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tv   KPIX 5 News at Noon  CBS  October 6, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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and fans are rallying toget. the giants are one win away from advancing to the league championship series and fans are rallying together hoping for one more win.
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good afternoon everyone, i'm michelle griego. >> and i'm juliette goodrich in for frank mallicoat. well, kpix 5's ryan takeo joins us live now from outside the ballpark where fans are getting pumped up for the first playoff home game. ryan? >> reporter: yeah, the gates are just getting ready to open. you're going to see 40,000 of these orange towels. the -- these folks waiting in line right here. they are getting pumped up for this game. game three. the fans are ready to go. the giants are trying to keep the momentum going and fans at momo's this morning were already buzzing and still buzzing from the 18 inning win on saturday. that's an historic win from saturday. and giants' fans are confident that the team can keep this roll going. >> oh we're expecting a big win from the giants. we're hoping belt will come over and say hi to us and rip a
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home run for him you know. >> no, going to get right to business. nine innings all done and celebrating and getting ready for the next series. >> reporter: so you see the broom off in the distance right there? trying to get a sweep here of the washington nationals. the washington nationals have doug fister going for them. and the giants have their ace, madison bumgarner, who pitched last week and he's hoping to do exactly what he did last week was give them a quality starlet. game time 2:00, fans here ready to go they're itching to get inside and they should believe getting inside -- should be getting inside in the next five minutes. reaction another 5:00 and 6:00 of course and we're live at at&t park. i'm ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> all right, ryan thanks so much. caltrain muni and the ferries are upping the number of trips to at&t park to help traffic for today's game. new at noon, the principal at a press ticket courthouse marin county school was arrested over the weekend after allegedly being found in a motel room with an unconscious
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woman and lots of drugs. thomas price principal at the branson school was arrested in rancho cordova along with brittany hall. police found cocaine, heroin and meth in the hotel room and they are still looking into exactly what happened. and new video this afternoon, and we want to warn you. the video is violent. two men are under arrest for the attack yesterday's 49ers' game. the assault happened in a restroom in the 300 level on the north side of levi's stadium. two victims were vicken to the apt -- taken to the hospital. and investigators are still trying to find out what started this fight. in anaheim, police are looking for three men who attacked two other men in the parking lot after the angels and royals' playoff friday night. one of the victims was knock odd it. he is in credit -- knocked out. he is in critical condition. police say it was a random attack and there were no weapons and it did not involve rival team loyalties. but they do think alcohol
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played a role. today, the u.s. marines kicked off fleet week with a landing of an osprey aircraft, but there's a serious side to the spectacle, an exercise to strengthen earthquake preparedness in the bay area. just a short time ago, kpix 5 reporter kiet do rode the osprey and saw the drill at close range and he joins us now. must have been pretty exciting. >> reporter: oh. it was a lot of fun. you know what they had fleet week two years ago and they had an earthquake safety practice and landed on the beach with a hovercraft. well this year when mayor lee laid his eyes on this, he said get me the osprey for fleet week. when the next quake hits the bay area, the last thing you want to do is practice. which is why the marine corps brought in an mv 22 osprey. carrying their so-called medical shock trauma platoon. they're a team of e. r. doctors and nurses equipped to set up an emergency room virtually anywhere in the world.
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it's a tilt rotor aircraft that flies like an airplane. >> it makes a lot of sense when you're trying to get patients to the hospital quickly because it's going twice as fast and five times as far as any previous helicopter. >> you fell over? >> reporter: once on the ground the platoon can perform surgery and provide blood transfusions. it's a strategy tested on the afghan battlefield. within the first so-called golden hour. >> the quicker you can stop the bleeding, the quicker you can get blood into the victim. the more likelies there to be suck -- likely there is to be success. >> reporter: for fleet week demo on earthquake emergency response. after a big quake there would be mass casualties and the local hospitals would be overwhelmed. it could transport patients to other bay area hospitals. >> we can land it wherever we have to land it. that's our job and that's what we do. >> reporter: the osprey and the
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marine corps, ready to go and hopefully never needed. and right now that medical platoon is at san francisco general hospital. if you want to go and see them, they'll be there for the next couple of days. michelle? >> you have to tell us what was it like to ride the osprey. >> reporter: take off really smooth. you couldn't even tell that you were in the air. but once it got going, it moved really fast. went from move fit field to sfo in less than ten minutes. but when you go back to helicopter mode that does kind of jerk to a stop a little bit. it's a sudden stop and it's unusual to be feeling that but it goes to helicopter mode and lands pretty shotly. pretty amazing aircraft. we are live at sfo, kiet do, kpix 5. today, a murder trial is getting underway for randy alonna. he is akilling his -- accused of killing his long time girlfriend sandra coke. she was an investigator and went missing from her home in oakland last year and her body was found in a park in
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vacaville five days later. two judges found there's probable cause for alonna to stand trial. and san leandro police have two suspects in custody after a late night shooting inside a wal-mart. it happened on davis street when customers and employees were still inside the store. investigators stay suspects were -- say the suspects were caught stealing on video. as they were leaving the store around midnight, loss prevention officers tried to stop them and that's when the suspects opened fire. >> i was in the back just shopping being helped by one of the -- the workers. and suddenly we just heard the gunshots and just heard people screaming and just started heading towards the back and we ended up in the back room. >> responding officers came and actually heard the gunshots as they came into the parking lot. a uniformed police officer entered the store and were able to apprehend two of the suspects. >> one of the suspects was injured and brought tonight hospital. today, a south bay freeway on ramp is likely to look a lot
