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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  October 11, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> glor: new warning signs inthe latest cbs news polls show both frontrunners are now viewed negatively by more than half the public. also in politics a rare television interview with charles koch. trying to reach the communities cut off by the flooding in south carolina. a councilman in texas is tased by police while on his knees in the same town where a woman recently died in custody. and debut day for the national women's hockey yeah!. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news." >> good evening, i'm jeff glor with a western edition of the broadcast. a new cbs news poll out today shows both hillary
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clinton and donald trump holding the lead for their parties presidential nominations. but there are signs of trouble. among all registered voters, clinton and trump both have unfavourable ratings of 5 approximate%. and about 60% of voters view each of the frontrunners as disupon-- dishonest. more now from julianna goldman in our washington bureau. >> democratic frontrunner hillary clinton beat senator bernie sanders nationally by 24 points. with vice president joe biden in the mix, her lead shrinks slightly. clinton comes in with 46% followed by sanders with 27% and biden, third at 16%. the vice president is expected to decide whether to launch a white house bid in the coming days. and he spent the long weekend in delaware with his family. >> everyone wants to know. >> out of my way, will you. >> the poll shows that democrats overwhelmingly believes clinton has the best chance of winning the general election next year. but they also give her and biden
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similar marks on leadership. and across the country, 61% of voters say biden is honest and trust worthy compared to 35% for clinton putting her in the same territory as donald trump. the republican presidential frontrunner leads with 27% followed by ben carson with 21%. the rest of the field is in single digits. >> you love polls. you are at the. >> i done love them. i only like them when i'm at number one. >> reporter: 784% of republicans say trump has strong leadership qualities. and of all the candidates or potential candidates in both parties, voters nationwide give trump the highest marks on leadership. but a majority of the country says he doesn't care about voters' needs and problems. >> but i win hands down on leadership, right. by far, it's not even close, double and triple anybody else, that is very porpt to people. >> reporter: in a sign of why outsider candidates like carson and trump are doing so well, only 64% of republicans have a
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favorable view of their party. and with house republicans in disarray, congressman paul ryan is still weighing whether to answer the calls from his colleges and run for speaker. jeff, on sunday, congressman jim jordan who leads the most conservative members of the caucus said his group would look favorably on ryan. >> glor: julianna goldman, thane television interview with charles koch, as in the koch brothers. owners of the second largest private company in the country. forks estimates their worth-- foshes estimated their worth about 43 billion each. they bank a group that help-- in a new book koch writes about the value task drive him personally and politically. he sat down with anthony mason for cbs sunday morning. >> do you think it's good for the political system that so much of what is called dark money is flowing into the process now. >> well, first of all, my-- what i give isn't dark. like what i give
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politically, that's all reported. it's either to pacs or to the candidates. and what i give to my foundation is-- is all public information. but a lot of our donors don't want to take the kind of abuse that i do. they don't want these attacks. they don't want the death threats. so they aren't going to participate if they have to have their names associated with it. >> reporter: but do you think it's healthy for the system that so much money is coming out of a relatively small group of people. >> well, i-- yeah, listen, if i didn't think it was healthy or fair, i wouldn't do it. because what we're after is to fight against special interests. >> reporter: there are people out there who think what you're trying to do is essentially buy power. >> but i-- i don't-- what i want is a system where there isn't as much centralized power. where it's dispercented to the people. and that's everything i advocate
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points in that direction. >> glor: anthony interview withw on cbs this morning. overseas, turkey has appointed a panel to investigate yesterday's suicide bombings that killed at least 95 people. bombs went off at a kurdish peace rally, kurds are the largest ethnic minority in the country and historically sought an independent state which the turkish government is strongly against. holy williams is in-- is-- holly williams is in turkey. >> in an cura today thousands of mourners grieved for their dead. after the worst terrorist attack in modern turkish history, the two explosions just seconds apart targeted a peace rally in the turkish capitol. they killed nearly a hundred people with you know -- unofficial death tolls much higher. >> she didn't want war,
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she wanted peace. and they killed her, say this woman who lost her sister in the blast. the attack follows an upsurge in violence between the turkish government and militants from turkey's kurdish minority. today as kurdish politicians tried to lay flowers at the scene of the attack, there was a confrontation with police. who said investigators were still working at the site. nobody's claimed spoblght. as many of the mourners believe the turkish government is to blame because they say it stirred up unrest ahead of a national election next month. but the turkish prime minister said that kurdish militants and isis were possible suspects. turkey used to be held up as a rare example of civility and democracy in the middle east. but jeff, just
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three weeks away from a national election, in which kurdish voters could play a decisive role, the mood here in turkey is tense with many fearing more violence. >> glor: holly williams, thankys been reached in the trial of american reporter jason rezaian, but they have not revealed what that verdict. is rezaian, a reporter for "the washington post" has been in jail almost 15 months accused of espionage. the family says that is ridiculous. a police officer was killed today in mem fis. according to investigators, officer terence olridge was shot multiple times while off-deutee in the town of cordova. the a suspect is in custody. it's not known if olridge was targeted because he was a police officer. new developments in the tamir rice investigation. two outside experts hired by county prosecutors in cleveland say the fatal shooting of the 12 year old last november was
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justified. that's part of the evidence being presented to a grand jury deciding whether to indict the officer. attorneys for rice's family say the prosecution is just trying to avoid account ability. a video out of prairie view texas is raising questions about police use of force there. a councilman is seen getting tased while on his knees with his back to officers. police say he was resisting arrest. jericka duncan has more. >> reporter: 26 year old jonathan miller was on his knees with his hands by his sides when he was tased thursday night by prairie view, texas police. >> before using the taiser, police warned the city councilman several times to put his hands behind his back. >> he is going to have to tas. >> oh, god!. >> put your hands behind your back. >> what the [bleep]. >> put your hands behind your back. >> i live here, man.
