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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  September 5, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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another life lost in the line of duty this somber reaction at a vigil tonight that a wounded how a patrolman has died. is the president satisfied? of course not. but are we better off than we were when he took office? the airwaves wasn't this. everybody has forgotten. former president clinton makes the case for the current president when he says barack obama and is still immensely the country for four more years. it has been one-quarter of one year since we have had widespread rainfall in the bay a guess what happens tonight? details on how long the west scuffle sit around coming up. a small memorial is growing
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tonight outside the chp office in martinez as the community mourns a fallen hero. officered canyon young sam died tonight a day after he was shot in the head during a traffic stop. a father of four was 37 years old. the seven year veteran was based on martina's reporter mark sayers is there tonight. well tonight governor brown is offering condolences on behalf of all californians as of the community and the chp how it mourn the loss of one of their own. and his mind sad duty to share in the that the officer has been taken off life-support. a caplan delivered the news to those gathered to honor the chp officer in and what was supposed to be a vigil quickly became a memorial and the chp says he made one final act of public service. titillates i think it is fitting tohis final
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act of public service he donated his organs so that eight others will continue on their lives, that otherwise would not have. today the sheriff's office which was handling in the season thinking her build a new desk details about what happened yesterday investigators say he and his partner in a separate card correspondent recall of a dead deer when he stopped on the freeway. that is when his partner radio that he was falling over a cheap for unobstructed license plates and that she'd been pulled over behind young sam's parts patrol car. the jeep was chairman of christopher lazier to him county. looking at the video shows that the officer in and lacey had a short conversation thought then without any warning people at a gun and shot the officer in the head. a memorial brought out neighbors and friends of youngsters children. dear waves what does it mean to have the whole community gathered? it is testing and is a
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great feeling that despite something bad you actually have the community come together. i am sad because i know them for so long and saw proof it's just so sad because i can't picture of your life without my dad. the officer leaves behind a wife and four children. but martina's mark sayers cbs five. and this is the men investigators say it killed the patrolman. the 36 year-old got his master's degree from san francisco state and was a software engineer who had worked in the day. police have carted away boxes of evidence from his home to him a county reporter elizabeth cup on the men neighbors described as a loner. my whole life i've never heard of anything like that. neighbors
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described the scene as an army of officers moved into chris lacy's home last night kicking in his back door and tossing out windows. the airways there was a cop up in the corner he had up in the trees and we had a gun thing a shotgun aimed at the house. they seized six computers servers and hard drives. back in contra costa county detectives reveals what was inside his jeep. a loaded semi-automatic handgun in addition to to loaded magazines. there was also a knife that was found in the vehicle. according to his domicile the 36 year-old was a free-lance software and engineering the day and throw northern california. hi thank also sold organic vegetables from his own garden. we have been told that a pretty much keep to himself. he is a loner. he said maloney said alone. i thought he was a decent guy. he lived in this house
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from 2004 to 2011. and records showed he had only one other brush with a lot. we do know of one prior arrest in 2006 in marin county for one d why. earlier we spoke to one of presley's these childhood friends seth ward describes him as a nice guy and that he was always striving to do something grades but never quite did. his former friend also said that he was on medication and possibly for bipolar disorder but did not know for sure. and you can go to cbs as that stock, or expensive and exclusive video coverage and also learn how you can help offer simpson's family. depending skies in every corner of the bay area in tonight's we cut this cloudbursts martinez but there has been under a light beam even rimbaud's overhead the
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paul dionne was in the weather center now track and the weather activity what's going on? it was active tropical moisture did make here increase in the activity in the crowd put cover kind of rare for early september the we are showing greater which has been active all weekend long. anything this is the least of the activities we seen since 7:00. the corridor from danville san ramon you had plenty showers in your drying on this concern as a drying out after another drenching shower just moved through about 40 to 45 minutes ago because of the continuing threats of a few isolated thunderstorms the fire danger is higher and we're currently under red flag warning for the north bay and east bay hills were isolated and scattered thunderstorms and the possibility of dry lightning we could have gusty winds as well will talk about when is moisture will move out and what's coming up next in a few minutes. campaign 2012 president obama's of this land nominated for a second term tonight. this is a
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look at his arrival to the democratic national convention in charlotte n.c. earlier tonight. it was the delegates from ohio who put the president over the top for the nomination csi political reporter grace lee heads up our coverage beginning with a rousing speech from the former president bill clinton. did that, he is the most popular living president at the apogee 6 percent approval rate it's important by nominating presidential, the man credited with the biggest economic expansion in modern history gave the current commander-in-chief his own stamp of approval. an unexpected appearance popoff president obama's left the stage with his arm around former president bill clinton tonight this right after clinton made the case that both men face the same economic challenges at different times. president
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obama's start with a much weaker economy and i did. listen to me now. no president's no president not even me not any of my predecessors no one could have fully repaired all the damaged that you found in just four years. multiple pulls so that's the number-one issue in this election increasing jobs president clinton kept score. the of weight in his 52 years our private economy has produced 66 million private- sector jobs. so in what is the job corps? republicans 24 million democrats 42 million. he also made the argument that it is the republicans are responsible for our current situation. and tim by the republican idea and against the president's reelection was actually pretty simple. we
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snappy. it went something like this. we left him a total mess, he hadn't cleaned it up fast enough so fire him and put us back and. and was the president invited those who ran against him into his own administration. president obama's up landed several members of his cabinet even though they supported hillary in the primary. he even appointed hillary. and most importantly the former president had his own budget success to the reelection of barack obama. the last mealtime how we got for surplus budgets in a row. what new ideas to return to washington? now was the one word answer. carthon said. arithmetic. if that is why you want and that is what you believe you must votes and you must realize
