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tv   KPIX 5 News at 600PM  CBS  January 6, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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bay area has lottery fever. the quik stop is historically known for selling the ticket for some lucky people. she is hoping that good fortune continues for her. >> i just heard all the hype about the tickets soy wanted to be part of it. hopefully i'm getting lucky tonight and -- going to be a winner. >> she said if she won the jackpot she would give most of it away. >> probably would take care of my family, take care of myself, donate a lot of it. i'm good with one. everything else would -- have fun with. >> he is the owner of this quik stop and has a feeling his store has sold the winning ticket for the third time. >> its been lucky twice. we hope for the third one being lucky. its been so busy. people were waiting since 8:00. it hasn't stopped. i hope the lucky number will be here. >> at this 7/11 in daly city someone was one number away from winning the mega millions last
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night which means they may have won up to $1 million. as far as we know they have yet to claim their price. a lot of people are dreaming big tonight. >> buy me a house. give my mom some money. give my nieces some money. >> i love to help animals and the unfortunate. people who are really trying to help themselves. >> tonight's power ball drawing is at 7:59 local time. back to you. >> good luck to you. we will see you later on. thank you. lottery retailers aren't the oun only ones dealing with long lines of customers today. pot shops in san francisco are busy now that they are officially sale recreational marijuana. >> very busy indeed.
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take a look at this line right here. a lot of people standing waiting in line to get inside this dispensary here. you are looking at at least 150 to maybe 200 people inside and outside here looking at this line. a lot of folks saying they are very glad they can be out of the shadows and now buy recreational marijuana. this line formed an hour before the store opened. >> it is about time. it is way over due. >> weed prohibition ended today in san francisco. the only requirement, 21 and over. >> san francisco will be a little bit of a head buzz. >> one of these. >> okay. >> pot users say legalization means regulation. >> we are taking product out of the shadows and legalizing it. this will make it safe safer for everybody. >> i -- safer for
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buying it -- for everybody. >> dispensary owners believe legalization will also remove the stigma surrounding recreational marijuana. >> there is nothing to be afraid of ashamed of. >> city and state leaders credit this day to those who lived with hiv in the 80s. they were some of the first groups to push for legalizing marijuana. >> people who were arrested, who spent time in prison, who went to hell and back to move us away from prohibition. >> pot users say what is good for them is also good for the economy. this couple is visiting from australia. >> i just bought a gram of it. i'm just trying not get too excited. i don't want to buy too much. >> i got the pineapple punch and
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then i got two pre-rolled ones. >> you saw the line outside earlier. check out the line inside right now. kind of snakes around. a lot of people in here buying marijuana. now legalization started on the 1st of this year but san francisco fashion it took san francisco a few more days to issue the permits and licenses to all the dispensaries here in the city. back to you. >> when you look behind you, its a little bit difficult to get a sense. i see the line snaking around you. how many people are there? >> yeah, definitely quite a few people here. dozens of people. you know a lot of folks are questioning is this inviting new users? that is not the case i've seen. for a lot of the folks it is their first time in a dispensary but not their first time smoking weed. i would classify these as veteran pot users. they are saying it is great they no longer have to buy from strangers at a street corner or parking lot. this is a lot safer.
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>> the owner of the place, the ceo, said it is just like a coffee bar. he certainly can't believe it is as innocent as drinking coffee. >> i didn't quite hear the question so well because of the ear piece. you know the -- he is basically trying to says an upscale boutique. this is not a dark little place that would scare people. just like alcohol and -- you can't be like drinking and working at the same time just like you can't be smoking weed and working at the same time. all that regulation still applies when it comes to work and to social behavior. obviously this is a lot more legal now. it's a lot more classy if you want to use that word. >> okay. its all very early in the game. we will see how it all works out. thanks.
