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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  August 11, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> i'm going to have a burrito. >> decaf for me. >> see you at noon. thanks for
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>> i certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism. >> donald trump and fox news are on speaking terms again. >> the twitter war explodes. >> donald trump is for obamacare. i really think he's a fake conservative. >> a white house aid charged with assault after she allegedly fired a gun at her boyfriend a u.s. capital police officer. >> two former mississippi state university students appear in federal court today, accused of trying to join isis. >> the epa is racing to contain that toxic spill in colorado, which the agency actually
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caused. >> they didn't tell us about it for 24 hours. so that is just unacceptable. >> a bizarre chase over los angeles. police pursuing a motorized paraglider after he flew over a jail. >> slams into one of the cars. he's not going to need surgery. >> english bulldog apparently loves playing with cardboard boxes. running into things. >> and all that matters. >> you are on your own amy. >> a florida morning news anchor just covered another story about the kardashian family. >> like a tomato right now. >> nobody cares about them. >> the only person who fully believes things after he says them. >> i'm worth 10 billion dollars. you're worth four. i said ten, so that is what i believe. do you know who trump sounds like? >> i meant to do that. >> this morning's eye opener is
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presented by toyota. met's go places. welcome to cbs this morning, on of our is off. wristine johnson is with us. agai to have you again. > good morning. > donald trump supporters are sticking with him despite the firework new works from the first presidential debate. a new reuters poll shows suppor nearly 1/4 of supporters still support trump. > trying to lower the volume of here wiute with fox news but ood morning. new jabs with other s kind tes. sjor, good morning. >> good morning. donald trump's campaign is a like a summer block buster movie. mass appeal. nd he fighl character takes on long odds and fights with wayyone in his way. and occasionally makes up with a lot of lots of twists and turns. actit feel likes we're still in
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act one. >> wisconsin governor scott alker complained donald trump ds, quote, drowning him out. and the media was fixated on one candidate. >> for a lot it is like watching a car accident instead of focusing on the direction we should be headed. sort ling trump a fake conservative. >> all of this false bravado and y goier, i mean, aren't people eventually going to say you know clot brain,- does the emperor have any clothe? l saying the mperor have a brain frankly. >> last night. tweeted truly weird. rand paul reminds me of a --. as for the trump's blood fluid with me begin kelly. heed continued on monday. >> she asked me a very inappropriate question. ase should be apologizing to me rump whoyou the truth. g goodmp who is the front
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runerer not apologize. and i certainly will not trump's tofor doing good journalism. >> roger stone quit over the night.d and took his grievances public last night. >> i was frustrated. frankly think that trump is mu much better than this. >> another bizarre turn, roger rman rogoke monday and said he supported kelly 100%. , the air a blunt but cordial conversation the air has been at cleared. and democrat front runner ru hillary clinton said it was offensive but called marrco rubio's more troubling. >> saying there should be no exceptions for rape and incest. anat is as offensive and as troubling a comment as you can hear from a major candidate ter:ing for the presidency. a rubio said it was clinton's
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upport for abortion under almost all circumstances that extrem was in his opinion extreme. toni and tonight at the reagan presidential library former governor jeb bush will attack clinton as secretary of state. >> going >> back to donald trump. what's next for him? ne n> michigan tonight. new hampshire thursday. ire. staff in new hampshire. decent staff in iowa. but he's got to build the antral part of his campaign. it still has an improvisational policy. whitolicy or positions. y this e will be positions but major, pect policy. there will be announcements this week on what donald trump is for afte and what he's again. m and ben carson is getting attention after that debate. we'll talk with him about getting his message out ahead. is waking rning ferguson, missouri is waking up to under a state of emergency. night made more than 30 arrests
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after a fourth night of protests. officers used pepper spray against demonstrators. overall the scenes were much calmer than the chaotic gun battle on sunday night. but police say there is an independent security team inflaming protesters. and mark strassman is in ferguson. good morning. >> over night skirmishes, the t. louis county state of 23 more does not include a re.few. but when people refused to leave eldice made 23 more arrests. belt. louis county police held the line overnight along west florissa florissant. officers advanced when some of eeping peothrew rocks and ottles at them. and also there were questions epers this group of heavily armed men. they call himselves oath keepers nd say they were sent to
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ferguson to protect people for a website called info wars. aich promotes conspiracy >> wries. >> you live around here sir? i've said you here to protect? >> infowars, i've said before, activi to here. they are documenting the nctivities and we're here to keep them safe. tothe st. louis county police said in a statement this morning that chief john belmar called thinker presence unnecessary and inflammatory. earlier monday a large show of civil disobedience stopped toppedc. lines of protesters joined hands andcking traffic in both directions along interstate 70. rrestedle were arrested. nearly 60 people were arrested for blocking the entrance to the federal courthouse in downtown st. louis. inthere is no official protest. en onbody has their place in this. since tor robert white has been on the front lines since michael brown's death one year ago. >> has the conversation out here
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improved? >> absolutely. y.erybody is looking forward to this change that we fought for. ntyst. louis county executive this bsanger said this street pn battle which led to a police-involved shooting was a th tipping point to issue the state of emergency order. >> we saw things spiral out of control. i can tell you our community has come too far and has worked too hard to be set back again. >> the 18-year-old police shot sunday night remains in critical condition. facing a variety of gun charges, including felony assault on a police officer. st. louis county has not decided the impose a curfew but alists fachow things go out here hey said that can change. on. two journalists face charges of the trespassing and hnterfering with an officer this j.ning for last year's riots. they were working in a local mcdonald's four days after michael brown's death. police asked them to leave. the reporters say officers were
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ph the report aggressive when asked why. the reporters were not charged at the time. the one year statute of limitatiolimi limitations on the charges would have ended thursday. >> two were arrested over the weekend a at a local airport. >> investigators say the couple plans to join isis overseas and sippi couphoneymoon as the cover. of the never made it out of the .s. the fbi arrested them before they could get on a plane. they were arrested at the golden triangle regional airport in columbus, mississippi. they planned to board an airline to atlanta and then overseas to amsterdam and then turkey. the pair planned to conceal their true intent of crossing
