eligible for a coronavirus vaccine. in two weeks, all residents 16 and older will be eligible. today, the mass vaccination site at the oakland coliseum made the switch to the johnson & johnson vaccine but not without concern. >> reporter: after months of giving up the pfizer shot, mass vaccination site at the oakland coliseum is switching over to the johnson & johnson single- dose shot without hesitation. >> it is all j&j. >> they lined up before sunrise
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for coveted vaccine shot. by days end, fema estimates they will have given up 6500 doses of the one and done johnson & johnson vaccine. >> the ones here are safe. >> yes, the ones here are safe. >> reporter: yesterday, we learned manufacturing error at a subcontractor in baltimore mixed the ingredients for the single shot does with that of the different drugmaker. as a result, 15 million doses went bad. they were recalled at the factory and not shipped out. any doses in the national supply chain are safe including those in oakland and no appointments will be canceled. >> to anyone who may hesitate or have second thoughts about coming after sing the news we say what? >> we will not give out bad vaccinations here, not at all. any concerns, worries, >> not at all. >> reporter: you feel safe taking it today? >> yes. i was here at 5:00 in the morning. >> reporter: the early risers
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had heard about the bad batches, it did not faze them and confidence was high. >> the scientists and folks in charge caught the problem and addressed it. in fact, the vaccines already distributed have not been shown to have any problems. the systems of checks are working. >> reporter: in oakland, kiet do with kpix 5. this morning, governor newsom said the three-week window on johnson & johnson has been impacted by the issue. he anticipates we will receive 572,700 doses next week followed by more than 200,000 doses each week for two weeks after that. today, governor newsom got vaccinated in l.a. county. he is 53 years old so he now qualifies to get one. but as eligibility expands, he says supply is the main issue. >> the supply is threefold. you have supply coming into the state, that is the 2.4 million. we have supply going directly to the pharmacies and you may have seen this last week, walmart, costco, and others are part of the pharmacy program
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because there has been more direct allocation from the federal supply to the pharmaceutical or rather the pharmacies directly. >> the governor did not give a definitive timeline for how long it could take to secure a vaccine appointment once eligible. pfizer says protection from its vaccine will last six months following the second dose. previous estimates indicated the protection lasted 90 days. pfizer also said its vaccine appears to be effective against the south african variant. the white house is unveiling a new multibillion- dollar campaign to fight vaccine hesitancy. the push includes a network of influencers from sports stars to local faith leaders. it is aimed at reaching the most vulnerable communities. and for more on how to sign up for a vaccine in your county, check out our resource guide on /vaccine.
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on the road to recovery, some elementary school students are back in the classroom in santa rosa for hybrid learning. small groups of students will attend school in person two days a week and learn remotely three days a week. the rest of the district middle and high school students will begin hybrid learning the week of april 26. one of the east bay largest school districts says all students will continue distance- learning through the end of the school year. the fremont unified school district said it was unable to reach an agreement with the teachers' union on a plan for a safe return. developing news in orange county, four people including a child are dead after shots rang out at an office complex and now we are learning more about the suspect who is in critical condition. police say 44-year-old gonzales knew all of the victims either personally or through business. the shooting happened in the city of orange last night. police say the gunman chained
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the gates to the complex closed forcing officers to engage in from outside. it appears the unified homes business was targeted. one of the victims was a 9-year- old boy, the son of an employee. a man and two women killed, another female also hurt. >> the preliminary motive is believed to be related to a business and personal relationship which existed between the suspect and all of the victims. it appears all of the adults were connected either by business or personal relationship this was not a random act of violence. >> reporter: the district attorney says this is a special circumstances case and gonzales is eligible for the death penalty because of the country's third mass shooting in two weeks. in minneapolis, more emotional testimony in the derek chauvin trial. george floyd's girlfriend was the first to take the stand. courtney ross told jurors about the day she met floyd and how he approached her while she was crying. >> they said can i pray with
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you? i was tired, we had been through so much. my sons and i. this kind person to come up to me and say, can i pray with you? >> she told the jury like many americans, floyd struggled with an opioid addiction to deal of back pain. 4 miles away from the intersection at the intersection where george floyd died remains a protest zone. an area caretakers say the streets remain closed to cars until all four officers charged in floyd's death are convicted. new video shows how far smugglers will go to get migrants across the southern border. a border patrol surveillance, recorded smugglers climbing 14 foot barrier in new mexico and dropping two small children to the ground. agents rescued them, one is five years old, the other is 3. a lack of space, covid-19 protocols, and legal requirements mean some asylum-
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seekers are beingg transpsporte to r rural commmmunities afafte are e stopped nenear the bordrd >> still ahahead onon kpixix streamining on cbcbsn bay area ththe a's get ready to welcome back fans. how opening day will look different at the coliseum. plus, the bay area attractions reopening just in time for spring break.
