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tv   KPIX 5 News at Noon  CBS  October 14, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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nearly 24 hours.. a car cra victim dangles high above t ground. after being trapped for nearly 24 hours, a car crash victim dangles high above the ground in a daring helicopter rescue. a coast guard saves a young woman's life.
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good afternoon, allen martin in for frank mallicoat. >> and i'm michelle griego. new at noon, rescue crews airlifted a woman out of a south bay ravine. she had been stuck there since yesterday. kpix 5's kiet do joins us from regional medical center in san jose. >> reporter: michelle, that 28- year-old woman was flown directly here to regional medical center. she's in the hospital now. she has moderate to serious injuries to the lower part of her body and we have the dramatic video from chopper 5 shot earlier today. the agencies involved were a lot of them, there were seven different agencies involved and coast guard was one of them. san jose firefighters rappeled and gave the woman first aid and then on the stretcher. the helicopters was able to wind her up and flew her to the hospital. she went off the roadway sometime around 2:00 p.m. monday afternoon. that white cruz rolled over a couple of times and then came to rest on its roof. the woman was stranded overnight for about 18 hours. >> i can imagine it would be
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extremely scary. lonely. yeah. difficult position to be in. wondering if help was actually going to be able to find you. fortunately we got good information on her location and we were able to find her. >> reporter: this all started with an alert from on star that said the car had rolled over. however, on star gave the wrong location to police two times wasting precious hours. and it took a smart thinking campbell police officer who used the woman's ipad and the find my iphone app to narrow her low aquation down to the -- location down to the mountains. campbell police say there was no evidence of any foul play. the cause of this crash is still under investigation. we're live at regional medical center in san jose, kiet do, kpix 5. >> well, in just over an hour the giants take on the cardinals game three of the nlcs. the series knotted up at one game apiece. kpix 5's ryan takeo joining us live outside at&t park. fans gearing up for this game. maybe before the rain sets in. >> reporter: yeah, that's right
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allen. it is cold. it is windy out there. this is how october baseball is supposed to be. and the giants' fans right here, they are ready. [ people chanting ] >> here we are, well i was disappointed i thought we'd be up 2-0 right now. >> very pumped. we came down from washington state. >> i'm expecting a close game. both teams are just tenacious and won't give in. but i think we'll prevail. >> are you supposed to be the school right now? >> yeah but i have giants' fever. >> what's your temperature? >> oh -- i don't know. >> like 105. it's really hot. >> i'm going to the game and i'm expecting for them to just do what they do, which is win. how's this look? >> let's go giants. >> what are you looking to get? >> something to keep me warm. that's right. because i'm -- i'm really warm inside and we're doing great. >> reporter: on the mound for the giants today, tim hudson. he has 214 career wins. but he's never pitched this deep in the postseason.
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>> you know he's probably got a little by of the jitters you know it's his first time coming this far. and you know, who knows? he's a veteran you know he'll bush probably be able to handle it okay. >> reporter: the lineup for today's game and surprisingly st. louis catcher yadier molina is out of the game. it's a huge loss for st. louis. live in san francisco, ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> okay, san francisco's also going to host games four and five if necessary. the series goes back to st. louis for game six and seven. hillary clinton delivered the keynote address this morning at the dreamforce conference in san francisco. she touched on the service projects at the event. >> just as you are reinventing how companies do business, you're also reinventing how companies do philanthropy. >> more than 100,000 people will crowd into south of market this week for the annual event and some call it the super bowl of cloud computing. others say it's just a big
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traffic nightmare. >> the city doesn't respect the drivers. they don't care about the drivers. they're going to -- the ceo of this group says they going to shut down the city. kind of bragging about it. >> yeah and that sucks if you live in the city. >> well certainly we shut down howard street between third and fourth and we work very closely with the city minimize if -- to city to minimize the impact. >> howard street will be closed until saturday between third and fourth. it will pump $100 million into the san francisco economy estimated. dallas nurse infected with ebola has received a blood transfusion from a doctor who survived the virus. and it's adriana diaz tells us there's new information about another medical worker who had contact with that nurse. >> reporter: a male employee at the fort worth, texas medical company has been identified as the one person who had contact with dallas nurse knee no pham. they are both in isolation at
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the texas health presbyterian hospital where ebola patient thomas eric duncan died last week. pham contracted ebola while treating duncan. the centers for disease control and prevention believes there was a quote breach of protocol and that pham may have gotten the virus after removing her protective gear. >> we were just shocked stunned. >> reporter: a nurse who was trained by pham said she was meticulous about infection control, hand hygiene and protocol. >> knowing the -- knowing the kind of person she is and the kind of nurse she is, i know she would definitely do it again. she's always somebody who's willing to take on the difficult patients. >> reporter: 70 other staffers are now being watched and officials say pham is in stable condition and the person she had contact with is not showing any signs of being sick. the world health organization says this morning there could be as many as 10,000 new ebola cases per week by the end of november. so far, there have been nearly 4500 deaths. adriana diaz, cbs news, dallas. well a united nations
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medical worker infected in liberia died today in germany. also doctors in kansas are testing and treating a medic who served aboard a ship off west africa. and today facebook ceo mark zuckerberg announced he is donating $25 million to the cdc to help fight ebola. suckerberg cited the neat -- zuckerberg cited to need to get ebola under control. opening statements began today in the trial of a man accused of murdering a classmate 30 years ago. prosecutors believe they have dna evidence to prove that john carlson now 46, killed tina fails in 1984. at the time, both were students at pleasanton high school. an american airlines jet had to make an emergency rabidding at sfo leaving some passengers stranded until this morning. the boeing 757 had just taken off for dallas yesterday morning when paneling separated from a wall inside the plane. as you can see from these photos, insulation was exposed.
