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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11PM  CBS  February 25, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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the death penalty for drug dealers, the idea now being discussed at the white house next. breaking news out of daly city. 3-people were shot not long ago... and we've just learned.. one person has died. it happened just before 9 street and . we're tracking brake out of daly city. >> three people were shot not long ago and we just learned one person has died just before 9:00 tonight on villa street and hillside boulevard, the scene still very active at this hour. kpix5's betty yu is live at the scene with the very latest. betty? >> reporter: juliette, there
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has been a triple shooting here in broadmoor which is an unincorporated part of san mateo county and right now it is still a very active scene. there is a lot of police activity and supporting agencies are here as well including the south san francisco and pacifica police departments. details are skim at this hour and we are being kept at a distance from the scene, but i can tell you the san mateo sheriff did confirm this shooting happened at 8:45 tonight. three people have been shot. two of them have been rushed to the hospital. one person has died here at the scene. i am standing at hillsdale boulevard and valley street. i'm also told that the suspect right now is outstanding, but what we don't know are the circumstances surrounding the shooting. we also don't know the victims of the shooting. we are standing by for more details on that, but again just to recap for you, three people have been shot. two of them have been taken to
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the hospital and one person has died here on the scene. we'll continue to bring you more details as soon as we get them. for now live in san mateo county, betty yu, kpix5. the news tonight, i.c.e. agents are making arrests statewide and the bay area is no exception. tonight we spoke to a teen who watched in tears as the feds hauled away her father. kpix5's joe vazquez is in the north bay for us tonight. >> reporter: the arrests happened just after 9:00 this morning in the city of napa, video posted to snapchat capturing the moments i.c.e. agents took armando nunes salgado into custody. he was in the backyard when agents walked in through the side gate and arrested him. his 14-year-old daughter dissolved into tears. >> i cried. i got very emotional. i was really sad. i mean to just watch him leave without being able to say good- bye kind of hurts. >> reporter: armando is a construction worker who has been in america more than 30
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years. his wife says his parents brought him here when he was very young. >> he was like 4. >> reporter: she says when the wine country wildfires raged last october, her husband helped her brothers as they volunteered their heavy construction equipment to make fire lines that helped control the flames. >> he was there. we were all helping. this is our home. this is his home, too. >> the fact that they took someone off like that, i don't really see the defense of it. he wasn't a danger to the community in any way. >> reporter: it turns out armando does have a dangerous past. after our interview his family members told me he was involved with gangs and drugs for a long time. at one point he was on i.c.e.'s most wanted list for charges of felony force and assault with a deadly weapon. his family would not elaborate on past crimes but insist in recent years he went through a rehabilitation program and is no longer involved in gangs and drugs and is deeply involved in the community. tonight salgado sits in a
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federal immigration facility near sacramento. his future is uncertain. in napa, joe vazquez, kpix5. tonight oakland mayor libby schaaf is standing her move. she sent out a warning about immigration raids before today's activity. mayor schaaf said last night she had multiple credible sources informing her of the raids. she said she got legal device before making the decision to send out the warning. t city councilman noel gallo the mayor's moti >> i feel confident that my sharing this information because i did not see it through official channels is legal and frankly, it's my ethical obligation. >> but city councilman noel gallo questions the mayor's motives and sources. he believes it could be a political move to grab votes. re according to m >> i get these weekly. the i.c.e. is coming. the i.c.e. is at school. the i.c.e. is going down the street. the i.c.e. is at b.a.r.t., but they aren't there. >> reporter: why do you think the mayor is trying to grab attention? >> well, we're all running for office, reelection. >> according to mayor schaaf, her sources say the raids could
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go on the next three days. other news tonight, there is rain on the way for the bay area. the skies have gone from clear at 5:00 tonight to partly cloudy to cloudy and over san francisco right now we're not getting any rain yet, but that's because it's mostly up around cape mendocino, but it will be here around sunrise tomorrow as the cold front powers south bringing light to moderate rain for a brief spell, but right during the morning commute. so showers will develop and spread south overnight tonight. there's a chance of a thunderstorm as well before things clear up late on monday and tuesday will be sunny, but then there is a more powerful storm coming into the bay area by late wednesday through friday. we'll have all the details in the forecast. tonight a south bay man considered armed and dangerous is on the run. 36-year-old jose gutierrez is accused of firing an assault rifle near a house party in menlo park. it happened at about 11:00 last night on sevier avenue. the gunfire prompted an overnight standoff with police. it all started with a loud backyard party.