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well three san francisco officers are recovering a after pair of crashes involving police cruisers around 8:45 this morning. a sports car collided with a police suv. the two officers inside were taken to the hospital. the other driver was treated at the scene. then an officer responding to that crash got in an accident a block away at 3rd. >> the city is very dense and so when people are traveling throughout the city, its not uncommon you might encounter a police officer. when people are traveling through the city, its just another collision. >> the officer and driver in the second crash were also taken to the hospital. police tell us everyone involved in both crashes expected to be okay. police in fairfield say rolling gun battle ended in a multi-car crash that left several people hurt. a car pulled along is the driver and someone inside opened fire. the man was hit a few times and
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then lost control of his car crashing into two others. a total of eight people were taken to the hospital. we are told the gunshot victim's injuries are life threatening and so far no arrests. people are now asking any witnesses to come forward and describe what they saw speed and low visibility may have sent a pickup truck careening off the road into the river. the truck went into water just after 5:00 this morning. the driver managed to escape the nasty crash. you can see the vehicle was badly damaged. the chp said the driver may have been going too fast for the conditions. >> looks like the driver ran off the road, possibly going too fast through the curve. it was foggy and -- bad visibility this morning. >> the driver was not seriously hurt. he was taken to the hospital for treatment. no word on whether he will be cited. a welcome sight in the sierra today. plenty of fresh powder on the
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slopes. what a difference a few days make. on wednesday state water officials took the first snow survey of the season and there wasn't too much to survey. they only found about an inch. it is just 3% of average. back here in the bay area the clouds have cleared out for now. there is also more rain on tap for early next week. a low moneyeninging out -- will combine with subtropical in the south. that means a rainy day on monday and rain will linger into tuesday. in terms of how much we will get and how much of that rain translates into snow, we will cover that coming up in weather. 911, what is your
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emergency? >> he called 911 and he is yelling in the phone. he is running through the vineyard and the shooter is in the truck shooting out of the window. this is crazy, crazy. who are these guys? >> these guys were a couple of rich ambitious wine lovers that wanted to be in the business and own their own vineyards. he is a smart guy from silicon valley who loved hollywood, even financed a movie. here is the other guy. an app rater who people say could make money grow on trees. in this case, vines. >> robert came from minnesota. he moved with his wife and three kids can he hit the ground running. he started with a wine bottling company, then part ownership of a vineyard with this man and then a brewery. when he wanted the ultimate napa
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prize, his own vineyard, he turned to that investor. he put in more than 100-0000. a bag of it in cash. soon there was vineyards. it wasn't long before things turned sour. he was making wine, money was vanishing. it turned out he had been conning everyone all along but when he conned that millionaire hollywood investor, the whole game came crashing down. >> now you see the full report tonight at 10:00 right here on kpix 5. it gets me going. i don't drive. >> i never drive high. >> a state cam fine stop drugged driving has run off the air. he runs three miles a day at dawn. now this 92-year-old veteran is
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running for governor.
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ha r. a public service announcement that was supposed to deter people from driving while high has been pulled off the air. critics argued it was a little too pro-pot. >> a campaign to keep stoned drivers off our streets goes up in smoke. only nine days after broadcasting across the state, this public service announcement
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pulled off the air as backlash starts brewing. >> we are appalled. >> the ad, part of a push to stop drugged driving begins with people saying why they smoke marijuana. >> it helps my anxiety >> my cramps. >> my appetite. >> and ends with them saying they never get behind the while. >> but its this part. >> i just like it. >> i love it. >> that some say promote. >> it makes me feel normal. >> and normalize the use of pot. >> nothing less than a mixed message. why do they talk about all of the good it does? >> an increasing challenge for law enforcement now that pot is legal they say awareness about the dangers of driving high is crucial. >> it is something that is necessary. we do believe it is important to get impaired drivers off the road. >> the video was taken off the air by the office of traffic
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safety. they said it is quote committed to informing people about the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. we share the concerns expressed over certain elements of our most recent ad. we will continue to refine and improve messaging as we move forward. >> that was angela greenwood reporting. a state lawmaker is fighting back against attorney general jeff sessions. reggie jones sawyer of los angeles is re-introducing a proposal to make california a sanctuary state for marijuana the latest candidate to enter the california governor's race is arguably the most experienced in just about everything. dr. albert is celebrating his 92nd birthday today. but he says he still has the stamina to be a great leader. >> i run three miles eve morning, 4:00. >> that is three more than me. >> [ laughter ]
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>> he battled in three wars. he went onto become a teacher and later served in city council. >> i worry about what will happen to the children. i don't have to do this but there is something in me that is very protective. >> he has a back up plan if he doesn't get job. he says he would also like to run the stockton unified school district as superintendent. the next generation of automotive technology is on display in san jose this weekend in more ways than one. devin met some college students showing off their creationings at the silicone valley auto show. >> among all the high tech and high priced cars that will likely tom nate -- dominate this year's auto show -- [ indiscernible ]
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>> [ indiscernible ] >> teams of san jose state students designed and built two electric vehicles, two traditional gas powered ones and two that run solely on solar panel. >> i think we are one good battery breakthrough away from seeing predominantly electric vehicles on the road. >> nationwide about 3% of all cars on the road are electric. the students say they hope that what they have leashed from their projects will help them join a rapidly expanding industry and drive the technology forward. >> this is literally the next generation of automotive engineers. they might not look quite as clean as a corvette or a tesla but -- they are the next generation of engineers that will be building vehicles. >> back to you.