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american airlines says it was caused by a blown air duct. the airline adds that the plane's fuselage was never compromised. you've heard it before. when the bay area is going to be hit with another major earthquake. now a new study says four faults from in line for a quake of magnitude 6.8 or stronger because pressure for an earthquake is building along the faults. they are -- anniversary of the loma pria earthquake... sometimes cald " it was friday, it's going to be the 25th anniversary of the loma prieta earthquake. that was magnitude 6.9 and it killed 63 people. did $6 billion in damage. san jose mayoral candidates he car doe has political backers booking his -- backing his campaign today. chuck reid joined former mayors giving him a nod of support. he is facing dave cortese in
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the november election. millions of americans depend on social security. but those checks may be shrinking. why there's no time like today to start saving for retirement. >> it's a harley davidson but it's a quiet one. why you won't hear the revving engine of the new motorcycle while it rips through traffic. >> rain is moving back into the picture. we'll pinpoint when you need the umbrella as the news continues right here on kpix 5. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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millions of retired america taking a look at the big board right now. you can see the dow is up about 14 points. millions of retired americans depend on social security. >> but a lack of funding likely to take a bite out of future benefits. a professor at depaul university says that social security will survive in the short-term. but says the system is broken
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and 20 somethings could see a 23% dip in retirement payments. >> the baby boom are going to begin retiring really quick pace. coming up over the next five years. and the number of people working is going to go down. when you add those two things together, you have a crisis. >> a 2004 report estimated social security trust fund would run out in 2042 but new numbers show it's more likely to run out much sooner. 2033. well, tomorrow is the last day for a nostalgic sports fans to purchase seats from candlestick park. it will be demolished soon and you can get a pair of the old orange seats alan for a mere $749 from the san francisco parks and rec department. >> that includes shipping. >> hey that's worth it. >> it includes the cop porn. >> it -- popcorn. >> i better. >> i have a seat from the old key miskey. i love me some baseball. i actually thought about that. >> spend about $800? >> i don't have the money.
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or do i have a ticket to today's game. i keep saying that. or do i have credentials? no. that's another story. hey how about this baseball game? been getting a lot of people asking me is it going to rain during the game? well we have cloud cover. we also have some breezy conditions. and the air temperatures near 63-degrees. and if we see any kind of rain drops, it will just brush on by. nothing to wash out today baseball action with hudson on the mound for the good guys. all right, here we go. it's live it's hi-def doppler radar. it is not picking up any rain as of right now. it will be moving into the north bay during the afternoon hours. right now it is 70 in concord. low 70s in livermore but yesterday, we topped off there at 92 degrees. so everybody's cooling down today. this is the scene at mount diablo. we have partly sunny conditions there. and the winds are gusting out of the south up to 23 miles per hour. a little hint of some drizzle before we have the light rain developing north of the golden gate bridge. sliding to the south during the
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evening hours. more rain, slated for friday then again on monday. futurecast, you can see it's very light. hit and miss scattered rain showers as a front dives from the north to the south across the bay area. tomorrow morning, just a lingering scattered shower. that's about it with the instability of the atmosphere. we'll see a little bit of light rain but nothing too measurable tomorrow. and over the next 24 hours however, the wettest locations will be the north bay with about a half inch of precipitation. same story across the santa cruz mountains and generally less than .2 orphean across -- rain i cross the santa clara valley. sure it's impressive a big old area of low pressure but it's got a big job to do. we've had a lot of dry air mass in place. going to kick open the storm door and by the time the sun does set tonight at 6:33, we will have realized a considerably cooler day. numbers, 60s and 70s. that's as good as it gets. so we will have a lingering
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shower early tomorrow. no rain for tomorrow's game. no rain for thursday's game. rain on friday. are you following along here? then we have rain on -- tap again on monday. i think friday we can get a little bit more as far as totals are concerned. to bring in here. yeah. >> okay but not too bad. all right roberta thank you. all right, how about taking a ride on the wild side? fast too. the newest harley davidsons zooming through the streets just as quickly as the others but there's something different about this hog. >> and we want to invite all you pet lovers out there send us your questions about their health and well-being. just e-mail or on our facebook page. and we'll have our pet expert give you an answer every friday here at noon. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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well, today is the day going to be oranges from florida. it's a naval oranges with a little bit of a red ting in there. -- tinge in there. almost like a blood orange/naval origin. by the way they're fantastic. but let's talk about selection and storage of carrot care oranges, when you buy them like all oranges, orange all the way
