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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11PM  CBS  August 25, 2015 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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so, what did you guys they think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. get a $1000 volkswagen reward card on select 2015 jetta models. or lease a 2015 jetta s for $139 a month
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>> live, from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. >> tonight, a tourist just wanted to take a picture. instead, he was left bloody, robbed and shot near one of the most iconic attractions in the bay area. >> it happened at lombard street. the victim was rushed to san francisco general. that is where andria borba is tonight. >> reporter: he was released about 30 minutes ago. we have learned this man is a pilot with the thai military who came to san francisco looking for vacation, but instead got a bullet. this is the aftermath of san francisco's latest shooting in an unlikely place.
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a thai tourist on the ground bleeding from a gunshot wound. the shooting happened just this afternoon. >> i heard the siren and the police car. the ambulance went by. >> reporter: a block-and-a-half away from one of the most iconic spots in the bay area and next to a busy elementary school. >> that could have been us. >> reporter: the tourist was walking when a man grabbed his camera and ran east on lombard. >> at that point, the victim tried to get it back. >> reporter: that is when one of the suspects fired two round one hitting the victim in the shoulder, the other lodges into the siding of the home. the two fled after police. throngs of tourists initially mistook the crime scene for a piece of fiction and turned their cameras to the evidence markers. >> we thought it was a movie happening initially. then we realized this was all
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quite real. >> yeah. >> reporter: tony lee lives in the neighborhood and had his camera stolen as well. he is tired of the criminals giving the city a bad name. >> this is stupid. >> reporter: this is just the latest pr tourist nightmare for the city of san francisco. it is something the mayor and police chief will address in a news conference tomorrow. >> thank you andria borba. the two suspects sped away from lombard street to the emeryville oakland border where they crashed their car. our mark kelly picks up the story from there. >> reporter: here is a look at one of the suspects that led police on the man hunt. hands tied, strapped to a gurney, he was wheeled into an ambulance. as for the other suspect, he was arrested several hours earlier. jane brady saw the whole thing go down. >> the motorcycle came up beside him. they told him to get on the
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ground and he complied. >> reporter: the who men were on the run after robbing a san francisco tourist of his camera and shooting him in the shoulder. they crashed into a pole at 60th and herzog before fleeing on foot. >> they showed a blatant disregard to safety. these are not the people we want to see running around harming our tourists and citizens. if this camera is the same camera that belongs to the victim i don't know. >> reporter: but we know after a tense afternoon. >> sirens, heck cometter noise. >> reporter: the man hunt is over and the two suspects hauled off to san francisco. there was a report that the suspect tried to kidnap a six- year-old boy in this neighborhood. tonight, police not confirming that. simply saying at this time, there appears to be no intentional abduction. in oakland, mark kelly, kpix5. >> as we mentioned earlier, this comes on the heels of of
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another shooting at a popular tourist spot at pier 14 in san francisco. a hearing started today to determine when there is enough evidence to try juan francisco lopez sanchez for the murder of kate steinle. a tourist claimed to have pictures with a man walking away as people were rushing to help kate. but none of the pictures show sanchez's kate. kate's death sparked a fierce debate over san francisco's sanctuary city policy. the suspect is an undocumented immigrant who had been deported five times. tonight, the first of three americans who helped stop a gunman on a train in france is back in sacramento. reporter steve large was there. >> reporter: this is our first glimpse of anthony sadler back home. the lanky young man wearing a hooded gray sweatshirt and carrying a backpack, touched down on sacramento soil a worldwide hero.
