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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11PM  CBS  September 9, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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" this year on walking and i was not last year lives forever altered and lives lost sandron remembers the instant that changed so many things for so many. for the first time a man in the room talks about the red that killed osama bin laden's citations pile up fast the new strategy that is busting fare cheats all over san francisco. a pleasant thursday evening september 9th 2010 people in the bay area and getting home from work or tuning in for the opening game for nfl season, a disaster no one prepares for a pg&e pipeline explosion killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes in san bruno today a
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memorial mark the anniversary don knapp shows us for the community's stance today and were never so they are headed. a tragedy like ours never inflicted on any community anywhere ever again. dedication of a memorial plaque some consolation for sandy arnold, who survived the explosion and fire that killed her mother two years ago i struggle and sing my mom name on the plaque i appreciate that thank you. eight people killed and 50 injured in an explosion that killed 38 homes the tragedy of questions about pg & e's gas lines all over northern california. home rebelling has gone well a new homes are standing the mayor says it is taking longer for the psychological repair of the community. sandy arnold said she is recovering i am slowly coming back at
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that operations and more to go this year i'm walking and fish last year i wasn't investigators tried to determine the cause and focus on pg&e. california assemblyman jerry hill says there are spots in the pgm system that have conditions similar to those of the san bruno explosion thousand miles of pipe that need to be inspected there's a plastic pipe that's out there that cause the explosion in cupertino and roseville that by needs to be inspected and replaced it has even mitigated somewhat by lower pressurization and the lines but the pg&e culture is profit over safety. everything moving good, it is a shame that it happened i believe it could have been prevented but it did happen i hope things go the right way so
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does that happen again. the gathering this year's smaller than last year's anniversary but we are assured that efforts are made to make sure the gas lines are safe or made safe. don knapp cbs 5 the search for missing lafayette student is now over a couple of fishermen found 20 year-old brett olsen's body near the putin/glenn county line a search rescue team took the body into a boat landing where his parents confirmed it was their son. he was taking part in the labor day float with other college students investigators back at the scene of a deadly crash in walnut creek and out of control truck slammed into a group of people on the sidewalk killing one woman and leaving another injured it happened at 6:15 p.m. last night near the marriott hotel 53 year-old man was
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speeding southbound on main street when his truck jumped a curb smashing into a group of people on this side walk 52 year-old sherry hicks of santa barbara died at the st. another woman was rushed to hospital with injuries. he was also hurt and was extricated from the truck and taken to hospital. what i saw she was laying down between the curb and a car she was all bloody, what a terrible experience the driver was arrested on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter he is still in custody the other woman remains in critical condition. an old problem but muni may have found a solution the transit agency makes a new effort to catch fare cheats with remarkable results. linda yee on the new strategy that is producing a lot of
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tickets. they are busy on ball game night yunis their inspectors make sure no one slips past and gets a free ride. so far this year 37,000 ferried peters have meant caught in the crackdown they did not pay a $2 fare and got $100 ticket. the security chief says it is shocking to the cheaters r r fair inspectors boarded the in judah there were a couple of the e.r. doctors on the trend that had not pay their fares the both that citations that is that shows you it's not just one demographic verses another. inspectors have portable card readers demand proof of payment on board and on the sidewalk. this is 5:00 and already
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almost a get a new went over there during her recent two and half hour. on kiri st. they ticketed 140 cheaters writers know that hurts everyone i wait 20 minutes on the sunday opposed to attend if the cheaters were paying their be more revenue and more cars running ferry evaders are not new, the transit agency lost $19 million in 2009 the inspectors say they believe the number is higher than that. ideally everybody pays their fares frankly it will allow us to make improvements allows to buy new equipment allow less to do and a number of things to make the system and the transit system better. 50 inspectors make spontaneous checks 7 days a week
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after criticism unique profile certain mines now the entire system is inspected. passengers you think they can get away without the $100 find many promises a collection agency will call them. linda yee cbs 5 turning to the presidential race it appears president obama has momentum and the lead in the polls coming out of the democratic convention gallops 7 day average shows the president with a five point lead over mitt romney. the president's largest lead since early july. with the conventions behind us, the president and the challenger have sharpened their attacks and focus on the middle-class. jan crawford with more. the could not answer questions of they would pay five trillion dollars in new tax cuts and two trillion dollars in defense spending without raising