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spaper insh border into to syria dentjoining isis by posing as honey mooners. young was a honor student in high school. a graduated om msu in may with a n pree in psychology. oth are u.s. citizens. citi the couple didn't know is he fbi has had undercover agents working this case for the se in thr months. it is would have been hundreds isis-related investigations that he bureau has right now across he country. christine. colohank you, jeff. colorado's governor will visit urango to investigate the epa thil. the epa accidentally triggered the massive sludge spill last week. mireya is in colorado. >> nearly a week after the
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contamination into the animus river. people are wondering when will we be able to drink our well water? the orange color is fading. but what we're seeing now is the sediment settling to the bottom of the river. so now the river looks a little more like this. just a very murky color is left. at t w mexicon 200 people showed up at this water testing site on monday armed with samples of well water. done forg you can tell me today. a and frustrations. >> i think somebody should be aste wat people that's responsible, you know, should continueso something for it. headinte water continues to churn downstream heading towards one powell, utah, laced with heavy metals. hat itting this on your skin, problems from that are going to be really low. but it's ingesting it. nd ingesting it over time that could be problematic. >> epa officials say based on
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harmful they have seen so far they don't anticipate harmful effects on human health from skin contact or accidental rainbow >> rstion. malling also showed that small fish in the river survived. still many here are worried about the long-term impact. luggedandoned mine has not been plugged and the river remains closed until at least next week. >> is my water safe? s ochristine gammon depends on to river to feed her irrigation ditch and well. >> my well water, we've had it 20 plus years. t's the best. i'd rather drink that than city water. on the e are we going to do? we have to drink bottled water? >> she may have to pay to install taps connecting her ioperty to the city's water lines. 0 to do th close to $10,000. do i have that for someone to make this mistake? and we have to fund it? >> the epa says they will be
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doing an independent investigation trying to figure out who is responsible and how this all happened. now, they are getting calls from as far away as california with officials saying they are very concerned about the spill and wa how it could affect their water. >> ing freya, thanks. northeasning more than 84 million americans face a severe weather threat in the northeast. heavy rains and thunderstorms are expected there. in colorado there is a chance of more flooding. downpours on monday were strong enough to wash away these cars in in colorado springs. inch areas saw more than 3.5 inches of rainfall in just one hour. hour. burni farther west there are at least 36 major wild fires aleming in eight states. noralifornia california, the jersey lem fire has grown to 6,000 acres. there was a second evacuation of by p containeorced out by the rocky fire. battlinro percent contained. southeast of los angeles three
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fighters were hurt. burtor home sparked the flames 500 as burned 500 acres. and the willow fire in western arizona droid cars and about a dozen buildings. >> many air traffic controllers are constantly fighting fatigue, putting airport safety at risk. that is according to a study the faa kept secret nearly three years. the 2012 survey of more than 3,000 controllers, said 62% caught themselves falling a i sleep on the job. many blame their strenuous work schedule. 18% reported operational errors and more than half say fatigue is a factor. in 2011 a controller fell asleep in the tower at reagan airport. >> so you're aware we just had one aircraft going approximaint
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tower apparently unmanned. >> we also have breaking news of an alleged multimillion dollar scheme that involved insider training and computer hacking. in about an hour the prosecutors in new jersey and new york will announce charges against nine people. five are already under arrest this morning. hackers from ukraine stole corporate press releases before they were sent out. stock traders then used the information to make profitable stra trades. the traders are accuse of profits more than $30 million. >> a new corporate name and structure. a new company called alphabet will be oversee individual businesses. google's core internet operation will be separated from other ventures. ceo larry page will become alphabet's ceo. is goin financial contributor >>llody hobson, good morning. >> what i'm hearing is this googt keeping with larry page's
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hathawayor google to be the eferencee hathaway of tech. of course that is a reference to warren buffett and the conglomerate of businesses he thato successfully run. >> it is so interesting because we know that nearly all 66 billion dollars in revenue from google is from the advertising search youtube portion. goog shothen this whole other section that are the moon shot th projects. the future, right? the driverless cars. hat will this transparency mean for wall street? partll street is going to reel fike it. they have been under pressure of greatecause the google part of arer business is generating great profits and revenue but those are being sucked up in all stres by these fledgling businesses and wall street as ht had that transparency. ll alsoyou will have not only theter transparence but greater manager accountability. they will now bh be on the line
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to prove the fledgling tusinesses really can work. y ared that is the way warren buffett runs berkshire hathaway. >> aren't they different entities. >> very different businesses. they they couldn't be more different in many way. nkffett would say the business f tech is not his circle of buffetence. but i think larry page is looking at the success and saying yes this is one of the of the entrepreneurial stories of all time, gook. scienrhaps we can get better. -- google. projects say these are larry page's passion projects. nows t just that but the brand too. everyone knows google. not everybody knows alphabet. runnd larry page came to this to job because he wanted to run things. and now he's passing it to a new individuon of leadership at the individual companies so he can join sergey and think about the
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can join future. >> all right. we'll talk about more of this later this morning during the aeak. thank out that? u. lody hobson, thank you. >> a hang glider left sheriff deputies on a pursuit out of los angeles. concernlowed the glideser monday after it flew too close to a jail. they were concerned the man may win dropped illegal items. he apologized and said wind blew him towards the jail. he was not arrested. >> all right. fak lies and audio ahead.
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announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by jcpenney. when it fits, you feel it! this national weather report sponsored by jc penney. when it fits, you feel it. ♪ why did team u.s.a. drop a world class runner? >> this is not my decision. i want to go beiging. but they refuse to budge.
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and this is their decision. they are leaving america's best 800 meter runner at home. >> the battle over apparel that is keeping him out of the world championships. >> this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota, let's go places. tons of amazing inventory. only happens once a year. hmm, hologram number 17 seems to have gone rogue. i'm the real jan now! 0%! 0%! at our annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing on a 2015 rav 4, offer ends september 8th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit it's all yours. thanks, jan. toyota. let's go places. it's our song... ♪ yeah, there you go... wait! oh, no!
