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tv   KPIX 5 News at Noon  CBS  July 8, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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griego. and i'm mark kelly, in for k mallicoat. good afternoon everyone, i'm michelle griego. >> and i'm mark kelly in for frank mallicoat. a car careened into a bank today in the mission district and san francisco. and the woman behind the wheel has life-threatening injuries this noon. witnesses tell police the white sedan was traveling at high speeds southbound on mission street just before 6:00 a.m.
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it jumped a curb at geneva avenue hitting the depot sit and atm area of a bank of america branch. officers and rescuers arrived within minutes. >> when the officers made contact with the driver, there was some -- symptoms of alcohol and we believe that this is also a dui investigation. but thankfully, no one else was hurt. as you know, this is a very busy street on the weekdays. another bus stop. that could have been a lot worse. >> the car reportedly just missed hitting a muni bus. the injured female driver is now at san francisco general hospital. happening today, a protest in sonoma county in support of shooting victim andy lopez. many are angry the da is not kyling criminal -- filing criminal charges on the deputy erick gelhaus for shooting and killing the 13-year-old boy. da jill ravitch released the report on the october shooting. in it new details about the critical moments before deputy erick gelhaus shot and killed
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andy lopez. >> the loss of this young life under these circumstances is a loss for all of us. and this community will be forever changed. >> there were 19 seconds from when deputies spotted lopez carrying his weapon. calmed the sighting into dispatch and gelhaus fired his gun. when shots were fired, lopez was about 20 yards from the deputy. the report states gelhaus believed he was facing a do or die situation. and he will not face criminal charges. but this group wants gelhaus charged with murder. >> he was a kid carrying a toy gun. where kids play. >> when our da is literally letting these cops get abay with murder. >> the report also released this still from a witness' cell phone video. it shows both deputies taking cover behind their police car doors. positioned just as they were when several witnesses tell authorities that both deputies drew their weapons and ordered andy to drop his gun. but instead, quote -- he andy turned to his right toward the
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deputies with the weapon in his hand and the barrel which had been pointed down began to ascend. the report also states when the deputies shot him lopez had marijuana in his system and investigators talked to a drug expert who stated lopez last smoked 60 to 75 minutes before the shooting. and likely specioused slow decision -- experienced slow decision making and impaired judgment when he came face-to- face with deputy gelhaus. in the report, a sergeant noted deputy gelhaus looked distraught and pretty shaken after the shooting. this yard in san jose's willow glen neighborhood has been as many asking something since -- missing manager sips the fourth -- something since the fourth of july. surveillance video shows the woman wearing bright yellow panels getting out of a car, grabbing the sign and then taking off. the video did not show the car's driver or license plate. happening tonight the berkeley city council will make a final decision on a proposal to make medical pot available to low income people.
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the council approved it unanimously in an initial vote last week. and tonight's vote is also expected to be in the aofficialtive. if so, the city will require medical marijuana dispensaries to give away 2% of their stock of cannabis to the poor each year. spotters say people who need it most are often jobless due to illness. and today is the first day of sales of recreational marijuana in the state of washington. 24 stores have received the first batch of licenses and are open for business. this is a development more than a year in the making. back in november of 2012, voters in washington and colorado approved legalizing pot for adults 21 and over along with state licensed systems for growing, selling and taxes. the end appears to be near for the drake's bay oyster company in marin county. it had a 40 year lease on federal property that expired in 2012. the government decided not to renew the lease so the area can be returned to wilderness. the u.s. supreme court recently refused to hear drakes appeal.