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>> the auto show runs through tomorrow. we have a lot to talk about. we have got another system moving in. probably the most robust we have seen in about a month. tonight we have got some fog that will be forming and temperatures will remain mostly in the mid 40s to mid 50s as we have a look from high top dublin -- in fact that is 580 in the distance there. concord has 62 degrees. livermore at 60. san jose 61. san francisco it is -- those were the highs for the day. the numbers are in the low the mid 50s. on monday when this moves in it will have a moderate to high impact on traffic for -- wind. it will be a problem. rainfall will be between moderate and high. we got hit hard in the
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mountains. winter storm watches are already posted for monday and tuesday if you are headed to the hills. gif yourself some extra time. it will go slow going. as we have a look at the west coast, what is happening is cold air from the north will combine with a tropical connection to the south and the combination of the two systems means we will be getting wet. it will get here early, early monday morning. to see what sky conditions will be like by the time sunday and monday roll around, this is noon tomorrow. we have mostly clear skies over the bay area. then look at those high clouds move in towards subset. by 2:00 in the morning there will be a big shield of rain, light to moderate moving in over the bay area. the light to moderate showers -- this is 2:00 a.m. monday. look at what happens as monday wears on. we will have some heavy downpours at time. at times all throughout the day and then right through monday night and tuesday will begin to
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get a break. that will be about it in terms of totals. in the north bay 1-3 inches. in the east bay 1-2. santa cruz mountains could get washed without 2-4 inches of rain. to summit up, tomorrow is okay. partly cloudy and mild. rain and wind will power south on monday and tuesday. wind is not a huge factor but it will be breezy. midweek we will dry it out right through the weekend. expect to get wet. overnight lows will find them in the upper 40s. sun up tomorrow at 7:25. as we see some high clouds move in tomorrow afternoon, the highs will be warmer than they were today with readings in the mid 60s. extended forecast, we will be looking at rain spreading south over the bay area monday and tuesday. latter half of the week we will dry it out. numbers all week remain in the 60s. do you use an amazon echo
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device in your home? still to come the built in feature that can turn your smart speaker into an eves dropping device. some of the last words from john gru gruden to -- jon gruden today before taking the raiders head coaching job.
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only celebrating cleveland browns fans did this season. they packed the streets today.. to mark their so- called "perfect this is about the only celebrating cleveland browns fans did this season. they packed the streets today to mark their so called perfect season 16 games 0 wins. a fan started a gofundme page to start a parade. only one other team has lost every game in the season. the 2008 detroit lions. nfl up top and jon gruden today goodbye espn, soon to be hello again raiders. he got a good look at the rise and fall of an afc west foe.
