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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5AM  CBS  February 6, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PST

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but a powerful storm is headed our way. we will tell you when coming up. and so far, so good. up and down the nimitz through oakland. we're just getting reports of flooding on a south bay freeway. details on that in just minutes. good morning, everyone. it is monday, february 6. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm grace lee. it is 5:00 a.m. we begin this monday morning with a murder mystery at a san jose neighborhood. >> the victim was found last night outside an apartment complex on the 4300 block of blacksford avenue. on the city's west side. and lisa washington explains this is the city's third homicide of the year. she joins us with more. lisa? >> reporter: that's right, frank the third homicide of the year for san jose police. and several san jose police officers and investigators are still on the scene here. as you said, that victim, a 21- year-old man, was found hine an apartment complex last night. around 10:15. he had been shot. that person was later pronounced dead at the santa clara valley medical center. now, police have not released his name. they are waiting to notify the
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relatives. earlier, san jose police told us they don't have a suspect in this case. nor a motive. >> do you have any suspects, or a motive in this case? how far has the investigation gone so far? >> the investigate is just starting. and it is still ongoing. so we don't really have that information to put out yet. >> okay. >> and now, the officers have been collecting evidence on the scene here. they are about to wrap up their investigation here at the scene. but of course they will be working this homicide until they are able to get some further resolution. they do want anyone who has any information to contact san jose police. >> okay, lisa washington, live for us down in san jose. thanks. meanwhile, police in oakland are holding a suspect who was in a standoff with officers this morning, the 40- year-old man allegedly shot a man outside a house on 83rd even. and then holed up inside as officers arrived. the suspect finally surrendered about two hours ago.
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coming out, as you can see here, he has got his hands held up above his head. the shooting victim right now is in surgery. and in critical condition. seven people are recovering after being shot in oakland yesterday. and the shootings come about an hour apart, and one at 59th at tell gaffe area and the other at adeline street. one of the shootings left 51 bullet holes in a woman's car that was parked outside her house and she heard the gunfire while watching the super bowl. and a neighbor's window was also shot out. and four people in all were wounded. and they include a woman, that was holding a baby. the baby was not injured though. >> there was a gun battle. >> between -- >> two different groups. my sister talked to the police. and it was explained to me that someone came between i guess one of these houses, and targeted people in the south over here. >> one man was wounded in the shooting near a liquor store at telegraph and the seventh shooting victim says he was wounded in west oakland.
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police are trying to confirm that information now. a soggy problem this morning in oakland's fruit veil area. a water main is broken. it happened around midnight in the 2200 block of 39th avenue. and crews have shut off the water to homes in the area and earlier we were told that water would be back on by 6:00 a.m. and there are calls to east bay mud, they have not been returned. and the city of oakland is bracing for more occupy protests today. and this time, the occupiers are upset about how police handled one of their protests last month. 400 were arrested after protesters clashed with police and vandalized city hall, you might remember. and today's demonstrations include an 8:30 a.m. protest at the wily manual courthouse as well as a noontime rally at frank ogawa plaza. the fire department keeping watch over a scene of a fire that destroyed a warehouse. it was a four alarm fire. at railroad avenue. and k street. completely destroyed. because of all of the smoke and the strong winds in the city,
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they issued a shelter in place. for vallejo. but the smoke finally plue away from that city -- blew away from that city. no injuries to report. as far as they know, no one was inside the building at the time. the building was to be taken down anyway. the cause is still under investigation. new this morning, san francisco sheriff ross mish mirk's wife is getting read -- mirkarimi's wife is getting ready for a fight. eliana lopez has hired three new lawyers and you one is paula canning part of the legal team for barry bond's case. and the second family law and the third immigration issues. 5:04. let's kick it over to the biggest giants fan in the bay area. that would be -- >> he is now. >> lawrence karnow. >> all about the money. that's right. >> and i'm not talking san francisco. >> that's right. >> hey, folks, we have some changes coming our way. the winds are kicking up outside. calm right now. high clouds outside. we have a major storm brewing off the coastline.