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infuses youthful radiance throughout the skin. patented until 2029. advanced génifique. lancôme. receive a free 7-piece gift only at macy's. your skincare destination. go get help, boy. go get help. go get help! right now! if you're a cat, you ignore people. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. go on kitty, kitty... is coca-cola paying to
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change the conversation in the obesity debate? aid, our good morning. i'm frank mallicoat. it is 7:26. some of the headlines around the bay right now, some big changes for san francisco drivers and it all starts today. no turns will be allowed onto market street by private card between 3rd and 8th. it's aimed at improving pedestrian safety so it could be congested as drivers adapt. a fire in lake county is up to 12,000 acres. the "jerusalem fire" is burning towards the "rocky fire." crews are hoping they merge to wipe out the fuel that's feeding the flames. and sugar coating america's obesity epidemic. why some accuse coca-cola of spending millions to ship the blame. that's coming up on "cbs this
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mo most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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good morning from the traffic center. you are just crawling along on the san mateo bridge this morning. westbound no accidents. but we are seeing delays upwards of 30 minutes 880 to 101. so pack your patience there. the rest of the bay area, pretty busy. we are seeing a bright spot at the golden gate bridge. just keep in mind foggy there. bay bridge stacked up backed up into the maze. the metering lights are on and slow-and-go through daly city. a little foggy, as well. roberta? >> good morning, everybody. our live weather camera looking towards sfo where we now have 56-minute delays on some arriving flights due to low clouds. we are in the 50s and 60s heading out the door and later today sunshine back to the coast. high temperatures will top off in the 60s. 70s bayside. 84 fairf,,,,,,,,
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donald trump was asked to step down after he seemed to imply last week that megyn kelly was menstruating during the debate. donald trump has a campaign strategist this entire time! >> that actually is very good, right? >> right. >> that was the allegation he was not listening to roger jones. welcome back to "cbs this morning." two politicians accused of trading one sex scandal to cover up another. that's right. we will show you the secret recordings that exposed this bizarre alleged plot in michigan. coca-cola's donations to a nonprofit who controversial message on weight loss. is america's obesity epidemic mainly caused by a lack of exercise? our dr. david agus shows us what
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is really to blame. it's all ahead. time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "wall street journal" reports on the evaluation of its currency. it led it led to the biggest one day decline in two decades. the move signals a government's growing worry about slow growth. the daily rate against the u.s. dollar was weakened by nearly 2% from the previous day. "the new york times" reports on japan restarting the first nuclear reactor morning since the fukushima disaster. nuclear plants were shut down after the meltdown this 2011. the disaster was triggered by a devastating earthquake and s tsuna tsunami. a white house aid is arrested after assault on a police officer. she is a special assistant to president obama.
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police say she grabbed her boyfriend's service weapon and fired one shot but missed. cbs. >> reporter:s on two high school football players in new jersey cleared on hazing charges. they were 17 at the time of the 2014 case. charges of aggravated sexual contact and assault were dropped. the two were accused of hazing and assaulting tour teammates inside the locker room. the detroit news reports on state house officials seizing computers and records from the office of two michigan lawmakers. the two are accused of hiding their affair by creating a phony sex scandal. they are each married to someone else. now they're under investigation. the two may have used state money on the alleged cover up. >> good morning. state representatives are both married with children. they are well known tea party
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activists and social conservatives. they apparently tried up their affair with a plot that has seasoned veterans scratching their heads. h accusations against representative todd courser and it claims courser was caught on video having sex with a male bisexual porn addicted sex deviant. the man who apparently sent the e-mail, courser himself. >> what's the e-mail? >> the detroit news obtained audio recordings of courser discussing his plan with the aid. at the time rumors of his affair with representatives, another republican, were swirling
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throughout the capitol. >> that is sick. i mean, for them too concoct something like this. they made themselves look so bad. >> reporter: phil ballenger found the influential newsletter inside "michigan politics. >> >> i haven't seen anything of rank amateurs out of control the way this one is. >> reporter: on monday, courser begged for forgive us and accused three former aides and including the one who secretly recorded him of blackmail. he said the fake e-mail helped ferret them out. courser accused house speaker kevin cotter of spying on him, something the republican leader denied. an internal investigation is under way. but democrats called for the state's attorney general to step in. >> there's some very serious allegations involved. allegations of a criminal nature. the taxpayers of the state are
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owed a thorough investigation of this. >> reporter: house investigators are going through could you sayer and gamrat's laptops and computers and e-mails to determine if any rules or state laws were violated. neither responded to "cbs this morning" request for comment. courser former aides denied his blackmail allegation saying attempts to blame others instead of accepting responsibility is unfortunate. this kind of falls under the you can't make it up. >> oh, no. >> you can't even make that up. what a story. unbelievable. thank you. coca-cola is under fire this morning in the battle over america's obesity epidemic. the soda giant donated millions to spread the message that americans pay too much attention to what they eat and drink instead of focusing on how much they exercise. much of the money went to a nonprofit called "the global energy balance network" that supports this argument. our dr. david agus is in los
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angeles. good morning. >> good morning. >> reporter: you're outraged by this? >> oh, it's just astounding. no transparency, these three university professors say not what you eat but how much you exercise is responsible for obesity and diabetes and they are funded by coca-cola and it wasn't even stated on their website until last week that coca-cola was behind all of this. >> in fact, doctor, listen to one of the leading scientists from this nonprofit group in this video. >> most of the folks in the popular media and in the scientific press, is although they are eating too much, eating too much, eating too much and blaming fast food and blaming sugary drinks and so on. there is really virtually no compelling evidence that that is in fact, the cause. >> is that true there is no compelling evidence that is the cause? >> come on. the. the scientific and media world are against coca-cola and a push
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to drink coke in this country. the data is the opposite. to lose weight you have to do, both. exercise and reduce the calories in. that data are very clear. it's also very clear that drinking sugary sodas is responsible for deaths in the united states. a publication last year put that number at 25,000 deaths a year related to the excess consumption of sugary drinks. >> we have seen a decline in the sales of those kind of drinks, correct? >> yes. over the last ten years, there has been a yearly decline. so this is one of the lowest over the last, you know, decades of soda drinks. obviously, there has to be a reaction from these companies saying let's figure out a way to shift the blame and push it elsewhere to get people to drink more of these and this is not appropriate. we need real transparency here. a university professor has a responsibility to the public of speaking truth and of being transparent where is or her funding come from. these are taxpayer nonprofit
