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tv   KPIX 5 News  CBS  August 23, 2015 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT

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security check point. good evening, i'm juliette the bomb squad called into sfo as a suspicious device forces the closure of a security check point. good afternoon to you. >> we're on early tonight because of the 49ers pre-season football. we'll have more on the football game in a minute, but first there are hundreds of frustrated passengers at sfo. christian is there to tell us what happened. hey, christian. >> reporter: hi, brian. it was inside terminal 2 right here when american and virgin american passengers were going through the security line when security personnel found what looked like grenades in
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someone's bag. security redirected all passengers to terminal 1. sfpd was called in along with a bomb squad and not long after that, it was determined the supposed grenades weren't real at all. they were just toys. the check point suffered massive delays. the lines were jam packed with passengers. many of them worried they would miss their flights. at least one passenger did miss his flight. sfo administration right now is not confirming if any flights were canceled or delayed. they say they're looking into that right now. >> we're hearing from the brave americans who ran toward danger instead of away from it to take down a heavily armed gunman on a high-speed train. they took us through the terrifying encounter and their split-second decision that saved hundreds of lives. >> he came in.
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we saw him cocking the ak-47. >> he hit me on the shoulder and said let's go. we ran down, tackled him, hit the ground. >> reporter: this video was shot soon after they hog tied a terror suspect on a train in france. spencer stone is from carmichael and today was the first time we heard his story. >> he was ready to fight to the end. so were we. >> reporter: the three men said in a press conference, the whole thing seemed unreal. they first heard a gunshot. >> it seemed like he just kept pulling more weapons left and right, pulled out a handgun, took out a box cutter, started jabbing at me with that. >> reporter: stone's finger was
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severed, but he still helped another passenger who had blood squirting from his neck. >> i just stuck two of my fingers in the hole, found what i thought to be the artery, pushed down, and the blooding stopped. >> reporter: the three friends add been traveling around europe on a train from amsterdam to paris. they're humbled. alex is a national guardsman who served in afghanistan. >> i really didn't have an awareness. it wasn't really a conscious decision. we just kind of acted. >> reporter: anthony is a senior at sacramento state. >> i want that lesson to be learned going forward. in times of, like, terror like that. please do something. don't just standby and watch. >> reporter: the three men got a phone call from president obama yesterday. and on monday, they're set to meet with the french president.
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>> spencer stone is from the sacramento area. we tracked down his brother who says it is amazing that spencer survived. >> he saved every single person's life on that train today, close to 554, i believe. including the man who was shot in the neck. he was able to plug his wound with his own hand, and he stopped him from bleeding to death right there on the train. >> stone is older but says after what happened on the train, he now looks up to his younger brother. service was halted this morning after a smoke alarm went off at the glen park station. firefighters were called shortly after 9:00 this morning. a smoky hazy started to fill the boor heading toward downtown san francisco. firefighters road the train into the tunnel to try to find out where the smoke was coming from. they say the smell gave them some clues.
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>> when firefighters arrived on the scene, there was a haze within one of the boors. it smelled like paper, not electrical. it meant possibly there was trash burning on the trackway. >> firefighters made sure everything was clear. they were never able to find the exact source of the smoke. service resumed about a half hour after the alarm went off. downgraded from 400 to 200 acres. the peterson fire erupted last night near kelseyville. the fire is about 17% contained. they made good progress fighting it overnight. the flames are burning in difficult, steep terrain with heavy brush. over 200 firefighters are there. air tankers and helicopters have been called in. tomorrow marks one year since the biggest quake to strike in the bay area in a
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quarter century. it was felt all over the bay area. it caused more than $300 million damage in napa alone. it killed one person and injured hundreds more. one of the injured, 14-year-old nick dylan. >> for a second, i really thought i was going to die. >> one year later, nick's recovery has brown away his doctors expectations. we'll check in with him tonight at 11. the mess getting out of the parking lot at levi stadium we heard a lot of horror stories about the long waits and the slow going to the freeway. well, kpix is at the stadium. >> we're less than an hour to kick off. how are things looking with the traffic tonight? >> reporter: from the stadium to police to public transportation, everyone seemed to make a few changes this year and fans we talked to today giving those changes a high
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score. >> surprisingly, it wasn't bad. >> reporter: gabriel and brittany snagged a parking spot just a few block ace way in record time. locals can't forget how bad traffic was here just last year. >> it was bad. >> it would go all the way. even trying to go home was rough. >> reporter: the powers that be heard that message loud and clear. take vta. they added light rail trains just for today so all the football fans like shannon can get to the game in time for kick off. >> did you expect it to be worse? >> i did. i just expected traffic, people everywhere, and it was super smooth. >> reporter: not everyone was giving glowing reviews. some sat in the parking lot alone for 45 minutes. >> stoplights don't seem to click fast enough. there are a lot of people stuck for 5-10 minutes. it took us a long time to get through. >> reporter: fans have four hours before kick off to snag a
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parking spot. the real issue is when all the people try to leave at the same time. they have a solution to that. they added more exits out of this stadium for this year to hopefully get the cars out a little faster. >> hopefully smooth sailing. what's it like inside? we've been reporting about the turf and how the other team may not play. it's already to go for game time? >> reporter: all ready to go. everyone is starting to file in. kick off of course 5:00. we heard about the turf, the lower prices with the drinks, a quarter less. pretty excited fans here. >> wait a minute, mark. a quarter from what? what kind of drink? for how much? >> reporter: it was still pretty high. around $10. 25 down to $10. >> for a beer? $10? >> reporter: that's what we're talking. >> okay.