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>> officers arrived at the scene to question miller's fraternity brothers who were outside miller's home. miller came out to ask what was going on. >> i'm not either. i understand that, are you coming in at the tail end. like he told you, everything is okay. they already explained everything to me. >> reporter: but the situation escalated when another officer asked miller to move away. >> i'm telling you one more time, pan, go over there before you go to jail. turn around. >> i'm not saying nothing. >> turn around, turn around. >> i'm not saying nothing. >> miller was arrested and spent the night in jail. >> i feel like i was taken on and it escalated to a situation where i was tased and it shouldn't have came that tar. >> but chief larry johnson is standing by his officers who are still on the job. >> in that situation, officers were conducting an investigation. they asked that he step away from the scene and a awe them to finish what they were doing. out of
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safety for all concerned. >> reporter: coinciden tally the female officer and the body camera video is the same one without transported sandra brand to a county jail after she was arrested in july. she made national headlines after authorities say she hanged herself while in custody. as for councilman miller, he was charged with interfering with public gut duties and resisting arrest. >> glor: thank you very much. ne recovery from historic floods is just beginning. the storm's killed 21 people and destroyed an untold number of homes. in columbia, south carolina, more than 300,000 still have to boil their water. a 16 mile stretch of i-95 remains closed forcing drivers on a two-hour detour around the capitol. more than 300 roads and bridges are closed across the state. tonight david begnaud reports from a community completely cut off. >> reporter: on a sunny sunday in south carolina dr. lezina green used a boat to make house calls in a disaster zone.
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>> it's amazing because i drive this road all the time to do my home visits to see patients that live out here. and there is no road. >> reporter: buried under 15 feet of water. >> exactly. >> reporter: before launching dr. green's team from tideland's health system loaded medication and medical equipment into boats driven by volunteers. on the water, it's deceptively dangerous. >> what the. >> reporter: our camera crew hit a sub merged guard rail. no one was hurt. on shore more volunteers helped to unload the supplies and drove them to the landlocked community of big dam where dr. green had to travel in a second boat to reach a local church. >> not bad, 142 over 72. that's not bad at all. >> reporter: blood pressure checks seem to be a big priority. >> right now your blood pressure is doing real good, girl. >> reporter: as dr. green spent the day here, we stopped in to check on 88 year old mary rose swailes, this week she waved down a
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coast guard helicopter in need of medication as water closed in on her home. >> they reached down and picked me up and put me there, oh, thank the lord. >> reporter: back in the community of big dam, christina brit and her company are landlocked, stuck on dry land and surrounded by flood water. >> a lot of people are really worried about having their job, how to pay their bills. but you know, really, the community has gathered together. they're helping each other out. >> reporter: we left them knowing another day would pass and they would be strandzed on an island. we noticed today the water dropped about a foot. but it is still 15 to 20 feet in some places. look at this home. there are scenes like this across georgetown county. jeff, some homes are sub merged. and have been for the last six days. >> glor: david begnaud, thankyoe controversial slide that could change the course of a playoff series. and the waterspout that met a mail truck when the cbs
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evening news continues.
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>> glor: last night's metsdodgea critical and controversial hit. not at the plate but at second base leaving one player with a broken leg. the dodgers won the game and the series is now tied 1-1. mireya villarreal has more on the slide. >> this is the play used you used to see it happen a lot 30 years ago, very rarely now. >> reporter: if one play could turn a game upside down this was it. >> chase utley going hard as they score. >> chase utley of the l.a. dodgers did not appear to be targeting second base. instead he barreled right into mets short stopper ruben tejada breaking his leg. mets manager terry collins spoke for the team. >> payoff series, you lose a guy to that serious of an injury, yeah, they're not very happy about it. >> reporter: but utley says the play was both legal and clean. >> i think any time
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you're in a double play you should do your best to do that. again, there was no intent to injure ruben whatsoever. >> reporter: mets fans weren't buying it. one tweeted as i walked out of my apartment, chase utley slid into me and blanked up my leg. >> chuck schumer also weighed in. >> i thought it was deliberate. and i thought the umpire missed the boat in not throwing utley out of the game for what he did. >> reporter: the league is now reviewing the play says chief baseball officer joe torre. >> it was certainly was late, that concerns me, the lateness of the slide. >> how are you feeling, how is your head. >> the head is fine. >> reporter: tejada's leg not so fine. his season is now over. >> he broke the short stop's leg, that sawl i know. >> reporter: and mets fans are in no mood to let this slide. mireya veel veel-- villarreal,
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cbs news, los angeles. >> glor: up next a city's uniqu.