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institutions. we can't allow these things to happen. >> on that note in a blog post, doctor, coke defended its saying at coke, we believe a balanced diet and regular exercise are two key ingredients for a healthy lifestyle and that is reflected in both our long-term and short-term business actions. is this ethical? >> it's an appropriate statement and i agree with that. at the same time, is that you cannot then fund websites that push thess and exercise more. >> the rule is moderation. drinking sugary sodas is a recreational activity. we have a right to do it but, at the same time, we have to be transparent already health effects to what we do. >> we are laughing -- >> she thinks -- she loves the
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word moderation and i don't. >> i say moderation and charlie says full passion in liven. when you say i'm for moderation we shot a little glance to each other. >> i love it. >> if you keep eating the big macs, you won't get that sisix-packck. anan elite of a a runner is batt he is giving up big money to take a stand. that is next. if you're heading ing oing work, set your dvr so you can watch "cbs this morning" any time. we will be right back. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure
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one of the ♪ ♪ one of the country's top runners will not represent team u.s.a. at the track and field world championship this month in beijing. nick simmons qualified, but he is out of the team because of a
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dispute over what brand names he would wear. his defenders include lolo jones. she write, a applaud nick for standing up for athletes. >> for two years, runner nick simmons has been training to compete. it was his decision not to represent his country. >> this is not my decision. i want to go to beijing. i offered countless times to work with them to find a compromise. they refused to budge. this is their decision. they're leaving the best runner at home. >> u.s.a. track and field is leaving one of the best runners at home because he's refusingino sign the document that says athletes wear nothing but nike. simmons is sponsored by brooks,
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a nike competitor. >> they went as far as to send me a letter to say don't even pack non nike, non branded gear. team u greer. at the moment he leave my home in seattle to the moment i return. >> reporter: in a statement usa track and field said it's so-called statement of conditions has been in place for years, and that it only restricts parallel at the following. >> leaving the field behind! >> reporter: but this dispute is also about how much runners are paid. recent analysis by smith college found usa track and field elite athletes are receiving about 8% of all revenue, compared to at least 50% in the nba and the nfl. >> really it comes down to dollars and cents. >> u.s. track is making him honor u.s. track sponsorships
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than the one that are going into nick's pocket. >> aggressive running. >> reporter: symmonds says elite runners make 20 thousand dollars to 30 thousand dollars a year. the sponsorships pay the bills. not running in beijing will cost him a hefty bonus from brooks. >> if this was about money i'd sign a contract and get paid. i'm taking a huge financial loss here. >> reporter: and team usa is losing one of its best. >> nick symmonds wins! >> for cbs, ben tracy, los angeles. good stand to take. >> it is. especially for the u.s. to lose their stop 800 runner. >> we did check the website and the majority of the other runners on this team are sponsored by nike so there was that conflict of interest there so he is standing firm. >> a matter of principle. a real surprise is coming up for auction. ahead, never before seen photos show than unguarded princess diana on her wedding day.
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look how beautiful that picture is. how growing lettuce in spa announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by petsmart. inspired by pets. l food made with real quality ingredients, no soy, wheat or corn. all he knows is, there will be no crumb left! petsmart has a wide selection of natural foods. save up to $5 on select blue life protection® and wilderness® pet food. petsmart®. inspired by pets.
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no wonder our digestive system sometimes acts up. so try the activia challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. it works or it's free! yup. our annual clearance event really brings 'em in. i can barely keep up by myself. 0% apr financing. tons of amazing inventory. only happens once a year. hmm, hologram number 17 seems to have gone rogue. i'm the real jan now! 0%! 0%! at our annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing on a 2015 rav 4, offer ends september 8th. for great deals on other toyotas, visit it's all yours. thanks, jan. toyota. let's go places. whatfeel beautiful? it's about her presence. a radiance that shines, deep inside. a "je ne sais quoi"... a youthful aura. advanced génifique by lancôme.
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every serum drop infuses youthful radiance throughout the skin. patented until 2029. advanced génifique. lancôme. receive a free 7-piece gift only at macy's. your skincare destination. cheers. >> cheers. >> ha, ha! >> proof this morning that farm and table food can be out of this world! astronauts on the international space station including scott kelly made history monday. they began the first to eat produce grown in space. that's right. they dined on red romaine lettuce and space-grown food could be on a potential mission to mars. >> exciting. isn't it? all of the things they are doing up there. dr. ben carson didn't get a huge amount of time to talk at
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last week's debate but those like what they heard. he is a getting a new boost in the polls. we will speak with him ahead on "cbs this morning." ♪ with the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary objects often seemed... intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection.
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one month, deep wrinkles look smoother. after one year, skin looks ageless. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. after one year, skin looks ageless. i guethought to the acidity much in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it.
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he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. new benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. new benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do.
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good morning. i'm frank mallicoat. time now is 7:56. here's what's happening. confusion and clogged streets expected in san francisco today as the first day in a new ban on turns from 3rd and 8th from market street applies to private cars. expect congestion on the roads as drivers learn to adapt. an alameda police warning homeowners about this man here suspected of a string of burglaries and now a sexual assault. and we have your traffic and weather and much more coming up right after the break. so,,,,,,,,
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>> reporter: good morning, from the "kcbs traffic" center, brand-new accident to report westbound 80 as you work your way into the maze. no word it's if blocking lanes. slow off the eastshore freeway. busy ride san mateo bridge westbound bp ceo hayward and foster city. sluggish through walnut creek. northbound 85 at saratoga this wreck in lanes causing a backup. north 101 through san jose a busy ride. and the golden gate bridge not too bad. we currently have delays at sfo of up to 56 minutes on some arriving flights due to this, it's a gray slate over the airport over the peninsula right now. good morning, everyone. temperatures we are in the 50s and 60s. and later today, topping off at high temperatures from the 60s in the beaches 60s, 70s bayside up to 84 degrees inland. 87 towards cloverdale. west winds at 15. status quo through thursday. warmer by the ,,