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right now, 38 degrees in santa rosa. and 46 in san jose. and you got 49 degrees in pacifica. this afternoon, though, these clouds are on the increase. and seeing some of the high clouds already. but that system will move closer and closer throughout the day today. and likely see the clouds thickening up. and the winds will begin to kick up near the coastline in the afternoon. and the temperatures not going to be all that bad. a lot of 60s outside. and 65 degrees in livermore. and 62346 san jose. and 62 in pacifica. not much rain today. but tonight, that is all going to change. and some heavy rains, some strong gusty winds coming our way. more on that in a moment. and let's check out the roadways with list elizabeth. >> we want to take you out to san mateo county, 10 minutes ago, a report of flooding in all lanes, on northbound 280. right there actually by edgewood road. so san mateo county and northbound lanes and flooded on all lanes, according to the chp and it sounds like they're headed out there now to check it out. no slowing on our sensors. in the meantime, the south bay, coming out of downtown san jose. a live look at 280 traffic.
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a couple of headlights headed out of downtown to the cupertino area. so obviously, it is not very busy yet. on bay hear freeways. similar story at the bay bridge. new metering lights. usually turn them on around 6:15. 6:20-ish. so you are good to go for now. all the way to san francisco and lower deck traffic, it is moving at the limit as well. and we're not seeing the usual road work that we see on westbound or eastbound 80. bart, checking in with them. all trains running on time. and so pretty nice start for this monday morning commute. that's traffic. back to you. >> all right, elizabeth. thank you. big doings in london england. a 41 gun salute. fired by the king's troops royal force artillery in hyde park. and a 62 gun royal support fired by the artillery company at the tower of london. marking the 60th anniversary of queen elizabeth. >> this is part of the diamond jubilee kicking off this year and celebrating in england and around the world.
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>> 60 years on the throne. >> amazing. all of the pressure. >> all of things she has seen historically. >> oh, my goodness. think about that. 60 years, back in the 40s. oh, my goodness. >> and she must be what, in her mid 80s, now, give or take? >> still going strong. and ash 07 now. it is all -- 5:07 now. all the talk this morning the best super bowl commercials and some of the best ones from yesterday. and three contests, one day. tomorrow's campaign showdown for the presidential hopefuls.
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that a man who was shot on d avenue overnight has died. po e arrested a 40- year- d suspect. the sus a moon shot at 83rd avenue overnight has died. police arrested a 40-year-old suspect in the shooting. the suspect accused of shooting the victim outside a house and then holing up inside the house. when police finally arrived,
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the suspect eventually surrendered coming out with his hands up. the elementary school down in l.a. will be closed for two days because two teachers are now under arrest. tonight, the school superintendent will meet with parents from that school, and last week, a 30-year-old veteran teacher was charged with committing lewd acts against 23 of the students. also last week, another teacher was arrested accused of fondling two girls in his classroom. it is back to class today. for a school in san francisco. where a stomach virus left students vomited in rest rooms and trash cans. the problem, at saint ignatius college preparatory started tuesday and so widespread the school had to shut down the rest of the week to basically sanitize. the illness affected more than 300 students, and teachers and some of the parents alike. cleaning crews sanitized the campus while it was closed but opened again today. the new york giants now own another super bowl trophy. >> did they win? >> they sure did. >> they won super bowl xlvi last night.
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and beating up on the patriots. with a last-minute score. >> and brad shaw, and he wanted to stop. >> that was a decisive play. a six-yard touchdown by brad shaw, he was not supposed to score, he was going to run out the clock. and bombs away. nearly caught. and it would have won the game in the closing seconds. not to be. eli manning the mvp, nearly 300 yards. and a big touchdown. giants come out on top 21-17. >> and if you watched the super bowl chances are you got your favorite commercials. >> here is a look at some of the more popular ones. take a peek. >> we have a late entry. mr. quigly. >> is he wearing running shoes? >> it is legal, i believe. >> and they're off. extreme hurricane out front. prince on his heels. and mr. quigly on the outside.
