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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  August 30, 2019 4:00am-4:29am PDT

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>> reporter: sarcasm. steve hartman on the road in new hope, pennsylvania. captioning funded by cbs friday ugust 30 it's friday, august 30th, 2019. this is the "cbs morning news." breaking overnight, monster storm. hurricane dorian is gaining strength in the atlantic. how strong the storm is this morning, and where it's on track to make landfall. a thwarted plot. a new york city man arrested for allegedly planning an isis-inspired attack. what federal investigators believe he was going to do. and on the mend, "jeopardy" host alex trebek has completed chemotherapy to treat pancreatic cancer. what he's now saying about his future plans as host of the classic game show.
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good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters in new york. i'm wendy gillette in for anne-marie green. hurricane dorian intensified overnight and is now a category 2 hurricane. dorian is expected to hit somewhere between florida and southern georgia on monday and could make landfall as a powerful category 4 storm. that would make it the strongest storm to hit florida's east coast since hurricane andrew in 1992. this ominous view from the international space station shows the storm morphing into a monster. chief meteorologist craig setzer of our miami station wfor is tracking dorian's path. >> well, the storm strengthened overnight, winds up to 105 miles an hour now, moving to the
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northwest at 12, expecting to continue because it's over very warm waters. the wind shear very low. it will be a category 3 today, category 4 by tomorrow as it breaches the northwest bahamas. that's the sunday evening time frame here. and then monday evening, labor day, approaching the florida coast if not making landfall or reaching the florida coast at that point in time. then after that it's a very, very slow move inland. as it slowly weakens, this means it's going to be a huge rainfall threat on top of being a wind and storm surge threat. so seriously, certainly you can see that all of the florida peninsula is covered by the cone now, including the florida keys are not out of the woods with this system, but especially along the east coast here from the space coast all the way down to south florida, miami area, have to be watching for it and ar states of emergency are in effect for florida and georgia ahead of hurricane dorian. at the kennedy space center the storm has prompted nasa to move its $650 million mobile
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rocket launcher into storage for safekeeping. nikole killion is in cocoa beach, florida, as people there prepare for the storm. >> reporter: floridians are stocking up on water, food, gasoline, and other supplies as dorian threatens to pound the state. >> we have three kids at home and a cat, and we're just trying to prepare. >> we only have three flashlights and no batteries. >> reporter: winds could top the shore from south georgia to florida. the view from the international space station thursday shows the hurricane increasing in size over the atlantic. >> we know it's a serious storm, and we know it has a chance to really have significant impact on the state of florida. >> reporter: the governors of both florida and georgia have declared states of emergency, allowing them to bring in more fuel and call up the national guard if needed.
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>> you need to have three days worth of food. you need to have three days worth of water. as much as possible, try to be self-sufficient. >> reporter: florida officials are not ordering evacuations while the hurricane's path remains unclear. president trump canceled his weekend trip to poland ahead of dorian's arrival. >> it's very important for me to be here. the storm looks like it could be a very, very big one indeed. >> reporter: the president said florida is going to be totally ready for dorian. nikole killion, cbs news, cocoa beach, florida. a man accused of conspiring to carry out a terror plot in new york city is expected in federal court today. laura podesta is live in new york. laura, what do we know about this case? >> wendy, the 19-year-old was allegedly planning an attack using a knife all in the name of isis somewhere in new york city. the u.s. attorney's office says he was arrested as part of a national security investigation, and the fbi was outside the suspect's home in flushing queens last night. according to authorities, he texted undercover fbi agents about his plan, and those plans included a terror attack in new
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york city allegedly. investigators have not said when or where that attack was supposed to take place, but that the suspect was under constant surveillance a and there was ner a threat to public safety. he has not been named by law enforcement, but we should learn more about him soon. as you mentioned, wendy, he is expected in court later today. >> laura podesta in new york. laura, thanks. the criminal case against jeffrey epstein is officially over. a judge has formally dismissed the indictment charging epstein with the sex trafficking of minors. the 66-year-old multi-millionaire died by suicide in his jail cell earlier this month. attorney general william barr promised the doj he will still pursue those who may have enabled epstein to carry out the reported sexual assaults. the doj's inspector general says james comey broke fbi rules in his handling of memos.
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comey wrote about his interactions with president trump. the government watchdog says the former fbi director violated policy when he gave a memo with unclassified information to a friend to share with a reporter, and he did not tell the fbi he had some of the memos in his home after he was fired. comey wrote the memos about his private conversations with mr. trump. the doj saysomey will not be prosecuted. presidential hopeful joe biden is not apologizing for reportedly mistelling the story of a soldier's bravery on the campaign trail. >> and the general wanted me to pin the silver star on him. i got up there and stand -- god's truth, my word as a biden, as he stood to attention, i went to pin it on him and he said, i do not want the damn thing. i said, do not do that. do not do that. he died. he died.