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but as cameras captured these pictures and reporters scrambled to get a better look, sadler and his family were escorted away beneath the airport terminal by the sheriff's department. passengers on board his plane recall being star struck. >> people got up during the flight and shook his hand. one lady handed him an envelope with a letter. >> reporter: they waited to give sadler an enthusiastic thanks. >> i said thank you anthony. thank you so much. he is like thank you. he was really cool about it. >> reporter: sadler graduated from rosemont in sacramento in 2010. he just happened to be on this flight with him. hailed as an american hero. along with his childhood friends, stopping an alleged terrorist on a paris bound train. what turned into a wild european vacation is finally over and anthony sadler is
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home. >> and tonight, a fourth american has been identified as another hero in that train attack. virginia native mark mcgalian was the first to encounter the gunman. he was shot as he tried to wrestle the gun away. his wife who was also on the train described what happened. >> he said i have the gun. and then it was very fast. a few seconds after, i hear a shot. maybe one or two. i'm not sure. it was very loud. and then, i saw my husband just ... like two seats that way. very close to me. >> he is still hospitalized but will receive his own french medal of honiara when he gets better. investigators expecting another unpredictable day on wall street tomorrow. right now, stocks are up in asia, but dow jones futures are down a bit. looked like today would be the turn around. tuesday, we had all hoped for. but allen martin says the dow
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jones lost all of its gains before the closing bell. >> reporter: the rally investors were looking for just didn't last. >> not quite panic. but real concern. real i better get my money out. >> reporter: the early rally came after china's central bank cut key interest rates in an effort to energize the second largest economy. a new survey here in the u.s. also found increased consumer confidence this month. >> the market fundamentals here in the u.s. market are still pretty strong. >> reporter: the markets hadn't had a correction in four years and investors say it was about time for one. long term investors are encouraged to sit tight and ride it out. >> i would stay in the market. don't panic. don't sell. >> reporter: financial experts warn that the road ahead could be bumpy. fall is typically the most volatile season on wall street. allen martin, kpix5. >> actually, silicon valley stocks fares better today. apple, netflix, facebook all rebounded after yesterday's
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sell-off. tonight, we are looking at what a developer is proposing for oakland's coliseum city. they showed tough mix of retail and homes that would go around the stadiums for the raiders, the as , and the warriors. but first, the city needs to buy the land from the county. without it, the odds of getting it done are 50/50 at best. >> the development of a new stadium nor the raiders. the expansion of a ballpark for the as . the ability to provide a site for the warriors. is not economically feasible. >> the developer pointed tout city is the one negotiating with its sports team. he thinks oakland has about two months to keep the raiders from asking the informal to move to los angeles. there is some new damage tonight from the 4.0 earthquake that shook the east bay last week, first, a crack appeared. the neighbors tell christin ayers days later, it sounded like another quake. >> reporter: the apartment building has been evacuated
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since yesterday. all 20 tenants prevented from entering. there are tag warning danger of collapse. but today, tina marie parker kelley walked lightly on the parkway past the exposed wood and piles of stucco to go home for some extra clothing though she is still shaking remembering the partial collapse yesterday afternoon. >> it was like an earthquake. boom. the whole thing was coming down. >> reporter: an earthquake caused all this. last week's quake cracked the walkway. they complained and the owner said she would fix it. >> before they could get somebody out here, it fell. >> reporter: the red cross is putting tenants here in oakland. but after that, they have nowhere to go. the owner of the property didn't want to talk on camera but by phone, she told me a contractor speculated it could take up to two months to fix.
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an engineer will look at the damage tomorrow morning but so far, she has no plan for the tenants. i'm hoping someone can determine whether the walkway is safe enough, she told me. i just don't have the answers yet. hopefully, tomorrow, we will have some answers. if not, tina marie says she will be out of options. >> we don't have anywhere else to go. >> reporter: christin ayers, kpix5. >> the owner is hopeful the building is in good enough shape that they can yellow tag it tomorrow allowing tenants access. donald trump is at it again. >> go back to univision. >> first he snubs a high- profile latino anchor and then he kicks him out of a press conference. >> these women were kicked off the napa valley wine train. tonight, hear the ceo apologize. >> hump back whales, see lions, birds spotted very ,,,,,,,,,,
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>> donald trump is in hot water for insulting some in the latino community. this time, he went after a very respected anchor. >> reporter: right, this is not just any reporter. we are talking a guy who is essentially the walter cronkite of spanish language tv in the united states. donald trump has refused his repeated requests for interviews so he went to iowa to try to ask in person. he was not picked out of the crowd of reporters to ask questioning but he tried anyway. >> next, yeah, please. excuse me. sit down, you weren't called.
