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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11PM  CBS  August 29, 2019 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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and out of respect, we will let you make the first offer. thirty minutes. thirty minutes? objection! overruled. one hour. sweeten the deal by doing the dishes and i'll consider it. i wouldn't do it. i hate the dishes. one hour with the tablet, you walk the dog and do the dishes. if you insist. congratulations. only xfinity xfi lets you take control of your family's online time. that's simple, easy, awesome. xfinity xfi gives you the speed, coverage and control you need. manage your wifi network from anywhere when you download the xfi app today.
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this just in, tonight at 11:00 p.m. a dog napping. now two arrests and two puppies recovered. we are live with new information in this case. >> plus -- >> she was scared for her life. she was running from somebody. >> gunfire rings out in oakland tonight and a woman runs for cover. what one business owner did to save her. >> hurricane dorian could make landfall as a category 4 storm. how people in florida are getting ready. >> the san francisco 49ers play their last pre-season game of the year.
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we will take you inside levi stadium. >> this just in, police have made arrests after three young and vulnerable puppies were stolen from a bay area shelter. kpix 5's joe vazquez is live in hayward with the story tonight. >> reporter: yeah. we are in a safeway parking lot in hayward and you could see police activity. you can see the red car. that is the director of the animal shelter. she just recovered two of three puppies stolen from her shelter late last night. three men wearing hoodies walked into the rescue, they seemed to know where they were going as they walked toward the puppies and stole three of them. here you see them. the huskies were rescued from the streets of tijuana and also stole an pitbull who came from a shelter in stockton. he has mange for which he is
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receiving treatment. the staff has been busy trying to find the pup and this afternoon, a strange development, somebody else is posting the photos trying to sell the dogs. >> that is our photo. for sure our dog. >> reporter: the staffers asked the seller for video of the dogs. and they were sent these cell phone images. >> i mean, it is good because we can see real footage and it is like there are two huskies. and we had two huskies stolen. that is promising. >> "like" a hostage -- like a hostage video. >> yeah. it is, unfortunately. you know? >> reporter: we will show you video from 20 minutes ago. i mentioned a third party, that third party contacted police in hayward and had -- what was a puppy sting operation. they were able to get the puppies back. they recovered them. and two men were arrested and
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taken down to the police department. we are still waiting for more details about how the sting separation took place. -- operation took place. just 24 hours ago the three puppies were taken and now two of them have been recovered. we are trying to figure out where the baby pitbull ended up but they are celebrating they got two of them back. >> hopefully the third one will be safe as well. joe, you know, the people that went in there and took the puppies, they look so familiar, they knew where to go in the shelter. is there speculation these perpetrators perhaps worked there or had been there before. any leads on that? >> reporter: well, the shelter folks said it seemed they knew what they were doing in terms of grack puppies and they -- grabbing puppies and they grabbed other stuff. there were other things they could have stolen and did not. so but they did go straight for
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the puppies. they are worth 5 to $800 a pop. they were up the process -- in the process of selling them. >> the pitbull is still in an unstable medical condition as llright? >> reporter: right. they would like to see the puppy get its medical treatment that needs and be treated right. they want the puppy returned so if anybody knows where that one is call the police department. >> all right. thank you very much. well, police are searching for 8 people who robbed the apple store this evening. officers say the men ran into the store before 8:30 p.m. and loaded up on display products, jumped in two cars and sped away. about $70,000 worth of tech was taken. police say this is the third time this store has been robbed this month. and this labor day weekend instead of beaches and barbecue millions in florida are bracing
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for the worst storm in decades. our chief meteorologist paul deanno is with us and he is tracking hurricane dorian. >> here is the latest. there was nothing between hurricane dorian and the east coast of florida that will make this storm weaker. the question is, how strong is it going to get? it is now a category 2 hurricane. winds 105 miles per hour. it is forecast to become a category 4 hurricane before landfall. that is the end of what we know. look at the forecast cone over theitate of florida. -- over the state of florida. there is not one part of florida that couldn't get hit by hurricane dorian and not one part we can say will get hit by hurricane dorian. florida is in the problem area here toward sunday, monday,
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tuesday or even wednesday. residents prepare for what is coming up next. >> reporter: we are still a few days out from the storm which is due a hit over the labor day weekend and could be one of the strongest central florida has seen in years. >> reporter: people are stocking up on water, food, gasoline and other supplies. >> three kids at home and a cat and trying to prepare. >> we have three flash lights and no batteries. >> reporter: forecasters say the winds could top 100 miles an hour when it comes ashore anywhere from south florida to the georgia border. the view from the international space station thursday shows the hurricane increasing in size over the atlantic. >> we know it is a serious storm. we know it has a chance to really have significant impacts on florida. >> the governors of florida and georgia declared state of emergencies allowing them to call up the national guard if needed.