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>> reporter: it ain't cheap. >> thank you, mark. kpix 5 is your pre-season home station. our coverage starts in 20 minute where with the 49ers preview. a garbage pack the size of texas swirling in the pacific ocean. the first real plan to clean it up. former president jimmy carter is being treated for cancer, but that didn't stop him from doing something he's been doing since he was ,,,,,,,,
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search andreas chi crews were back today. there are still some people unaccounted for. it happened yesterday at the air show. the pilot in a fighter jet was performing a stunt when the plane slammed on to a road filled with cars stuck in traffic. seven people were killed and more than a dozen injured.
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the pilot survived and is in critical condition. a diagnosis of brain cancer is not slowing down former president jimmy cancer. he taught two sunday school classes today at his church in plains, georgia. worshipers waited in look lines hours before the service began. he is 90 years old now. he teaches sunday school about 40 times a year. those who came to see him say they did not want to miss it. >> i wanted to come see him one more time. >> so jesus came and stretched the boundaries of the definition of god's love beyond what anybody had ever imagined. >> many say they traveled hundreds of miles to see mr. carter. on a typical sunday when the former president is not teaching, there may be 30 people attending services. millions of tons of garbage are dumped every year into the
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water. scientists are trying to do something about this massive marine mess. they set out in the bay area to map where all the trash is and build a barrier. kpix 5 asked them about their unprecedented mission to clean up that mess. >> reporter: when the research vessel ocean star arrived in san francisco this morning, it marked the end of an ambitious mission to study the amount of plastic garbage floating in the pacific ocean. >> the goal was to take more samples in three weeks time than in the past 40 years combined. >> reporter: and while the project was hailed as a success, the findings weren't exactly cause for celebration. >> i've never seen an oceanic area as polluted as the great pacific garbage pitch. >> reporter: they spent a month in the swirling whirlpool of plastic trash. they had no trouble filling
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these huge bags full of samples to help scientists better understand the size of the problem. >> some people say there's a hundred thousand tons out there. others say there's a hundred million tons out there. >> reporter: that's important because he has devised the first plan to clean it up. he wants to anchor floating barriers that will use natural currents that will funnel the surface debris into a concentrated area where it can be collected and removed. >> in 10 years time, approximate blue half the patch can be cleaned up. >> reporter: over time, plastic begins to break up into tiny pieces that animals try to eat and which are nearly impossible to remove. researcher says it look looks like a lot of microfragments come from things dumped in the '50s and '60s. it may be possible to catch more current trash if we act quickly. >> based on what we've seen out
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there, the only way to describe the great pacific garbage patch is a ticking time bomb. >> reporter: in san francisco for kpix 5. >> his plan to clean up the garbage could be put into action starting in 2020. i-phone 6 users, you may have to bring your phone back to the shop. the problem that's prompting apple to issue a recall. >> i can hardly wait to hear. you'll want to know what monday looks like in ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru,
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if you think your i-phone 6 plus should be taking better pictures, you'd be right. they are recalling a batch over a defective camera component. most affected phone were sold between september and january. apple will replace those cameras, the affected serial numbers, for free. we're closing in on the niners first pre-sea pre-
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season game. it's a much different team than last season. dennis is live at levi stadium with that to watch for in the game against the dallas cowboys. >> reporter: hello. unfortunately the sob story remains the same. coming up at the bottom of the hour to get ready to kick off for the 49ers and cowboy pre- season game number two, the first here at levi stadium. we're going to introduce to two defensive backs who grew up together in mobile, alabama. >> he played in pop warner. i never got to play against him because we would have blew they team out. >> , ha. >> reporter: they played for
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the same high school teams and five years later landed on the same nfl roster. more on their story plus they open up about their last year in santa clara. newberry has been out of the nfl for how many years now, and everybody still knows his name. he's elvis presley at levi stadium. >> game time is in 40 minutes. >> reporter: that's right. they put a new sod surface, once again, on this field just a few days ago. that's not enough time for the grass to take root here so they're hoping it will hold up and they're going to replace it again following a country concert. luke brian will be playing here next week. they will put new sod in and hope that will take them the rest of the way. we'll see. >> sounds good. we'll see you in a few. thanks so much. have fun out there.
