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tv   KPIX 5 News at 11pm  CBS  October 28, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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>> live, from the cbs bay area studios t is kpix5 news. >> well six seconds after liftoff, boom, what was supposed to be a routine nasa mission ends like this. >> and some bay area kids watched their experiment burn with it. >> reporter: crews are preparing to survey the damage at the crash site. the bay area students had scientific experiments on the ship. they got a new lesson today in rocket science. >> three, two, one. and we have lift off. >> reporter: the 14th story antiras rocket was bound to the
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international space station laiden with supplies. seconds after lift off, an explosion. shrapnel shoots in the air as the rocket falls down to the launch pad in a blazing fire ball. >> something went wrong and we will find out what that is. we will determine the root cause and we will correct that. >> reporter: on board, important supplies and equipment. more than 5,000 pounds worth. >> food, water, science experiments. >> reporter: among them, the science experiments of some bay area school children. mark west charter school in santa rosa was one of a dozen schools nationwide that had real experiments riding on board that rocket. >> surprised. >> we spent all this work on it and then it blew up. >> reporter: eighth grader chandler andrew was skateboarding on campus this ianing when he heard the news. he and his classmates spent months to determine if shrimp
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like triops could survive in space. their hard work, up in flames. >> it is hard to see your work go up in flames. >> reporter: either way, the students say this is an education like none they have ever had. >> it is a big learning experience. >> reporter: now, no one was hurt in the explosion, but what caused the accident is still a mystery tonight. christin ayers, kpix5. well here is another view of the explosion. the pilot of pa small plane shot this video from his ipad. even from some distance away, you can get an idea of how powerful the explosion was. well tonight, it was ugly. the giants got whipped. they lost big. dennis, you were at the game. you saw it all going down. almost from the very beginning. what happened? >> reporter: well kenny, you wanted a game second and you got a game seven. san francisco will have to win
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tomorrow as the entire 2014 season will come down to one winner take all game. history does not favor the giants, but despite a 10-1 loss, there is hope. >> we are still looking forward to the game, you know. in is what you work for starts in spring training and he told me we were going to be playing the seventh game of the world series, we all would be doing cart wheels. >> reporter: and one ominous note, the giants are 0-4 in winner take all game seven, so that does not stand in their favor. hour, you and i were at the world series in 2002 after they lost game six. that clubhouse was dispendant. that was not the case tonight. i will have more highlights coming up in sports.
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>> that is good to know. most of these guys have two rings. i think the royals have more to lose here, not the giants. they are acting like it. that's good. >> reporter: okay, we will have more and hear from the royals and why they think you are wrong coming up, kenny. [ laughter ] >> i have been wrong before. 2002. [ laughter ] hundreds if not thousands of fans showed up at san francisco's civic center tonight. many were so fed up, they left early. major league baseball star jose conseco shot himself. he was cleaning his gun when he accidentally fired it and blew off his middle finger. surgeons are trying to save the finger. well a car chase in sneaped like this tonight. a car crashes into a pole at fourth and taylor. that car was stolen. deputies arrested two men inside. one of them looked like he was crying when deputies hauled him away.
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>> san jose police arrested these two teenagers in connection with a home invasion robbery in july. police say they broke into a home on angu creek circle. one zip tied him and ransacked the place an another served as a lookout. the husband an wife accused of killing two sheriff deputies in sacramento are accused of trying to kill others. the judge did not want their faces shown. placer county detective michael davis and sacramento county deputy daniel oliver were killed in friday's six-hour rampage. today, prosecutors charged the couple with the attempted murder of two additional placer county deputies but they didn't elaborate. >> we have an ethical obligation not to talk about the facts, the circumstances, or the evidence in this case.