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live look at the big board on wall street, the doubt up 146 points right now, stocks are up thanks to gains from tech companies. on the jobs front, there is uptake in americans seeking unemployment benefits. 719,000 people filed jobless claims last week, up 61,000 from the previous week. the 2021 major-league bowl season kicks off today. this evening, the oakland a's plate in front of a home crowd for r the first t time in 18 mo. ththere are big chananges to ke fans andnd players s safe. the a's s are cappining cacapac 26 % which means just over 1212,000 fansns. ononly the seself lots opopen f parkrking and tailgatiting is banned. . fansns will bebe seatated at po two o and four, they can also ordeder concessisions on ththei phonones that wiwill be delivev directly t to their seseats. fansns are reququired to wear at all times except when
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reading and drinking. we have more on all of those changes on our website opening day at oracle park is april 9, the giants take on the rockies. san francisco improved 22 % fan capacity, those 12 and over required to take a covid test with negative results or provide proof of full vaccination. there will also be socially distanced seating pods at designated zones and face coverings are mandatory. president biden called out the texas rangers for opopening ththeir ballpapark to full cap saying i it is not responsible. some local attractions are back open today at the santa cruz beach boardwalk, rides like the giant dipper will be running again, capacity is limited and online reservations recommended. in vallejo six flags discovery kingdom back open for members and season pass holders, general admission starts saturday at reduced capacity. we got the results of the
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latest snowpack serve eight minutes ago, statewide it is 59 % of average for this time of year. april 1 is typically when california's snowpack is the deepest. let's get a check on the weather and more on the snowpack with mary. >> unfortunately, not the best news, not a good water year or snow in the sierra. it is so important because the sierra snowpack makes up one- third of our state's water supply. at this point, it looks dry over the next several days. here is a live look of san francisco and cupid's arrow a lot of people out and about with sunshine we are looking at temperatures on the rise as we go through our afternoon. warm again today but changes as we look to the end of the week. we are looking at much cooler temperatures for our easter weekend and cooling down more as we go into early next week. as we go to hour by hour and futurecast, you can see all of
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the sunshine today, those clouds offshore as well as along the coast indicating the beginning of the marine influence starting to work its way along the coast. as we go through friday and into the weekend, we will see stronger onshore flow, cooler temperatures friday and into the weekend. our pollen count is skyhigh once again today and that continues for friday and into the weekend. our sunset at 7:32 and sunrise at 6:52 a.m. tomorrow. daytime highs running 15 to 20 degrees above average for this time of year, 73 in pacifica, 79, close to 80 in downtown san francisco, we're looking 83 in oakland, 86 in san jose and concord. we are excited about this, the houston a's take on the houston astros. our first pitch at seven: 07, 70 degrees with sunshine. clear skies and mild temperatures as we cheer on the oakland a's. there we go with temperatures cooling down friday into the easter weekend and cooler still
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for early next week. there is a slight chance for a shower monday and tuesday. we will have a better idea as we get closer to it, we know it will be much cooler as we start next week. looking at those temperatures, cooling back down as we head into the next several days. back to you. thank you. brand-new season of the reality show, ththe challengnge all-l-s dedebuts todayay on paramount+. the shshow followows competitit they f face over-the-top challengeses all set in the and mountains in argentina. we talked to some of them about returning for a chance of the $500,000 prize. >> when you talk about the biggest, the baddest, best of all time, literally bringing them out of reretirement, , liteterally likeke playing "g"g thrones".. in real life withth rereal peop and real emotionsns. >> youou can watch the challenge