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♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it is tuesday, august 11, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there's more real news ahead including presidential candidate dr. ben carson, his view of the campaign, donald trump and his surging social media popularity. first, here is a look at today's "eye opener at 8." trump will not apologize. i certainly will not apologize. >> donald trump's campaign is kind of like a summer blockbuster movie. this is a scene of more overnight skirmishing between police and crowds. investigators say the couple planned to join isis overseas and the fbi arrested them before they could get on a plane. after that epa crew breached a debris dam, people wonder when
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will we be able to drink our well water. floodwaters in colorado was strong enough to wash away cars. the jerusalem fire in california has grown to more than 6,000 acheers. sodas is a recreational activity. >> she's laughing because she loves the word moderation and i don't. if this was just about money, i'd sign the contract and go get paid. i'm taking a huge financial loss here. a new high-tech device that helps you avoid getting a sunburn. it's called a house. i'm charlie rose with norah o'donnell and christine johnson of our new york station wcbs. gayle king is off. this morning a state of emergency remains in effect for ferguson, missouri. the declaration came ahead of a fourth night of protests, but the scenes were much calmer than
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sunday night's gunfire. still police made nearly two dozen new arrests overnight. officers used pepper spray against some protesters. police lined up in riot gear. they announced on the crowds after getting hit by rocks and frozen water bottles. this morning donald trump and fox news are agreeing the move on after their post debate spot. the billionaire presidential candidate says he's been assured of fair treatment in the future. last not fox news' megyn kelly responded to trump's criticism from last week's debate. >> apparently mr. trump thought the question i asked was unfair and felt i was attacking him. i felt he was asked a tough but fair question. we agreed to disagree. trump, who is the front-runner, will not apologize, and i certainly will not apologize for good journalism. i'll continue doing my job without fear or favor. a new reuters poll this morning shows trump is still far ahead in the republican race. he leads jeb bush by 112 points
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marco rubio, mike huckabee and ben carson is tied for third. carson is gaining ground after a strong performance in thursday's debate. >> i haven't said anything about me being the only one to do anything. let me try that. i'm the only one to separate someti sigh please twins, the only one to operate on babies while still in their mother's womb. the only one to take out half a brain, although you would think if you go to washington someone had beat me to it. >> dr. ben carson is with us from boynton beach, florida. good morning. >> good morning. >> good to have you here, or there. how do you explain -- >> nice to be with you. >> how do you explain your performance, especially in social media on this debate? >> well, we've had a very active social media campaign already which is really the only reason
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that we're in the campaign. there have been so many ordinary people who vo gotten involved, who have donated, because i refuse to go after billionaires and special interest groups. the only people i want to be beholding to are the american people. that word is getting around by word of mouth. people are talking to people in their spheres of influence. i think that's terrific. i think that's the way it is supposed to be. >> i want to give you a chance to respond to hillary clinton. she said, quote, what donald trump is saying about meg gain kelly is outrageous and what the rest of the republicans are also saying about women is also outrageous. she's trying to tie you to trump's comments. do you want to separate yourself? >> all i can say, it was a woman, my mother, responsible for my success. i have the most wonderful wife. my medical career, i had terrific female physician
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assistants and administrative people who i could not have succeeded without. how she's going to tie me to that, i don't know. >> you saw what hillary clinton said yesterday, essentially trying to draw what donald trump said about megyn kelly to then make it a debate about abortion in this country. she specifically attacked marco rubio. let me ask you, would you ban abortions in the case of rape, incest and life of mother? >> you know, i spent my entire career as a pediatric neurosurgeon, frequently staying up all night fighting, struggling to save the lives of little bib bees, even operating on babies inside the womb. so i don't think it should be hard for anybody to understand that i am totally opposed to killing babies. >> so just to be clear, i looked at your website. it wasn't clear on your website. you are opposed to all abortions, even in the case of
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life of mother? >> i think it comes to the case of the life of the mother, you have to look at the individual situati situation. recognize that that's largely a spear yous argument because we've advanced so much in medicine these days that that situation rarely occurs. >> doctor, you are a celebrated -- you have a celebrated medical career, presidential medal of freedom recipient but never held public office. do you feel as though that's going to be your biggest hurdle? >> i don't think that's a particular problem. the political class has weaved an imaginary tale that they're the only ones that can solve our problems. but the fact of the matter is, if you take the collective political experience of everyone in congress which is just under 9,000 years, you'll see it really has not solved their problems. what we really need are problem solvers, people with a history of solving complex problems. people who know how to utilize other individuals working with them to solve complex problems because nobody knows everything.
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but wisdom is much more important than political experience. >> how do you define wisdom? >> the ability to take the information and use it in an effective way. the book of proverbs says a multitude of counselors is safety. >> you see how washington works. do you think wisdom bringing that, thinking everyone is going to act civil? washington has been this way for so long. what's going to make that change now? >> i think it's definitely worthy of trying, to simply throw one's hands up and say forget about it is not the solution. this is america. we are americans. we have the can-do attitude. >> dr. ben carson, good to see you. thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. thank you. 750 million people turned in to watch lady diana become princess diana. here is a glimpse of what you didn't see until now.
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ahead, a new look,,
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please. hid din clues of potentially serious health problems. the editor in chief of reader's digest is in our green room. what the magazine uncovered ability the body's distress signals. you're watching "cbs this morning". lips. next, the warning signs. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ ♪ come on, come on, come on let me tell you what it's all about ♪ ♪ a-b-c, it's easy as 1-2-3 ♪ as simple as do-re-mi ♪ a-b-c, 1-2-3 baby you and me
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♪ 1-2-3 baby you and me, yeah it's easy to get it all, big and small at ♪ i'm gonna teach you how to sing it out ♪ ♪ come on, come on, come on, come let me tell you what it's all about. ♪ you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh wish you could nourish your hair dove oxygen moisturelat? with oxygen fused moisture... for the nourishment you need... with 95% more volume. dove oxygen moisture. to you, they're more than just a pet. so protect them... ...with k9 advantix® ii. it's broad-spectrum protection kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix® ii.
