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tv   CBS Weekend News  CBS  August 3, 2019 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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pacifica. it also included other dog competitions and a pet wellness fair for folks whose dogs weren't too keen on surfing. >> it looked like he was getting ready to do something. i wouldn't blame him. the cbs weekend news is next. >> duncan: breaking news tonight from el paso, texas: at least 19 people have been killed after a shooting rampage at a shopping complex. the suspected gunman with a manifesto is in custody. also tonight, cliff collapse: three people are killed as a bluff crashes on a california beach. breaking his silence: congressman elijah cummings responds to president trump's attacks on him and the city of baltimore. >> come to baltimore. do not just criticize us. >> duncan: and pro-democracy protesters clash with police again in hong kong. and in moscow, hundreds are arrested.
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>> this is the cbs weekend news. >> duncan: good evening. i'm jericka duncan. we begin with breaking news, a deadly mass shooting at a walmart in el paso, texas. the numbers are staggering-- at least 20 dead, more than two dozen injured. the suspected gunman is in custody, identified as 19-year-old patrick crusius. he allegedly showed up at the walmart armed, and, with a grudge, detailed in a manifesto he reportedly wrote and posted on an extremist web site. witnesses say the gunman shot randomly and repeatedly. janet shamlian begins our coverage. >> reporter: these surveillance pictures show the alleged shooter moments before the attack at the walmart super center. el passo police sergeant robert gomez says they have one person in custody. >> we believe he is the sole shooter. the person who was taken into custody was taken into custody without incident. and no law enforcement personnel
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fired their weapons. >> reporter: the shooting started just before 11 a.m. mountain time. >> i wasn't really paying attention, but i heard do-do-do. and then, like, closer together. i told him there's a shooter, and we took off running towards the back of the store. >> reporter: a massive emergency response was sent to the busy mall area on the city's east side, just off interstate 10. the f.b.i. and a.t.f. are on the ground, helping el paso police. the walmart is part of a large shopping area, sharing a parking lot with the cielo vista mall, which has more than 140 stores. shoppers were running for cover as word of the shooting spread. >> texas governor george abbott: >> on a day that would have been a normal day for someone to losurely go shopping, turned into one of the most deadly days in the history of texas. >> reporter: beto o'rourke said he's cancelling events and heading home.
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>> i am very sad and it is incredibly hard to think about this. but i'll tell you el paso is the strongest place in the world. >> reporter: tonight, president trump has been briefed. the white house says it's monitoring the situation, and texas governor george abbott has already arrived in el paso. he is meeting with law enforcement. jericka. >> duncan: thank you, janet. and police are saying there were as many as 3,000 people at this walmart? >> reporter: yeah. this is tax-free weekend in texas. it's designed to help families cut the cost of back-to-school expenses. so, all the stores, including this walmart, were just packed today. ind, also, jericka, you were thkely to find many more children in the stores today. >> duncan: wow. aoughts and prayers going out to that community tonight. ganet shamlian, thank you. e vestigators are now trying to determine a motive in today's massacre. chief justice and homeland security correspondent jeff pegues is following that part of our story.
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jeff. >> reporter: tonight, el paso police are leading this investigation, but they are getting a lot of help from the f.b.i. and a.t.f. there is a lot of evidence to sort through, as we've seen. there is surveillance video of the gunman walking in with his weapon. there is cell phone video and hundreds of witnesses to interview. and in the search for a motive, there is a note the alleged shooter posted online around the time the shooting began. the writer of the note said the shooting was a response to the hispanic invasion of texas. and the writer of the note also cites the christchurch shooter in new zealand, which is a reference to the mass shooting at two mosques that killed 51 people. >> duncan: jeff, when you think about the amount of people that were at that walmart possibly, as janet just said, up to 3,000-- talk about how that impacts the crime scene. >> reporter: well, this is going to be a lengthy investigation, and as we've seen in other active-shooting investigations, jericka, the f.b.i. will likely take the lead, gathering evidence at the crime scene.