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it is going to be quigly! >> let's do it. >> he crossed the finish line. >> well, dogs figure prominently in some of the top ads as well as celebrities. chime in with your comments. i like this one. dog trimmed down and finally got outside to follow a volkswagen. who knew. and mitt romney wins again. we have a live report on where his rivals stand in the race for president. and we've got a bizarre bank robbery in northern california. one suspect's strange weapon to hold up a teller. we will tell you about that when we come back. ,,,,
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contests in on back at 5:00 15. a bunch of politics on month. the republican presidential race picking up the pace in a big way. three contests scheduled to go off tomorrow. >> susan mcginnis joins us now from washington, d.c. mitt romney won big in the nevada caucuses over the weekend. what does that mean for tomorrow's contest and beyond? susan? >> reporter: good morning, frank and grace. it does help a lot. romney is certainly solidifying himself as the front runner at
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least on the way to being the nominee but certainly nothing is for sure. we need to remember, this is still very early. but there is no doubt that going forward, the republicans are beginning to coalesce around him. this week, it is an important one. before things really slow down. colorado, minnesota, they are holding contests tomorrow. those will be important. they are supposed to go to romney. he does have greater funding and organization in those state than the other but primary,wise, things are about to slow down. it looks like romney will hold on to his lead for the time being. he has 97 delegates right now. and that is the most of all of the candidates but we also need to remember, this is only a small fraction of the total. there is a very, very long way to go. >> true, but the momentum seems to be all with romney right now. how about santorum and ron paul? i know they came in second and third and santorum won iowa but clearly they're in the back of the pack. is there any chat about them maybe breaking away and saying enough already? are they going through to at
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least super tuesday? >> all of the chat about romney, about santorum and paul quitting, it is coming from others than santorum and paul. the two of them are sticking with. it they say they are going to go further. no interest in quiting so far. san forum came out and said he believes amid all of this, he has been losing since that iowa recount, and the candidates, he will gain strength and he says this race is a long, long way from being over. and ron paul came out and said, and he came pretty close to gingrich in nevada. 21 force 21% for gingrich and 19% for ron paul. and he gets energized because he knows there is a large number of people looking for another option and the undecideds are still a large portion of voters. >> we will be waufing. susan mcginnis, live in washington, d.c., thank you. it is 5:17 now.
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and the manic monday, it would be this guy right here. >> we have a significant storm headed our way. right now, it is calm outside. some high clouds now moving across our skies. not going to get into the storm until probably tonight and that's when we see things kicking up quite a bit. and 40s and 50s around most of the bay area and this afternoon, we will watch the clouds begin to thicken up and likely to see the breezes kicking up especially near the coastline but the temperatures are still going to be running above average. well into the 60s. in many spots. and we should stay dry. for the better part of today. and dry weather for today. you can see the storm system off the coastline. it is tapping the subtropical moisture and pushing onshore later tonight. as it comes ashore, very tight pressure gradient, that means the winds will be kicking up, especially out toward the coastline, over the local mountain tops and glowing this afternoon. and into the evening hours, and then overnight tonight, maybe some gusts, 40 to 50 miles an hour. the computer models picking up on the system moving onshore and bring some showers in, as early as this evening and that may be a little bit quit. but overnight, you get the idea. the bulk of the rain is going to move onshore and it is heavy
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at times. and because the subtropical nature of the system could drop a lot of rain, maybe an inch and a half, and the temperatures around the bay area. not bad. dry today. about 66 degrees above normal in san jose. and 67 in morgan hill and 62 in pacifica and east bay temperatures in the mid-60s and most spots by the afternoon. although the clouds are thickening up throughout the day. and a lot of 60s inside the bay. 64 degrees in san francisco. and about 65 degrees in santa rosa. so yes, not a bad day today, but late tonight, we are looking at heavy rainfall. some very strong gusty winds around the bay area. the rain turning to showers on tuesday. so not a complete rainout then. a return to dry weather as we look toward wednesday and thursday. that's a look at weather. back to you. thanks, lawrence. well dry weather makes commute not too bad. including this morning. no major issues up and down the nimitz. 880 through oakland. as you pass the coliseum. nice smooth ride to downtown and the drive time at the bottom of the screen. 15 minutes between 238 and the
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maze. and elsewhere your bridges mostly moving at top speeds all across the bay area this morning. and a live look at the san mateo bridge. and westbound and eastbound 92 should both be about a 13 minute drive time. and now i mentioned there were reports of flooding in all lanes in the san mateo county. northbound 280 at edgewood road and all lanes are once again clear. chp got to the scene and they took it out of the incident report everything is good to go up and down 280. a couple of headlights toward the cupertino area. 101 in the green this morning. we're seeing top speed, and all of the drive times and they're doing great, it usually takes a little bit longer on monday to get going. that seems to be the case so far. a look at the time saver traffic camera across the golden gate bridge. a lane change around 5:00. and things are great from marin county to san francisco. for silicon valley commuters, these headlights coming around the bend, westbound 237 traffic, and leaving millipitas, and leaving off of 880 and heading toward san
