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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5PM  CBS  November 26, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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shoppers nationwide are still paying off debt from the last holiday season and they are expected to pay even more this year. how much money do you think you'll spend during the holiday season. >> $2,000, $3,000. >> probably more like $2,000. >> we're paying on credit because we are going to the big department stores. >> reporter: he is not alone. according to the national retail federation, the average men will spend $689 this holiday season. but tack on the average credit card interest rate and they are actually spending about $100 more. >> if i just do the calculations, you saved about 10% on your purchases, you will actually end up paying about $12 more because of credit card fees and finance charges. >> uhm, i was not aware of that. >> if you are putting even great deals on a credit card, you might be negating your savings and paying much, much more. >> reporter: marketing expert kathleen cusick points to the pitfalls of putting black friday purchases on plastic, something many have learned the hard way. >> i paid credit cards before
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and i'm not going to do that this year. >> i couldn't even qualify. they denied me. >> reporter: the national retail federation found four out of ten americans will pay with debit instead of credit this year and as a result, many stores are changing the way they do business. some brought back layaway and others like target have expanded store credit cashed offers to include debit. >> if someone wants to come in without paying a fee to open up a target debit account, you save the 5% still. >> reporter: so while research shows black friday shoppers are spending more money this year, many will be paying less when it comes to fees. >> we know what we're doing. >> yeah. i don't want to run up a big credit bill. >> reporter: well, whether they are paying with credit, debit or cold, hard cash, economists say the fact that they are paying it all is good news for the economy which is largely dependent on consumer spending and, you know, if this morning's black friday frenzies are any indication, consumer spending is off to a good start. >> why would people want to get
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up that early? people do it and more do it every year. >> reporter: absolutely. and you know what? in the end, it is good for the economy. >> that's true. julie watts, thanks. and, of course, the biggest shopping day of the year is also the longest shopping day of the year. lots of deal seekers crossing names off their christmas list long before the sun came up. anne makovec shows us who was out shopping while many of just still fast asleep. >> bring it on. >> reporter: the enthusiasm undenial. >> the deals, the deals. i'm going to get them. >> reporter: that's the goal of black friday, the official kickoff of the holiday shopping season. >> reporter: welcome to american consumism. >> no money saving is just fun and i buy good special deals that's it. >> reporter: there is certainly strategy involved. >> see when they open what they have to off and hit the sales and hit the next store and try to beat the lines. >> we kind of planned and
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plotted outside what we were going to go for. i have some people getting other stuff. >> reporter: that man was first in line at the target in colma. >> been here since 9 a.m. last night -- i mean last morning, yesterday, yeah. cold weather, i don't know. it's pretty brutal. >> reporter: it seemed to have that effect on a few people in line. why are you here? >> i don't know. oh, for tvs. >> reporter: a lot of people would rather just do their black friday shopping online. the deals at kohl's were available long before stores opened at 3 a.m. you could buy these online at midnight thanksgiving morning. these shoppers say it's the atmosphere that has them shopping, old school. >> black friday is fun coming out the excitement. >> reporter: and once the items are acquired? >> i have time to set it up tomorrow if anything. or when i wake up. >> less than five minutes it
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got nasty. chaos in new york at target in buffalo with crazed black friday shoppers falling on top of each other. one customer in the pile bent over in pain after he got out of the mess but then took off into the store seconds later alon with? >> else. with all the madness, what about the smaller family owned stores trying to get a piece of the pie? simon perez on how those stores are surviving the holiday rush. reporter: there is no shortage of stuff to buy at jeffrey's toys, a san francisco mainstay. >> christmastime is always the busiest time of the year. we're always busy but christmastime is always the busiest. >> reporter: just two blocks down bustling market street at the westfield shopping center, a toys 'r us is set up an express shop a so-called pop-up shop a smaller venue to take advantage of the holiday rush. listen to the company's ceo.
