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tv   KPIX 5 News at 5PM  CBS  February 7, 2018 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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landed him in solitary confinement for nine months. >> it was a humiliating experience. he felt powerless and alone and worst of all, he felt like there was nobody that he could talk to about this. >> reporter: polito has repeatedly denied the allegations, but a federal jury found in favor of the inmate awarding him $65,000 in compensatory and punitive damages. >> when he got the verdict, he could not have looked happier. >> reporter: polito is now working at napa state hospital and cordiba has been moved to a prison in soledad, but his attorneys say one thing is clear. >> all people have the right to be free from sexual abuse. that includes women. that includes men and that doesn't change just because somebody incarcerated. >> polito's attorney did not return our calls. it's not clear who will pay the $65,000 award, the department of corrections or polito herself. the state doc said it takes all
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sexual harassment complaints seriously. veronica de la cruz, kpix5. two bay area giants going head to head in san francisco federal court. uber is accused of stealing trade secrets from google's self-driving car company waymo. former uber ceo travis kalanick took the stand today and denied the allegations. at the heart of the trial is waymo's former engineer levindowski who took trade secrets. >> the point is for lack of a better word green is good. green is right. green works. >> the jury was shown this famous scene from the 1987 michael douglas movie wall street. levindowski sent the movie clip to a text to kalanick and in a text exchange between kalanick
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and levindowski, he wrote i just see this as a race and we need to win. second place is the worst loser. kalanick responded with the word agreed. waymo is trying to say kalanick was a conspirator. rob porter serves as white house staff secretary. his two ex-wise say he was verbally, emotionally -- ex- wise say he was verbally, -- ex- wives say he was verbally and physically abusive. he denied the claims calling them outrageous and vile. white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders read a statement from porter. >> i took photos from the statements and i've been transparent and truthful, but i will not further engage publicly with a coordinated smear campaign. >> no word when porter's last
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day on the job will be. the white house says he'll stay on to facilitate a smooth transition. the other big story from washington, california congresswoman nancy pelosi making a record breaking speech on capitol hill. she spoke on the house floor about dreamers and the daca program for about eight hours. that broke the previous record for a floor speech that was set in 1909. it happened after senate leaders unveiled a budget deal to avoid a government shutdown tomorrow night. cbs reporter weigia jiang joins us from the capitol. there's still a lot of work to be done before that big deadline. on a >> reporter: that's because on one hand, this bill is a victory for democrats. it offers much more money for domestic programs that they champion, but on the other it doesn't offer any protection for those dreamers or a promise that they'll get to it later and that's why some democrats including pelosi are holding out. osi...speaking for hours on the house floor... asked for the same guarantee use minority senate leaders reached across party lines to seal an
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agreement on a two year budget deal. democratic minority leader chuck schumer called the pact a genuine break-through. >> this budget deal is the first real sprout of bipartisanship. >> reporter: republican majority leader mitch mcconnell joined him in outlining a plan calling for spending increases in both military and domestic programs including veterans healthcare and fighting opioid abuse. >> no one would suggest it is perfect, but we worked hard to find common ground and stay focused on serving the american people. >> reporter: what the senate deal does not include is any new language on immigration and that's already causing a snag in the house. democratic leader nancy pelosi wants house republicans to allow a separate vote on legislation protecting immigrants who came to the u.s. illegally as children. the senate has already promised that vote. pelosi speaking for hours on the house floor asked for the same guarantee. >> without that commitment from