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president barack obama. by this because there but just before the former president californian got prime-time ad billings camilla's to to the stage to vouch for the current commander in chief. equates president obama's stood with me and 48 other attorneys general and taking on the banks and winning $25 billion for a struggling homeowners. that is leadership. that is what president obama's said. and that is why we need to give him another four years. giveaway to the president will formally accept his nomination tomorrow but the venue has been moved from the outdoor bankamerica's stadium to the time warner cable arena because of this threat of severe weather the problem is that tens of thousands will it be expected to be turned away because the accommodations are smaller. to equate to ruling
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about some very painful commuters still coming our way before the day. hi is like the titanic and some money to do something to stop it. a first police now the people of disparate discuss them myself this city faces a mass exodus among public safety employees. and as our bank robbery and
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looks like it's going to start a so little um, but i uh... (interupting) oh okay - okay yup that's fine. excuse me - sorry. yes! vo: from the new, to the hard to find:
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the bay bridge retrofit project going? earlier today i went over to check on the bay bridge to see what's going on and a founder of something that caltrans hasn't told yes. they may have to close the bridge for five days the entire span before opening in the eastern section. that would belong this plant closure in the history of this ban in the meantime caltrans watches the clock and it set up in our office literally the new eastern's ban is scheduled to open next labor day weekend a
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year from now but again it may take up to five days to make the switch from the oldest and to the new. no traffic on the bridge. for five days. they're not sure exactly how many days the bridge would have to be close but they want to warn you early. terry waite and other exclusive tonight sanchez de is facing a major safety problem, disappearing dispatchers. they're leaving in droves which means a longer wait times for anyone calling 911. reporter kid del on why many dispatchers say the job is just no longer worth it. the lid said it is a stolen car. 911 dispatchers it is are the hardest jobs to get into an for peggy martina's even harder to get out of. i can stand by and see everything that we work for the downhill. i can't see that.
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when the san jose's most experienced dispatchers is calling it quits after 28 years. and she's not alone. the internal newsletter shows the photos of 17 dispatchers to of less in the past few months many for higher pay and benefits elsewhere. is like the titanic is sinking fast and some money to do something to stop it. that has been cut 12% to roughly $600 a month the starting salary is now around $50,000 a year the communication center has an authorized force of 162 but currently has 30 vacancies after working mandatory overtime shift that could stretch 14 hours they're getting burned out of the 16 dispatchers have applied to other agencies and by next year a third of the staff could be on an accident is under way and 911 call we * are going up. i would call a crisis in the coming months is going to be an even greater crisis. two years ago the average time it took to answer in 911 call in san jose was 2.33
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seconds one of the best in the country. the starting last summer and edged up to three seconds and by this year it went up to four seconds. the back there were able to continue to answer the phone into a tree rings tells me that the people down there are working really hard. across-the-board pay cuts actually help to avoid layoffs and we have to accept the fact that some dispatchers will leave making it harder on those who say. not quite as fast as the city. so we're not moving in the direction we should be. but the people doing the work are working very hard and doing an excellent service to the people say. and of course the general morale is why my staying here? it's just that everything is going downhill where actor being the best that they're not the best anymore. and this seems as if people did not care. jellies
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right now theyre 44 people going to the background check process for the dispatcher and call take positions weather makes it clear that will move on to the academy: mr. gets in the said yuri and drummer stars the academy should be ready in a completely up to speed sometime around 2014 levenson as a kid does cbs five. and new details tonight about the cause of oakland's police radio problems we talk to neda. late today at&t sent a letter to oakland city attorney's saying tests by an independent third-party found all the her no interference coming from cellphone towers to the public safety rea system. the problem has been persistent since oakland ruled out its new digital radios a year ago. the city's point man on the radio system is blenny at&t's towers the and the problem and to weigh when some of those towers were turned off they say. now at&t says the claims are accurate so what is
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the real problem our investigative team will keep digging. the waves and new troubles tonight for former alameda county supervisor nonchalant here we learn that she is facing drug and child endangerment charges. she was arrested north county last week when police found that and that mean and drug paraphernalia in the room she shared with her son. the estranged wife of a strange treasurer bill lockyer resigned after a drug involved hotel. well as an l.a. bank ties that sounded more like a movie plot the manager the bank of america says two masked men grabbed her outside the branch last night. and what appeared to be bombed to her waist and then demanded that she cleanout the cash drawers. to comply immediately and get away. the bomb squad arrived on scene. they approached the woman
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and removed the device from the woman's body. the police bomb squad blew up the device which turned out to be 88 the minister is being questioned but investigators don't believe that she was involved. if you think say wholesome like ice-cream. but ben and jerry's says its image is being tarnished by pornography. its popular ice cream maker is suing a company called ben and jerry's makers of hard-core porn. ben and jerry's filed suit in your federal courts over trademark infringements the ice cream greater say film titles like new york fat and chunky and peanut butter tea cup caugh will cause confusion among customers and no response from the filmmakers. thefts at for the forecast that included one heck of a beautiful sunset for many of you guessed it had showers but look at that gorgeous picture of the mainly cloudy skies and the colors of
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the sunset. and even if he ran those over san francisco will talk about whe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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okay, here's the plan. you have a plan? first we're gonna check our bags for free,
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thanks to our explorer card. then, the united club. my mother was so wrong about you. next, we get priority boarding on our flight i booked with miles. all because of the card. and me. okay, what's the plan? plan? mm-hmm. we're on vacation. this is no plan. really? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. the mileage card with special perks on united.
