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tv   KPIX 5 Noon News  CBS  June 19, 2017 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. smoke fill the air... as firefighters battle a large live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix 5 news. >> now at noon, intense flames and thick smoke filling the air as firefighters battle a large mulch fire in solano county. all this while the bay area temperatures continue to climb.
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>> that fire is still smoldering hours after it first broke out. jessica flores shows us how fire crews are working to contain it. >> reporter: just after 4 a.m. the massive pile of mulch started burning near the lake herman exit. firefighters from surrounding communities descended on the scene. crews used bulldozers and worked to contain the blaze which likely started due to spontaneous combustion. >> the mulch and compost sitting through in the heat. >> a mulch fire two years ago was in the same location and it took eight hours to put it out. >> it could take five or six hours. and we have to make sure it's cold to the touch so we don't
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get a rekindle and have to come back later tonight. >> reporter: fire crews are concerned about the wind and the embers flying over the street into the marsh, sparking fires there. >> it starts over there, we'll put guys on it. but the goal is to keep it out of the marsh. >> reporter: fire crews stomped out hot spots. in cordelia, jessica flores, kpix 5 news. roberta gonzales has a look at what they're facing. >> reporter: the air temperatures are near 90 degrees and the forecast looks pretty hot. the temperature today near 100 and the winds out of the west at 15. and breezy when we were watching jessica report from the area. high pressure continues to build in. we had 10 record high temperatures around the area. 109 pleasanton. 106 livermore. and 105 in san rafael.
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and 103 in san jose and kentfield. moffett field at 100 degrees. see that? that's the welcomed marine layer. it's fog bringing the temperatures down just a little bit. in livermore, it's 97 and going to a high of 103. we have a heat advisory and watch in effect for most of the bay area until thursday, the hottest day of the week still to com. and most notably, when relief will be on the way. in santa rosa, the heat appears to be causing a sidewalk to buckle. these photos were taken yesterday. the heat causing the concrete to expand and the south bay is also feeling the intense heat. sandra osborne found out how some people are staying cool. >> reporter: the hot temperatures send bicyclists looking for shade. >> we don't want to be out
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doing physical activity in hundred degree heat. >> reporter: others look for cooling centers or community centers like this one, the roosevelt center in san jose. letting people get free ac while the sun outside is gorgeous. >> you can get out of the heat and relax. >> reporter: we found very popular people today. this team making ice deliveries. ice deliveries like this one becoming way more important than ever. and coffee shops like this one in san jose -- they say they are loading up on ice to keep the customers cool. >> a lot of people have ice cold coffee, frappuccino. and they get a lot of ice in the fridge to prepare for all of the crowd coming later. >> reporter: san jose is reaching a 103 over the weekend with more hot days still to come. >> yesterday was the hottest. >> reporter: the city is hoping people will take advantage of
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libraries, community centers, and senior centers to cool down while temperatures creep dangerously high. in san jose, sandra osborne, kpix 5. >> san jose city officials are looking at state funding to help victims of the coyote creep flooding. a new bill would grant $5 million in funding and services to help in the recovery efforts. >> we've got much work to do of course. and although we're here in 90- degree weather and the flood seems thousands of miles away, it was right here and for hundreds of our residents, it's still right here. >> reporter: in february, more than 14,000 people had to be evacuated or rescued due to their own floods. the bill needs to be approved by governor brown. a k-9 is recovering after being bit by a pit bull. the pit bull charged at them
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and at their dog named hancock. it bit him on the leg and then clamped on his neck. an officer shot the pit bull to prevent further injury. a suspect in paris is dead after investigators say he deliberately rammed a police van on the famed -- the armed driver was pulled from the burning car and later died. no officers or bystanders were hurt. french authorities have launched an antiterror investigation into the incident. this is the same area where an officer was shot and killed in april. british police are investigating a terror attack outside a london mosque. a man plowed into a crowd of worshipers. brook silva-braga reports. >> reporter: cell phone video
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captures the chaos after a man rams his van into a crowd. the driver shotted i want to kill all muslims as they wrestled him to the ground. others rushed to help the injured. >> people on the floor. and one guy, blood running down his head. it was very hard to see. >> reporter: ramadan prayers ended and the driver smashed into a group of people who were giving first aid to an elderly man. he later died. but it's not clear if he died in the crash. >> given the methodology and what was occurring and the tragic incidents across the country -- >> reporter: police promise they'll get extra protection through ramadan but the promise was little comfort to some. >> i feel targeted and unsafe. we shouldn't feel like this as
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a community. >> reporter: there has been far too much tolerance and extremism over many years. and that means extremism of many years and that includes islamophobia. >> reporter: this is the third attack aimed add pedestrians. earlier this month on london bridge, islamic extremists used a vehicle and knives to kill and wound people before they were shot and killed by police. a coast guard vessel just returned to alameda. anne makovec on how they caught smugglers. >> reporter: this cutter is back home off the coast of alameda after two months away in a high seas bust of illegal drugs. 18tons of cocaine with an estimated street value of half a billion dollars is out of the
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hands of criminals. coast guard crew members arrived back home. they were part of the bust along the central and south americas coast. captain james -- explains how the crew nabs the stealthy boats. >> we're trying to detect the vessel as far away as possible so they can't see it. and i launch my intercepter boats or helicopter to try to sneak up and get positive control. >> reporter: the full 36,000 haul of cocaine was offloaded in san diego after being seized by 10 cutters. she'll be docked for maintenance and repairs before the next assignment. anne makovec, kpix 5. >> and last year the coast
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guard seized 443,000 pounds of cocaine from the eastern pacific. a man was arrested at lake sonoma for boating under the influence. a 52-year-old failed sobriety tests and was arrested after the boat ran into the shoreline. witnesses said people were pouring beer out of the boat before officers got there. vasquez claimed a mechanical incident caused the problem. mayor ed lee and nancy pelosi will raise a rainbow flag at city hall to kick off the pride week celebration. this year pride will be about resisting regression as well as celebrating diversity. coming up. new insight into the death of actress carrie fisher. what an autopsy just revealed. plans from u.p.s.