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you weren't called. sit down, sit down. sit down. go ahead. >> i have the right to ask the question. >> no you don't. you haven't been called. go back to univision. >> reporter: with that, a man in a suit removed jorge ramos from the room. >> you have the right to answer a question. >> yes. >> what he did is one of the most racist things i have seen. >> reporter: he says trump is insulting is very voters he needs if he is serious about winning the presidency. >> he cut out one of the stake holders of the community. he is the one that our community looked to for the news that was relevant to us. >> go back to univision. >> you are not saying go back to univision, you are are saying go back to mexico. he is saying go back to mexico. >> absolutely. good. good to have you back. >> reporter: ramos was later let back in and tried to ask
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trump the original question. how is he going to deport 11 million people. >> let me tell you. we will do it in a very humane fashion. i have a bigger heart than you do. i want them to come back. and i want them to get documentation. so they become legal. you know what it is called? management. you are not used to good management because you are always talking about government. let me tell you. wait. government is incompetent. >> reporter: jorge ramos says that is the first time he has been kick out of a news conference. he stands by his questions because that is what journalists are supposed to do. >> he didn't wait his turn. he can be faulted for that. secondly, he is the only guy i have ever seen ask trump tell me step by step how you are going to do this. once again, donald trump will not answer the questions. he cannot give specifics and that is frustrating for
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journalists. >> reporter: he is running for president. and that is part of the vetting processes. you see how he is treating journalists. >> says he can do it but doesn't say how and it is driving people crazy. thanks joe. latest polls show that trump has a 20-point lead over the rest of the republican pack. but in a separate pole of latino voters, 65% say they view donald trump unfavorably. a group of black women were kicked off the napa valley train. the train owner says his employees messed up big time. >> that was a customer service fail on our part. >> reporter: they are apologizing for kicking off the members of a predominantly black cook club from the train. >> we shouldn't be ejected from the train for laughing because we were black. that is what we believe. >> reporter: lisa johnson and
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her ten friends friends expecting to have a good time. >> we are ready to get on the wine train. >> reporter: but the group was kicked off the train after being warned their too loud and disturbing others. >> it felt like stories that i would hear my grandmother talk about. you know, in her experiences of not being able to go into places. i don't think we were loud. i think that when you have a group of 11, there is a certain amount of noise that comes with that. >> reporter: ceo tony giasio agrees and admits his staff was in the wrong. >> we didn't afford them the privacy. enough space around them so they wouldn't have interfered with somebody else's. we didn't provide that space for our individual passengers so that they could have the experience that they expected. >> reporter: the ceo has offered up to 50 members of the book club and their friends to come back on the train in a
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reserved car as his personal guests. in napa, anjali hemphill, kpix5. so, whale watchers are getting a real treat. a big show right now. >> yeah. lots of marine life, mammals spotted closer to shore. tonight, kpix5 reporter betty yu and her photographer jim flannigan set sail to try to find out why. >> and the whales are lunging. >> reporter: you don't have to travel too far out to sea these day to see this. a pod of humpback whales splashing about in front of you. this spectacle is becomeing the new norm right off the monterrey county coastline. marine biologist giancarlo spotted this pod of whales yesterday. >> i have never seen the water this warm here. >> reporter: the water is about 65 degrees. that is about 10 degrees warmer than it should be this time of year. >> el niño is bringing a lot
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warmer water here to monterrey bay. we are seeing a lot more exotic creatures. >> reporter: we are two-and-a- half miles out from moss landing harbor and we have already seen about 25 hump back whales all around our sate boat. >> look at that. >> reporter: on our trip out to sea, was saw whales spouting and diving within 100 feet. we spotted the first within a few minutes of leaving shore. it didn't take long for us to see a sea lion either. they are all after one thing. >> it is all about the anchovies. those are the snickers bars of the monterrey bay. >> reporter: they are looking for plankton. so giancarlo says, they follow the bait right to shore. on monterrey county. betty yu, kpix5. >> speakingover snickers bars, with the warmer waters, the big great whites are also out there. they are also looking for prey. so watch out. time to get a check at the weather. julie watts is in for paul
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deanno. hey jules. >> well veronica, it was another beautiful day. seasonably pleasant. 93 in fairfield. 87 concord. 75 in oakland. 67 in san francisco. these are at or above average for this time of year. thank ins part to high pressure that is still in place. low pressure moving in that will bring a bit of a change up in the forecast. for now, however, seasonal weather, a mix of sun and clouds actually increasing clouds over the next few days. we are going to stay pleasant for another couple of days. so the low clouds are moving back in tonight as we have seen night after night all week. pleasant weather in store adds i mentioned through thursday. the big changes by late week. a little hint of rain in the forecast. just a tease. we will talk about tomorrow first. and more high temperatures. above average for the most part this time of the year.