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he is expected to be introduced as the next raiders head coach on wednesday >> today we say goodbye. great legacy on monday night football. i know you are looking for ward to getting back to coaching. we congratulate you as you head back to the sidelines. >> thank you. nothing is official yet but these chief fans have been on my case since i got here. >> arrow head stadium. they haven't won a home play off game since 1994. looked pretty good early on against tennessee. alex smith -- excuse me, robinson. chiefs ran out and hit. they led 21-3 in the second quarter. third quarter the game flipped right here. marcus on 3rd down tried to make something out of nothing. throws it, into his hands for a
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touchdown. i haven't seen that before either. 22-16. up top -- and he hit eric deck for a touchdown. the go ahead. that was a 1st down. that put the game on ice. the chiefs stunned losing an 18-point lead. 22-21 the page to. we got the nba for you. the warriors ran the table against the clippers like they always do. steph curry was ready to go. everyone was. check the pass. that set the tone. up-tempo. later on curry an open look. no but he got it back and yeah. he scored 17 -points in the
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first quarter. final seconds of the first half, curry give me a run inside. this is no stopping him. scored 29-points by the half. 64-55. can -- his 28-40 point game. he scored 45. late third here is green to mcgee. dubs did drop the hammer. 121-105. they beat the clippers 12 straight times. >> i think he about it from this earth. it's easy to find that kind of juice when you -- got the secret antidote. >> he is not from this earth? >> no. i ain't seen nothing like it. [ laughter ] on to college ball. ucla was having its way at berkeley. jaylen had a good hand here. the steal and the slam. they led 30-14 first half. bruins did hit from the outside too. here is thomas welsh and a
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corner pocket 3. ucla hit 17 3-pointers. 107-84. . we have got kyle smith at usf calling plays at pepper dine. he must have liked this play. going glass. he scored 20 off the bench. his record is now 10-7. got college basketball buzzer beaters. florida is steal under 5 seconds left. a lay in that beat missouri 77-75 and lsu's waters hit a 3 to win a game. beat texas a&m 69- -- 71-69. the aggies were ranked 11th in the country got figure skate ing for you in san jose tonight. the men were on ice.
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18-year-old chen did not disappoint. earned the third p final spot over ashley wagner. former national olympic gold champion was impressed. >> she has got a complete package going. not only does does they have power and speed, but she also has an incredible presence on the ice. its kind of that little it factor that you just can't quite play certain people have it. she does. >> wow. . the falcons leading the rams 13-0 in the other wild card game. those moving pictures will be on the late show. well coming up in our next half hour, some terrifying
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moments on the tarmac. passengers panic as two planes collide on the ground in toronto. this guy doesn't not know me, he doesn't know me at all. he is a fraud. >> fire and fury from president trump today as he steps up his attack on a controversial tell all book. and he was a san francisco native who made his mark on the moon. tonight remembering legendary nasa astronaut john young. [music playing]
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helpful. you wouldn't have things like that happen where you can say whatever comes to your head." 1:25 our top story at six-thirty: president trump -- fir -- at the laws are very weak in this country. if they were strong it would be
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very hell for you. you wouldn't have things like that happen. >> president trump firing back at fire and fury. dismissing the winter's hottest new book as a work of fiction. the president is at camp david this weekend where he is meeting with republican lawmakers and cabinet members to set an agenda for the year ahead. >> he also found time to launch a new attack opt author of the tell all book that is claiming chaos inside his white house. president trump said his track record proves he is a stable genius. >> i was a very excellent student. came out and made billions and billions of dollars. >> the president held meetings at camp david to lay out the frame work for their 2018 agenda saturday. in the book michael wolff portrays the president's mental fitness as child-like and the
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white house as a place of dysfunction and chaos. >> i have recordings, i have notes. i am certainly and absolutely in every way comfortable with everything i reported in this book. >> mr. trump blamed steve bannon for allowing wolff access to white house staffers. >> i guess sloppy steve brought him into the white house quite a bit. >> wolff is standing by his book and believes the revelations in it could be the downfall of mr. trump's presidency. >> the story that i've told seems to precept this presidency in such a way that it says he can't do his job. the empire has no clothes and suddenly everywhere people are going -- oh my god, its true, he has no clothes. >> mr. trump calls the book a work of fiction.