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jose. so here is your drive times across the east bay. hi, lawrence. he is peeking around the corner. westbound 580 around the altamont pass. no delay through livermore. and westbound 24, so far, so good. through the caldecott. and headed out toward oakland. so mass transit once again, we continue to follow this as well. and so far, everything is on time. bart, ace, your ferries, cal train, and tune to c cbs, radio partners with -- kcbs, radio partners at 106.9 f.m. that's traffic. back to you. >> thank you. >> i was going to say that lawrence is a crazy guy. >> he is peeking his head around the corner. >> he does that to all of us. >> yes. >> i can hear him back there. >> it is 5:21. a bank robber with an unusual accomplice. how he apparently pulled off the heist using something on the menu at mcdonald's. you won't believe it. coming up. that's right. and it is not your typical race. the prize awaiting some runners after more than five miles. we will tell you about that as
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well? >> doughnuts? >> ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] offering four distinct driving modes and lexus' dynamic handling, the next generation of lexus will not be contained. the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. ♪
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i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself and so, college was a dream, when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was going to do it, but i knew i was going to get that opportunity one day. and that's what happened with the university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky is the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix.
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pies! the f-b-i says t back at 5:24. suspected robbers accused of hoding up a bank, with apple pies. i kid you not. the fbi says the man claped to have a pair of bomb -- claimed to have a pair of bombs and it turned out to be apple pies from mcdonald es.
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the mac burglar got away with a whole lot of cash and arrested a short time later. no word if he ate the apple pies or confiscated them. thousands of people hit the pavement in north carolina. with a goal of running five miles and eating a dozen doughnuts. the race called the krispy kreme challenge was a fundraiser for the north carolina children's hospital. and at the half parkway won't of the race, everyone stopped, and stuffed themselves with doughnuts as fast as possible. and that sounds disgusting. >> smash. then you take one big bite. and keep going. >> i needed a way to get more doughnuts in my stomach quicker. so i got this bag. >> there you go. >> that kinds of shows initiative. >> it makes the last half of the race not so fun. >> and they didn't feel like running another 2 1/2 miles
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after that. but at least they got a sugar rush out of it. >> sponsored by porta potty as well. [ laughter ] >> had to be. >> all right. a government agency in iran has had cartoon dolls that are banned in the country. >> i'm still thinking about the doughnuts. >> the black listed toys include barbie dolls but super man and spider man were allowed because they help the oppressed and an independent newspaper says it is part of iran's effort to block the promotion of western cultures. >> no bart and lisa. 5:26. sick at sea. the nasty virus affecting hundreds of cruise ship passengers this weekend. police used to control anger over the patriots cloudses turning violent. crowd control by police after students got mighty rowdy, coming up. it is san jose's third homicide of the year. police want to know who shot and killed a 21-year-old man. we will tell you exactly where
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it happened, when we come back. a man in oakland is dead this morning. after being shot at. we will tell you where the latest shooting happened and how many people have been killed since thursday. that story, coming up.
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a violent 24 hours in oakland. an eighth shooting and a homicide investigation. the search for suspects this morning. it is calm now. but we've got a major storm headed toward the bay area. we will tell you when coming up. and everything looks great so far. and westbound 580 as you make your way through pleasanton. coming up, a check of other bay area roadways. >> good morning, everyone. it is monday, the day after the super bowl. and it is february 6. good to have you with us. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm grace lee. it is 5:30. we begin in oakland where a man has just died. he is the latest victim of gun violence. >> and very violent night. it has been a very violent 4 hours in the city. at least eight people have been shot. gil diaz is at international boulevard. where the crime tape is still up and he joins us with more. gil? >> reporter: good morning, frank. the latest shooting accident to happen in oakland. 83rd avenue and international boulevard. we're just learning the shooting victim incident did die this morning. initially he was in critical
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condition but now he has died. the sergeant tells me that he is the fourth or fifth person in oakland to be killed since thursday. now, take a look at the video from this scene. and they've got it earlier this morning. police have this man in custody. and an officer told us initially after the shooting there was a standoff with this man. but obviously, the man cooperated with police. and was taken into custody. and the shooting happened outside. and police are still trying to figure out why it happened. or whether the two men knew each other. but earlier, yesterday, during the super bowl, there was another shooting involved. this car, police say that this woman's car was riddled with 51 booths, what is interesting is she wasn't even the intended victim. it turns out that the gunman, or gunmen, had shot at a neighboring family of four, including a mother who was holding her baby.