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investigators will collect bullet casings, clothing, and they'll interview every witness that they can find. the f.b.i. has databases that it uses to collect all this evidence. another important point here: they'll want to know whether the gunman had scouted this location in the past, if he had specific targets, and whether he had accomplices. the f.b.i. will-- or the a.t.f., rather, will trace the weapon to see if it was purchased legally, and, if not, how the gunman was able to get his hands on it in the first place and the bullets. jericka. >> duncan: thank you, jeff. ond, of course, we'll continue to follow this developing story. in other news tonight, three people are dead and two are injured after a cliff collapse ap a california beach. it happened late yesterday in the city of encinatas, north of san diego. earter evans reports. >> we still have one trapped. a reporter: tense moments as lifeguards and beach-goers search for survivors beneath tons of dirt and sandstone. >> i saw lifeguards frantically digging out bodies out of the
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earth where the bluff sheered off. s reporter: witnesses say the cliff collapse came with no warning friday afternoon. >> it's a grim scene. ay reporter: investigators say one woman was killed on the beach. two other victims were airlifted and died later at the hospital. the scene was littered with chairs, towels and beach toys. >> there was a family that was pulled off to the side, quite a large group of them, a lot of kids involved and several adults. and they were clearly eistraught. >> reporter: cliff collapses like this are fairly common along this part of the eroding california coastline where nssted signs and lifeguards warn beach-goers to stay away from the unstable bluffs. >> we have over 3,000 contacts knually just on, you know, those things. and we tell people over and over and over, you know, to stay back from these naturally-eroding cliffs. >> reporter: experts say this part of the bluff is still active, and they're concerned about another collapse. so, they've closed this area off, and they plan to keep a lifeguard here all weekend to
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keep people away. jericka. >> duncan: carter evans, thank you. one week after president trump called out elijah cummings and his baltimore district, the congressman is responding. the maryland democrat spoke out for the first time today about the president's recent barrage of insults. here's nikole killion. >> i do not have time for people who want to trash our city. ar reporter: maryland ahngressman elijah cummings had a clear message for president trump, even though he never mentioned him by name. >> do not just criticize us, but come to baltimore, and i promise you, you will be welcome. >> reporter: cummings spoke at a playground opening in baltimore, his first public comments since the president slammed his district as a "disgusting rat and rodent-infested mess where no human being would want to live." >> when i hear criticism by anybody about my city, i think the thing that bothers me most
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is that we have a situation heere there are folks who are stepping on the foot-- on the hope of our children. p reporter: throughout the week, the president defended his comments and didn't let up. >> those people are living in hell in baltimore. the homicide rate in baltimore is significantly higher than el salvador, honduras, guatemala. >> reporter: and the president took heat after this tweet following reports that cummings' lltimore home was robbed, though he later told reporters he meant no harm. >> i know his house was robbed, and i thought that was too bad. that was really just-- that was really not meant as a wise-guy tweet, i mean. >> reporter: despite the war of words, cummings says that he does not support impeaching the president even though a majority of house democrats now favor an inquiry. jericka. >> duncan: nikole, thanks. turning to another member of congress, you know, the
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president announced friday that texas republican john ratcliffe un out of the running for director of national intelligence. where do things stand when it comes to that, nikole? >> reporter: well, the president said that he is working through a short list this weekend while he's in bedminister. he said he is looking at about three people in the intelligence world and could have an answer by monday. y.ricka. >> duncan: all right, thank you very much. the country's largest detention center housing migrant children has been closed. cbs news recently had exclusive access to the for-profit facility in homestead, florida. reports say hundreds of children centercked up in vans in the has middle of the night between 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. today. government officials say most were relocated to other facilities. the homestead detention center has been under intense scrutiny for its treatment of unaccompanied minors. demonstrators in hong kong have taken to the streets for a ninth consecutive weekend. protests over a now-suspended
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gltradition bill have grown bigger and increasingly violent. debora patta reports. ho reporter: the streets of hong kong were choked with tear gas once again today as police and protesters clashed for the eighth week in a row. it followed a familiar pattern-- beginning peacefully, chanting, g.ree hong kong." but as night fell, tensions rapidly escalated. demonstrators goaded security forces, lighting a fire outside a central police station in a popular tourist area. bricks were thrown and laser pointers flashed at the police uailding until, eventually, they had had enough. after several rounds of tear gas were fired, the protesters have been pushed back here. there's now a tense standoff with the police. they're refusing to budge. moments later, the demonstrators pushed forward once again. this time, police responded with even greater force.