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one of the guests peeked over the back fence and saw gutierrez pacing with an assault rifle. witnesses say he had a large magazine loaded in the weapon and fired one shot into the ground and that is when the partygoers called 911. >> this is the police department. come out or pick up your phone so we can talk to you. >> heavily armed police officers surrounded by the house. by daybreak they got inside the home and found the adult rifle, but gutierrez had -- assault rifle, but gutierrez had slipped away. license plate 5zck527 in a silver -- of a silver honda accord is believed to be the vehicle he left in. you can see the thick smoke coming from the garage door here. firefighter went on the roof to keep it from spreading. two people suffered minor burns and injuries and were taken to the hospital for treatment. they don't know how the fire started, but it might have been a cooking mistake that started
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it. in sacramento a 94-year-old woman is lucky to be alive tonight after being saved from a burning home by two quick thinking firefighters. the woman was trapped inside when the fire broke out. firefighters jumped into action and got her out in the nick of time. >> i opened the front door. i could see into the bedroom that was on fire and i could tell the fire in that room was really well developed and we didn't have long before it was going to get into the rest of the house. >> by the time we made it back to the hallway and were out the door, the door had completely burned through. >> i think they were heroes. they put their life on hold to go save someone else's life. >> when all was said and done, nobody was hurt and they don't know what caused that fire either. a pair of identical twin teachers in san jose are under arrest tonight on child porn charges. 47-year-old clinton popadocus is a track coach at oak groh high arrested on suspicion of
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child -- grove high arrested on suspicion of child porn possession. his brother was arrested on a similar charge the week before. the investigations were separate and the first arrest did not lead to the other. fremont police arrested a man who held two women at gunpoint and sexually assaulted them. police say the suspect walked into the party city store in fremont. ught up with him late last night. he's now faci they showed two employees a gun and then assaulted them. the suspect ran off, but officers caught up with him late last night. now he's facing armed robbery and sexual assault charges. still ahead why the white house is now considering the death penalty for drug dealers. >> also next the key endorsement that senator dianne feinstein did not pick up, why it may not matter when it comes to votes. >> plus why tonight's close of winter olympics is bringing new hope for change between north and south korea. there's only one place where you can get...
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more adventure, more thrills, more magic, and more happy. and now you can stay steps away from the magic for less.
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save up to 25% on select rooms at a disneyland resort hotel. so now's the time to get more happy! and addressed the governor of florida... following the recent school shooting. "we are going to have a lot of important meetings tomorrow. we are going to be talking about parkland and the horrible event that took place last week. i want to thank governor rick scott of florida, rick please stand up." earlier today.... governor scott called on his state's law enforcement department to investigate the response to last week's shooting. the announcement comes as teachers and students went back to the scene of the massacre for the first time omar villafranca was there for their emotional return. (tbd track)
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it was a somber return for the is considering the death penalty for big-time drug dealers.