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to charge more, depending on when you send those packages.
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who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing.
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released... and it shows the actress had cocaine in her system before her death. fish new at noon, the details of carrie fisher's autopsy report have just been released. and it shows that the actress had cocaine in her system before her death. the autopsy states that she may have taken cocaine a few days before the flight. and it also found traces of heroin and ecstasy in her system but it could not be determined when she had taken
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the drugs. faster review as well as tougher standards and early intervention. google engineers have developed technology to prevent re- uploads of known terrorist content using image matching techniques. you may have to spend more to send packages through u.p.s. it will apply to select weeks in november and december. u.p.s. sent an average of 30 million packages a day. the dow is up 115 points and u.s. stocks are climbing to record highs. healthcare stocks and banks are also up. it's going to be hot. let's get a check of the forecast with roberta gonzales. >> stocks are not the only thing up. temperatures are up as well. this is the scene from the kpix studios. looking past the embarcadero. the flag is on the fly.
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and what we're looking at now is the golden gate bridge. and you can see the flag waving there as well. and a hint of clouds beginning to clear but the fog pushing on shore is definitely cooling off the bay and our peninsula. temperatures right now from 89 degrees in santa rosa. and 97 in livermore. 77 in oakland. and weather watcher time. it's hot, hot, hot. 99. 96 in orinda. and high 80s in fairfield. and redwood city, 92 degrees. so we do have a heat advisory for all of the yellow highlighted areas. the red should include alameda where we saw 106 yesterday. hot in livermore and pleasanton. and nonetheless we have the advisory in effect until thursday evening. dangerous conditions, prolonged and pronounced heat wave.
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we saw the return of the stratus. and what we also had was a thunderstorm that rumbled through, nicked the east bay and the north bay. this was all blowoff and definitely lightning and a clap of thunder. high pressure continues to encompass the western states. 119 in phoenix tomorrow. 129 in death valley. and 120 in the las vegas area. and 109 in fresno, modesto, and merced. 82degrees in the greater lake tahoe area. a flood warning for the merced river. it's going to be cresting by later on tonight. our temperatures from the 60s and 70s at the beaches. 60s bayside to the 90s around
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the peninsula. and 102 livermore, 96 in santa rosa. winds are west and southwest 10 to 20. it's going to be welcome when the sun close down. the peak hottest will be wednesday and thursday. 10degrees warmer on saturday. a's are on a role, sweeping the yankees. they bring in the number one team in all baseball. the houston astros. what a night for became. >> if you're doing something out of your hot house, go to the baseball game and cheer on the a's. >> that's a good idea. is there an easy way to get your vitamin c? >> today's tip of the day -- i lover pixie tangerines. they've been around for a little while.
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the quality is incredible right now. they are loaded with flavor and juicy. and selection in stores is important. make sure you have that beautiful orange color all the way around. some may have bump to the skin and peel but that's okay. make sure -- always throw the citrus on the counter. when you peel them, take a look at how beautiful this is. they're seedless and easy to peel. and delicious and loaded with vitamin c of course. pixie tangerines in the market ready to enjoy and at a great value. i'm tony tantillo, your fresh grocer. and eat fresh and stay healthy. that's so good. still ahead, no slacking off this summer. one student is rising above by keeping busy. and maybe summer camp is
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keeping your kids busy. e-mail your nominations to cool camps at
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but kpix 5's sherry hu says many of our "students rising above" scholars have other plans. she in summer means sleeping in for students and hanging out with friends. >> and many of our students have other plans. she introduces us to one
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graduate's personal reasons for staying busy. >> right now i have finished 47 in total. >> no sleeping in or playing o games once college classes end at uc santa cruz. his break will be filled with work at two summer internships. that routine started when he failed 6th grade and summer school was mandatory. lesson learned, the following year he became a tutor. and stayed busy with summer programs and internships. he had a goal -- college. >> i always try to compete what i said i was going to do. >> reporter: he credits his parents for his work ethic. the family has been on the broke of homelessness even though the father works as a
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painter. >> she would come home with the smell of clorox. i try to do anything i can to show them what i do is for not only for me but also for them. and i acknowledge what they've done for me. >> i would definitely be interested to come back. >> reporter: one of the paid internships is in oakland where not by coincidence, his supervisor is also a students rising above alum. >> education and what we're doing in the workplace is a way in which to help us get to a better place in life. every sra student has the drive and motivation. >> i want to be able to help out those. i'm proud to see the person i've become.
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>> reporter: what do you see for the future? >> only getting wear. to learn more, go to our website, with w,/sra.
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and-e... right now, crews are working to restore power to 29-hundred customers around the bay area. the biggest outages are in the east bay new numbers just in from pg&e crews are working to restore power to 2900 customers around the bay area. the biggest are in the east bay
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with 1100 customers affected and the south bay with 1260 customers. the peak number of outages yesterday was 43,000 total. >> all right. it's become the hot item of the summer, fidget spinners, we'll have that story tonight at 5:00. that's going to do it for kpix 5 news at noon. keep cool. >> it's going to be hot. >> i think that means we can go shopping. >> or go to the movie theater. enjoy it.
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♪ >> ridge: you know, it's safe to go out there. >> quinn: it's gonna take awhile. >> ridge: deacon's in jail. he admitted he tried to shoot you. >> quinn: and he would have shot me if it hadn't been for you. sorry. what i said after everything... ♪


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