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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11PM  CBS  October 31, 2017 1:37am-2:11am PDT

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now at 11... the first, potentially explosive criminal charges, in the russia investigation. tonight: some former trump campaign aides are indicted. and there could be more to come. now at 11:00, the first potentially ex-closive charges in the -- explosive charges in the russia investigation. >> those charges stem from the special council's investigation into russian interference in the u.s. election. here's more on the unsealed
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court document, and what happens next. >> as a group, the charges are so serious, the legal term is conspiracy against the united states. but one man is cooperating with investigators, suggesting this is just the beginning. >> reporter: former trump campaign advisor george papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi, admitting he set up meetings with russian operatives who promised dirt on trump's opponent hillary clinton. >> they were dangling bait to someone who appeared to be willing to grab that bait. >> reporter: papadopoulos is now cooperating with investigators, but so far campaign manager paul manafort and deputy rick gates are not. they were indicted on 12 criminal counts. the indictment alleges the pair received money from a russian political party, laundering tens of millions of dollars,
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and lying to the irs and justice department. and paul manafort is accused of spending his hidden millions on extravagant homes, cars, and clothing. >> it's sending a message saying we're not playing around. >> reporter: both men are under pressure to follow papadopoulos' lead. >> he's been cooperating, we learned today for three months, and if this doesn't engender paranoia among the people in trouble, i don't know what will. >> there is no evidence that paul manafort or the trump campaign colluded with the russian government. >> reporter: paul manafort's bail was $10 million, gates was released on $5 million bail. both are under house arrest and had to surrender their passports. some democratic lawmakers won't to pass a bill that prevent president trump from firing
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mueller. his lawyer says he has no intention of doing that. half of the interview windshield top white house and -- interviews with top white house and justice department officials haven't happened yet. >> president trump is said to be fuming about at the time indictments. he tweeted sorry but this is years ago before paul manafort was part of trump campaign, but why aren't crooked hillary clinton and the dems the focus? also there's no collusion. the dnc had this to say. trump can no longer claim there's no evidence of collusion between his campaign and russia. congress must commit to protecting this investigation because we cannot trust the president of the united states. percent say the investigatio >> so how do the people of california feel about this? according to our exclusive kpix survey, 76 percent say the investigation is legitimate. 18 percent call it a witch hunt. as for president trump's decision to hire paul manafort
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as his campaign manager, 54 percent think it was bad judgment, and 76 percent believe there will be more indictments. executives from facebook, twitter, and google will appear before congress this week to talk about russian meddling. facebook says russian operatives published some 80,000 posts over a two-year period to try and influence u.s. politics, and 126 million americans may have seen them. twitter says it found more than 2700 accounts linked to russian groups. now to the oakland a's rookie who's making headlines. just a month ago it was for kneeling during the national anthem, a first for a major league baseball player. tonight the catcher is accused of pulling a gun on a woman. kpix 5 has new detail about that saturday night in arizona. sport in terms of their althletes. 32:52 >> next to the professional golf association, baseball is probably the most conservative sport in terms of their athletes. >> reporter: which is why bruce
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maxwell's alleged behavior over the weekend could be problematic for his future with the team. according to documents from the sheriff's department in arizona, police say maxwell exhibited signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication when he opened the door with a silver colored hand gun in his hand and pointed it at the female delivery driver's head. the report goes on to say when the officers questioned maxwell he was verbally aggressive, used excessive profanities and made anti-police statements. he was arrested on saturday night. he made his first court appearance yesterday and was released on $10,000 bail. bob dorfman, a sports marketing expert says maxwell quickly had become a well regarded athlete in the sports community after taking a knee at a home game, and then a week ago with a trip to santa rosa to visit a fire
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victim who lost his a's memorabilia in the fires. >> everything he had done on the positive side is now shifting because of this negative story and hurts his credibility. >> reporter: the a's released a statement saying we're disappointed to learn of the allegations. we take the on going investigation seriously. we have no further comment at this time. we reached out to the a's again after the details of arrest were released. they had no further comment. we also reached out to maxwell's agent, but he never responded to our requests. an investigation is underway tonight after an inmate was found dead inside his jail cell. it happened at the santa rita jail in dublin. the 33-year-old inmate had recently arrived and assigned to a single person cell. in order toessay there are no signs of fall -- authorities
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say there are no signs of foul play or trauma. tonight sheriffs released new clues in a homicide case in the east bay. a father gunned down outside his home on wild drive in discovery bay. veronica de la cruz shows us the surveillance photos. >> yeah, ken, sheriffs say the victim tried to stop a side show and paid for it with his life. the victim is this man. tonight grainy surveillance videos were released of two cars they believe are connected to the case. the first a mitsubishi eclipse. they say the victim confronted the drivers of cars of reckless driving, it turned physical, and then someone shot him. veronica de la cruz, kpix 5. the wine country wildfires have claimed another life tonight. a 17-year-old girl from