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speaker ryan comparable to the commitment from leader mcconnell, this package does not have my support. >> reporter: the budget deal got a positive review from the white house. >> we are pleased that congress has been able to meet our defense spending requirement and come together on a two year spending bill. >> reporter: if the house opposes the plan, it adds more pressure for at least a temporary agreement to fund the government by thursday night or face another shutdown. late this evening house speaker ryan tweeted out his top reasons for why he calls this budget deal critical, but he has not addressed the democrats' demand for his word that his party will come to a daca deal. live on capitol hill, weigia jiang, kpix5. president trump has made a personal request for a grand military parade in washington d.c. as mola lenghi reports, many lawmakers are not in favor of the idea. eq ent trum >> reporter: the pentagon is working on plans for a military
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parade at the personal request of president trump. it could happen as early as november and possibly coincide with the 100th anniversary of the end of world war i. >> the president's respect and fondness for the military i think is reflected in him asking for these options. >> reporter: president trump expressed his affinity for france's military parade on bastille day when he visited paris last july. he called that parade one of the greatest he'd ever seen. >> we'll have to try and top it. we had a lot of planes going over. we had a lot of military might and it was really a beautiful thing to see. >> reporter: news of president trump's parade request comes as congress is trying to hammer out a budget agreement that includes more military funding. some lawmakers are reluctant to see money go toward a parade. >> i don't think we need the expense. we have a lot of military parades around the country. >> reporter: others are concerned about the optics. >> when you're the most powerful nation in all of human
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history, you don't have to show it off like russia does and north korea and china. >> i'm not looking for a soviet style hardware display. that's not who we are. >> reporter: the last military parade in washington was nearly 27 years ago following the end of the 1991 gulf war. mola lenghi, cbs news, the white house. ht after he fell int bottom now to palo alto, a construction worker is seriously hurt tonight after he fell into a hole at the bottom of a large basement. firefighter paramedics had to use an aerial ladder to lift the patient out. his condition is not being released. a big mess at the dmv in oakland today, massive flooding blamed on a thief. this is what it looked like inside. part of the ceiling tiles came down from the water. a thief climbed on top of the building and stole about $50 worth of copper from the air
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conditioning unit. that $50 theft caused thousands of dollars in damage down below. people showed up this morning only to be turned away. >> i wish i would have known before i got all the way here. i guess they could have told us. it is a bummer, though. >> a short time ago we learned the dmv office won't reopen until next week. san francisco is getting millions of dollars to help the homeless all thanks to a partnership between the city and the state. as kpix5's anne makovec explains, the money is being used to support new navigation centers. been on the stre i just cou >> i've been on the streets since 1999 and i just couldn't afford to pay rent. it was way too expensive. >> john is now a graduate of the navigation center here in san francisco's dogpatch. >> it's been awesome. it's been incredible. it's really helped me out a lot. >> today the city is celebrating $10 million in state funding to support the
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system. >> things that solve street homelessness, people living in tent encampments on our street in dangerous conditions and in squalor. >> reporter: one location is at fifth and bryant and one on bayshore and between them another 250 beds. navigation centers have fewer restrictions than other shelters. people with partners, pets and possessions are welcome. guests are then connected to services to get them on their feet. as for john, he found out today he has qualified for temporary housing. what's next? >> i got to think about it, yeah, yeah. >> reporter: a whole new world. >> a job. i'm going to get a job. i'm going to try to get a part- time job. >> reporter: in san francisco, anne makovec, kpix5. >> the city says its next two navigation centers combined will help about 1,000 people each year. they are expected to open this coming summer. still to come the presidential sighting minutes ago along the central coast. >> but first the hour rescue of a sea lion with two
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visible injuries, what wildlife experts are now waiting for it to do. >> plus why the waves appear to be glowing in big sur, where they're live with what's causing that brilliant blue. level. >> also ahead a dream come true for one high school athlete in the east bay, how he's beating the odds to get a full ride to the next level.