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taxes on middle-class a theme the president and vice-president are hammering in all heil another key state joe biden question romney's priorities given these massive tax cuts what happens yet to make it somewhere you've got it and guess who? you. the obama campaign tries to but romney is out of touch and in the pocket of big business but in an interview romney offered a forceful defense contrary to what the democrats say a will not increase the tax burden on the metal " class and accusing democrats of playing politics he denied he would give the wealthy at tax break we will not have high income people pay less than what they pay today high income taxpayers will have fewer deductions and exemptions democrats say the math does
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not add up if romney refuses to raise taxes have to see pay for it without cuts especially to defense spending. romney says his policies will grow the economy and courage hiring. he also criticized the president and republican leaders for a grant to mandatory spending cuts including on defense if both sides did not strike a deficit reduction deal. i thought that is a mistake on the white house to propose it and a mistake for republicans to approve that and one of the republicans who agreed with it was his own running mate paul ryan. jan crawford cbs news here is something you don't see often, president obama crop by a florida pizzeria and talk to the owner and patrons, the owner gave the president a warm welcome with the bear hug. when asked what the secret
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service thought of the left he said they were ok as long as i didn't take the president away. he is a registered republican but says he plans to vote for the president. one more note from the sunday talk shows california gov. jerry brown and new jersey gov. chris christie trade barbs. at the republican convention chris christie referred to jerry brown as a retread jerry brown renewed his challenge to a racy and chain up contest of the 74 and a half next month there is some experience and wisdom i got warmed up and i said ok christie i challenge you to a 3 mi. race and try some chain up us and pushups. your saying he's overweight no essentially this old retread can beat you any day of the week
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christie responded and told reporters: brocken have that contest with himself " if the helicopter got shot down than it was the other helicoptered at dna and photos a mission for the ages the first time a firsthand account of the raid that killed osama bin laden's. one group of california's schoolchildren are skirting state guidelines the trend health officials could put other classmates in danger. things are warming up in the bay area not big-time but looking pretty good for,,,,,,,,,
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memorial service held this morning to honor public safety members who have died. the 11th year san mateo county held a service the annual tribute inspired by two thousand tomorrow to remember redwood city firefighter matt smith. we are here not to remember an accident a death, or disease
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for some, but the character of the men and women who dedicated their lives to serving others. they held a moment of silence for chp officer ken and youngstrom shot and killed last week in alamo. instantly the stuff of legend the daring raid by navy seals that kill the most wanted man in the world a former member of c a team 6 has written a book on to the pan in " mark: " and he recounted the mission for scott pelley and that includes the moments after shots were fired and a body identified he looked away younger than i thought is bear was not great at all i studied photos of him there always gray, his beard was dark black identifiably he was tall, we can chalk that up pin lot and about 6 ft. four
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and his nose was something i could identify i was pretty sure that was him but not willing to make the call certain not at that point not willing because he suspected the president was listing at the white house and he was right, the helicopter crash reported up the chain of command 01 said the seals wanted to prove it before anyone said anything on the radio about killing osama bin laden's. they turned to one of the seals in the room was spoke arabic he moved out to where one of the women and kids work and grab one of the kids and said to is that inside and he said osama osama vote, osama bin laden's the child identified him yes and grab one of the woman and she said osama bin laden's does it should go up among the seals and pat each other on
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the back no and that is all business at 1:00 recall the commanding officer he looks at the body would get them what we have here's what he looks like he's tall the woman and kid confirmed he took one look and said " okay i think that is an " the command to use the code word for been lauded " geronimo " as he passed the word to the commanding officer for god and country at pass " geronimo geronimo be k i a which stands for enemy killed in action. we wanted to collect dna samples and take photographs and then we wanted to book it copies of that were taken the body and out but that the helicopter got shot down with the body was one of the other helicopter have dna and photos so evidence that we do have them and here it is
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duplicates of everything just in case you thought of everything we tried 01 took the pictures i thought these for the most important photos i would ever taken my life and so i did it right and got good angles and clean off the face so it is identifiable, one of my buddies had a camelback with water and spread some water on him and took the sheet off and took photos who was it who pulled the trigger the seals in the room will not say in fact when president obama asked that question the teen politely declined to answer. it started as a nation to rent the numbers are growing more and more children are showing up without recommended vaccinations. coming up on game day the raiders get set to kick off
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monday night football were joined by shawntae spencer sirte the former 49 return redder. jim harbaugh foaming at the mouth over the officials a true town one out will take you inside the 49 our locker room and with the dodgers are sang after a devastating defeat,, okay, here's the plan. you have a plan? first we're gonna check our bags for free, thanks to our explorer card.