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>> reporter: got it. as we look from way outside the stadium, it's kind of a hazy day in san jose. increasing the moisture in the atmosphere is reducing visibility. as you look toward the stadium, you can't see it very well. san jose in the mid-70s. in santa rosa, 74. livermore at 82 degrees. low pressure is off the pacific northwest. with that high that's over the desert southwest building in a little bit over the west coast, numbers will come up a little bit. nothing big and nothing sudden. by mid-week, it will be a little bit warmer. we're looking 8-10 day away. there's a hint of a sprinkle or two. stay tuned on that. in the meantime, tomorrow looks a lot like today except that most of us will have to head back to work on monday. we have low clouds building back into the shoreline
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tonight. clear skies inland. by midday tomorrow, most of them break up. we'll get a mostly sunny monday out this. temperatures increase maybe 2 degrees over the readings we had today. here's what we're expecting. more coastal clouds tomorrow. sunny and mild inland. temperatures approaching more than mild by mid-week. we'll be in mid-80s to a 90 or two in some of the east bay location. as for the game down there, 49ers taking on the dallas cowboys. the team that was one tom landry's. fair and warm, 74 degrees. it should be a nice night for a football game. if you're heading out of the bay area, 92 for yucia. 97 for redding. at lake tahoe, partly cloudy skies and 83 degrees. here's how it looks overnight the bay area tonight.
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readings in the mid-50s. napa, 54. santa rosa, 53. clouds will be coming back. 84 in campbell. san jose, 82 as well. over in the east bay, 86 in pittsburgh. 94 at brentwood. way up north on the first anniversary of the napa quake, they'll hit 82 degrees. there's the 90s up there by clear lake. the extended forecast we'll be looking at readings mostly near 90 degrees by tuesday and wednesday. next weekend, a little bit cooler. harvest time comes early for california vineyards.
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how it could change the taste ,,
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vineyards harvesting their grapes earlier than ever this year. >> why they're ready so early and what it could mean for the taste of your wine. >> reporter: vineyards were filled with workers friday as many scrambled to harvest grapes ready weeks before they should be. >> this was the earliest harvest i've had in the wine industry. >> reporter: he makes wine. he says workers started picking at the santa barbara location in late july. it's been busy at both locations ever since. it's not the only vineyard with an early harvest. all reporting earlier than normal harvests and most starting in late july. and it's not just grapes ripening early. many wineries say the picking
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window has only been 3-7 days instead of the normal month. >> these guys are starting to look pretty good. probably 2-3 weeks away from being ready to pick. >> reporter: however, he says, the accelerated season is good news for the flavor of this year's wine. >> smaller crops can mean more concentration and higher quality. so far from what i've tasted, things look very promising. i think it will be a very, very good year. >> reporter: an early harvest means a ripe level of sugars and the grapes remain more acid giving the wine a richer, more elegant flavor. this is a downside -- fewer grapes. he expects to see crop yields drop by 15-20%, though he does not anticipate the drop affecting their profits. >> it's a challenge when you have less wine to sell, but if the quality is there, i think it will work out just fine. >> reporter: though they say if the draught continues, they
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expect early harvest to become a new normal. >> our job as wine makers is to adjust to that and make the best wine we possibly can. >> vineyards say the draught is part of the early harvest. it follows another early harvest last year. washington, d.c.s newest, giant panda cubs are looking well. it's likely the pair will survive. the mom gave birth yesterday. they are her third and fourth offspring. she had two cubs that died after birth. zoo officials say the survival rate for panda cubs born in captivity is now greater than 80%. 20 years ago it was under 20%. look at that, you can just fit them in your hand. thanks so much for watching us on this early edition here. >> the pre-season show is coming up in just minutes. we'll be back at 11 tonight. have a good game. ,,,,
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the 49ers first pre-season home game of 2015 at levi stadium and it comes against their old rivals the dallas cowboys. hello, everybody. alongside jeremy newberry, i'm dennis odonnel. we are ready for the second pre- season game. i don't care if it's pre- season, there's always something about the first game at your stadium. >> i don't miss football until i get out on the field and see all the excitement from the fans. what a great environment. the night-time game is a great deal too. i'm


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