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back to you. >> wolff said he interviewed the president overtime for teelt a total -- a total of three hours. president trump said it never happened. >> [ indiscernible ] almost 1,000 people have it on hold. many bookstores are expecting new shipments starting monday. if you want to guarantee yourself a copy your best bet is to call a store and preorder. some terrifying moments for air travelers in toronto after a fiery collision on the tarmac. this cellphone video taken from a nearby plane shows the explosion west jet airlines says one of its jets had just arrived from cancun, mexico when it was clipped by a sun wing plane that
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was being towed. >> all of a sudden it started venting fuel all over the wing. in about a second or two later -- not even a second it kind of all ignited. there was big fire ball. then everyone started yelling and panicking. >> passengers and crew aboard the west jet plane had to jump top safety down the emergency slides. everyone made it out okay. the plane was empty at the plane. canada's transport safety board is now investigating this collision. nearly four years after malaysian airplanes flight vanished without a trace, the search is about to resume. they are being to comb the indian ocean for the missing airliner. the company will only get paid if they find it. the flight was carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members when it disappeared in march of 2014. across the northeast people are bundling up and digging out in the wake of this week's bomb cyclone.
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millions are seeing temperatures in the single digits. in many areas the wind is making it feel far colder as low as 20 to 40 degrees below 0. >> it is amazingly cold. it goes through you. this weather just goes through you. >> the frigid temperatures and gusty winds are making it difficult for crews to restore power. thousands of travelers are stuck at airports facing cancellations and delays. at least they not stuck at the mount washington observatory in new hampshire. the low temperature there this morning tied for the second coldest on earth. minus 36 degrees with a windchill of minus 90. a bay area born astronaut who was one of the last men to walk on the moon has died. john young was the only spaceman to serve in all three programs and he was the first to fly into space six times. he was on his fourth mission
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when he commanded apollo's 16 in 1972. of the 12 men who walked on the moon, young and fellow astronaut duke were the ninth and tenth. young later went on to command the maiden voyage of the space shuttle. john young was born in san francisco. he died last night at his home in houston following complication from pneumonia. he was 87 years old. what if you would make your unborn child smarter, stronger and more attractive? would you do it? >> most of our babies in 20 to 40 years will be conceived in a clinic. >> that is a world we don't want to live in. >> only on 5, how scientists could be ripping a page straight out of brave new worlds sooner than you think. and meet skipper and sniffer. details on the dog's record breaking bust at sfo and we are not taking about drugs.
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some emergency rooms in the los angeles area are having to re-route ambulances.. the flu is hitting california so hard this
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year some emergency rooms in the los angeles area are having to reroute ambulances because they are full. the l.a. times reports at least 27 people under the age of 65 have died of the flu in california so far this season. here in the bay area there have been at least 8 deaths. that includes four patients in contra costa county and four in santa clara county. doctors say part of the problem is how quickly flu season ramped up this year. >> it came a little bit earlier than last year. it looks like it is more severe than last year's as well. >> health officials say this year's strain called ah 3 typically makes people more sick. they say one of the best ways to protect yourself is to get a flu shot and if you do get sick, stay home. in the coming decade it may be possible to have children who are born with carefully selected physical and mental traits. get this, your skin cells could be used to create the ideal
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embryo. experts tell elizabeth cook this brave new world may be closer than you think. >> from the moment of her birth, sadie was ready to see the world. sadie was also born with a mind of her own. >> she is definitely going to be her own woman. >> in her own mother's eyes, sadie is perfect. experts predict parents will be able to choose a particular child to have before their child is even born. this is all thanks to new and emerging reproductive technologies. >> most of our babies in 20 to 40 years will be conceived in a clinic. >> he is a professor of law and genetics at stanford university and author of the end of sex. he believes having actual sex in order to reproduce will become obsolete, even for fertile
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couples. babies will y be created invisit you. he said fertility experts will create human eggs and sperm by using stem cells to ride from a piece of your skin. it is has already been done with mice. with a few skin cells you can make a countless number of embryos. >> how many eggs do you get? how many do you want in. >> they will be screened for certain genetic diseases as well as gender. hair color, eye color, height, even by have your >> they will be asked what they want to know. they will be told the answers for their hundred embryos and asked to choose which embryo they want. >> the way technology is advancing i think there is a very real possibility that that could happen. >> dr. lynn westfall is a
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reproductive specialist at stanford. she said with ivf women today have to go through egg retrieval which is costly and requires injections. >> if they could have a little bit of skin removed and make eggs out of that it would make the procedure much easier medically. >> the technology opens up reproduction to those typically shut out of having their own genetic child. >> a single male, same-sex couple, or -- a woman who's older and maybe doesn't have good eggs anymore >> the benefit is a healthy child. the concern -- >> people may start to select for other characteristics that are not -- clearly beneficial for the child from a health standpoint. >> a new tool seen here in action for the first time. its a stunning gene editing technique. that yellow blob is where a gene is getting edited and the dna is taken out. the next step replace wit a
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different gene to fix a bad genetic mutation. >> it is changing biology and changing the world. >> in the future it may be used to permanently tweak or change disease causing genes in an embryo. the concern that it will also be used to enhance babies. for example, making them smarter or stronger. >> that is a world we don't want to live in. >> marcy is executive director at the center for genetics and society in berkeley. she questions if parents will feel pressured to genetically engineer their offsprings >> because they could get into the right preschool and grade school and college. do we want to amp it up even more? >> as for sadie's mom, she prefers mother's nature but can imagine the pressure. back to you.