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>> we are going to reach every nook and cran any of america. that's what we're doing. >> reporter: last year they opened 90 holiday stores. this year 600 more. what did you think? >> i didn't think much. i didn't think going to affect us. >> reporter: that extra competition doesn't even register. no one store can hog the entire toy market. and besides, different stores have different needs. toys 'r us in the mall works for some. >> they have sales and it's cheaper and more stuff for less. it's more convenient for us to come here. >> reporter: jeffrey's works for others. >> very nice. >> we come to jeffrey's because it's convenient and it's always open. the springup stores aren't available all the time. >> reporter: what did you get in here today? >> a binocular. >> it's more pleasurable for
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me. >> reporter: how? >> they have the old-fashioned stores. it's not all plastic toys. >> reporter: at jeffrey's, they are so confident in their business model they say even when fao schwarz and the disney store was here their sales didn't go down either. so they figure what's the fear from toys are us? >> isn't tomorrow the small shop local? >> reporter: it's something that's going on nationally. that's what they are looking forward to. >> thank you, simon perez in san francisco. in other news, in his very last neighborhood post, a decorated bay area marine announced that he just got to afghanistan. just days before that the teen wrote how excited he was to go out and see the world. now as sharon chin reports, the holidays are off to a somber start for his family. >> reporter: 19-year-old lance corporal arden bornagwa of san
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jose died in his first combat deployment i afghanistan. he was a decorated combat engineer with the first marine division at camp pendleton. his 15-year-old cousin followed his facebook entries after he enlisted last year. >> i think it's just his choice, you know, maybe he didn't want to start college yet? but he -- we -- when we were kids, we would always, like, play with guns, the games... and i guess that's what he wanted to actually feel it in reality? >> reporter: his relatives say he loved cars and wanted to work at a dealership after his military service. he also loved his family. >> i would miss his voice because that's what always kept me up like when i was down. he would always talk to me. and he would always say, never give up. you know? just keep doing what you're doing. like look at me.
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i'm doing good. that's what he said. but i never knew he would actually be gone. >> reporter: relatives here at the family home say they will remember him as a hero who died too young. in san jose, sharon chin, cbs 5. other news making headlines around the bay, a deadly thanksgiving night shooting in san francisco. a young woman was killed in the japantown neighborhood just before 9:00 last night. the shooting happened at buchanan street and geary boulevard. the woman has not been identified. but police say she is in her 20s. no arrests yet. and a motive is unclear. in san rafael, a police officer near a dui checkpoint was struck by an unlicensed and allegedly drunken driver. police say the driver, guillermo garcia rodriguez, suddenly stopped his suv when he saw the checkpoint at irwin street and fifth avenue. then he reversed and hit the officer. he was treated at the hospital
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and released. rodriguez was arrested. coming up, found alive after 50 days at sea. what three teenagers did to survive while stranded on a tiny boat. >> reporter: i'm len ramirez in san jose. christmas in the park is back for another season. the question is, will it be back again next year? just hide, the big funding crunch and what visiting being asked to do to keep the tradition alive, just ahead. plus, president obama injured. the accident that led to a dozen stitches. ,, ,,,,,,
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people! look at you! texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet? somebody help me down.
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white smoke and artillery north korea is lashing out at the south for it planned military exercises. white smoke and artillery flashes from a north korean military drill can be seen from the south korean island attacked on tuesday. and people on yeonpyeong are nervous. the north warned it will push the korean peninsula to the brink of war. a north korean official says tuesday's deadly attack was punishment for the south's drills and it warns of another shower of dreadful fire. it's being called a miracle. three teenagers rescued after being lost at sea for 50 days. tonight, they are recovering in
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a hospital in fiji. whit johnson on how they survived. >> reporter: it's an incredible story of survival. two 15-year-olds and a 14-year- old spent 50 days locked at sea in a small aluminum boat in the south pacific. the boys somehow survived on a couple of coconuts, a few fish, rainwater and a seagull which they caught and ate raw. the teenagers from a new zealand island drifted nearly 1,000 miles before being spotted by a tuna boat northeast of fiji. >> they were waving frantically. they were very weak. there was no massive jumps for joy. they definitely had a massive smile. >> reporter: thes are secures say the boys were severely sunburned emaciated and so dehydrated they resorted to drinking sea water. >> actual physical appearance was very disturbing and heartbreaking. just more or less skin and bones. >> reporter: the three friends were presumed dead after several unsuccessful searches by the new zealand air force. their families had already
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million-dollar a memorial service for them. they are -- had already held a memorial service for them. they are now recovering in the hospital. whit johnson cbs news washington. decorated trees, lights burning bright. christmas in the spark a tradition for many south bay families y in a could all change this year, coming up. with the wedding plans public, the steps the queen is now taking to keep the rest of their lives private. we have had record-breaking cold temperatures now here come the cloud and guess what, folks, we have a little rain coming in. just how much can we expect for the weekend? we'll talk about that coming up. ,, ,,,,,,,,
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[ woman on tv ] if you won't let me in, you can't really love me. i know about gayle. i don't know what you're talking about. if you just tell me what happened...