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>> biden did award a medal to a brave soldier in 2011, but according to the "washington post," in his retelling, he got the year, location, rank, branch of service, act of heroism, and his role in the ceremony wrong. the former vice president called the criticism ridiculous and said the central point of the story was absolutely accurate. president trump officially launched the new u.s. space command to defend american interests in space. one of its duties will be to enable satellite communications for troops and commanders in the field. this is different from president trump's space force, which would be its own military service. congress will work on legislation to create the space force when it returns from august recess. the fbi is now investigating a second homicide at a west virginia v.a. facility. an autopsy revealed the death of air force veteran george nelson shaw sr. was also a homicide. the medical examiner called it death by insulin injection.
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retired army sergeant felix kirk mcdermott died the day before shaw from a deadly insulin injection he did not need. west virginia senator joe manchin says more families have contacted him, looking for answers. >> we were already told about the one last week, and now we're finding out there's more, and since i've been coming out really strong, people are coming -- i've got ten-plus people concerned about their family members, how they might have passed away from there. >> the v.a. office of inspector general offered information about the first homicide, but offered no additional comment. investigators say they busted a massive drug ring spanning three states. they seized enough fentanyl to kill 14 million people. the synthetic opioid is much stronger and more deadly than heroin. 35 people were arrested in virginia, north carolina, and texas. four others are still on the run. they allegedly played different roles including supplier,
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packager, transporter, and distributor in the drug ring. coming up on thenews," why after having a baby behind bars. and an ohio man is accused of shooting and kikilling two teenagers. what he says the this is the "cbs morning news." ♪ dealing with psoriatic arthritis pain was so frustrating. my skin... it was embarrassing. my joints... they hurt. the pain and swelling. the tenderness. the psoriasis. i had to find something that worked on all of this. i found cosentyx. now, watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are getting real relief with cosentyx. it's a different kind of targeted biologic. cosentyx treats more than just the joint pain of psoriatic arthritis. it even helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections
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neutrogena® and try our hydrating makeup. play it cool and escape heartburn fast with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. ♪ tum tum tum tums an ga an investigation is under way into the shooting deaths of two teenagers, and a woman is suing after giving birth in jail. those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. the "denver post" is reporting on a woman who gave birth alone in her denver county jail cell after her cries for help were ignored for hours. she's suing the city. surveillance video shows diana sanchez delivering a baby boy in july of 2018. after the baby was born, a male nurse appears with a deputy and picks up the infant. the lawsuit claims jail nurses did not have equipment to cut
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the baby's umbilical cord. the lawsuit also says it was another half hour before paramedics arrived and took the baby and mother to a a hospital. >> i felt helpless. nobody was helping me. so many people there and nobody lifted a finger basically. that pain was so indescribable. and what hurts me more, though, is the fact that nobody cared. >> the denver sheriff's ñ&ged its policy to make sure pregnant inmates in any stage of labor are immediately taken to the hospital. cbs dayton, ohio, affiliate whio reports police say a homeowner shot and killed two of three teenagers he found around his garage. the man says he heard voices coming from the garage wednesday night. he went outside armed with a gun. police say the three teenagers were in a car and there was some drug activity going on. one teen ran away.
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authorities say the homeowner called 911 immediately after to report the shooting. police are investigating. "the new york times" says james leavelle, the stetson-wearing dallas police detective at lee harvey oswald's side when oswald was died by jack ruby has died. leavelle was handcuffed to oswald when transferring him to the jail two days after oswald assassinated kennedy in 1963. that's when ruby jumped out and shot oswald. leavelle died yesterday after falling and breaking his hip. he was 99. still ahead, apple announces its new product. the features it may have that iphone fan users are eagerly awaiting. users are eagerly awaited. th support, chantix is proven to help you quit. with chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives,
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you'll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or life-threatening allergic and skin reactions. decrease alcohol use. use caution driving or operating machinery. tell your doctor if you've had mental health problems. the most common side effect is nausea. quit smoking slow turkey. talk to your doctor about chantix. test
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. "jeopardy" host alex trebek is sharing good news with fans. his chemotherapy has ended and he's back to work. in a twitter video promoting the game show's 36th season, trebek says he's on the mend. the 79-year-old is also seen celebrating his birthday in the video. trebek revealed in march he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but a few months later he said he was near remission.