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around. very important. from any greening whatsoever, and nice and heavy. like all citrus. and make sure the naval is kind of small. the knave sell small. that -- navel is small. that means the skin is going to be small. a thick peel you don't want. when you bring them home. store them on the counter never ever in the refrigerator. it would hurt the taste and ruin the flavor as far as i'm concerned of all citrus and makes it -- it gets rid to have juice and you don't want that. the oranges in the market from florida. that's going to be a great season for citrus this year and it's just beginning. and i'm tony tantillo your fresh grocer, eat fresh and stay healthy. they smell so good. >> want the juice. >> i know we love oranges. all right, well seems these days just about everything past powered is -- gas powered is getting electric powered. add to the list? >> the company has been out touring the company getting feedback on the bikes and gave kpix 5's kiet do an opportunity
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to go for a ride on the streets of san jose. >> have fun. >> reporter: thank you. i'm about to ride an electric harley davidson. >> you might get on it thinking you're getting on a golf cart and you're going to leave getting off spaceship. >> reporter: looking to answer the questions, what makes a harley a harley? it's called live wire. and harley davidson is touring the country with its stop in san jose to gauge interest in and get thoughts on the prototype bike which is designed to look like a tank and sound like a jet. rumble of a harley davidson is as much a part of the brand as the beard and leather. but here's the thing. electric motors are silent. so the engineers actually added that futuristic jet-like sound to the engine. >> i like your vehicle, they take pride in the fact they don't make any noise but harley -- no? >> sound is a big part of if
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harley culture. have a very unique sound. >> that's a very fast bike. 0 to 60 in four seconds. >> reporter: the automatic transmission makes it easy to ride. very very smooth. really quick acceleration. >> smooth. still like lower than most of the bikes i've usually ridden before but has a really nice ergonomic. >> reporter: throw in a touch panel display with gps navigation and the company hopes to lure in a new generation of younger urban riders. no experience necessary. >> does it make you want to buy a harley? >> absolutely. >> for the purists who say you're diluting the brand, you say what? >> i say we're continuing to build on the brand and we're being innovative and daring which is true to the entrepreneurial roots of the brand. >> reporter: the company says it's not so much an electric harley as it is a harley that just happens to be electric.
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kiet do, kpix 5. >> we'll see what the market is. the bikes range about 55-miles in economy and 33 miles in the power mold. so far harley davidson not indicating when they're going to go on sale or how much they're going to cost you. the story of the terminally ill bay area woman has touched hearts across the country. at just 29 years old, brittany maynard is taking death in her own hands and reigniting the debate about the right to die. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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e new law that wil
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coming up tonight at 5:00, save water without fear of a fine. the new law that will protect neighbors who let their lawns go brown. that story and more when you join elizabeth cook and me at 5:00. well, a 29-year-old woman with terminal cancer is reviving a national debate over physician aid in dying. >> brittany maynard is planning her death choosing not to pursue aggressive treatment that might prolong her life. >> i don't want to die. if anyone wants to hand me like a magical cure, and save my life, so that i can have children with my husband, you know, i will take them up on it. >> she's 29 years old. recently married and was hoping to start a family. now, brittany maynard is planning her death, choosing to end her life before cancer can destroy her. >> i think until anyone has walked a mile in my shoes and knows what they're facing, i just felt like just -- bone splitting headaches that i get sometimes. or the seizures or the
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inability to speak or the moments where i'm looking at my husband's face. and i can't think of his name. >> maynard found out this spring she has the most lethal form of brain cancer. and says doctors told her she may only have six months to live. her medication has drastically changed her appearance. but she's decided to forego aggressive treatment and die as she puts it, with dignity. maynard was raised by a single mother in southern california. >> early on, i told her, it would be my honor to take care of you. >> her candor about death revived the national debate over physician aid in dying. in a recent poll by the new england journal of medicine, 67% of the journal's readers oppose the practice. many fear it could be abused in cases involving the elderly and disabled. >> if i were her doctor, i would certainly try to talk her out of it and i would try to tell her what the opportunities
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are. >> but maynard says it should be her choice how and when to die. after her diagnosis, maynard moved to oregon one of five states where it is legal for doctors to help patients take their own lives. >> tough decisions. >> it is. >> all the way around. >> she's keeping it open. she changes her mind, she changes her mind. >> all right that's it for kpix 5 news at noon. >> have a great afternoon everyone. >> and -- roberta? >> go giants! [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ]
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trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46.
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>> ridge: hey. what are you doing? why ar g out of there like that? >> caroline: i-i needed a moment. >> ridge: you got something on your mind? >> caroline: yeah, i mean, you could say that. >> ridge: so, what are you thinking about? you thinking about us? >> caroline: there is no us, okay? i am married -- very happily married. >> ridge: okay, shh. then why are you so flustered every time you're around me? don't fight it. we're a team. it's what we are. i'm not gonna let that go.


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