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mendecino county. her brother also died in the fire. she tried to escape with her family and suffered severe burns all over her body. she passed away last night in the hospital. her 14-year-old brother also died in the fire. their parents are still in the hospital. for weeks now bart has been planning to evict a homeless camp near the ashby bart station. tonight the people that live there say they're not going anywhere, and now they're suing. here's the details. others ... right >> the truth is that we're a model camp. >> reporter: jay is homeless, lives here at the here there encampment in berkeley with others. right under the start station. those that live here filed a federal suit accusing the city as well as bart of violating their rights. >> they dispose of people's
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medication, person property, laptops, computers, everything. >> reporter: the judge issued a seven-day injunction putting bart's plans of clearing out the encampment on hold. in a statement bart says a neighborhood association and a school asked the agency to clear out the property. they accuse the campers of trespassing. and they say because there's no shelter here or electricity or running water, that presents health concerns. also security and safety. >> you know bart says hey that's trespassing. >> bart is a public property. >> if the cities would get together and build shelters for homeless people, then we wouldn't trespass. it's not my choice to trespass. it's my circumstances. >> reporter: there will be another hearing about the here there encampment tomorrow morning in front of a federal judge. >> no comment from the city of berkeley tonight, but according to court documents, there have been more than 40 calls to
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police at the encampment and another nearby for crimes ranging from assault to drug use. tonight the u.s. federal court blocked the president's transgender military ban, at least for now. in the ruling the judge wrote quote there's absolutely no support for the claim that the on going service of transgender people would have any negative effect on the military at all. in july president trump tweeted he'd reverse president obama's policy allowing transgender troops to serve. today's ruling means transgender troops can continue to serve and allows transgender recruits to join the military as well starting in january. new accusations and new fallout tonight for house of cards star kevin spacey. kpix 5's betty yu is at netflix headquarters with more on the sex assault allegations. betty? >> reporter: ken, netflix and
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the show's producer said today they're deeply troubled by the news surrounding kevin spacey. he's facing backlash over allegations of sexual misconduct, and over the timing of his announcement that he's gay. star trek discovery actor anthony rapp told buzz feed that spacey made a sexual advance on him when he was 14 in 1986. spacey was 26 years old. they were both performing on broadway at the time. rapp said he went sptoey's apa at the end of the night spacey picked me up and then lays down on top of me. i was aware he was trying to get with me sexually. in a statement spacey said he was beyond horrified by the allegations, though he didn't remember the encounter. but if i did behave then as he describes, i owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior.
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but in the next paragraph he says quote, this story has encouraged me to address other things about my life. i choose now to live as a gay men. the board president of lgbtq center in san jose. >> my reaction to coming out as gay while apologizing for a sexual assault with a 14-year- old does not good together. >> reporter: a number of celebrities on twitter took issue with spacey likening the misconduct with sexual orientation. he was compared to harvey weinstein saying you don't remember the incident 30 years ago? like harvey, we all knew about you. i hope more men come forward. two weeks ago a former boston tv news anchor tweeted the harvey weinstein scandal.
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boldened me. i was a spacey fan until he assaulted a lovered one. and -- loved one. and house of cards will end after season six. it's currently in production. they said the decision had nothing to do with rapp's allegations. it was made months ago. betty yu, kpix 5. the new i-phone-10 before its an apple engineer is out of a job tonight after his daughter unveiled the new iphone x before its release. >> this is the new iphone x. >> this video shows the engineers daughter playing with the phone. they were having lunch together at apple's cupertino campus last month. it was posted, and apple told her to take it down and told her father to go. >> i had no idea it was a violation. apple really liked my dad, and they let him go because he broke a rule. >> we spoke to a long time apple employee who said there are long standing bans on
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shooting video on campus. no comment from apple tonight. tonight some brand new homes in the south bay are falling apart. we're talking about a new subdivision in san jose. only on 5, we have more on what happened when homeowners asked the builder for a little help. >> reporter: two weeks after kpix first reported on dangerous falling tiles and other construction problems at kb homes new community, neighbors are still wondering if the homes are safe and if the builder will make them right. >> i heard from other homeowners they'll handle it on a one by one basis. >> reporter: on october 6th kb sent the home homeowners on unusual warning about the tiles that could fall. the tiles are being used on most of the homes in the development as decorative
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cladding, but several came loose and fell to the ground. >> i think oh my god, what have i gotten myself into in buying this house now? >> reporter: a kb homes spokesperson declined an interview request, but sent a statement saying they've replaced all the tiles that needed replacement and have been responding with warranty service. we look forward to continue to working to homeowners until their satisfied with their purchase. but the tiles are not the only problems. joe handled with kb for months about his bathroom floor that wasn't layed in, and poor caulking caused leaks and water damage to his first floor ceiling and walls. he says kb did play for the damage, and they just agreed to fix the floor, but: >> it should have never happened in the first place. >> reporter: his neighbor's home shows exterior gaps and unpainted surfaces. another neighbor has had plumbing problems. >> i don't think there's enough