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all of them were hurt. not the baby. but everyone else was hurt. nonlife-threatening injuries. we asked the woman's son, the woman whose car was shot at. what happened. >> there was a gun battle between two different groups. my sister talked with police and it was explained to me that someone came between one of these houses and targeted people in the house over here. >> reporter: and not only were these two shootings happened here, but there were another shooting, and this time the 3300 block of adeline street around 4:00 yesterday afternoon. during the super bowl. three victims shot inside that home, including one woman. it seems like they're going to make it. but it seems like the man in this shooting at 83rd and international boulevard did not make it. we are trying to get more details exactly what happened here. >> diel gaza, live for us in oakland this morning, thank you. occupy oakland protesters
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plan more demonstrations today. this time, they are upset about how the police handled one of their protests last month. 400 people arrested after protesters clashed with the cops and vandalized city hall. the protests start in about three hours at wily manual courthouse. there is also a noontime rally held at frank ogawa plaza. and 5:33. san jose police are investigating the city's third homicide of the year. a man was shot to death. outside an apartment complex parking lot. in the 4300 block of blackford avenue on the city's west side. and lisa washington is in san jose with the search for the motive in this crime. good morning, lisa. >> good morning, grace. since we last reported to you, several more san jose police officers have come here to the scene. and in the 4300 block of black bird avenue. and san jose police initially received a call, of a reported shooting around 10:15 last night and when the officers arrived they found a 21-year- old man who had been shot, he was found in the back parking
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lot of an apartment complex. and he was later pronounced dead at the santa clara valley medical center. and earlier, san jose police told us that they don't have a suspect in this case, nor a motive. >> do you have any suspects or a motive in this case? how far is the investigation going so far? >> the investigation is just starting and still ongoing. so we don't really have that information to put out yet. >> okay. >> reporter: the lieutenant did tell us that they are waiting to notify the family members of the victim before they release his name. again, as we said, this is the city's third homicide of the year. of course they want anyone with any additional information to give stodge san jose police a call. >> lisa washington, thank you. live in san jose. new representation for the san francisco sheriff ross mirkarimi's wife. the ron kal reports that eliana lopez has three new lowe
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lawyers, one from the balco case with barry bonds and a second in family law and the third was brought in to handle immigration issues. a mighty soggy problem at oakland's fruit veil area. a water main broke around midnight at the 39th avenue area. and crews have shut off the water from the homes in the area. no word when the water will be back on. but take note. vallejo fire department is keeping watch over the scene of a fire that destroyed a warehouse yesterday. it was a big fire, too. a four alarm fire. it happened on mayor island. the warehouse at railroad avenue was completely described. because of the smoke and strong winds yesterday, they issued a shelter in place for the entire city of vallejo but the smoke finally blew out of the city. and there were no injuries. >> the lady said it was homeless people maybe. >> that could be an unintentional fire set by the homeless. it is not what we're thinking at this point but we have to -- nothing is off the table. we will look at every avenue. >> and as far as nobody was in
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the building at the time. and the cause is still under investigation. all right. 5:36. monday morning. we got to find out what the weather is looking like for the week. >> we will do that with this guy right here. >> i'm excited with a significant storm to the bay area. and right now, it is calm outside. and we've got some high clouds moving across our skies right now. and really not too bad if you're headed out the door. i think for the better part of today. not too bad either. 38 degrees in santa rosa. and 46 right now in san jose. and 52 degrees in san francisco. by the afternoon, these clouds are off the coastline, going to start to thicken up and a high cirrus shield moving across the skies and the latter part of the day it will be a bit thicker and the winds likely toe kick up along the coastline and not until tonight when we see the rainfall moving into the bay area. the temperatures today, well above the average. and 56 degrees in san jose. and 6 a in santa rosa. and 64 in san francisco. the next couple of days, expect rain heavy at times overnight tonight with strong gusty winds. 40 to 50 miles an hour near the coastline. over the mountain tops. rain turning to showers on