8:11 am
for the love of dog™. to show your roots with roots touch-up from nice'n easy. seamlessly blends with leading shades, even salon shades in just 10 minutes. no roots. no grays. just the most shade choices for natural looking color as real as you are. so go ahead, show the world your roots with america's #1 root touch-up. are a perfect blend of cranberry and mango. tastes like you're in the tropics. [ cracking ] ta-da! ♪
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♪ in our "morning rounds," stelt symptoms. minor ailments you might ignore could signal major health problems. the new issues of "reader's digest" out this morning tracks silent signs your body is in big trouble. editor in chief liz vaccariello is here along with our own dr. holly phillips. good morning. >> good morning. >> liz, i think this is fascinating. you go to the doctor, get a physical. there may be these silent signs that your body is in big
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trouble. what are they? >> they might not come up in the physical. if you tag them early, you could take care of big problems. the first one, if your handwriting changes, it could be a sign of parkinson's. it's not shaky handwriting. >> this is incredibly interesting. parkinson's is caused by damage or loss of the neurons in the brain that make dopamine, really important in controlling movement in our body. some of the first signs you see, a typical tremor of parkinson's disease, but also the fingers and the hands become tense. so as you're writing out a sentence, your letters might start out larger and get smaller and smaller toward the end of the sentence as the fingers kind of clench up. >> that's the link. >> that is the link. >> how about random bursts of ang remember? >> that could be a sign of depression. you think lethargy, sadness. if you're having road rage in the first time of your life and it lasts for a couple weeks -- >> i think this one is such an
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important point to make. depression is a complicated illness, and it has a huge constellation of symptoms, and most of them actually don't have to do with being sad or despondent like we think of depression usually. actually most people, the majority of people suffer from anger, irritability and bouts of rage as their main symptoms of depression. if you're one of those people, it's a sign that your depression may be more severe or even last longer. >> is failure of memory a symptom of something? >> forgetting people's names could be, you think i'm getting old or tired, dementia. but it could be hypothyroidism. >> sure. it's a term for low thyroid hormone. caused by an autoimmune deficiency in women. it results in brain fog, forgetfulness or feeling like you're in the static of a tv set. it's one of the most common and commonly overlooked causes of
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sudden memory loss, but the key with hypothyroidism is it can be picked up so early. really quick, really simple blood test. >> sometimes when you're pregnant, after you have the baby, you can't remember anything. they always joke the whole pregnancy thing. >> that's true. even after pregnancy can result in hypothyroidism. it's a good time to check it then. >> what about dental issues? >> if you drink sugary drinks you might have trouble with the tooth enamel in the front. if you have trouble in the back, it could be a sign of gastrointestinal issues. >> specifically acid reflux. many people who have acid reflux, also called heartburn, you experience the sip cal symptoms of burning in your chest. a lot of people don't. acid reflux happens when acid from your stomach moves into your esophagus and into your mouth. as you're lying down flat in bed, it starts to erode the back
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teeth, the molars. often acid reflux is picked up by the dentist, not your doctor, because they can actually see that destruction. well, i forget people's names sometimes. we're all there. >> all of it is treatable. >> it's interesting. what a great idea. another great issue of "reader's digest." >> thank you very much, liz v vaccariello and dr. holly phillips. airports are departing from the ways of past. anna westerner is at newark international. >> air parts aren't the first place you think of sitting down and ordering fresh sue she or locally made craft beer. improvements like this new gate area are taking off in terminals around the country. >> announcer: cbs "morning rounds" sponsored by the makers of non-drowsy claire tin. live claritin clear. non-drowsy, werful,
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24-hour relief for... ...fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do... ...every day. live claritin clear. they've always been your second pair of eyes. so when you need glasses, you gather the girls... to find your look. bashful. bold. smart. flirty. sometimes it's unanimous. and sometimes you need a deciding vote. oh i need another opinion... excuse me, what do you think... love them! spark your style for less...with hundreds of frames from new brands like flower by drew barrymore. backed by our 12- month guarantee. we're twinsies thso we got our new he washingzy machine but it took forever turns out it wasn't the machine, it was our detergent. so we switched to tide turbo clean. now we get way cleaner clothes way faster he turbo clean. 6x the cleaning power in ½ the time guapomade with real hequality ingredients,od no soy, wheat or corn. all he knows is, there will be no crumb left!
8:19 am
petsmart has a wide selection of natural foods. save up to $5 on select blue life protection® and wilderness® pet food. petsmart®. inspired by pets. fedid you know it may be coming? from being on your feet all day? dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts are uniquely designed to provide immediate all day relief from lower back pain.
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♪ ♪ >> the 1981 wedding of prince charles and lady diana spencer set the standard for modern day royal weddings. now 34 years later, a collection of 12 candid photos from that day is going up for auction.
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charlie, good morning. >> reporter: she was the most photographed woman of her time, so it's hard to believe there are images of princess diana that haven't been seen and these offer a rare glimpse behind the closed doors of the wedding of the last century. the young bride cuddles and comforts her youngest bridesmaid with the queen by her side. the new princess barely 20 years old inside the palace she believed that day would one day be her home. the dozen candid photographs were shot by an assistant to the official royal photographer, a flamboyant friend of the queen and the only cameraman given exclusive access behind the scenes that day. cbs news interviewed him in 1981 ahead of the big event. >> the photographer is the one person who is basically holding up the events of the day for at the time a seemingly irrelevant and unimportant process, which
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later will be important. >> reporter: these photos were the ones that didn't make the cut in the official wedding album presented to the royal family. shot from behind, diana with charles by her side. the newlyweds viewed from the balcony of buckingham palace, greeting thousands of well wishers. here are the images everybody else got to see. and, did you ever wonder whether the queen herself watched coverage of big events on a small tv? the private reception was thrown after the royal wedding ceremony at st. paul's cathedral, watched by an estimated tv audience of 750 million people at the time, and more than half of the photos showed diana in her silk and taffeta wedding gown with its 25-foot train. not only previously unseen, they show the unguarded moments rarely seen at all, says royal correspondent roya ninka. >> you feel like you're there. >> you do.
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you can see how the assistant is trying to get these very off guard moments of the queen watching the coverage on tv and diana scooping up her dress. and she became so much savvier with the media. this is still diana very young, not quite so savvy with cameras around her. >> reporter: the whole set goes under the hammer in boston next month. bidding starts at $300, but aucti auctioneers are hoping for something in the vicinity of about 20 grand. >> gorgeous pictures. >> so pretty. >> the anniversary of her death -- >> coming up at the end of the month. another big name in business is about to improve benefits for new parents, but will all those extra perks cost workers on payday? that's ahead after your local news.
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good morning. time for news headlines. >> a potential mess on market street as new traffic rules ban turns between 3rd and 8th. the city says the new policy will make it safer for pedestrians. the san jose city council expected to vote today on rules for drone use by the police department. the department bought a drone last year for the bomb squad and now wants to expand its use but promises it won't be for surveillance. and a major makeover for some of the nation's busiest airports. how airlines are transforming terminals to make the flying experience more enjoyable. that's coming up on "cbs this morning." and we have traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. we have a lot of delays to recover from. so let's get to it. if you are working your way towards the dumbarton bridge we have reports of a motorcycle accident blocking the left lane just past the toll plaza. we are starting to see some delays there, as well. now, it's been busy on the nimitz freeway so very busy southbound from hayward into fremont and union city. try using the san mateo bridge but a lot of folks are doing that instead and you can see
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it's bogged down westbound between 880 and one one. once you cross over the peninsula starting to see some delays north 280 looks like it's sluggish into san francisco as well as 101. you're going to see about a 29- minute ride there eastbound 92 at half moon bay also busy. roberta? >> sfo now has delays at 56 minutes on some arriving flights because of this. it's the deck of low clouds and fog even producing some drizzle. around the coast and bay this morning. temperatures we are into the 60s and 50s around san francisco and in santa rosa. otherwise, later today we are talking about 60s at the coast, 60s, 70s around the bay today, and up to the mid-80s inland. 79 degrees in san jose and santa rosa. it appears as if we'll stay stuck in this weather pattern through thursday. triple digits saturday. ,,,,,, ♪
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(vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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♪ ♪ well, if you have a fear of heights, turn away. this is canadian spencer seabrook setting the world record for the longest solo slack line walk. he did it without a safety harness. seabrook says it makes him feel good to be in terrifying conditions. my hat's off to you, spencer. >> you found something you would not want to do. >> that's right. something i'm not interested in trying. welcome back, everybody, to "cbs this morning." coming up, first class food options could be coming to an airport near you. this is part of a nationwide effort to make airports their own travel destination.