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>> it pains me to know that i went out there willing to give everything with almost the exact same weapon that's used. >> reporter: 74 republican lawmakers from florida are asking the governor to remove sheriff israel from his post, but the sheriff has already said he will not resign. new tonight president trump is considering the death
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penalty for big time drug dealers. white house sources tell the news outlet axios that the president man inspired by similar punishment policies in singapore. he believes their policy of executing drug dealers is the main reason for singapore's low drug use rate. president trump could back legislation that would require a mandatory five year jail sentence for people convicted of dealing as little as two grams of the synthetic opioid fentanyl. fentanyl is suspected of the deaths of three people in san francisco found debt on a sidewalk on page -- dead on a sidewalk on passenger street thursday morning. a blow to senator dianne feinstein. the democratic party chose not to endorse her in her reelection bid. feinstein received support from just 37% of delegates at this weekend's state party convention in san diego, but many believe the snub won't do
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major damage. former san francisco mayor willie brown said democrats at the convention don't necessarily reflect the party's voters. >> it's always been dominated by the more activist types and dianne was never an activist and has been booed for a long time considered too conservative and sometimes that served her purpose. >>s this not an easy time to -- >> this is not an easy time to run for office. >> senator feinstein speaking at the convention yesterday. she admitted the political climate is much different this year, but a recent poll by the public policy institute shows feinstein trouncing her main opponent, state senator kevin deleon by nearly 50%. she just announced a trip to the bay area and tonight we've learned former first lady michelle obama is working on her first memoirs. the book will be called becoming and hit shelves in november. ms. obama just announced a visit to oracle arena. she'll hold a question and
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answer style discussion centered around her initiatives as first lady on education and healthy living. the event is march 28th. tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10 a.m. there's new hope for diplomacy between north and south korea thanks to the olympics games. kpix5's betty yu talked to people in the east bay who say the games could bring about actual change between the north and the south. >> reporter: the winter olympics came to a spectacular close with athletes from north and south korea marching together wearing different uniforms. north korea's delegation was seated just behind ivanka trump who was representing the united states. >> similar to what kim jong un did by sending his younger sister. she's a softer face. this is a moment that i hope the south koreans and the americans recognize. there's potential to turn things around here. >> reporter: south korean president moon jae-in says that the head of north korea's delegation told him that north
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korea has "enough willingness" to talk to the u.s. that would be a shift in tone. the u.s. says the north koreans pulled out of a meeting with vice president mike pence at the last minute during his visit to south korea last month. tonight in albany the closing ceremony was watched and an extension was called to the truce. the u.n. called for an end to hostilities during the game. >> during this time we've seen some really encouraging diplomatic openings and it seems like it's a very tentative opening, but it's credibly important because there is no military option. >> reporter: but tensions could get in the way of talks if planned military exercises are carried out after the games. >> i think it's important for americans to understand that the issue of war and peace in
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korea is very much an american issue. >> reporter: president trump has only provided vague support for a summit between north and south korea. previous attempts at this kind of sports diplomacy have not led north korea to change its mind. betty yu, kpix5. well, tonight more than 3,000 athletes are now heading home from south korea. the olympic committee president was joined by athletes on stage earlier today including a shirtless cross-country skier and american skier lindsey vonn going home with a bronze medal was also there. as dana jacobson shows us, there is not a whole lot of gold coming back to the u.s. >> reporter: the u.s. finished fourth in the overall medal count, but there were thrilling moments like shaun white's clutch gold medal performance and the u.s. women's hockey team ending a 20 year gold medal drought after a dramatic
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shootout against canada and the u.s. men's curling team sweeping its way to america's first ever gold in the sport. south korea waved good-bye to the games as the olympic tonsil was extinguished. it -- torch was extinguished. it marks an ending, but also a beginning as the world prepares for the next winter olympics in 2022. time to talk about this cold front that's now pressing south over northern california, light rain being reported as of 11:00 tonight at ukiah and that front is going to get here right around 2 a.m. for the north bay and then for the rest of the bay area by sunrise. the showers will power south overnight tonight and a fair lennay -- in a fairly narrow but energetic band. there could be a thunderstorm or two when this expresses through during the morning commute tomorrow, earlier for the north -- presses through during the morning commute tomorrow earlier for the north bay. the cold bitey air we had last
