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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  December 8, 2011 4:00am-4:30am PST

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behind bars. former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky is back in jail after new and disturbing accusations. winter blast. a preseason storm socks the northeast and new england. some areas will get up to a foot of snow. and getting personal. mitt romney takes off the gloves and goes after newt gingrich. this is the "cbs morning news" for thursday, december 8th, 2011. this is the "cbs morning news" for thursday, ning december 8th, 2011. goopgood morning, thanks fog us. iti'r i'm randall pinkton. jerry sandusky remains behind
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bars this morning follow new child sexual abuse charges. his gail set at $225,000. the latest charges based on the testimony of two new alleged victims. >> 67-year-old jerry sandusky was led away from his home wearing handcuffs wearing a penn state track suit and slapped with 12 new charges on wednesday from two new accusers. >> if this is the way the case is going to be handled by the other side, then we can do things to kind of make it miserable too. >> reporter: sandusky was first charged on november 5th. he has acknowledged showering and playing around with boys, but says he never sexually abused them. he now faces more than 50 counts including abuse that is alleged to have occurred on the penn state campus. sandusky is behind bars here in bellfont, pennsylvania. the new accusers told accusers
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they met sandusky through the second mile charity. he testified that at least once, he screamed for help, knowing that sandusky's wife was upstairs, but no one ever came to help him. if sandusky does make bail, he'll be under house arrest and subject to electronic monitoring. in this the syracuse university sexual abuse case, former assistant basketball coach bernie fine will not be prosecuted. three men have accused fine of molesting them at children. the district attorney says the alleged victims' stories are credible, but the stooted auto of limitations prevents them from testifying. the fast moving system could leave up to a foot of snow in higher elevations of
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massachusetts and new hampshire. much of the northeast got soaking rains overnight as the storm moved through. it's the same that delivered a rare early snowfall to memphis and parts of arkansas early yesterday. then it headed through pennsylvania where early december snow isn't so much of a surprise. >> we know it's wintertime now. so that's why, you know, we will just put up with it. >> the storm system is expected to move out to sea later today. recovery efforts will resume this morning in nevada where a sightseeing hospital cashed into a mountainside. the pilot and four passengers were killed. the helicopter flown over the las vegas strip and a dam yesterday when it slammed near the mountain near lake mead. the cause of the crash hasn't been determined. a us airways flight 436 was headed to las vegas. the crew declared an emergency after the pilot reported fumes
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in the cockpit. no one was injured. occupy wall street protesters in san francisco clashed with police last night vowing to retake their encampment. about a half dozen protesters were arrested. earlier in the day, police raided the camp, arresting at least 85 others and clearing the downtown encampment. a new and disturbing report is out this morning on how the remains of american war dead were dumped by the u.s. air force. it was previously reported that dover air force base disposed of some remains in a virginia landfill. now "the washington post" reports that the incinerated partial remains of at least 274 service members were dumped in that fashion. the practice was halted three years ago. the race for the republican presidential nomination is heating up and getting personal. mitt romney has unveiled a new ad that talks about character more than it talks about policy and other candidates are
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following suit. tara mergener is in washington with more. good morning, tara. >> good morning to you, randall. >> reporter: the race is clearly entering a new and more aggressive phase. one inviting direct comparisons between the candidates. >> i think people understand that i'm a man of steadiness and consistency. >> reporter: mitt romney doesn't mention newt gingrich in a new ad airing in new hampshire. >> i've been married for the same woman who -- consuexcuse me same won for 40 years. >> reporter: romney isn't the only one trying to catch up with the gop front-runner. rick perry reaches out to evangelicals. gingrich rise in the polls has surprised the white house. president obama's advisers now
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think there is a realistic chance gingrich could win the gop nomination. >> eight years of obama will truly make the country dramatically more difficult and have dramatically greater problems. >> reporter: gingrich and his rivals blasted the president on wednesday. hours later, occupy wall street protesters took turns attacking the gop candidates. >> shame on you! >> reporter: demonstrators gathered outside a gingrich fund-raiser in washington, while in iowa. a group interrupted new jersey governor chris christie as he hosted a rally for romney. and the gop nomination contest could last for months, but republican leaders say it's too early to tell if this is actually going to be a two-person race. randall, anything can happen at this point. >> that's for sure. thank you, tara mergener, in washington. former illinois governor rod blagojevich will begin serving a 14-year prison term in february. he was sentenced yesterday for
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corruption while in office, including trying to sell president obama's former senate seat. leaving court, the lawyer spoke with reporters. >> this is a time for me to be strong for my children, be strong for patty and this is also a time for patty and me to get home so we can explain to our the only
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one. that story tonight on the "cbs evening news." h of merchandise. so the most you can earn is $15 dollars. chase freedom also gives you 5% cash back at department stores this quarter but on up to $1,500 worth of purchases. that is $75. that's 5 times more! woo. get your cash back. activate today at we went around the country asking women to speak frankly about something no one wants to talk about. it's time to get real about what happens in the bathroom. stop all the cutesy stuff.