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we're going to show you some recent renovations. plus, jennifer winer is in our toyota green room. see how her real life led to her first fictional love story. that's ahead. right now, though, it is time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. "time" reports on the first musical guest on "the late show" with stephen kolber. it will be kendrick lamar. colbert said he liked that lamar had been the final musical performer on the ""colbert report"." jeb bush will also be on the show on september 8th. you can watch it here on cbs. the "detroit free press" reports on an issue that's dogging melissa gilbert as she runs for congress in michigan. michigan republicans point out she owes more than $360,000 in back taxes. gilbert says she has set up a payment plan with the irs.
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the guardian reports on 13 rowers who got sick in rio de janeiro. they came down with stomach illness. the team suspects pollution in the lake is to blame, but there is no clear evidence the rowers were infected by abnormal levels of viruses or bacteria in the water. >> "usa today" reports on walt disney. in japan, apologizing for a tweet on the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of nagasaki. the tangled tweet translation wished readers, "congratulations on a not special day." the company offered deep apologies for causing discomfort. it said it would take care to manage the twitter account more carefully in the future. "the wall street journal" reports on angry e-mails. the paper says even though it may feel good to e-vent, research shows it's bad for us. it makes people angrier and more aggressive and it can damage your reputation. internet posts can be permanent. this morning, software maker adobe is the latest tech company
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planning to offer more paid time off for new moms and dads. the expanded parental leave announced monday comes days after similar moves by netflix and microsoft. but businesses far beyond the tech sector are offering assistant perks. leg what's happening here? >> the paid leave movement, there is extreme momentum behind it, so we saw adobe this week. last week we saw netflix and microsoft significantly expand their policies. businesses don't do anything for altruistic reasons. they do it for the bottom line. so it is unacceptable for businesses to lose working women when they have children. we don't offer any paid leave in this country by law. and there are bills to change that. but this is, you know, not great for the bottom line for businesses and women are breadwinners in more than 40% of families now.
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it's also about fathers, too, by the way. there's more proof that that's better for long-term health and for everything to have one or more parent at home. so it's really -- there's big economic reasons behind it. >> so they can't afford not to offer it. >> they really can't. >> and be competitive in the best, talented people. >> a lot of these perks, not just paid leave, but other perks that we see so many companies offer, it's because they are wanting to keep their employees, keep them happy. when employees are happier, they work harder, they stay longer, they -- it's incredibly costly to a company when you lose someone. all the years of investment and training and relationships that that person might have, if they're on the sales side that go deep. so there's a ton of cost in it. and this is a way to avoid those. >> what is the trend? are companies offering more perks? i imagine there are a lot of our viewers who say it doesn't seem like there's more perk. >> you know what's interesting? they are. what's happening is the companies in silicon valley are famous for their perks and they
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have the resources. they also, by the way, have an extreme talent in competition problem. but we're seeing it seep into other companies like construction companies or waste management companies. some of them are very glamorous, but some are just free food or more paid time off or just creating a culture where you feel valued. it's not always about the water slide in the lobby. it's about the intangible culture in the company. >> so the question becomes, since 2004, companies they say have spent 16% more on benefits, but only a 2% increase in wages, so are they coming at the expense of an increase in wages? >> well, i think there's a couple things going on there. number one is the stat on benefits also includes things like bonuses and health care. so that's packaged in that number. so it's not like they're taking all the raise money and putting it into the slide in the lobby. but i do think wages are a problem in this country. but also, if you don't offer the right wages, if your goal is to keep people and you don't offer them the right wages, they're
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also going to leave. so you're defeating the purpose if you don't do both at the same time. >> well, i guess we benefit in the end, right? free popcorn. i'll stay a little longer for free popcorn. >> absolutely. >> thank you, leigh. >> thank you. there's a revolution under way this morning at some of the nation's busiest airports. tastier food options and brighter designs are part of a plan to make travel more enjoyable. and word is that newark liberty international airport in new jersey is showing us the recent innovations. good morning. >> reporter: this is the kind of gate areas that most travelers have gotten used to. it has your cramped seating. you have your poor lighting. so many of us have been in areas that look like this. but take a look at what is behind me. that is a new gate area. you can sit down at an ipad, you can order food and drink. it doesn't look like what you're used to, correct? but a lot of airports across the country are making improvements like in part of an effort to make airports destinations in
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themselves instead of just weigh stations. more than 35 million people pass through newark's airport each year, and many of them will probably tell you they just want to get through and get out. but designers hope a $120 million upgrade will turn the united airlines terminal into an attraction passengers won't want to miss. architect david rockwell. so, let me get this straight. you think we should actually be comfortable and enjoy ourselves in all these airports? >> i think you should have that opportunity. when you go through security, it's such a disorienting process, and then when you come out, the architecture, the basic layout doesn't acknowledge having a moment to breathe. see where you're going. decide what you need. do you need a drink? do you need a bite to eat? >> reporter: now travelers can dine in style, and on an ipad order everything from sushi to lobster, served with fine wine or a locally brewed craft beer.
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>> one of the most unexpected things is the food is actually being prepared there. fresh food in an airport. >> reporter: a similar concept unveiled last year at laguardia airport caught joanna carol's eye. >> this is so nice. i walked all around, got my camera and videoed in here. >> reporter: so where do they find the real estate for these improvements? in some cases, they've replaced these, the moving walkways, with something a little less functional, but a little more entertaining. designers re-imagined existing places, too. those familiar usually dull gate areas. eventually passengers waiting to board will also enjoy their own ipad with internet. and plenty of power outlets, 10,000 in all. so how many whiskeys do you have? >> there's about 39 whiskeys here. >> reporter: rick bladstein has otg, the company making the changes. >> it's the single largest piece of real estate in airports all
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around the world and most desirable location for a customer to be in. instead of trying to drag them out and going to restaurants and operations, why not go to them. why not create that great lounge environment? >> reporter: at newark, passengers spend about 20 to 25 minutes in the airport after going through security and before they board. the goal here is to get them to arrive a little earlier and spend more money. and it's a nationwide trend. shareece jones covers travel for "usa today." >> airlines and airports are spending billions of dollars to upgrade their terminals because it's a way to make passengers more comfortable and bring in a lot of revenue. >> reporter: but along with changing the amenities, she says, airports also have to change perceptions. >> it's going to take a little time to get there, because right now it seems very stressful, you don't look forward to it. you don't look forward to the flight either. >> reporter: but if joanna carol's experience is any indication, it just might work. >> i feel like i got, you know, an extra vacation.