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tuesday. by wednesday and thursday and friday, a return to dry weather in the bay area. all right. let's get a look at the roadways with elizabeth. >> thank you, lawrence. >> dry for now. and the complete is off to a great start across the bay area. in fact, a live look at how good it is moving across the nimitz and another live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. is so westbound 80 from the carquinez bridge to the maze shall the drive time is still about 19 minutes. earlier this morning, it was 18 minutes. obviously it hasn't bumped up much. you're pretty much good do go across the upper deck. not turned on for the metering lights yet. and pretty quiet into san francisco so far this morning. drive times along the peninsula. 101 and 280 moving at top speeds this morning. and as well as highway 92. silicon valley commuters westbound 237, good to go, at the limit, leaving millipitas headed to san jose. coming up a look at mass transit. in the meantime back to you at the desk. >> a search for the missing
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going on right now in the philippines after a 6.9 magnitude quake. it set off landslides and destroyed homes. food and medicine are waiting to be delivered to those in need but the aid cannot reach villages because of blocked roads. and it is important to resolve the conflict in syria, without outside military intervention. the syria's state-run news agency says gunmen have killed three soldiers a at a checkpoint. in the morn part of the country. -- northern part of the country. other soldiers were also captured. syrians demonstrated in front of the russian embassy in tripoli, libya, after russia vetoed a u.n. resolution aimed at ending the bloodshed in syria. russian guards fired into the air as protesters tried to break into the embassy, syrian rebels saying the only way to
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oust president asaid is by force. the say sad regime says it will continue the crackdown on rebels there. two young boys are dead after their father allegedly blew up his home in graham, washington. it began when a social worker brought the boys there for a supervised visit yesterday. she says josh powell brought the boys inside, pushed her back, and then locked up the door. the explosion happened shortly afterwards. and powell, who also died in the blast, has long been a suspect in the disappearance of his wife who was last seen more than two years ago in utah. it is now 5:39. some fans on the losing side of the super bowl got out of hand. >> i guess so. 14 people all arrested in massachusetts. after a crowd got a little rowdy. >> police in riot gear and horseback had to use smoke bombs to disburse some 1500 students at u-mass amherst. they were upset about the patses loss. they reportedly got into some fistfights. nobody was hurt badly enough to go to the hospital. but it took police a while to
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get the thing under control. meantime, new york fans poured in to tipless square, celebrating their -- times square celebrating their big victory. people spilled out of sports bars and what did they yell, grace? >> giants, giants. >> groups of people loitered at every street corner high fiving one another. tomorrow, the giants will be welcome the home with a ticker tape parade. i don't think they've gone do bed yet. >> they're still in indy, saying we won. >> frank can't talk about it. >> and the patriots are probably back in foxboro saying we lost. >> a fun game to watch. a good finish. >> 5:40. lost in the cold with no food. the encredible way the family survived in the wilderness for six days. they came out with all of the haz-mat equipment. >> a vacation nightmare. the stomach nightmare affecting hundreds of cruise ship passengers.
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sweetheart. we need to talk.
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i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. try something funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t.