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>> well the couple did not enter pleas today. check out what tsa agents found in the suitcase of a passenger flying from maui to sfo. that is the barrel of a cannon. it was tucked into a passenger's clothes. it wasn't loaded so they let the passenger get on the plane but without the barrel in the luggage. and on the big island tonight. a 2,000-degree river of lava has swallowed a home and it is still inching toward the village of pahoa. you cannot stop mother nature. >> yeah, lava will do what lava wants to do. it has been erupting since 1984. typically, the water flows to the pacific ocean. as you can see, that is absolutely not the case now. it is headed to a town, that town has to get out of the way. with lava flowing at it at almost 2,000 degrees. the house at the edge of the
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village of tahoa did not have a chance. it became the first victim of the volcano. hundreds of people have been ordered to evacuate. >> it is real. it is now or never. you have to get out. >> reporter: the eruption began back in june. since then, lava has moved erratically sometimes pausing for days, sometimes flowing 300 yards in 24 hours. >> it is flowing a long distance from where it started. >> reporter: michael manga is a geologist from berkeley. >> it would create a new path way and go somewhere else. i don't think there is any way to stop a volcano. it is beautiful to watch. >> beautiful to watch unless your house is on the other side of it. here is the deal. it is moving slow enough, nobody is in real danger. but the lava is not stopping and it will take over more homes. >> thanks paul. well a front runner in the open mayor's race picked up
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another big endorsement. senator barbara boxer says she is throwing her support behind libby shaft. governor brown endorsed her a couple of weeks ago. there are 15 candidates running for oakland mayor and tonight, mike sugerman shows us one of them just got jimmy kimmel's attention. >> you know these people? >> i am jason jay anderson. >> i am ken houston and i'm running for mayor of oakland. >> they are known as the lesser eight. eight candidates to complain they are not getting media coverage. >> this is his picture from the official election website. if that is his tinder profile, i'm swiping left. >> my name is peter lu. >> reporter: peter lu had an unorthodox campaign. >> i want to be mayor of
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oakland because god told me to bring peace to earth and advocate conceal carry. >> god told you to do that with guns? >> yes. >> he is another of the lesser known candidates. in a tiny windowless room, he runs a campaign fueled by his own $50,000 which went to buy more than a dozen billboards around town. he not only has to explain he is a mayoral candidate, he has to get people to remember his name so they can write him in. >> i'm the write-in candidate for the mayor of oakland. [ laughter ] oh. >> and then there are the nonvoters of which there are many. >> you are spending 50 grand giving up all your free time. is it worth it? >> for think? yeah. to make a difference with the people of oakland, so they know they have options. absolutely. >> it is a longer than long
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shot. mike sugerman, kpix5. >> the latest kpix5 poll shows rebecca kaplan leading the race. the night, we are learning about what seems to be a massive case of food poisoning here in the bay area. >> plus, if you have band-aid wondering what is wrong with your phone, this might be the answer. tonight, the feds say at&t has been throttling millions of us. ,, it's a fresh approach on education-- superintendent of public instruction tom torlakson's blueprint for great schools. torlakson's blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art,
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and provide a well-rounded education. and torlakson's plan calls for more parental involvement. spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. c-p convention this weekend. >> late tonight, we learned that dozens of people have gotten very sick. in fact, violently ill at a big
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naacp convention that went off this weekend. joe is in redwood stay. what do now know about this? >> reporter: it happened here in the sofatelle hotel in redwood city. guests who ate salmon and salad started getting sick. some got violently ill in the lobby of the hotel. ambulances were called and a lot of patients had to be taken to area hospitals. we don't have a firm count on the people who got sick, but we talked to the officials of the naacp, some of whom are very ill themselves including cynthia adams. the second vice president. she says as many as 100 people got sick from food poisoning here. the former mayor of oakland harris got sick. at least one of the kids at the convention is still hospitalized. i made contact with officials here at the hotel. in fact, they have indeed said