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getting word of a bad accident on highway 17 is an assault bodleian's just north of the summit. apparently a big rig tanker truck possibly a fuel tanker has ignited and started some small fires along the roadside. an alert has been issued and traffic in both directions is dr. right now. hotel is in fact what is turning cars around to keep to keep drivers out of the area. the waves scattered showers throughout the evening and the night they will continue for the next several hours here's a look at how debt doppler radar eye to for the first time a long time when the actual count how many days it was since they had a loss widespread shower activity getting a bit of a break now that rain for the past 30 of 40 minutes kremlin has showers just
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south and east of the center 93 days and is banned in all live back to june 4th the last time the we had a widespread so there has to be a catalyst for it and the cause of it is a lot of tropical moisture moving up from the south we've been falling for the past couple of days and it arrives today you had a cloud cover and some thunderstorms as we are taught in the tropics. the good news is if you don't like this weather it will be out of your is used mall a tropical moisture pushes off to the south and east of time that out in the future cast 40 lots of cloud cover out there want to happens after the kids get to school tomorrow. we clear things out in the future cast painted sunny picture for tomorrow afternoon at the chance of showers and isolated thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow. it will be sticky for the kids of the bus stop tomorrow morning after that's things calmed down and get back to the sunshine and the weekend looks good fremont 74 limb livermore 77 san francisco 65
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and oakland your high 71 tomorrow sunshine is back on friday the weekend looks great sunny skies and warm next,,,,,,,
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[ female announcer ] you want family dinner to be special. dad, we want pizza. you guys said tacos. [ female announcer ] it doesn't always work out that way. you know what? we're spending too much money on eating out anyway. honey, come look at this. [ female announcer ] my money map from wells fargo is a free online tool that helps you track your spending. so instead of having to deal with a tight budget, you could have a tighter family. ♪ wells fargo. together we'll go far.
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the the it can pass it was still doing a good question the soviets. what happened to the giants' starting rotation? last 11 games that it to let four record is 6.47 earned run average. the rainbow seem like a good omen that the ball just didn't bounce in their way. here comes a year. no he chopped trapped the baseball in a run scored backing up to is nothing. that seemed like enough for the former athletics to retire the first 16 batters in the seventh inning with a no-hitter if that is gone. 62 in the eighth inning to lawn for adam even anti grunts to first base is a pretty good play by brand and belts and mcdonald's tries to run over public panda didn't care for as this are shoving each other bands is clear no punches throw it on the giants lose 62. a's
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pitcher bret democratic couldn't prevent the aids from being solved by the angels but is day to return for the worse in the fourth inning with a line drive off the side of his head it mccurdy went down the never lost consciousness fortunately he was able to walk off the field under his own power and the is the seventh one. the waves the first thing he asked me was when it hit me? so was a sign that it didn't cause me to much pain. there's that for each other and respect the game we know what the guys are working for an see that happen really don't see that happen. did we for the first time since to that roger fighter is out. an erotic presuming is really bad against one martine adult coach ro had to take in the saw his tennis career come to an end to he retires afterwards with
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emotional goodbye for the fourth u.s. open champion. deadweight football defending super bowl champions kicking off the season against the cowboys from was a much better quarterback in september and december. her if the 307 yds and three touchdowns to miles austin and dallas spoiled the party 24 to 17. did we last night jim harbaugh is why sarah gave birth to jack harbaugh named after his father the old sac weighed in at 8 lbs. 4 oz 8 8 lbs. 8 ounces now dad can focus on repairing the packers this sunday. users. of thinking 10 days early which is expected the good ones like to come in early. great job to my wife sarah s fiddle but of retiring. wild horses couldn't have done this way from this game coming up this sunday.
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a lot of people name their cars. mine should be sporty. maybe i'll give mine a name. something hot. ya know, i could name it the dragon, or the green machine. oh! i'm british racing green, actually. just to show i appreciate all...uh, turtle does. turtle? turtle gets me to work, to school...
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no, no, i'm a cool car. so i always fill up with chevron with techron. oh. well in that case, yeah, i am cool, after all. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car.


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