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[ ding ] [ man ] 35th and archer. next stop hamilton. [ brakes hiss ] ♪ [ male announcer ] u-verse brings you entertainment across all three screens on your tv, smartphone and online. now get up to $300 back via promotion cards. at&t. rethink possible. there a san jose tradition dating back to the 1950s may be coming to an end. there's a lot less money in the budget to fund christmas in the park next year. but the organizers say they have a solution.
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len ramirez has the story. >> reporter: with the funding the way it's been here in san jose, they are asking people to dig into their pockets a little bit not to buy a hot chocolate or popcorn but to help keep this tradition going. reporter: at san jose's christmas national park the fun is back in a big way. >> a lot of families are coming together. smiles on their face. a lot of rides. food. [ laughter ] >> reporter: like many of the folks who come back every year, the nicholas marsh family of fremont has made this a family tradition. >> i have been coming here for 32 years, basically my whole life, you know, since i was born since i can remember. >> reporter: but that tradition may have to come to a forced end and this year could be the last for christmas in the park. funding problems threatened to leave the celebration out in the dark. >> because of the economic downturn, the city's budget to us was cut in half. that means we have to raise an additional $200,000 in order to bring christmas in the park back again next year.
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>> reporter: so in addition to the trees, the toy train, the mechanical elves, and the nativity scene, visitors will see donation boxes in more places than ever before. it's a matter of survival. >> we had the theme, help keep the lights burning and so we implemented this sign and this is the donation box. and it will be at the 5 main entrances to christmas in the park. and while the park will not be gated and we don't charge an admission fee, we do havesk that people put a dollar in the box. >> reporter: last year, 450,000 people attended christmas in the park. if they all donated the problem would be solved. >> i think it would be really sad if this was gone. >> reporter: her group decorates a christmas tree in the park that kids are proud to show their parents. she says a buck is not too much to ask. >> it's a donation, as long as people aren't forced. but somebody can give something, if it might help the cause. >> reporter: mr. marsh and his family agree. >> i think everybody can, you know, manage to go in their
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pockets and take out a buck. >> reporter: you're looking at the tip-top of the christmas tree that's going to be lit in about an hour's time. it says keep the lights on. that big star up there has its own message. it's hard to believe, allen, that these traditions in san jose could disappear. but like the america festival for the 4th of july, that's gone. this could be next if people don't dip into their pockets and help keep it alive. >> you know, len, having been to it a couple of years myself, some people who haven't been to it probably don't realize how big that display is. i mean, that park is really huge! it's a great wonderful thing that is free. if people can donate, it's well worth it. >> reporter: look at the lights. that electric bill has to be paid. and, you know, the work is all set up by volunteers so no one is making any money here. just trying to keep it -- pay the bills. >> keep the tradition going: >> reporter: yup. >> len, thank you. how about a 34-year-old tradition? what's getting ready to kick off in the east bay tonight?