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>> you need have three days worth of food, water, as much as possible. >> reporter: florida officials are not ordering vacations yet. president trump canceled -- evacuations yet. president canceled his trip head of hurricane dorian's arrival. >> the storm could be a very, very big one indeed. >> reporter: the president said florida is going to be totally ready for hurricane dorian. fema is positioning teams in advance of the storm and will have enough resources to handle the recovery. kpix 5. california is a big state, so is florida. the state, every square inch could get hit by hurricane dorian. depending on where the track goes. the local forecast is coming up. >> thank you. oakland police are searching for the gunman who left two men wounded and set a
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teenager -- sent a teenager running for her life. the violence happened this afternoon on 61 street at the border of berkeley and oakland. kpix 5's christin ayers reports from the scene. >> reporter: tonight oakland police wrapped up their investigation here at the scene of a shoot out that happened in broad daylight and left two men wounded. >> i heard several gunshots. >> reporter: with 30:00 p.m. this afternoon here at -- 2:30 p.m. this afternoon here. four gots and a pause. followed by a rapid -- gunshots and a pause. followed by rapid shots. a business owner knew it was serious when he saw the teenager shaken. >> she ran into the warehouse. and she started crying. >> reporter: he said she begged him to call 911. he hid her inside his shop until police came. >> she was scared for her life. she was running from somebody.
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i can tell that part. she couldn't talk. she is shaking. >> reporter: it is unclear whether the girl was a witness or an innocent bystander. when authorities arrived they found two men with gunshot wounds. investigators searched a blue honda at the scene but no sign of the shooters. the owner told us as he waited for police a white suv circled the block twice, searching for someone. >> i was squared for my life two. -- scared for my life two. >> reporter: neighbors noticed an up tick in crime recently. >> more patrol. i don't know what to suggest. i think people want to feel safe. >> reporter: police were still searching for the suspects this evening. in oakland, christin ayers, kpix 5. and police say the gun violence began as a dispute but they have not determined any
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motive. in san jose a driver that struck and killed a bikalist is on the run. police -- bikest is on the run. bikalist is -- cyclist is on the run. it happened after 4:00 p.m. today at story road and south jackson avenue. the suspect fled the scene on foot. another hit-and-run today. an 11-year-old girl was struck just walking to school. she had to be airlifted to uc davis. the family says she will spend the night there. they expect doctors to release her tomorrow. the driver, she was arrested half mile away from the scene. detectives believe she was under the for the fluence of drugs and alcohol. a woman is facing charges after police say she stole thousands of dollars worth of sporting goods from all over the bay area. police say she and several other people stole $7,000 worth
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of items at a big 5 sporting goods store earlier this month. she is connected with thefts from stores in six other cities. she is facing several charges. the career of former warriors star demarcus cousins is in jeopardy tonight and he could end up in jail. an arrest warrant has been issued for demarcus cousins in alabama on a domestic violence charge. the charge carries up to a year in jail. he is accused of telling his ex- girlfriend he would put a bullet in her head. the exchange over the phone happened after she refused to allow their son to attend his wedding. lyft and uber are fightg legislation that would classifies california drivers
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as employees. a proposal would require the companies make drivers employees sick days, health benefits and a protected minimum wage. the companies say the model allows drivers to set their own schedules and yesterday uber announced it would guarantee a minimum wage of $21 an hour. we reached out to lyft and they confirmed they are putting $30 million into a ballot measure that would make them exempt from that law. we also reached out to uber but have not heard back. >> new tonight at 11:00 p.m., sonoma county is out with a health alert for lung injuries from vaping. no vaping related illnesses have be reported in the county so far. the marketing practices of san francisco based vaping company juul are underscrutiny. the feds -- under scrutiny. the feds are investigating the
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ads. the ftc could seek monetary damages for deceptive marketing that targets minors. >> i see them in a lot of youtubes, showing on videos for teenagers. so it is really like targeted to us. >> i don't think our campaign was targeted to kids. we don't need to target youth to grow our business. >> jwould not comment on the investigation but the company says it copts and transparent with any government industry. president donald trump's assistant just resigned. she has been with the president since the start of his administration. cetell cbs news this comes after president trump learned she shared information with reporters at a recent off the record meeting but she didn't say her comments were off the record. 49ers hitting the field in their last pre-season game tonight. coming up, it wasn't just
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football that had people talking. >> two murals in the south bay city have
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. the san francisco 49ers played their last pre-season game against the los angeles chargers. >> they didn't come out with a win but the 49ers fans say they are optimistic about the future. kpix 5's maria medina with the sights, the smells and the sounds at tonight's game. >> reporter: well, what goes with football? many say the fans, the foods, the fun and, of course, family. >> reporter: alex followed in
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his father's foot steps. >> my dad routed for the 9ers. we are all here. >> reporter: 49ers fans proved how faithful they were tonight showing up for the last pre- season game before the regulation begins. >> they are my local team. >> reporter: the fans weren't the only thing that filled the stadium. you can't forget the food here at levi stadium. this year the venue added 7 new restaurant partners. >> a cornbread waffle. >> reporter: the fans say football isn't just about the wins and the losses on the field, it is also about what happens off the field. >> it is a family environment. >> reporter: like many fans who pack levi stadium for each game, he said football is about family. >> football brought us
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together, the empire made us family. >> reporter: and by the way, the first regulation game is september 8. at levi stadium, maria medina, kpix 5. >> if you are going to the games this season check out kpix stadium game. rules of how to get to the games quickly. a san jose dentist is facing a boycott for his ties to two buildings were murls were pointed -- murals were painted over. in 2014 the mural was wiped away. and then last year this mural a mile away was also erased. both buildings are tied to the same dentist who closed up for a day as protesters marched outside his door. >> it looks like there is an
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agenda to remove our culture and history and art from our neighborhoods. >> seeing the murals in our neighborhoods is extremely important. >> the dentist's attorney denies his vomiter in the loss of the second -- volment of -- involvement in the loss of the second mural. an open space preserve on the peninsula has fully reopened following mountain lion sightings last week. video captured the cats leaping out of brush and trotting along a path at the preserve. the park said the cats moved on to a less used area but anyone who sees a mountain lion, contact a ranger. heading closer to the holiday weekend, the weather will get warmer.