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that they confirmed people were taken to area hospitals and the statement goes onto say that "while we do not know the cause of the illness, we are cooperating with health department officials at this time. we remain very concerned about the well being of the guests who became sick. " that's the late u.s. from here. i asked them if they could assure the public that the food is safe. no comment. this official from miami is on her way to deal with this tomorrow. >> give us the latest when you get it. thanks joe. homeland security is ordering heightened security in 9,000 federal buildings nationwide. but it doesn't appear to be happening here. this man was found just a few feet from the empty guard shack. they didn't specify which buildings outside washington dc would get the extra security. officials do say there is no
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direct threat, but the recent shooting at the canadian parliament has rocked concerns about terrorism. the announcement does not say how long the heightened security will last. just that it will be continue bully reevaluated. was the white house just hacked? well technicians at 1600 pennsylvania avenue say they noticed suspicious activity on the computer network. white house officials are not giving any specifics but staffers were told to change their passwords. the california attorney general is urging retailer to do more to keep customer data safe. she says hacker attacks affected 18.5 million californians last year. that is seven times more than in 2012. tonight the feds say at&t has been pulling a fast one. not delivering on promises of unlimited data plans. cate caugurian tells us about
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smartphone throttling. >> reporter: the ftc is calling at&t out. >> there is a group of people who use a high amount of data and at&t is trying to punish them. >> reporter: today the federal government filed a lawsuit against at&t for what is known as throttling. slowing down a customer's internet connection after they used a certain amount of someday tahoa. >> that is ridiculous. can they do that? >> reporter: yes they can. up to 3.5 million of at&t high use customers are using gps, have their data streams throttled 60 to 90%. instead of getting a steady stream on netflix, i might see something like this. the dreaded loading symbol. unlimited means unlimited. the executive editor says you won't find many unlimited plans anymore. >> too many people are using
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too much data. >> reporter: at&t denies the claims but did say all wireless companies use some throttling to manage network resources and said the customers were warned in 2011 they may experience reduced speeds if they reach the top 5% of heaviest data user. >> the larger question is if i sign an agreement with at&t and enter an agreement in any situation, are they bound by certain agreements like unlimited? >> reporter: a decision left for the court. the ftc found out at&t knew the customers were upset about throttling and that at&t told the martyrs saying less is more when it comes to selling the unlimited plan. in the news room, cate caugurian, kpix5. >> at&t stopped offering unlimited data plans in 2010 and started throttling customers with that plan the next year. all right. everybody take a big deep breath. we still have a game seven. >> very true. >> tomorrow.
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>> feeling good. >> after that, life will go on whether the giants live or lose. part of that includes rain. >> life around here as been dry over the last couple of years. well, we are going to turn the corner ken. we are going to do that for you. timing may not be the best for the trick or treaters but we can use the rainfall. we have a significant storm coming. beautiful picture from mount sutro. we have mainly clear skies. did you feel a little shake in the north bay earlier this evening? specifically 9:36? a 3.2 magnitude earthquake, a minor earthquake. many of you on facebook say you felt a jolt there. 9:36. an earthquake, 3.6 magnitude. tomorrow morning, you will need a jacket in the north bay, napa down to 46. santa rosa 45. fremont, san jose, redwood
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city, around 50 degrees. and now the information you really want. is it really going to rain on halloween? the answer is yes. showers in the morning and a thunderstorm in the evening. here is the deal. big ridge of high pressure, but it is beginning to move away. we are calm and dry, a gorgeous day to get outside today. tomorrow, equally as nice, but look at where the high will be tomorrow. it is off to the east moving away. it is over nevada, utah, it is high tailing it out of here opening the door for a significant trough to move in. and a front comes with it friday morning. it will give us rain on and off the day. i cannot guarantee it will pour when the kids are outside. but look at the change. wednesday, dry, clouds increase thursday, friday, bam, there it is, but behind the front, look at the unstable air and the rain continuing through 5:00, 7:00 in the evening. it will be wet. the warmest day of the week is tomorrow. nice day to get outside.