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>> glor: massachusetts governore legislation this week giving hospitals the right to detain drug addicts for up to three days to force them into treatment. in gloucester, massachusetts, police are also trying a new approach to the problem. the chief says arresting addicts isn't helping so they are offering assistance instead. here's kenneth craig. >> reporter: the seaside community is known for its historic fishing port and new england charm. but four people died here of heroin overdoses in the first three months of this year. for gloucester police chief leonard campanello, that meant it was time for his department to shift its thinking. >> we're not going to arrest our way out of this problem. the
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traditional war on drugs is completely over. >> reporter: chef campanello is trying a ground breaking new policy called the angel program. he wants addicts to run to the police rather than away. >> we drew a line in the sand here in glosser and said anybody who comes to us for help who has an addiction issue, we would not arrest them but instead try to facilitate them with treatment. >> reporter: all users need to do is walk into the police station and ask for help. 20 year old jordan had been trying on his own but could not find a space in rehab. gloucester police found him a spot that same day. >> jordan, very nice to meet you. >> reporter: while a volunteer angel kept him company. >> i'm proud of you. >> reporter: the program launched with just $5,000 and a handful of volunteers. it partners with treatment centers across the country. some of them donating their services for free. there's no extra cost to taxpayers and that's why the department can afford to help users from well beyond
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glawser. stef inlesnikowski came from the west coast. >> you are not even in massachusetts, you called from california and they got you help. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: were you surprised. >> i was more grateful in realizing that the humanity of people is just absolutely amazing. >> since june, the program has helped more than 170 addicts. >> come back in if you relapse and we will help you again. we will continue to help you as long as you are alive to get into treatment. >> reporter: how do you feel today. >> i feel great. i'm not a slave at this moment to a substance. you know, i don't have to rip anybody off today. it is an opportunity of a lifetime, really. >> reporter: law enforcement agencies across the country are following glawser's lead, at least 20 are now rolling out angel programs of their own. kenneth craig, cbs news, glawser, massachusetts. >> glor: still ahead, a computer thousands of air passengers.
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>> glor: it was a frus trailtine customers. a computer glitch caused major delays for at least 450 flights nationwide leading to long lines at airports. geat agents had to hand write tickets. the airline sent messages this morning asking people to show up extra early for their flights. mail carriers are used to dealing with the elements, rain, snow and more. but this, the u.s. mail truck got caught up in a waterspout near the tampa coast this is what it was up against. fortunately the driver of the truck was not hurt. >> an update on the recovery of u.s. airmen spencer stone tonight. he's been upgraded to fair condition and doctors say he is awake and in good spirits. stone was stabbed early thursday outside a bar in sacramento just two months after helping stop a terror attack on a train in france. here he is with a fellow here from the train. coming up here, the first puck drops in our league of their own.
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>> glor: we close tonight with g day for a new professional women's hockey league. in buffalo the hometown bu tes took on the boston pride and in connecticut it was the whale versus the new york riveters in front of a sold out crowd. jamie yukas was there. >> the puck dropped on the first ever national women's hockey league in the u.s.. >> commissioner danny rylan says these women are fast, fer owe shus and competitive. >> people will say they can't notice a difference between the men and the womens until they really zoom in. >> it's the first time women will get paid to play, at $15,000 a year, most have day jobs. the players say it's worth it to be part of this growing sport. >> women's sports are-- they're hot right now. there is a business in it and it's untapped. this is a good time,
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yeah. >> reporter: investors paid for this first year. the league will need to sell out their 18 games to make a profit. the hope is that a new generation of fans will pack the bleachers. not just to stay in bises but as player celeste brown says, to inspire. >> it's so important for a young girl to see an older girl in a position of leadership. it gives theme the realization that they can actually do that. >> oh my gosh, look how fast they are. look at them? they're so fast. >> reporter: an easy score for a sport just getting started. jamie yu ccas, cbs news, connecticut. >> glor: that is the cbs evenin0 minutes" and first thing tomorrow, cbs this morning. i'm jeff glor in new york. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by
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media access group at wgbh access.wgbh. people inside the house arem martinez -- they tell us wh they experienced. . two people killed when a plane crashes into a house. an engine catches fire in las vegas what the pilot said that was of no comfort to passengers. >> why thousands in the east bay may notice their drinking water smells and tastes a little funny. >> kpix5 news is up next. ,,,,,,,,
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into the house they were in. to e was . two people narrowly escape death in tahoe when a plane


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