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workers to provide the service that was promised. >> reporter: what could they start doing right now? >> they need to get an action plan together to address the exterior elevation. they need to get an action plan together to correct everybody's punch lists in a timely manner. >> reporter: a construction worker told kpix that crews were pressured to get the work done as quickly as possible, and that may be one explanation for all the problems. a kb spokesperson flatly denied that allegation. in the san jose, kpix 5. san jose police say a robber preyed on several elderly women and stole their gold chains. tonight police believe there could be even more victims. security cameras captured one of the crimes last month. the driver stopped on the street, ran up to two women and snatched their jewelry. he dropped his wallet, and then ran wac to grab it, but he -- back to grab it, but he left
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behind a police that. led police to lawrence carter. she's suspected of at least -- he's suspected of at least seven other robberies, one involved a gun. he drove this gray nissan pathfinder during the crimes. anyone that recognizes the car or suspect should give the police a call. gold jewelry can be worth a pretty penny, and plenty of paces will offer to -- places will offer to buy your old gold for cation, but are you really -- cash, but are you really getting what it's worth? here's the results of our undercover investigation cleaver you're watching investigation. >> reporter: you're watching undercover video of our gold show. they promote visits to town with glossy brochures offering instant cash for your old valuables. >> i look the item over for just general information. >> reporter: a bay area jeweler agreed to lend us $6,000 worth
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of gold and some costume jewelry, we put them to the next. >> no, this is not. >> reporter: while they accurately identified what was real and fake, the offer seemed low. about 47 percent of what the gold was actually worth. >> how about that? >> reporter: of course you shouldn't expect to get the full value of your gold, but we wanted to see just how much we could get. so we took our gold on the road to local jewelers. >> how much money you want get depend on the weight and purity. >> reporter: at albany coin exchange they walked us through the process and offered us 70 percent of gold's value, even giving us an itemized print out of the offer of each piece to take home. after a quick look with a magnifying glass, fort knox accurately separated the real from the fake and offered 72 percent of gold's value. but across the bay, bay area gold and silver in san francisco gave us the best deal
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by far. using a computerized device to test each other time, the owner offered us -- each item, the owner offered us 80 percent of the gold's value. the lowest local offer? >> do you guys buy gold? >> reporter: that came at newman's international. where unlike every other jeweler, our valuables were quickly whisked away from sight, and the owner would only offer a lump sum, refusing to tell us what he'd pay for each item unless we paid him for an appraisal. his offer wasn't much better than the traveling gold buyers. about 49 percent of the gold's value. >> when i buy gold, i test it, but it's never less than 75 percent of the gold market. if the items are salable, i'll pay 90 percent of the market. >> reporter: the low ball offer
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from the traveling gold buyer doesn't surprise him. >> when they come to hotels or other venues, they know they'll never see you again. >> reporter: but he was surprised by newman's international. >> they have a lot of nerve. they should tell you what you have without any obligation. >> reporter: but this story wouldn't even tell us if it was real gold without paying them. you may have to pay for an insurance for insurance purposes, you shouldn't have to pay to sell your gold. when we went back to ask them about what we caught on camera. >> do you often force people to pay before you buy their gold? >> we never do. >> reporter: the owner asked us to leave, and while jewelers do have the right to low ball you, you have the right to shop around. >> we reached out to all the stores we visited for our investigation, including the
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traveling gold buyer. they had no comment. meanwhile we have tips on how to figure out what your gold is worth before you shop it around. go to our website. this halloween decoration is missing tonight. an umbrella may be worth its weight in gold later this week. not for tomorrow and trick or treating though. beautiful out there right now. 50s just about everywhere. santa rosa the cool spot at 48. trick or treater tomorrow night rain-free. three of the past six halloweens have involved some showers or light rain. not this year. partly cloudy and cool. 50s and 60s for the trick or treaters and parents taking them out tomorrow evening. overnight tonight and tomorrow morning for the morning jog, san rafael 48, redwood city 48, mountainview 51. big pattern change coming, the first part you felt when you walked outside today. you thought it's not warm. it's actually quite breezy and chilly, and that's because the ridge of high pressure is
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moving out. the atmosphere won't be as warm, and a trough will replace the ridge, and when that sets up shop we'll not only be chilly, but also wet moving in on friday. tomorrow morning cloud cover in the morning, shine in the afternoon -- sunshine in the afternoon. pretty pleasant weather, chilly with highs mainly 60s to low 70s until we hit friday. the first of several rain chances moving into the pacific northwest diving down into the bay area. friday evening showers are likely. saturday rain is likely. monday rain is likely. at least three distinct rain chances over the next seven days. so forget about the warm weather. done, gone, at least two weeks, staying cool for awhile. mainly dry weather through thursday evening, then unsettled friday into the weekend with several different chances of rain fall. sunshine tomorrow in san jose, but brisk, only 69. sunnyvale 68, close to 70 for
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danville. sunshine in the afternoon in san francisco, but only 61. santa rosa 71. clear lake 77 tomorrow. so we're dry, sunny through wednesday, but chilly. thursday we go cloudy then rain friday, saturday, couple morning showers on sunday,
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