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according to the marine -- marin independent journal, a drakes attorney said he's negotiating a settlement with the federal government. a family in oakland is trying to come to grips with the fourth of july tragedy. in which a young man died by electrocution. a 12,000-volt wire brought down by gunfire also injured his brother. juliette goodrich talked to their mother in a story you'll see only on 5. >> like a snake. like -- >> it went like a twirl. >> reporter: venus clark's 19- year-old son jermaine electrocuted july 4th after bullets, not fireworks, went flying into the power line. the high voltage wire fell on top of him. >> he was very devastating. >> reporter: jermaine's older brother tres rushed outside to save him. but when he touched jermaine's body, he was still conducting electricity and tres was shocked unconscious. >> they said the wire wrapped around his whole body. and it was evident because he
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has skin burns off his back. he has scars and scrapes on his face. they said it's -- amazing. and he's blessed to be alive. >> reporter: tres is now in serious but stable condition at highland hospital. >> his heart it's still being monitored. he's having some problems with vomiting up blood. but he did walk. >> reporter: on top of dealing with the tragic loss of one son, venus had to deliver the worst news of all to her other son in the hospital. when he wanted to know how his little brother was. >> that was the first thing he asked when he came to. woke up. where was his brother? >> howdies he react to to that in. >> he cried like a baby. he was sorry. >> reporter: pg&e says if you see a downed power line, treat it as if it is a live line and don't go near it. but in jermaine's case, it fell on him. the family still trying to make sense of it all and still waiting for some sort of
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explanation from pg&e. in oakland, juliette goodrich, kpix 5. >> police still don't know who fired the gunshots. they're asking anyone with information to contact them. a dramatic rescue is recorded at a dangerous spot in southern california. >> she's right there! >> i had no plans at that point of getting wet. it was a sea was too crazy for me. >> a teenager was in trouble in the treacherous surf after he jumped into the ocean at a cove. now one man tried to help. but ended up having to rescue himself. and his friend went in to save the teen. >> he just happened to pop up at the right spot right when the wave subsided for a second. and i don't know. i just -- i went in. climbed onto the closest rock. and somehow i got him up. >> a helicopter eventually got the teen to a hospital. the doctors told the two men their actions saved that boy's life. felon or high fashion
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model? jeremy meeks' mug shot went viralment we're going, the viral. we're going to have more on the story coming up because he faces a judge later this day. >> a measure to control airbnb rentals won't be on the ballot in san francisco in november. a group that collected signatures has withdrawn its proposal at the last-minute. instead of running a campaign, the proposal's backers plan to work with the board of supervisors. new at noon, parking light barack obama is -- president barack obama is asking congress for $3.7 billion in emergency funding to help combat the surge now of illegal immigrants. the request is also double the -- almost double the amount initially expected. the administration will use the money for new detention facilities and speed up the deportation process and thousands of immigrants from central america including 52,000 unaccompanied children have fled violence in their home countries. a court ruling is forcing a long delay on part of the project to extend b.a.r.t. to san jose. as kpix 5's kiet do reports it stems from a dispute between the city of milpitas and vta
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other the -- over the closure of dixon landing road. >> reporter: this is what traffic looks like on dixon landing road off north 880. and since the city won a legal battle against vta, which is working on future b.a.r.t. tracks to silicon valley underground. drivers will have to deal with this construction through the fall of next year. that's not what the vta wanted. it had proposed to close a road entirely so it could get the project done faster. >> that is a set back for vta? >> it is actually sadly a setback for the community. the local residents that are living in the area and those commuting through the area. >> reporter: vta filed this complaint in santa clara county superior court last month requesting the city grant the permit after it was already told it was a no-go. >> when we met with the community, the community gave us a clear message of they preferred a shorter duration and a full closure and dealing with the one time detour. >> reporter: but most nearby businesses we spoke to agree with the city. 4 j's dollar plus just opened
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last week can it's supposed to bring in $300 in sales a day but is now doing less than half that. >> then the more they shut down the more -- what will happen to the businesses? >> test aren't a fuel -- this restaurant says the construction has already driven away 30% of its customers and it fears a complete closure would make things even worse. >> so you're okay with the longer construction. >> we okay with that. >> why? >> because now it will be okay. even if it gets slowerrer. >> kiet do, kpix 5. >> they say the dixson landing situation should not affection the timeline for the overall project to be completed. the extension to the area is still scheduled to open in 2017. the very first responders to last year's plane crash at the san francisco airport are being honored today. henry choi and alexis esca ra were reportedly at the crash site just two minutes after the