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rain begins early friday and off and on rainfall through saturday morning. 81 tomorrow in san jose. warm day for you. milpitas, 81. walnut creek, 82. sunshine, 75 in san francisco tomorrow. 82 for windsor, your extended forecast, a little cloudier thursday. friday, we are wet. saturday morning, the rain ends, we fall back over the weekend, rain wrapping up saturday. but right now, looks like a wet halloween. >> all right, bring the umbrellas. >> here it comes. >> the kids will be fine. they will still get their candy. >> a little elements to it. you have to work for it. >> coming up, one guy is putting lots of boyfriends to shame tonight. the epic proposal he has been saving for since he was 12. next. ,,,,,,,,,,
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( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. started saving for his he said - when he found the right woma out. >> all right, take notes guys. one man just upped the ante for boyfriends everywhere. >> he said when he found the right woman, he would go all out. >> today, i finally get to ask my best friend to marry me.
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>> reporter: it begins like a real movie in the theater. >> she said yes. >> reporter: and ends like a fairy tale that would rival most chick flicks, but this love story between tiffany and levi is very real. and his proposal has gone viral. it starts with the surprise arrival of tiffany's sister and best friends who pick her up and give her notes for a scavenger hunt orchestrated by her boyfriend. she gets her nails done and picks a new dress thinking she is attending a special military event for levi's father. but then, a mysterious twist. >> are you ready, put on the blindfold. >> reporter: next, a limo ride topped with bubbling champagne. when she gets out. >> are you ready? >> oh my god! >> reporter: her dad leads her into the rose bowl where she and levi met. when she takes off the blindfold and sees levi, it all
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sinks in. >> i am the best man because you are the best woman. will you marry me? >> of course, yes. >> reporter: family and friends rushed to the newly engaged couple to celebrate. >> i just could not be happier with what that day meant and what it means to our future together. >> pretty good. pretty good. >> i know. >> i'm going to need a moment. >> we'll be right back. >> very romantic. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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that's why toni >> hello everybody from kansas city. the last team to win a game seven world series on the road was the 1979 pittsburgh pirates and that is why tonight's game six for the giants was so critical. jake peavy has not pitched well. in fact, he has the highest post season earned run average for active pitchers and it showed in game six. a run was already in for kansas city in the second when escobar hit it to first. the unking unraveled from there. nori aoki lines it past pablo sandoval. 2-0, kansas city, and peavy hit the showers after getting four outs in the game.
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here comes petit. he could not stop the bleeding. the runs okay and blooped one behind second base and two more runs score making it 4-0 royals. and then, eric hosmer gets a weird hopper over brandon crawford. two more runs score. kansas city scored seven in tinning that lasted 35 minutes buster posey had a chance the cut into the lead in the third, but he jumped on the first pitch by ventura who was brilliant. that is an inning ending double play. and ventura was on cruise control from there. check out the fancy glove work on hunter pence's come backer. ventura, 23 years old goes seven scoreless innings allowing three hits. struck out four. the royals win 10-0 and force a decisive game seven. >> yeah. i don't know much that we would do different. >> reporter: it was the tale of the two pitchers, one great. >> you have a 23-year-old kid
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pitching the biggest game the stadium has seen if 29 years with our backs against the wall. and he goes out there in complete command of his emotions. >> made it difficult on the giants offense. >> he doesn't have pit location. he has great stuff. one of the greatest starters you will see in the game. >> reporter: and the other not so great. >> obviously, that inning was guys putting a bat on the ball. if we didn't strike to get out. it seemed like they hit it right where they needed to hit it. >> reporter: there was little to dissect in a 10-0 loss. attention immediately turned to tomorrow and the cold hard fact is that the cold team has won each of the last nine game seven world series. >> for baseball fans in general, it doesn't get much better. >> you know, i never thought two out, bases loaded bottom of the ninth game five. it was always game seven so it
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is special. >> reporter: if the giants break a historical trend, it will be up to tim hudson to do it. >> 16 years in the big leagues. i finally have that chance. and i'm really, really excited about it. i can't wait. i can't wait to get out there tomorrow and have some fun. >> reporter: the giants are 0-4 in winner take call games. goodnight from kansas city. ken and liz will wrap it up in a second.
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our next newscast is tomorr morning at 4-30. >> david letterman is next with
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taylor swift. >> our next newscast tomorrow morning at 4:30. >> love to sigh you there. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now the houdini of the hard wood, david letterman! captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( cheers and applause )


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