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and start talking about what you really want from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feeling clean is so important. vo: quilted northern soft & strong is stronger than the leading rippled brand to help protect against breakthrough. for myself, for my family, it keeps us clean. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft & strong. protection for a confident clean or your money back. [ male announcer ] only subway has a deal this flat-out delicious -- the $3 flatbread breakfast combo. a toasty flatbread breakfast sandwich and a 16-ounce cup of seattle's best coffee or 21-ounce fountain drink. all for only $3. em an instrumless. or 21-ounce fountain drink. system. ready, go! sears super saturday is on! all treadmills are on sale, like 40% off this nordictrack, plus a craftsman 200-piece mechanics tool set is 50% off.
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come shop the early preview. real deals. real savings. sears we all want fewer chemicals. all free clear oxi-active. a free clear detergent that's tough on stains and gentle on skin. try all free clear oxi-active. just look at these stunning new pictures of the lava of hawaii's volcano. the lava moved a mile and a half into the sea
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his california home. he was 96 years old. on the cbs "moneywatch," a white house move to boost small business start-ups. ashley morrison is here in new york with more on that. good morning, ashley. >> good morning to you, randall. stap standard & poor's is putting the on notice. all 27 countries in the eu could be downgraded if they don't solve their debt crisis. asian markets closed before that warning. both japan's nikkei and hong kong's hang seng edged down. today, wall street gets a look at the weekly jobless claim numbers. on wednesday, the dow was mixed.
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the nasdaq lost a fraction. today the white house will announce new steps to help start-up businesses. in all $2 billion in resources are planned. one program provides matching capitals to small business just getting started. another is a private sector partnership that provides software and legal help to start-up companies. more people are flying this holiday season than last, which means less chance of a last minute sale. ticket prices are already 5% higher than last year but it's still not too late to get a deal if you're flexible. experts suggest flying at least four days before or on the actual holiday to get the best price. simpler credit card agreements could be on the way. a new prototype that is shorter and written in simple language. two-thirds of the credit card users don't completely understand their cards' turns.
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in shawnee, kansas, they got quite a surprise as they were counting donations tossed in the red kettle last week. they found this. one carat diamond. there was no message. the donor is not known. it's hoping some charitable jeweler will donate his time. randall, that is what i call the spirit of giving. >> quite so. thank you, ashley morrison in new york. actor alec baldwin has issued a semiapology. he apologized to passengers after he was thrown off a american airlines flight for refusing to turn off his cell phone on tuesday but he did not apologize to the flight attendant he argued with. he says, quote, i was singled out by this woman in the most unpleasant of tones. i guess the fact that this woman who decided to make some example of me did get the better of me. he says he will keep that cell phone off. straight ahead, your
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thursday morning weather. and in sports,ng weather. and in sports, the top pitcher in japan may be heading to the major leagues. i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself? diet and exercise weren't lowering my cholesterol enough. now i'm eating healthier, exercising more, taking lipitor. numbers don't lie. my cholesterol's stayed down. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. it's backed by over 19 years of research. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. [ man ] still love that wind in my face! talk to your doctor. don't kid yourself about the risk of heart attack and stroke. if lipitor's been working for you, stay with it. lipitor may be available for as little as $4 a month with the lipitor co-pay card.