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crash. the two carried several passengers can crew members to safety. they're among six airfield safety officers to be honored today by the san francisco board of supervisors. well, more than 20 passengers dangling in midair. coming up one of the stranded roller coaster riders describes the terror. >> from teenaged wizard to middle ages and battling gray hairs. the new glimpse into harry potter's future. >> i'm meteorologist thou now -- lawrence karnow in the kpix 5 weather center. we had a few scattered sprinkles overnight and some drizzle along the coastline. looking pretty good right now over san jose. will that last? we'll talk about that coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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well, taking a look at the big board right now. you can see the dow is in negative territory. it's down 116 points. well, more than 20 people dangled for several hours after
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a roller coaster derailed from its overhead tracks in southern california. a part of the tree came crashing down yesterday on the ninja coaster at six flags magic mountain just about 25 miles north of l. a.. now riders were stuck nearly 30 feet above the ground. and over the course of three hours, emergency crews got each person down. four had minor injuries. >> and i ducked down just in time. the hard branch hit me in the head. >> i was there bleeding from my head which was a little worse than this. but -- it took about 45 minutes to get any kind of response. >> the park officials said the ride will be closed until they make a thorough interception. well, of course roller coaster is trending right now. also trending now though harry potter a new short story by author j.k. rowling offers a glimpse into the grown-up lives of the kids. everyone is going to love that. and the alley crowds lined up this among to be the first in the new harry potter themed
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attraction. it opened today at universal studios in orlando and madonna the superstar showed up for jury duty in new york. she was dismissed after a couple of hours. you can follow us on twitter @cbssf. i think the madonna shows up in court -- >> well. >> she's probably going to have to go. >> i think so. >> so many people. the crowds will be gathered around. >> your favorite song by her? >> i don't even want to talk about that. >> exactly. [ laughter ] doesn't even know. >> i don't know madonna. >> hey guys around the bay area today, what an interesting start to the day. we had some high clouds up above. some patchy dense fog along the coastline. and then it looks like we've got some changes ahead to our hi-def doppler radar. showing you still a few few scattered showers into the central valley. i think for the most part that's where they're going to stay. maybe a few showers in far northern california but i think the monsoonal moisture starting to move on out of town. becoming mostly sunny around the area this afternoon. exempt elopes the -- except along the coastline which then
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low clouds and fog again tonight. with more low clouds and drizzle possibly along the coastline and just inside the bay and the cooling trend over the next couple of days. high pressure beginning to weaken a little bit but if you plan to head to the high country be careful here. some thunderstorms popping up in the sierra nevada in the afternoon hours, watch out for that in you're camping. fog along the coastline even into the weekend. now we're looking at 60s in the monterey bay but to the central valley. 103 fresno today. 106 in redding. about 95 degrees in sacramento. a computer model showing you patchy fog kind of dugging the host coin -- hugging the coastline today and then surging back on shore later tonight. i think over the next few nights the fog is going to move further and further on shore as the temperatures begin to come down. numbers around the bay area. 60s along the coastline. east bay temperatures up in the # 80s in many spots, then inside the bay keep you cooler about 67 degrees in san francisco. 73 in oakland. and about 79 degrees in petaluma. your sunset time for tonight is
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at 8:34. sunrise tomorrow 5:56. as we look out over the next couple of days some cooler weather really just back to normal through thursday and friday. then warming up slowly over the weekend and by the way if you like to get the weather where you live, you can download the cbs sf bay area weather app. for iphone or ipad. and you can even customize it for your city and share your photos and weed love to put these on tv if we can. the android app is going to be cocking out here -- coming out here hopefully within the next couple of weekends. looking forward to that. >> all right. by the way boarder line lucky star? >> like a virgin. give us one. >> yeah hello lo those songs. >> sure. a grand opening of the newly renovated lake merced boat house this morning. san francisco's park and rec department teamed up with the utilities commission and a $3.2 million renovation project. the boat house had been out of commission for several years. but will now serve as an active waterfront for boating, kayaking, standup paddle boarding and other sports.