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they are not without some support, like this pro-beijing nally held in favor of the police today. but there is a far greater momentum within the pro-democracy campaign. even normally nonpartisan civil y tvants came out in force yesterday to show solidarity with the movement. debora patta, cbs news, hong .ong. >> duncan: pro-democracy protests in russia today also got rough. police in moscow used force on nsople demanding fair elections in the capital. about 600 people were arrested. a week ago, some 1,400 people were detained in similar protests. investigators expect toxicology to help determine how the granddaughter of robert f. kennedy died. rs-year-old saoirse kennedy died yesterday-- died thursday, rather. adriana diaz is in hyannis port, massachusetts. k reporter: mourners arrived at the kennedy compound late today to pay their respects to the kennedy family. according to a community
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officer, calling hours were from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and security was tight. thursday, police received a report of an overdose at the compound and found 22-year-old saoirse kennedy hill unresponsive. the family's cape cod compound, which is just onshore, is where they spend holidays and summer vacations. saoirse was on summer break when she was at the compound. that's where her grandmother, ethel, lives, the surviving wife of bobby kennedy. hill was the daughter of bobby and ethel kennedy's fifth child courtney. the family sailed in the boat "the glide" the day before saoirse's death. this was saoirse just last week. air uncle, r.f.k., jr., said she had a gift of laughter. maria shriver called her brave. and her aunt kerry kennedy commended saoirse's devotion to "human rights and women's empowerment." in high school, she created a student group to fight against sexual assault. and in the school paper, she wrote about her own sexual assault, her struggles with depression, and attempted suicide. "i did the worst thing a victim
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can do, and i pretended it hadn't happened," she wrote. "this all became too much, and i attempted to take my own life." she also condemned the stigma of mental illness: "just because the illness may not be outwardly visible, doesn't mean the person suffering from it isn't struggling." kennedy hill was going to be a senior at boston college. when she was in high school, she actually took medical leave to saidt her depression, something she said she would struggle with the rest of her life. jericka. >> duncan: adriana, such a heartbreaking story when you think about how public she was about her own struggles with depression. what's the latest with the investigation into her death? >> reporter: well, jericka, her autopsy found no bodily tijuries, so we are waiting for that toxicology report for confirmation about a possible sierdose. >> duncan: all right, adriana diaz for us. thank you very much. coming up on "cbs weekend news," we suit up with the rescuers saving tourists in trouble. plus, is gangster john dillinger really buried in his grave?
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and we'll have much more on today's mass shooting that's claimed at least 19 lives in el paso, texas. we're back right after this. to buy life insurance and looking on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you, too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the number one most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions.
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so why am i still thinking about this? i'll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain. >> duncan: every year cansmericans visit our national parks, but those getaways can be etngerous. jonathan vigliotti is in yosemite national park with those called to help. ew reporter: yosemite's merced river is running so fast... >> swimmer, grab the rope! >> reporter: ...rescue crews say people who fall in have about 15 seconds to get out or risk being swept away. >> most people who get rescued weren't planning on getting wet. i think they underestimate a few things about the water-- the things about the water-- the force, and the speed of the water and the current. >> reporter: yosemite
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search-and-rescue teams have been preparing for a potentially deadly summer fueled by the west's record mountain snowpack, now melting and filling up lakes and streams at unprecedented levels right as people are heading to the water to cool off. moose mutlow is the team's senior instructor. >> there will be fatalities generally associated with water incidents. two-thirds of the operations i he on with water are body recoveries. over the top. hand comes through this point here. >> reporter: we suited up to experience search-and-rescues rigorous training firsthand. cm a pretty strong swimmer, ofd i've got to say, this is pretty intimidating. l.swam into the strong current and became part of this rescue drill. >> swimmer! swim to me! >> reporter: rescue teams only have one shot to grab hold of me. >> grab the rope! grab the rope! >> you're only in the water for what amounts to a few seconds, but within that time, you lose your energy so fast. and it's so cold, it sucks the air from you.