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better. caltrans laning up the ramp -- cleaning up the ramp to downtown san jose. the ramp has become a dumping ground. some people in the neighborhood are worried the trash will lead to crime. >> it gives the message that nobody's paying attention. nobody cares. and therefore, i think it's increasing the crime in our neighborhood. and in san jose. >> susan thinks caltrans has been playing favorites by keeping ramps in more affluent areas clean while neglecting theirs. san jose councilman and mayoral candidate sam la car doe suggests using homeless people for clean-up duties. a man suspected of stabbing his mother to death is under arrest. police say 20-year-old joseph badiali told a neighbor he stabbed his mother before officers arrived on saturday evening. detectives are working on establishing a motive. they say he's been booked into santa rita jail without bail and will be arraigned tomorrow. america's first diagnosed ebola patient is in critical
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condition. this, as another american ebola patient arrived in the u.s. for treatment today. cbs reporter omar villafranca with the latests to -- efforts to monitor both situations. >> reporter: health officials and hazmat suits loaded the latest american ebola patient into an ambulance and transported him to the nebraska medical center in omaha today. he's the fifth american to contract the virus and got the disease working for nbc in liberia. he is being kept in a specialized biocontainment unit. it's the largest isolation unit of its kind in the u.s.. and it's where another american ebola patient, richard sacra was treated. president obama is getting a progress report on the ebola threat from cdc director tom freeden today. >> we know how to stop ebola and i'm confident that we will. >> reporter: here in dallas thomas eric duncan is in critical condition on a respirator. they are monitoring nearly 50 people who had direct or indirect contact with duncan who is from liberia.
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electronic scanners did allow nurses to check students for fevers without touching them were in-stated at -- installed at five dallas schools monday. several students are under a watch. they will remain in the schools for several weeks. omar villafranca, cbs news, dallas. >> four members of duncan's family are still showing no signs of ebola. tonight, is the only scheduled debate in the silicon valley congressional race that's gained national attention. veteran lawmaker mike honda will face challenger ro connament ro still trains honda in the polls and both men are democrats. the debate will begin at 6:00 tonight in san jose. the race to be the next mayor of oakland should heat up today when governor brown a former oakland mayor visits town. a source with councilwoman's campaign tells kpix 5 the governor will endorse her bid. brown will make an official announcement at the campaign
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headquarters about an hour from now. and new at noon, a north bay oyster farmer has just settled a lawsuit against the federal government. drake's bay oyster company has been harvesting shellfish for about 100 years. but now it has signed an agreement to close operations at the end of this year. under the agreement the national park service will take on the job of removing all oyster farming equipment. earlier the company failed to get the u.s. supreme court to intervene. and a major shake-up in silicon valley this morning. hewlett-packard splits into two. how the separate companies will work. >> getting to the peninsula and the south bay is going to cost a little bit more starting today. how much caltrain is raising fares. >> hi, i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow in the kpix weather center. the sea breeze is back and carrying some fog along the coastline. but not so cool at some of the valleys, we will explain coming up.
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the winds of change are blo all right, looking at things shaping up on this monday. right now looking at the big board. dow down about 25 points now. but hey, it's just monday. things will change hopefully. the winds of change three are blowing again in silicon valley. hewlett-packard will be two separate companies. one company hm incorporated will -- hp incorporated will focus on the personal computer and printing businesses. the other company hewlett- packard enterprise will focus on technology services like data storage. servers and software. current ceo meg whitman will keep that role with the enterprise company. caltrain is copping its -- copying its competitor muni. they will raise the price of some tickets. a day pass will now run you 50
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cents more. riders buying one way tickets can avoid it by using clipper cards instead of purchasing at the station ticket machines and caltrain is trending right now. also trending now, blake lively the actress and husband ryan reynolds are expecting their first child. twin peaks the tv drama will be returning as a limited series to show time and paul revere the leader of the 1960s rock band paul revere and the raiders died in idaho over the weekend. he was 76. remember you can follow us on twitter -- lawrence karnow is not on that list. >> i was going to say trending right now, lawrence's forecast and the giants. >> big game of course taking place just after 2:00 this afternoon. lots of sunshine showing up inside the bay. but we've seen some fog moving in along the coastline. the sea breeze is back. out the door we go, we have a couple of patches of fog early on and that's going to start breaking away though along the coastline. a lot of sunshine inside the bay. should be a gorgeous day for the game. mostly sunny. still a bit on the hot side
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inland. then increasing clouds overnight tonight and cooler temperatures back to normal as we look toward the the middle of the week. high pressure though still in control and that's strong enough that it's squashing that marine air. so the fog is going to continue along the coastline but the valleys, you can see clear skies. and some hot temperatures. interestingly although we have low clouds and fog. then surging into the bay overnight. into early tomorrow morning. going to push further and further each night. that means the temperatures are going to be dropping out of. about 68 in pacifica. 78 in burlingame about 82 in san mateo. working your way in along the peninsula. plenty of sunshine this afternoon. and 80s in many spots although 90s in toward morgan little and also gilroy the hotter temperatures there. in the east bay not much relief from the heat just yet. 95 degrees and pleasanton. about 94 in san ramon. you get inside the bay, you'll see the temperatures a little bit cooler. about 80-degrees into oakland. in the north bay, # 2 degrees
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on the hot side in napa today. 88 in petaluma. san francisco, still about 75 degrees downtown. so with that in mind, sunset time for tonight. 6:45. sunrise tomorrow is at 7:11 and looking out over the next few days watch the temperatures cooling off about average on wednesday and thursday. then on friday, high pressure starts to build back in. and the temperatures start to warm up. by the way, we mentioned it. we've got a big game this afternoon. the giants and the nationals. the giants could close it out today. sunny and warm and about 78 degrees. game time. >> good sweeping weather. >> beautiful sweeping weather, never a bad day to sweep. >> thanks lawrence. well, three u.s. airmen are swept out to sea after a powerful typhoon tears through japan. the frantic search to bring them back to shore. >> and we want to invite all you pet lover out there -- lovers out there. just e-mail or on our facebook page andwell have our pet expert give you an
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answer every friday right here at noon. ,, insurance companies are spending millions of dollars trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46.