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>> dr. westfall also cautions before this technology is used we need to up sure we are not increasing some unknown risk to babies in the future. coming up, it was a holiday gift but this smart speaker has a hidden privacy risk. >> i can literally press the button and be inside your home listening to whatever is going on at that moment in time. >> the feature that allows someone to hear everything from anywhere and how to protect yourself. we have a fairly significant storm coming in. it won't be over just on monday either. we will have all the details coming up when we cover the forecast after a break.
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alexa is always listening. with a simple command: she can if you use amazon's echo product you already know that alexa is always listening. >> always. but do you know who else might be listening in to everything going on in your home? what you need to know about the alexa drop in feature. >> like many, ashley loves her amazon echo. which oh offs countless cool activated features when paired
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with the app. one of the latest, drop in enabling instant communication between echo devices. no need to make a call, you just drop in. >> i could see myself enabling it and forgetting about it. >> we muted our amazon echo and gave the command. >> alexa, drop in on ashley. >> which it allowed us to listen in on everything she was saying in her bedroom. >> she can't hear me but i can hear her. >> while drop in may be intended for a two way conversation, it can also turn your echo into a eves dropping device. >> [ indiscernible ]
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he also cautions alexa is susceptible to hackers. >> if a hacker takes control, they can do anything you can do. >> including dropping in on your family and friends. the alexa app syncs with your friend's contacts. so anyone with access could drop in on any of them. >> definitely unnerving to know anybody could drop in on me at anytime. >> ashley was shocked when we dropped in again. >> this is the indication. this is potentially all you would hear. >> and while you do get a prompt, the first time you enable drop in, ashley notes it doesn't explain the person may drop in at anytime in the future without your concert along with any member of their household with access to their amazon device. a prospect that may be dangerous after your relationship has ended or in cases of domestic
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abuse. >> i could be walking around and this could happen and i have no idea. that is the problem for me. >> now amazon defends the drop in feature noting it is automat lick disabled on your echo till you turn it on and at any given time users can mute drop in by asking alexa to turn on disdo not disturb. -- dos do not disturb -- to turn on do not disturb. >> always be conscious of the fact you are living in a connected house when you get one of these devices. >> alexa, end drop in. there you go. >> we are still here. >> still there. >> see this is a problem. [ laughter ] end the call. >> alexa, end drop in. >> i had to be the one to end the call. >> i have no control.
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that is not okay. that is not okay. >> now julie warns if you enable drop in for an amazon show, your contacts can see you as well as hear you. keep in mind, anyone in your household can activate drop. >> on your echo and drop in on you at anytime. in the weather department, let me show you what is going to be happening over the next 48 hours by using future cast. we are starting out with part low cloudy skies tonight. that will change. by mid day we will have a few wispy high clouds. very nice sunday for the most part. things will rapidly change as we get towards sunset tomorrow. especially toward midnight. watch what happens. look at all the high clouds coming in. by 2:00 in the morning rain will be covering the bay area. time goes on and then we get some heavy downpours at times all the way through monday. the commute on monday -- it will be a mess.