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not hot, though. increasing humidity. it is still hear. the ocean temperature is 5 degrees warmer than normal. when we get a push from it, that is stickier outside and not as cold. san francisco 70s today and half moon bay. muggy tonight, a little bit cloudy. san francisco tonight upper 50s to low 60s for lows. trivalley 58. mountain view 59. napa 55 degrees. we hit triple digits. 100 days since we had a decent rainfall. incrusting we go that long. may 21 the last time it rained. part of the reasons why our pollen count is crazy high. it is getting higher. all three days of the holiday weekend features between 9 and 10 on a 1 to 12 scale. 81 degrees tomorrow. 83 degrees coming up on saturday. a little bit warmer toward the
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weekend. this ridge of high pressure gets closer to us. but not so close we see triple digits. three to five degrees warmer. location is key for the ridges because a flow from the ocean will prevent the heat and that is what we will have through the weekend. afternoon sunshine tomorrow after a cloudy start. warmer inland over the weekend and next week cooling. highs tomorrow running close to average. san jose average. 82 for you. cupertino 82. 65, cool at the coast. fremont 77 degrees. 82 danville. fairfield 87. martinez 80 degrees. 80 mill valley. 71 alameda. san francisco, 67. some afternoon sunshine. novato and napa 83. lake port 92. holiday weekend, pretty straight across weather. 93 every day for the hottest spots inland. low 70s near the bay. mid-60s at the coast and cool off toward the middle of next
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week. the latest on weather and traffic at 4:30 a.m. amazing how sensitive we are to the weather. a little increase in humidity feels so different. the breeze from the ocean does not feel the same. >> everybody with their hair is going wait a minute. this is not right. >> we don't have that problem. >> yes. you know, humidity is not my friend. thank you. hundreds of people use scooters to get around the bay area every day. coming up, why you could soon see riderless scooters
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. >> one scooter company wants to clear the sidewalks of discarded rides. the self-driving scooter will drive its back to a charger station. what could possibly go wrong? the scooter will use ai technology oguide itself -- to guide itself. it plans to roll the rides out soon in china. no word on if or when they could make their way to the bay area but we will keep you informed. here's one you guys will like.
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. welcome to levi stadium where the curtain dropped on another bay area nfl pre- season. you know what? we will start it right here. the chargers in town. against the 49ers. they sat out all the starters.
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the 49ers, including the quarterback. cj bethered got the start tonight at quarterback. jeff wilson, jr. left and then right and then look at this run. and watch the great block. making it 7-6. a minute left in the first. rolled out to find the end zone. a 21-yard scoring play. 20-14. fourth quarter. now 24-20. that is the game winning touchdown. the chargers won it. the 9ers wrap up the pre-season at 3-1. now one of the questions is who will be the backup. >> how do you size it up? how was thucompetition? >> it was -- the competition? >> it was great. we both -- you know, went back
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and forth. we will see how it turns out. >> [ inaudible question ] >> i don't know what is going to happen. you know just as much as i do. >> reporter: all right. now, how about the raiders? jon gruden. oakland down 8. butler went in and the raiders trail 17-15. got to go for two and the tie, right? next move. on the ground. seahawks won it 17-15 and oakland finishes pre-season 3- 1. baseball, couple of bay area big league teams for you. one is raging, the other one -- let's pick it up in the mid- west. at kansas city. in this one the a's downtown brown. 4-5 for the night there. top 4, royals up 2-1. blasted
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one. that is not coming back. a two-run shot. a's led. the a's won 9-8. how about the giants? he made his major league debut against the padres. top three. back, away and gone. 5-3. the giants lost three straight and they have fallen seven games back of the drubs the second wildcard -- cubs for the second wildcard spot. 49ers and raiders finishing the ♪ here i go again on my own ♪ goin' down the only road i've ever known ♪ ♪ like a drifter i was-- ♪ born to walk alone!
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