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this is a live picture from danville. families and friend gathering to watch the lighting of the christmas tree n about an hour, father christmas and snow angel will arrive to light the tree. until then, we are told there's lots of food. you can hear the entertainment. and a lot for everybody to enjoy. looking at that live shot, beautiful clear sky, lots of sunshine, freezing cold temperatures. but we have changes ahead. >> yeah. don't let that fool you. we have clouds coming our way right now and things going to be changing in a hurry. looks like the storm clouds going to move in, not going to be as cold around the bay area tonight. that will be the big story. no more record-breaking cold temperatures in the near future. still, the clouds started to pour in across our skies. no raindrops just yet but not all that far away. doppler radar picking up moisture confined to far northern california toward eureka but these showers will sag further south throughout the night tonight and then as we head in toward later on after midnight or so, we'll see rain falling around the bay area and then starting to pick up as we head in toward the
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weekend. here it your storm system diving in our direction in time to keep the temperatures up from getting too cold overnight but it is trapping some of that cold air. with that said, snow level could be down to 2500 feet in the bay area. this evening, a lot of clouds going to continue it make their way across our skies. temperatures not as cold as it's been but still chilly. bundle up, 40s and 50s out there now. closer to midnight a better chance of showers developing especially in parts of the north bay. around the bay area right now, we are look at 49 degrees in san rafael 50. in livermore 55 degrees in san jose. and 52 degrees in santa rosa. yeah. if you are planning to travel the high country you better be very care: winter storm warnings going up tonight and tomorrow and looks like the better part of the weekend, this storm system a cold storm going to drop a lot of snow in the high sierra nevada gusty winds to 50 miles per hour. monday enjoy the powder, that's
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the day to do it. things clear out. now, the cold front will get things going overnight to tomorrow. wet saturday around the bay area. rainmaker returns. that cold air is going to head out of town for the most part. not going to see freezing cold temperatures although we are going to see some snow across higher peaks. overnight tonight, going to see clouds increase. midnight, the rain begins to develop in the north bay. that will spread to the south, showers on and off tomorrow morning but another band going to make its way through about the middle of the day tomorrow. this pushes on by that cold front moves on through, of course a cold front a boundary between some warmer and colder air. guess what, behind that it's cold again and so we could see a couple of lightning strikes toward tomorrow afternoon. and maybe even some hail. so could get interesting by tomorrow evening. all right. temperatures looking like this for tomorrow. plan on it being kind of a cool brisk day once again. and you have the rain to go along with that so i know folks like to shop but it is going to be pretty wet outside.
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be careful on the roads. pretty slick out there. rain though will come to an end it looks like as we head through saturday night. by sunday, just partly cloudy skies. come monday and tuesday, we may see an offshore wind kicking in and high pressure building into the bay area. that will dry things out and looks like bring some sunshine and temperatures actually maybe into the 60s by tuesday. a few more clouds begin to make their way back into the skies as we head into wednesday and thursday. and there is a slight chance of showers during the period. that's the latest from here. back to you ,,
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upper lip after he was elbowed in the face during a basketball a rough day tore president obama who was trying to play a game of basketball but got 12 stitches on his upper lift after he got elbowed in the face during the gay with some friends and family. he was on defense and an opposing player accidentally whacked him in the mouth. he was treated in the white house. he was a little roughed up like the election but says otherwise okay. >> somebody is in troubling! we know the big things like the date and location of prince william and kate's upcoming wedding but people want to know every little detail about the
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big event. as charlie d'agata reports, queen elizabeth is drawing the line. >> reporter: when you're part of britain's royal family parade until front of cameras comes with the territory but the queen wants to draw the line between public and private. she has taken legal steps to provide protection from the paparazzi for prince william's fiancee, kate middleton and her family. it came after pictures popped up showing the middletons learning how to shoot on the queen's private estate in scotland. prince william has already made clear he takes a zero tolerance approach to the paparazzi threatening criminal and civil action against photographers who stepped over the line. he promised his fiancee's father he would protect her from the immediate. >> you can't sneak through the bushes and take photographs of them. >> reporter: prince william blames the paparazzi for chasing his mother princess
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diana to her death in a paris cash crash 13 years ago. he is determined his wife won't have to tolerate the same thing. back when kate middleton was his girlfriend in 2007, she made a formal complaint to britain's press complaints commission that she was the victim of harassment. one photographer says it's open season. kate middleton middleton and her family are fair game. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. now him from love actually and bridget jones' diary. now collins further is tackling the role of george vi. we'll talk to you about the performance that's sure to leave you speechless tonight only on the cbs evening news. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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america. coming up at 6:00 it's one of those sounds that you can still hear in small town america. [ siren ] >> but maybe not for long. the bay area community faced with a lawsuit over its volunteer fire department's siren even ou