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despit stock futures are down this morning as talks drag on over greece's debt crisis. despite that, the stock market is off to the best start in 15 years. so far this year the dow has gained 4% and up to the highest level since before the financial collapse in 2008. the nasdaq is sitting at an 11 year high as well. fresh after mitt romney's weekend win in nevada, the republican presidential candidates have contests in three states tomorrow. caucuses will be held in minnesota and colorado. and missouri will have a nonbinding primary. and rick santorum the only one of the four candidates on the campaign trail yesterday with events in minnesota. and he and the others though did hit the sunday talk shows. >> i get energized because i know there is a large number of people who are looking for another option. >> i think we're going to show improvement. this race is a long, long way from being over. >> my goal is, with governor perry's help and others to have
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basically be about tied in delegates around the time we come out of texas. >> in colorado, the latest public policy polling survey has romney leeing santorum 40 to 26 pshes. newt gingrich and ron paul third and fourth respecttively. 43 foreigners including 19 americans all go on trial in egypt for allegedly using legal foreign funds to support banned activities in the country. some of the americans were here at the international republican institute, which was raided by government troops recently. among them is sam la hood. now, he is the son of u.s. transportation secretary ray la hood. most of the foreigners were involved in pro-democracy groups. they were in egypt to monitor the elections there. three members of the family who are recovering from minor injuries. after they were lost in the mountains of oregon for almost a week. >> very lucky. the u.s. coast guard rescued the married couple and their grown son by helicopter. in curry county. they got lost after picking
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mushrooms and then spent six days on the edge of a forest there. and the family didn't have any food, water, or warm clothing. and they survived by drinking from streams there. and taking shelter in a hollowed out tree. >> must have been a pretty big tree. >> must have been a real big tree with two adults and their son in there too. >> how about weather with lawrence? >> we're cracking the storm door open. that's right. we have a significant storm headed our way. right now, it is calm. if you're stepping outside. a few high clouds that continue to move across our skies. we are going to watch those thickening up throughout the day. not a bad day today. should be dry. and we will notice the clouds thickening up and the winds are kicking up in the evening hours, and especially toward the coastline and some big changes headed our way. and dry weather for the better part of today. and you can see the storm system off the coastline. it is tapped into the subtropical moisture and sliding toward the coast lout the day today and -- throughout the day today and overnight, strong gusty winds toward the coastline and the mountain tops and some of the gusts 40 to 50 miles an hour and some significant rainfall with the
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system, too. computer models picking up on it pretty well although moving a little fast as it tries to bring some showers into the evening hours and just a little bit quick but you get the idea that overnight tonight, the main brunt of the system slides onshore and bring with it some pockets of heavier amounts of rainfall. tomorrow morning. the commute tomorrow looks like it could be a real mess and the rainfall totals pretty significant, with the storm system, over an inch in san rafael, and maybe getting closer to an inch and a quarter and an inch and a third in the santa cruz mountains. a lot of rain anywhere you go. a hit-and-run system. it will get here and move out of time. and back to dry weather once again. temperatures in the 60s around the bay area. today, going to stay drive. above normal temperatures. by this evening and tonight, the winds will be kicking up. the rain really kicking in overnight tonight. become can heavy at times. into tomorrow morning. turning to showers though as we head to tuesday afternoon. dry weather makes a return on wednesday, thursday, with above normal temperatures and again those numbers are near 70 degrees in the afternoon. all right, let's look at the roadways with elizabeth. >> thanks, lawrence. yes, for right now, let's go
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out live toward the south bay. we have the photographers standing by near 101 and alum rock, and everything is moving pretty much at the limits. headlights, looking pretty good in both directions of northbound and southbound 101. as you're headed toward santa clara. a pretty quick ride so far this morning. just getting word of this problem. mow it is in menlo park. a slight location change. northbound 280, at sand hill road. i had mentioned earlier there were reports of flooding in san mateo county. on 280. well, chp took it out and couldn't find anything and they put the incident in again. we're checking to see what is going on. but reports of flooding in all four lanes northbound 280. right there by sand hill road. we will let you know if it is causing any delays. we're not seeing anything on our sensors. but again, we're making phone calls right now. and out of the downtown area in san jose, here is a live look at 280 traffic. definitely starting to get a little busier now than a half hour ago. a few more headlights on the roadway. and we will show you one more
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map here. some police activity, we have a report out to the scene of this. an earlier police standoff. and a shooting. but there's still some emergency crews on the scene at 83rd and international boulevard. so we are told it is still a traffic issue. there are still lanes blocked at that intersection. much more traffic coming up. in the meantime, back to you guys. >> thanks, elizabeth. 5:48 now. the next place where smoking might be banned, your car, the center for disease control, and prevention says it is worried about the amount of secondhand smoke, that children are inhaling in the car. and researchers say more than one in five high school students and middle schoolers ride in cars while others are smoking inside. the cdc says there is a level of secondhand smoke that is without risk. stomach virus outbreak struck three cruise ships over the weekend. and two of them were in florida. and a second nearly 500 passengers, sickened. the princess cruise ship carrying 3,000 had to dock for heavy duty disinfecting. a passenger described what
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happened at sea. >> it was okay until a couple of days ago. and i guess the virus started on board. and they came out with all of the haz-mat equipment. and took people in rooms. and isolated them. >> noro virus attacks the digestive tract and causes vomiting and diarrhea and stomach pain. after cleaning up, crews disinfected the ships. both returned to sea a little later than than scheduled. a royal caribbean crew was delayed in new orleans because of an outbreak there. a school closed because of a noro virus at saint ignatius college preparatory, it began tuesday when 50 students called in sick. and dozens who did attend went home very early after that. teachers got sick as well. 5:49. you can call it the finger malfunction. >> the singer who upstaged madonna's half time show.