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i'm breathing really hard. >> you have to assert yourself within that situation to save furself because we're a long way behind trying to help. >> reporter: despite the dangers, visitors are flocking to national parks with phones in hand to document their time in the forest for social media. but park ranger james cox says getting distracted could be deadly. rk we would use a lot of judgment and awareness around the edge of a cliff and a large fall. we have to bring the same awareness and judgment to the river so we don't get caught off guard. >> reporter: caught off guard pud pulled under. jonathan vigliotti, cbs news, yosemite national park. >> duncan: next on the "cbs weekend news," why the body of llngster john dillinger is about to be dug up decades after the f.b.i. gunned him down. cologuard:
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[fa♪mers bell] (burke) a "rock and wreck." seen it. covered it. at farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ >> duncan: gangster john dillinger was gunned down by the f.b.i. 85 years ago. since then, he's lived on as a criminal legend and a fountain of speculation. now, some of that speculation could be laid to rest when its body is exhumed from its grave. here's dean reynolds. >> reporter: played here by johnny depp in the movie "public knemies," john dillinger was a 1930s antihero. a serial bank robber during the great depression, he was a ruthless, self-assured, even charming hoodlum with a knack for eluding cops and escaping jail. dillinger is believed to have been involved in dozens of
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fidwest bank heists, making off with around 300,000, the e uivalent of $4 million today. a police officer was killed in one of the robberies, leading dillinger to be considered neblic enemy number one. but it all came to a halt when federal and local law r forcement tracked him to a theater in chicago and gunned him down on the sidewalk outside a month after his 31st birthday. dillinger's infamy drew thousands of curious spectators who wanted to look at his body iofore it was buried here in section 44 of the crown hill cemetery in indianapolis. >> it's an interesting story, and it just keeps enduring. >> reporter: spiros batistatos runs an organization that owns the largest collection of dillinger artifacts. he's been dead for 85 years. ghy is there enduring interest in this guy? >> he created this image of robin hood that people during the great depression bought into. >> reporter: in death, dillinger became the focus of books, more
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than one museum and, of course, lsvies. but with that also came with conspiracy theories about whether he was really even dead, theories his descendants may be trying to clarify. ils news obtained this permit that gives dillinger's nephew permission to have his body nxhumed and then reburied on september 16. the permit does not give a reason, but the history channel told us it's related to a documentary. 'stistatos thinks there's really ot mystery to this history. >> i think he got gunned down. i think we're going to find that it's him laying under two tons of concrete at crown hill cemetery. spoiler alert, by the way, for everybody watching at home. >> reporter: dillinger's relatives filed an affidavit with indiana officials questioning whether the gangster is actually buried in that grave, and the history channel is looking into it. st while that's interesting, the f.b.i. says there is no doubt it's john dillinger. dean reynolds, cbs news, chicago. >> duncan: next on "cbs weekend news," more on today's mass shooting in el paso, texas.
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and so, here we are again, a gunman inflicting horror on a community, stealing innocent lives and inflicting agony on those that love them. the question tonight, "is this our new normal?" in just the last week, carnage in gilroy, california. it happened at the city's 41st annual garlic festival, a celebration that ended with gunshots and death. a gunman shot and killed three people, injuring 15 others. and just this past week, two people were killed and two others hurt at a walmart in mississippi. in may, gun violence took its toll at a municipal building in erginia beach. a former city employee killed 12 people and injured four others. according to gun violence archive, there have been 248 mass shootings in the u.s. this year. we can't go anywhere without it crossing our minds, even in the most normal of places-- when, where, who will be the next victim or victims?
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thanks for watching. that's the "cbs weekend news" for this saturday. later on cbs, "48 hours." i'm jericka duncan. from all of us at s news, good nigh live from the cbs bay area studio, this is kpix 5 news >> safety and security our top concerns at the fremont festival of the arts is please keep a watchful eye from 30 feet above.>> a fast-moving grass fire moves through clinton in the overnight hours. coming up, we will have the latest on the search for the cause. a hit and run crash injuring any spay police officer. we will have the latest on the officers condition and the search for the driver. >> good evening. we begin with heightened security in the bay area and this is another mass shooting kills the dozen, kills people
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in el paso. 20 people are dead and at least 26 have been injured. police say that most of the victims were shot in a crowded walmart near cielo vista mall. law enforcement says a 21-year- old dallas man, patrick crusius, is in custody. authorities are investigating the possibility of a hate crime and are coming through suspicious online postings to determine a motive. >> we are at the fremont arts festival where police are on high alert after the two recent mass shootings.>> reporter: police were made aware of the incidents in el paso as soon as it was happening but said it did not pose an immediate threat to this festival. we are actually appear on top of the police watchtower. we are about 30 feet up which is giving officers a birds eye view of everything going on and the tower is situated right in the middle of the festival at walnut avenue and paseo padre parkway, were officers can see all the entrances maki


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