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on the "cbs moneywatch," a new iphone may be on the way, and new allegations against chinese tech firm huawei. marc liverman is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. good morning, marc. good morning, wendy. today we will get the personal income and personal spending report for july. meanwhile campbell's soup reports quarterly results ahead of the opening bell. stockmarkets ended higher yesterday in hopes of more talks next month on the trade war between the u.s. and china. the dow rose 326 points, the s&p 500 jumped 36 points, and the nasdaq gained 116 points. u.s. prosecutors are investigating additional claims of technology theft by huawei, according to "the wall street journal." it says the chinese telecommunications equipment maker is accused of stealing intellectual property over several years and recruiting employees from its rivals. the doj charged huawei and its
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chief financial officer in january with conspiring against u.s. sanctions with iran. amazon wants users to remove unsafe products on its line. a "wall street journal" investigation revealed more than 4,000 products were mislabeled, banned by regulators, or declared unsafe. they include motorcycle helmets and makeup and a toy xylophone. in a letter the senator said unquestionably amazon is falling short of its commitment to keeping safe those consumers who use its massive platform. amazon plans to respond to the letter and said it's invested $400 million to ensure its products are safe, compliant, and authentic. directv and at&t users are now able to watch nexstar stations, which includes some cbs affiliates. nexstar and at&t agreed to a new multi-year deal. 120 stations across the country went dark on july 3rd after the two companies failed to reach
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agreement. they did not reach the financial terms of the deal. and mark your calendar. apple announced the date of its annual product unveiling event. it will take place september 10th at apple headquarters in california. while the tech giant did not name the new product, it's likely to reveal an updated smartphone, possibly called the iphone 11. according to bloomberg, the new phone may have a better camera that can take photos and videos with an ultrawide angle. and, wendy, i seem to always get the phone right before the new one comes out, and this year was no different. >> you're cursed. >> exactly. >> marc liverman at the new york stock exchange. marc, thanks. >> thank you. still to come, what's being blamed for an increasing number of people being killed in red light crashes. ed for an increasing number of people being killed in red light crashes. dawn is for more than just dishes. with 3x more grease cleaning power per drop, it tackles tough grease on a variety of surfaces. try dawn ultra.
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the city of milwaukee is urging people who live there to stop vaping. the warning comes after a state investigation found 89% of those who became sick after vaping said they inhaled thc products. thc is the active ingredient in marijuana. >> beginning in july, 16 teenagers that have come in with severe lung injuries and disease that needed to be hospitalized, and what we have found in common with them is vaping. >> the centers for disease one person d iinoi have been 193 the exact cause of the illnesses is still being investigated. the vaping industry blames unlicensed retailers selling unsafe chemical mixtures. distracted driving is being
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blamed for the increasing number of people being killed in red light crashes. a new aaa study found red light deaths have surged 28% since 2012. research shows red light cameras which catch drivers in the act and mail them a ticket cut fatal crashes by 14%, but outraged drivers call it policing for profit. eight states have banned red light cameras. new york city was the first to use red light cameras and thousands of them, but some say they're a speed trap. >> i guess i have to really disagree with the characterization of the speed trap. we're thoughtful and data-driven where we put the cameras, and we're not trying to play a game of gotcha. >> the insurance institute for highway safety found red light cameras do change driving behavior, cutting excessive speeding by about 80%. coming up on "cbs this morning," youth vapor culture.
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we'll talk with teenagers about vaping and show you new technology being installed in bathrooms to detect all types of smoke. i'm wendy gillette. this is the "cbs morning news." aveeno® with prebiotic oat. it hydrates and softens skin. so it looks like this... and you feel like this. aveeno® daily moisturizer get skin happy™ jill jill has entresto, and a na heart failure pill that helped keep people alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. where to next? pronamel repair can actively help repair weakened enamel.
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and it drives it deep into the tooth's surface. pronamel repair takes it
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our top stories this morning, hurricane dorian is barreling toward the mainland u.s. and could make landfall monday as a powerful category 4 storm. forecasters say the winds could top 130 miles an hour when it comes ashore anywhere from the florida keys to southern georgia. states of emergency are in effect in both states. and a 19-year-old who was reportedly planning to carry out a terror attack in new york city in the name of isis is due in federal court today. authorities say he was planning to use a knife. the suspect was arrested as part of a national security investigation. the teen allegedly texted undercover fbi agents about his plans. hundreds of immigrant children receiving medical care
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in the u.s. are facing possible deportation due to a change in policy by the trump administration. the children are here legally, many suffering from serious diseases. errol barnett reports. >> reporter: this is how 16-year-old jonathan sanchez stays alive, a vibrating vest, nebulizer, and special medication helping him battle cystic fibrosis, the life-threatening disorder damaging his lungs and digestive system. it also claimed the life of his sister samantha back in honduras when she was just 6 months old. she got worse, his mother tells me, and one morning she passed away. the family came to the u.s. legally in 2016 and applied for medical deferred action, a program that allows immigrants to receive life-saving treatment for up to two years, but on monday they received this denial
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notice, giving them 33 days to leave the country or face deportation. >> receiving the letter is like a big hit in this moment. i don't know what will happen in the future. >> reporter: as part of new trump administration policy, the nation citizenship and immigration service changed the medical deferment program, leaving hundreds of immigrant children in limbo. cbs news reached out to uscis which did not give us a reason for the sudden change, but it did tell us immigration customs enforcement will now handle these applications. but when we reached out to i.c.e., they told us that is not true, telling cbs news it has no policy or program to deal with medical defer red action, addin there's no plan to take it over. while wearing his new england patriots t-shirt, jonathan made his intention on potentially leaving the country clear. >> the letter and the words that say we need to leave the country in 33 days, but in my
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perspective, it's making legal homicide. >> reporter: after our interview, mariella succumbed to the emotional weight of her family's situation. coming up on "cbs this morning" in our series "down to earth" seth doane takes us to a high-tech lab where they're creating so-called clean meat from farm animal tissues. and we'll have a preview of the big fall movies that will be hitting theaters. that's the "cbs morning news" for this friday. i'm wendy gillette. have a great day. -- captions by vitac --
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