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. >> closed captioning for this newscast is sponsored by living spaces. as discovered this evening wildlife rescue crews are keeping an eye on an injured sea lion in san francisco's aquatic park. the sea lion was discovered this morning struggling in the water. it appears to be suffering from two wounds on its head and
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body. chopper 5 flew overhead near hyde pier, but the past few hours the sea lion has been coming ashore and swimming out to sea. >> i fear it's a couple of injuries, one on the forehead and the underbelly, and it's all floated. that doesn't look healthy. >> workers from the marine mammal center are waiting to see whether the animal will beach itself. the u.s. park service closed part of the beach by the hyde street pier to help with the rescue. further south big blooms of glowing microalgae are lighting up the water near big sur. the brilliant blue waves you can see there are creating quite the sight after sunset. kpix5's devin fehely is in monterey county now with a closer look at this natural phenomenon. devin? >> reporter: yeah. i'm here at big sur by the big street bridge. it's an impressive display, a naturally occurring phenomenon and also a case of mother nature giving you something and taking something away. a thick fog rolled in this afternoon and evening that's made it nearly impossible to
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see the bright lights on the beach below. >> the right combination of conditions came together where it just created this spectacle of bioluminescence. >> reporter: it's one of mother nature's more impressive displays. bioluminescence, a big word that describes the ability of millions of millions of tiny, microscopic sea creatures to create a living light show. >> in some cases it's for mating, find a suitable mate. in a lot of cases it's to scare off predators. >> reporter: researchers say the sea eares responsible for these nocturnal displays typically don't produce light during the day. you wouldn't be able to see it anyway because it would be overpowered by the sun, but he said to enjoy the display while it lasts because conditions can change quickly scattering or killing the creatures producing these almost other worldly
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nightlights. >> it's not continuously happening. they have to be stimulated. you'll see light in breaking waves or the water splashing onshore. a dolphin or boat swimming through will stimulate them to make a flash of light. >> reporter: now it's only when these creatures are here in great numbers that they create these very impressive displays. researchers say they are almost always here at least in some numbers here, but it's only when they're here in large concentration that you get these nightly displays. in big sur, devin fehely, kpix5. an east bay high school student's hard work on the football field is paying off. he's getting a full ride scholarship to college. kpix5's john ramos is at mcclymons high school in oakland where his family and teammates are cheering him on. on this college football signing day they gathered at mcclymons high school in
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oakland to watch one of their own fulfill a game. >> only 60,000 students play sports in college. >> reporter: amonte wright was a standout tackle on a team that's won the small school state championship the last two years. a full ride scholarship to unlv is his reward for four years of hard work and the mom said it was the wish of his father who passed away just as amani entered high school. >> this is something his dad always talked about, one day this could happen, and it did today. so it's a very proud moment. >> reporter: aside from his responsibilities on the field, amani is a role model to his peers. >> he pushed me to class and everything like when i want to give up. that's something that i can look forward looking up to. >> just me knowing that, i just have to, you know, build my character up, be respectful to a lot of people. >> reporter: but the school is in a tough part of west oakland
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and young people face plenty of obstacles to overcome. that's why the achievement is seen as a win for those he played with as well. >> and they know that they can come and earn a scholarship, i mean especially for a population of 350 students. i mean it's big. >> reporter: in fact, it's a victory for the entire community. after the signing ceremony a local clothier handed out his donation of brand-new safeties so the team can look sharp when -- suits so the team can look sharp when they accept their championship trophy, these young men of respect pursuing dreams of their own. in oakland, john ramos, kpix5. >> both amani's parents attended college and his father played baseball for st. mary's college in moraga. a lot of celebrities heading to the monterey peninsula this weekend for the at&t pebble beach pro-am. kpix5's kiet do says a former president may be among them. >> reporter: yeah. in fact, we did get a glimpse of president obama. he came in a couple minutes
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ago. we'll turn that footage around for you in the next newscast, but we're here at the monterey jet center attached right to the airport and that jet there is the one thief -- one that he arrived in five to 10 minutes ago, a lot of security officers and plains clothes security officers around him as well, quite a sizable security contingent. now mr. obama has been invited to attend an at&t conference in monterey county, although his schedule has not been released. mr. obama is an avid golfer, but our sources say he is not registered to play at pro-am, pebble beach, spyglass or the monterey peninsula club. as to his schedule, we don't know exactly why he's here, but he's now here somewhere on the central coast. from monterey, kiet do, kpix5. certainly odd to say this in february, but temperatures
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cooled down today to the 70s, how long they stay in the 70s before they cool down further. nice evening for a stroll on the beach. i'll have your seven-day forecast coming up. >> at 6:00 republicans running for governor gang up on two of the democratic candidates, why calling out their marital infidelities may not work. >> but first the markets closed down today. here's a look at the closing numbers from wall street.