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a retired fairfax man is volunteering seven days a week
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coming up with new and creative ways to help his northbay neighbors stay afloat. sharon chen introduces us to this week's bay area jefferson award winner. >> just loved it, but doing it. an 82-year-old jack hayes spent his career as a school superintendent and led the federation that oversees california's interscholastic sports. >> after retirement i had an idea of what i wanted to do. >> reporter: he started volunteering 17 years ago. >> i wanted to be hands-on. >> he went from the santa rita's church at fairfax, part of the st. paul society conference. >> families out there needed assistance. >> reporter: the group serves fairfax and beyond. they deliver weekly food bags to dozens of families to help pay for utility bills and gas and sometimes provide furniture and clothes to people and nonprofits. jack helped about 50 families apply for $85,000 in rental
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assistance they have received during the pandemic and he insists on going to visit those he helps. >> we can listen and also will see needs they don't ask about. >> reporter: to pay for those needs, jack organized a free throw championship the last 12 years, the basketball fundraiser generated more than $175,000 to rescue at risk women, families, and senior citizens on the brink of homelessness. >> this has been a blessing for me and my family. >> reporter: linda howard who was forced to take custody of her two young grandkids is grateful beyond words, not just for the food, clothes, and tutoring help the last decade but for jack's generous spirit. >> it is not like you failed so i'm here. let me help you, i'm going to help you, don't worry about it. >> thank you for all the help. >> thank you notes in his office shows what he means to families. this volunteer.
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>> you something mother teresa one said, we can't do great things, we can do small things with great love. that defines it jack. >> the old saying is true, you get more back then you get. an tirelessly meeting the needs of his northbay community, this week's award goes to jack hayes. sharon chen with kpix 5. >> jack has been married 59 years with six children and 13 grandchildren. his next focus will be helping children and stress relief for single moms. he is amazing. if you would like to nominate a quiet he wrote for the award, go to wrote. still ahead, design a better facemask and you could cash in. the contest calling on people to solve common problems. today on the droop perished more show, gayle king is on and late show host
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coming up at 5:00, it is a common practice when buying a home to submit personal stories to get an edge on the competition. why the so-called love letters may lead to discrimination. we have that story and more at 5:00. finally this afternoon, if you consult the pesky facemask problems, you can cash in. the department of health and
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human services announced a design contest. they are looking for masks that address common complaints while controlling transmission of the virus. those complaints include discomfort, fogged glasses, we have all experienced that, difficulty reading facial expressions, and problems speaking through masks. $500,000 in prize money up for grabs. i need to tell my mother-in-law about that, she makes all of my masks. >> yes, she does a great job too. help us out please.'s >> reporter: we don't want the fogged up glasses anymore. sounds great. that will do it for kpix 5 news at noon. remember we are on 24/7 on cbsn bay area. and streaming on have a gre
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♪♪ >> thomas: why are you saying all this? >> brooke: somebody needs to. i mean, the way you're talking about hope, how she can rely on you. >> thomas: she can. >> brooke: saying how much you'll always love her. >> thomas: i've explained what i meant by that. >> brooke: you've explained over and over and over again. it's like excuses trying to cover up what you really want. >> thomas: hope's happiness. that is what i want. okay. you don't have to be concerned. >> brooke: god, i wish i could believe you. >> thomas: you--you said you did believe me. you said that you were impressed by me. what--was that all a lie? >> brooke: no. i am impressed with some of the changes you're making. and as ridge's wife, i wish i could believe


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