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week will be back. a more robust storm is coming late wednesday through friday. we've got more rain coming and tonight is not going to be that much. highs today managed low to mid- 60s in some parts of the bay area. that will be a thing of the past for the rest of the week. right now 50 at concord, 50 in san francisco, in santa rosa 47 degrees. winds are picking up a bit in the north bay. showers will spread south overnight tonight. then we get a brief break from it all tuesday when we get sunshine. again there's more rain and a more powerful storm coming in the latter half of the week. winter weather advisories are up for 6 to 12 inches of snow at tahoe and in could be a dusting of snow on bay area peaks as -- there could be a dusting of snow on bay area peaks as well. futurecast lays out the timeline. here's 3 a.m. the showers are beginning to enter sonoma county at 3 a.m. the rest of the bay area you don't hear anything. then around sunrise the brunt of the front is down in the
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south bay leaving lingering showers behind for the central bay area. 7:00 tomorrow morning, then it's out of here. then we get some clearing behind it. there will be a few lingering showers later in the afternoon. we get some pop-up showers. tuesday looks clear. in terms of the amounts, we'll have an inch in ukiah and it's a fast mover, so i think some of those numbers are overdone. showers will spread south overnight ending late monday. sunshine returns for tuesday and far more robust rain coming later in the week and that's good news finally. overnight lows tonight, 38 in santa rosa, 39 napa, 42 livermore. sun-up tomorrow morning on a wet commute at quarter till 7:00, forecast highs mostly mid- 50s with the south bay. if -- south bay, 55 palo alto, right around sunrise for the north bay rain coming down in earnest briefly. it will come down pretty good
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and be gone. it's beginning to rain now in ukiah, 54 in cloverdale, 51 in winder clearing tomorrow afternoon. monday looks stormy. there might be a thunderstorm or two before we clear it off in the afternoon. tuesday we get sunshine. wednesday increasing clouds leads to rain late wednesday, thursday and friday, maybe a lingering shower saturday. right now we'll color it partly cloudy. that's what's ahead in weather. here's what's ahead in the newscast. up next parking is going high tech in one bay area city, where this new garage opens up tomorrow. >> we use our inheritance. we pretty much took everything thinking here's a chance to have a piece of the green rush. >> plus their life savings up in smoke, the northern california county now telling its legal growers to get out. >> coming up next on gameday matt williams became a star with the giants now trying to make anime for himself with the oakland a's -- a name for himself with the oakland a's. >> have you run across the kid
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that comes up to you and said you played? >> who are you? >> a local baseball player struggled to balance his big league dream with his mother's battle with alzheimer's. >> five years ago she was normal. >> and russell westbrook's wild accusations. time to light the spring training flame coming up next on gameday.
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♪ ♪ there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future... and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid. ♪ ♪
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violent wind and hail stor left a trail >> closed captioning for this newscast is sponsored by living spaces. at least five people have been killed by severe weather that swept through the central u.s. >> violent wind and hailstorms left a trail of damage stretching from texas to canada. there are reports of multiple tornadoes touching down in arkansas, kentucky and tennessee. in nashville a newlywed couple rode out the storm hiding in a closet. >> all of a sudden i said there goes our barn over our house and we're just lucky to be
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alive. everything can be replaced. >> they'll have a story to tell. look at the destruction caused by a tornado in clarksville, tennessee. people there spent the day looking for a trapped dog. luckily they found it and were able to dig it out of the debris. up next the northern california county that pulled the plug on its legal marijuana growers. >> they're obeying all the rules. they jumped through all the hoops and now they're saying get out of town. >> tonight hear from one couple fighting to make their six figure growing operation legal again.
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commercial pot farms had been legal there for a year and a half... but 3-weeks ago... newly- elected, c a legal showdown tonight over marijuana in calaveras county. >> three weeks ago newly elected conservative supervisors suddenly voted to ban it. they say neighbors were upset over dangerous chemicals and illegal irrigation at the grows and there were complaints about vicious dogs and weapons at grow sites. >> what we didn't think through is we were giving people permits to grow in rural residential areas, but we were never allowing neighbors to have a say in what that was, so there's the conflict right there. >> but growers paid the taxes and fees to get the proper licenses to grow including jeremy maddox and his wife. they shelled out more than six figures to set up a top of the
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line completely legal growing operation, but now it's no longer legitimate. >> the day after we pay all of the taxes, the painful taxes, the day after they ban it according to three board members that feel banning is the proper way. there's so much bigotry and hatred that comes from a group of people that lump us in with illegal growers as if we're criminals and we're not criminals. we're part of the community. >> the growers aren't backing down. they've launched a recall effort against the supervisors who instituted the ban. lawsuits are being filed as well and there's a signature drive to get the issue on the upcoming ballot so voters will actually have the final say. >> be right back.
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