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kind of wish i was down at the monterey coast. >> not bad. >> usually highs in the 60s. this weekend we're looking at temperatures cooling down to 65 to 70. >> oh, darn. >> what is happening? it's my job to explain, but it's kind of strange we're talking about a cooldown into the 60s rather than warming up
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into the 60s, but that's this february in a nutshell. we'll peek at current numbers near 70. the warm spot is san jose, 72. you've recorded a record high that you set way back in 2016, 76 degrees. you tied it today. livermore 66, oakland 71, hazy sunshine outside. the haze is the same reason for the cooler temperatures. vallejo tonight 47, napa chilly, 41 degrees, redwood city 47, san jose 46 and as you would expect there is still nothing on kpix5 hi-def doppler radar. what changed? you may have noticed the air quality took a turn for the worse and it didn't feel as warm. both are because this ridge of high pressure got closer. it sounds kind of counterintuitive because as the ridge gets closer, shouldn't we get warmer? it cut off the offshore wind. yesterday the wind was coming from the north and northeast which in the fall can warm us to the 90s or 100s. with less of that in february, we didn't get as much warming
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today, but the ridge getting closer trapped the pollution which did give us worse air quality this afternoon and you saw the haze throughout san francisco bay and the bay area. futurecast overnight tonight not picking up on the haze or widespread cloud cover. we will roll through thursday which is sunny and friday with clouds offshore, sunny also for the golf tournament in pebble beach. we will have sunshine throughout the bay area. look at the weekend, though, and early next week. we have a cold front coming through saturday which will drop our temperatures down, not give us any rainfall. one computer model brings a few showers into the central valley monday at 5:00. right now we're keeping rain out of the bay area but going cloudier. it's amazing we're talking about a tiny chance of some clouds moving through, but that's really the only discernible change in our cloud cover forecast for the next week because the rain stays away another seven days. warm weather lasts through friday, two more warm days, slightly cooler this weekend with highs dropping to the 60s. widespread rainfall will eventually come back but not in the next week.
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highs tomorrow comfortable, mountain view 74, vallejo and livermore 74, mid-70s for napa and san rafael and san francisco hitting 72 degrees. temperatures fall saturday into the 60s for most of the bay area. everybody in the mid- to upper 60s on sunday and by early next week everybody is down to the mid-60s, but the average for early february is about 59 degrees. so each of the next seven days still warmer than what is normal. we'll be right back. i've seen wonders all around the world but what i see here never ceases to amaze me: change.
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for singer- songwriter "edwin
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hawkins." he wrote ♪ oh happy day ♪ . another memorial service tonight for singer songwriter edwin hawkins. he wrote the song oh happy day in the late '60s that set records on the billboard gospel charts and won hawkins' first of four grammys. the 74-year-old died at his pleasanton home last month. tonight hundreds of people are expected to pack harbor light church in fremont for another memorial for hawkins. you can see the set upfor the event underway in these live pictures. last night take a look. hundreds of people enjoyed the great gospel music. it was so crowded organizers decided to have another memorial tonight. >> it's really about honoring a man whose contribution to the world really in gospel and us all getting together and loving on each other because we miss him so much. >> dozens of other gospel musicians will be hitting the stage to perform for tonight's memorial. it starts at 7:00. we will be live streaming the event later on our kpix5
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facebook page. than the cbs evening news is up next. jeff glor is here with a preview. >> reporter: tonight on the cbs evening news ben tracy is in pyeongchang with more on the possibility of high level talks with north korea. >> new questions about security clearances after a white house resignation. >> and the fight against alzheimer's, how a young girl is helping lead the way tonight on the cbs evening news. more and >> thank you for watching tonight at 5:00! >> ahead at 6:00 more and more middle school students in sonoma county are now using the prescription drug xanax, where they're getting that drug may shock you. allen and veronica are back in 30 minutes with more local news. cbs evening news coming up next.
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captioning sponsored by cbs >> glor: senate leaders reach a budget deal. >> we have reached a two-year budget deal. >> glor: but will it have the house's support? >> this package does not have my support. >> glor: also tonight, the commander-in-chief wants to see a military parade. david martin on what that might look like. a head-on legal collision between uber and google over the future of self-driving cars. gerber's history-making baby yonouncement. and a young girl invents an incredible app. >> this can have the opportunity to help every single person with alzheimer's. this is the "cbs evening news" with jeff glor. >> glor: and this is our western edition. good evening.


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