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terms and conditions apply. learn more at here's a look at the weather in some cities around the country. time now for a check on the national forecast. the latest satellite picture shows clouds over the northeast
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moving swiftly north toward canada's maritime islands. the southeast and southern plains are clear. light snow is falling in the central rockies and central plains. clouds linger near the northwest coast. later today, a cold north wind will generate lake effect snow showers in the eastern great lakes. the southeast will have cool temperatures and sunny skies. the northern plains will be cold with passing snow showers. foggy conditions persist in the northwest. in sports, college basketball and two top ranked teams in action. number five louisville used a tough pressure defense to get some key turnovers. the cardinals beat indiana purdue 90-60. it's louisville's straight 16th home victory. they are 8-0 this season. in north carolina, the seventh ranked blue devils cruised to an
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easy 87-64 victory. in the nhl, overtime in buffalo. the flyers came from behind to beat the sabres 5-4. baseball's top free agent albert pujols will not be going to miami. the marlins have withdrawn their offer, but the los angeles angels have offered pujols a ten-year deal worth $210 million. and, of course, the cardinals are trying to keep him in st. louis. and japan star pitcher darvish is heading to the u.s. the right-hander is considered the best pitcher in japanese professional leagues. ending months of speculation, darvish said on his blog he will use the posting system which allows major league baseball to bid for the voting rights to japanese players. when we return, another look at this morning's top stories. and a surprise decision on making the morning after pill available to teenagers.
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- [spoken in spanish] will you marry me? - will you marry me? male announcer: before saying those words, there's one word every man should know. - leo. - leo. - leo. announcer: the leo diamond at kay jewelers, a fire, sparkle, and brilliance so intense, it is the first diamond ever certified to be visibly brighter, one more reason kay is the number one jewelry store in america. - [spoken in chinese] yes. - [spoken in spanish] yes. - yes. ever since she discovered the mccafé caramel mocha from mcdonald's, she's been expecting a little bit more out of...everything. ♪ this is what happens once you savor the taste of sweet caramel in rich chocolate with smooth espresso. ♪ settling for less is no longer an option. mccafé caramel mocha. the simple joy of big expectations. ♪
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protesters refuse to leave the closed occupy san francisco camp. what's next, in the ongoing standoff with police. and the race to recall oakland's mayor heats up. the key hurdle just cleared. and how jean quan is defending her job. what happens in vegas... isn't staying there. how sin city is trying to stop people from over-sharing on facebook. and how the mythbusters are making amends for their cannonball misfire. join us for cbs 5 early edition ,,,,
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captioning funded by cbs on the "cbs morning news," here's a look at today's weather. only a few lingering showers over new england remain of the storm that hit the northeast yesterday. the eastern great lakes will get some lake-effect snow, chilly air from canada will spread across the northern plains. here is another look at this morning's top stories. new charges of sexual molestation has been brought against former penn state football coach jerry sandusky by two men. they are alleged victims numbers 9 and 10. sandusky is in jail, unable so far to make the $225,000. the "the washington post" claims 274 war dead were dumped in a virginia land fill by the air force. today an fda advisory panel will begin looking into possible
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blood clot risks posed by a new generation of birth control pills. there is some evidence that popular drugs such as yaz are not as safe as older contraceptives. the fda could recommend that package labels warn of the risk of blood clots from using the new pills. the obama administration has blocked plans to allow the plan b morning after pill to be sold over the counter. women's health advocates say they are shocked. drew levinson has details. >> reporter: the nation's health secretary has stopped the morning after pill from being more widely distributed. in a surprise move, health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius overruled an fda plan that would have allowed plan b emergency contraception to be sold over the counter to younger women. instead, teenagers under 17 will still need a prescription to buy it. the move disappoints women's health advocates. >> as an obgyn and the father of a daughter, i find this decision
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to be mind boggling. it makes no sense whatsoever. >> reporter: the pill can prevent pregnancy if taken three days after unprotected sex. sebelius, a president obama appointee says the drug is safe and effective, but concerned younger girls may not understand how to use. others applaud the decision. >> we believe removing is not in the interest of young women's health. >> reporter: the company that makes plan b had hoped, with the fda's approval, it would be able to put the pills on store shelves. now, they will stay behind the pharmacist's counter. college students we spoke to understand the controversy. >> if you allow teenagers to have the plan b, it just gives like an open area to go and have sex. >> if you're 13 years old, you're not that responsible yet so i feel like it should be over-the-counter. >> reporter: the company that makes the pill says it's going to the review the decision before taking its next step.