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♪ get up off of that thing. >> from dogs to celebrities and standout super bowl ads that everyone is talking about this morning. >> how would you like to be number 20? ,,
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queen elizabeth the second the queen of england is marking her diamond jubilee. queen elizabeth ii asenned this
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throne on this day -- ascended the throne on this day 60 years ago. celebrations in england as well as abroad. later today the queen is scheduled to tour a nursery school and meet with students and watch a play about her six decades on the throne. the new york giants nfl champions again. >> yes. they sure are. they won the super bowl xlvi last night. beating the patriots. with this last-minute score. >> and brad shaw, and he -- >> that was the decisive play. a six-yard touchdown by ahmad brad shaw and wasn't supposed to go in and they were trying to beat the clock, burn it up but with 57 seconds to go tom brady with a hail mary that does not connect and quarterback eli manning, 30 of 40 throws for 296 yards and the one touchdown, and it was enough, and the giants came out on top 21-17. >> you know, i am excited to win a championship. excited for my teammates. a number of guys, this is the first one and obviously some other ones who are getting
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their second and more. but it is exciting for them. excited for coach coughlin, all of the coaches. >> the giants were 7-7 and they go on to beat the falcons, and the packers and the niners and the patriots in the super bowl. they have now beaten the pats twite twice in the super bowl. in the last five years. but we didn't need to say that, did we? >> the niners lose to the giants, at least they won. >> the people in boston, though, they are just ugggh, it is like a day of mourning there. >> madonna's super bowl half tile show created a little controversy of her own. the pop star said she would keep the show family friendly but fellow performer mia ended up flipping off the camera and cursing during the give me all your loving song. no word on what trouble it could cause the performers but nbc apologized and nfl apologized for her as well. sunday, not just another game. a lot of people tuning in for the ads. >> we got some facebook fans chiming in and chris sims says one of the favorites is the
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doritos commercial. pretty good. >> and this wasn't the only dog that stole the show. viewer kevin kennedy said he enjoyed the sketchers commercial with the pug. >> on the outside. there he goes. it is going to be quigly! >> what? >> let's do it. >> the newest star. moon walking. >> yes. >> and don't forget the audi vampires. this was one of chris sims' favorites as well. let's take a look. ♪ >> aaaaah! >> i didn't quite get that one. you know, it is cool, but anyway. so what was your favorite? let us know on facebook. go to our page. >> and $3.5 million for showing the commercials is what we
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should get? >> that should be 6 or 7 million with the full minute. >> i like the elton john one. >> are you a big fan? >> that was right in the beginning, right? >> yes. >> i kind of missed that one, though. i was kind of doing other things. >> hey, guys, a significant storm coming our way. haven't been able to say that in a while. not during the day today though. above normal temperatures. tonight the winds kick up near the coastline and rains heavy at time, strong gusty winds toward the beaches, rain turning to showers and back to dry weather toward the middle of the week. thanks, lawrence. let's go out to 280 in menlo park. we were getting reports of flooding northbound 285 at sand hill road and tried to send chopper 5 to the area. we couldn't see anything but the reporting party who initially called this in to chp says it caused them to hydro plane. apparently will there is water in the lanes and not sure what is causing it. northbound 280 by sand hill road. apparently some flooding in the lanes. and in the meantime, coming out of downtown san jose, overall,
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not too bad. and monday light, can we call it that? usually it takes people to take a little while to get going on a monday morning. >> the monday after a super bowl. >> yes. >> and messing with the spilled coffee. >> yes. >> and my microphone. >> we will take that out. >> 5:57. coming up in the next half hour, twitter temptation. while our craving for social media is stronger than sex and sleep. >> wow. >> and occupy oakland shows off what protesters are planning to do today to speak out against police tactics. a man is dead this morning. after being shot at in oakland. coming up, we will tell you the latest on this incident, plus how many other shooting victims there were in the past 24 hours. and a 21-year-old plan in san jose, the third homicide victim of this year. we will tell you where the latest shooting happened.
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