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90 concord. 80 san jose. 78 in oakland. 69 in average in san francisco. slightly warmer thursday. but we do increase that cloud cover friday is when we switch everything up. we start to decrease temperatures, increase clouds and yes, that is a rain cloud on saturday. chance of showers north of the golden gate in the forecast for saturday. sunday, though, drying things out, increasing sunshine, temperatures headed into early next week. though we are not looking at a substantial warmup. we will still be slightly below average this time of the year. if you are looking for nice warm temperatures outside, plenty of sunshine, enjoy the next couple of days. >> we will get a little bit of rain. good news. >> sounds good. coming up, a kid trips at a museum and punches a hole in a million dollars painting. tonight, who is going to paint for that? >> and coming up on the late, late show ... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> a school trip to a museum winds up making international headlines. check this out. a 12-year-old boy in taiwan was on a tour of an art exhibit when he trips. does he have a soda in his
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hand? trips on a platform and falls right into an italian painting from the 1600s. the painting is worth $1.5 million. they are not making the boy's family pay for the damage. >> oh man. a trip to the toy store made a southern california dad an internet sensation. >> tonight, he is giving us the scoop. >> how do you think a dad feels when his son wants to get this? >> yeah! >> yeah! >> that is how i feel. right? [ laughter ] i let my boys choose their life. >> mickey willis post the video to facebook and he says it came after an encounter in the toy store. >> we noticed two ladies noticing the doll. and then, kind of craning around to make sure it was a boy. and i thought the reaction would be positive.
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but they rolled their eyes and went ... >> the little mermaid doll now sits on the shelf with superheros and robots. the dad's video has been viewed 15 million times. >> there you go. >> i think a got a video that might be able to beat that tonight. there is another video that has gone virile. this is the one the nfl doesn't want you to see. want you to see. and can the ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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pwhat've we got? 5. bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do.
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>> it is becoming increasingly apparent that the giant's best path to the post season will be the national league west. this young man taking a selfie to a new level. matt cane. and then miguel montero. cubs try to rally. they are down big. not anymore. andrew susak to deep center. the giants within 8-5. we have a game. last chance for san francisco. runner on third. justin maxwell struck him out. the cubs win 8-5. the giants are seven-and-a-half behind the
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cubs in the wild card race. two-and-a-half back in the dodgers now in the race. the as were looking pretty sweet with a 5-0 lead over seattle. then, austin jackson, tieing run is home. lead run is home. and that was the end of this going. the mariners win that game 6-5. former 49ers linebacker chris borland in an espn article said a former player told rookies they needed a fall guy so they could avoid trouble. the player was hall of fame receiver chris carter. listen for yourself. >> and just in case y'all are not going to decide to do the right thing ... if y'all got a crew, you got to have a fall-guy in the crew. i let my home boysknow. if you want to keep rolling like this, then i need to know who is going to be the fall guy. who will be driving. you all are not going to do the
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right stuff now right? i have to teach you how to get around this stuff. if you are going toe have a crew. one of those fools have to know hi is going to jail. we will get him out. >> borland at the time refused to identify that player. they dug up the video that has since been deleted by the nfl. >> crazy stuff.
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we live in a pick and choose world. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number... right now all beds are on sale. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed.
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if. >> mada woman: i've already been down this street. distorted male voice (over earpiece): keep walking. (dog barking in distance) hello? remove the battery from your phone and put it in the dumpster. no. it's a burner. no one's tracking it. not negotiable. how do i know you're really viper? how do i know it's not a trap?


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