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president obama wrote an op- ed piece saying the only solution to ongoing problems in the middle east a peace. but overnight, the violence only continued. at least four people were killed when both israel and hamas fire rockets at each other. the israeli military says air strikes are their only solution. >> we have repeatedly warned hamas that this must stop and the israel defense forces are currently acting to put an end to this once and for all. >> homes in gaza were flattened from the air strikes and families are searching through the debris. the tension began when three jewish teenagers were abducted and murdered last month. well, maybe the future of ball game refreshments. where fans can now serve themselves adult beverages. >> he's the felon with what some call a dreamy mug shot. jeremy meeks' photowent viral after stockton police posted it on their facebook page. today he faces the judge. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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you know, we love orzo pasta especially with vegetables. >> i think now is a really food time to have it especially with the beautiful zucchini and peppers. we cut it up pretty small nice and bite sized and we love to
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cook before we added in the peppers. >> now let's finish this off. >> add in the orzo. don't need to add it for too long because it's small grain pasta. you'll like my pasta al dente. just quickly fold this in. >> all right. >> then i want to add pepper. >> little bit of pepper there's already some salt in here. >> that's the salt. they put the sea salt in there huh? >> and the vegetables and pasta was cooked in heavily salted water. >> i like this idea too. touch and oregano in there. >> adds a nice earthy kick. >> great pasta. like you said, the next day? >> squeeze a little bit of lemon on there. beautiful pasta salad. >> hot pasta dinner or salad the next day. it's a beautiful thing. thank you bella. beautiful. time to eat. you know, a beer would go good with that. a cold beer. right at your fingertips and all it takes is a push of a button. >> i guess so, the beer vending machine made its debut sunday at the home of the minnesota twins, baseball fans have to follow the rules though still. to get a cold one you must
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first get carded at the concession stand and then buy a vending card for the machine. i don't know what do you think? >> i say go for it. right up my alley. well, a new york yankees' fan wants $10 million for the jokes some tv announcers made about him. >> it happened during a yankees red sox game when the camera caught the fan taking a nap in the stands. >> it's not the place you come to sleep. i tell you what though. how comfortable is that? >> probably won't have any neck problems tomorrow. >> he didn't say anything bad. the fan says he suffered mental anguish and substantial injury to his character and his reputation because of comments by that espn crew. >> you should have heard what the announcers were saying about lawrence and frank when they were ball boys. >> that was really mean. his baby blues have women swooning, now the criminal is in this viral mug shot, he's going to court. >> and a reminder, if you have a consumer problem or question, call our hotline. 8885 helps you and volunteer --
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888-5-helps-u and volunteers are there right now. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. come on, boy! [ female announcer ] symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. [ man ] now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, i'm hanging out with my best friend. talk to your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication,
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the "hot well, this guy's mug shot went viral the second it hit the internet. and today, the man known as the hot felon was back but in a stockton courtroom. 30-year-old jeremy meeks is facing federal firearms charges. but no one seemed to mind that when stockton police posted his mug shot on facebook. it got over 220,000 "likes." well, locks like hot felon jeremy meeks there has some
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stiff competition from a san francisco cop. >> yeah, here he is. in all his officer -- police officer glory. chris coors is a motorcycle cop in decastro. there's a facebook fan page to highlight coors also known as the hot cop of castro and it has more than 8,000 likes. >> we loves children too. there you go. >> he should get more likes than other guys. >> i think so. i'm with you on that. all right. that's going to do it for kpix 5 news at noon. >> have a great afternoon. >> that's the first thing you agreed with me all day about. >> i know. [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ]
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>> brooke: look at you. might as well be christmas morning. >> eric: i'm excited. is it that obvious? >> brooke: yeah, a little. >> eric: [ chuckles ] yeah. well... we almost lost ridge. but he's coming back to us today -- coming back to work, sketching right by my side, where he belongs. >> brooke: the best father-and-son team in the business. >> eric: yes. >> brooke: yes. [ chuckles ] >> katie: it's a big day, huh? >> ridge: yeah, it feels good to be going back. >> katie: you know, er


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