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an extra fun thing in my trip. it's not like the end of your trip. it's like the drudgery of travel. it's another fun thing. >> reporter: so, guys, we ordered up some food just so you can get a sense of what you can eat at a gate area once these renovations are finished about five months from now. you can do it right now in this particular gate area. fresh fruit salad. some croissants or muffins. fresh orange juice. united airlines representatives told me yesterday they're doing another innovation, once they include the retail portion, you're going to be able to shop from airport stores on the ipad here and they'll deliver your purchases to the gate while you wait to board. norah? >> that is awesome! >> good stuff here. anything that makes the airline experience more enjoyable. >> yeah. and usually you're captives with some wait time. especially if your flight is canceled, it's a prime opportunity to do some shopping. and whatever you forget to pack, you can have it delivered to the gate. best-selling author jennifer
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winer is in studio 57 with her first romantic novel. look at the backlash she says women are facing on
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♪ doesn't everybody love author jennifer weiner? well, she has more than 12
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million copies of her books in fre print and five times on the new york stock exchange best seller list and she has her first love story called "who do you love". jennifer, welcome back to studio 57. >> thank you! lovely to be here. >> so great to have you. you are so prolific. i know this is your 12th novel but this is were first one about love. >> about love. there is always an element of romance in my book but i wanted to challenge myself and see if i could write the real love story that centered on a boy and girl who become teenagers and who become grown-ups and who have sex and my editor is, like, why are they having so much sex? when they were teenagers i had them hooking up and getting together and my editor is like, no, no. . i said what is the problem? it urns turns out she has teena boys and doesn't want to think about that so i made them wait. i made them wait.
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>> what were the other books about? >> they were about relationships, and families. there was always an element of golf. always a guy but the guy was never the point exactly. it was mok liar the woman figuring out her place in the world. now it's like it's that too but it's also about love. which is fun to write about. >> these characters come from very different backgrounds? >> they do. rachel is a privileged jewish girl from florida and wouldn't know anything about that. i'm not from florida. then andy, who is her, you know, eventual love interest, he is biracial, he is poor, he lives in philadelphia with a single mom. and becomes and olympic athlete, which was so interesting to write about that world and sort of -- i'm interested in second acts and sort of what happens when you're 30 years old, you've accomplished this amazing thing and you're done and you have to figure out the rest of your life? >> some of the space on things have happened in your line.
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>> i will tell you, yes. i -- i dated a guy who i loved very much in my 20s and then i wanted to get married and he wasn't ready. we went our separate ways. i married someone else. and then the marriage ended. and my dog died is what happened and he had known the dog. so i found his old aol e-mail address. >> the first boyfriend? >> yes. not the dog's. i e-mail him and i write in the memo line, is this still you? and it was him. he wrote back immediately and yes, there he is! that was round one, okay? that was, like, in my 20s. don't i look fabulous? hair not so much. we really connected. there he is now! hair much better! see? >> what do you think it is about the people hold on to the memory of their first love? >> no. can i just -- >> jump right in. >> you connected to hem now? >> yes. >> are you married to him? >> not yet. he won't propose.
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i'm very sad, still. >> this relationship is back to where it was. >> yes, yes. >> at its best when you were in your 20s? >> yes, exactly. >> great story. >> isn't it great? see? >> i was thinking of all the -- >> oh! >> oh, my god! you're having a moment! >> charlie is having a moment! >> how did you do that again? you just send an e-mail aol? >> and is this still you? and there they are! >> what a great idea for a movie or a book. >> see, movie? hello, hollywood. >> what has happened to him in the meantime and has he changed and is the same person? has he gotten better? >> right, exactly! that is what it is. that is the story. >> that is the stroller of your life! >> and the book. >> and the book. >> can we talk about social media? i know that's a big topic for you and how it treats women in particular. amy schumer, you adore. >> i love her. >> why? >> i think she is fantastic because she is unapologetic. she is out there and like i'm
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160 pounds and i can still catch it. shes not conforming. she was was the lead of a rom romantic comedy. she was unapologetic herself. i think we see few women in the world. you ladies are lovely and you're tiny and if you're not tiny, when do you ever get to see that? never. it's, like -- it's like a sigh. there i am. there i am. >> thank you so much. >> thank you guys. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> pretty love. >> it goes on sale today. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." it was fun. thank you. ,,,,,,,,,,
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it's finger lickin' good. good morning. in the headlines, drivers warned to be extra patient driving san francisco's market street corridor. today is the first day of new traffic restrictions. drivers can no longer turn between 3rd and 8th, protecting pedestrians behind the city plan. alameda police are looking for this man and warning homeowners about him. he is suspect in a string of burglaries and now a sexual assault. and the "jerusalem fire" in lake county has grown to 12,000 acres. fire crews are hoping it merges with the larger "rocky fire" and just burns itself out. roberta? good morning, everybody. we have areas of low clouds and fog and drizzle around the coast and into the bay this morning. that's why this is such a pretty view from mount vaca looking at high, thin cirrus clouds. well, very thread-like, aren't
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they? they are being whipped around by gusty winds in the mid- and high levels of the altitude of our sky there. temperatures wise we are in the 50s and 60s. the winds have been blowing out of the west this morning up to 15 miles per hour. it will go up to 20 miles per hour late day off the coast, a sea breeze. temperatures 60s beaches and bay, low 70s he is east of the bay. 70s around the peninsula. inland 79 santa rosa, san jose. east bay numbers stacking you want to mid-80s. it will be 87 degrees in cleveland for the outside number -- cloverdale for the outside number. high pressure builds in from the desert southwest on friday, warmer conditions triple digits on saturday. traffic is next.
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♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. good morning from the traffic center. let's update you on this trouble spot on the dumbarton bridge. two cars and a motorcycle crashed. backup there. 30 minutes between 880 and 101. metering lights are on at the bay bridge backed up into the maze.
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jonathan: it's a trip to fiji! wayne: old school, new school. - i'm taking the money. wayne: jonathan, come here, girl. i mean... go get your car! - you made my dreams come true! - i'm going for the big deal! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal!" now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, everybody. welcome to "let's make a deal," i'm wayne brady. thanks for tuning in. three people. let's make a deal! let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see. bunny, bunny, bunny, come with me. chef, chef.


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