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you know the recipe for stents just -- accidents, just add water and there will be plenty on monday. monday looks pretty stormy. as we look toward the bay bridge, temperatures today got a couple of degrees cooler than they were yesterday. 60 at livermore. 59 in san francisco. we look live right now from high top the city. concord it is 56. in san francisco 54. livermore 51 right now. santa rosa 53 degrees. on monday moderate to heavy impact from rain. winds not so much of a factor. a little bit breezy. the commute -- it will have an impact. already the watch is posted for monday and tuesday. reduced visibility, snow at lake level. we will get a few inches at lake tahoe. monday that storm is so potent because its cold air from the gulf that will be interacting with this moist flow of air from
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the tropics and the results will be rain on monday. pretty copious amounts as well from 1-3 inches in the north bay. 1-2 inches in the east bay. to summit up, tomorrow is okay. we got partly cloudy skies. more clouds as we head towards evening. rain and wind will power into the bay area on monday and tuesday. it will dry out midweek through the weekend. temperatures in the 40s for the most part. sun up tomorrow morning at 7:25 a.m. there is the high clouds tomorrow evening. then the forecast numbers come up tomorrow into the mid 60s in the bay area. in the extend foerd cast we will see #06s tomorrow and then the numbers again to plunge and so does the rain come down on monday and tuesday. tuesday will be more in the way of lingering showers. then we will dry it out the latter half of the week. for now we will take a break and be back after this. cbs eye on the community...
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presented by target. art and history spark connections across cultures, igniting curiosity, conversation, and inspiration. that's why target supports the asian art museum in san francisco. the asian museum is here to make asian arts and culture relevant. the reality is we all have a story to tell. it's what makes us who we are. cbs eye on the community is sponsored by target.
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in san francisco are hanging out the "help wanted" sign. at a job fair today: potential applicants some major public employers in san francisco hanging out the help wanted sign at the job fair today. potential apply cans got a chance -- applicants got a chance to find out what is available. >> we are looking for a group of folks that look like the city of san francisco because we all know that we best serve our community when we are compiled of the same folks that live in our community. tonight we want to introduce you to one of the hardest working employees at sfo. >> his name is skipper. he has a tail. he is a special detection dog. it isn't drug he is looking for. >> you will find the
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hardest working dog at the airport. meet skipper. >>. this 8-year-old beagle mix was a stray from the frigid streets of northern michigan when a shelter worker realized he liked to work and had him trained at the national detector dog training center in georgia. >> show me. that one. it is usually never a light suitcase. >> he isn't a drug dog. he is looking for produce, plants and meat that could bring dangerous pests into the u.s. >> is there any food in your bag? that is not allowed. next time don't take the food from the airplane. >> skipper has now obliterated a port of san francisco record. >> it was his 20,000th seizure. >> skipper got to work on our
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gear. >> uh-oh. he is looking right now. [ laughter ] where is it? show me. good boy. >> what he keys on happened to be my breakfast. >> when we are out here he knows we are working. >> some items like curry leaves and jasmine earn him a big treat. >> good boy. he just pulled me a full length of our carousel to jasmine because he knows had she going get a big treat for that. >> breaking his own report at sfo. back to you. >> and check this out. skipper even has his own id card. the u.s. customs and border protection card. legit. thanks for watching. we will see you back here at 11:00. >> for news throughout the evening the latest is always at for now have a nice saturday night and we will see you at
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[ music ] >> announcer: the following program is sponsored by operation smile. every year, hundreds of thousands of children are born with cleft lip and or cleft palate. >> dr. bill magee: why should any child, anywhere on this planet, have to live a life of misery. >> kathy majette: a lot of people think that children that are born with these deformities are cursed. just imagine a life alone, that nobody wanted to be around you. >> norrie oelkers: and we had children coming in for screening with brown bags over their head. they're never allowed to leave their house unless they have a bag on their heads. >> kathy majette: some children don't live, because they have problems with eating, and drinking, and die of malnutrition. >> mel: and they see us as their last resort. >> dr. jill gora: every child deserves a fair chance at life, >> peggy stillman: it may only take an hour to do something that will change their lives forever. >> noreen kessler: and you just see a whole new person, a whole new beginning. it's almost like they're reborn. i can't think of another word but phenomenal.


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