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well, today's tip of the day is going to be naval oranges. these are imported. not domesticically grown from california. or florida. that's i easily still two,
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three months away. if you don't store them right they're not going to taste good whatsoever. don't compromise at all whether it be mealy and a thick peel. let's talk about selection. when you buy them, orange, all the way around. the oranges could have the ones with the seeds, could have a little bit of gritty to them but not navels. that means they're packed with juice and not a lot of pulp. when you bring them home store them on the counter for two, three days, maybe four at the most. they've been around for a while and buy them and enjoy them. still loaded with vitamin c. of course and one more think? if this is large that's a large navel. a big peel and a big navel on the inside and that you don't want. the smaller the better and i'm tony tantillo, your fresh grocer. several hundred people are camped out in hong kong vowing to keep up the pressure on the government. tens of thousands of people
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mostly students began pouring into the city september 28th to protest china's restrictions on the first direct election for hong kong's leader. schools reopened and civil servants returned to work today after protesters cleared the area outside the city's government headquarters. the search continues for two u.s. airmen swept out to sea as a powerful typhoon swung through japan. the servicemen were reportedly on a beach taking photos of big waves when typhoon swept them away. the body of one was found sunday. but two are still missing. driving rains and 100-mile an hour winds caused the cancellation of more than 600 flights at tokyo's airport. contra costa county is reporting a spike in mosquito populations. it's likely due to a combination of recent rain and hot weather. mosquitoes tend to produce faster in hotter temperatures and a group of mosquitoes in byron have tested positive for
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west nile. and ben affleck hits the big screen in the highly anticipated "gone girl" makes a big splash at the box office. >> the reminder if you have a consumer problem or question, call the hotline, 888-5-helps- u. volunteers are there right now. ,,
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mmmm. ring ring! ring ring!
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progresso. i forgive you. you do? it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmer vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you, soup people.
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warranty. coming up tonight at 5:00, when you buy a used car you'll liablely get asked if you want to spring for the consumer warranty. on why there might be a smarter warranty. that story and much more coming up at 5:00. my wife, amy elliot dunn. disappeared three days ago. >> "gone girl" had a big debut at the box office this weekend. the ben affleck thriller about a man who becomes a suspect in his wife's disappearance took in $38 million. in its opening weekend. golfers are making a mess of a popular used sports field in oakland. they're leaving holes and mounds all over the caldecott soccer field. it's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt parents and children say. >> i either fall in a hole or when i'm running i like -- i sprain my ankle. >> i just trip on the mounds. >> oakland public works says the gophers have migrated to
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the field to munch on the broad leaf leaves and there's no easy solution. there's no use of pesticides or traps for the animals. just be careful out there before they get that problem under control. >> so sweet though. all right giants? >> giants' game this afternoon. beautiful weather out of the park. and it looks like a great day if you're going out there temperatures in the upper 70s. >> take the sunscreen right? >> a lot of sunscreen and have something cold to drink and enjoy that game. it's going to be a great day out there. >> all right thanks. >> have a great afternoon everyone. go giants.
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>> hope: i am protecting my child. i cannot risk putting our lives in danger any more. >> quinn: [ chuckles ] my god! hope, you are so paranoid! this baby is my blood. like i would ever do anything to hurt it! >> hope: okay, well, quinn... i don't trust you. and neither does wyatt, so i am going to say this one more time, and then you have to leave. >> quinn: don't do this. >> hope: we are done with you, and you are not welcome in this home. >> quinn: like hell i'm not. you think that you're gonna keep me from my son, from my grandchild? i'm not going to let that happen, so you had better change your tune and quick, because if you don't, things are gonna get ugly.


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