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then, the united club. my mother was so wrong about you. next, we get priority boarding on our flight i booked with miles. all because of the card. and me. okay, what's the plan? plan? mm-hmm. we're on vacation. this is no plan. really? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. the mileage card with special perks on united. i thought of something else we need fwhat's that? it's a 200 watts per channel dynamically balanced surround sound wireless baby monitor...
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with a sub wolfer. good idea you should also probably have this fuschia leather diaper clutch. (coughing) "buy it" (in agreement) yea for little diapers. tiny smart vo: from the new to the hard-to-find: we have the cool down the brian forecasted last night now there's a change.
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the atmosphere cannot make up its mind. we will be up on all said and done temperatures, a little bit. theater nine in concord san jose 60 and 55 sonoma county. some low clouds moved in the shoreline we will look for things to generally warm-up. a nice sunny start to the day for most of the bay area tomorrow. the inman will net 90 degrees. the beach remains cool. low pressure moves and low pressure steam sent to southern california triggering showers and thundershowers during we'll get a few low clouds along the shoreline but increasing sun. the numbers will still eat up especially inland. not so much in san francisco but away from the bay temperatures
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go that direction. '70s for the bay much of the week. a pleasant week on tap for much of the bay area. in san jose 74, oakland had 73. future cast with low clouds tonight. then remove low clouds out by midday and plenty of sun. tomorrow morning clouds at the coast but mostly sunny and around the bay and inland. heading out of the bay area, high about 68 and elsewhere sunshine. except for a few clouds in denver. 86 and los angeles. humid down south, will go with mostly clear and dry tonight. 43 santa rosa. 54 at livermore.
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in the south bay san jose warm up to mid-seventies. 784 santa clara. 73 a word. to the east bay numbers almost reached 90 degrees. 76 the like hell. 82 danville. upper seventies in mill valley. stinson beach 66. santa rosa hit 84. an extended forecast will nudge the mid '80s. the latter half of the week we flirt with '90s. ,,,,
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[ female announcer ] you want family dinner to be special. dad, we want pizza. you guys said tacos. [ female announcer ] it doesn't always work out that way. you know what? we're spending too much money on eating out anyway. honey, come look at this. [ female announcer ] my money map from wells fargo is a free online tool that helps you track your spending. so instead of having to deal with a tight budget, you could have a tighter family. ♪ wells fargo. together we'll go far.
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more private school parents in california decide not to immunize their children. associated press reports the number of children and private schools the not have some or all of their shots for kindergarten and found it is more than two times greater than those in public schools. the number opting out top 10 percent the parents tended these skeptical of state requirements and have money for out and in health care. the state department of education believes 90% of the children should be immunized. will be ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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southern california freeway briefly shut down when the bear wandered into the lines it was spotted on the 210 freeway north of downtown l.a., all lanes were closed until the department of fish and game showed up wardens of the 300 lb. bear through the streets of montrose before surrounding it. and hitting it with a tranquilizer dart the baird takeck


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