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drew levinson, cbs news, new york. this morning, on "the early show," expert advice on what not to buy with a credit card. i'm randall pinkston. and this is the "cbs morning news." 50% off all heated blankets, throws and flannel sheets. come shop the early preview. real deals. real savings. sears it burns! it's singeing me. it's the sun. get out of the office more often, with chili's $6 lunch break combos, featuring texas toast half sandwiches. chili's lunch break combos. metamucil uses super hard working psyllium fiber, which gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol.
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taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model but you should feel a little more super. metamucil. down with cholesterol.
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in italy, pope benedict used a tablet computer to light what is billed as the world's largest electric christmas tree. after the pope hit the switch, fireworks began and then more than 800 lights were illuminated on a mountainside north of rome. the electric tree is more than 2600 feet tall and capped by a shooting star. finally this morning, a happy ending for a love story that blossomed over coffee in a tulsa, oklahoma, starbucks. as ashley sims of our tulsa affiliate kotv reports, the latte love ending was also a happy beginning. >> reporter: this is eva mccarthy's big day and she has planned everything down to the last detail. but this is no chapel or reception hall.
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eva wanted her wedding to reflect how her love story began. >> because we have been coffee friends. we started out as coffee friends. >> started out as coffee friends. >> and then we fell in love over coffee. >> actually, when we first met, i would drink it but i wasn't a big coffee drinker but i said, sure, i'll go have coffee and just so i could be with her. >> reporter: he says he fell in love with the woman across the table and the brewed beverage too. he proposed one month before war interrupted their latte love story. the navy deployed him to iraq for 15 months. eva says every week, she would come to this starbucks to meet her mom and the baristas served up some comfort, along with the coffee. >> it was like family. it was like walking in, and they were, hey, how are you doing? and they would talk. the employees here, everyone here is great. words are so powerful. >> reporter: so when it came to tying the knot, they wanted a
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starbucks wedding. >> from the very beginning, we wanted to be a part of it. this is where her and her mom had coffee while carmen was deployed. so it was lovely for us to have the event. >> reporter: so they closed the store and stored up a wedding. they shared a dance underneath the stars with her father and met her coffee companion down a make-shift aisle. >> you may kiss your bride. >> reporter: starbucks cups in hands, friends and family toasted the happy couple and wished their love to remain as strong as the beverages. >> thank you so much. to you guys. to everybody at starbucks, we love you! >> reporter: ashley sims, news on 6 tonight. >> a little coffee, a little latte, a little caffeine, next thing you know, you got a wedding going on. jerry sandusky is jailed
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after two more accusers come forward. the morning after pill, why the health secretary blocked over-the-counter sales to teens. actor michael c. hall, the star of the hit series "dexter" all that and much more coming up on "the early show." that's the "cbs morning news" for this thursday. we appreciate you watching. i'm randall pinkston. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- have a great day. ,,,,,,,,
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